Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1951, p. 3

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E. Hall’s Service Station Pridham’s Store Joe Weber’s Grocery YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIBERAL EACH WEEK AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Clarke’s Pharmacy Eddie’s Variety Store Reaman’s Variety Store Roberts’ Bus Station Scotchmer’s Drug Store OAK RIDGES Campbell Service Station Connor’s Grocery Davidson’s Store Marshall’s Garage McKinley’s Store “’hite’s Service Station TEMPERAN CE VILLE Fred Hare’s Store . KING Armstrong's Store COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT. FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 RM. ENGLISH TRAINED MECHANICS FOR THE BEST: 17 - 21 Basin St. As we come to the close of 1951 and look forward to a New Year we wish to take this opportunity of expressing our thanks for your patronage and our sin- cere best Wishes to all for health, happi- ness and prosperity in the coming year. Corner: 01d Weston Rd. and St. Clair W. Phone LY. 0661 Toronto, Ontario This ad worth one douar with a load of scrap ‘ Howard J ackman Jack Marrow Chrysler & Plymouth Dealers VIEL. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL TIMKEN & LIQUIFLAME OIL BURNERS BOND LAKE GARAGE For Your Convenience Richmond Hill Representative H. F. Winn â€" Phone 652J â€"- 91 Arnold Crescent WANTED ,,,10,000 TONS OF SCRAP IRON RICHMOND HILL HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL, CAST IRON AND METALS , OPEN ALL” DAY SATURDAYS AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE THE BEST: ‘ INSTALLATION SERVICE FUEL OIL DELIVERY ALL FROM ONE COMPANY CALL â€" FUEL OIL & EQUIPMENT LTD. ELGIN MILLS NE\X/ YEAR’S GREETINGS ATTENTION TRUCKERS! S. FREEDMAN & SON 6 TOWNSLEY ST. W. Costoff E. Durie Marinofi’s Store C. 'lfijrnbull LANGSTAFF Hobday Groceteria Morris General Store Hicks Service Station DONCASTER F. Richardson’s Store HIGHLAND PARK McCowan’s Store McCullough’s General Store Perry’s Drug Store Spence’s Hardware THORNHILL Vern Griffip’s Store Harley‘s Drug Store CONCORD Hollis’ Store Mrs. Lapping’s Store MAPLE RICHVALE GL. 7521 There was a good attendance at the service in Concord School house on Sunday evening when Mr. A. E. Atkinson was the speaker. After the service about 33 people accept- ed the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty to go to their home for 9. Fireside Hour. There everyone joined in the singing of Christmas Carols and reading Christmas verses from the Scripâ€" tures. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to attend the service in the school house next Sunday evening when Mr. Atkinson will again be the speaker. Mrs. S. R. Bailey of Orangeville has been spending the last couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Boron, taking charge of the children while her daughter is re~ cuperating. Your correspondent extends best wishes for a very happy New Year to the people of Concord and a sin- cere thank you for your kind co~ operation during the past year. Many happy returns of the day to Joe Kefl'er and his sister Mrs. Hollis, December 27, Mrs. Richard Bay, December 31 and Mrs. Witney January 1. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sissons en- tertained about thirty friends at a Christmas Party in their ‘home on Poplar Lane last week-end. The happy gathering had an enjoyable time and relished the buffet supper provided by their hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Sissons were espec- ially happy people on Christmas Day. Their little daughter Shirley who has been ill with polio in the Hospital for Sick Children during the past three months, was allowed to return to her home last Sunday. Shirley is not yet completely re- covered, but her parents were as- sured by hospital authorities that after a few months’ rest at home, Shirley should be entirely well again. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stuart and Jimmy of Brantford spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Simmons and Wendy and Valerie. They also visited friends and rela- tives in the community before re- turning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Keppas were Christmas Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty. Mrs. Lund served a very delic- ious lunch to her guests after which the members were invited to meet at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Thompson on Wednesday evening, January 9. ' The Jolly 7 Club met on Wed- nesday evening, December 19, at the home of Mrs. Howard Lund with the president, Mrs. Jim Spen- cer in the chair and all the mem- bers present. The Jolly Time pa- per ‘A Sing Song at Christmas’ was prepared and given by the presi- dent after which there was an ex- change of Christmas gifts. A few games were played which were won by Mrs. Lund and Mrs. Roy Snider. The school and preâ€"school age children enjoyed a Christmas party at the school on Thursday after- noon. Miss Helen Spencer accompanied her cousin M‘ss Joan Spencer to the Christmas party given recently by the TTC for its employees. The Elia Public School Concert was held on Thursday afternoon, December 20, with Dr. Chas. Will- inms as chairman. In spite of stor- my weather the school house was filled to capacity with parents and pre-school age children. The large Christmas Tree was well laden with gifts and toys and Santa Claus arrived in good time to distribute them to the children and to give them oranges and candy. Warren Jackson very ably gave the opening recitation of welcome and after all had enjoyed the splen- did programme put on by Mrs.,Kel- ly and her pupils, the children of the First and Second grades gave the ending number on the program. Mrs. J. Buchanan was pianist and Mrs. Geo. Jackson led in carol singing. Mrs. D. Cassey also as- sisted in many Ways. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service Richmond Hill Phone 320W WITH CONFIDENCE AT Yerex Electric Phone 249-] Sanitary Contractors TELEVISION CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple 'C. STUNDEN BUY CONCORD NEWS Richmond Hill Telephone Maple 110R3 Misses Irene and Vera Jackson and Mr. Jackson of Richmond Hill spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jackson and family. Mr. Harry Pedersen and Miss Peder-sen spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider and Ray. The children of Elia were enter- tained at a Christmas party in the Sunday School room of the church Saturday evening, December 22. All joined heartily in singing Christmas Carols and playing games led by Mrs. Russel Pearson. There was a beautiful Christmas tree and a. gift and oranges and candy for every child. Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday, January 6, 1952. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Sunday Service at ’11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs- Harry Jackson and their two sons John and Jim spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kefl’er and family. \ (Held from last week) A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the fireside held each Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Witty. Many happy birthday greetings are extended to little Alice May Stuart December 20 and Joe Kefl’er and his sister Mrs. Wm. Hoiles who celebrate their birthdays join- tly on December 27. It is indeed nice to see the var-‘ ious Christmas decorations in use throughout the community. I am sure many of you have put a great deal of thought and effort into their construction and arrange- ment. I notice that some of the simplest and prettiest door decoraâ€" tions consist of a generous bunch of greens tied with a lhuge red bow. Some have added painted pine cones or small tree ornaments. Others are using colorful wreaths on their doors and windows while others have adorned the evergreens growing in front of their homes with colored electric lights to pro- claim the festive season to every traveller. Is it any wonder that the use of Christmas trees and ev- ergreens is considered the nicest of our twelve Christmas customs and that it has occupied a hallowed place in man’s affections for many centuries? The Christmas Festi- val is indeed one of man’s greatest blessings, coming as it does near the middle of the bleak and dreary winter, bringing with it all its col- or and Warmth and good cheer to brighten and, shorten for a time long winter months and to make us feel at peace with the world and with ourselves. Mnrk-Vaun W. I. The regular meeting on January 3, 1952, will be at the home of Mrs. A. T. Mathews, No. 7 east. Members are asked to bring the hand book. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris had their daughter Winnifred and fam- ily home for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wise and two sons from Elmira, Ont. I wish to extend to all the sea- son’s greetings for a. joyous New Year. Mr. E. Nickleson, Church St., spent Christmas day With his daughter Vera and family in Torâ€" onto. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Duncan, Yonge St, were Mrs. S. Morning from Sharon, Ont, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson and Allan from Shanty Bay; also Mr. and Mrs. H. Duncan and Bobbie from Todmorden. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Rick and Lornie, Langstafl’ Rd., had Christ- mas dinner with Mr. Lee’s father, Mr. F. D. Lee of Gormley. Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Bowen had their family home for Christmas. Mr. Bowen cultivates a, 200 acre farm at Stop 18 Yonge St. (the old James’ place.) Mrs. Bowen went in style t0‘the missionary meeting Thursday afternoon when Mr. Bowen drove her in a cutter with bells ringing and draft horse prancing, carrying an overload of ladies with much merriness and smiles from passersby. Garden Ave. Kindergarten The children of Mrs. S. A. Le- Riche’s kindergarten were gaily entertained Friday, December 21, by Mrs. LeRiche, Garden Ave. The c'hildren and parents who enjoyed the party were Lorna and Mrs. Campbell, Boyle Drive; Linda and Dr. W. D. Howe, Richmond Hill; Nancy and Mrs. Nayman, Garden Ave; Suzanne and Mrs. Ellison, Roosevelt Drive; Yvonne and Mrs. Edwards, Fairview Ave: Herbie and Mrs. H. T. Girard, Roosevelt Drive; Norman and Mrs. Day, Boyle Drive; Rickie, Lornie and Mrs. H. Lee, Langstaff Road; Julia and Grace LeRiche. The school will re-open in January. Birth Mr. and Mrs. S. Page wish to announce the birth of a new daugh- ter. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Page. 18 Church St., Langsufl' LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STO'I'I‘S The pupils of King School had a lovely Christmas party on Friday before school closed until January 3. Each room was decorated for the season and there was a tree full of presents for each class. And then there were refreshments to make it a real party. The junior room had a wonderful treat, when they had hot dogs as well as eski- mo pies, chocolate milk and pop- corn. Everyone who could be there, braved the storm to get to school that morning. The interme- diate room put on a play called “The Naughty Mouse,” with three girls,- Margaret Keeris, Joan Bry- ans and Mary Carol Witherspoon playing the part of grandmothers and Donna Bowen playing “Nellie Brown.” The prompter, Ellen Richardson, was absent. The congregation of Teston Un- iteu Church were treated to a tur- key supper by the Sunday school, before the annual Christmas en- tertainment. Three long tables in the form of a U were filled twice with hungry and apprecia- tive guests. Mr. Hudson of the Lands and Forests showed colored films and later Santa Claus arriv- ed with a bag of candy and a gift for each child. Some of the children who were sick with mumps before Christmas were David Cambden, Bryon Bunn, Adrian Barrie and Ronald Parker. It seems as though the boys were the unlucky ones this time. Miss E. Fisher was for Christmas visiting Mrs. E. M. Wells. Miss Doris Patton spent the holidays in Toronto and Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Hilts spent the Christmas Week-end and the holi- day with their daugfiter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Sapfel at Aylmer, .Ont. Mr. and Mrs. John Norris spent Christmas with their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Math- ews of forest Hill village. United W.M.S. , Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson was elect- ed president rf the W.M.S. of King City United Church when the election of officers for the coming year was held at the home of Mrs. Harvey FoHiott. The officers for 1952 are: Past president, Mrs. Colin Stewart; vice president, Mrs. H. Ratclifi'e; secretary, Mrs. I. L. Scott; treasurer, Mrs. A. Green; sick and shut-ins, Mrs. Aubrey Campbell; Missionary Monthly & World Friends, Mrs. G. Stone; sup- ply, Mrs. W. A. Carson, Miss Lena Cairns; pianist, Mrs. J. Rock; as- sistant pianist, Mrs. H. Folliott; temperance, Mrs. J..Patton and Mrs. J. Norris; Christian steward~ The results of the bowling tour- nament between the Department of Lands and Forests and the stafi of the Ontario Hospital at Langstai’f held on December 17, at the Will- owdale bowling alley, were as fol- lows: High singles, T. Parnell, a turkey; R. Tilt, turkey; J. Bar- kley, high triple, chicken. J. Sim- mons, high singles, a chicken; Miss J. Silts, second high triple, turkey. Miss J. M. Walker, hig‘h singles, a. chicken. Bill Highway, law triple, chicken. Ed Hughes, hidden name, a chicken. Chocolates and cigar- ettes were won by the following: H. Foote, T. Saul, E. Gave, J. Goodier, C. Stone, T. Millens, E. Glover and M. Holt. Bowfing Tournament Mr. C. Cunningham of Langstaff Road, after battlling last Tues- day’s blizzard to the city had his car caught in the street car track and was dashed into an electric light pole. The car was slightly damaged. Mr. Cunningham was not injured. He is the father ot Mrs. S. Worsdale. Accidents Mr. W. E. Quantz, Essex Ave., slipped and injured his nose Thurs- day evening- after attending Carl- ton Street United Church, Toronto. The injury was dressed and Mr. Quantz was able to return home. On Wednesday, December 19, at the corner of No. 7 Highway and Yonge Street, a, car knocked down and severely injured Mr. William Shaw, aged 80, of Ruggles Ave, Langstafl'. Mr. Shaw was taken to the Toronto General Hospital where it was found he had a badly fractured leg, a fractured pelvis, concussion and cuts over the eye. He is reported to be in good spir- its and progressing satisfactorily. Mrs. Shaw has gone to stay with friends in Lansing to be nearer to the hospital. The people of the communty hope for a, speedy re- covery for Mr. Shaw. The Shaws have been residents of Ruggles Ave., for the past 16 years. Struck By Car Mr. and Mrs. F. Morris, and Ray, Yonge St, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cahoon, Long Branch. Mrs. Cafhoon is a sister of Mrs. Morris. “Where prlces meet purses" â€" in the classified ad. section. Tele- phone yours to Richmond Hill 9. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT. Phone Thomhil] 211113 KING CITY NEWS in Toronto her friend, Phone King 55R] 4 ship, Mrs. Colin Stewart; commun- ity miendship, Mrs. I. L. Scott; associate members, Mrs. J. Rock, Mrs. H. Ratcliffe, Mrs. A. Gordon. Sunday School Concert When the Christmas entertain- ment of the Sunday School of the King City United Church was held the beginners class of 15 small boys and girls stole the show, even from Santa Claus who came later with presents for the 74 children of the Sunday School and extra presents for the visiting children in the audience. Under the direc- tion of Miss Gerrie McDonald, the little folk sat in a. semiâ€"circle and sang their songs illustrating them with cute finger 'plays to the de- light of the older ones present. The junior and senior pupils from King School, acompanied by their teacher, Miss Doris Patton, sang several Christmas Carols. Their soloist was Nancy Patton. Christmas stories and customs of four countries were read by Julia Bell and Joan Patton. A carol typical of each of these countries was sung by a choir of 25 senior pupils of the Sunday School, and it was all very nicely done. Eng- land was represented by the sing- ing of ‘Here we come a’wassailing.’ u Germany’s carol was “Oh Christmas Tree’. The carol from Poland was especially fine, ‘Infant Holy, Infant Lowly,’ and from France the choir chose to sing, ‘Bring a torch Jeanette, Isobella.’ For 40 minutes Mr. George Ar- ‘mitage showed films from the De- partment of Lands and Forests, suitable to the season, and then Santa Claus arrived, greeted with cheers from everyone. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson was the genial chairman for the entertainment. Gifts of Christmas candy and apples were sent to the children by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Gordon and Mr. Alfred Mc- Bride. Reliable Company needs good quality sand and stone with plant site for specialized ce- GRAVEL PIT SITE WANTED Arrangements to suit. Phone Hudson 2358; ment products. Drive Safely And With Care During The Holiday ' Season DON’T YOU BE THE CAUSE OF AN ACCIDENT MOTORISTS! Space contributed in the service of the'community by John Labatt Limited THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 27, 1951 a mun“nmu“mm|lmumuumumumu\mumuummmmmmmmunuumummummmmmmmmm gmunmumnumImnmmIl\umun“1“mumm1mmm\ummnmmummmmmummmmmm General Notice To The Public In order to facilitate snow removal operations on Yonge street residents of Richmond Hill are instructed not to leave their vehicles parked on Yonge street af- ter midnight during the winter season. By Order of Police

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