Miss Jean Taylor, R.N. of Tor- onto and Dr. Joan Letty of Lon- don, England, were guests last week of 'Mrs. David Hill and her sister, Mrs. S. A. Devitt. fl Born at Lansing, Ontario, Dec- ember 29, 1870, he was the son of the late Roger Dixon and his wife, Mary Wilkie, At the age of ï¬ve the deceased moved with his parents to Markham Township where in later years he engaged in turning. In 1983 he retired from the farm and moved to Richmond JBill where he lived until his death. On January 31, 1899 Mr. Dixon was united in marriage to Laura Shepherd of Richmond Hill with whom he lived happily until her death in 1935. Two children were born to them, a. son, Wilkie who ranted away in 1932 at the age '0! thirty, and a daughter Lorien lain. K. Hastings) of Scarboro Muslim, who survives him. Mr, Dixon lived a quiet, indus- fh'ious and useful life and was highly respected by a. large circle of friends and neighbours. He was Mr. Doug. Boyd, Centre Street West, was the guest speaker at Patterson Community Club Jan- [ary 18 meeting held in Patterson Mrs. M. Blackburn entertained the Sugar and Spice Club at her home last Thursday night, with twelve members present. Guests of the evening were Mrs. P, Mab- ley and Mrs. M. Holmes. Card win- ners were H. Mabley, F, Schur- man, M. Fenwick and J. Wain- wright. Hostesses of the occasion :were Mrs. D, Saul and Mai-j. Mur- phy. a. member in good standing of the Richmond Hill United Church, but owing to his quiet, retiring nature the did not take a very active part in activities of the church. He bore his great suffering during his leng- thy illness in an uncomplaining spirit, and with quiet conï¬dence in the presence and help of his God. School and gave a. humorous and nformative talk on the “Romance of Silver.†Music at the meeting was provided by Mrs. C, Harding and her daughter June,. also of the village. ' ' ‘ ' After a lingering illness of many months duration, James Dixon, resident of Richmond Hill for the past nineteen years, died at his home, 19 Church Street. South, on January 15, in his 82nd year. The funeral service was held from Wright and Taylor Funeral Chapel on Friday, January 18 with interment in Richmond Hill Ceme- tery. The deep sympathy of all the community is felt for his daughter, Mrs. K. Hastings and his sister Mrs. John Stallibras in their be- ’Christina Snider, wife of the late Samuel Whitmore and daugh- ter of the late Joseph and Sarah Snider, Edgeley, passed away suddenly in California on January 1, 1951. Entombment took place in Sacramento Mausoleum, Mrs. Whitmore had been a resi- dent of California for over. 40 years and is survin by one bro- ther, Percy Snider, Edgeley. reavement. I @hituatp CHRISTINA WHITMORE OUR GIGANTIC SALE IS STILL GOING ON ! JAMES DIXON 12 PR. CHILDREN’S WHITE LA‘CED RUBBER GAL- OSHE‘S, with fur trimming reg. $4.95, sale price $2.98 36 PAIRS MEN’S CAMP SHOES, with Neolite sole &' rubber heels. THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL only $2.98 pr. Ladies Cosy Felt SlippéES, in wine only, reg. price $1.35 pair sale price 99c pair BOYS’ BRUSHED COTTON COMBINATIONS, Sizes. 24 to 30, reg.‘ price $1.98 sale price $1.49 GIRLS’ SKDDLE OXFORDS, white with brown trim,‘ sizes 11 to 3 only, reg. pr. $3.95 sale pr. $179.5 MEN’S FUR FABRIC VESTS, reg. pr. $5.95 35 YONGE ST. S. PHONE 508 RICHMOND HILL 87131:. Children’s Leather Snow Boots, fleece lined, size 111/2 to 3 only, reg. pr. $6.95 sale pr. $3.95 100 Pr. Ladies’ Fabric Gloves, in white, grey, blue and black, reg. price $1.69 sale price $1.00 Ties, reg. pr. $1.50 Gothic Brassieres, reg. $1.75 & $1.95 ea., sale $1.25 ea. SILK TIES' reg. $2 ea‘, sale price $1.49 ea. or 3for$3.95 Where the Workingman’s Dollar Goes the Farthest The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal lam: for this page and a call to Me No. 9 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. W‘hile copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week, Evesgiéï¬ié to ï¬ave it in earliér if possible to ensure its publication. PARISI’S FAMILY STORE Watch For Next Week’s Ad Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kent and Jimmie of Warminter spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Reynolds. BARRAGLOUGH -- Mr. and Mrs_ A. J. Barraclough, Oak Ridges, announce the arrival of a dau- ghter on January 14 at York County Hospital, Newmarket.. c1w3‘0 WEST, Mary Ann Jane Leonard, dear wife of Joseph Edgar West, in her 72nd year, suddenly in Toronto, Thursday, January 17, Funeral held in Grand Valley, Saturday, January 19, with in- terment in the cemetery there. THOMPSON - In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Harold G. Thompson, who sud- denly passed away January 26, 1951. What would we give to clasp his hand His happy face to see To hear his voice and see his smile That meant so much to us. CARD OF THANKS WEST â€"â€" We wish to thank our many friends and neighbours for their deeply appreciated kindness and sympathy extended to us dur- ing our recent bereavement in the death of a wife and mother. c1w30 Mr. J. E. West and family Mrs. Everitt Phillips wishes to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who so kindly remembered her during her stay in the hospital, with flowers, fruit and lovely cards, visits and kind enquiries, all of which were deep« ly appreciated. c1w30 There are not enough words to express our gratitude to each and everyone who helped us through these days of sorrow, with beau- tiful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of kindness. We can only say “thank you so much." Marion, Terry, Nancy McCullough VSadly missed by Mother, Dad, sister Audrey and brother Alvin. 81w30 CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS We wish ' to extend sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbors for their kind express« ions of sympathy and lovely floral tributes during our reCent sad be- reavement in the loss of our dear sister. c1w30 The family of the late James Dixon wish to express their thanks and appreciation for acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy, beau- tiful floral tributes from relatives friends and neighbors; also many thanks to Dr. Cowan, Dr. Lzmg- staï¬â€™, Rev, J. O. Totton and Rev. C. G. Higginson during their re- cent; bereavement. CARD 0F THANKS In memoriam Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hastings Arthur and Fred Taylor Mrs. J. Bothman sale price $1.59 each Mr. Ted Westacott and son Thomas took Thomas’ grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs to their Lodge at Hay Bay in the Napanee district January 12. Mr. and Mrs, Hobbs returned to the Lodge to prepare it for for the spring tourists. Tupperware Mrs. Wm. Cole, Seccomoe St., held a Tupperware nylon plastic demonstration at her home on Fri- day, January 11, The plasticware was demonstrated by Mrs. Feon and all who attended had an en- joyable and interesting evening. We hope that there will be 3 good attendance at the Doncaster Sunday School Mission, corner ot Clarke and Willawdale Ave. this coming Sunday at 3 p.m. The Doncaster Ratepayers As- sociation held its regular monthly meeting at Powell Road School on Wednesday, January 9. The next meeting of the association will bf; held on Wednesday, February 6. We are pleased to see that Mr. N. Thompson has rcovered from his recent illness. Sunday School Mission .Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson, Proctor Ave., have gone to Flor- ida, During the trip they will be showing some of their Dalma- tian Dogst Wins Trophy The community is exceedingly proud of David (Mickey) Leï¬er, Glen Cameron Rd., for winning the W'hiprper Watson Trophy for CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. Phone King 3R11 (Held from last week) The Square Dancing Club at Oak Ridges .School each Thursday evening started ofl" the New Year very well. It is the desire of those in charge to \have the membership completed by January 31. Those who have been attending regularâ€" ly now are familiar with basic steps and after that date hope to advance with the more mature *dancing. 'Ilhe dancing lasts about two and a quarter hours with an average of 25 to 30 persons at- tending from Toronto, Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox, Aurora and King. Beginners are asked to arrive at 8 pm. for instruction, members at 8.30 pm. Music is supplied by record player and am- pliï¬er. PAXTON, R. R. 3, KING smocked dress. June 4 is the date of the draw. Mrs. Nelson Thompson has been given the position as convenor for the King Smocking Group Please let her know what article you are making for the sale. Whatever the article sells for is maker’s money. 0 t t t ‘ Mrs. E. Phillips was taken to the Newmarket Hospital for an ap- pendix operation. Mrs. Phillips has been quite ill but is recovering nicely. O O U 0 Mrs, J. Levison has received the four dozen red roses which she won at the Royal Winter Fair. She has been very kind in sharing their beauty with the ill and her neighbors and friends. O IG- . I On Wednesday, January 9, KMr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson and MN. E. Paxton had the pleasure of attending the Kingcrafts mon- thly meeting held in the King Un- ited Church. The Smocking Group of King met at the home of Mrs. J. Walk- er. During the evening members had the pleasure of having Mrs. Finch of Laskay explain her du- ties toward the group and the plans regarding the sale to be held on January 4, by the King- craft Guild. It is asked that each member have at least one article made for the sale; also that each be responsible for two books of tickets. The articles all made by Kingcraft members will consist of: nylon hooked rug; hand-made quilt; smocked blouse; hand loom- ed bag; leather purse; child’s sale price 95c CORRESPONDENT: TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS DONCASTER NEWS Telephone 14R42 Thornhill Henderson Avenue his sportsmanship at the Canad- ian Auto Racing Society, The trophy was awarded to Mickey on Wednesday, January 9, at a. meet- ing held by the Society at the The Doncaster Ratepayers As- sociation held their January eu- chre last Friday night at Mrs, Watts on Glen Cameron Rd. There was a good attendance and every- one had a very enjoyable time. Prize winners were: Mrs. Black- burn, Mr. Petï¬e; Mrs. B. Atkin- son and Mr. J. Knott. Mrs. Gom- ez won the consolation prize, At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas, Clarke 3., there was a ï¬re Saturdav afternoon, The Richmond Hill ï¬re Depart- ment was called. Spveedway Pérki Club House. ‘Mr. H. Stevenson, the Doncaster Ratepayers Association president, his sister, Miss Alice Stevenson, and their mother recently left for a, vacation down south. A Tupperware nylon demonstra- tion was ‘held at the home of Mrs. V. Moore, Mo'rgan Ave., Thurs- day, January 17. All who attend- ed had an enjoyable and interest- ing time. January Euchre Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell, ‘Capreol, Ontario, visited Mr.‘ and Mrs.A. Loader, Henderson Ave., last week-end. On Saturday evening, there was an acoident in front of the com- munity pump. A good deal of damage was done to both cars but no one was injured. Mrs, J. Levison has received the four dozen red roses which she won at the Royal Winter Fair. She has been very kind in sharing their beauty with the ill and her neighbors and friends. Miss Irene Mashinter, Miss Edna Christianson and Mr. Robert {fey- non report a wonderful time at Guelph. Each evening the group of boys and girls were supplied with entertainment. Mrs. Nelson Thompson has been given the position as convenor for the King Smocking Group Please let her know what article you are making for the sale. Whatever the article sells for is maker’s money. Mrs. E. Phillips was taken to the Newmarket Hospital for an ap- pendix operation. Mrs. Phillips has been quite ill but is recovering nicely. The W.A. and W.M.S. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Rumble with fourteen members and one visitor present, Mrs. Moddle read the scripture from the ï¬rst chapter of St. John. The theme “What God expects of Christians†was read by the president, Mrs. W. Jen- nings. The poem “Myself†was read by Mrs. Fred Boys and pro- ‘vided food for thought. On February 9 Louis Bromï¬eld will be guest speaker at a meet- ing in Massey Hall to which every- one interested is welcome, Con- siderable interest is shown in Mr. Bromï¬eld’s subject pertaining to farming and soil conservation. A bus is being chartered for the oc- casion and anyone in the commun- ity wishing to attend Will have the opportunity by leaving their name with Mrs. Fred Hare. First come, ï¬rst served until the bus load is completed. Further details later. The annual Toronto Presbytery meeting Will be held at the United Church on Manor Road at 10.30 am. on January 31. Those wish- ing to attend contact president. W.A. & W,M.S. With the new president, Mrs. W. Hodson presiding the WMS opened with Mrs. W. Hare reading the Scripture from the 2nd chapter of St. John. An article on “Chris- tian Fellowship†was read by Mrs, A. Folliott. A paper‘was prepar- ed and read by Mrs. Dillane on “Temperance.†A delicious lunch of rolls, jam and cookies was served by Mrs. N. Rumble and Mrs. W. Jen- nings. Mr. Charles Henshaw Sr. who has been recovering from an operation in Toronto General Hospital expects to return home on Thursday, January 24, Mrs. E. Phillips is recovering nicely after her two weeks in York: County hospital and hopes to re- turn home on January 21. Misses Margaret and Forrie Beynon have been assisting with the work dur- ing their aunt's illness. Mrs. Frank Wilkins who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs, Clark Archibald since Xmas, is feeling much better after her three month convalescence, the re- sult of a fall which sprained liga- ments in her leg. Mrs. Wilkins wishes to thank all her friends for the lovely cards and fruit receiv- ed during this long seige indoors. To advise people of 2 special eV- ent at your church or school or club use 1 “Coming Events" notice MRS. L. SIMPSON Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D. Minister All are welcome. Monday, Jan. 28. Annual Vestry at 8 pm. SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. - “The Hem of His Gar- ment†7 pm. - “Called to be Saints" Annual Congregational Meeting, Tuesday, January 29, 6.30 pm. Speaker: Rev. E. S. Lautenslager RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A., Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 10 am. â€" The Sabbath School 11 am, â€" Divine Worship RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN' CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. Th.. Rector SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Mimstel SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 11 am. -â€" Divine Worship The Minister 11.15 am. -â€" The Church School Come and Worship SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m‘ Church Service . . . . . . . . 11 am Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 am Church Service .......... 7 p.m Edgeley Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 p.m Church Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. Sunday Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 3.20 p.m. The regular monthly service oI Holy Communion will be held this Sunday 'at St. John’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges (Yonge St. at Jeï¬â€™erson) at 11.16 a.m. The Rev. Sextus Styles of St. Olvav’s Angli- can Church, Swansea, will preach. St. John’s W.A. held its annual business meeting at home of Mys. MTBrlack on Jaguary 16, with the president, Mrs. M. B. Beynon presiding. Mrs. Beynon outlined Mrs. S. C. Sniveley read the Scripture lesson and later gave a report from the December bulle- tin of the Diocesan Board, Toron- to. Business reports were read by the Treasurer and Secretary and it was noted all pledges had been met. It was felt the Auxil- iary had enjoyed a. good year in 1951. {Refreshments} were served and Mrs. G. B, Beatty poured tea. Church News The annual Vestry Meeting of St. John’s Anglican Church, 031k Ridges (Yonge St. at Jeï¬erson) will rbe held on Monday, January 28, at 8 p.rm., in the Parish Hall. t is hoped that all members of St. John’s Church will attend. a plan for the coming year, to de- vote some time at each monthly meeting to study and discuss Missionary work as it is being carried out both at home and abroad by the Anglican Church. THORNHILL FRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Some of us may not appreciate this cold weather very much but the children and young people who turn out for skating at Jef- ferson Public School are really making the most of the ice rink there. They are skating each day after school, weather permit- ting, and all week-end. They tell me everyone is welcome, whether one likes to skate or just “look J etferson School News Get Well Soon We are happy to report that Mrs. Giles Kerswill continues to improve in health and gain more strength each day. A convales- cin‘g period is always more or leSS trying, but a note or a card helps to brighten the day for the pat- ior‘. ‘lw. Kerswill is in the Pri- vate Patients Pavilion, The Torv onto General Hospital, Toronto. MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., B.D., minister The Liberal is pleased to an- nounce the appointment of a Correspondent for the Elgin Mills-Jefferson district in the person of Mrs. Mona Robertson In order that we may give your district complete news coverage kindly forward any news or items of local interest to Mrs. Robertson. Come, let us worshif) God EGLIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MONA ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Telephone Richmond Hill 372R32 THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Sunday School Nursery Dept. (2-3) 7 pm. â€" Evening Service BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN Sunday School .. . . . . . . . . 10 mm. Worship . . . . . . 118.121. Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am. Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. Heb. 2:3: “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation." LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH sionary Meeting. Fri., 8 p.m. â€"- Young feoplea Soc Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all age: 7p.m. -â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 p.m. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€"- Women’s Mis- ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 Sunday School 10 21.111. Sunday Service .......... 11 3.111. Thornhill Baptist Church (Ont. & Quebec Convention) Sunday School and Morning Worship . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. PREACHING NEXT SUNDAY REV. H. S. HILLYER, D.D. Visitors Very Welcome The church and choir friends of Mrs. Everett Phillips will be glad to know Mrs. Phillips returned to her home on Monday from Newmarket Hospital, where she underwent an appendectomy two weeks ago. We all hope Mrs. Phillips will soon be back in the choir at St. John’s Church. Little Susan Spencley, grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Spen- cley, Elgin Mills, is now back from hospital. Susan suffered a. brok- en thigh in a fall three weeks ago,‘ when playing in a hayloft. She will be in a cast for another three weeks but her merry younz bro- ther and her mother, Mrs. How- ard Srpencley Will no»;r be with her, along with her grandparents, to keep her cheerful and bright. Mrs. Howard Spencley has just received word that her husband Sgt. Spencley, has arrived in Han- over, Germany, with the Queen'- 0wn. Sgt. Spenc‘iey left Can- ada just before Christmas . . and Susan went in to hospital just at New Year’s, so the Speneley‘ family has been very much in the hearts and thoughts of their many friends at this time. Latest Arrival in Jefferson Congratulations to Mr.’ and Mrs. Robert Meikle, on the birth of their son, William Lawrence, on Tuesday, January 15, 1952, at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Bro- ther Wayne is very happy about his new brother, and Mother, be- by and family are all doing nice- A 1937 Buick sedan driven by Mr. Milton Longï¬eld, a 28 year old resident of Newmarket caused damage to the home of James C. Gourlay, 12 Yonge Street North in Richmond Hill last week when t crashed into it. The accident occurred around 1 am. in the morning of January 15. Mr. Long- ï¬eld was proceeding north on Yonge [Street when he suddenly noticed that the traffic light at the corner of Centre and Yonge Street had turned red. He immediately jammed on his brakes and the car skidded into the construction bar- ricade erected at the north-west corner of these two streets. The car then went out of control jum/p- ed the curb and crashed into the south wall of the Gourlay resi- dence. No one was injured. The front end of the Longï¬eld car was damaged, while the wall of the P pushed in. Constable Car Crashes Into Gourlay House “h was pushed 1n Robbins investigated. Held in MASONIC HALL SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1952 7 RM. Speaker: Mr. Elias Beemer of Langstaff showing ï¬lm based on "Eternal Life and Heaven†Don’t miss this motion picture EVANGELICAL SERVICES CHURCH OF CHRIST WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 589r11 Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimate: Phone Liberal Oï¬ice Tel. 9, Richmond Hill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Styled to make y beautiful STUART PAXTON THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 24. 1952 D BAKER SALES 8: SERVICE Richvale Phone 111 Richmond Hill mmï¬mmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm All hours 490 Richmond Hill WWMMMMWRWFW “\MRIRWWMRIIMWWWWWMWW FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RIOE’S FLOWER SHOP REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€" Curtains Bedspreads PIANO TUNING JAMES J. WALL Wé olve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. Phdnes King 111 Aurora 46J Ruth Delbrocco Phone for appointment FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€"-â€" S E E â€"â€" Maple Cash Payment - $134.75 Balance of 18 Monthly Payments Richmond Hill 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill THORNHILL 108R3 ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? and Repairing USED CARS 1950 Ford Coach 1950 Morris Oxford 1950 Hillman Minx 1949 Hillman Minx 1936 Ford Coach Arcoflame Oil Burner DELCO PUMPS AND PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Ltd. OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor S. Hoffman Electrician Cement Septic Tanks Frigidaire Refrigerator Agent for My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE ARTHUR J. WELLS your rooms ( MODEL 50. 82 ) For CLARK’S Sockeye Salmon Pork & Beans $1.? 27c QUAKER Quick Oats CLOVER LEAF RED LIBBY’S 0R STOKLEY’S Bantam Corn Tomato Juice CHOICE QUALITY Shortening m- 32c Margene‘ Ib- 39c SPECIALS DOMESTIC MARGARINE Cheese io’ï¬' 51c CLOVER VALLEY FARM STYLE C‘IKLIFORNIA Iceberg Lettuce FIRM CRISP Celery Hearts FAN CY GRADE Spy Apples Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S in?“ 25c “Cream Style†Lge. 6 Qt. Bkt. 53;: 45c Telephone Maple 99 Bundle 48 oz. Pkg. Fancy Quality 20 oz. Tins Telephone 86 37c 19c 65c 31c