Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1951, p. 8

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I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 27, 1951 fiLASSlFIED FOR SALE and WANT AD A-#â€" - ' ‘r'vfif‘lmnl‘l‘rr 9 PIECE Dinian Suite, solid oak with walnut trim. Phone Richmond Hill 670.1. c1w26 CINDERS, 915-00 3 Thomhill 634J. HAY, timothy fiixed hay. wm de- liver. N. Brodie, phone Richmond Hill 47R21. *2w2C (313125 ICE SKATEb, white fur- trimx‘hed, size 3. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 132W. c1w26 FINDLAY Circular/or Heater, coal or wood, excellent conditiOn; new Stevens shotgun, bargain. Phone King 13'R22. c1w26 USED REFRIGERATOR.S, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 am up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- *‘ King 26R5. cfc44 no“: -;r .-:1;vcry Lugruay morn- ing, for fresh roasting capons, 6 to 10 lbs.; also fresh eggs. Phone Nelson Boynton Richmond Hill 45 I4. *4w23 HANDWOVEN articles. Exclusive designs. Ready-made or to order. Bags: evening, summer, utility, and sewing kits. Table linens, towels, Beanies, etc. Winifred Classey, phone Thornlhill 64. *2w25 FOR.SALE 3 GREENHOUSEfi Richmond Hill District; about 8250 square feet of glass. Potting shed and garage connected. Steani heat good boiler, oil heated. Frame house 4-room, 3-piece bath with showers, good dry cellar full length of house, with electric light throughout; an- r t 3 acres of land. VViu consider "‘0: half interest to good grow» hone RichmOnd Hill 598 or .1 tfc23 â€"â€" F'JRE‘EAL ESTiATE nhnne Fella. 4141‘ Thor-ah“! 168 maul/I'-l CEMENT MIXER line~ day or week Steele’s Ave. W. Z EMPETENT Bookkeeper for pos- ition in Richmond Hill, part or full time. Apply Box 64 The Liberal. ‘ c1w26 .: P(EAL ESTATE. phone Fenn Than bill r 168. tfc46 1 JUNIOR Stenoghapher, female, dicfarhone experience helpful; also 1 Junior clerk, female, 1 or 2 years clerical experience. Hours 9-5, 5- day week. Free group insurance. Sickness hospitalization and surgi- cal benefits. Modern ofiice located in Maple. Phone Maple 97 or Tor- onto Plaza 6367. c1w26 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Garden Ave., Stop 20, to vicinity 'F “{ANSPORTATIOB o: Dundas a’nd Victoria Streets, Toronto, fcr two people, 'arriving 8a.n'1., returning around 4.45 pm; Phone Thornhill 2131‘4. c1w26 WOIRK REQUIRED by widely tra- velled energetic young man of 48. Cook’s helper, orderly and general cleaner. Attic to basement service. Will go anywhere in Canada. Best of re,’erences. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. Hourly or steady work as drFt‘ed. *1w26 CAPONS, toasters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton_ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfc17 CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. 50c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 40c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge 5% CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 50¢ Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. HELP WANTED them up. EGG GRADING STATION Woodbridge on No. 7 ngg Phone 1041 Woodbridge “D, continental, brand new, ARTICLES TOR SALE TO RENT rUULTRY WANTED w AN'I‘ED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES .01 people who pick EGGSI! W. Zone 8-627. tfcll fo' rent, gaso- C. Higgs, up to Friday ..'_.rdav morn- load. Phone tfc20 ail fifSTOM SNOW PIJOWING. W. H. Gooderham, Willowdale 2508. *13w23 CALL P. M. TONNER for clean, fine work_ painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 SAND, gravel, crushed atom, and .111. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond .5 384.]. tfc43 FLOOR SANDERS for rental. Ed- dy’s, 55 Yonge St. N. Richmopd le) AND GRAVEL, crusu. stzne. team and fill E. Charity Richmond Hill, phone 632W. tfc42 PAINTIN’G and decorating. High class work, low rates. R- Wooll- ings, phone Thornhill 221R24. n1 VELLS cleaned, dug, bricked 'or tiled. Apply John McQuade, 53A Jackes Ave., R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. c4w26 NILE TILE CO. Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar- anteed workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M. *3w52tfc COMBINATION DOORS, storm sash made to order. C. B. Stout- enburg, 32 Richmond 811., phone Richmond Hill 49°R. tfc12 pairs, upholstering, cabinet W011i, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tic NOW IS THE TIME to modernize your home. Kitchen cabinets and alterations a specialty. J. R. Steckley, Gormley_ Ont. Phone Stoufiville 61516. *2W25 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS, to all makes, new and used ma- chines, treadles converted to smart electric portables. For information call Reld’s Cleaners, Richmond Hill 625. tfc8 gums 1.0 all make.» Don Cham, .‘elephone King 26r5. tfc38 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- DO THOSE alterations and re- pairs now. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. No job too small. Phone Bill Pollard Maple 49R41 in even- WINDOW FRAMES, sash, storm windows, check rail sash, casement sash, door frames, octagon window frames and sash. Aubrey Nicol, Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill 134R31. tf024 ings. ONTARIO HOSPITAL Civil Ser- vice Association Langstaff Branch Children’s Christmas Tree and Ben- efit Draw. lst prize, 95 pc. din- ner set, N. Turins, Elgin Mills, ticket No. 251; 2nd prize, luncheon set, W. Shropshall, Richmond Hill, ticket No. 2020; 3rd prize, table lamp, R. Holmes, Langstafl’, ticket No. 1934; 4th prize, picnic hamper, Mr. Sturgess, 107 Andrew St., Newmarket, ticket No. 4111; 5th prize, picnic thermos, Mr. Pilling- ton_ 21 Franklin Ave., Willowdale, ticket No. 3818; 6th prize, ham- mock, Mr. Turnbull, Richvale, tick- et No. 3692; 7th prize, 1 gal. anti- freeze, Mr. Waters, Church St., Richmond Hill, ticket No. 12. -â€" MISCELLANEOUS 'i‘cm'ur» will be received by the Schocl Bcard of S. S. No. 3 Mark- ham for position of School Care- taker...Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply "V‘DF‘O‘RD PUBLIC SCHOOL CARETAKER Solve your PIG RAISING PROBLEMS by adopting "NIXON‘S PELLAGREX METHOD FOR RAISING PIGS’. Pellagrex supplies the Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements usually lack- ing in our grains today. Get a FREE instruction sheet "f'r'w rs to’H-zy. See how easy ‘ It i: to 1'2," pigs without trouble â€" the Pellagrex Way. "GERATION Salsa and Ser‘ Gormley R. R. 2 Secretary of Board Phone Richmond Hill 47R3 FARMERS! CUMMER LEE, ?v~'~"1on c4w24 c2w25 c2w25 tich THOROUGHBIEED Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale. Phone Thornhill 74R14. c1w26 ONE REGISTERED COW, milking accredited and vaccinated; also 1 gravity water system, with 13 wat- er bowls and float box. Apply Jos. Robinson, lot 7, con. 2 Markham. OFFICEVSPACE on Yonge Street, suitable for lawyer in Richmond Hill area. Call Alan Dignan and Associates, Toronto Melrose 5749. *4w24 Irena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pickâ€"up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is your commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell it.” Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. Make this your market where buy- ers and sellers meet. Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc SAT., DEC. 29 â€" Auction sale at "be new Stoufiville Livestock Sales $2,095.00 1951 DODGE “CRUSADER” CLUB COUPE only 2200 miles R.D.LITT|.E & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service ~Showroom open Mon., Wed. and Fri. evenings until 9 p.m. "HONE 174. RlCHulOND lith iIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIII SALE REGISTERS “ll-EIIIIHPHHEP’ R" "W. “‘5” MRS LAST SHOWING TODAY O‘F CHARLES DICKENS IMMORTAL STORY “Christmas Carol” DON’T MISS! WALT DISNEY’S “Alice in Wonder- land” In Glorious Technicolor 2 CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY Starting 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. Sat. & Holiday Matinee 2 p.m. M~ON., TUES., DEC. 31, JANUARY 1 IT’S A RIOT “No Highway in the Sky” MARKHAM 2 DAYS ONLY FRI., SAT., DEC. 28, 29 -News & Selected Shorts. GALA MIDNITE SHOW AFTER MIDNITE, DEC. 31 12.05 ALSO WED., THURS, JAN. 2, 3 ‘Rich, Young & Pretty’ In Technicolor with $150.00 1936 CHEVROLET COACH JAMES STEWART MARLENE DIETRICH THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL $1,095.00 1947 PONTIAC COACH BURT LANCASTER CHARLES BICKFORD FRI., SAT., JAN. 4, 5 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE JANE POWELL WENDELL COREY ‘Jim Thorpe, All American’ Starring WANTED TO RENT 1939 FORD COACH very clean with "1w26 O§mwvvwvv$vv vvvvov» We have them on hand in our How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 CAMPBELL MINK Crawford Wells GET mm, A I, STORE BOSTON . . . . . PITTSBURGH DETROIT . . . . NEW YORK . . 100 Bus. Northern Spys $2.25 PaiR BUS. ROBERTS’ RADIAL STATION APPLES Tickets and Information at While they last OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK WANTED “With living costs so high one has to be careful of expenses even when taking a trip. That’s why the low bus fares appeal to meâ€" I have a little extra (1? a to spend on enter- â€"-,-’ tainment or for w some of my shop- ping while l’m U away. Andltravel- \- ling by bus these days is really enjoyable." (Surcharge JOB PRLITING DEPARTMENT The Liberal FARES ARE lOW ROUND TRIP ‘ (Subied fa change) PHONE 17? also Included) $24.90 $16.85 $11.45 $22.15 my. mchard Bull J12, a student at the 0.A.C‘ spent Christmas at his home here. The young people are enjoying delightful skiing Weather. The Summit hills were crowded Wed- nesday. Miss Rosemary Howie, Aurora, entertained a. group of friends for skiing and afterwards at her home Monday afternoon. Further ski parties are planned for this week. ’llhe Oak Ridges Lions Club dis- tributed 29 Christmas ham- pers well packed by Lion Grant McCachen and Lion Stan Rule, and their Helpers whose names are not to hand. These hampers were bush- e1 baskets of everything that makes a. complete Christmas dinner 9rd many extras. Seventeen members of Oak Rid- ges Brownie Pack met at the home of Brown Owl Rosemary Wright on Saturday for a. Chrstmas party. Assisting the Brown Owl was Com- missioner Mrs. D. Gunn and Mrs. 3. Campbell. Private Harold Wright eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wright, Oak Ridges, who is a patient at Westminster Hospital, London, On- tario, spent Christmas with his par- ents and family there. In hospital since 1943, the family were very happy to have him home for Christmas. Rev. L. R. Coupland, Association >f Gospel Churches of Canada, who \as had charge of the Aurora, Gos- pel Church for some years, and as- isting at Lake Wilcox Community ‘hurch, is giving up the Aurora hurch to devote his time to the ake Wilcox Church. He will be 3 :5y man. He tells us ‘he will he ' 1:22th with a Toronto insurance Gordon Howland, employed by )ak Ridges Glass, turning into heir property with his own car, :ollided with another car driven by Mr. Carl Quance. Both cars were badly damaged. The accident oc- ~'n‘red one morning last week. CHECKING IN HOCKEY Hockey fans everywhere have leard of National League forwards :ho were such gooh checkers in heir time that they were able to ".11 back into defense positions hen they couldn’t keep the pace t up front. Defense conscious players real- ;e now that these position changes rere possible because too many _)layers concentrated on offense, without giving defensive play suf- ficient practice. It is increasingly difficult now for forwards to move Jack to the blueline when they be- ;in slowing up. .0 here for the pa: two years, is elcomed as a much needed addit- on to the community life. ASCOI Kenneth Sharpe, son of Mr. nd Mrs. Robert Sharpe, Lake Wil- :x, spent Christmas with his par- ‘ts. In the Canadian Navy for 2 past four years he is attached 0 the Aircraft Carrier, Magnifi- ant. One example, though, of a play- er who developed his checking ab- ility so thoroughly that [he extend- ed his career several years is Bill Thoms. He played his major lea- gue hockey with Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston at center. When he slowed up he dropped back to defense and years later remained in the game by becoming a rear- guard in senior amateur competi- tion. At 40 he still is in the game, in a senior league. Thoms’ long career in hockey re- sulted from his early practice with hook and poke checks. He was so adept years ago he frequent- The Sports Clinic 1y stofiped ihe greét Howie Mor- enz four times out of five. For you defenseâ€"minded hockey‘ players here’s how the dhecks are made best: The Poke Check: Fake the puck carrier to your shooting side. Spring your trap by bending your knees until you are as close to the ice as possible. Strike toward the puck carrier and shoot out your stick as flat as possible. Catch the puck with your stick, hold it until your opponent has overskated the play, then begin your own of- fensive. 'The Hook Check: As in the poke check the first move of the hook checker is to make the oppos- ing forward try to pass on the cor- rect side. Similarly bend your knees and strike once and lay your stick flat on the ice in front of the moving puck. The blade of your stick should form a hook to trap the puck as the player overskates the play. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS Remember one of the most im- portant movements in poke or hook ‘""":‘ ~ is the knee 5211'. The player who is stiff in the miees or who will not go down close to the ice often will fall to get the puck because he will have too little of his stick on the ice. A good team drill to prac- tice poke or book checking: Place Captain and Mrs. Hawman ente:~ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON Telephone King 97R31 e Lake, (An official department of Sports College) KEY are have forwards ckers in a able to positions the pace ers real- Ali-snore: Conducted by Lloyd “Are” Percival two markets on the ice, about 20 feet apart. 'Dhen have a line of puck carriers go down the ice to- ward him, trying to carry the puck past thl markers. This drill is effective for offensive players also because those who possess poke and hook check skill will be more useful during scrambled play. They will get the puck more often. tained Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rule to dinner at the Ridge Inn on Decemv ber 20, celebrating their Wedding anniversary. Capt. and Mrs. Hawman who re- cently took over the post office at Oak Ridges are quite sure every- body at Oak Ridges sent everybody else a. Christmas card. Mars. Florence McIvor spent Christmas with her son, Mr. Fred McIvor. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cross spent Christmas in St. Thomas with Mr. Cross’s parents who also cele- brated their golden wedding anniv- ersary on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Schell Styrmo en- tertained for their son Christmas eve taking the whole party to the Ridge Inn after midnight for dan- cing. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mc- Cadhen kept open house for their friends on Christmas eve. Among those who again enjoyed the hospi- tality of this popular couple were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Comfort, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woolley, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jones of Aurora, Miss Pauline McKenzie and Mr. Harry Boyd also of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stepheson, Douglas and Ger- ald Stephenson and many others who came from other gatherings in the district. A large buffet ta- ble was set up in the small dining room, and dancing took place in the ilarge dining room adjoining. The lRidge Inn closes for Christmas each year so that this annual party may be held on Christmas Eve, and a family party Christmas day. New Year’s dinner will be served and Mr. McCachen tells us so many parties are booked for dinner that he will have to stop taking reser- vations soon. The P.U.S. Club were out carol- ing and distributing Christmas cheer, Christmas Eve, iater return- ing to the Ridge Inn where they were entertained by Miss Bonnie McCachen. club member. about Christmas activities in the district but as usual the telephone lines are so busy it is hard to ga~ ther news. If anyone who has c0py for next week’s issue will call King 97 ring 31 over the week-end we will be glad to include it in next week’s issue. We are all hoping for vast improvement in telephone service when the new exchanges being built are put in operation early in the New Year. Now here is a tip for defense- men. The singlemost important fundamental skill for defensive lhockey is the ability to skate backward. The defenseman who can skate backward rapidly, with good balance, always will be a hard man to beat. Sports College own publica- tion, the quarterly-Research Guide contains in its fall issue a complete list of new cata- logues and instruction book- lets written ,by Head Coach Lloyd Percival. These booklets are revised and improved edi- tions of the famous Playbetter series as well as instruction guides on new subjects. and Mrs. Gauge Gcmlay ' ‘12:. ‘11 Torcnto with "is. Gourlz‘f" A great (I If you want the new booklet lists send a. one-year subscripâ€" tion of one dollar for the Re- search Guide and request the fall issue as your first copy. Address your letters to Sports College, Box 99, Toronto 1, Little Jack Home: sat in a corner, toppea an his classes. They say what a smart be] is he! then he got gay-.3»: a.“ HERE'S mun Dwtvdflfiiw Mi”?! Wm”. ".1 could be writtm anu\m\\\\\1\u\u\m\uu“ammumunmuuunni11l1\lnxl1In1mum\\\x\n\x1l\\\nImmunux\IIImmmumn1\\unmmumul“mum“umnuumunng ' uuummnmuun“muum1um\umnuuummmmuuuuuumnumul\ul\lnu1lm1l111ux1u\llx\\uu\\mmuumnu\mummumuuummummmfi ELECTRIC WIRING FESS & AERO BURNERS DELHI BLOWERS EAS Keep that cold and ice from your wind- ows and doors and have a warm hofise for your family. Don’t burn fuel to waste -â€" Call â€" Richmond Hill Sash & Door Bowden Lumber 8: Coal Co., ltd. We also build kitchen cupboards, etc. Richmond Hill 644R for a free es'timate For a speedy pick-up phone collect to your local agent: BANNER RENDERlNG & PACKING 80., ND. Richmond HIII 47-R-4 Toronto LY.6237 We are paying highest market prices FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED ANIMALS We also buy live horses I. D. RAMER 8c SONfl PHONE 10 COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS After hours call Craig Bowden Richmmd Hill 415M FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES CALL 434 THORNHILL 43k for Home Ofl'ice 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre â€" Hu. 8949 Notice to Farmers G. E. T A N Q U I Y OIL BURNER SALES ANO SERVICE Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appomtment Phone Richmond Hill 33 [MW/4401 Ask us about our deferred payment plan STOP 23 YONGE ST. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 608 ‘WWW”¢¢OVWW F. L. LOWRIE, 3.0. i ISTAII. [SHED 1|“ Eyesight Specialist V WILL BE AT Clarke’s Pharmacy Wed., January 9 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12 NOON 'EYES EXAMINED GI ASSES FETTED {ROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS Gonklemon: Our Minn Tay'na Korndyke 283675. graded Very Good. has boon fad ax- chaively on Ful-O-Pep Dairy Ration! and Ful-O-Pop Fitting Ration for the past tan years. Now- in her 18th yam. Ful-O-Pap kn)" he: in wonderful bloom and condition. EASY WASHERS RICHMO-rQDiHILL'K" (ligand) a. a. a»-

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