Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1952, p. 8

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’ELAESIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS unchanged, 3c per BIRTH NOTICE ARTICLES FOR SALE CINDERS, 515.00 a load. Phone Thornhill 634J. tfc20 STUDIO COUCH, in good condit- ion. Phone Thornhill 444. c1w28 QUEBE HEATER with oven, per- fect condition, $20.00. Phone Thorn lhill 112. c1w28 PXIESKIIS & POLES, 6 ft., in good condition. Reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 1731R2. c1w28 __________.__â€"__.â€" MEDIUM SIZE space heater, good condition, $40.00. Phone Richmond Hill 237R5. c1w28 ___________â€"â€"â€" JACKET HEATER, in good condi- tion. Phone 136R12 Richmond Hill. clw28 â€"__â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" PRAM FOR SALE, in good condi- tion. Phone 340R Richmond Hill. c2w28 â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€" SET OF BOB SLEIGHS, with a |box; and one cutter. Phone Thorn- }lill 31. c1w28 _________._â€"â€" TWO NEW felt mattresses, 6' x 3' 8”, well tufted, firm rolled edges, $10 each. Thornhill 807.1. e1w28 ,_._______â€"â€"- ALL ’38 PLYMOUTH, DeSoto am‘ Ford parts for sale, used. 628.r Yonge St. Newtonbrook Zone 5960 ‘1w28 PIANO AGCORDIO , 120 bass, 5 treble switches, 1 bass switch, $200 or best offer. Apply John Dwane, Box 288, Thornhill, Ont. c2w28 RISED VREFRIGERLTORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 and up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfc44 ______‘_._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FLASIâ€"I CAMERA, Univex, perfect condition, $8.00. Takes both indoor and outdoor pictures. Phone 450W Thornhill. c1w28 APPLES $1.00 per bushel. Bring container. Tell your neighbors. Earl Jackson, Steele’s Ave. West of Dufierin. Phone Maple 110R13. c1w28 _____â€"_____.â€"â€"â€" 1 SET of Spalding Golf Clubs, com- plete with bag andng balls. Make offer. Also Model 827 6-tube Phil- co Car Radio, 325. Apply to Char- les Oliver, Elgin Mills sideroad, Elgin Mills. ‘1w28 ONE SETH THOMAS Mantel Clock, Westmiiister Chimes, excell- ent condition; one Babee Tenda; one baby’s car bed; one antique horsehair love seat. Aurora phone 429R21. clw28 ONE ELECTRIC WASHING Ma- chine, completely overhauled, new ‘motor, new rolls for wringer in- stalled. Bargain. Apply Perkins Home & Farm Equipment. Phone Richmond Hill 21W. 23 Markham Road. 'c2w28 THERE ARE on hand quite a'num- ber of souvenir programs of the official opening of the Richmond Hill'District High School with pic- tures depicting the history of the school and the special services that are being rendered now. Orders can be placed through the students or by calling Mrs. J. R. McAlister and copies will be mailed. Prog- rams 25c each. c1w28 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR REAL. ESTATE. phone Fenn, Thornh‘ll 168 tfcll FOR SALE 3 GREENHOUSES, Richmond Hill District; about 8250 square feet of glass. Potting shed and garage connected. Steam heat, . good boiler, oil heated. Frame house 4-room, 3-piece bath with showers, good dry cellar full length of house, with electric light throughout; an- out 3 acres of land. Will consider selling half interest to good growâ€" er. Phone Riohmond Hill 598 or 46R21. tfc23 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. tfc46 LOST DCG, Cocker Spaniel, tan, on Monday. Answers to Major. Re- ward. Richmond Hill 387M. c1w26 BLACK AND TAN Beagle Hound, female, 10 months old, on Hunt‘s Lane on December 26. Jas. Tinkler 4 Yongehurst Road. c1w‘l7 SMALL BLACK male dog, part spaniel, answers to name of “Snap- per,” in Richmond Hill district. Ap- ply Liberal‘Ofi'ice. *lwfls DCG, large, reddish brown fur, i1 white tipped, hound type. An- swv‘ers to “Minx.” Phone Liberal Office. Reward. *1w28 SMALL BLACK DOG. sharp nose, short tail, strayed from 53 Arnold Street. Reward. Phone 304R Rich- mend Hill. c1w28 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge 50c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c . . n . n o . n n n o . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. Second and subsequent insertons if wording word, min. charge 50c . . . . n o - . n - . - . . . . . . . . o . o n u . Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Schell, Ox- ford Street. cleS SNOW-PLOUGHING. Haulage, cartage. L. W. Reid, Thornhill 247 tfc \VEL’L’sAouG’ (Tim). Sega} anks installed. Call Thornhill .57R3. *4w28 ‘USTOM SNOW PLOWING. W. H. Gooderham, Willowdale 2508. *13w23 CALL P. M. TONNER for clean, fine work. painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 _____'__..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- SAND, gravel, crushed stone and fill. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond Hi‘ 384J. tfc43 FLOOR SANDERS for rental. Ed- dy'a, 55 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 458.]. tfc7 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 632W. tfc42 WELLS cleaned, dug, bricked or tiled. Apply John McQuade, 53A Jackes Ave., R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. c4w26 :EFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- ice, Domestic and Commercial. :epairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 ,_â€"____â€"â€"â€"4 COMBINATION DOORS, storm sash made to order. C. B. Stout- enburg, 32 Richmond St., phone Richmond Hill 493R. tfc12 NILE TILE C0. Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar- anteed workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M. '3w52tfc NOW IS THE TIME to modernize your home. Kitchen cabinets and alterations a specialty. J. R. Steckley, Gormley_ Ont. Phone Stoufiville 61516. *2w27 DRESSMAKING, alterations. renâ€" ovations, drapes made and lined. Mrs. Brenan, Thornhill, Stop 17, Yonge Street, phone 225R Thorn- hill. / c1w28 PAINTING and paperhar.ging, first class work, reasonable rates, samâ€" plc books and free estimates. A, Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet WOI‘K wood carving. Estimates given N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS, to all makes, new and used maâ€" chines, treadles converted to smart electric portables. For information call Reid‘s Cleaners, Richmond Hill 625. tfc8 WINDOW FRAMES, sash, storm windows, check rail sash, casement sash, door frames, octagon window frames and sash. Aubrey Nicol, Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill 134R31. tfc24 LADIES! order your spring and summer wardrobe now. Dresses and suits made to your} specifica- tions. Good quality workmanship guaranteed. Phone Maple 54R15. c2w23 magnifying projector to give 10” picture, nearly new, cost $105.00 plus cost of projector. Will exâ€" change for heifer calves, chickens, ducks or geese or what have you in livestock. Call evenings King 114; also for sale one inside sanitary toilet $15.00. c2w28 WANTED SHALLOW WELL PUMP with 60 cycle motor. Phone 136R12 Rich- mond Hill. clw28 WOULD LIKE to locate boy who got on bus at Stop 2'2A going north who found lady's purse. name at Liberal ofi‘ice. Leave *1w38 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to share a small home in exchange for light services. Apply Box 66 The Liberal. WANTED up to I000 bushels ot oats, suitable for feet. Apply stat- ing price, evenings only. Phone *lw28 King 114. c2w'28 POULTRY FOR SALE 50 PULLETS. laying. Apply 1V. Morrison. north Yonge Street. ph. ‘102R2 Richmond Hill. *1w28 ‘BRAY HAS CHICKS immediate shipment. Some started: pullets. Imixed. Size up your needs, ask us for pricelist on wide C‘llOlCC‘. Get 'Good chicks in. 1::52 Bray Chicks. Agent Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill. e1w28 _ Stoufi‘ville TELEVISION exchanged for live- . . stock. Admiral 7” screen with 10" bmg something to 5911' see the _____â€"â€" Wlibor couldn‘t find a iob And was down to his lost dime. Ho desperately tried classified Now he's working overtime. V WANTED TO RENT 3} ADULTS want to rent a small bungalow or 3 or 4 room apart- ment in Richmond Hill or district. Phone Toronto Randolph 2987. *1w28 _____________.__â€"â€" FURNISHED housekeeping room for mother and school age boy, with care of boy between 2.30 and 3.30 pm. Mother works. Phone Maple 72R13. *1w28 FOR FEB. 1, 7â€"9 room home in 15 mile Radius of Willowdale. House to be in good repair, convenient to stores and schools, with full plum- bing and automatic heat. Phone Willowdale 8040, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ‘1w28 fl TO RENT CEMENT MIXER for 'i‘ent, gaSO- line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele‘s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll __________._._.__â€"â€"â€" ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM, in Richmond Hill. Phone 518W before 6 p.m. *1w28 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, rea- sonable on Yonge Street, at Oak Ridges. Mrs. Wright, phone Rich- mond Hill 43R3. c1w28 3-ROOM APARTMENT, 1 mile south of Thornhill, 1 minute from bus stop, hot water heating and light included. Rent $50 a month. Apply Doncaster P.O. c1w28 WELL FURNISHED warm, single room, facing south, single bed, use of bathroom, separate entrance, one mile south of Thornhill, TTC stop 14, 4th block east of Yonge, room with breakfast, $10 a week. Apply evenings. R. D. Usser, 101 Grandâ€" view Ave., Highland Park. c1w28 EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSEWORK WANTED. Thorn- hill 257R3. *1w28 GENERAL WORK wanted by two men, will do anything except farm work. Phone Richmond Hill 137 R23. c1w28 CAPABLE TYPIST requires em- ployment, vicinity Richmond Hill, Willowdale. Phone Thornhill 214 R23. c1w28 TRANSPORTATION RELIABLE transportation avail- able Richmond Hill to Leaside, Monday to Friday. P'bone Richâ€" mond Hill 517M. *1w28 SALE REGISTERS SAT., JAN. 12 â€" Auction sale at the Stoufi'ville Livestock Sales Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, stockers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses, ponies and poultry. For pick up and delivery service phone 363. Come early and modern way to sell by public auc- tion. "You bring it.” We'll sell it." Make this your market where buyer and seller meet. Sale every Saturday at 1 p.m. Sellers & At- inson, auctioneers. TUES, JAN. 17 â€" Aucton sale oI 22 head of high grade Holstein cattle, fresh cows, springers and milkers; team of horses; 150 Les:- horn hens. At lot 6, con. 8, Whitâ€" church twp., 11,; miles north ot Ring-wood. The property of Wal- ter Jacobs. Terms: cash. Sales at 1.30 p.m. No reserve as giving up milk business. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SAT., JAN. 19 â€" Auction sale 01 household furniture, dishes, garden tools etc. at Stop 13 on Yonge St. at Steele’s Ave. Property of Miss B. M. Warren. Sale 2 p. 111. Terms cash. No reserve. House sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. TUES. JAN. 29 â€" Auction sale 01 fresh Holstein cows. heifers, veal calves, brood sows. pigs, etc. On lot 21. con 7 Markham Twp. Prop- ert of T. Blizzard. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash. Ne reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. EGGSll Wholesale 8: Retail all year round Special prices and arrange- ments for people who pick them up. EGG GRADING STA FION Woodbridge on No. 7 ngy. Phone 104.] Woodbridge LIVESTOCK WANTED OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM also DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 CAMPBELL. MINK LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOX HO‘UND, black and tan, im- munized, good voice, 1 year, guar- anteed on fox and rabbit $25.00. .1. Cook, 39 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w‘28 HELP WANTED LlCENSED Mechanic. Apply Wm. Neal, Yonge St, Richmond Hill, phone 210. *1w25 7 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE MASSEY-HARRIS Pony Tractor, snow plow and other equipment available. Phone Richmond Hill 391W. *2w27 POULTRY WANTED CAPONS. masters and fowl, high est prices paid. ')on‘t sell unti. contacting W. S. Appleton. Oal Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 59R14. tfcf’. i MARKET “PRICES ‘PAID FOR DEAD: STOCK HORSES - CATTLE :Hoos .. TELEPHONE COLLECT Woodbridge 6.] and Toronto EM. 3-3636 Illlln m. n 1l VLullflt’lllylyllh' UTSTANDING I OBUYo Number 7 Highway East 300 feet from corner of Yonge Street, immaculate 5-r00m 1‘/z storey brick home, with 168 feet frontage on pavement. Ar. outstanding investment. Ful‘ price $7,500 with $3,500 down, balance easy terms. Ask for S. J. Carlisle Thornhill 12 David McLean Ltd. Realtors, Thornhill Members Toronto Real Estate Board QUALITY USED CARS AND TRUCKS $1,675.00 ‘1950 CHEVROLET Z-DR. SEDAN air conditioning, heater $775.00 1949 AL‘STIN A40 SEDAN in very guo' condition $1,336.00 1947 B1' ICK SEDAN air condition, heater, custom radio directional signal. & sun visor $575.00 19m BI'ICK SEDAN radio & directional signals a very clean car $975.00 1950 GMC '2 TON PICKI'I‘ $275.00 19-10 DIAMOND T 2 TON CAB & (‘IIASSIS $150.00 1938 FORD 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS Bradshaw Motors LTD. DeLL'XE I ang those attending from the viIl-. UNIONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LEN.RAINEY, UNIONVILLE Phone Unionville 112.1 Mrs. Coulson and Mrs. Guthrie of l'oronto visited at the home of lrs. Myrtle Coulson for the week- nd. O O . O Master Robert Baker of Port Credit has been spending his holi- days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown. Ova We are sorry to hear of the ac- cident of Mr. Jim Maunder who broke his ankle in the Coiling- wo‘od District while skiing. We wish him a speedy recovery. O O O O Mr. Winch and family who have been living in the Tomlison apart- ments have now nmved to Mr. Wes. ley John's house at the corner of the 3rd and No. 7 Highway. OOOO Mr. Milton and Miss Velma Find- lay visited her father, Mr. F. Find- ‘ay of Thornhill on Sunday last. OOOO Mr. H. H. Powers motored to Marmora last week to attend tne funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Bleeker. O O O O Mr.' and Mrs. Jonah Ramer and ‘hildren John and Ruth ‘spent the ioliday week end with her parents rear Kitchener. O O O O A number _of young people from here motored to the Mart Kenny {anch north of Woodbridge for flex. Year's eve. O O O O We have been so used to pur- basing our motor licenses here for nany years that it will seem odd 0 have to motor to Agincourt to irocure them where Mr. Hoover is row the issuer., or to Markham. -..a_â€".A_. O O .O O Cne of the residents here for ears. Mr. Robert Armstrong, was .aken to the Hospital on Wednes- lay. We as very sorry to hear of lls illness and hope that he may noon be home again. O O O O Mrs. Tatters and daughter Jane are sailing for England in January. We wish them a very pleasant voy- ige and a good time. O O O O Curling Bonspiel On Monday at Crosby Arena, Mr. Leonard McMullen's rink won first irize, Mr. Hector Patterson's rink yon second and 3rd prize was won )3“ the rink of John Grant Senior. ' 0 o O o ’2 olden Wedding Anniversary A large number of friends were ible to attend the golden wedding inniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. 3uchanan, who have recently mo?- 1d to the Hambly Farm. Their fam- ily, Robert at home, Mrs. D. T. Martin, Wexford; Mrs. G. Milne, Todmorden and Mrs. W. D. Ruther- ford of Bramptor. were all pres- ent. Rev. and Mrs. Butt were am-i age. We extend our congratula- :ions. 0 o o a Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deacon ot Ilenburn Farms entertained a zumber of neighbors and friends to v. New Years Eve party and dinner nd all report a very enjoyablel vening. ~- ' O O O O I . Mrs. L. Jarvis and Mrs. L. Rain-> y spent Wednesday at the home Ofl lrs. Bailey at Langstaf‘f. ‘ Mrs. H. Findlay and sons motor- ‘d to Tyrone for New Year's din- ier and afterwards had supper .vith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker it Langstafi. o c o o The Unionville Women’s Insti- ute in coâ€"operation with the York “ounty Health Unit are sponsor" g 1 child health clinic for infants nd pre-school children in the tin-1 onville United Church on the third Thursday of each' month, from 1.30 .o 4 p.m. This is to help keep the[ -hildren well. It is a commurityl 'crvice and all ar. welcome. . O O O Miss Pearl Rainey and Mr. Rob-i, rt Gough spent. New Years with Ir and Mrs. George Uiirlcr.yoo(l f Markham. O O O I '{e-Union On New Years Day the family of Mr. Jim Jarvis and the late Mrs. l. Jarvis met at the home of his on, Harold Jarvis on the 7th ~oncession for a get-together. The 'ollowing seven members of Mr. larvis’ family were present: Hal'- )ltl on the homes.ead; Stanley of l‘oronto; Mrs. F. Roberts (Mabel) if Unionville; Mrs. Shadiock (Ye- a) of 5th concession; Mrs. Hous- ~ser (Verna) of Mount Joy; and GORDON KENNEDY PUBLIC ACCOUN ANT Regular (‘alls in Richmond Hill District 1 345 um ()Rt 'HARI) GROVE. Toronto. , RE. 3139 ter of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Kennedy) who have a baby son ‘Brian Ken- ; nedy' born at the Markham Nurs-M ( ‘ ( ing Home. O O O O Dr. John G. Coulson of Quebec spent the holiday week with his sister, Mrs. Stella Weavherill. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maynard of, Almonte sent part of the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.‘ C. Maynard Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith. Miss Viola Foster spent the New, Years day with Mrs. Herman Thompson and family, Markham. O O c 4 Mr. and Mrs. L. Stonehouse of Noranda were home with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin at Christmas time. O O o 0 We hope Mrs. S. G. Burgis who has been ill is now feeling better. We are also very sorry to hear of the car accident in which Mrs. Burgis nephew Joseph Matt was fatally injured. 0 O O O Mr. and Mrs. Karl Marshall and friends of Minnctt's Point were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Powers for New Years. O O O O Miss Betty Ogden of Toronto spent Sunday at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ogden. OOOO Miss Grace Wadge, B.A., of Win- nipeg commenced her duties as teacher at Unionville School. Miss Wadge is filling the place vacated by Mrs. Watson and is boarding with Mrs. L. Middleton. We hope she will like it here. I O O O Mrs. Cornell, Keith and Clara, and granddaughter Maureen spent. New Year’s day at the home of Mrs. Cornell's brother-in-law, Mr. Frank Connell of West Flamboro. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Latimer were all able to be home with their parents for New Years day. O O O O We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Wm. Sellars has been on the sick list and hope she will soon be well again. O O O O Dorothy and Leonard Dyer and family and Jean and Jack Harper and family spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harper. u c c 3r Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerswill spent New Years with her parents Mr. and Mrs. McConnell of Willow- dale. O O O O Misses T. and 0. Weighill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coatsworth of Toronto. O O O O Miss Lockwood who formerly lived in the Powersville District is spending a few holidays with Mrs. Russell Brown. A} O O i There were 104 present at the Markham-Unionville Lions supper at Central United Church on Jan- uary 3. It was farmers’ night and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The ladies were gracious- 1y thanked for the lovely supper served. O O O O Mr. A. Stephenson and family of Buttonville and Mr. Jack Stephen- son of Wilkie, Manitoba spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner. Mr. Milner's sister of Port Perry is also visiting with them. O O O O Mrs. L. Middleton was a guest at the homes of Iher daughters, Mrs. Douglas Ogden, Agincourt and Mrs. Don Ramer of Box Grove at the holiday season. O O O O Many friends ‘ln Unionville are? very sorry to hear of the passingl of Mrs. S. M. Hutchinson who liv- ed here for many years. Mr. Hut~ chinson was manager of the Un-I ionville Bank for some time. We extend our sympathy to the family who now live in Oshawa. O O O O Mrs. Elizabeth Stoufi'er celebra- ted her 93rd birthday with her friend, Mrs. J. Lunau of Unionville who is in her 83rd year. O O O O The former Size property on, the Sub concession, now owned by Mr. Len Wallen has been sold to, ,Mr. K. G. Salmond, publisher of the Monetary Times and Mr. F. H. Patterson, a business man of Torâ€" onto. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Wallen and family but also welcome the newcomers. Cdith, Whitburch; Lorne, Unionâ€" :ille. 8 grandchildren were pre- :ent and Mrs. J. Jarvis of Stouf’fâ€" fine. A photograph of the fath- ‘r and his seven children as taken 5y Mr. Seyman Woods of Mark- ham. On account of illness Mr. Fred Shadlock who is in Stoufi‘vllle Hospital was unable to be present. A very lovely turkey dinner and 1 good time was enjoyed by all. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Neil and dau- ghter Fay, Roy and Helen Minter of Stouffville visited at Mrs. M. Minton's on New Year’s Day. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver and daughters Velma, Eunice and Beth of Peterborough, visited Miss "elma Findlay at the hotel Tues- :Buick, Pontiac, G.M.C. Trucks day last. 1 Phone 488 OOOO Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Labbett (nee June daugh- FARMERS! If your pigs are underweight or unthrifty quite likely they “lack something". NIXON’S PELLAGREX for pigs supplies Vitamins and Minerals not usually found in our feed to-day. PELLAGREX is easy to use. Just add to the feed. PEL- LAGREX is Guaranteed to give you results. Perry's Pharmacy i E i 009W.” 99””9”. ,â€" Richmond Hil , _ . .--------...uw~“-eoo§ E CALL P ‘ Wxxmmmmmmxxmmxmwm- ELECTRIC WIRING FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS Richmond Hill Electrical Shop 12 Yonge St. N. TINSMITH EAVESTROUGHING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces PAUL DUBOIS E z a A \on‘,\. A HOUSES AND FARMS MLWV'VFC‘I. w Telephone Richmond Hill 296 . l L ROOFING l - Telephone 5 MN. N””””ON 09” i “WMOOOW F. L. LOWRIE, R0. Eyesight Specialist WILL BE AT Clarke’s Pharmacy Wed., January 23 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 Home Ofl’ice 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre â€"- Bu. 8949 CINDERS WANTED Clean, industrial cinders, any quantity, pick-up or delivered. 0 LAZA 5373 or MAPLE 6 7.30 am. - 5.30 p.m. Notice to Farmers We are paying highest market prices FOR DEAD OR CRH’PLED ANIMALS We also buy live horses For a speedy pick-up phone collect to your local agent: BANNER RENDERING 8. PACKING 60., LTD. Richmond Hlll 47-R-4 Toronto LY.623'I I. D. Maple. Ont. Phone 164 â€" PHONE 10 RAMER 8t SON RlCHMOND HILL Barniers Sell Without Going To Town By Using Want Ads 0

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