8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 24. 1952 . North York Veterans Club ANNOUNCEMENT a number of years. has all the desirable features that any housewife could wish for. The Regular Monthly Meeting will be held ' THURSDAY, JAN. 31 MEMBERS PLEASE ATTEND E. CONDY, Sec’y. We wish to announce that we have the 6 cu. ft. General Electric Refrigerator in stock. This is the ï¬rst time that the G. I E. Co- has made a small Refrigerator for 3' It is a beauty. It J O4 Racks on the door OLarge square freezer for frozen fouls & ice cubes OLots of space beside freezer for milk bottles OShelves pull out halfway PHONE 242J 'OBeautiful streamlined cabinet OCabinet is of convenient heightâ€"will go under ' any cupboard OLeft or right hand doors ODew-action crisper on the bottom VYEREX ELECTRIC RICHMOND HILL mO-mnST PlSTON' ' RI WORST P on. ' “on PlIMPEPS 1’ at rear MOI/(V mar Plover: motor-savers. Sold with our definite money-baek-li-they-fall guarantee. M O T 0'- MASTER "95" Piston Ring: reluvenute old motors with youthful energy; they give new car Compression â€"- Increased acceleration â€" motor gas and oil mileage and new freedom in. trouble and expense. Engineered for [her sister, Mrs, S. Robinson, Owen Sound. O O O O Mrs. Roy Austin of Mill Road has returned home from the ~\l'es- tern Hospital where she underwent ' ‘ usr To msnu. ' You don‘t have to be a mechanic to do n «my ear and truelr. Kora-MASTER "95" Piston Rina. sold direct to you by the Lament Automotive Supply House in the Countryâ€"are guaranteed equal or superior to piston rings that nor- .. ..__ molly sell up to double our low :ï¬nnfluï¬l’mdï¬ 9"†' 3s5,5,_Mg‘9:ke; 1:33;}: Jerri Model "A" and other 4-cyh'nder can . . ‘9“ 1“. much an Chevrolet. Pontiac and other B-cyhnder cer- EMY- Plymouth. Dodee. Nun. Hudson. etc. . . . . . . ’Pord V8; some Pnehrde. etc. . . . . . . . .... . 5-98 Buick and lure sâ€"cyllnder om , . . . . . . . . a? .3": w SAVE up TO if â€" on guaranteed replacement parts for Carsâ€"Trucksâ€"Tractors You can depend on Canadian Tireâ€"â€"your largest automotive store-â€" to supply you with original equipment quality replacement partsâ€"AT BIG SAVINGS. Direct buying saves you many dollarsâ€"and our money- back guarantee gives you full protection on every purchase. ENGINE PARTS Fuel Pumps Fuel Pump Repair Kits Connecting Rod Exchanges Connecting Rod Insert Bearings Crankshaft Main Bearings Pistons Piston Pills and Bushin s Intake and Exhaust V vex Valve Springs Guides and Keys Gaskets. Gasket Materials and Plastics , Piston Rings Timing Genre Carburetors Fuel and Grease Liner Fly Wheel Ring Gears Timing Chains Brass Fittings ignition and Wirinl COOLINGâ€"-EXHAUSTS _ SRAKE SYSTEM PARTS Water Pumps a Repair Kits Fan Belts Hose Radzntorl Mufflers Tail Pipes I Exhaust Pipes Muffler Clamps and Packing Hydraulic Brake Parts and Kit! Hydraulic Brake Fluid Chrysotiie Balanced Brake Set: Braerablcs and Rods FIX PHONE 404 MECHANICAL PARTS Tie Rod End: Axle s t Spring - nd Shacklel King Bolt Sets Drive Shaft Speedometer Cables Wheel Bearings Universal Joints Universal Joint Repair Kits Steering Sector Sets Shock Absorbers , Knee Action Unit Exchange Knee Action Repair Kits ‘ CHASSIS AND TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL PARTS Clutch Plates Clutch Facings \ Clutch Parts and Pressure Plates Ball and Roller Bearings Gears GENERATOR AND STARTING APPARATUS Generators and Starting Motor. Starter Drive Exchanges Generator Brushes Ignition Coils Starter Switches Distributor Parts IT YOURSELF SAVE ON COSTLY LABOR _. AND BUY lDENTICAL-TO. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT AND PARTS AT BIG SAVINGS! Get more en oyment out of safe Spring and ummer drivmg by keepmg your car in first-class mechanical condition. Our staff is well informed and ready to gelpt you With tips on "how to o ." 97 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. P. C. HILL. Prop. CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. Telephone “‘4'â€an Hill 137R“ Mrs, R. Halter has returned home after spending a week with an operation three weks ago. Mrs. Austin's friends will be pleased to know she is coming along nicely now, O O O O The Veteran Ladies held their monthly euchre at the home 0t Mrs. Derek Andrews, Church St., on Tuesday afternoon, January 15. The winners of the euchre were: Mrs. Deadman, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs_ Patterson. Refreshments were ser- ved. O O O O Ronald Duncan entertained the members of the Mechanical Hock- ey League at his home on Pember- ton Road Sunday evening, The boys played well but Ronald was victorious in his home games. Rev freshments were served. O it i I We are very sorry to hear that Mrs. H. Patton of Arnold St. has been ill with the “flu†and was un- MAPLE CORRESPONDENT Phone Maple 19R Maple Women’s Institute Members of Maple Women’s In- stitute gathered in Maple Masonic Hall, on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, to see Miss Marion Wight of Home Economics Branch of Women's Institutes, demon- strate Oven Cooked Meals. She was assisted by Mrs. Paul Snider of Edgeley branch and Mrs. An- drew Snider of Maple. Those pres- ent gained knowledge and useful hints on preparing same. UScful cook books on oven cooked meals were given to the ladies. O O i! O Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Oscar Wilson and Mrs. Kenneth Tilley in the loss of a loving mo- ther, Mrs. Joseph West who pass- ed away suddenly at her home in Toronto on Thursday, January 17. I t I I St. Andrew's W.M.S. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Wo- men’s Missionary Society, Maple, visited with Woodbridge W.M.S. on Tuesday. January 8, the occasâ€" ion being the ï¬ftieth anniversary of the Woodbridge society The guest speaker was Mrs. Burnett, Welcome and Welfare of Council Executive. of the Western Division of the Presbyterian \V. MOS. Mrs. A. S. Kerr of Toron- o Presbyterial and Mrs. T. L. Williams, vice-president of Section Three brought greetings. Mrs. Watts of Woodbridge, read the history and Mrs. David Wither- :poon and Mrs. Fleming, the old-- est members cut the cake, which was made by Mrs. Dougald Mac- Donald. Maple ladies attending were: ers. C. H. Bowman, Mrs. R. D. MacNaughton, Mrs. George‘ Mathy eson, Mrs. Elmo Kefi‘er, Mrs. El- ‘lon Wade, Mrs. E. H. Magee, and Mrs. Tilford Witherspoon. Lunch was served. a a a ' Dogs Kill Sheep One sheep was killed by dogs on the farm of Allan Oster, Concord, on Monday, January 21. O O O O Tiope United Church The members and adherents of Hope United Church met for the annual meeting at noon on Wed-» nesda,y January 16. Dinner was served by the ladies of the congre- gation. ‘ NORTH RICHVALE NEWS BLACKBURN, Yomehurst Rd. able to attend Sugar and Spice ('lub Thursda}~ evening e e x e Mrs, G. Vl'ainwright, mother of Lewis. Pemberton Road. under- went an operation on Saturday at the Western Hospital. Her family and friends all wish her a speedy recovery. I C ' ' Mrs, M. Holmes of Yongehurst Rd. spent Wednesday at the home of Mrs. S. Styan, Yonge St. Your correspondent joined them for lunch. 0 I e 0 Bruce Blackburn experienced quite a thrill at his visit to the Armouries on Tuesday evening as the guest of Mr, R. Howard, Yon- gehurst Rd. OOOO Sugar and Spice Club met at the Blackburns Thursday evening. T‘Welve girls were present with Mrs. P. Mabley and Mrs. M, Hol- mes as their guests of the even- ing. Winners at cards were Ha- zel Mabley. Florence Schurman, Mabcl Fenwick and Jessie Wain- wright, Hostesses of the occasion were Dorothy Saul and Marj Mur- phy. NEWS â€" MRS. D. ALLEN The annual meeting of Maple United Church will be held Wed- nesday, January 30, Supper will be served at 6.30 p.m. to which all members and friends are invited. O O O O A pleasant evening was spent at the Bell Telephone Office Thurs- day, Jaduary 17, when the opera- tors met to bid farewell to one of the staff, Doreen Winters, who is leaving shortly to join her hus- band in'Calgary. After a social time a gift of remembrance was presented and Doreen replied in a few well chosen words. O O O O On Friday evening, January 18. the choir of St, Andrew's Presby- terian Church was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. David Martyn of Tor- onto. Sixteen members were pres- ent and all reported having a good time. o e e e Bowling Teams bowling on Monday. Jan- luary 28, are: Essotane, Oddfellows 1 and 2 and Liens 1, ‘ 0 II I v St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Choir is sponsoring a variety program presented by the Queen Anne Sin« gers under the direction of Miss Anne Dumblebon, in the Commun- ‘ity Hall, Maple, on Tuesday, Jan- uary.29. at 8 p.m. Proceeds in aid of the organ fund. I O t t ..-.,.~.., .7 .....-...... i hiua‘rp The village of Maple and district ,were saddened on Monday, Jan- ury .14, by the sudden death of Norman D. McCullough, who paSS- ed away at his home here, The late Mr. McCullough was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William McCull- ough, Toronto, and was born in Lefroy in 1921, coming to Maple about ï¬fteen years ago, He was a member of Maple Fire Brigade, 3 Lion and an ardent hun- ter. Left to mourn his loss are his widow the former Marion. Rob- son, his son Terry and daughter Nancy, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William McCullough, Tor- onto; his sisters and one broth- Encouraglng reports were heardier, Mrs. William Hamilton, Toron- from the different organizations and all reports showed increased interest and credit balances. The church account presented by Mrs_ W. J. Thomas, showed the largâ€" est credit balance in the history of the congregation. During the year 11 names were added to the church roll, all join- ing‘ on profession of faith. The name of Mr, Isaac McQuar- rie was added to the Stewards. A \committee was set up with Mr. Gordon Orr as chairman for the renovation of the Sunday School during the coming year. Mrs. T. O. Nixon moved a bear- ty vote of thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Lambert for their leadership, This was heartily endorsed by all. O O O O Maple United Church A baking sale sponsored by the Sunday School of Maple United Church, under the convenorship of Mrs. John Leece. on Saturday afternoon. January 19, was a de- cided success. The sum of $75 was realized. Other members ot the committee were: Mrs, Harry‘ lennings. Mrs. Neil Woods. Mrs: Albert Bower. and Mrs. Norman- Payne. l MAPLE CHIROPRACTOR M. S. Ketcheson B. A., D.C.* ‘Dr. of Chiropractic Location adjoining White‘s Barber. Shop For appointment phone 52 Maple Hours: Saturday only 2-6 p.m. A. Douglas McLean of Rich- mond Hill, Onl., will not be res- ponsible for any debts contractâ€" ed in my name from this date forward. without my written I order. ‘lwill'l to, Mrs, James Gibb, Vancouver, Jean Maria, Mildred and Gordon, all at home. Funeral service was held from his home on Thursday at 3 p.m. with interment at Maple Cemet- ery. Pall bearers were Allan Moore, Dr, Clem Reeds, L10yd Palâ€" mer, Hadwin Kyle, Jack Lown and George Calder. e e e e _ The sympathy of Maple com- lmunity goes to the family of the late Mrs. Mary Ann Jane Leonard who passed away suddenly at her home at 245 Paciï¬c Avenue, Tor- onto. She was the wife of Joseph Edgar West, formerly of Grand Valley where she had lived before coming to Teston ten years ago. Mrs. West was well known in this community and district having owned and operated the general store in Teston. Left to mourn her passing are ,her husband Joseph West. her son Leonard of London and her dau- ghters, Mrs, Tilley (Mildred) and Mrs. Wilson (Almeda) of Maple, .Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Bruce (Forestine) Grand Valley. Funeral service was from ,the home of her daughter. Mrs. Wilson, Maple. with interment in “Grand Valley, Saturday at 2.30 p. m. . I O O The Busy Bees _Mission Band met on Saturday, January 19, at the manse. The Scripture was read by Isabella Leece with Janet Mc- Cowan taking up the offering. The lroll call was responded to by giv- ing the names of a place in South America, Patricia Lund favored the group with a piano solo. A new song “The Flowers That In The Gar- l l I l l (ltll Grow†was learned. A story out of the new study book was i. read .uy Mrs. Bowman. Nora Lund led in prayer and the meeting ,closed with the benediction, 7-, Canada just (Adeline) Toronto,' l VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Farm Forum had an interesting imeeting at the home of Mr, Dal» lion Rumney with nineteen present. lMiss Ruth McKenzie of the Natâ€" :ional Farm Radio and Mrs. Floyd :Griesback were visitors. Miss Mc- Kenzie protested the subject ‘_\re Commodity Groups Doing the Job?" which will be discussed agâ€" ain at a later date. After an hour discussion Mrs, Rumney served a dainty lunch. 0 e e e A number from here attended the annual Markham Township Sunday School convention held last Thursday in the Markham United Church. O O I. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton David and Donald had Thursday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs W. Sandle and Margaret, the 0c.- casion being Mr. Sandle's birth- day. O O O O Sympathy of the community iS extended to Mr. Chester Stouten- bergh in the passing of his wife who did in the Toronto Western Hospital last Tuesday. ï¬irll‘)? We wish a speedy recovery to Mr. John Empringhm who is ill in bed. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Basinger 'oi Maple, Mr. and Mrs. James Basinger, Newtonbrook called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and Barbara Ann on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee and family had Saturday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ni- chols and Miss Vera Nichols, the occasion being Margaret Gee's fourth birthday. a All t 3 Mr. family of Willowdale, Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Collins and Mr. and Lorne Mortson of Newtonbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wellman and family of Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WI-LCOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON 1, Telephone King 97R3l .4. Mrs. Percy Ash and Mr, and Mrs. Mike Wells and family spent Sunday in Barrie visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wesley White. . I O O O Mrs. A. Evans, teacher at No. 7 Whitchurch and her son Doug- las spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa. t I. O O Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hooper and their small daughter of Port Credit have rented Mr. Harry Hut- chinson’s new house on Bond Ave. O O O O Interesting newcomers to the district are Mr. and Mrs. T, Heinz and their seven year old son Joey. Working with the British occupa- tion forces in Germany for the past three years, they arrived in eight weeks ago. Speaking ï¬ve languages Mr. 1 Heinz was employed as an interâ€" preter and Mrs. Heinz as a secret- ary. They have secured a house and employment for the husband and father and Joey is enrolled at the Lake Wilcox School. I... Mrs. I. Conway of the John Northway Company, sent a nice donation of stockings for the rum- mage sale to be held at a later date, sponsored by the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepayers As- sociation. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. D. Cook enter- tained their family January 20, in honor of Mr. Cook’s birthday. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woolley and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Gallagher were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth on Sunday night. W. Sandle, Telephone Stoufl'ville 67509 and family ' GORDON KENNEDY PI‘BLIC ACCOUN ANT Victoria Square Regular (‘alls in Richmond Hill District I. 3-15 OLD ORCHARD GROVE, Toronto. RE. 3139 ll'ellman and family of Toronto, Miss Viola Anson of Lansing » spent Saturday evening with M". I and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and SINCE THE DEATH OF ERNIE BROCK b ' . “S . . . . THE GENERAL [NSURANCE AGENCY OF Mrs. Penny Longfellow was a visitor at the church service Sunâ€" & d3“ af‘wmonfj‘ï¬lf†“9F†‘ Is BEING CONTINUED WITHOUT INTERRUP- Several ladies from here airlend- i TION UNDER THE DIRECTION OF KIRBY A. BROOK ed the annual WMS Convention on Tuesday at St. George's United Church, Toronto; ‘ . TELEPHONE 11 MAPLE, ONT. The Senior 'W.I. is holding its _,.. annual party of euchre and crok- inole on Tuesday evening, Febru- ary 5 in the Community Hall at 8.15 p.m. Will all past and present members and friends please accept this notiï¬cation as their invitation Ladies please provide lunch, also those wishing to play crokinole g { Perry's Fliharmacy PERRY‘S COUGH SYRUP PERRY'S BABY COUGH SYRUP PERRY'S COLD & GRIPPE CAPSULES MAPLE, ONT. PHONE 164 please bring the crokinole boards, O O O - The Senior W.I. members and :t their husbands have been invited‘ to Institute's l attend Gormley meeting on Wednesday evening, January 30, at R p.m. in G0rmley;§§ school. Miss Anna P. Lewis will give an illustrated address. O O O O A very enjoyable pot luck sup- per was held last Wednesday ev- ening in the Sunday School room. Following the supper, the annual congregational meeting was held, with each group giving a splendid report, An interesting event took place when a presentation was made to Miss Coral Perkins for her services as church organist. Mr. Harvey Collard read the address and Mr. Heber McCague, on be- half of the congregation presented Coral with a silver tea service. Coral replied in a few well chosen words. INSULATION i Save fuel and money by putting the heat where it is most needed. Have your hot water tank, heating boiler and pipes covered with asbestos. Also special coverings for stopping condenmtion on cold water pipes. FOR ESTIMATES CALL F. SHORTER RICHMOND HILL 551W note e The CGIT held its regular meet- ing at the home of Mrs. S. DeFoe. FARMERS! I Now is the time to installthat new warm air heating system, for real heating sat.- isfaction in the years aheadâ€"ACT NOW! . _ By authority of the Farm Improvement Mn - (1 Ms. M. my soul, Lo 11 A ' ' OaklRnges, welcomebdntheir ï¬l‘étl a S Ct suCh lnStallatlons can l term izssszrlizghgzafi, Be Financed Through you. Local Bank For Free Estimates Consult market hospital. Born January 14. R. B 0 S T O C K she weighed 8 lbs; 7 07.. E . HEATING CONTRACTOR PHONE RICHMOND HILL 674J Mr. .George Kay, Don Valley‘ l ‘ Conservation Authority, who also“ does ï¬eld work with the Humber: Valley Conservation Authority of, which Lake Wilcox forms a part,l is meeting Tuesday night with the executive of the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepayers Associaâ€"‘ tion. O O t o on Sunday, 1 Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anso Hamilton on Sunday were Mr. am; Mrs. A. Chamberlain Toronto an' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Markâ€"We] St. Catharines. O O O O Glad to report that eight months old Gary Dawson 50.1 of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dawson, Wildwood Avenue, is recovering from a reâ€" O O c 3 cent attack of pleurisy. Mr, and Mrs. J. Allison, Kings- way, had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rule. Mr. Rule is up again after being in bed for a week with a bad cold. t O 0 . Oak Ridges Glass is sponsoring a progarm every Tuesday night on CKBB Barrie. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mills and ,baby Gwen, Port Hope were guests ,for the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. lRobt. Ash. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Covell, Karen, Barbara, Kathleen of Tor- onto spent Sunday with Mr. and ers, Sydney Cole. Richmond Hill District High ‘ Joanne Johnson Boys’ Basketball ‘ On Wednesday, January 9, Bath. urst Heights again brought two basketball teams to R.H.D.H.S., to win the two games played. In the [ï¬rst game, Richmond Hill Junior B’s played Batchurst Heights mio- gets. Our team was thoroughly outplayed and outscored. The ï¬nal score was 53-13. There isn’t much to say about the game in our favor. Henson, 3 Bathurst Heights player, paced his team by scoring 1% points. ‘Clendinning with 11. Our senior team was also bhor- ‘oughly beaten. The score was 50‘ ‘20. Twelve of our points were scor- ï¬eld goals were tallied, two by Creelman and one each by Murchi- ,son and Jarrett. The seniors now have a new coach in the person of Mr. Thomasson who is doing a good job with what material he has. O O O O Inter-Form Inter-form basketball has start- :ed for the grade 9's. There are 8 teams with 4 in each of the two ‘leag‘ucs. They play halfâ€"court has- ,ketball so they can have more l games. The North York League started with Richmond Hill playing at .\'ewmarket on January 15. Games scheduled for R.H.D.H.S. are: Running second was , led on foul shots while only four.‘ School REPORTERS Laurence Johnston Monday, January 21, Pickering (home); Wednesday, January 30, Aurora (home); Thursday, Februâ€" ary 7 at Pickering; Wednesday, February 15, Newmarket (home); Wednesday, February 20, Aurora. 0 e e t Girls' Basketball Girls teams for lnterschool Bas- ketball were chosen by Coach Cairns. They are as follows: Senior A: I_ HOOd, I. Mashinter, :J. Johnson. M. Snider, J. Dediow, ‘J. Bache, M. L. James, J. Wilde, J. Harding, J. Tobias. Junior A.: M. Cooper, S, Easton, iIJ. Stephenson, J. Frazer, ,J. Mabley, L. Latimer, S. Kerr, J. Brumwell, I. Gray, J. Wilt-ox. Junior B: L. Leaf, R. Beynon, 1C. Frazer, .l. Sopley, M. McDon- .ald, D. Banks, L. Nichols, S. Zinâ€" iken. The schedule of games is: Aurora at Newmarket, January 24: R. H. at Aurora, January 31; Newmarket at R.H.. February T: Newmarket at Aurora; Feb. 14, Aurora at R. H., February 21; R. H. at Newmarket, February 28. Want a good attendance at tna: concert or bazaar or whatever I: may be? Then try an insertion In the “Coming Events†(olumn of The Liberal. It does the job f0' Iyou at low cost. Telephone Rich- imond Hill 9. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society will be held in I the Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 26‘, at 2.30 p.m. for election of oï¬icers and the transac- RICHMOND? HILL " Mrs. Margaret Burton, Secretary tion of general business. For Your Convenience YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIBERAL EACH WEEK AT, ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: RICHMOND HILL RICHVALE Clarke’s Pharmacy W. Costoff Eddie’s Variety Store ï¬-agzggg, St Reaman’s Variety. Store C. Turnblslll 0’9 Roberts’ Bus Station Y LANGSTAFF Scotchmer S Drug Store Hobday Groceteria OAK RIDGES lrlllorris General Store campbe“ Service Station Icks Serv1ce Statlon Connor‘s Grocery DONCASTER Davidson's Store F- RlChardSOH's Store Marshall‘s Garage HIGHLAND PARK McKinley‘s Store , . , ’, _ Spence’s Hardware White s Seince Station THORNHILL Vern Griffin’s Store KING , Armstrong.s Store Harley s Drug Store CONCORD TEMPERANCEVILLE Hollis’ Store Mrs. Lapping‘s Store MAPLE McCowan's Store McCullough's General Store I Perry's Drug Store t Fred Hare's Store ELGIN MILLS E. Hall's Service Station ridham‘s Store 09 Weber‘s Grocery