Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jan 1952, p. 3

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SINCE THE DEATH OF ERNIE BROCK THE GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY OF ERNIE BROCK & SON IS BEING CONTINUED WITHOUT INTERRUP- TION QJNDER THE DIRECTION OF KIRBY A. BROCK TELEPHONE 11 PUBLIC ACCOUNANT Regular Calls in Richmond Hill District 345 OLD ORCHARD GROVE, Toronto. RE Keep that cold and ice from your wind- ows and doors and have a warm house for your family. Don’t burn fuel to waste â€" Call â€" Richmond Hill Sash & Door We also build kitchen cupboards, etc. Richmond Hill 644R for a free estimate FOR THE BEST: 17 - 21 Basin St. S. FREEDMAN & SON 6 TOWNSLEY ST. Corner: Old Weston Rd. and St. Clair W. Phone LY. 0661 - Toronto, Ontario This ad worth one doliar with a load of THE HONORABLE W. J. DUNLOP, B.A., D. PAED., LL.D., MINISTER OF EDUCATION OF THE PROV- INCE OF ONTARIO WILL BE THE SPEAKER OF THE EVENING THE RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL TIMKEN & LIQUIFLAME OIL BURNERS I LIKE THIS MILK! - For Service at it’s Best - - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Richmond Hill Representative H. F. Winn â€" Phone 652J â€" 91 Arnold Crescent WANTED 10,000 TONS 00 SCRAP 10010 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL, CAST IRON AND METALS OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NEW WING OF THE HIGH SCHOOL THE BEST: INSTALLATION SERVICE FUEL OIL DELIVERY ALL FROM ONE COMPANY CALL â€" FUEL OIL & EQUIPMENT LTD. GORDON KENNEDY THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED ATTENTION TRUCKERS! TO BE HELD IN THE AUDITORIUM ON JANUARY 7, AT 8 RM. TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL BOARD ANNOUNCES scrap GL. 7521 MAPLE, ONT. RE. 3139 Miss Shirley Campbell, whose marriage to Allan 0. Crossley takes place on December 29, was entertained at a community show- er held in the United Church rooms The hostesses were Mrs. Aubrey Campbell and Mrs. M. R. Jenkin- son. Mrs. Gloria Love and Miss Gerry Campbell, sisters of the bride-toâ€"be assisted her in opening her many gifts. Miss Campbell who is a grad- uate nurse of Women's College Hospital, Toronto, class of 1950, was given a-kitchen slhower by her Toronto friends. The shower was held at the home of Mrs. Lois Greatrex, one of her classmates. “Frangipani” from deepest Africa are held by Fred Frost, Toronto florist. Sprigs of the frangipani were plant- ed in damp earth and wrapped in a pliofilm bag to bring them on a seven weeks trip from East Africa; they arrived in a healthy state and have grown to the size shOWn above. Miss Qarol Musk is spending the winter With her father in Victoria, A Christmas baby was Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scott market Hospital on Dec: This little girl who will Ofi’ To Florida Mr. and Mrs. “Doc” Gordon and son Donald left after Christmas for Florida where they will enjoy the winter This is the first trip that Donald has taken with his parents during the winter. He will attend school in Florida. Miss Alice Ferguson spent Christmas Day with her niece, Mrs. Lillian Nodwell at Hillsburg, Ont. For the New Year’s [holidays Miss Ferguson visited her nephew Mr. Scott Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson at Richmond I-fill for a few days. Kingcrafts “Kingcrafts” will hold an even- ing meeting at 7.45 o’clock, on Wednesday, January 9, at the Un- ited Church, King City. The mem- bers may invite their husbands to attend. The main attraction on the program will be a showing ot colored photograplhic stills by Sir Ellsworth Flavelle, taken by him on recent trips across Canada. Ian Scott who is a student at _the U. cf T. was home for the Christ- mas holidays. J'nn McDonald was home from London where he is at- tending the University of Western Ontario. Over a dozen High School pupi‘fl of King and some Aurora friends had a kind thought on Christmas Eve when they went out singing carols with fihe intention of raising money to help a needy family. At most $20.00 was raised by the sing- ers, received from neighbors in the south end of the village. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson will direct the use 0‘ the money towards providing a New Year’s gift where it is need- ed. One of the nicest of Christmas parties was held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter, Lasâ€" kay when they were hosts to twen. ty-nine relatives and members ot their family for Christmas Day. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. John Hill of Rydal Bank, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hunter and fam~ ily, Mr. Earl Scott and family, M1. and Mrs. Lewis Hadwin, Donald and Bruce Hadwin of Teston, and Mr. and Mrs. James Watson and son Robert of Purpleville. Two big turkeys graced the table for Uhis real old fashioned Christmas Day. Sing Carols Christmas Party Concert The Christmas Corjert of All Saints Sunday School took the form of a radio broadcast, with an- nouncer Stephen Jarvis introducing the performers. First on his pro- gram were the Claus family pre- paring to send Santa Claus off on his annual Christmas Eve trip. Santa Claus was played by Timo- thy Grew; Mrs. Santa was played by Roger Rawlings and little Claus was played by Eric Wells. Jill Fogg read the A. A.. Milne story of King John, “who was not a good king." The story of “The Little Bear Brothers” was told by Suz- Walker CORRESPONDENT: M RS KING CITY NEWS Phone be' nam- King 55R14 M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT. Christmas week is a time of many birthdays in King City. Best wishes are extended to Car'ol Park- er whose birthday was on Decem- ber 28 and 'to her grandmother, Mrs. Harvey Follott whose birth- date was the following day. Roger Rawlings and June Clubine also have birthdays on December 29. On December 30, Allison Hobson re- ceived congratulations and many happy returns .of the day. ed Carolyn Flora, is the twelfth ot this couple. Mother and baby came home to their happy family on December 28. Baby Delynda, 8 month old dau- glliter of Mr. and Mrs. Del Paton, spent 5 days of Christmas in the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto. Tlhe baby, who was ill with a type of flu was fed intravenously for a few days. She was allowed home on December 27, and is progress- ing favorably. Christmas Sunday On Christmas Sunday the local churches were cheerful, friendly places to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season. At the United Church Mrs. A. Gr n, Mrs. H. G. Ratclif’fe, Mrs. I. . Scott and Mrs. J. T. Thompson had decâ€" orated the walls with greenery, tied with red bows and silver bells. The window boxes were filled wzm spruce and pine sprays. At Al! Saints Anglican Church small pine and spruce trees were tied to the pews and sprays of greens mixed with bouquets of yellow Chrysan- themums decorated fihe walls and the altar. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Folliott spent Christmas Day with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donala McMurchy, at Hills- burg, Ont. They were accompan- ied by their grandchildren Bruce and Carol Parker. When they re- turned home flhat evening they were greeted by their. daughter. Miss Florence Folliott, Weston, and Mr. Ivan Jasper, Toronto, who spent the remainder of the holiday with them. On the Saturday night before Christmas seven young people set out to sing Christmas carols. Tlhey visited tweIVe houses in the village, and collected the sum of $7.25, which they donated to All Saints Sunday School. As the night was so cold they gradually decreased in numbers until only four were left to complete’ the carolling. Warm re- freshments were served at the home of Suzanne and Timothy Grew. The young people who ven- Grew. The young people who ven- tured out were Barbara Brown, Carol Hately, Noel Coe, Norah Scott, Ronny Fox, Roger Rawling’s and June Scott. Carol Singérs Arflhur Peck the school boar years and th vieria hemp. Arflhur Peck who has served on the school board for the past eight years and who was chairman of the board for 1951 has retired from this public service. The new trus- tee elected in Mr. Peck‘s place is Lawrence Scott whose name was proposed by George Scott and sec- onded by James Keens. The annual meeting of the ratepayers of S. S. ve John H. .Barrie is chairman Kir ent. Although 3 11d invited filled ‘01 on the e were In The service of Holy Communion will be observed in Edgeley United Church on Sunday, January 6 at 2.30. pm. SundayVSchool will be held at 1.30 p.m. The annual meeting of the church will be 'held on Thursday, January 17. Supper will be served at 7 pm. by the Women’s Assoc- iation in the Community Hall fol- lowed by congregational business. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Art Chapman nee Joan Greenley on the birth of a daughter on Sunday, December 30. Edgeley Community Hall was colorful with 'bright streamers, bal- loons and paper lanterns on Fri- day evening when the second in a. series of dances was held for the purpose of raising funds for re-‘ decorating the hall. It is very en- couraging that so many people are showing an interest in our project by attending the dances. Everyone seemed to enjoy the old time and modern dancing to the exception- ally good music of Mr. Alex Hun- ter and Bill Rand, violinists, Nels Peelar, pianist, Mr. Nick, banjo- ist and Frank Hollingsworth, guit- arist and soloist. Successful Dance During the evening several lucky draws were made by Billie Ash and Vici and David Young. Nels Peelar won the duck donated by Miss Jean Ash; Mr.'Watts Hinchley of Concord, bushel of apples, don- ated by Mr. Richard McCreary, and Miss Verna Clark of Concord, 3. New Year cake donated by Mrs. Raymond Stuart. Mrs. Art Ros- endale of Downsview drew the fourth number which won for Mr. Harold Dament the door prize of a box of chocolates donated by Mr. Lawrence Keffer. The manage- ment wishes to thank these people for their generous donatons. Also the musicians and all those who very kindly assisted in making this event the success that it was. Thanks also to Mr. Percy Usher for his donation of cream for the coffee and to Mrs. N. Peelar wha helped in many ways. Mr. Lou, Mr. Chas. Ash and Mr. Jim Spencer were the very capable floor managers. We are very pleased indeed that so many people from our neighbor- ing communities of Concord and Downsview attended the dance and we [hope that they had a very en- joyable time and will be with us again at our next one on January 18. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fabiyn and son, Henry and Mrs. Michael Mesebrosky of New York City sprnt the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. Tomkow. Ronnie McTagué is sponding a few days in Toronto visitmg with his relatives. Mr. Tommy Tomkow spent the New Year with friends and relat- ives in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bagg were Saturday evening dinner guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Syd. Broadbelt. Mrs. Mountford with a score of 102 was top winning lady at; the weekly euchre in Edgsley Comm- unitr Hall last week. Mrs. Love came second with a score of 90; .vIrs. Johnson third. srering 88 pm. The mens first prize was won by Ed. Foster with his score of 100 followed by Geo. Watt scoring 84 2nd Ross Mathews 83 points. Mr. Art Whitmore is recouper- ating nicely after undergoing [sur- gery last week in Toronto General Hospital. ‘ Mr. and Mrsf Stong‘ and Mrs. Mortson spent Sundly evening with Mr.aand Mrs. Harold Morts’on of Richmond Hill. Tlhe Edgeley Farm Forum will meet on Monday evening Jan. 7th. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Keffer. The topic will be The Edgeley Women’s Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon Jan. 10th. at the home of Mrs. C. Summerfelt, Wood-bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Talman of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Peelar on New Year's Day. The epidemic of Chicken Pox broe out anew in the community last week. A number of children were affected. Mr. and Mfstori Elliott spent last week end with relatives in Woodstock. We are very glad to hear that Mrs. Hunter is feeling much bet- ter again. Mrs. Hunter has been ill with jaundice for the past c0up- le of weeks. To advise people of 1 special ev- ent at your church or school or club use 3. “Coming Events” notice Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Houf Service Correspondent: Mrs. R. Stuart, R. R. 1 Maple Tel. Maple 110R3 C. STUN‘JEN Richmond Hill Phone 320W Farm Policy Sanitary Contractors EDGELEY NEWS was bal- Fri- in a ‘ the re; é JLLI IVI‘VIâ€" an, - \ v’dr-lv-lllv .. -v...” I , . . . V . v _ ,, _ ,7_ 8 r MWWWWWW‘C‘W, { A I. WW MAM/w} WWW 1. 24-hour Towing and Emergency Road Service: Free towing and emergency calls up to $10. per call anywhere in Canada and LISA. Including tire change and gas service. 2. Garage service throughout Can- ada and U.S.A. 3. The most complete legal de- fence service of its kind ever offered to motorists in Canada. 4. 21 types of Personal Accident Insurance Coverage with bene- fits up to $10,000.00. Special coverage for farmers 5. 10% ALLOWANCES on ALL ofi the following: Accessories, new tires (no trade-in). batteries, car radios. all types of repairs (labor excluded), electrical ser- vices, collision service, painting. Simonizing, parts, auto glass installed, and car wash. LooK WHAT Htfll: Is A I’LAN IHAI YOU “WE'VE ” REALLY GIVES YOU BENEFITS! THORNHILL GARAGE (sunoco) Phone 81 Thornhill 'DAVE ROBERTSON (Esso) Oak Maple BAKER'S SALES & SERVICE STUNDENTSiGARAGE Oak Ridges Phone Richmond Hill 249122 LOCAL MOTOR-AID SERVICE STATIONS PUNCH 8 JUDYS CHILDREN’S SHOP Phone Richmond Hill 111 MARSHALL’S GARAGE Ridges Rhone King McINTYRE’S GARAGE Victoria Square Phone Stoufi‘ville 6-6106 GREAT NEWS FOR MOTORISTS PUNCH & JUDY’S JANUARY SALE * BRANDED LINES DRASTICALLY REDUCED * ROBSON‘S GARAGE Thornhill Phone 421 A NOTICE TOâ€" 'As ' distributors for the famous Hillman cars and Commer trucks, we are prepared to offer all English car owners fast and thorough service on your car. Richvale A full stock of Lucas electrical equipment used on all English cars available for your convenience. Baker’s Sales 8 Service English Car Owners COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND SEE FOR YOURSELF Phone Maple 102 SHELL COURTEOUS SERVICE 3r23 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 3, 1952 3' DRIVE IN TODAY SALE PRICE $1.98 to $3.25 DRESSES AND JUMPERS Velvets, Corduroys, Wools, Viyellas Sizes 2 to 12 Reg. $3.98 to $13.98 SALE PRICE $2.98 to $9.98 ( Opposite Woburn ) HERE IS A PLAN THAT... As a member of Motor-Aid Services Limited you can benefit by any or ALL of these ser- vices in the United States or Canada. Plan today to join Motor-Aid and enjoy happy motoring with service. security and safety at your call wherever you drive. PHONE PL. 6264 OR WRITE USING COU- PON FOR DETAILS OF OUR INTRODUC- TORY OFFER OR SEE YOUR LOCAL MOTOR-AID SERVICE STATION MOTOR-AID SERVICES LIMITED, 430 KING ST. WEST, Toronto, Ontario Aid NAME ADDRESS . . .. CITY VIQEROY RUBBER SNOW’ MITTS Waterproof and Fleece Lined Reg. $1.25 . . . . . . . . . PROV. & COAT SETS S‘VEATERS Pure Botany Wool, Nylon and others Cardigans and Pdlloveri Sizes 2 to 14 Reg. $2.98 to $5.98 [I SALE PRICE $1.98 to $3.98 Reg. $13.98 to $26.98 $8.98 to $19.98 SALE PRICE COATS Sizes 1 to 12 Phone HY7423 SALE PRICE 95c JS ‘1)

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