Bdirister. Solicitor, Notary Public ' Mortgage Loans Arranged Oflice Hours: Da‘ily 10 to a p.31. RIA__- a 3’ Burlsters, Solicitors, etc. 3ohn F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh fl‘otonbo,,0fl‘2ce, 912 Federal Bldg., 1 85 Richmond Street West 3 â€" Plaza 8929 ï¬ichmond Hill, Thursday morning 2 Maple, Thursday niternoon ‘i. Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale ' NEWMARKET OFFICES «100 Main St. 6 Botsford 81:. Mom 126 Phone 20 Ban-int», Solicitor, Notary Public ,98 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Every Thursday afternoon Phone 87 -â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"- 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 : Bun-isters, Solicitors, Notaflel 5!. Mathews, K.C. K.. Stiver, B.A. 5, C. E. Lyons, B.A. Joseph Vale Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public “Richmond Hill 398.] 36 Centre W Lang, Michener, Day & Crnnston 60 King St. W., Toronto Waverley 2931 ’5‘ ( From the Turonto Conservatory of " Music will accept a number of pupils in_ 3 I~r 1W rIIII l9 Grandview Ave. Highland Park Thornhill 465.1 IIQIII'T :Thornhill, Ont. Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Deportme'nt, Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL†Phone 89W :Dr. W. S. MacKenzie LI. Rabinowitch, B.A. ‘Phone 70 ('78 Yonge St. 5. Richmond am if . ‘Open evenings ' ‘ Phone 655W 'E;;n-i;1vgâ€"a-:â€"Thu;sda}, 8-10 pm. Other culling: by appointment. 40 Yonge, Richmond Hill 229W PIANO, OR‘G’AN' and THEORY For infarmation phone Mrs. Mylks Richmond Hill 5SJ 108 Yonge St 26 Years’ Experience York County, Uxbnugc and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales 3 Specialty Telephone Stouffville 67312 Address: bormley P.0. Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal office -- phone Richmond Hill 9. Km & Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for Lne Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales n. specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.0., ph. Agincnurt 52w3 Markham P.0., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big *1 too small Barrister, Solicitor & Notary ‘ Public 95 Church Street South Richmond Hill, Ontario Phone 638 By appointment only Doris Pollock TEACHER 0F BALLET Rhythm Development for young children (In preparation for Ballet) Jimited classes assure individual attention ' _â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"_' â€" PROFESSIONAL AND BUSiNESS DIRECTOR U Barrister. Solicitor, cu. . Thomhill Oflice Thursday evening 7-9 1).! Richmond Hill Office Tuesday: 7-9 p.m. Wednesday: 2-5.30 p.m. Saturday: 9 n.m.-1 p.m. Thomhill 168 & 19W Stuart P. Parker DR. J. M. DRYER ‘ DENTIST Marguerite Boyle Norman A. Todd Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Donald Gordon Plaxton Adelmo M elecci William Cook and Walsh DENTIST McNeil-Anstey Bldg. THORNHILL ". C. Newman A. S. Farmer Richmoud Hill 306 AUCTIDNEERS MUSICAL LEGAL’ Phone 424 DENTAL Richmond Hill MAPLE Dr. Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 106 Yonge St. N., Ricï¬mond Hill Dr. Jas. R. Langstalf Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Hours: 9-11 am. and by appoint- ment Telephones: Office 24 Residence 513, Rich-10nd Hill PHONE ZONE 8222 X-Rny, Ultra Short Wave Therapy OFFICE HOURS: Mom, Wed., Fri. â€" -5, 6-8 Tues., Thursday â€" 1-8, 6-8 Mornings by appointment. Arthur G. Broad, D.C. RICHMOND HILL Phone 641 THORNHILL and UNIONVILLE Telephone 360W Phone 82 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Office hours 2-4 p.m. daily Tuesday & Thursday evenings 6-8 p.m. Other hours by appointment Telephone: Richmond Hill 306 DR. RALPH P. JOHNS DR. R. F'. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L’ESPERANCE Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Toronto FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE With the increase of ï¬re hazards preperty uWDel'S should review their insurance policies, and due to .he increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other without protection. [‘he cost is a minor amount to what it will cost if an accident happens. A. G. Savage INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill 10 Yonge : Ofl’ice Hours 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to .8 p.111 by appointmentr‘ Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. W J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile} Etc.) Life, Fire, Automobile; etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. Dr. J. T. Sheppard Dr. BICELY WILSON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill. Telephone 15 Branch Offices at INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Wright & Taylor VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. J. P. Wilson VETERINARY SURGEON Small Animal Practice Ofl’ice Calls â€" House Calls Surgery and Boarding Elgin Mills Sideroad West Telephone Maple 49R2 25 Grandview Ave. I Thornhill Phone Thornhill 457J CHIROPRACTIC Richmond Hill, Unt. Telephone 87 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7, Willowdale 1 A Yonge Street VETERINARY Roy V. Bick Richmond Street MEDICAL Telephone 100 INSURANCE â€"-ANDâ€" Consult By Appointment 10 Yonge St. N. Centre Street Richmond Hill EM. 3-0311 Maple, Ont. PHONE 3 GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability. Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City ‘ Telephone 28 Farms. F01- All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge at. District 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) Telephone MAfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett, J.F. Lynett W. SCHURMAN General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and Auto Financing 40 Yonge Richmond Hill Phone 407.] ’ Painting Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging Phone Richmond Hill 3431-6 213 Oak Ave., Richvale SCHOOL Leave Maple Leave Richmond Leave Maple Leave Richmond Phone 632W Richmond Hill Slipcovers. Draperies and Bed- spreads; Chesterï¬elds and odd chairs made to order. McGregor Upholstering C0,, Toron- to, Mrs. Zelma Ross, local rep. 36 Markham Road Richmond Hill 349M (reverse charges) BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT Yerex Electric Phone 242-} Residential Service Phone 46R41 Richmond Hill Jack Walkington GENERAL BUSINESS R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE rms. Suburban Properties, etc. INSURANCE Fire, Automobile. etc. Telephone 411 Richmond Hm SANITARY Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town day or night emergency servica Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 \Maple 72r23 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. INSURANCE Cont. We have them on hand in Coaches For All Occasion: Telephone King 56 . J. SMITH & SON How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? SAND and ’ GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill TELEVISION Swedish Massage MRS. A. BJORKMAN HELEN SIMPSON FWWERS E. CHARITY REAL ESTATE JOB t’Rl- ITING DEPARTMENT The Liberal ORDER CONTRACTORS Aldridge 8.10 am. Hill 9.10 mm. 3.00 p.m. Hill 4.30 pm. DAYS Richmond Hill Mr. J. A. Fleming wi garding assessment 2 meeting of the (East Ratepayers Association The Edney famlly gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt, No. 7 East, the occasion being a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Holt. Among the 18 guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. Edney, parents of Mrs. Holt. who have returend home after u week's visit, Mr. and Mrs. W. Edney, Mr. and Mrs. A. Edney, Mr. J. Edney, Mr. B. Edney, Miss M. Woods, Mr. R. Richards, all of Agincourt, and Mr. M. Mizen of Brantford. Mrs. Holt was the recipient of a large azalea. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. Lapkey on the arrival of a baby daughter Sunday, January 6, a sis- ter for Gay. The Lapkeys live on No. 7 east and SuSSex. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bell and Mrs. Shaw visited with Mr. W. Shaw at the Toronto General Hospital, Sun- day, January 6. The doctor reports Mr. Shaw’s condition as satisfac- tOry considering the injuries. Mr. and Mrs. F. Morris paid a visit recently to Mrs. F. Biclimore, a sister of Mr. Morris, who has spent some time in the Toronto General Hospital. She wishes to convey her thanks to the neighbors and friends in Langstaï¬â€˜ for the greeting cards and good wishes sent to her ovar the holiday season. Mrs. Bickmore was to undergo an operation on Monday, January 7. We sincerely hope her 'illness will be of short duration. The Mark-Vaun W.I. wish the Maple WI. 3 very happy and pros- perous New Year, our thanks to you, Maple, for yqu; good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. R. MacArthur Mor- gan Dr. celebrated their 15th wed- ding anniversary, on January 6, with their two children and Mr. and Mrs. G. Muir, parents of Mrs. MacArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Mc’l‘ag- gart, Miss C. Muir, Miss M. Cun- ningham, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stack, Mrs. Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stack, and Mr. A. Hurst, all of Toronto. May we add our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. MacArthur. Mrs. A. Ellard, Yonge St, was guest at a re-union at the home‘ of her brother-in-law Mr. H. Phinne- more, Doncaster, when 26 members of the family, 311 PhinneMm-es, gaâ€" thered for a festive New Year's 18 Church St., Langstaï¬ dinner. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nickelson vlslted with Mr. W. Shaw Sunday at the Toronto General Hospital and found him quite cheerful consider- ing his injurigs. We are happy to repor’c Mrs. G. Adams of Ruggles Ave. is able to be up a. few (hours a‘day. The Langstaff Boys Club was en- tertained last Week to a Christmas party 'by their leader Mr. Ed Gar- ner, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garner, Fairview Ave. From a beautifully decorated tree each boy was delighted to receive a pocket knife. Other gifts for the boys were a ball point pen and comic books. Those to enjoy the games and consume refreshments as only healthy boys can were Bobby Bren- an, Ian Ross, Raymond Thirgoud, Curt and Jim Ablett, Eddy Garner, Tommy Greenï¬eld, Joe West, Andy and Alec Curr, Frank Lycett, BruCe Offen and Joe Greenï¬eld. Mr. Gar- ner is to be commended on the in- terest he takes in the neighborhood boys. The boys had planned a surprise for Mt. Garner and presented him with a wrestling trophy in apprec- iation 0 his leadership during the past yea . The boys present were Mickey Callwood, J. Goodwin, Al- lan MacDonald, Alec and Andy Curr, Carl McLean, Bobby Brenan, Bruce Oï¬en, Raymond Thirgood, Pal Greenï¬eld, Joe West, Frank Lycett, Ian Ross,'Eddy Garner, J. and Courtney Ablett, assisted by Joe Greenï¬eld, Ross White and Don George. Mickey Callwood made ;he presentation speech. We are glad to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Butcher were able to enâ€" joy 3 visit with their niece and nephew, Miss L. Bhippen and Mr. B. Phippen, Birch Cliff, Ont. Dr. and Mrs. L. Campbell vsited Sunday with Dr. Campbell’s broth- er, Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbell, A1- liston, Ont. Mark-Vaun W.I. The January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. A. T. Math- ews, No. 7 East. The president call- ed the meeting to order With the singing of the Ode and repeating of the creed. The minutes were read, corrected and appoved. The treasurer reported a balance on hand of $177.13. The corresponding secretary read letters from the Children's Aid Society, Toronto, in the form of a. Grandma Moses greeting card wishing the branoh and members a prosperous New Year. One was received also from Mrs. Iva Stanï¬eld, matron of York County Cottage, Stop 10 Yonge St. thanking the branch for a box of toys taken to the cottage by Mrs. Robeson on behalf of the branch. Mrs. Stanï¬eld said it is the thoughtfulness of other people that makes a happy Christmas for the less fortunate children. Mrs. N. White 0; Brooklin, Ont,l convener of Community Activities' and Public Relations, read the an- A. Fleming will speak re- assessment art the next of the (East) Langstaf‘f LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STOT’I‘S The roll call, a New Year’s resol- ution had many answers. Mrs. Rey resolved to sew on all buttons as they come off. Mrs. Stotts resolved to make no new resolutions Uhis year as last year’s were yet being taken care of. Mrs. Glassey advis- ed herself to think twice before spanking her mischievous baby daughter once. Others were more time to relax and all in all were practical and appreciative reselu- tions. The Home Economics con- venor, Mrs. Reid, distributed knit- ting and sewing among the mem- bers. Mrs. Butcher will be in charge of the wool department. Contact her if you wish more wool and please bring any garments you have ï¬nished to the next meeting. ï¬nal report with many interesting suggestions for future use. Mrs. G. Mills and Mrs. A. Dun- can were elected as flower and sick conveners. Their duties are to visit the sick members and to send or take appropriate gifts. The objectives of the Women’s Institute were really put to a test at this meeting as in turn at each meeting a member reads a page from the Hand Book. Page 34, the correct procedure of motions was read by Mrs. Hamblyn, giving the reasons of the four parts â€"- moved, seetnded, stated and discussed. Also how to reconsider, rescind, amend and amendments,'insertion or addi- tion of words, leaving Out words in order to insert words which some- ‘ltlmes are confusing. This being a new branch there is much to learn. It was decided to have nomina- tion sheets this year instead of parliamentary procedure. The nom- ination committee chosen for the 1952-53 officers Were Mrs. Glassey and Mrs. Holmes, under the direc- tion of Mrs. Stotts. The sheets will be ready for the February meeting. Nominations will be made at this meeting and sheets given to each member to ï¬ll in her choice with careful study, seal in an envelope and turn in at the March meeting to the nomination committee, Mrs. Glassey and Mrs. Holmes. One week before the annual meeting the nomination committee will meet and draw up the slate of officers to be presented at the April 3rd meeting the start of the Women’s Institute year. This of course does ‘not mean that other nominations :can not be made at the April meet- mg. For the social half hour Mrs. Ma- thews and Mrs. MorrisOn gave a twenty trinket reminder quizz. The prize was a lovely three-piece re- lish dish and was won by Mrs. Glassey with 16 correct answers. Hostesses were Mrs. Mathews, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs.-Kirby and Mrs. Stotts. New Year’s Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Watt. Sussex Avenue, danced to the strains of Hawaiian and Spanish Guitar music supplied by Mr. A. Fox and Mr. Joe Kostin. Those taking part in the gala fes- tivities were Mr. and Mrs. A. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wyton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. G- Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sav- age, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles, Misses Barbara Wyton, Helen George, Is- abel Watt, Alice Hunt. Joan SteV- enSon, and Mr. Joe Kostin, John Atkinson, Van Worsdale, Charlie Smith and Don Watt. So sorry to heat that Bonnie Mountjoy, Sussex Avenue, had her Christmas holiday fun somewhat dampened by a. bout with pneu- monia. Glad to hear you are now on the mend, Bonnie and hope you will soon be'back to school. About twenty guests gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff J0hnstonepEssex Avenue, on New Year’s Eve to usher in 1952, com- plete with paper streamers, hats, crackers, balloons and noise makâ€" ers. One of the highlights of the evening was the making of 3 recâ€" ord â€" everyone present making a New Year's Resolution. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. Aitken, Highland Park; Mr. Kenneth Marks, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest; Lansdown, Tor- onto, former residents of Essex Avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wersdale, Mr. & Mrs. M. Roy, Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munroe, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lesuwicki, Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Littler, Tor- onto. Mrs. W. Thompson, Morgan Drive and Miss Eileen Revell talk- ed over the phone to Eileen’s mo- ther and Mrs. Thompson’s sister, Mrs. J. Revell, of Sussex England, December 23. Miss E. Revell has been in Canada for the past six months and is employed with the Bell Telephone Co., Thornhill. Baptism Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, of Morgan Drive, attended the chris- tening of their granddaughter, December 23, when the daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Bryant (nee Audrey Thompson) was baptized. Rev. Jennisen of St. James Angli- can Church, Brantford, conducted the baptismal service. Christeen E1- izabeth was dressed in a robe sent for the occasion by her great-aunt, Mrs. J. Revell, of Sussex, England. Done In Your Own Home Licensed Hairdresser Phone Richmond Hill 367R3 or call at 164 Spruce Avenue, Richvale Machineless Permanents Phone Thornhill 211R3 The godparents of the baby are Mrs. R. Hamblyn, an aunt, and Mr. Elwood Bryant, an uncle. 0th- er relatives that gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bry- ant, 4 Cecil St, Brantford. were Mr. E. Nickelson, No. 7 Langstaff, ‘great grandfather of the baby, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bryant, grandfather and Miss E. Revel]. Rev. Gene Ayton who has just returned from China will be preach. ing‘ next Sunday night at Langstaff Baptist Church. Evangelairs Quar- tette will be singing at the service. Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone Thomhill 361-31 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. K, Richan, Johnson Ave., on the arrival of a little daughter early Saturday morning, January 5, at the Grace Hospital, Toronto. We all join in wishing the little new- comer the best of luck, as she had the honor of being Thornlea‘s ï¬rst 1952 baby. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and family, Bayiew Ave., motored to Bewdley for New Year‘s and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goss. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curtis, Green Lane, for New Year‘s Day dinner were Mrs. Mugsord, Mr. and Mrs. Colwell from Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis and family from Head- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ness enâ€" tertained with a birthday party on Saturday night for son Bill. Friends of Bill's called in to wish him many happy returns and en- joyed the party. Miss Marion Fraser had the honour of being chosen as one of the hostesses at the opening of the new Wing of the Richmond Hill District High School. Quite a num- ber of interested parents from this district attended the ceremony. Health Centre The Thornhill Health Centre ex- tends a welcome to all mothers with infants and pre-sc‘hool child- ren, to bring them to the Health Centre Clinic sponsored by the Thornhill W.I. to be held in the Thornhill United Church on Mon- day afternoon, January 21, from 1.30 until 4 pm. This is a free community service to help keep our children healthy and is to be held the third Mon- day afternoon of each monbh. Im- munization is part of the clinic program and the time these need- les will be given will be announced at a later date. "Where pnces meet purses" â€"- in the classiï¬ed ad. section. Tele- phone yours to Richmond Hill 9. THORNLEA NEWS ONLY Dawn DOWN PAYMENT $10.00 NEEDED For Your Old Electric Washer . Regardless of Age or Condition Regularly - $219.50 Trade-In & $10.00 Cash $73.50 OUR SPECIAL 12 MONTHS TO PAY PRICE For your shopping convenience we NICKEl PlATED coma TUB DURABLE -RUST-PROOF PLUS PLUS PLUS ON THE NEW HARBL W. MORTSflN 29 YONGE ST. SOUTH - RICHMOND HIL Human Hand Washing Action. Washer a full load In 6 (a 8 minules. Cleanest Washing Aclion known. Beauy Giant Press Wringer. One piece Cast Iran with balloon rolls. Shift Easy ernger Lever and Pressure Control. Famous Bealty Direct Drlve (No Belts) mech anism with ball bearings. Only ï¬ve working parts. More powerful than any other. the baby are] THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 10, 1952 7, THIS IS THE GREATEST OFFER WE HAVE EVER MADE AND IS POSSIBLE ONLY BECAUSE OF THE SPECIAL PRICE $1 46.00 PLAZA 5373 O ENJOY THE ULTIMATE IN MUSIC FROM RADIO OR RECORDS C SYSTEMS FOR CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC 0 PAGING & INTERCOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS O CUSTOM BUILT SYSTEMS FOR THE HOME MAPLE BLOCK 8: TILE LIMIIED Desirable Locagion and at Reasonable Prices Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, Phone 435-R REPRESENTING - ESTABLISHED OVER 50 EXP 50 YEARS SAL? HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. Sound Equipment Leslie 0. Lindsay & Associates Attractive Town And Country Properties For Sale will be open until 9p.m. Friday & Saturday nights \X/ILLOUGHBY AUDIO SPECIALISTS YONGE & STEELE’S AVENUE PHONE WILL. 5155 CASH MAPLE â€" ONTARIO AND SONS LIMITED QUANTITY PHONE OR CALL IN TODAY 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN MAPLE 6