with Dr. E. A. Cranord, above Harley’s Thomhill, Ont. oï¬ice for general practice in association Speakers: Rev. T. B. McDormand, General Secretary Dr. Charles Stone, pastor of Park Road Baptist Church, Toronto The new Baptist Church will meet in the former Lawrence Memorial Hall, just north of the junction of Highways 7 and 11 on Yonge Street. Visitors Are Very Welcome COMPLETE STOCK 0F PARTS _ ' GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT». FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 PM. ENGLISH TRAINED MECHANICS The Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec announce the opening of the new VIEL. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THORNHHLL DISTRICT L 10 N S C L U B THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 3, 1952 All ticket holders Will be notiï¬ed of the date of the draw Entire Proceeds for Swimming Pool and Community Betterment ONLY 1001 TICKETS TO BE SOLD Tickets obtainableat Bill Ball Motors, 5642 Yonge St. or from any Lions Club member ITHORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 3 PM. John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Telephone 70 and 338J Thornhill AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE the Opening of a full time BHEVROLET Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s C_oI:nefs) PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL Drug Store, Thornhill See Love For Lovely Lumber ANNOUNCES R. J. STEELE JANUARY 1951 Have Purchased A New to be drawn during Telenhdne Thomhill 350 Trinity Anglican Church Candlelight Service The annual Candlelight service held on Wednesdanyecembar 19, was very well attended by mem- bers of the community. Christmas carols were sung by the congrega- tion and the choir rendered several *Cihristmas anthems. Rev. S. A. R. Wood welcomed Rev. E. E. Kent, minister of Thornhill United church who gave the address. Another donation that was grate- fully received by the Doncaster Ratepayers Association was $16.00 donated by Mr. Bert Richardson, Morgan Ave., from the sale or Wedding Mr. Jack Ange], Clarke St., drew the winning tickets for the Christ. mas cake draw held by Mrs. T. Westacott on December 24. The winners were: lst Mrs. D. Law, Henderson Ave.; 2nd Mr. George Jackson, Bayview Ave.; 3rd Mr. V. M. Dale, Proctor Ave.; 4th Mr. W. Burtt of Doncaster. Members are asked not to forget the visit to the Scarboro Women’s Institute on January 8 in the Silver Cross Room. Best wishes are offered to Miss Evelyn Devitt, R.N., daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Devitt, who re- cently became the bride of Mr. Rob- ert Kibblew‘hite of Vancouver. Child Health Centre. w"Alirriyrone wishing further infor- mation on the Child Heruh (“W-“r: Congavwauuns to Mr. and -ms. B. Gain, Henderson Ave., on the birth of their 8 1b. 5% oz. daugh- ter at the Mayfair Hospital, 432 Sherboume St., Toronto, Saturday, December 29. Baby, mother and father all doing nicely. Congratulations are also extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. T. Page, Proc- tor Ave., on the birth of their daughter, at the Wellesley Hospi- tal, Toronto, Tuesday, December 25. Mother and baby are in good health. Women's Institute On Christmas Eve the Midnight Communion service attracted a great many parish members who joined in the carol singing and the communion service which followed. The church was beautifully decor- ated for the festive season. Red mums were placed on the Altar by Mrs. Tissdale in memory of‘Dr. F. F. Tisdale. The new white A1- tar hangings were in place for this Christmas service. Cake Draw On Christmas Sunday 34 mem- bers of the choir visited the On- tario Hospital at Langstafl_ where Uhey presented a program of carols and Christmas music. The patients joined in on the' more familiar carols and a delightful evening was had by both the choir members and the patients. Following the pro- gram the hospital staff served re- freshments to the choir members in the staff dining hall. We also congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Lage, Proctor Ave., on the birth of their daughter, at Grace Hospital, Toronto, Tuesday, Dec- ember 25. Mother and baby both Winners of the Doncaster turkey draw held at Ted’s Supertest Sta- tion were: lst J. Adkins, Proctor Ave., Doncastar; 2nd R. Jthston, 122 Brentclifl‘e Road, Leaside. The proceeds of $40.40 go to the Don- caster Ratepayers Association. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Westacott deserve every credit for organizing and conducting this very successful draw. The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. C. H. Bolton and you may reach her at Thomhill 239.1. It is hoped that Mrs. A. Loader Henderson Ave., will soon be feel. ing much better. doing nicely. 7W W .‘bmaicz DONCASTER NEWS CORRESPONDENT! MRS. L. SIMPSON Henderson Avenuo I The commnity wishes to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and family into their new home, 150 Morgan Ave. We are pleased to hear that the community’s source of water sup- ply has been restored. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Askin and family of Ottawa, Ontario, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenshields, Henderson Ave. and Mr. and Mrs. Kindness, Henderson Ave., during the Christm'as tholidays. It is hoped that Mr. and Mrs. W. Hughes’ three children ae feeling mudh better. The tradesmen in our district would appreciate cleared drive-V ways. Thanks are extended to all those who ontributed to my column in last few months and I am hoping for more and better help in the co- ming year 1952. Miss Ruth Wakeley of Port Hope spent three days with her sister, Miss L. Wakeley, Clarke St, at Christmas time. I wish all Doncaster residents a very happy and prosperous New Year. Mrs. W. Heath, organist & dhoir leader, last week entertained the members of the senior choir at her home. A few Sundays ago, Mrs. Heath took the members of the junior choir to the Odeon Theatre where they witnessed a Christmas pageant presented by the members of the Carlton Street United Church. Following this the mem- bers of the choir gathered at the home of Mrs. Heath where they enjoyed a Christmas get~together Members of the junior choir were the recipients of a hamper of or- anges donated by a member of flhe church in, appreciation of their work during the past year. " to be opened in the village on Jan. 215?. and to be held on the third Monday of each month, kindly con. tact Mrs Bolton, 239J. Please note advertisement on this page. Decorating in the small hill], un- dertaken by the Ladies Guild, has now been completed; the floors have been sanded, filled and waxed and new drapes at the windows have transformed the hall into a bright and cheery room. Presbyterian Fortnighters The ï¬rst meeting of the New Year will 'be held on Monday, Jan- uary ’7, at 8 pm. at the home of "iss H. Welsh, Centre Street. pm‘istmas trees. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mizen and fam- ily of Owen Sound spent Christmas week with Mr. C. Mizen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mizen, Seccomoe St. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodchild, Hen- derson Ave†and the entire family spent Chfistmas together at the Goodchild home. ' The Doncaster Ratepayers As- sociation has changed the date of its monthly meeting from Wednes- day, January 2 to Wednesday, Jan- uary 9. The meeting will be held at the Powell Rd. school. Doncaster Ladies Club has chan- ged its meeting‘ from Tuesday, January 1 to Friday, Janugsy ii. The meeting will be held I'at Mr. and Mrs. Russell's residJnce, 20 Proctor Ave.,‘instead of ï¬rs. Mot- tershall’s. * j United Church Notes. Choirs. A reminder to the members of the Afternoon Auxiliary that the next meeting is to be held in the small [hall on Tuesday, January 8. at 2.30 pm. The activities "of the C.G.I.T. which were halted during the Christmas season Wil begin again on Wednesday, January 9th. wtth the juniors meeting at 4 pm. and the seniors at 7 pm. Mr. and Mrs. A. Loader and fam- ily, Henderson Ave., spent Christ- mas with his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stone, Richvale. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McAlpine and family, 51 Morgan Ava, spent Christmas with Mr. MacAlpine’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Mac- Alpine, Lindsay, Ont. The bridge club that Mrs. J. B. MacAlpine belongs to held a party for the husbands of the club mem- bers on Saturday, December 29, at the MacAlpine home, 51 Morgan Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey and fam- ily spent Christmas with Mrs. Mackey’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Angel and family spent Christmas with rela- tives at Galt, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family, Morgan Ave., visited relatives in Peterboro, 0nt., for Christmas. Aftenoon Auxiliary(W. M. S.) Miss Kay Collins of Montreal and a friend, Miss Janine of Mon- treal were home for Christmas to visit Miss Collins’ parents of Jackes Ave. Mr. and Mrs. ArmstrOng of Jackes Ave., spent Christmas D2!) in Oro with Mrs. Armstrong’s par- ents. We were sorry to hear I the hospital on Friday. Smith of Jackes Ave. was her a speedy recovery. The by-Iaw to dhange the name of Jackes Ave. to Crestwood Rd. has been passed by the Township Council. Chief supervisor Mr. Findlay Ross, expresses on behalf of the Ontario Hospital patientï¬ Lang- staff, a sincere desire to extend their heartfelt thanks and apprec- iation to the Salvation Army for the excellent concert and distribu- tion of gifts on December 14 con- ducted by Major A. Green and Mr. W. Snell who unfailingly tend to their spiritual needs every Sunday morning throughout the year. Also thanks are extended to Rev. Wood of Trinity Anglican Church, Thorn- hlll and his ï¬ne choir for their kindness in rendering- Christmas carols in the auditorium on Sunday evening, December 28. This thoughtful act of kindness by Rev. S. Woods and members of his chou' is what makes a Happy Christmas especially for the shut-ins. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wainwright en- tertained all the Wainwright fam- ily at their home on Pemberton Road on New Year’s Day. Twenty- four of them sat down to a hot turkey dinner. is Mr. Brander’s ï¬rst visit to Tor- onto. Mx‘s. Brander’s visit is ï¬rst in 49 years. On the Brander farm silver foxes and turkeys are rais- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Maddocks travelled by air, December 28, for a three-day visit with their daugh- ter who is an air stewardess stat- ioned for the present in New York. Mr. and Mrs. C. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. J‘ Robertson from Wes- ton visited the Blackburn family on The head for this changed in the near The South-East Vaughan Rate- payers held the regular monthly meeting on December 19 at Powell Road School. Owing to the incle- ment weather nomination and e1- ection of officers will be held at the regular monthly meeting or January 16. Mr. Thomas Bradbeei and Mr. Jack Mason were electet auditors and their report will be From Mankato, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ben- der came to spend the holiday sea- son with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes, Ruggles Ave. Among the eleven guests were Mrs. Arthur Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eaton and family from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Brander are visiting with friends and relatives in Ontario and Moose Jaw, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. This Mr. and Mrs. B. Douglas and Sandy and Sandra from Brantford were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Nickelson Christmas Day. Mrs. Douglas is a sister of Mrs. Nickelson. Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Morgan Ave. and Eileen Newell talked over the phone to Eileeu’s mother and Mrs. Thompson's sister Mrs. J. Newell, Sussex, England, Decem- ber 23.. Miss E. Newell has been in Canada for the past six months, and is employed with the Bell Tel- ephone, ’Ilhornhill. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tew, Yonge St., were happy to receive greet- ings from Mrs. Tew’s sisters, Mrs. Annie Willson of Bristol, Mrs. A1- Zce Pike of Sussex, Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘apton and a sister-in-Iaw of Hart- ï¬eld, England, on December 23 by able. Mrs. A. T. Mathews of No. 7 east returned home Thursday after spending the festive holidays with her son, Capt. E. Thirgood and fa- mily, Ottawa. The Langstaff School children en- joyed their Christmas parties in- dividually this year December 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid, Donald and Sheila spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Perkins, Leaside. Mrs. Perkins is a sister of Mrs. Reid. Slharon Johnson of Mill Rd. cel- ebrated her 6th birthday on Satur- day, December 29. I.- Mrs. W. Holmes of Yongehurst Road spent Christmas week with her son in Toronto. ection of officers will be held at the regular monthly meeting on January 16. Mr. Thomas Bradbeet and Mr. Jack Mason were elected auditors and their report will be given at the next meeting. The ticket on the ï¬replace will CORRESPONDENTVMRS. F. STO'I'I‘S 18 Church St., Langstaff Phone Th CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN. Yonxehllnt Rd. LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Helen Mason, 11 Jackes Ave., Phone Thornhill 286R23 JACKES AVENUE NEWS NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Telephone Richmond Hill 137R“ column future. Mrs. Je 5 taken will be Jean wish be drawn at the next regular mon- flhly meeting. The ï¬replace will be made by Mr. Karman of Jackes Avenue. The January meeting of Lang- staï¬â€˜JJunior W.I. will be at the home of Miss Jackelyn Cooke of Church St. Roll call ‘How to win friends.’ Theme of meeting ‘Citi- zenship 'and Education.’ Convener, Miss D. Russel. Refreshment hos- tesses Miss D. Gribble and Mrs. S. Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, of Morgan Drive, attended the chris- tening of their granddaughter De- cember 23, when the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Nickelson (nee Audrey Thompson) was bap- tized. Rev. J‘ennisen of St. James Anglican Church, Brantford, con- ducted the Baptismal service. Chris- teen Elizabeth was dressed in a robe sent for the Occasion by her great-aunt Mrs. J. Newell of Sus- sex, England. The god-parents ot the baby are Mrs. R. Hamblyn, an aunt and Mr. Elwood Bryant, an uncle. Other relatives that gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Nickelson, 4 Cecil St., Brant- ford, were Mr. E. Nickelson of No. 7 angstafl', great grandfather of the baby, Mr. G. Bryant, grand- father and Miss Newell. well her Each room had its own tree, cook- ies, ice cream, .candy and exchange of gifts. Sincere best wishes go to Mr. David Smith the principal and to the teachers for a pleasant and prosperous year. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kane and son John enjoyed Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and family, Parry Sound, Ont. Mrs. Wain of Jackes Ave., has her infant son in the Hospital for Sick Children. We hope he is soon Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Suter, Langstaï¬. on the birth of a daughter, a sister for Crystal. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thirgood, Fair- view Ave., entertained a. few friends and neighbours on Thurs- day, December 27. Those enjoying the party were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Garner, Mr. and Mrs. S. Worsdale, Mr. and Mrs. F. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pattison, Miss M. Reid, Mr. R. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooke and Jack- Iyn spent Sunday, December 30, with Mr. Cooke’s father in Colling- wood. .Mr. and Mrs. Alec Kent; from British Columbia are week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Yonge Street. Smith from 1 for C] Mr. James Butcher, Cedar Street, we are sorry to hear is on the sick list. 'Our wish for you Mr. Butler is a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. S. Edney of Brad- ford are holidaying with their dau- ghter, Mrs. M. Holt. No. 7 East. Dr. and Mrs. L. Campbell spent the holiday with Mrs. Campbell’s mother at Sevanville, Ont. Dr. Campbell is the veterinarian at the Ontario Hospital, Langstaif. Baptism Mr. and Mrs. E. Lambert and family of Yongehurst Rd., spent Sunday, December 23, at the home of relatives in Bowmanville, Ont. Miss Jacklyn Cooke, Church St, entertained several of Earl Haig Fifth Formers on Thursday Decem- ber 27 in a getâ€"together before re- turning to studies on January 3. Ridhmond Hill Squares held a party on New Year‘s Eve in the Public School. A splendid night of dancing was enjoyed by all the members and the box lunch social proved a great success. Port week Saturday, December 29. BLACKBURNS Phone Mrs WWIMWMMWMW TELEVISION rs. Walker of Jackes sister and brother-in L Colbourne for the k-end. 1 her attm Christmas SOLD and home a were gla h of Jac numummunmumuunmuuummummmlm1: e glad to Jackes attack of THORNHILL Phone Thomhill 211R3 again k of th dinner. SERVICED hear Ave. the ’ Jacquelyn recovered flu in time Ave., had -law from Christmas 161 Mil“!\llll“l\l\ulllRlI\lll\lll\l\l\ll\\llll\lmmw For wedding pictures -â€" for birthdays â€" for the many anniversaries Which de- serve recording â€" for the artistry which makes all the diï¬erence between an 01- dinary photograph and a portrait -â€" visit immumummmmuunnmuummumnmunu“nnumu\mmmuunuummnulmmmmnmunumummmmunmuummummnmuu g“lmuunumumuuumuuluummuunmum1::uuumuuumunmummnuquuumuummmmmnmmunuumummnmmwmmlw PRODUCTION FROM YOUR HENS. USE “MASTER †FOR RESULTS â€"-â€"_ Telephone 54 Ehornhill, Ont. ‘ 3 3 '3-‘13'ésv53f-‘3-3 3:53-33: 3- 3- g ' aggggggaggarsaaafl _ t-â€"-. I.†, ; AV m6, is Wï¬giksni' nit-030$ #44â€" ‘gy’é'NIUALLY. auvf M A 5 T? x) Centre St. SAND. GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, MAM 8: FILL, SNOW PLUWING Edmund Soame FORMS Fine- Coarse . Peiiets - Krums THIS HIGH QUALITY LAYING MASH CAN NOW BE OBTAINED IN THE FORM 1‘0 SUIT YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS, AND OF COURSE WILL DO THE BEST POSSIBLE JOB OF GETTING HIGHEST PRODUCTION FROM YOUR HENS. Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointment PORTRAITS IWL‘I'I' lI-U'U'Em FII Illllllfl [HILLSIWSS TORONTO PHONE THORNHILI' 247 L. W. REID “THE STUEIO†1720 Avenue Road Ol’ rlner Thornhill