______________â€"â€"7 gml\n1mmummuummmmmnmmmmmmnu\ll\\\\\m\1mmmuumn\u\u\\u\n\\w\mmummunnmnun\muumumuumummuw; E January 18 -â€" Thornhill vs. Richmond Hill Januar 22 â€" Oak idges vs. Richvale January 25 â€"â€" Thornhill vs. Richvale January 29 -â€" Oak Ridges vs. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Midget Hockey League Schedule 1952 dawns, MIKE. ~- we‘u. Z909 THE MONEV AND SETTEE FOR THIS LQA7D7 PHONE 10 AThe WRMMRWIWMWWMMMW rouow MR. 25 4 m me 4955 moves! b BUILD IIP DRY COWS Your Friendly Store 24 Yonge St. N. Rich for strong calves . ; . for heavy milking! Your dry cow is do 1. Building a calf. . "COMBINATION" Door U", l Ali/v- ;. N. Richmond Hill Telephone 218W 1 wvuuwv MMWWI There will be ï¬gure skating in the arena each Saturday morning from 8,15 to 10.15 a.m. Mrs. Boyer will instruct the clasps. The junior class will be .Tld ï¬rst, followed by the mom: advanced class. Please be prompt as the time is very limited for each class. There will be a small charge made each morning to cover necessary expenses. ALL3|N1!! You’re invited to come in and take a. look at our line of quality lumber. Compare it. You won’t ï¬nd better anywhere at any price. While you are here we’ll show you the biggest supply of building materials ever. AVentilating Screen Door A Sash Door A Permanent Outside Door Figure Skaters RICHMOND HILL The January meeting of the Don- caster ratepayers was held at Pow- ell Road school on January 9, lï¬oa. Harold Stevenson presided over a lively and interesting meeting, even though the attendance was rather small. One of the ï¬rst items on the agenda was the Membership Drive for 1952. It was decided the rate will remain at $1.00 per year. New cards are being printed and, as soon as they are ready, the mem- bership drive committee will go to work. Art Stevens and Ted Watts will cover the front end of .‘he district and Cecil Russell and John Peacock the other end. In order to help give newcom- ers to Doncaster a more friendly welcome, it was agreed that local merchants be approached for don- ations towards making up baskets for this purpose. 3. Ladies Auxiliary to the Doncas- ter Ratepayers Association and they were given permission to go ahead with euahres by invitation. It was decided that Markham Township Council be contacted immediately by letter on the North and South Roads, also the Ditch Award, in order to try and get things rolling by Spring. A motion was passed that au- thority be given the ladies to form Everyone agreed that letters ot appreciation be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Westacott for the turkey draw, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Richard- son for the Christmas tree and Mr. and Mrs. Art Stevens for the eu- chre. A letter was read by the secret- ary to the members from the Thornhill Women’s Institute who are co-operating with the York County Health Unit in sponsoring a. Child Health Centre for infants and pre-school children. This well- baby clinic will be held in the Thornhill United Church Hall the third Monday each month. The ï¬rst clinic day will be Monday, Janu- ary 21, from 1.30 pm. to 4 pm. Doncaster Ratepayers Hold Jan. Meeting Anyone in the community may take advantage of this free health service for children. This letter was signed by Mrs. C. H. Bolton. J.B.McGrath Pres. King City Legion The election of officers for 1952 of the Canadian Legion, King City branch, was held Tuesday night, January 8, after having been post- poned several times on account ot the stormy weather at the end of 1951. The following men were elected to office unanimously: Joseph B. McGrath, president; R. B. Walker, lst viceâ€"president; H. A. Phelps, 2nd vice-president; Alex Campbell, secretary-treasurer; sergeant-at- arms, Arthur Fleet; executive, E. P, McQuarrie, A. G. Green, John P. Jones. The meeting was held at the home of Alex Campbell. A joint meeting with the Ladies Auxiliary when the installation 0' ofl’icers for both organizations will be held is planned for Friday night January 18, at 8.30 o’clock in the Masonic Hall, King City. After the evenings ceremonies a festive banquet of roast turkey was served to the members of Rob- ertson Lodge and their guests, numbering in all over 125. The wives of the officers prepared and served the banquet. Cec, Turnbull’s Richvale Midgets played their ï¬rst game of the sea- son against Richmond Hill Mid- gets last Friday nights at Rich- mond Hill arena, winning by a 2 to 1 score. Richvale's goals were scored by Sam Tomlinson andRonald Leus- chner. ’Dheir next game will be ag- ainst Oak Ridges on January 22. Richvale MidgetsWin Over Richmond Hill The Women’s Institute celebra- ted its twentyâ€"eight anniversary Thursday, January 10, in the Pub- lic School Auditorium The members gathered at 7 p. m., each bringing a. contribution for a Pot Luck supper. Everything looked so tempting to the appetite and proved so good to eat with an excellent cup of tea. A short sing-song after the dish- es were done was followed by sev- eral games of bingo with the win- ners chosing a prize from those displayed. A memory test of the contents of a woman’s purse found the winner remembering forty-one out of forty-nine items. Another contest involving a string and the size of the holder’s waistline was won by one who ac- curately knew the size of her waist. It was announced that the Scar- boro Anniversary Party had been cancelled pwing to the Street Car strike but would be held at the same place on Wednesday, Janu- ary 23, if the strike is over. Centering the table was the top layer of the Birthday Cake from the Link Institute in Wales, which recently had celebrated its second anniversary. This cake was beau- tifully iced and surmounted with two fat candles. It is being kept to be used at the February meet- mg. Richmond Hill Women’s Institute D I s c 0 U N T s A L E SALE †COMMENCING Friday, Jan. 18 to January 31st 4 YONGE STREET N. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1-958 RICHMOND HIM