Smart Martha Washington and Richledge stainless three-piece bathroom sets: white $160.00 to $189.00. Coloured $274. complete with beautiful chromed ï¬ttings. :Air conditioning furnaces $295.00. Special ofl’ers to plumbers and builders too. Save many valuable ‘dollars buy with conï¬dence and have a nicer home, Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off ratalogue prices if We supply ev- trything you need for complete ilumbing or heating instalation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main ï¬xtures, prices and instala- tion diagramsr Select style ot sinks, cabinets, laundry tubsy showers, stoves, refrigerators. Pressure water systems, oil burn- érs, septic and oil tanks, etc, Visit or write Johnson Mail Order Div- ision, Streetsville Hardware, Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261. DINETTE SUITE with buffet, gnodem design; also modern bed and dresser. The 3rd house north of Stop 1813 Yonge St. (east side) it Langstaï¬'. *1w31 DON’T RUN FOR WATER -â€"- Let a. Duro Pump bring it to you. Ask your plumber, or get free booklet from Bassett Supply Company, 11 Wellington W., Aurora. c4w31 2 STORM SASH 3’ x 4' 6â€, glaz- ed; Bench Saw 8â€, tilt table, rip fence and mitre gauge; washing machine, reasonable. 35 Centre West, Richmond Hill. *1w31 '7 ft. and poles $4 complete; single bed, spring, new, and mattress $20.00; wringer and stand, almost new $7.00. Phone 225R Thornhill. c1w31 SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE. New machines from $89.50, all with reverse stitch. Gua- ‘ranteed repairs to all makes. Con- versions. Phone Reids Cleaners, Richmond Hill 625, tfc29 ï¬rst and only all new Sewing Ma- chine in 50 years. It is a full siz- ed sewing machine ‘with the revolâ€" ntionary open arm. Elna does more and does it better than any mach- ine you ever owned. Call us now for a home demonstration - there is no obligation. Buy on our bud- get terms $70.00 down and $12.10 per month for 12 months. Yerex Electric & Lucy Dickie Shop, Phone 242.1 and 242W, Richmond Hill, *1w2‘9 OAK SIDEBOARD $15.00; COOK STOVE, wood or coal, resâ€" ervoir; Coleman space heater, com- plete with pipes; 200 gal. oil drum with faucet. Phone Thornhill 252J. ‘ c1w31 GRAY CONVERTIBLE baby car- riage with sleigh runner attach- ment; commode chair, perfect con- dition. Phone Richmond Hill 471 SEW & SAVE with ELNA Lhe RECESSED BATHTUBS $60 If You Want To Buy Or Sell It, Here’s The Place To Tell It BLUE OVERC-OAT, size 15 yrs., good as new; also 9 piece dining foom suite. Phone Richmond Hill 391W. *1w31 125 TONS of clover and mixed hay. Wire baled. John A. Madsseny Un- ionville . ’c2w31 DINING ROOM SUITE; 3 metal single beds. Phone Richmond Hill 670J. c1w31 BLUE PRAM, excellent condition $15.00. Phone Richmond Hill 79R. *1w31 INTERNATIONAL Combine, in go'od condition. Phone Thornhil! 16R22. c1W3C iOO BUSHELS good Northern Spys $2 per bus.; a few seconds at $1 a bushel. Elmer Orr, Phone 54R13, Maple . BABY’S CRIï¬, wood, large size, Spring and mattress, in good con: dition; 2 electric light ï¬xtures. Phone Richmond Hill 246J . c1w31 BXLES of Alfalfa Hay. R. E. San- derson, Unionville, lot 24, con. 4 Markham. Phone Stout‘fville 65204 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 and up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfc44 LAD'IES’ FUR COAT, Lamb Mou- ton. Phone Richmond Hill 548W after 5 p.m OIL BURNER with all controls, can instal, $185.00,Zone 5-480.fc29 STOVE with warming clos- et and reservoir, wood or coal. Phone Richmond Hill 571W. c1W31 CINDERS, $5.00 a load. Phone Thornhill 634J. tfc20 CASH RMES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge o. 50c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 40c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25¢ COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge 5% CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75¢ BIRTH NOTICE .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w31 Skiis, single *1w31 c2w31 c1w31 LOST on Wednesday, January 16, a black dog with white front, part Spaniel, answers to the name of “Buster.†Reward. Phone Thorn- hill 145. c1w3! Richmond Hill District; about 8250 square feet of glass. Potting shed and garage connected. Steam heat, good boiler, oil heated. Frame house 4â€"room, 3-piece bath with showers, good dry cellar full length of house, with electric light throughout; an- out 3 acres of land. Will consider selling half interest to good grow- er. Phone Richmond Hill 598 or 46R21. tfc23 HOUSE WANTED IMMEDIATE- LY.‘ Our large staff has waiting buyers for homes in all price class~ es, large or small. Phone Thornh'm 12 or Wa. 4338. Open until 9 pm. David McLean Ltd. clw31 FOR BRAY day-old chicks, order in advance. They have heavy cock- erels for pretty prompt shipment, also started pullets. Get pricelist and order now through Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. c1w31 down. Bungalow 5 rooms, half ac- re, on Yonge St. (east side) the 3rd house north of Stop 18B Lang- staff. *1w31 FOR, SALE 3 GREENHOUSES, SMALL Leather Key Case contain- ing 4 keys. Finder please leave at Liberal Office. HOUSE FOR SALE: Only $1600 JERSEY COW, 4th calf, due to freshen February 12. Exceptionally quiet. Earl Lambert, Stop 24 Yonge St., phone Richmond Hill 553R2, tfc29 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thomhill 168. tfc46 1 TAMW'ORTH BOAR PIG, 300 lbs., would registqr; also 8 pigs weaned. Fred Appleton, Lot 26, Con. 8 Vaughan Twp, Mrs. Ross’s farm, Maple 67r14. I'1w31 FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Fenn, Thomhill 168 tfcl] CHESTERFIELD SUITES rebulit and recovered, like new, free es- timates, free pick-up and delivery anywhere; we also carry a com- plete line of new household furn-- ishings. We will not be undersold by anyone. Come in and compare. Dyer’s Furniture, New-market, phone 1250. tfc31 ELECTRIC STOVES, four burner, apartment and table model; also refrigerators 6% & 9 cubic feet, brand new, will sacriï¬ce. Zone 5â€" 480. tfc29 '38 DODGE, new motor, good body fair tires, $400.00 cash, or $100 and take over payments. Apply W. Cripps, 53A Jackes Ave., Thornhill, antime. *1W31 1931 MODEL A Ford Sedan, in good running condition. 1934 Ply- mouth sedan with heater. Both winterized. Best oï¬â€˜ers. Phone 309 W Richmond Hill. *1W31 GOATS, registered Saanen Buck “Prince Albert" for service. Phone Richmond Hill 173R2. Price reas- onable. c2w31 COOK STOVE converted to burn fuel oil, perfect condition $75.; Moffatt Electric Range, spotless condition, $65. Terms. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. phone 86 Richmond Hill. c1w31 For Sale (Continued) PIGS FOR SALE, 15 chunks, about 80 lbs., 7 sows due about March 10, from good clean stock. Elmer Orr, phone 541-13 Maple. c2w31 Houyly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 CAMPBELL MINK DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK USED CARS AND TRUCKS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OLD ï¬ORSES 515.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE LOST also BABY S‘IT’I‘ER, experienced, af" ternoon and evenings, except Sat- urdays. Thomhill 193R12. c1w31 home work, any kind. Mrs. Alan Bagg, phone Maple 74.113. 02W31 RELIABLE WOMAN wants work by the day. Washing, ironing, cleaning. Experienced. Phone King 95R23. c1w31 CEMENT MIXER fov rent, gaso- line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll WOMAN WANTS housework by day or by the hour. Phone 46R5 Richmond Hill Friday and Satur- day between 7 and 8 p.m. c1w31 iences, hot plate privileges, close to bus stop. Phone 570W Richmond Hill. *lw3‘0 BEAUTIFUL newly decorated bedroom in private home, break- fast optional, half minute to Yonge St., suit business girl. Stop 13A Yonge St., 15 Grandview Ave. Nights . c1w31 PAINTING and paperhar.ging, ï¬rst class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 WINDOW FRAMES, sash, storm windows, check rail sash, casement sash, door frames, octagon window frames and sash. Aubrey Nicol, Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill 134R31. tfc24 ACCURATE TYPIST desires FURNISHED ROO‘M, all convenv ber wheel wagon and rack. Trailer with a dump box. Exchange 3 new Fordson Major for a good smaller tractor. Uplands Golf Club, phone 32J, Thornhill. c4w31 Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar- anteed workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M. *3w52tfc BABY’S CRIB, play pen and high chair. Apply Box 2 The Liberal. *1w31 sash made to order. C. B. enburg, 32 Richmond St., Richmond Hill 49QR. ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc cartage. L. W. Reid, Thornhill 247 tfc WELLS DUG & TILED. Septic tanks installed. Call Thornhill 2-57R3. *4w29 H. Gooderham, Willowdale 2508 WELLS cleaned, dug, bricked or tiled. Apply John McQuade, 53A Jackes Ave., R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. c4w3-0 LARGE, STRONG PIANO. Rub- HORSES BOARDED, box stalls Yonge St. at Elgin Mills. Phone Richmond Hill 221M. *1w31 SNOWâ€"PLOUGHING. Haulage, CALL P. M. TONNER for mean, ï¬ne work. painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vlce, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 CAPONS, roasters and fowl, high~ est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton Oak Ridges Poultry Grading étation. Phone King 59R14. tfc37 CUSTOM SNOW PLOWING. W SAND, gravel, crushed stom. and ï¬ll. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond Hi‘ 384J. tfc43 HANDYMAN. Do you want thOSC odd jobs cleaned up? If so call Richmond Hill 551W. c2w30 COMBINATION DOORS, FLOOR SANDERS for rental. Ed- dy’s, 55 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 458J. tfc7 stzne, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity. Richmond Hill, phone 632W. tfc42 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed MISCELLANEOUS l\ 5/: Tycoon James the Wallflreet Bear Was always gruff and grim And then he fried our classified Now they call him Srgilfl'ig Jim. EMPLOYMENT WANTED POULTRY WANTED NILE TILE CO. TO RENT WANTED *13w23 storm ' Stout- ' phone‘ tfc12 ' TRANSPORTATION wanted vic- inity Medical Arts Bldg., leaving 6 p.m. for Richmond Hill. Phone 445 Richmond Hill. *1w31 air conditioning, Dynaflow Drive and directional signals, in lovely shade of dark green.. .Driven Only 300 miles, Richmond Hill 7.30 a.m.,’avriving Bay and Richmond approx. 8.10 a.m.; leaving 4.30 p.m. arriving Richmond Hill about 5 p.m. Phone 651 Richmond Hill. c1w31 Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. H. Pear- son and Reg, Willoughby, clerks. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. At the same time and place on Saturday, February 23, entire household fur- niture will be sold. 1935 CHEV. 1 TON STAKE an older truck in exceptional con- dition PASSENGERS wanted leaving Stop 22A, 7.30 a.m., returning between 4 and 5 p.m. Phone Rich- mond Hill 226R2. c1w31 SAT., FEB, 2 â€" Auction sale at the Stouffville Livestock Sales Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, stockers, slheep, calves, pigs, horses, ponies and poultry. For pick up and delivery service phone Stouffville 363. Come early and bring something to sell. See the modern way to sell by public auc- tion. “You bring it.†We’ll sell it.†Make this your market where buy er and seller meet. Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. Sellers & At- inson, auctioneers. 1950 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN TRANSPORTATION PASSENGERS WANTED, leaving COUPLE with child requires 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms. Reasonable. Phone Maaple 125'R2. c1w31 SMALL HOUSE, flat or apt, rea- sonable, young couple, school age daughter, Richmond Hill or vicin- ity. Mrs. R. Ferguson, Elgin Mills P.0. *1w31 EXPERIENCED Hairdresser, must be fully experienced in all lines of hairdressing_ Phone Richmond Hill 310. c1w31 WLD,, FEB. 13 â€" Auction sale of June: ' MrS- Joyce, Mrs. H. farm stock and implements_ Geo_ Mortson, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Parsons White threshing machine 24x42, Mrs- MCIntOSh‘ No. 6 Combination, and full line of Jub’: Miss M- Sanderson, Mrs. farm implements. 30 head of H01; A. Buchanan, Mrs. Trussell, Mrs. stein cattle, 7'5 hogs, 100 pullets, walla“: MTS- Mcnmurrayy MYS- horses. At lot 10, con. 8, East JOhn BUChanan- Gwillimbury at Mount Albert, the Align“: ‘MI‘S- MCROberts, Mrs. property of H_ Broderick No re_ McMurray, Mrs. Eade, Mrs. Per- serve as farm sold. Terms: Cash.l1_‘fns_v Mrs- L- L: NiChOISy MI‘S- 1935 CHRYSLER COUPE good tires, fair running condition 1951 BUICK 4-DO0R DeLUXE SEDAN SALE REGISTERS 1940 DIAMOND T 2 TON CAB AND CHASSIS Bradshaw Motors LTD. 6 to 8 room house on nice lot in Richmond Hill in exchange for 6 room brick house in Leaside. We have several clients wanting property in and around Rich- mond Hill. Call R. W. JOHNSTON RICHMOND HILL 525.1 CHAMBERS, MEREDITH LTD. 24 KING ST. W. PLaza 3921 REAL ESTATE BROKERS TORONTO, ONTARIO low mileage, air cond., heater USED CARS AND TRUCKS HELP WANTED 1936 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN 1938 FORD 1 TON STAKE $150.00 WANTED in running condition Phone 488 RICHMOND HILL WANTED TO RENT QUALITY in nice condition $3,100.00 $1,675.00 $1,695.00 $125.00 $250.00 $175.00 $175.00 good tires A very enjoyable meeting of the W.A. was held last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Har- vey Collard. The meeting opened with a poem by Mrs. S. Boynton. The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. McRoberts, followed by the Lesson Thoughts by Mrs. Per- cy Bennett. Mrs. Collard led in prayer. Mrs. H. McCague and Mrs. Joyce rendered two lovely duets. Mrs. Baker of Brown’s Corners addressed the gathering taking as her subject “Our Ap- proach to God through Prayer.†Following the meeting dainty re- feshments were served by the hostess and her group. Following are the officers of the W.A. for 1952. President, Mrs. P. W. Willows; lst vice president, Miss Mabel Sanderson; 2nd vice president, Mrs. S. DeFoe; secretary, Mrs. H. F. Collard; assistant secret- ary-treasurer, .Mrs. S. BOynton; treasurer, Mrs. Herman Mortson; press secretary, Mrs. W. Sandle; flower and visiting committee, Mrs. S. Boynton, Mrs. P. Ben- nett, Mrs. A. Huston; temperance secretary, Mrs. D. Gee; United Nations secretaryy Mrs. R. Brum- well; pianists, Mrs. Snider and Mrs. Collard; song leaders, Mrs. S. Boynton, Mrs. N. Boynton; auditors, Mrs. Fraser Gee, Mrs. Arnold Mortson. loo}, look, said lbe lit/[e red be!) c look, look, I bare done it again 0 I'mdoing my 171'! o to help you keep ï¬r .you eat all ll): eggs tlmtyou can Maple. Ont vuummr or NAVIoNAl NIALTN AND Vuull Wholesale & Retail all year round Special prices and arrange- ments for people who pick them up. EGG GRADING STATION Woodbridge on No. 7 ngy. Phone 104J Woodbridge It’s the “lack†of certain Vit- amins and minerals that cause most of our pig rais- ing trouble. NIXON'S PEL- LAGREX contains Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Ele- ments that help you raise pigs proï¬tably. Ask us for literature on this NEW, PRACTICAL METHOD for RAISING PIGS. Perry's Pharmacy DEFICIENCIES CAUSE PIG PRï¬BLEMS FARMERS! CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square EGGS†VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Telephone Stouffville 67509 Phone 164 in the Sunday School room. All the girls and boys and youth of the Victoria Square charge are invited. Rev. Gordon Hunter of Schomberg will address the gath- ering. Douglas McWhirter, mem- ber of Boys’ Parliament of North York will also speak. All the la- dies of the W.A. are asked to help with the serving of the evening dinner. November: Mrs. A. Frisby, Mrs. Westbrook, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. ngker, erst iEarlr Erppringhiafn. Decefnber: Mrs. S. DeFoe, Mrs J. Valliere, Mrs. D. Gee, Mrs Rumney, Mrs. Canning, Mrs. Stansbury. On Monday evening, February 4, there will be a Youth Banquet $52 per month 1949 MONARCH SPORTS SEDAN $47 per month 1949 FORD 5 PASS. CLUB COUPE One owner, immaculate condition 30 day guarantee R.D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service FHONE 174. RICHMOND HILL III-IIIIIIIIIIIIII Showroom open Mon., Wed. and Fri. evenings until 9 p.m. fully equipped, radio, heater, black, with white-wall tires 30 day guarantee SEE THESE LOW PRICED SPECIALS $17 for 12 months 1938 DODGE SEDAN $21 for 12 months 1938 FORD 4 DR. SEDAN $875.00 Down $55 per month 1950 METEOR DE LUXE SEDAN Repainted & Reconditioned 1940 CHRYSLER SEDAN $175.00 Down $300 Down $21 per month Radio & Heater 30 day guarantee $800 Down $725 Down Radio & Heater $200 Down [ELECTRICAL‘TIPS‘FOR THE HOME - If Poorly Placed Outlets Make Cleanin Day a Chore . . . continue to put up with .‘he inconvenience of moving heavy Furniture every time you want to clean your rugs and upholstery or use an electric floor polisher. Would you care to join an association to protect and fur- ther your interests in Richmond Hill relative to such problems as: Are You Civic Minded ? If enough favorable replies are received we will under- take to call another Public Meeting and form an assoc- tion immediately ALEX BRADSHAW BERT BAR] This form may include more than one name CALL PLAZA 5373 or MAPLE 6 Jame Address Phone ANNEXATION PLANNING BY-LAWS TAXATION SCHOOLS ROADS, ETC. Send replies to Box 1 The Liberal pick-up or delivered. 7.30 am. - 5.30 pm. DO provide extra outlets in hunv dy spots. Why not combine plug- in outlets with existing switches? They’re designed especially fol easy use of cleaning equipment. BERT BARBER