inunanmm“ummuuux\m\mmumu“I“munl\\xmmuuwumunmmummummuu\\IIImummuulunmuunmmum i For wedding pictures -â€"- for birthdays -- for the many anniversaries which de- serve recording â€"â€" for the artistry which makes all~.the difference between an 01- dinary photograph and a portrait â€"- visit mmmmmumm\\mmm\mm\\1\ummw The Village of Richmond Eill requires the services of 11 Assistant Clerk. A know- ledge of typing and bookkeep- ing essential. Particulars may be obtained at the Vill- age Clerk’s office. Applica- tions must be in the Clerk’s office no later than February 1, 1952. TN! BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA RIGHMOND HILL ASSOCIATE STORE Percy 0. Hill, Proprietor. Phone 404 0N '* SKI BOOTS & SKI EQUIPMENT CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION Clearance Sale Edmund Soame Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointment 20 % DISCOUNT WANTED Russell Lynett, Clerk PORTRAITS Ladies’ and Men’s SKATES AND BOOTS Priced from $6.49 to $18.95 SPECIAL TORONTO mmmmmmmmmmnmmfumummmummmmmmmmg If‘you haven't service, we want you to know we're working at it. Your place on the’ list is being pro- tected and your telephone will be installed just as man as possible. In another way. too. the telephone is'bigger value today than ever before. Now you can reach twice as many people as you could ten years ago and more telephones are being installed every day. "’THE STUDIO " 1720- Avenue Road Of Finer CONNIE “[3! PRICE INCREASIS Wills IN! NS! YEN VHIS Telephone service is one of Oodcy': bed buys 20% Applications must be in the Clerk’s office no later than February 1. 1952. Village of Richmond Hill requires a Part Time Plumb- ing and Building Inspector. Applicants please state ex- fieriem-e and salary expected. Apply to Clerk’s office for a list of the duties to be per- formed. WANTED Russell Lynett. u-ng- m A. yum-d nan. IN! Clerk Dr. King of the York County Health Unit will' speak to the Oak Ridges Home and School on Tuesâ€" day, January 22, at the school. The children will 'give an exhibit- ion of tumbling exercises. Every- one interested in the work of the York County Health Unit is in- vited to be present. King, Whit- church and East Gwillimbury‘are the only townships in York Coun- ty not having the services of this health unit, which are substantial‘ ly the same as supplied the citi- zens of Toronto by her board oI health. Two large schools in our district, Oak Ridges and Lake Wil- cox are handicapped by not hav- ing a school nurse. Restaurant in- spection, sanitary inspection, TB after~care, visits to new mothers and mainy other things are taken care of by‘ Dr. King and ‘his staff. Come out and show your interest in this important subject. Mrs. E. Joyce is the convenor of the committee with Mrs. Howard Hulme, Mrs. D. Gunn, Mrs, A. Smith and Mrs. A. Hopkins help- ing her. Mr. Norman Boyd lost his gar- age and one truck Sunday night. The family had all retired and a neighbor Mrs. J, Fleury phoned at eleven forty-ï¬ve to tell them their garage was- on ï¬re. The Aurora ï¬remen responded promptly 'and with the help of neighbors saved the surrounding buildings. The loss is estimated at $3000.00 partly coâ€" vered by insurance. The line-up of American cars in Aurora Saturday afternoon was occasioned by the game at the ar- ena between Buffalo University and St. Andrews College hockey teams. St. Andrews won 6-3. Mrs. A. Saunders and Miss Fre- da Saunders were guests of the Oak Ridges Lions Club at their dinner meeting Monday night. Mr. Bob Woolley, chairman of the ed- ucation committee of the club and also chairinan of Oak Ridges School Board, presented Freda with the Loundes Memorial Cup, which she won by attaining the highest standing in the entrance class last year, ' Mr. and Mrs. Max Graham and family visited Mr, Gralham’s par- ents in Peterboro last week. Flight Cadet Blain Topper will receive his wings at Centralia on January 29. His ‘fatrher, Mr, John Topper of ~Timmins, a former of- ï¬cer in the RCAF will pin on his son's wings. Mr. and 1 residents of moved' to Se lithograher that city. Mrs. L. S. Blampied, Montreal, was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. Young, south road, Lake Wil- cox recently. ' V Vellore Senior Women’s Insti- tute- met at Mrs, D. Jarrett’s on Tuesday evening, January 8. The topic was Historical Re- saroh the motto ‘Other men lab- oured and ye are entered into the fruits of the labours,†and the roll call was answered by telling grand' mother's maiden name. Mrs. D. Gunn attended the meet- ing of the executive of the Provin- cial Girl Guides in Toronto last week. ’ er. and Mrs and little daugh Mr. and Mrs, I have purchased T hornhiil. Mrs. Donald Macntosh entertain- ‘ed friends of the twins,- Ian and Barry, on Tuesday, celebrating their eighth birthday. Mrs. A. Cameron read a paper for Mrs. Dufl’ on the work of pion‘ eers comparing the hand labour with the present, day machinery method 'and also an article entit- led “A New Year‘s Thought.†Mrs. Dufl“ will present her paper on His- torical Research at the February meeting. The February meeting will be held aft the home of Mrs. J. Julian, Woodbridge. The topic will be Canadian Industries. ' At the close of the meeting lunch was served by hostess and commit- tee in charge. Mrs. E. Bryson read a paper on bhe history of .Purpleville School which brought forth quite a dis- cussion on “who†and “whenâ€_ Mr. Ferguson from Humbet Memorial Hospital spoke in the in- terests of that institution and a cash donation \i'as voted for the hospital. As usual, a donation was sent to the Sick Children’s Hospital at this season. L.O.L. 643 ‘is holding a euchre at the Ridge Inn on Wednesday, January 16. Mrs. A. L. McNeil read a, paper for Mrs. Ballantyne, the theme of which was “Preserve Ontario His- tory in pictures†mentioned partic- ularly were the pictures taken by Miss Anna F. Lewis and their his- torical interest. Guests at the Kluge inn last, an. ant: Mrs. .nm Mums anu week were Mr. and Mrs. Tinkham ' ' U '- Edmonton. Mr. Tinkham is a bro- family, Ravenshae, were guests on hher of Mrs. E. Ross and uncle of SundAy of Mr. and Mfs. Norman Mr. McEachen. They will spent the‘Boyd. I winter in Pittsburgh. ' f ‘ ' ' ' OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS VELLORE NEWS ‘ Mrs. E, of the sex Saskatoon 1- has joi1 [ Mrs. daughter CORRESPONDENT; MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON Telephone King 97R31 Richard } 1 a farm 1' things King an show yo Don. 'Mr joined south to new mothers things are taken ng and ‘his staff. ow your interest v subject. Mrs. convenor of the Mrs. Howard Gunn, Mrs, A. ; Historical ‘Other men entered into Harold were 1 Schuh road 3 guests Bull. Tl all. They south of Schut ï¬rm lnn last McKeig former l, have a [hockey game played between Newmarket and Collingwood. Jack Andrews is a. member of the New- market team. Score was 6-4 in fa- vor of Collingwood. M11. and Mrs. Ash called on old friends Mr. and Mrs, P. W. Pratt residents of Col- ling-wood. The Gideons Christian Commer- cial Men‘s Association of Canada, have requested permission to place Bibles in the school at Lake Wil- COX. 1 Mrs. A. Saunders and your cor- respondent‘made their annual trip to Toronto, on Wednesday, in cel- ebration of a joint birthday.;aSimp- son’s Homemakers show provided an interesting day, along with lunch in the Arcadian Court. Mrs. Archie Monkman went to Col'lingwood Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Andrews to see Mss Eleanor Bain and Miss E1- sie Love are organizing a teen- age group of boys and girls to meet in the Community Church, Lake Wilcox each Friday night at 8 pm. All girls and boys in this age group are invited to come out this Friday night. Following the excitement of the Blyth made a birthday cake and entertained her niece Marion Boyd on Monday to mark her eleventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morris and UN UIDI'LAI DA]. UKUAL _ ' ON DISPLAY SATURDAY and Mrs. Robt. Ash, Mr. and maggww PRICED SO ' LOW I A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Bill Drinkwater Motors Kay and J ack Kirk, Florence and Bill' Schurman, Jack Holtz, and Marge and Al Blackburn represent- ed the Richmond Hi1: Fifty-Fifty Bowling team‘ at Aurora Friday evening. Scores were extremely good. Jack Holtz was high man of the evening. ‘ Mrs, Sheardown and Lillian from Ottawa spent thas and New Yens with 'her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schur- man. Mrs. Schurman's brother Ken journeyed from Mt. Forest to join the family. The Mathew family. formerly of Pemberton Road and Rihmond Hill returned Friday to the, village af- ter a trip abroad. The Gax‘dinel's were ‘on hand to welcom‘e them home. We Welcome to our neighborhood the Flavelle family from Yonge Street, who are now occupying the former home of Mr. Horton, 0n Yongehurst Road. 3 U ï¬ t On Thursday evening the W.A. of Richmond Hill Scouts held their meeting in the new Scout hall with Mrs. FF Gardiner presiding. Forty ladies came out to hear Mrs. Terry Jackson from Thornhill who spoke on “The Cub.†refreshments were served. of the members of the mechanical Hockey league Saturday evening. Harry Fryer, Ronald Duncan, Ted Clague, Bruce and Garry Black- burn were the boys who took part. Jim Gardiner was absent. Refresh- ments Were served the boys on completion of the games. & It 1| * Mr. and Mrs.- Jim Blackburn and two sons spent, Sundaywvith the Blackburns. ’0‘. Mr. and Mrs, R. Brown with Friday evening several ladies from this district attended the W. A. pot luck supper at the United Church. The supper and meeting were very pleasant and everyone so very sociable. We welcome to our neighborhood the Flavelle family from Yonge Street, who are now occupying the former home of Mr. Horton, 0n Yongehurst Road; Garry Blackburn entertained 5 CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN. Yongchllrst Rd. Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Come, see them at our showrooms . . . the most colorful, captivating and capable Chevrolets the leader has ever produced . . . brilliantly new for ’52 in all these exciting ways: Gorgeous New Royal-Tone Styling . . . with Bodies by Fisher so big,’ bright and beaudful that you‘ll prefer them on sight. ‘ ‘ Radiant New Exterior Colors . . . A wide and wonderful array of solid tone colors and two-tone Color combinations. Alluring New Interior Colors . . . with upholstery and trim in two tones of blue, green or gray to harmonize with exterior colors, in all De Luxe sedan and coupe models. New Centrepoise Power . . . bringing amazing new smoothness of operation, freedom from MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLET! THAN ANY OTHER CAI Mr. and Mrs, R. Brown with their son Campbell and grandson David, journeyed to Oshawa on Saturday returning Monday afterâ€" noon. Rev. Mr. Higginson and four members of the Fifty-Fifty Club executive attended a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk, Tuesday evenng. Coming evenings ware planned. It was also decided to change the meeting night to the fourflh Tuesday of the month nstead of Monday evenings. Fol- owing the business meeting the folks enjoyed a social half hour, The Board of Trustees of Richmond Hill Public School will hold their meetings in the future on the second Friday night of each month. at the Public School. Notice: Change Of Meeting Date Jas. Pollard. Chairman THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1952 7, S. FREEDMAN & SON 6 TOWNSLEY ST. Corner: Old Weston Rd. and St. Clair W. Phone LY. 0661 Toronto, Ontario This ad worth one denim with a load of "scrap FOR THE BEST: 17 - 21 Basin St. TIMKEN & LIQUIFLAME OIL BURNERS vibration, and protection from road noise‘ and wheel shock to low-cost motoring. A new, smoother, softer ride . . . for both front and rear seat passengers. All these and many other enviable advantages are yours in this new Chevroletâ€"and in Chevrolet alone -â€" at the lowest prices and with outstanding economy of operation and upkeep! Come in . . . see these sensational new Chévroleté for ’52 and you’ll want to place your order now . . . for they’re your buy of buys - the only ï¬ne car: priced so low .' Extra-smooth, extra-dependable POWERGIide . WANTED 10,000 0003 00 SCRAP IRON HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL, CAST IRON AND METALS OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS with New Automatic Choke, gives ï¬nest no-shift driving at lowest cost. (Combination of PowerGlide Automatic Transmission and IOS-h.p. Engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost.) . F. Winn -â€" Phone 652.] â€" 91 Arnold Crescent THE BEST: INSTALLATION SERVICE FUEL OIL DELIVERY ALL FROM ONE COMPANY CALL â€"- FUEL OIL & EQUIPMENT LTD. ATTENTION TRUCKERS! Richmond Hill Representative ONTARIO GL. 7521 c-4szA