Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jan 1952, p. 5

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Miss Nancy Austin visited last week-end with her parents, Mr. 3nd Mrs. H. F. Austin. The Reverend George Nicholson and Mrs. Nicholson, formerly of the Arctic Mission and now Rec- tor of St. John’s Anglican Parish In Blackstock, were guests last Week of Mrs. David Hill and Mrs. S. A. Devitt. Among those who entertained be- fore the St. Mary’s Evening Guild Dance on Friday, January 25, were Mrs. G. Sweeney, Mrs. Nat Dean, Miss Gladys McLatchy, Mrs. Nor- man Todd, Mrs. Woodward Thom- son and many others. The prizewinners at St. Mary's Catholic church euchre on Friday, January 25, were Mrs. Chas. Ry- an, Mrs. Ethel Carlisle, Mrs. Leon- ard Dion; Wilfred Dion, Merton Wells, Mrs. T. Van Weiringen. The draw for a nylon brush was won by Mrs. Jas. Christion. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Walter Paxton and Mrs. C‘has. Ryan. Bach: Concerto No. 2 in E Major Gold Seal Classics for violin and String Orchestra Beethoven: “Eroica” Symphony Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E Minor Chavez: Music of Mexico Chopin: Piano Recital by Eileen Joyce Mendelssohn: Overture and Inci- dental Music to Midsurnmer Night’s Dream Mozart: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Mozart: Concerto No. 18 for Piano Mozart: Richard and Don Juan Richard Tauber: An Operatic Re- cital Tchfiikousky: Symphony No. 5 in E Minor Mendelssohn: “Italian” Symphony Haydn: Concerto in C Major for Violin and Orchestra Rossini-Respighi: Fantasque Gounod: ‘Faust’ Ballet Music “Sylvia” Ballet Music, Invitation 'to the Dance and Dance of the Hours - Sullivan: “Pineapple Poll” Ballet Suite We invite you to drop in and ex- amine our complete stock of very fine Decca Gold Label ’ Classical Recordngs SADLER’S WELLS BALLET PRESENTATION 55 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL Tooke Playday Sport Shirts, reg. $7.95, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Sale $6.50 Tooke Playday Checked Sport Shirts, reg. $5.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sale $3.95 Tooke Executive Shirts stripes & solid colors, reg. $595 . . . . Sale $4.95 each Tooke Flight & Clubman Shirts, stripes and solid colors, reg. $4.95 Sale $3.95 Penman’s No. 71 Underwear, Combina- tions, sizes 36-42, reg. $4.50, sale $3.95 Drawers & Tops, reg. $1-95’ sale . . . $1.49 Watson’s Lightweight Winter Under- wear: Combinations, long sleeve and short, reg. $350 . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $2.95 Drawers & Tops, reg. $1.95 . . . . sale $1.49 Tony Day Sweaters! 1009'" Australian Bot- any Wool Pullovers, reg. $10.50, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sale $7.95 Cardigans, reg. $10.50 . . . . . . . . Sale $7.95 Sleeveless Pullovers, reg $6.50, Sale $525 grey, sand, blue, green MHMSAVAGESMWM Yerex Electric Richmond Hill and orchestra Symphony No. 38 ‘Prague‘ Strauss: Til Eulenspiegel The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to Tamale No. 9 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. W‘hile copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. La Boutique The Ladies Auxiliary for Scouts and Cubs held a successful tea and baking sale Saturday afternoon in the new Scout Hall, Yonge St. Mrs. F. Gardner introduced the speaker, Mrs. Higginson, who gave a talk on “Our Children.” Mr. Jas. Davidson, instructor from the Ontario'Fire Marshall’s office, visited Richmond Hill Fire Brigade on Tuesday evening and gave an interesting lecture Ion fire fighting and fire equipment. The executive of the local brigade plan on having several of this type of lecture in the coming months and urge all firemen to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Collier were guests at the Annual Ball of the Central Military Command at Oak- ville held in Chorley Park on Fri- day evenin’g, January 25. Host and hostess were Commanding Officer General H. D. Graham and Mrs. Graham. Miss Ella McLean, formerly of Richmond Hill, who is retiring af- ter twenty years as superintendent of nurses at the Toronto East Gen- eral Hospital was honored this week by the doctors, nurses and staff of the hospital. Dr. C. D. Farquharson, chief of stafi? made the presentation of a beautiful sil- ver tea service to Miss McLean and paid high tribute to her great service to the hospital. BOESEL â€" Bernard and Betty Boesel (nee Mransbridge) are happy to announce the arrival of a son on January 28, 1952, at Bethany Deaconess Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. *2W31 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muir of Fucmnond Hill, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Hunter, ‘to Ross William Coulson, son of Mrs. Myrtle Coul- son and the late Mr, William Coul- son of Unionville, Ont. The mar- riage will take place on Thursday, February 14, at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill, Ont. *1w31 StMary’s Dance Proves Success The dance under the auspices of St. Mary’s Evening Guild on Friv day, January 25, was a huge suc- cess“ It was held in the public school auditorium which was trans- formed into June in January with lovely apple blossoms decking the walls. Rev. and Mrs. erixon, Miss Marion Carter, president of the Guild and Mrs. Doug Boyd, con- venor for the dance, received the guests. Norm Burling and his King’s Men supplied the music for both the social and the square dances, ably assisted by Mr. Earl Em- pringham’ who was the caller for the square dances. The spotlight dance was won by Mrs. Norman Todd, the prize being a beautiful pair of silver ear rings made by Mr. Doug- Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Williams won the anniversary dance. @ngagement Telephone 590W Mrs. Elmer Stone: was hostess for the January meeting of the Woman’s Association of Edgeley United Church. There was quite a full business programme with plans being made for a spring tea to be held in the Community Hall in April. Mrs. Avery was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Lam- bert read the Scriptures and the lesson thoughts were read by Mrs. Hendry. Mrs. Lambert led in prayer. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ed Phillips in Woodbridge on Thurs- day, February 21. The Edgeley Women’s lnstltute will meet at the home of Mrs. E1- mer Stong on Thursday afternoon, February '7, at 2 o’clock. Mrs. James Spencer, convenor of Citi- zenship and Education will be in charge of the programme. Every- one is invited to attend this meet- mg . Celebrating birthdays this week are Terry Elliott on January 30 and Jimmy Ash on February 3. Many happy returns of the day to you both. Farm Forum Once again Farm Forum met,‘ this time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchanan on Monday ev- ening, January 21, to consider “What's wrong 'with our farm or-, ganizations '2” 1 Can the individual farmer play an effective part in the present set-up 0f farm organizations with- in the Canadian Federation of Ag- riculture? Give suggestions. The group believes he can by‘being an active member in his own town- ship or county organization. He can express himself in ‘the smaller units and if his ideas warrant it. they are carried on to the larger and higher organization. Although {the present set-up seems to be very satisfactory, they think there should be more and better organ- ization within the smaller units. What part should farm co-op: and community groups play in the Federation of Agriculture? These groups, they suggest, should pro- mote educational programmes to acquaint their members of the ad- vantages derived from the Feder ation of Agficulture. “Marketing” will be the topic of Series IV when Farm Forum meets on February 4. “What sets farm prices? Have farmers suf- ficient bargaining power to sell their farm products? These are the questions to be considered and answered at this meeting which is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kefier. The school children enjoyed a sleighing party .on Thursday even- ing. After an hour or so on the hills and back roads, they were, entertained at the school where Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs, C, Boake and Mrs. Ash served them (a hearty lunch. Re-Elected. Alf Bagg was re-elected to the board of directors of the York County Crap Improvement Assn. at their annual meeting held re- cently in Newmarket. Representative Mr. Norman Bagg was appoint- ed representative to the Ontarlo Jersey Cattle Club at the annual meeting of the York County Jer- sey Club held recently at the Dep- artment of Agriculture. Mrs. Elmer Stong gave a birth- day party for her aunt, Mrs. As- bury, on Thursday evening enter- taining .the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Asbury, Mr- and Mrs. Borzak, Mrs. Chas- Goodwin, Misses Helen and Muriel' Gray and Mrs. Willan all of Toronto. CORRESPOI‘} DENT: -_-._ . u ..§[.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sale $3.95 Doe Skin Work Shirts, reg. 3.95, sale $3.49 Ties, reg. $1-50-2.00 all going for 98c each McGregor Socks 90% w001v10‘7o nylon, shrink resistant Reg. $2.25 . . . . . . . . . . Sale $1.79 pair Reg. $1.95 . . . . . . . . ,. . Sale $1.59 pair Reg. $295 . . . . . . . . . . Sale $2.39 pair We have a quantity of socks, broken sizes reg. $1.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . Sale 59c pair Heavy Doe Skin Work Shirts, {cg $4.50, Mn 1" _ ALL SALES FINAL N0 EXCHANGES OR CASH REFUNDS Biltmore Hats, reg. $6.00 . . . . Sale $4.95 Biltmore Hats, reg. $10.00 . . . . Sale $795 Drastic reductions on Ladies’ Skirts' Blouses and Station Wagon Coats For example: Ladies’ Skirts in wool, cor- duroy and taffeta, reg. up to $10.95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .. Sale $3.89 each Women’s Institute EDGELEY NEWS : Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple Telephone Maple 110R3 _____._.. Also Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Asbury of Emery, Mrs Robert Chapman and son Larry of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton and dau- ghter Eulaline of Woodbridge. dinner guests of Mr. aha Mrs Don Elliott on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendry had Mrs. Floyd Dobble of Sunderland as their guest on Monday. Mr. Dalziel has gone to George- town to be with his daughter, Mrs Glynn while Mr. Glynn underwent an operation for appendicitis last week. At the same time Mrs. Dalziel went to St. Catherines to be with her son while his wife en- tered hospital for a check up. We sincerely hope these two people will soon be feeling inuch better. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hendry were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hendry for tea on Sunday. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Frank Newton fell on the ice and broke her wrist last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunter enâ€" tertained a few friends at a pro- gressive euchre party in their Home on Friday evening and made plans for a. Valentine dance to be held in the Community Hall on February 1-5 . The annual Vestry meeting of St. Mary’s Anglican Church was held ' on Monday, January 28. The Rec- tor, Rev. W. F. Wrixon presided. In his report, Mr. Wrixon stated that 1951 will go into the history of the church as the most success- ful year to date. “We have reason to be thankful to Almighty God," said the Rector, “for a happy and successful year in both material and spiritual things.” He spoke of several records, including large congregations, and the largest number of communicants in the .history of the church. Treasurers ‘of seven organizations presented splendid reports with substantial balances on hand. ‘The highlight of reports was that presented by the Churchwardens,‘ Mr. Stanford and Mr. Hart. This report, which was ably presented by Mr. Stan- ford, was in four parts, ‘General, Missionary, Memorial and Rectory. All reports showed increases in re- ceipts and balances on hand. The ofi‘icers for 1952 include the foll- orwing: Rector’s Warden, Mr. C. J. Hart; People’s Warden, Mr. H. Stanford; Envelope Secretary, Mr. Gordon Lewis; Vestry Clerk, Mr. ‘E. Mansbridge; Lay Members of, the Synod, Mr. T. P. Henry and Mr. R. Edmunds; Auditors, Mr. K. C. Ruffman. Mr. Ralph Paris; Advisory Council Mrs. P. C. Hill, Mrs. W. S. Thomson. Sidesmen as last year with emphasis on the father and son combination. The Churchwardens were instructed to order additional perws for the church. Resolutions 'of thanks were voted the Churchwardens and other officers and The Liberal for val- uable space donated for church no- tices. Several matters were refer- red to the incoming Advisory Council for study and action. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bagg were CARD OF THANK S Mrs. Jean Calder wishes to thank the people of Maple for their lovely flowers and cards received when her mother, the late Mary Lombardi passed away. Every week is bargain week in the classified ad. section. Use it for buying or selling by telephon- ing Richmond Hill 9. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN ANNUAL MEETING Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D. Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" “On This Rock” 7 p.111. -â€" “Friends of Jesus" RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F; Wrixon, L. TIL. Rector SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Choral Communion. 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Prayer. All are invited to worship with us. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 10 a.m. â€"- The Sabbath School 11 am. â€" Divine Worship The Minister Everybody welcome. Thurs, February 7, at 3 p.m. The W.M.S. at the home of Mrs. John Beresford, Arnold St. Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. Minute! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 11 am. â€"- Divine Worship Mr. Donald Campbell Knox College 11.15 mm. â€"â€" The Church Schoo‘ Come and Worship THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Sunday School Nursery Dept. (2-3) 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Service 8 pm. â€" Fireside: Religious Film “Unto All People” THORNHILL I‘RINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 8 am. â€"- Holy CommuniOn 11 mm. â€" Holy Communion 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer Hope v Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m.' Church Service . . . . . . . . 11 am. Mlple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 am. Maple Youth Service . . . . 7 p.m. Edgeley Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 pm. Churdh Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm. OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. Sunday Service . . , , . . . . 2.30 pm. Sunday School . .. .. .. . 3.20 pm. Church News The Annual Vestry meeting of St. John’s Anglican Church_ Oak Ridges (Yonge St. at Jefl’erson) was held on Monday evening at the home of F. Legg with 26 memâ€" bers present. The Rev. D. C. H. Michell presided with Mrs. S. C. Snively, the secretary, recording the minutes of the meeting. Var- ious business and financial reports were read and aceepted. There were very excellent reports from the choir. Sunday School and the AYPA. The parish of St. John’s is growing tremendously and a‘ great deal of work is being done, especially with the‘ children who turn out in splendid numbers each‘ Sunday morning at 11.15 from as far north as Lake Wilcox, south to Elgin Mills. Mr. S. C. Snively is again Rec~ tor’s Warden and Mr. F. Legge, the People’s Warden. Mrs. D. Gunn resigned as secretary-treasâ€" ure; of the Sunday School and Mrs. Darlington was appointed to be her successor. Refreshments were served at the [close of the meeting. MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A.. 3.0.. minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 A Bouquet For almost a year now, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencley have been providing transportation to St. John’s Church and Sunday School for the children on Brookside Rd. Last Sunday they accommodated eight children, as well as the writ- er, and we feel we would like to say “Thank you”. Most Of these children would not be able to at- tend Sunday School, certainly not as regularly as they do, if it were not for the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Spencley. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Shower With Silver Lining Mrs. Ella Bone who was mov- ing here from Toronto had a most distressing experience and set-back when the truck carrying her house- hold efl'ects was travelling up the Victoria Square sideroad. Some- one threw a lighted cigarette into the truck, causing a fire which destroyed most of the contents. However, a good friend and neigh- ‘bor-to-be, Mrs. Albert Jones of El- ‘gin Mills, arranged 23 miscellaneous shower in Richmond Hill for Mrs. 3one last Friday evening. There .vas a large turnout of well wish- irs and the many gifts contributed were a welcome surprise to Mrs. Bone. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Telephone Richmond Hill 372R32 x at.) v. u--- would mm to‘ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson, lost of these Summit Farms have been holiday- 3 able to at- ing in Florida. for the past two certainly noflweeks. They are expected home do if it wereiearly in February. LANGSTAF'F BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Sex-Vices Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 p.m. â€"- Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 p.m. â€" Women’s Mil- Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 mm. sidnary Meeting. Fri, 8 pm. â€"â€" Young reoplel Soc‘ Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. Heb. 2:3: “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation." Sunday School Worship . . . . . Sunday School House Heise Hill Rev. A Rev. A. L. Winger, Pastor 10 a,m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"â€" Worship and Ministry of God’s Word 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Wed., 7.30 pm, - Prayer Meeting Special Revival Meetings through this week at 7.30 pm. Evangelist Rev. H. Hostettler Come and hear this man of God. All are welcome. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 Sunday School 1.30 pm. Sunday Service 2.30 p.m. Held in MASONIC HALL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1952 7 RM. Speakers: Students frOm the Emmaus Bible School, Toronto P.S.: Young People! Do come to hear these fine Christian Bible Col- lege students tell you what the Lord Jesus Christ means to them. 4 Thornhill Baptist Church SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Sunday School and Morning Worship 11 11.111. (Ont. & Quebec anggption) Visitors Very Welcome Snowplowing The business men around Elgin Mills are up in arms regarding the snowplowing done by-the Depart- ment of Highways last week-end. After they had shovelled their own frontages clear_ of snow the plows came along and piled small “moun- tains” of snow just where it was most inconvenient for those trying to get in or out of the shops and buildings. Visits, Here and There It’s an ill wind that does not blow good to someone. During the recent TTC strike many people, whqgvork in the _city but live up here, had to change their regular routine. Mr. Jim Matkin of Elgin Mills was among those who had to stay over in Toronto nights. How- ever this meant their daughter, Mrs. R. W. Keight of Lyle, Ont., came down here for a very enjoyâ€" iable mid-winter visit with her mo- ther, Mrs. Matkin. Mrs. Keight returned to her home in Lyle on Thursday evening. ‘Miss Sheila Keight and her friend, Mr. Ernest Lawrence, drove up from Toronto early last Sunâ€" day and spent the day with ‘Sltaila’t grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Matkin. Mrs. S. C. Snively has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. T. T. Stoker in Montreal. Mr. Giles Kerswill has now left the hospital and is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Clifford Rum- ble, in Toronto. Mrs. Kerswill will be confined to bed for another two months, but she is much hap- pier and contented at her daugh- ghter’s home. Remembering the bright little nurse who used to trip into our hospital room at 5 a.m., snap on the light and say cheer- fully ‘Time for our morning sponge bath,” and realizing of course how lindispensable and helpful hospitals |are during illness, we still say they are not the place to go if one wants .to “sleep in” of a. morning. t We are sor1'y_ to hear Nancy Passmore is ill with ’flu and hope Ishe will soon be back at Jefi'er- lson Puma School. BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN EVANGELICAL SERVICES BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST 10 mm. . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.111. at Concord School at 10 am. Gormley WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 589r11 STUART PAXTON THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, 'I‘hurs., January 81, 1952 J. Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates Phone Liberal Ofl’ice Tel. 9, Richmond Hill III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Styled to make your moms beautiful WWW Wmmmmmmm'xmmmmmmmo All cars guaranteed 30 days Phone 111 BAKER SALES 8: SERVICE Richvale mum“immmmumnumummmuuummmmuuummmlm r--____ V ' Phones iii'ng 111 Aurora 46J mmmmmmmmmmmmmm REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€" Curtains Bedspreads \iammummun“muummmummumummumuunmmmmw PIANO TUNING and Repairing 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All hours 490 Richmond Hill nuuuuummmmuuummmummmuunmumummunmmm- FLOWERS .1703 EVERY OCCASION CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP JAMES J. WALL OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor Agent for DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks Ruth Delbrocco Phone for appointment We solve your deep and Shallow well pressure. system troubles. 1950 DODGE SEDAN THORNHILL 108R3 $1,650 1950 FORD COACH ‘u. FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" S E E â€"â€" USED CARS Maplq ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? 45 Yonge Street Nortl‘ S. Hoffman Electrician with radio $1,650 1949 HILLMAN $950 FOR FAST COURTE-OUS SERVICE EVERYTHING IN' PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS - PORTRAITS PRINTING - DEVELOPING EN LARGI NG ichmond Studio My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE For Richmond Hill ARTHUR J. WELLS AYLMER CHOICE Peaches SMITH’S FANCY Blended Juice BLUE & GOLD Fancy Wax Beans A MEAL FOR FOUR Kratt Dinner 2 Pkgs- 29c PLAIN OR PIMENTO SPECIALS Chateau Cheese MARGARINE Good Luck FIVE ROSES Flour 5 E; 37c H ABITAN T Pea Soup FANCY GRADE McIntosh Apples 332'. 69c ' SWEL'I‘ JUICY Grapefruit WASHED & TRIMMED Spinach Reg. lb. MORLEY’S Self Serve RICHMOND HILL Phone 659 Richmond Hill 20 oz. Tin '/2 lb. 5 29¢ 28 oz. Tin 40c 15 oz. 20 oz‘ Tins Telephone Maple 99 21c 25c 35c Cello Color Mix 44c 1b 0 16c 33c Size 96’s 19c

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