Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1952, p. 6

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The Busy Bees Mission Band met on Saturday, January 5, at the Manse with 13 members anSWering the roll call. Mrs. Bowman presid ed. The scripture Matthew 2: 13, 15 was read by Isabell Leece, and Pa:- ricia Lund led in prayer. A sea! was presented to Catherine Johnâ€" son and a certificate to Phyllis Cooper. Hiis being a. work meet- ing, duffel bags were made by the older girls to be filled and sent to children in Euro;e and Japan. Inc smaller children made books and letter cards. Community and School ('iub The Community and School Club held its regular meeting in the school on Wednesday evening, Jan- uray 2. This was a business meet- ing’ and it was decided to have a family supper on February 6. Mrsu‘George Harrow has return- ed home after vi:iting her daugh- tcr. 311's. Beaver, at Preston ” Year’s Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer of Guelph visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dona‘d Allen on Sunday. Presbyterian W.M.S. St. Andrew's Presbyterian W.M gunnuummumumnuummuummmmw = 5'4mmnmumumummmmumm1m1u1l\\lmumu11nlmmmumnmnm\mmmumuuuumuummuumuux\“nunummumm\uuuuunmnmfi The Annual Meeting of King City Cemetery Com- pany will be held in the Masonic Hall, King City, on Saturday afternoon, January 19, 1952, at 2 pm. for the transaction of general business and the election of of- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 10, 1952 ficers. Laurence Scott, pres. Bowden Lumber & Coal Co., Ltd. TILT-ARBOR BENCH SAWâ€"Heavy duty! 8" blade tilt: and the table remain: flat, (or crest accuracy and convenience. Table with extension: 25" x 18". Complete with all necessary gauges. widen. splitter. mud. 8" combination blade and extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . i l . l . . .50 “MASTERCRAFT” B-ln. PROFESSIONAL QUALITY IENCH SAWâ€"Designed vi“: the latest enginuring Improvements to bring you I fun-m. power tool that’- 0 real pleasure to use; Its pucisiondluumcy lets you handIc a wider iob range. Newflyge sgy‘bludg gfliustmenc give: "Mk! I I" so! to cutting depth -â€" up . .u u .u A, ,1“, fl, _- a": .. IL”\ _ n .nnnr.li1n NIw-rype Iuw mqu uulunmum an“ -7-.." .-. .- -_ m, ,7. _ to 25/3"; Tilting Table l6”xl4" (vlih exlensions 24"xl6”)-â€"â€"u super-sin usually only available at a much higher price. lull-bearing oqulpped. Complete with Mitre Gouge wth exlenslon arm, rip .85 Gene, cross-cut gauge, saw Nod. guard, Iplitter and l" Chrom- Nlckel Combination Blade. , . _ . . . , . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-IN. BENCH SAWâ€"Cut: w 2‘ "; TULtnblo 15" x 13" with calibrated guide for ripping. mlzenns Ind crossâ€"cutting AI Above, Complen wflh Exhnslom Heavy duty: ball bearlnz drive wheels: 12" x 12" table tilts to 45 deg: 12" throat: adjustable cut to 5": overall height 33w. 88-00 High-speed: deslgned for shop production and homecrnn work. Puts fancy edges on table tons. cut: picture mould- lnl. etc. 16" x 18" gnble: sealed-forms ball COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS BEBE“; STOP 23 YONGE ST. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 608 After hours call Craig nowden Richm )nd Hill 415M Handles Ill edzlnc and surlaclnz operntlons. plus rabbetlnz to 55". Lane adjustable table: cutting knlves securely hold by chlp breaker. Bull-bearinx. arrcv IT’S MORE FUN WITII “MASTERGRAFT” m JOINTEB-PLANEII All plot holders are urged to attend this meeting. (I) BAND SAW (2) sum-:11 Beaver, at Preston for and at her son’s, Mr. >w, Burlington for New 49.00 49.00 Ask us about our deferred payment plan fluméetm fa); Qwewfiaw CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS (I) NOTICE W 7 ‘ l\l“‘,“l‘.l‘lllll“lll“Il““WWWIllllllllml““11mmllllllmlml“ll“lllllllull]llll\l\\\“““l|lllllllllull“if; ESTABLISHED 1m Phone Maple 19R Heavy duty Grindlnz or Buffing Stand wtth 55" shaft turned down to ‘6‘ working diam; omega bronze hearings. Length of 7mm 8": with v- A wide nun of Grindinl Stands and Msndrels. Stdfliyr housing with dust-pron! SK? hem-mu. 10" shaft. ‘5" or 96" diam. 5.95 (a) corde uAnnnaL 48" shaft: with 6" {ice 3nd 5" diam. crown Dune . Extra large bab- bltte beau-{nu 7 surfaces. Bony Duty Mandrelâ€" Shun size 24" x 1": takes saw- up :0 16" diam. . . . . . . . . . . 9.40 (4) POLISHING HEAD’ (5) SAW MAIDREL 1.4.49 at the home of Mrs. Jaimes McDonâ€" ald, on Thursday afternoon, Jan- S. held its first meeting of the year Mrs. Victor Orr took the devo- tional part of the meeting and af- ter the business was discussed the gathering heard a very inspiring message brought by Mrs. Anderson of Woodbridge, “We must pray, make good use of our talents, and uary ......, There was a good attendance or members and a number of vi51tors present. Mrs. C. H. Bowman‘ pre- sided. Bowling News Teams bowling on Monday, Jan- uary 14 are: Communty and Schocl Club. Lions 2, Oddfellows 1 and 2. {five in this New Year which lies ahead of us,” she said. A reading “My Creed" by Mrs. Eldon Wade carried on the theme of the meeting. The hostess and committee served afternoon tea. Maple Women’s Institute Attention ladies, Maple Women’s Institute is sponsorinw a short course “Oven Meals” in the Mason- ic Hall, January 15, and 16. after- Hens at 1.30 pm. Th1s is free to all ladies. There will be a sample oven meal cooked. Be sure to come, every lady welcome. alkington, sec-treats. Rn'nrélersrflat, curved and lrreculgrjugl’npjns. W199 4 x dim. sanding disc: 01]- leu bronze bushlnu: V- pulley. 9.30 Heavy duty. production type. Drill: to centre of 12” circle. Jacobs‘ ke - type chuck: cw. O-Vn ‘: Spindle travel 3": table size 8%" x 9": Vlrlable speed. (Less motor.) lancer-n Ddll Prenâ€" Drllll to centre of 7’" circlu . . ‘ . , . ‘ A . 1 9. 1! 500 H. conploto Mastercnfl Power Tool line-up for the Honoemmâ€" U) @0318. SANDER (a) naILL PRESS 78.50 18.75 41.45 Mr. and Mrs. Price Erickson‘ Brown of Ottawa and their child- ren, Adam, Danny and Abigail were Christmas visitors at Millpond Farm, home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dinnick. The family, including their mother, Mrs. Louise Dinnick, had their Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Din- nick, Yonge Street. When Mr. and Mrs. Brown left for their train in Toronto they discoveed that an im- portant package containing val- uable bedding had been lost from their car on the trip to the city. They will have received the pack- sack ere now however, as luckily Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong enjoyed Christmas Day with their daughters and their husbands, who came up from Toronto to visit their parents. They were Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Small and baby daughter. Pauline. As Pauline is the only grandchild and still very new, she was greatly admired. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong did a nice job of decorating their house, ‘King Vili. with Christmas lights that gave pleasure to travellers on the road. iitmwfias found by Frank Armstrong Jr., who found it on the 3rd con., King, near the railway track. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Noel, 5th concession, King, spent New Year’s holiday in Detroit visiting Mr. Noel’s uncle and other relatives who were there from New Bruns- wick. ' ‘ ’ ' There were many (house partfes in the village and near the village during the holiday week. Some who entertained were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hood, Mr. and Mrs. James Keene, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Scott, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Phair and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Phair. Mr. and Mrs. John Dinnick were in the Laurentians for Christmas week and New Year’s Day. They :eport that the skiing was wonder- 111 but of all things it rained on \Iew Years Eve. At the pantomime, Mother Goose :t Eaton Auditorium one after- ‘ocn, we saw Mrs. John Belknap nd her two boys, Ricky and Shane ~njoying‘ the wonderfui show. A, tther lady from King City also at- .ending the panto was Mrs. E. B. ?hair. ' ' ‘ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fleet enter- ained fifteen friends and neigh- )ors at their home on New Year's Eve. Guests were present from Toronto and Aurora. Mrs. Fleet’s rousins, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cuth- )ertson of Bowmanville were also )resent. Mrs. Cuthbertson was an Ionored guest, as she was celebrat- ‘ng her birthday as well as the )irthday of 1952. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cuthbertson 1nd their two sons of Bowmanville upent the New Year weekâ€"end with .VIrs..Cuthbertson’s uncle and aunt, ‘Jr. and Mrs. Bert Wood, 4th con. \mg- a o o a Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bell of Tor- nto were Christmas vistors of Mr. 1nd Mrs. Matt Bell. Mr. D. W. Bell who has been in the actuarial de- Jartment of the Imperial Life As- ;urance Co., Toronto, for a num- er of years, has recently been ap- vointed Underwriting Secretary of :hat company. He looks very much like his brother, our Matt Bell, manager of the local Bank of Com- nerce. Dean Findlay has joined the staff of the Canadian Bank of Com- mece and is living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Gordon. Mr. Findlay comes to King from the Bank of Commerce at Woodville, Ont. Mrs. Rule who joined the bank staff in the autumn resigned two weeks before Christmas. Mrs. W. H. Denton left on Mon- !ay for Ireland where she will vis- it before continuing to France where she will spend the winter. During her absence Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aird will live in Mrs. Den- "ons house ‘Cedarbrook,’ 3rd c0n., King. Mrs. Gordon L. Cheesbrough of Montreal, arrived on Christmas fight to spend tv. weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. John- ton, ‘Sylvancrest’. Other holiday guests were Mrs. J. W. C. Wright of Hamilton who visited Mrs. Cheesbrough; Miss Anna Chalmers of Toronto, who was the special guest of Miss Gladys Johnston; and Ian Holden of Toronto, who visit- ed Christopher Johnston. Miss Dorothy Armstrong, who is organist and choir director First \venaxe Baptist Church, Toronto, entertained the miniswr of the 'hurch, Rev. B. F. Rice and Mrs. Rice and the members of the choir at her home on the Friday of the CORRESPONDENT: MRS KING CITY NEWS Phone King 55R14 M. JOHNSTON, KING. ONT. holiday who en. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davis of Toronto are planning to move to Kinghorn in the near futue to es- tablish their permanent dwelling at Memory Acres. Extensive additions are being made to enlarge the present house that was built only a few years ago by the late Mr. Aubrey Davis. A 4-door garage and house for the chauffeur-handyman are also being built. New Year’s dinner was a happy one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robson for they had a family gathering numbering 29, with them to begin the New Year. There are eight sons, two daughters and ten grandchildren in the Robson family and when they are all to- gether it makes a party. The fam- ily who came home for New Years were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robson and their son and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robson and their five chil- dren all of Maple; Mr. and Mrs. George Robson of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Robson and daughter, also of Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Woods of Snow- ball. Have you seen Mr. Walter Monk- man Sr. out Walking lately? He has been pushing a white sleigh with that dear little baby Wilson Lewis inside. Mr. Monkman, who has lived in King for 23 years, and who spent the last two years alone in his house, has had much enter- tainment, this year, now that Baby Lewis and his parents, Dr. and Mrs. David Lewis are sharing his home temporarily. The baby is a lovely little fellow and as Mr. Monkman has never had a. grand- child, he is playing ‘granddad' with much enjoyment to himself and to the baby. MIDDLETON-THOMAb A wedding was solemnized at Lady of Grace Church, Aurora, on Saturday morning, January 5, by Rev. Father Francis McGoey of Ichomberg, when Joan Thomas, foster daughter of Mr. and MN. C. Marsh of 5th concession King, he- came the bride of Horace Middleâ€" ton of Aurora. The bride wore a graceful frock} of pale mauve taffeta, with over- dress of net of paler shade, baller- ina length. Her black hat was trim- med with mauve flowers and she wore a corsage of crimson roses. The wedding attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Noel, and Mrs. Noel, as bridesmaid wore a navy blue dress, wtih white accessories, and a corsage of yellow tea roses. The wedding party held a wedding breakfast at the Greystones, fol- lowing which the young couple left on a short honeymoon. They will make their home on Tyler Avenue, \Aurora, on their return. CROSSLEY-CAMPBELL The United Church of King ,City decorated with Christmas greenery, poinsettia and silver bells was the setting of a Xmas wedding which took place on Saturday afternoon, December 29, when Shirley Eileen, daughter of Mr. and MrsuEarl Campbell, 5th con. Kinghorn, be- came hte bride of Allen 0. Cross- ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Crossâ€" ley of ‘Faraway Close,’ King. The Rev. M. R. Jenkinson officiated. The pews were decorated with ev- ergreens, tied with white ribbon. The Wedding music was played by Mrs. Ewart Patton. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a beautiful gown of white lace over blush pink satin, made in bouffant style, with long sleeves, and dainty Peter Pan col- lar, and girdle sash of white satm. Her finger tip veil was of white net, trimmed with a halo of net, and held by a satin bandeau. Her white bouquet was made of chrys- anthemums and sprays of white heather. She was attended by her two sisters, who wore wine and olive green velvet gowns, made with short bolero jackets and vel- vet bonnets to match. Mrs. Ray Love of Toronto, as matron of hon- or wore wine and Miss Clara Campbell wore green. They carried bouquets of Chrysanthemums in blending tones. The groom was attended by his brother, Daniel‘ Crossley. The ushers were Ray- mond Love and Don Busby. During the signing of the register, Mr. Ev- erett Wiltshire of Toronto sang ‘Because’ A reception was held in the church rooms, and the guests were received by the bridal party. Mrs. Campbell, the bride’s mother, wore grey, with corsage of mums. Mrs. Crossley wore navy sheer, with corsage of roses. A Christmas dinner was served to the guests who numbered 60, at tables, decor- ated with Christmas tirmmings. Following the dinner, the wed- ding party and many of the guests were invited to ‘The Barn,’ the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weiss, where brightly lit Christmas trees on the lawn greeted them. After wedding photographs were taken, Mr. and Mrs. Weiss led off in 0 Paul Jones and dancing continued during a very happy evening. The square dances were called off by Fergie Lawson. A buffet supper was served in the dining room where silver Christmas trees were .the interesting decorations. The bride and groom left during the festivities on a motor honey- moon. The hride'wore a teal blue dress under her grey coat for travâ€" elling. On their return they will live in the new house built on their farm on the 3rd con. King. ay week. There were 40 guests enjoyed a very happy evening. matings Visitors during the holiday sea- son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dalziel were Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald and their two children from Glasgow, Scotland and Mr. Wm. Brown, also from Scotland. Mrs. Dalziel’s brother, Mr. Lex McKenzie of Woodbridge and her two grandchildren, Ann Dalziel and Peter Glynn were also holiday guests. Mrs. Don Dalziel spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ziel before returning to her home in St. Catherines. Mrs. Asbury of Toronto is visit- ing with her niece. Mrs. Elmer Ston g. Greetings and best wishes to Paul Hunter on his birthday Sun- day, January 713? A _ Mr. and Mrs. George Bagg had as their dinner guests on New Year’s Day, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stevenson of Woodbridge, Mrs. Newell of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. James Bagg and family. The Edgeley Farmers’ Club held a meeting in the Community Hall on January 3 and gave out their 1952 calendars. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendry, Mar- garet & Sheila were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker on Friday ev- enin g. The aEdgeley Hall Committee held their annual meeting in the Com- munity Hall on Thursday evening, January 3. The three trustees, Lawrence Keffer, Percy Puter- baugh and J. A. Mitchell were re- elected. Mr. Keffer is chairman and Mr. Puterbaugh is secretaryâ€"treas- urer Saittrlfirrday ievening with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Talman of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ambrose and their three children had New Year‘s supper with Misses Selena and Alma and Mr. Alvin Puter- baugh. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. James Bagg had Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Keffer and Orville as their guests on New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Greats of Toronto had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Tomkow and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith had as bheir guests on New Year’s Eve, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ebershclag and Mrs. J. Bonice of Downsview, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Castator ot Woodbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash and Jim, Jean and Billie Ash of Edgeley, Misses Doreen and Isa- belle Reaman of Langstafi’, Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg, Mrs. Joe Kefi'er and Carol had dinner in Unionville on Thursday with Mrs. Fred Bagg. During the holiday season, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bagg‘ entertained Mr. Fred Beadie of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kefl’er and family and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bagg. Mr. Beadie and Don Bagg departed last week for Daytona Beach, Florida, for two weeks vacation. The traditional harbinger of Spring â€"â€" a robin was seen on Mr. Dalziel‘s front lawn on Monday morning, January 7. He made himself right at home after Mr. Dalziel fed him some bred crumbs. Correspondent: Mrs. R. Stuart, R. R. 1 Maple Tel. Maple 110113 Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square Telephone Stoufi'ville 67509 The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band Will be held on Saturday afternoon, January 12, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of the leader Mrs. Ralph Boynton. A hearty invitation is extended to all the boys and girls in the com- munity to_ attend. Mr. Jim Boynton left Friday evâ€" ening: to resume his studies at Er- skine College, Due West, South Larolina, after spending his Xmas vacation at his home here. We wish a. speedy recovery *0 Mr. and Mrs. Ralplh Perkins who are on the sick list. The W.A. is holding a Pot Luck supper in the Sunday School room Wednesday evening, January 16, at 6 pm. Each family is asked to bring something for first and sec- ond courses. The annual congre gational meeting will follow tli: supper. Everyone interested i: Ithe work of the church is invite ‘to attend. Mrs. H. Attwood of Uxbridg‘e, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Attwood, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ridley and amily of Whitby spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peelnr spent Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook and Florence of Lansing spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray. A number from here attended hte opening of the new wing at the Richmond Hill District High School on Monday evening Vii}; and Mrs. P. W. Willow spent Sunday with friends at Lim? say. Liberal Classified Advertisements Bring Result! EDGELEY NEWS VICTORIA SQUARE Boys 16 and under of this dis- trict interested in playing hockey please contact Mr. C. Turnbull, Carrville Rd., Telephone Maple 64 R14., Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown and Ar- ly'ne spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. R. Allen at Gravenhurst, Ont. Mrs. E. Butlin opened her home to the ladies of the Scout Auxiliary for an executive meeting on Wed- nesday evening, January 3. Mrs. F. Gardiner of Mill Rd. in the chair explained to the new executive their duties for the coming year. Meetings and social events were planned. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Douglas Sykes of Mill Road has taken over the Sta: route from Garry Blackburn who has covered this are: for the past three years. Jack and Alma Green won top honours for their skating exhibit- ion at the Greenwood Festival. We are very proud" of Johnny Cole, Seccomoe St., who scored 3 of the four goals scored by Union- ville Pee Wees in the game against Markham on Saturday afternoon. Keep up the good work Johnny. Mr. and Mrs. Cole Sr. spent New Year’s Day with their son and family, Mr. 1nd Mrs. Wm. Cole, Seccomoe St. The Doncaster Ladies Club held its regular monbhly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell, 20 Proctor Ave., on January 4. . 'At their next regular meeting which is to be at Miss J. Wakely's residence, .Clarke St., on Tuesday. February 5, the nomination of of- ficers for the year will be held. Mr. James Henry Perrault, of Clarke St. left Sunday evening f3 return to his work at Armstrong, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hobbs visited their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Westacott, Hender- son Ave., on Sunday. We were pleased to hear that both Mr. Kenny Goodchild and his sister, Miss Elaine Goodchild won Christmas turkeys. Mr. and Mrs. L. Berta, Hender- son Ave., reeived a post card from their friends Mr. and Mrs. Magvor Sr. of the Doncaster Nursery who are spending a few weeks vaca- tion in California. Mr. 3nd Mrs. A. G. Seeley, Clarke St., were very pleasantly surprised on New Years When their son, Norâ€" man Seeley, apmember of the RC NVR who has been servmg on HMCS Magnificent paid them a surprise visit. Miss Elineen Hargrave of 11nd- say was also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Seeley on New Years. Mrs. J. Shiels, Willowdale Ave, who underwent an operation on Friday at St. Michael’s Hospital is Wished a. speedy recovery by all her friends,and neighbors. 'Dr. of Chiropractic Location adjoining White's Barber Shop For appointment phone 52 Maple k Hours: Saturday only 2-6 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hopper, Warren mRRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN, Yonflehunt Rd. Telephone Richmond Hill 137318 M. S. Ketcheson B. A., D.C.* MAPLE CHIROPRACTOR WHILE THE STRIKE LASTS CORRESPONDENT: We Suggest You Examine Our Stock of Used Cars $1,750.00 . . $375.00 1950 FORD CLUB COUPE 1938 FORD DELUXE SEDAN (5-P8559ng91‘) Radio â€"â€" Good Condition Radio â€"- Whitewall Tires ____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" m4 urn nn NORTH RICHVALE ‘ NEWS RICHMOND HILL $995.00 1946 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN DONCASTER NEWS $475.00 1940 FORD CLUB COUPE Bucket Seats $450.00 , :91 1939 BUICK SEDAN 1936 PLYM Most of above cars are reconditioned, heaters and defrosters $1,175.00 1947 CHEV. SEDAN Telephone 14!!” Thomhill Henderson Avenue FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION 1952 LICENSES INCLUDED IN PRICE . D. LITTLE 8 SON, LIMITED 70151) & MONARCH SALES & SEflRVICF‘ J Y“ and Leigh, formerly of Yongehurst Road, are now living in Pickering, Ont. Sorry to hear Mr. Bob Howard of Yongehurst Rd. is on the sick list. Six members of the Mechanical Hockey league met at the home of Larry Fryer Sunday evening. Lar- ry was very successful in the playing of his home games. Boys taking part were Jim Gardner, Ronald Duncan, Ted Claque, Larry Fryer and Bruce and Garry Black- burn. Refreslhments were served at the finish of the games. Sugar and Spice Club met at the home of Mrs. T. Saul on Thursday, January 8. The girls were very pleased to have Mrs. M. Clause from Toronto as their guests of the evening. Winners at cards were lst Mrs. F. Wilson, 2nd Mrs. A. Blackburn, 3rd Mrs. H. Patton. Mrs. E. Lambert baked a cake in honour of Mis B. Baskerville’s birthday. Hostesses of fine evening were Winnie Cartier and Barbara Lambert. Mrs. Dnvidge’s friends and neighbors are pleased to see her up and around again following her recent illness. Joan and Gordon Walker, Wilcox Lake, were guests at the home or! Mr. and Mrs. A. Loader, Hender- son Ave. on the weekâ€"end. Audrey May Harrison, Hender- son Ave., third eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrison, ‘Cooksville, (formerly of John 51:. Thornhill) recently became the bride of Mr. Gerald George Dan- iels of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dan- iels who are now residing in Tor- onto are wished a long and happy marriage by all their friends in Doncaster. If anyone has any news to con- tribute to this column it would be gratefully received. Phone 141-42 Thornhill. ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ Everyone in the community is invited to the services at the Don- caster Gospel Mission, worner of Clarke and Willowdale Avenues. Melrose 5912 IS BEING CONTINUED WITHOUT INTERRUP- TION UNDER THE DIRECTION OF KIRBY A. BROCK TELEPHONE 11 MRS. L. SIMPSON SINCE THE DEATH OF ERNIE BROCK THE GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY 0F ERNIE BROCK' & SON LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT SERVING RICHMOND HIIJL DISTRICT 247 Ossington Ave., Torontg M. S. \X/ERGER $1,095.00 1947 MERCURY 114" TUDOR $1,450.00 1949 FORD CLUB COUPE $1,095.00 1947 PONTIAC COACH LAST SHOWINGS TODAY OF ‘Mast of the Avenger” (In Technicolor) Starring 2 CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY Starting 7 pJn. & 0 M1. SnL & Holiday Mntineo 2 pm. FRI” SAT. â€" JAN. 11, 11 GIANT DOUBLE BILL ‘Cavalry Scout’ (111 color) with ROD CAMERON Plus THE BOWERY BOYS one OWNEY MON., TUE‘S. - JAN. 14, 18 (In Technicolor) ‘The Golden Horde’ WEI}, THUR, JAN. 16, 11 ‘The Law and The Lady’ Starring GREER GARSON MICHAEL WILDING. clean car JOHN PAYNE RHONDA FLEMING FRI., SAT., JAN. 18, 19 “GHOST CHASERS” JOHN DEREK JODY LAWRENCE MARKHAM all include DON’T MISS! ‘Cross Winds’ (In Technicolor) Starring DAVID FARRAR ANN BLYTH Res.: KIngsdale 9145 PHONE 174 with MAPLE, ONT. in

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