Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jan 1952, p. 6

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B THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, January 31, 1952 DELHI BLOWERS EASY WASfln FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES CALL 434 THORNHILL THE HILLTOP ELECTBLQ LINE CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS Richmond Hill or what have you, large or small, regardless of age on this lovely 3 Speed ,General Electric Combination hadio. The price of this radio is $224.50 Down Payment is $74.84 All. for your radio $50.00 You pay only $2484 Down Payment and a Minimum of $10.00 per month Phone 242.] YEREX ELECTRIC - For Service at it’s Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY AT ITS DELICIOUS .655” Ml G. E. T A N Q U I Y OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE $50.00 ALLOWANCE ON ANY RADIO .Plays all records automatically .2 large record storage compartments .Radio & record changer pulls out to facilitate .Superb tone quality ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Preferred by millions of Canadians for its superb quality and flavour. TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL putting records on and taking them off (ACROSS FROM THE THEATRE) FESS & AERO BURNERS Richmond Hill EASY WASHERS Phone 292 The annual congregational meet- ing of Temperanceville United Church was held in the church‘ basement on Wednesday, January‘ 23. With Mr. Moddle acting as chairman, the annual reports of the church, Sunday school, W.A. and W.M.S. were given. These reports showed an increase over 1950 in each instance, which was very gratifying to all organiza- tions. The election of officers for 1952 resulted in the following: Honorary member of the Board of Session Mr. Walter Bovair; officers of the Board of Sessions: Mrs. F. Wilkins, Mr. J. Ume- hara, Mrs. A. Folliott, Mr. W. Hare, Mr. W. Jennings. Officers of Board of Stewards: Mr. W. Turner, Mr. C. Beynon, Mr. W. Mitchell, Mr. E. Jennings, Mr. W. Jennings, Mr. B. Palmer, Mr. F. Boys, Mr. F. Hare and Mr. C. Stephenson. Parsonage Board: Mr. J. Um- ‘ehara, Mr. C. Stephenson. Business was discussed at the close of which Mr. Boys moved a vote of thanks on behalf of the congregation to all members of the choir for the lively music ren- dered during the year 1961. This was seconded by Mr. W. Jenn- ings. :A social period followed the meeting during which time the la- dies served lunch. The teachers and officers of the Sunday School for 1952 are: Sup- erintendent, Mrs. W. Jennings; assistant, Mrs. B. Palmer; sec- retary, Master Gerrat Herrima; assistant sec, Miss Irene Mashin- ter; treasurer, Miss Shirley Harem beginners, Miss Shirley Hare, as- sistant, Mrs. D. Dixon; primary, Miss Irene Mashinter, assistant, Mrs. D. Dixon; juniors, Miss Isa- bel Mashinter, assistant, Mrs. Ed. Paxton; intermediate, Mrs. W. Jennings; senior Mrs. B. Palmer, assistant, Mrs. A. Folliott. Tem- ‘perance convenor, Mrs. W. Jen- nings; Missionary convener, Mrs. Ed. Paxton. The work of Mr. W. Mitchell as superintendent for the Sunday School during 1950 and 1951 is very much appreciated and it is very much ap‘precmtea and 1t, 15 the wish of the community that Mrs. W. Jennings will enjoy her office in 1952. There were 45 child- ren present on January 27, Mrs. Jennings first day as superinten- The square dancing group of Oak Ridges had the largest attend- ance last Thursday night, having“ enough members present to form 5 full squares. It was a lively ev~ ening with Mr. Jim Egan of Oak Ridges and Mr. Carson Whelan of Elgin Mills taking turns with the calling. During the past two weeks the members have had the Opportunity to suggest names for the group. The suggestions were voted on last week and the name chosen was “Oak Ridges Ole Tyme Dance Club.” There were fift:3n new members: Mr. and Mrs. B. Comfort and son Lawrence, Mr. Len Hopkins, Mr. ad Mrs. Alec Gallaeher, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rob- erts, Mrs. C. Obee, all of Oak Ridges. King City was represent-- ed by six of the new dancers: Mr and Mrs. John Belksot, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Poog, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hood. It is unfortunate that the dancing space is limited the result of which new members can no longer be admitted. However those interested can leave their names with the secretary, Mrs. D. A. Anderson to be put on the waiting list for future entry to the club if space is available. Square Dancing Members of the W.A. spent a very pleasant day at the home of Mrs. John Umehara when they completed three quilts to be used for relief purposes. At noon the ladies enjoyed a most appetizing pot luck dinner and at four o’clock a cup of cofiee and cake. A very important business meet- ing was held in “LegiOn Memorial Hall", Carrville Rd., January 24, with both the Legion Branch 375 and Ladies Auxiliary being in at- tendance. The social activities took first place on the program with eu- chre Monday night of each week by the Ladies Auxiliary and Bingo Wednesday night until further no- tice by the Branch. Already these events are becoming a popular fea- ture. Also there is planned a big social event for February 14, St. Valentine's. Watch for further an- nouncements in Coming Events. Members please not date for the next regular meeting Zone E-2 to be held in Aurora is Wednesday, February 6, 8 p.m. It is very im- portant that each Branch will have in attendance its Sports Officer or some delegate representing him. EVERY DAY: Remember that, the Coming Events column is a cheap and effective way of telling others of your dance or bazaar or other money-making event. It’s an efâ€" fective way, too, of making sure of good attendance by reminding members of date of meetings; CORRESPONDENT: MRS. THE LEGIONNAIRES Branch 375 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L Richmond Hill TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Phone King 3R11 ED. PAXTON, R. R. 1’, KING On January 20, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chalk left Temperance- ville on route to Florida. They were to travel first to Ottawa then through States to their destin- ation. ’ ' ' ’ We are happy to report that Mrs. Jarrett is recovering nicely from her sudden illness, after a week in bed . Levison Jr. is also feel- ing somewhat better after a weeks illness in bed . It was a pleasure to have Mrs. John Jennings with us Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Umehara’s at. ter she had been confined to bed for a week with a bad cold. Mrs. H. Howe] has also had a week of illness. It is our sincere wish that all these people will soon be \better. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, King sideroad are the proud owners of two prize Australian Terriers, one of which is the only Australian Champion of any breed in Canada. There are only 8 of these terriers in the whole of Canada. Breeding these animals while in Australia Mr. Anderson chose two from the kennels to bring to Canada. They travelled by car from the kennels to the airport, then by train from Melbourne to Brisbane, by boat through the Panama Canal to St. John, New Brunswick and by plane from St. John to Toronto. Since arriving in Canada these beautiful creatures have won 28 trophies and ribbons at local dog shows and the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition. Bill Drinkwater Motors (Held from last week) We are glad to hear Mrs, Fisher of Steeles Ave. is from the hospital after her 1 illness. We wish her a speel covery. We are glad to report Joan Whipp is now enrolled at Powell Road school. We certainly hope she can continue at her school work after a long illness, South-East Vaughan Ratepay- ers Association held its regular monthly meeting on January 16, at Powell Road School. Election of officers took place. Mr. Grif- fiths of Crestwood Road was re- elected president for the second year. MrfiKonsmo of Crestwood Road was re-elected secretary, Mr. Mason of Crestwood Road was el‘ ected treasurer. Mr. Forster of Steeles Ave. and Mr. Bell of Crestwood Road were elected ex- ecutive members. Mrs. Sproule and Mr. Bradbier of Crestwood Road were elected auditors, Mr. Elvin of Crestwood Road was el- ected for the Membership Com- mittee. We were sorry Mr. Karman of Crestwood Road was ill the night of the Ratepayers meeting and un- able to 'be present for the draw of the fireplace which he so kindly donated. Mr. Dunning of 11 Donwoods Drive, Toronto was the lucky win- ner of the fireplace. We are sorry Mrs. Collins of Crestwood Road is ill, We wish her a speedy recovery. (RESTWOOD ROAD NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Helen Mason, 11 CRESTVVOOD RD. Phone Thornhill 286R23 Mrs, June is home her recent speedy re- a git/e yo” Miss Kay Collins of Montreal visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Collins recently. Our street (Jackes Ave.) has been officially renamed Crestwood Road. The South-East Vaughan Rate- payers Auxillgry held its regular monthly meeting on Thurs, Janu- ary 24 at Powell Road School. El- ection of officers was held. Mrs. Armstrong was elected president; Mrs. Geno, secretary; Mrs. Kon- smo, treasurer; Mrs. Sproule, sick convener. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Webster on the arrival of a baby sister for Peter. Applications for a treasur- er for the Township of Markham will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o’clock noon Monday, Feb- ruary 4, 1952. Applicants will state age, .qualifictions, and salary expected, MARKHAM TOWNSHIP OF CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk Unionville, Ont. E ELECTRIC WIRING g { Save fuel and money by putting the heat where it is most needed. Have your hot water tank, heating boiler and pipes covered with asbestos. Also special coverings for stopping condensatiOn on cold water pipes. FOR ESTIMATES CALL F. SHORTER RICHMOND HILL 551W The Public Health Act of the Province of Ontario requires that all persons engag- ed in cutting, storing, or distributing ice for sale or domestic purposes within the area served by the York County Health Unit, must first obtain a permit from the Board of Health, 126 Main St., Newmarket. Telephone 539. Robert M. King, M-D.’ D.P.H., Medical Ofiicer of Health INSULATION ICE PERMITS ONTARIO

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