g"\lllllllllll|l|\\lllllllllllullllI!“lllu\lllllll\\lllll\llllllll\ll\l\lllllllll\ll\ll\llulllll\l\ll111l|ll1ml\lllll“l\l\\llll\lll“ll“WWWl\lllln\\lllmlll“\\l\l\“l\\\\“g ï¬lmmmmmmmm1luumunlll1111mmuulmunul1lm11mun1mlnl\l\1\nuumum“ll1mumn\uummnunummmmmmnnu 4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1952 Clearance Sale - THE OPENING OF “ran: TREASURE crust " HOUSEHOLD EXCHANGE 6036 Yonge St, Newtonbrook YARD GOODS DRAPERIES LINEN S with Dr. E. A. Crawford, above Harley’s Thornhill, Ont. office for general practice in association COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT. FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 RM. ENGLISH TRALNED MECHANICS VIEL. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THORNHILL DISTRICT L I 0 N S C L U B ANNOUNCING OPENING SPECIAL: SET OF 3. ALUMINUM SAUCEPANS, REG. $1.49 FOR $1.00 All ticket holders Will be notiï¬ed of the date of the draw Entire Proceeds for Swimming Pool and Community Betterment ONLY 1001 TICKETS TO BE SOLD Dr. R. J. STEELE John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. "SAMBA" This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup Telephone 70 and 338J Thornhill AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE Tickets obtainableat Bill Ball Motors, 5642 Yonge St. or from any Lions Club member the opening of a full time CHEVROLET PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s gognegs) WE BUY SELL OR TRADE Drug Store, Thornhill ANNOUNCES Love For Lovely Lumber JANUARY 1952 Have Purchased A New to be drawn during Telephohe Thomhill FURNITURE RUGS ANTIQUES W\M\\“\W There seems to be quite a. bit of trouble on Jackes Ave. with dogs running on other people’s pr'operrty and a few pets have been hurt with dogs ï¬ghting. 'Dhe police had to come down and settle this trouble. If everyone who owns “ dog would try to keep the dog on their own property, thy would be saved a lot of trouble. We were sorry to lhear Mr. Li- onel Armstrong of Jackes Ave. has been ill for the past week and Powell Rd, Home and School held its regular monthly executive meeting on Tuesday, January 8, at the school with Mr. Robt, Fisher, president in the chair. It was deci- ded that the January meeting on Monday, January 28, would be cit- izens‘hip night and a very inter- esting program is being worked out. Several of the speakers who have favoured us in the past have called to say how pleased they were to be remembered by a Chrstmas card from the Powell Road Home and School. This was a new gesture and it is encouraging to know it was favourably receiv- ed. It was agreed, also, that a buzz session, covering the very valuable and informative literature distributed at each meeting by our publications convener, Mrs. H. Bow would be held at following meet- ing, so all who missed the previ- ous meeting would beneï¬t from the materials. Parents, both plan to attend, if not, came and bring a friend. It takes time and effort to conduct these very interesting meetings and to obtain guest spea- kers. Is it fair not to attend? Guest speaker for the January meeting will be Mr. Stephen Dav- idorvith, Immigration officml for Community Programs Branch, De- partment of Education. There will be a good ï¬lm and refresh- ments. Everyone welcome, you do not have to be a. member of Home and School to attend. In February, there will be a joint meeting of the four district Home and School associations when the Federation president, Mrs. M. Mc- Lellan of Brantford will bring us an interesting talk on Home and School. Further details will be Best wishes to Inanda. Konsmo of Jackes Ave., who celebrated her second birthday on Tuesday. We were sorry to hear Mr. Eric McCharles of Jackes Ave. was in a car accident. He was taken to the hospital with face lacerations but was allowed to go home. He will be off work for some time. We wish him a. speedy recovery. a. half. We wish him a speedy re- covery. The South East Vaughan Rate- payers Association is holding its ï¬rst regular monthly meeting oI the New Year on Thursday, Jan- uary 24, at Powell Road School. There will be an election of offi- cers. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all the ladies of South East Vaughan. forthcoming. The children and parents of the neighborhood will be sorry to learn that Lynn Fernandez, 35 Wood- ward Ave,, has been conï¬ned to her bed for several weeks. Hope the source of her trouble will soon be determined and she will have a speedy recovery. It’s pretty lone- some being away from all the ac- tivities, so let’s take a minute out to send a card or cheerful note to Lynn and brighten up her days a litytle. Her po'stal adaress is R R. 1 York Mills. of the old land marks on CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Helen Mason, 11 Jackes Ave., Phone Thornhill 286R23 _ JACKES AVENUE NEWS HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: Thomhill 4433' MEN’S WEAR - WORK BOOTS Galoshes, Rubbers, 8. General Dry Goods Last Sunday a gentleman walk- ing on Jackes Ave_, heard bullets flyng past his head and saw a few boys just below Jackes shooting .22 rifles towards Yonge St. The provincial police were called to have this stopped. The person did not want to get the boys in troub- le, but they probably didn’t realize the serious damage that could have been done to passing motor- ists and pedsetrians on Yonge St. When the children in this disâ€" rict are on their way home from school the cars and trucks on the highway have to slow down to pass them. Some of the children grab the backs of the cars and trucks and slide as far as they can. The other day a truck driv- er became aware of the children on the back of his truck and he slammed on the brakes with the result that the children were jolt- ed and knocked to the ground. We are sure the children are not aw- are of the consequences. They are asked to stop this dangrous habit. Mr. and Mrs, Walker of Jackes Ave., visited Mr. and Mrs. Marges of Jackes Ave. Saturday evening for a. friendly game of cribbagc. During the course of the evening Mrs. Walker was dealt a perfect hand of twenty-nine. Congratula- tions. Yonge St. the Gamble barns are slowly being torn down. Men have been busy this past week, remov- ing the roof and taking off the side boards of both the small and big barns. Progress makes many changes to the countryside, but 1. ; feel sure it will be for the better to have these buildings gone, as they have been becoming quite 3 hangout for the youths in the ar- We are pleased to report that the Cummings, 43 Drury, are both up and around again, Mr. Cum- ming is back at work and Mrs. Cumming is feeling better each day. On Wednesday, January 9, the committee members held the ï¬rst meeting to discuss plans for the new year. They were very pleased to welcome Mr. C. A. Stocking, 87 Grandview Ave., to the committee, as recording secretary, This is what the :men need, more fathers who will take an active part in the club. It is a worthy work for the young boys of the district. Boys from 7 to 15 years are taken as members. Mr. J. Mason, 11 Jackes Ave., was also a’ guest at the meeting and the committee was pleased to have him in their midst. The boys got down to business on Thursday, January 10 to work on their stamp collections under J. Knowles. The meetings Will be held weekly again on 'Ilhursdays at North York Vet- erans Hall from 6.45 to 8 pm. Members and fathers plan to at: tend. These meetings are packed with information. Mr. J. Knowles the stamp instructor really has a great knowledge concerning collec- tion work and holds the boys' flty tention remarkably well through the evening, Many boys have a very good start on their albums and stamps are given to them at the meetings to add to their own. Next meeting will be clay modell- mg. Boys‘ Recreation Club The paper collection conducted‘ on Saturday, January 5, under su- pervision of Mr. Biggs, was very successful. Thanks to all who sup- ported the boys with papers. There were possibly a few who were missed, as the boys called from door to door, as they scurry along so quickly, it’s hard for one man to do all the supervising. Some of the committee men must work on Saturdays, so help is at a min- imum. Next collection will be con- ducted around the middle of Feb- ruary, so any of the men free on Saturday mornings, here is ,5 small way to take part in the act ivities, Just say the word to Mr. DeClerq or any other committee member and they will be very pleased to have you. The paper drive boosts the treasury by near- ly $50 for a morning’s effort on the 'part of several boys and Mr. Biggs, it is really splendid. Apologies go to the folks on the lower part of Drury Ave. Papers couldn't be picked up there, as the truck was loaded to capacity. Close to ï¬ve tons of paper was collected. On Tuesday, January 15, a very successful brush party was held at your correspondent‘s home. About 20 ladies from the neighbor- hood became acquainted and en- joyed the demonstration. Refresh- ments were served. On Thursday, January 10, Ca- thy Bell', 37 WoodWard Ave_, cel- ebrated her fourth birthday. A happy time was had by her little guests, Catherine and Dorie Len- nie, Trudy Johnson, Donna Ross and Jerry Burke.0f course broth- er David joined in the fun too. PHONE THORN HILL 13 The office is located above Har- ley’s Drug Store in the MacNeil- Anstey Building. Oï¬ice hours will be every day from 10 a.m. until 12 noon; from 1 pm. until 3 p.m,; and in the evening from 6 pm. un- til 8 p.m. The annual meeting of the W0< men’s Association was held Thurs- day afternoon, January 10, at the home of Mrs. S, Findlay Centre St. The executive of the past year was returned to office for another term as follows: President, Mrs. H. Harper; vice president, Mrs. S. Findlay; recording secretary, Mrs_ F. Porter; corresponding secretary Miss E. Francis; treasurer, Mrs. W. Francis; assistant treasurer, Miss H. Welsh; Flower committee Mrs. H. Mizen; press committee, Mrs, F. Porter and Mrs. H. Harp- er. New Doctor A warm welcome is extended to Dr. Robert J. Steele who has re- cently taken up residence in Thorn- hill and who has now opened a full time practice in association with Dr. E. A. Crawford. Dr, Steele is now living on Mor- gan Avenue with his Wife and 3 children. Brown Owl is sorry to say that until next September no more girls will be accepted into the Brownie pack. Those girls whose names are already on Brown Owl’s list will have ï¬rst opportunity of join- ing' when the Fall season begins. Presbyterian Church Brownies A letter has been received by Brown Owl from Miss Anderson of the Thistletown Hospital on behalf of the junior girls thanking the Thornhill Brownies for their mos; useful gift of a radio at Christ- mas. The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area. contributed by its readers. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. C. H. Bolton md you may reach her at Thornhill 23.9.1. Friday, January 18, all members of the Horticultural Society are invited to attend the Richmond Hi1 Horticultural meeting to be held in the Public School Auditorium, Yonge Street, at 8 pm. They will have as their guest speakers rep- resentatives of the Don Valley Conservation Association who will show colored ï¬lms of the Don Vall- ey and tell the audience of work On January 8 the ï¬rst euchre of the year sponsored by the W. I, was held at Temperanceville school The lucky Winners were Mrs. N. Rumble, Mrs. L. Diony Mrs. H. Morris, Fred Hare, Wilfred Dion, Aubrey Young, George DeVries. We greatly appreciate Mrs, Frank Burnett’s generosity in donating the ladies prizes. The next euchre will be on January 22. Horticultural Society On January 9 the W. I. met at the home of Mrs. C. Beynon with Agriculture as the topic. The meeting was well attended and the roll call was name a. raw material and an article manufactured from it, “We are living in a country rich in agriculture, minerals and forestry.†During the meeting a letter of appreciation was read from our adopted French child. $50 has been sent to the “Save the Children Fund“ to continue our work in re- gard to our adopted children. A donation of $10 was voted toward the Sick Chidren’s Hospital. The president expressed the appreciaâ€" tion of the group for the compe- tent leadership of Mrs. E. Phillips and Mrs. J, Macklin with the Gar- den Brigade Girls. Mrs. W. Jen- nings kindly offered to act as His- torical Research convener to re- lieve Mrs. J. Gilham of this posiâ€" tion. A letter from Mr. J. Gilham and George was read by the secretary in appreciation of the album of records sent George as a gift at Christmas. Mrs. D. Chalk convener of ag- riculture read a most informative article on “We’re running out of OPEN TO ALL CANADIANS PRIZE $25.00 Anyone interested contact F. B. Hurst, president Business and Pro- fessional Women’s Club, Richmond Hill. (Maxim/all and $¢Z¢icl¢ BLACKBURNS’ Phone THORNHILL 161 Telephone 61J Richmond Hill fuumnuunmmmu“mum11mm“mmmmmmnmummmï¬ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. m 3, KING Poster Contest TELEVISION 1mm“llllllllll1l\llllll“llll\l!lllll\l\l\\lllll\l1\\\ll\lllllullllmllï¬ SOLD & SERVICED TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Phone King 3Rll The next meeting of the Thorn- hill Horticultural Society willbe held on February 7 in the Thornhill United Church Hall. This will be the annual meeting so all members should try to be present. Trinity Church News A number of the young people of the parish have met with the purpose of forming a young peop- le’s association. The next meeting is to be held this Sunday evening in the Parish Hall at 8 pm. and they plan to meet every Sunday ev- ening at this time. All the young people of the parish and their friends are invited to join in on these meetings. The next regular meeting of the W. A. will be held on January 24 at 1.30 p.m, in the Church hall. The father and son banquet for Scouts and Cubs was held last Fri- day evening in the United Church Hall. Over one hundred boys ano their fathers sat down to a. grand dinner served by the ladies of the Women’s Association. Following dinner Father Cirivello of St. Luke’s Church showed a program of ï¬lms which were very much en- joyed by all. Monday, January 21, the Thorn- thill Child Health centre will open. All parents of the community with infants and pre-school children are invited to take advantage of this free health service for their child- ren. The clinic being held in the Thornhill United Church opens at 1.30 and will stay open until 4 p. m. Miss M. Shaver, Public Health Nurse with, the York County Health Unit, will be in charge at all times. If you require further information kindly call Mrs. Bol- ton at Thornhill 239J. and progress the association is making in this respect. Scout and Cub News water.†Mrs. Chalk reminded us when we complain about it rain- ing, our bodies are madevup of ‘70 per c'ent water. It is used exten- sively in housekeeping, manufac- turing and travelling as well as in the very air we breath, Conserva- tion of soil and water is of nationtl concern as our :upply is rapidly dwindling. This is a. real menace to the farmer as the soil is not as good as it was and good soil is a necessity for good and plenteous food. Congratulations to BOb Paige and Bruce Barker on being invest- ed as Scouts last week. The boys of the Cub pack are planning a hike this Sunday anr; are to meet at the Cub but at 1.30 Child Health Centre 25% ("If VERN GRIFFIN THORNHILL Now On Display ! ! ! 1952 STUDE RICHVALE BAKER’S SALES AND SERVICE Exciting jet-streamed gtyling.’ Spectacular ’52 performance! Remarkable gas economy! NEWEST OF THE NEW FOR '52 ï¬nulmnsmnmmmwunvewvw'w ~ - ‘ w~~qa......| QOWWWWWW NEW CHAMPION in the Jow price field . NEW COMMANDER lZO-horsepower V-8 We specialize in re-rooï¬ng, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, Insul Brick Siding Estimates cheerfully given. Insulating. Centre St. RE - ROOFING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM 8: FM, SNOW PLDWING Your chicks must eat well to do well â€" right from the start â€" if you want a healthy, stur- dy flock of steady, proï¬table producers. They will relish the palatable, specially processed, granular texture of MASTER CHICK STAR- TER. They will thrive on its carefully selected, properly balanced and blended in- gredients. We keep a complete stock of MASTER FEEDS for all your feed require- ments. GUARD HEALTH, GROWTH, AND PROFITS WITH MASTER CHICK STARTER MASH 0R KRUMS C. RIDDELL PHONE RICHMOND HILL 111 PHONE â€"- THORNHILL 256W PHONE THORNHIL] 247 L. W. REID Come in today ! see it Thornhill