n; Richmond Telephone Richmond Hill 500 News Wednesday & Thursday â€"â€" January 16 & 17 Cartoon 24W 74 0am! Slaw 741 THE RICHMOND mNANBY BUILD ' ADElE JEREENS Friday & Saturday â€"â€" January 11 & 12 WS Monday & Tuesday â€" January 14 & 15 «MNANCY [iUIlU 'AUtlt ltHlitNS 1mm ram-mum mm - snunou uomn Screenplay by ROBERT LEES, FREDERIC I. RINALDo and JOHN GRANT . Directed by CHARLES LAMONT Produced by HOWARD CHRISTIE - Suggested by H. c Wens' "mg mvnsmu MAN" Thursday, January 10, Only NO WAY OUT Adult Entertainment Cartoon Cartoon 'erence Ram'gan', KANE ORGANISATIéN PRESENTS Featurette ANN BLYTH FARLEY GRANGER JOAN EVANS Featurette Featurette Mhud t .0 IADIO mm wan- iv l HUGH REID!†JANE WYATT 91.4.! It Own) mull numng The question of the annexation by Richmond Hill of the Elmwood- Harding sub-divisions was carried further when two delegations, one composed of Mr. Richard Shorten, Mrs. Williamson, and Mr. and Mrs. Strand, and the other of Mr. J. E. Teetzel, attended the Mon- day afternoon meeting of Mark- ham Township Council. This mar- ked the ï¬rst regular meeting of the 1952 council and also feat- ured the entrance of Mr. Alf Le- Masurier and Mr. Arthur Lennie into municipal life.’ Mr. Shorten, as spokesman for the group, stressed the fact that they were appearing before the council as representatives of some of the residents in the area, and not of the Elmwood-Harding Ratepayers Association. Mr. Shorten wished to have the Jan- uary 9th meeting of the Municipal Board held over until more infor- mation could be secured as to the pros and cons of annexation. The speaker spoke of his morning meeting with Richmond Hill coun- ...-_-...a ., , cil and clairï¬ed this body refused to coâ€"operate in trying to have the hearing postponed.» ‘ u Reeve Timbers in reviewing the matter said that last summer cer- tain industry wanted to locate near Richmond Hill in what was part of Markham T0wnship. This in- dustry required certain services e.g. water which Richmond Hill could give them. He said one thing led to another until somebody sug-‘ gested annexation, but that there was some dissatisfaction as to the boundaries of the area to be annexed. Mr. Timbers stressed to those present that at no time was there anything more than a verbal agreement between the two councils. As late as last No- ember while attending a meeting of County Council Mr.‘ Timhers .said he was approached by the Reeve and Deputyâ€"Reeve of Rich- mond Hill and asked if Markâ€" ham's feelings on annexation were still the same. Mr. Timbers re- plied that Markham Council had not discussed it further or reachâ€" ed a decision. Mr. Timbers felt the fair way to handle the matter would be to take a vote of the people concerned in order to as- certain their real feelings on an- nexation. 'to stand at three months. Reeve Timbers informed the members that in an earlier conver- Isation with Richmond Hill Coun- ‘cil they had suggested if there were any difficulties in the mat- !ter Richmond Hill would be will- }ing to meet the Markham council on Tuesday, January 8. Deputy- Reeve James felt that notning Icould be gained by meeting the day before the Municipal Board hearing. The Council appointed Mr. W. J. Spears as the Township Attend- lance Officer for 1952. He will re- place the former officer who pass- ed on recently. The meeting also saw the appointment of the town- 'ship committees for the coming year. Roads: Deputy-Reeve James and Councillor Hooper. Property: Reeve Timbers, Deputy-Reeve ‘James and Councillor LeMasurier. iPolice: Councillors Hooper and Lennie. Fire: Councillors LeMas- urier and Lennie. Deputy-Reeve James will be the representative on the Board of Health. A U A Chaim Councillor Charles Hooper’s statement at the previous Friday meeting of the Elmwood-Hsrd- ing Ratepayers to the effect that Markham Township had not re- ceived official notice of the Jan- uary 9th hearing of the Munici- pal Board was refuted when Clerk Charles Hoover said the T0"- ship had certainly received offic- ial notice from the Board. Reeve Timbers said that any objecuons to annexation could be aired at the Wednesday meeting but warned that the people should not object unless they are sure they wish to remain in Markham Town- ship. The Municipal Board can, if they deem it necessary, ask for a vote to be taken in the area to be annexed. Councillor Hooper entered the discussion by claiming that it was the real estate men who started the ball rolling on annexation and that Markham council heard more: about the subject from these same real estate mé‘n than they ever did from Richmond Hill council. In reply to a question by Mr. J. E.1 Teetzel of the Harding Park sub-l division that it was his under- standing the Elmwood-Harding area had asked Richmond Hill to take them into the village, Mr. Shorten denied this emphaticéily and said that the subdivisions had never asked to be taken into Richmond Hill. Mr. Hooper claim- ed “Richmond Hill is attempting to grab some of the Township’s choice land†and that he could not see how a small village like Rich- mond Hill could take land from one Township and fail to touch another. Mr. Teetzel who waited on the council as a. representative of the people in the Harding Park area said that 90% of the residents in that area were in favour of an- nexation. He spoke strongly in support of annexation and out- lined the beneï¬ts to be gained by entering Richmond Hill. 0n the question 01' the date :et hr the annexation hearing Mr. Teetzel said that Richmond Hill At a meeting of Vaughan Town- ship council on Friday, December 28, the curtain was rung down on the business of 1951, with Reeve Hostrawser who has retired, pre- siding and all members in attend- ance. R. Watson Re-appointed Vaugh. Twp. Rep. To R.H.D.H.S. Board On motion of Councillor Agar and councillor Robson the allow- ance for food for persons in re- ceipt of relief was increased by 15 per cent as recommended by thy Dept. of Public Welfare. It was decided to ask the De- partment of HighWIys to agree to payment of subsidy on an addition- al $200. claimed by Spencer Ver- non, gravel contractor, for extra mileage travelled delivering gra'vel on township roads in 1951. The Reeve and Clerk were auth- orized to sign a contract for the construction of an extension to the bridge at lot 11, concession 7, with Percival Finnigan. A communication from the De- partment of Highways gave ap- proval to an additional expenditure of $527.28 for replacement of the bridge at lot 15, concession 2’ ‘had no say as to when the meet- ing would be held. Councillor H00- ;per felt that the village could have asked for a special date. He also Tfelt there must have been some “special work†behind the scenes in order that the Municipal Board would act so quickly on the village's application. Mr. Teet» zel in referring t~ his 25 years ot residence in Markham Township reminded Councillor Hooper that he often heard him refer to the ‘subdivisions in .the township as headaches, and that the back of the township was always paying for the front. Ted the Municipal Board to post- pone the annexation hearing for lthree months from January 9th, ‘in order that all concerned may ‘have a better opportunity to beâ€" ‘come acquainted with the issues concerned. Councillor Hooper felt that in order to give the matter adequate consideration the period ‘of postponement should be for six months and not three months. [However the motion was allowed ‘to stand at three months. Fiml end of the discussion came with council passing a motion in which Markam townhship request- Reeve Timbers informed the members that in an earlier conver- sation with Richmond Hill Coun- cil they had suggested if there were any difficulties in the mat- ter Richmond Hill would be will- ing to meet the Markham council The Council appointed Mr. W. J. Spears as the Township Attend- ance Officer for 1952. He will re- place the former officer who pass- ed on recently. The meeting also saw the appointment of the town- ship committees for the coming year. Roads: Deputy-Reeve James and Councillor Hooper. Property: Reeve Timbers, Deputy-Reeve James and Councillor LeMasurier. Police: Councillors Hooper and Lennie. Fire: Councillors LeMas- urier and Lennie. Deputy-Reeve James will be the representative on the Board of Health. O.H.A. Senior Hockey News Last Saturday night before the largest home crowd of the season, Stouï¬â€˜ville Clippers strengthened their |l'iold on second place in the3i O.H.A. Big Five Senior “B†group-,- with a 7-4 win over the fourth place Midland Flyers. Bob Bangay and George Stark slhot Stouï¬ville into an early 2-0 lead only to have Midland come back strong with three fast goals to take a ï¬rst period lead of 3-2. In the middle stanza defence- man Herb Rose ï¬red the tying goal on a shot from the blue line, and minutes later playing coach Bob Bangay sank his second goal of the night to put the Clippers in the lead to stay. Jack Rumney in- creased the Stoufl'ville margin to 5-3 before the second period ended. An early third period goal by St. Amant put Midland back in the game but Stouffville assured themselves of victory with goals by Polly Minton and Jack Rum- ney, his second of the night. This Saturday night Stouï¬ville Clippers play host to Orillia Ter- riers and on Tuesday, January 15, Newmarket Spitï¬res are the visitors at Stoufl’ville arena. Robert Watson was appointed as representative from Vaughan Twp. to the Richmond Hill District High School Board, for Is term of three years. General accounts passed includ- ed $325. salary for the Reeve and $250. for other members of coun- cil. The Reeve, members of coun- cil, the clerk, the building inspec- tor and T. A. Kefl'er were voted $100. salary for serving on the Planning Board. Leslie Laver was voted $75 for attendance at 15 meetings and Darrel Gouldng $40. for 8 meetings. In the road accounts was an it- em for Beamish Construction C0., for 16 days stand-by and 87 and a half hours snow plowing, also $699 for Paul Street for 10 days stand- by and 106 hrs. plowing. A sheep claim was paid to George Spring for two lambs kill- ed $59., 3 lambs injured $90., a to- tal of $149. The by-law to prohibit parking on Centre St., No. 7 Highway, in Thornhill Police Village was given its several readings. But if you could use a little more of that folding stuff, it will pay you to consider the merits of classiï¬ed advertis- mg. Whether you are in business for yourself or work for some- one else, you can use want ads to your advantage to sell your services, produce or mer- chandise. Send the ads by mail or tele- phone The,Liberal 9 Richmond Hill. If You Have Plenty of Money Congratulations! Correspondent : Mrs. J. J. Taylor TeL Richmond Hill 367R22 Hockey fans may be interested to know that Richvale’s young hock- ey team is playing its ï¬rst game of the season on Friday evening at 8.45 in Richmond Hill Arena. Coach Cec. Turnbull is very gratiï¬ed at the response to the sale of season‘s tickets and to private individuals who have so generously donated to the support of the team. The presence of good crowds at the games would be appreciated by the teen-agers. Tickets may be ob- tained from any of the local boys or from Mt. Turnbull. The ï¬rst 1952 meeting of the L0- cal Association of Guides and Brownies will be held at the home of the District Commissioner Mrs. Mrs. John Bailey returned home on Saturday and is getting along well from her emergency append- ectomy which took her to hospital a week ago Sunday. R. F. Paul, 183 Spruce Avenue this (Thursday) evening at 8.30. Miss Jocelyn Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Lewis, Hunt's Lane, had the misfortune to ex- tend her Christmas holidays from Havergal College by breaking her leg while skiing at the Ski Club at Barrie on New Year‘s Day. She returned home'in a cast by ambu- lance and is getting along nicely. Scouting Mr. Harold Ince received his Scoutmaster's Hat Badge and Scoutmaster’s Ribbon at the open- ing ceremonies of Monday’s Scout meeting which was followed by the regular meeting of games and in- struction. After the close a Court of Honour was held during which the progress of the Troop in the past year was discussed, and a tar- get was set for the ensuing year. Mrs. Lloyd Boddy is progressing favourably at Riverdale Hospital, according to latest reports, and is hoping to come home soon. Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson Jr. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Donald- son. Carrville Road, over the holi- days. John and his bride, the form- er Miss Amande Pilon of Levack, Ontario, were married on Decem- ber 2, 1951, in St. Bartholomew's Church, Levack. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Marks is ill in Western hospital and hope that he will soon be bet- ter. 'Dhe Richvale (Anglican) WA. is having their next meeting at the home of Mrs. George Allison on January 16, at 2.30 p.m. Mr. Hearn of the ï¬rst-aid divis- ion of the Junior Red Cross will bring a ï¬lm and deliver an address at the next meeting >f the Junior Red Cross in the School on Janu- ary 25 at 2 pm. Mothers are invit- ed to attend. L. M. & King Assoc. To Meet January 14 George Brown, president of the Lake Marie and King Athletic As- sociation, has called a meeting of this organization to be held on Monday evening, January 14, at 8 o’clock. As this is the annual meeting, the election of officers will take place. The oï¬â€™icers for 1951 were: George Brown, president, serving his second year in that position; William Barker. 1513 vice-president; Bruce Hall, 2nd vice-president; Raymond‘ Burt, secretary-treasur- er. There are 40 rtembers. Other business at this meeting will be the planning for the annual sum- mer carnival and dance. (Ont. & Quebec Convention) Sunday School and Morning Worship . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. PREACHER, JAN. 13 REV. HAROLD U. TRINIER Thornhill Baptist Church Visitors Very Welcome All cleaning, etc. left at Gunnar’s Tailors 2 months or more will be sold for storage, if not called for within 30 days Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill Phone 320W Sanitary Contractors Editor 0 The Canadian Baptist. RICHVALE NOTICE Congregational Meeting “"U’ 'U The aï¬ï¬ï¬gl Congregaâ€"tional meet- ing of Can-ville United Church will be held on Friday, January 11. at 8 pm. All friends and members of the congregation are invited to attend. There will be a communion ser- vice on Sunday, January 13. at 2.30 p.m. at Can-ville United Church. Anyone wishing membership please notify Rev. E. E. Kent, Thornhill 42W. Sunday School will follow at 3.20 p.m. The Carrville United Church W9- man’s Association met at the home of Mrs. Robt. Kirk on Wednesday evening, January 2, with 12 mem- bers and one visitor present. Mrs. Adam Read, the president was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. J. Baker was secretary. The meeting opened with the W.A. theme and prayer. The hymn “Take Time to‘ be Holy†was sung followed by prayer by the president and the “Lord’ss Prayer." A11 read togeth- er Psalm 119, 1-16. A paper was given by Miss E. Sheppard, taken from “Thoughts by the way†and “a poem entitled “New Year's Inventory.†Following the reading of minutes of the last meeting, the correspond- ing secretary read thank yous from Rev. Kent, Miss M. Reaman, Mrs. J. Barton, Mrs. S. Hobday. Mrs. J. Barton was appointed to look after the cent-a-day money to be paid each month. Mrs. Clement expressed thanks for her sister’s gift from the W. A. for Christmas. Mrs. V. Delbrocco suggested that each member turn in one article each month toward the bazaar in the fall. The hostess assisted by her daughter Nancy andlMiss Sheppard and Mrs. Wynn served refreshments. The February meet- ing is to be at the home of Mn. Stanley Wood and will be an af- ternoon meeting and take the form of a Valentine tea. This will be held on Wednesday, February 6. Scripture is to be taken by Mr]. Barton and paper by Mrs. Kirk. Mrs. Robt. Miller of Birch AV will be guest speaker on Thursd: evening at Carrville Home 31 School Association. All paren and friends are invited to attend. Home and School Mr. and Mrs. John Gillies are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter Susan Elizabeth on December 24: County of York J2 R. Herrington Clerk Next sittings Munici- pal Hall, Richmond Hill Tues., Jan. 15, 1952 at 10 am. Miss Roberta Gillies of Toronto spelt phe New Year holiday with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Petting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waters of Toronto spent New Yeur’s eve and day with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Per~ ring. The Perrings had Christmas in Toronto with the Waters. THIRD DIVISION COURT Telephone Maple 130r3 CARRVILLE Now On Display ! l I 1952 STUDEBAKER . BAKER’S SALES AND SERVICE RIBHVALE Exciting jet-streamed styling! Spectacular ’52 performance! Miller of Birch Ave. speaker on Thursday Carrville Home and Lation. All parents NEWEST OF THE NEW FOR "52 Middleton THE LIBERAL}, Richmond Hill, Thurscféy, Jan. 15, 1m A NEW CHAMPION in the low price field A NEW COMMANDER 120-horsepower V-8 0N SKI BOOTS & SKI EQUIPMENT RICHMOND HILL ASSOCIATE STORE Percy 1:. Hi“, Proprietor. V Phone 404 CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION FOR THE BEST: 17 - 21 Basin St. S. FREEDMAN & SON 6 TOWNSLEY ST. Corner: Old Weston Rd. and St.,Clair W. Phone LY. 0661 Toronto, Ontario This ad worth one doflar with a load» of scrap TIMKEN & LIQUIFLAME OIL BURNERS Clearance Sale Richmond Hill Representative H. F. Winn â€" Phone 652J â€" 91 Arnold Crescent WANTED 10,000 TONS 00 SCRAP IRON 20 % DISCOUNT HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL, CAST IRON AND METALS OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS THE BEST: INSTALLATION SERVICE FUEL OIL DELIVERY ALL FROM ONE COMPANY CALL â€" FUEL OIL & EQUIPMENT LTD. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 111 ATTENTION TBUCKERS! Priced from $6.49 to $18.95 Less 20% SPECIAL Ladies’ and Men’s SKATES AND BOOTS Come in today I GL. 7521 see it