7 Dr. W. D. Moyle from England Wu a recent visitor of his brother, Mr. Harry Moyle, Yonge Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savage, 0‘ Lame Avenue, left Tuesday by mo- an- on 3 business trip to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. George Lynn, Wild Wind Cottage, Oxford St., Elgin Mills, were delighted to have with them over the New Year vheir son- in-law and daughter, the Rev. Faâ€" ther Freeston and Mrs. Freeston or New York. The Sugar and Spice Club met it the home of Mrs. T. Saul last week. Mrs. M. Clouse of Toronto was a guest of the evening. Card winners were lst Mrs. F. Wilson; 2nd Mrs. A. Blackburn; 3rd Mrs. H. Patton. Hostesses of the evening were W. Carter and B. Lambert. Miss Marian Cunningham, 35 Yonge Street was the winner of Lucy Dickie’s December draw. The lucky ticket was drawn by Mr. Mel Maltby with other business people of the village present. Marion re- ceived a scarf as a prize. This month's prize will be a cardigan sweater. Mr. R. J. Craigie returned from Shouldice Surgery Hespital, Toron- to, on Tuesday of this week after undergoing an operation there last Friday, and is reported to be proâ€" gressing favorably. Mr. A. R. W. Uren, also recently returned home after being a patient at the same hospital. John Reid, popularly known as “Jockâ€, guard at the Don Jail, and for many years on staff at Lang- staï¬ Jail Farm, died at Sunny- brook Hospital on Sunday, Dec- ember 30. He was in his 70th year and served as 3 Sergeant in the 41111 Battalion in the C.E.1". in ï¬w First Great War. - The annual meeting of the W.A. ‘of the Presbterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Blanchard at the end of December: Reports of difl’erent secretaries were given and officers elected for 1952. It was decided to hold the January meeting at the home ot Mrs. H. H. MacKay, Arnold Street, with Mrs. David Armstrong presid- ing on January 17, at 3 pm. Rev. H. E. Wellwood B.A., B.D. was the guest preacher at the morning service last Sunday at the Richmond Hill United Church. Rev. Wellwood, as in past years, takes the service the ï¬rst Sunday in th new year at the request of church officials, in recognition of the serâ€" vice his father, the late Rev. N. Wellwood rendered to the then Methodist Church as its minister from 1899 to 1902. A trip through The Liberal office} was the program for the Richmond Hill Evening Auxiliary on their regular meeting night. The presi- dent, Mary Dawson, who is the linotype operator, conducted the members through the plant and ex- plained the work entailed in pub- lishing each week’s issue of the paper. The group adjourned to the home of Mrs. Robert Ross, Markham Road, where business Was transacted and games and lunch were enjoyed. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt, 4 Centre Street Mrs. 1 West. THE HILLTOP ELETRLC LINE CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING iclwmond Hi†The Liberol is slways glnd to receive social and person-l item. for this page end 3 call to We No. 9 will receive courteous sttention. This newspaper will slso welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. W‘hile copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. ' A letter received by The Liberal this morning from Les. Hull, now in Tuacon, Arizona, advises that his daughter Leslie Ann is pro- gressing favorably in the warm, dry climate. Mrs. E. Butlin, Roseview Ave., opened her home to the executive of the Ladies Auxiliary for Scouts and Cube last Thursday evening. Mrs. F. Gardiner, Mill Road, pre- sided at the meeting and explained to the new executiv» their duties flat the coming year. to the cover of the December issue of Chatelaine magazine on which was featured a recipe created by her niece, Mrs. R. S. Howie, St. Lambert, Quebec. The recipe was for- stuffed French bread and ac- cording to further enquiries many ladies and one gentleman in the village have tried it already With much success. Mrs. G. E. Clubine, 55 Markham Road, a visitor to the Liberal 0f- ï¬ce this week, drew our ptteption Mrs. Howie’s picture was also published beside her recipe which was given in detail in the mags.- zine The sympathy of Headford Com- munity goes out to the family of the late Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bro: die, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donn and wife of the late Mr. Charles T. Brodie, who passed peacefully away December 28, 1951, in her 93rd year, at the home of her son Mr. Norman Bro- die. | @hituarp Mrs. Brodie was born November 25, 1859, at Oakwood, 0nt., mar- ried Mr. C. Brodie in 1880 at Glenâ€" ville in King Twp. and lived in the vicinity of Newmaket a number of years, then moved to Markham Tp. and farmed on the 4th concession for ï¬ve years. Forty-nine years ago she moved wibh her family to Headford. Her husband predeceased her in 1922. Mrs. Brodie was keenly in- terested"’in all activities, not only in church wdrk but in every wor- thy enterprise, her motherly inter- est Was extended to all with Whom she came in contact, her kindly way and warm, pleasant manner endear- ed her to everyone. )1, 1951, interment at Newmarket. Rev. A. Huston of Headford and Rev. H. Howie of Aurora conducted the service. The many floral trib- utes expressed the high esteem in Whidh she was held. The funeral‘ serviéé féiik in?“ from Wright and Taylor’s Funeral Home in Richmond Hill, December Left to mourn her passing are her son Norman of Headford, dau- ghter Harriet (Mrs. Geo. Quantz) of Aurora, grandchildren Elmer Leek, Cora, Donald and Margaret Brodie and great grandchildren Alâ€" bert and Rosemary Leek. The pallbearers were Messrs. Herbert Smith, Charles Lilley, James Curtis, Wesley Clark, Melâ€" vin Wellman and Cummer Lee. ‘Father in Thy gracious keeping Leave me now ’I‘hy servant sleep~ ing.’ 'Lile’s' work well done. MRS. MARY E. BRODIE Phone 292 CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart. B. , ‘Telephone Maple 110113 Many happy returns to Mr. Will- Mr. and Mr,_ iam Baker whose birthday was 0“ birthday party i New Year’s day and Mr. Fred Kir- Sat. evening for by whose birthday was January 8. Mrs. Eberschlag To celebrate these two happy oc- There were sixt. casions Mrs. Baker gave a birthday to enjoy an even party in her home on Friday even- euchre and dam ing, January 4, entertaining Mr- Mrs. Chas. Ash and Mrs. Fred Kirby of Hope, Mr. lady and bherefo and Mrs. Fred Hendry and family prize. Mrs. Sta of Edgeley and Mr. and Mrs. Bill second prize. C 3Kirby of Concord.. I Keffer had a ti - _..u:_.. u... M... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser enter- tained It a family dinner party in their home on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Watts during the holiday sea- SOIL Mrs. Aitken of Moose Jaw, Sask. is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. John Bone. q. o o Good Meeting A very favorable inspector's re- port showing “A’s†in most cate- gories such as condition of the school, water supply, etc., was given at the annual meeting of the ratepayers of S. S. No. '1 Van- ghan Twp. on Wednesday, Decem- ber 26. Mr. Nelson BOWes, who has served faithfully on the school board for a number of years has retired 'and Mr. Warren Bone is the newly elected trustee. Mr. Am- »05 Baker and Mr. Redman are the other trustees. Mr. Redman is 5::- } retary-treasurer. There are 84 Concord School Mr. and Mrs. John Ash spent New Years wtih their son, Mr. Chas. Ash and Mrs. Ash and their grandchildren Jimmy, Jean and Billie. Many happy returns of the day to Mrs. Bolen Hendersonon Sat- urday, January 12. and Mfs. A. W. Slater en- tertained at a family dinner in their home on New Years Day. . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Watts and family were dinner guests of_'Mr. and Day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker and family visited Mrs. Baker’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lilley on Christmas Day and in the evening were the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kirby. On New Years Day they had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Read of Carrville. The January meeting of the W. I. was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C. Beynon. The topic was “Agriculture.†Miss Irene Mashinter of the Garden Club and Bob Beynon of the calf club, both of Whom won the 5-day course at the GAO left for Guelph on December 31. Miss Edna Christianson accompanied 11'- ene. Miss Ruth Folliott received se- vere head bruises, chest bruises ond a gashed leg and suffered from shock on Christmas eve when the car in which she was riding col- lided with a vehicle which backed into the highway as they were driving north on Yonge Street near the “Wheelhouse.†Miss Folâ€" liott received treatment at York County Hospital where she was conï¬ned for a few days. Although feeling somewhat better, and at home, it will be some time before Ruth is able to resume her work. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greenwood and family Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Dibb on Sunday, December 30. Accident Mr. and Mrs. J. Gowen, Aurora, entertained Mr. and Mrs. H. Pat- rick, Mr. and Mrs. M. Beynon, Mr. Carl Beynon and Miss Evelyn Thomas, Nashville, on New Year’s Day. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Paxton on New Year’s were Mr. and Mrs. Stewaru Paxton, Elaine and Ann; also Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Paxton, Judith and Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dibb, Mr. and Mrs. D. Manley were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips on January 1. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Folliott during the festive season were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Folliott and Sher- ald. We are very happy to relate‘ a slight improvement in Mrs. G. Kerswill’s condition at the Gen-; eral Hospital. Tt is “M "'MvM‘ wish of all Mrs. Kerswill‘a friends that each day will bring adueu strength. Mr. and Mrs. James Ruse spent New Year’s dav with Mr. and Mrs. Umehara and Milie. Sex-gt. and Mrs. Herbert Howell had the pleasure of having all the family at home for New Year‘s day. During the holidav season Mr. A faithful 11115!) and Mrs. Fred Boys entertained‘MaS’ GOd grant Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bovair. Mr. , â€" Ever Ten and "“<. Mw-rw Row H-vv' ‘~ Ann and chil ter, Mr. and Mn. G. Stone and George and Be‘ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. Eb. PAXTON. R. R. 9, KING Phone King 3R11 __ ï¬rs/Agnew on 7 New Years TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS 84 children attending CONCORD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash gave I birthday party in their home on Sat. evening for Lu. Ash’s sister, Mrs. Eberschlag of Downsview, There were sixteen guests present to enjoy an evening of progressive euchre and dancing. At euchre, Mrs. Chas. Ash was top scoring lady and therefore received the lst. prize. Mrs. Stan. Keffer won the ‘ u.-â€" second prize. Chas Ash and Stan. Keffer had a tie score and after cutting the cards, Mr. Ash took the first and Mr. Keffer the second prize. Mrs. Eberschlag and Jimmy Ash were given consolation prizes. Dainty refreshments and birthday cake topped off a most enjoyable time for all. Birthday greetings to Billie Agâ€" new who was 5 years old on Dec- ember. 27. Mr. Bob Watt’s birthday is Wed. January 9. Many happy returns of the day Mr. Watts from your sistre Mrs. Agnew and Mr. Agnew, David and Billie. weIHDOI-IERTY â€"â€" In loving memory the of a dear husband and father, ar’s Hugh K. Doherty, who passed away 4 years ago, January 13, 1948. Mr. A faithful husband, one of the best ned ‘ May God grant him eternal rest. Mr. , â€" Ever remembered by wife Ann and children, Keith, Lois, and George and Beulah. *1w28 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eberschlag had as their dinner guests recentlly Mr. and Mrs. Rosendale and their daughters the Misses Christina and Roberta Rosendale. 0n the retirement of Mr. Percy Snider, Mr. Heidi of St. Regis Park was eleted to the board of trustees at the annual meeting of the rateâ€" payers of Elia School Section held on Wednesday, December 26. Mn. G. W. Jackson and Dr. Chas. Will- iams are the other board members. Mrs. Jackson is chairman and Mr. James Buchanan is secretary-treas- urer. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson andl chidren were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. John McCague of. Richmond Hill. We are very glad to hear that Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer and their children are feeling much better again. The have been ill with the ’flu during the past week. The annual meeting of the Sun- day School of Zion Lutheran Church, Sherwood, was held on Thursday evening, January 3 and the following are the officers of the Sunday School for 1952: Superin tendent, Stanley Keï¬â€™er; assistant superintendent, Earl Baeckner; secretary, Warren Bone; assistant secretary, Mrs. Earl Baeckner; Ross Percival, treasurer. Marjorie of Aurora and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parr of Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. B. Palmer, Sharon and Mrs. Palmer Sr. were New Year’s guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Eaton, Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Payne spent Sunday with Mr. amI Mrs. Levis- on and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Bell during the fe'stive season. The Sunday School and congre-l gation of the St. John's Anglican church enjoyed a delicious supper held in the Parish Hall on Dec- ember 28. The children were shown ï¬lms appropriate for their enter- tainment by Mr. G. DeWitt. Other entertainment was “The Christmas Story†by members of the Sunday School and “The Rhythm Band†by costumed children under the leadership of Mrs. C. Crawford. Miss Betty Beynon and Master John Passmore played piano solos. The tiny tots of the Sunday Sohool sang carols. Everyone had a most enjoyable evening which was cli- maxed with Santa’s presenting the children with their bag of goodies from the Christmas tree. The W.A. and W.M.S. will be holding their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Nognan Rumble on Thursday, January 17, at 2.30 p.m. It is hoped to have all the members present for the ï¬rst meet- ing after the New Year. Visitors are always welcome. ALAMS -- In loving memory of our dear son, Murray Bruce Ad- ams, who passed away January 6, 1950. ' Two little hands are resting, A loving heart is still, A little son we loved is Waiting For us just over the hill. â€" Ever remembered by Mom- my and Daddy. V c1w28 In memoriam Rest in Peace. -â€" Loved and remembered al- ways. Cissie. r *1w28 ALLEN â€" In memory of my be- oved husband, Frederick J. A1- len who passed away at St. Mi- chael's Hospital, January 4, 1937, from injuries received on New lear's Eve 1936. R. 1. Maple RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1952 9.45 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" “The Gidecns†7 p.m. -â€" Evening Worship RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. TIL. Rector SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1952 8.30 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 9.45 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer. All are welcome. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1952 10 am. â€"â€" The Sabbath School 11 am. â€"- Divine Worship Mr. Harry Greene B.A. Come and worship with us. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A., Mimste! SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1952 11 am. â€" Divine Worship The Minister 11.16 am. â€" The Church Schooi Come and Worship THORNHILL TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. S. A. R. Wood. B.A., Rector SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1952 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer THORNHILL UNITED CHURC}! Min-ï¬g}; Rev. E. E. lien}, Th. D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1952 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Sunday School Nursery Dept. (2-3) 7 mm. â€"â€" Evening Service ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY. JANUARY 13. 1952 Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.n‘ Sunday Service . . . . . . . . . 11 a.nr Mrs. N. Ashby spent the week- end w1'th her son and daughter-in- law, Mr'. and Mrs. Ashby, Wild- wood Ave., Lake Wilcox. n The regular meeting of the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepay- ers Association will be held at the Lake Wilcox school, Tuesday, Jan- uary 15, at 8 pm. All interested ratepayers will ï¬nd it to their ben- eï¬t to attend this meeting. A great many things of interest to our district will be discussed. The Square dancing groups _meet- ing every Thursday night at Oak Ridges school are proving very successful. Under the leadership oI Mr. George DeWitt members are coming from Toronto, Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Wilcox Lake and Aur- ora. A few more registrations are available. Contact Mrs. D. A. An- derson King 3 ring 5, seretary. It is hoped to close the membership .list by the end of the month. H. A. Briggs Ltd. has been busy with a ditch digger the last few days and a. lot of progress has been made. The water is flowing fast and we can look forward to much better roads, now that they will be well drained. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Judge and family spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fagen of Rich- vale. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS DELHI BLOWERS EASY WASH}: I FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES CALL 434 THORNHILL - For Service at it’s Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON Telephone King 97R31 $.15. TANQUIY OIL BURNER SAlES AND SERVICE TELEPHONE RICHMOVD HILL 4? FESS & AERO BURNERS LAN GSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7pm. -â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€"- Women's Mil OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. Sunday Service . . , . . . . . 2.30 p.m. Sunday School 3.20 p.m. sicâ€"nary Meeting. Fri, 8 pm. â€"- Young xeoples Soc CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 3.1!. Heb. 223: “How shall we escape Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 SJ]: Heb. 2:3: “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation." BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 mm. Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School at Concorc School House at 10 am. SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1952 Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 am. Church Service . . . . . . . . 11 am. Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 a.m. Church Service . .... . . . . . 7 pm. Edgeley Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 1.3‘0 p.m Church Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm “Students of the Emmaus Bible School†P. 8.: Sunday, December 20, 7 pm. is “Parents meet the S. S. teach- er’s Night!" Don’t miss It! MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A.. B.D.. minister Mrs. Giles Kerswill, injured while on her way to church a few Sundays ago, Will be in hospital for some weeks longer. S'he suffer- ed internal injuries and a badly broken leg. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth enter- tained 17 relatives and friends for New Year's dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyd en- tertained relatives from Cedar Brae, Sharon and Toronto New Year’s night; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ash were also present. The even- ing was spent playing cards. A de- licious lunch was served by the hostess. Two silver ups donated by Mr. A. E. Pathell for children obtain- ing high standing in the Lake Wil- cox School were presented by the principal Mrs. G. Cross to Carol Neil and Ronald Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Williams, a bride ind groom of last spring en- tertained both their families to New Year’s dinner. On New Year’s é§e they entertained fourteen friends at a euchr" party. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyd and family were guests 0' Sunday,_ at a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarthy at King EVANGELICAL SERVICES Held in MASONIC HALL SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 EASY WASHERS Bible School THE LIBERAL“, Ricï¬mond Hill, Thursdiy, Jan. 10, 1952 STUART PAXTON Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 589r11 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office Tel. 9, Richmond Hill III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIL Styled to make your rooms beautiful WM .t’mos W W Phone 111 Richmond Hill BAKER SALES & SERVICE Richvale 1n1mummummuunmmunnmunumlmnmmmmmmmum REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€"â€" Curtains Bedspreads PIANO TUNING and Repairing \uummmumummum\uunuuumummmumuuumumnmmmmw We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. Phones King 111 Aurora 46J mmmmnnmmmmmummmmmmmunmmmmm 'luumum“m1lmmmnmmuummuuuumuummm«mull! CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All hours 490 Richmond Hill Phone for appointment THORNHILL 108R3 JAMES J. WALL OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor Agent for DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks Ruth Delbrocco USED CARS 1950 Ford Coach 1950 Morris Oxford 1950 Hillman Minx 1949 Hillman Minx 1936 Ford Coach My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE For FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" SEE â€"â€" Maple The WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Branches of MARKHAM and UNIONVILLE are sponsoring C_hild Hgalt‘hanntres for In- urv;-~v-_.â€"_c . fants ananreschool Children at: MARKHAM: Municipal Bldg. â€"- Second Thursday of each month from 1.30 to 4.00 iJNIONVILLE United Church â€" Third Thursday of each month from 1.30 to 4.00 ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? To Help Keep Well Children Heathy All Are Welcome - A Community Service In co-operation with the YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION . Hoï¬man CHii. HEALTH CENTRES ARTHUR J. WELLS SQUARE DEAL Peas 2 25c BEEHIVE 0R CROWN Corn Syrup KELLOGG’S SPECIALS Cornflakes QUICK COOKING Quaker Oats COHOE RED [2’s Salmon m 37c FRANCO-AMERICAN Spaghetti HEREFORD Corned Beef DOMESTIC OR JEWEL Shortening FANCY GRADE Spy Apples FLORIDA SEEDLESS Grapefruit No. 1 Grade Cooking Onions MORLEY’S Self Serve RICHMOND HILL 2 lb. Tin 12 oz. Pkg. 48 oz. Pkg. ï¬ï¬z' 45c 11b Ctn 6 Qt. Bskt. Telephone Maple 99 15 oz. Tins For ’.' 32c 31c 37c 25c 65c 31c 29c 25c Size 96’s