Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Feb 1952, p. 9

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Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Mortgage Loans Arranged Ofiice Hours â€" Dajly 1_0 fig) 5 9.11. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond Street West Plaza 8929 Richmond Hill, Thursday morning Maple. Thursday sfternoon 100 Main St. Phone 126 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ’T. Mathews, K.C. K. Stiver, B.A. C.. E. Lyons, B.A. Joseph Vale NEWMARKET OFFICES Banisl‘er, Solicitor, Notary Public 93 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Every Thursday afternoon Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Richmond Hill 398.] 36 Centre W Lang, Michener, Day & Cranston 50 King St: W., Toronto '7 Norman A. Todd HOLDEN. ROHMER &‘CORNER Barristers, Solicitors and ' Notaries Public_ Floyd E. Corner Richard H, Rohmer B.A., D.F.C. .Thomas A. Holden B.A. Aurora Ofl'ice: Ardill Block, Yonge and Wellington Street: '_ Telephone 406, Aurora Phone 70 'J. Rabinowitch, B.A. hr. W. s. MacKenzie DENTIST McNeil-Anstey Bldg. THORNHILL "Ex‘zén'ih’g'sTThux-sda}, 8-10 p.61. Other evenings by appointment. 40 Yonge, Richmond Hill 229W 78 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Open evenings Phone 655W From the Toronto Conservatory of Music will accept a number of mpoupilfi in. _-...nnu PIANO, on’diiif 511d THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks Richmond Hill 58J 108 Yonge St. Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Deportnient, Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL" Thornhill, Ont. Phone : Doris Pollock TEACHER 0F BALLET Rhythm Development for young children (In preparation for Ballet) Limited classes assure individual attention 19 Grandview Ave. Highland Park Thornhill 465.] THORNHILL and UNIONVILLE Turn those unwamcd items into cash. Dispose of them by tele- phoning Richmond Hill 9 and in- setting a. classified ad. Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 95 Church Street South Richmond Hill, Ontario Phone 638 By appointment only Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal office :- phone Richmond Hill 9. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE DR. J. M. DRYER DENTIST Stuart P. Parker PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Marguerite Boyle Richmond Hill. Telephone 15 Branch Offices at Wright & Taylor Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Donald Gordon Plaxton Adelmo M elecci Barrister, Solicitor, etc. . RICHMOND HILL FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE William Cook and Walsh THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office Telephone 478 Thornhill Office Telephone 19w or 168 ". C. Newman waverley 2931 MUSICAL Phone 424 DENTAL LEGAL 6 Botsford St. ' Phone 20 Richmond Hill Phone 89W Centre St. E. Hours: 9-11 am Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff Dr. Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 106 Yonge’sn N" Richmond mu Telephone 100 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7, Willowdale PHONE ZONE 8222 X-Ray, Ultra Short Wave Therapy OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri. â€" -5, 6-8 Tues., Thursday â€"- 1-3, 6-8 Mornings by appointment. MAPLE Dr. E- A. Crawford Dr. R. J. Steele OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday, 10 am, -'12 noon; 1 pm. - 3 13.111 EVenings: Monday to Thursday, ' Dr. CICELY WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Small Animal Practice Ofi'ice Calls â€"â€" House Calls Surgery and Boarding Elgin Mills Sideroad West Telephone Maple 49R2 Arthur G. Broad, D.C. RICHMOND HILL 1 A Yonge Street Phone 641 By APP‘ Mrs. A. Bjorkman Residential Service Phone 46R41 Richmond Hill Telephone 360W Phone 82 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Office hours 2-4 p.m. daily Tuesday & Thursday evenings 6-8 pm. Other hours by appointment Telephone: Richmond Hill 306 Dr. W. Allan Ripley Toronto DR. RALPH P. JOHNS DR. R. F. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L’ESPERANCE ment Telephones: Office 24 Residence 513, Riel-mend Hill J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. SWEDISH MASSAGE Ofiice Hours 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m by appointmeni: Dr. W Dr. J. T. Sheppard General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and 'Auto Financing 40 Yonge Richmond Hill Dr. R. A. Bigford VETERINARY SURGEON VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. 10 P. Wilson W. SCHURMAN 'Or by appointment Telephone Thornhill 70 Phone Thornhill 457J Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 CHIROPRACTIC 25 Grandview Ave. VETERINARY Roy V. Bick Richmond Street INSURANCE MEDICAL â€"-ANDâ€" Phone 407.] Thornhill Richmond Hill and by appoint- By Appointment Centre Street Richmond Hill EM. 3-0311 Maple. Ont. PHONE 3 or other without protection. Th: cost is a minor amouqt to what it will cost if an acc1dent happens. A. 6'. Savage INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill 10 Yonge St. N With the increase of fire hazards property owners ahoalu review their insurance policies, and due to the increased co_st _of materials GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sicknesa Farm Insurance a Specialty King City Telephone 28 would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, etc. INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, etc. Telephone 411 Richmond Hill 26 Years’ Experience York County, Uxbndge and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales 8. Specialty Telephone Stoufi'ville 67312 Address: Uormley P.O. Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales 9. specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.0., ph. Markham 846 No sale too big -' too small Km & Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for tne W. J. SMITH & SON For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge at. District 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) Telephone MAfair 1245-6 Helen Simpson Lynett, J.F. Lynett Phone Richmond Hill 343r6 213 Oak Ave., Richvale Phone 632W Richmond Hill the Spring, come and see me now and door frames. Also storm sash for your window frames and sash INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Leave Maple Leave Richmond Leave Maple Leave Richmond made to order. W. J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Jack Walkington Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town day or night emergency service Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 Maple 72r23 GENERAL BUSINESS If you are planning to build in Telephone 529\\' Richmond Hill Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 INSURANCE Cont. SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging S. J. FRESHWATER A. S. Farmer E. CHARITY ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS R H. Kane SCHOOL Painting Consult 8.10 am. Hill 9.10 a.m. 3.00 pm. Hill 4.30 pm. DAYS Mrs. J. Robinson presided and we were pleased to have Mrs. E. Hill home from her western trip to act as pianist. ' Plans were made for the com. ing Guernsey Breeders banquet, for the social evening held in Feb- ruary, Money was allotted to the Rihmond Hill District High School to be given. to the outstanding pu- pil of Grade IX in June; also a small gift of money was voted to a Buttonville school to be used for books for the children. The guest speaker was Mrs, A. Huston who spoke of her years in the far north of Canada where she and her husband were stationed on Indian Mission work and her ex- periences while there. Her talk was very interesting. Mrs, E. En- glish followed with the story of Stephen Foster. The ladies join- ed in singing “Oh Susannah,” Old Folks at Home," Mrs. Miller sang “Beautiful Dreamer” and Mrs, Purvis “Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair.” Mrs. English said that Stephen Foster had Written around 200 songs â€"- of these 50 are worth remembering and many of the 50 are classics. His whole life is a temperance lesson. Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Aginconrt 35811 The January meeting of the Buttonville Women’s Institute was a very interesting one, It was held at the home of Mr. and MTS. Nelson Boyington and hostesses were Mrs, Stotts and Mrs. Leaf. Mrs. Kelly in “historic research" gave some interesting facts re the Markham Sand and Gravel Co, and its story so far. Lunch was served by the host- esses. The February meeting Will take the form of a, social evening for friends and families of the members, On Friday afternoon the ladies of Buttonville and community ga- thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, Burr to say farewell and Good Luck to Mrs. Herman Hard- ing. The Harding family moved to Lakefield the last Week of Jan- uary A pleasant afternoon was passed playing euchre and Mrs. Harding was pronounced _wlnner. Her prize was the gift of the com- munity, a lovely floor lamp, Lunch was served and best wishes ex- tended to Mrs. Harding for every- thing good in their new home. ‘The annual meeting ofBrown's Corners Church was held Wednes- day afternoon of last week. In the afternoon the ladies completed a quilt and the congregatiOnal sup- per which was followed was well attended, ‘ The annual meeting was presid- ed over by Rev. A. Huston with Mr. John Brown secretary, All departments of the church showed an increase in numbers and in col- lections, New elders appointed were Mr, J. Brown, Mr. N, Reid and Mr. L. A. Hood. Added to the Board of Stewards are Mr, Milton Sherman, Mr. Keith Hood and Mr. Charles Boynton, Pupils of the public school held a skating party to Unionville rink last Wednesday‘ afternoon. All report a fine time, The meeting ended with words of appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke for the fine job of caretaking, to Rev. A. Huston and Mrs. Huston for faithful service apd to Mrs. English, choir memâ€" bers for the fine service of song provided each Sullday, Mrs. Robert Baker of Fergus, sistergof Mrs. John Black, has been a visi or at Braedoon Farm fbr the past two weeks. On her return to Fergus Bobbie will go with her for 'a visit. Mr, Paterson is the new trustee for S. S.- No, 5 Markham or for Buttonville school . On Thursday morning the tea room owned by Mrs. 0. Brooks at Brown’s Corners was almost com- pletely destroyed by fire, A very pleasant afternoon was passed ‘at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. Purves when the ladies of Brown’s Corners United Church Harmony Group met for a lunch- eon and business meeting. The luncheon enjoyed by all pro- vided everything one could desire. Mrs, Sisler illustrated her in- terwting talk by showing pictures by many of the famous masters, Mrs. W. Roddick warmly thanked Mrs. Sisler and also Mrs. Purves and the committee in charge, business new chairs for the Sunday School and choir were dis- cussed and also the purchase of blinds, 7 It V9215 decided to hold a bazaar in the Fall. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hood and dan- ghter Deborah were brief visitors with the Hood family in Buttonvile this week, Bob, who is a member of the Provincial Police, is station- ed at Lancaster near Cornwall, Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill Phone 320W Sanitary Contractors BUTTONVILLE On Tuesday, January 29, in the school, the Richvale Home and School Association-held its inaug- ural meeting with Mrs. H. E. Le- Masurier, vice-president of the North Area Home & School Coun- cil of the York District, presiding. Mr. Jackson Taylor, secretary for the meeting introduced Mr. Keith Richan, chairman of the Board of Trustees for the School Area. In his opening remarks, Mr. Richan said that he welcomed the opportunity of being present at the inaugural meeting of the Richvale Home and School Assoc- iation, and the opportunity of say- ing a few words informally regaro~ ing‘ the value to the community of its formation. He felt the Rich- vale area should be congratulated, on taking this step because a Home and School Association can do much to develop and improve unâ€" derstanding between parents and teachers. There are many prob- lems which arise during a child’s period of attendance at public school and since the motivating force behind Home and School As- sociations is a basic interest in the child, this group is accepting a great challenge. Richvale Home and Schoal Mr, Richan also thought the As- sociation will prove to be, as others have, an excellent medium through which certain conditions and prob- lems which might need attention can be brought to the attention of the community and either directly or indirectly to the Board of Trus- tees. The Board, Mr. Richan con- tinued, is composed of five men el- ected from the citizens of the area and being human none are infall- ible and consequently they are very appreciative of any co-operatlon they receive from associations such as this. Mr. Richan cautioned againsm unnecessary criticism. Good crit- icism has its place, but it should be of a constructive and not des- tructive nature," he said. Great emphasis should be placed on the planning of the associat- ion’s programme each year_ The nature of the programme will go- vern the interest taken by the membership and if it is well Dal- anced and designed primarily to develop interest in problems of the Home and School as they effect the children much will be accom- plished for the community at large_ Mr, Richan concluded his re- marks by extending congratuilat- ions on behalf of the Board to the Richvale Home and School Assoc- iation and expressed best wishes for its future success. Election. of officers resulted in the following: President, Mr. Ar- thur Ball; viceâ€"presidents, Mrs. Arthur Ball, Mr. Ralph Wood, Mr. Jack Moorhead; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. J. Sim; recording sec- retary, Mrs, J. Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. Lou Wainwright; executive board, Mr. H. Gottschalk, Mr. Rey- nold Paul, Mrs, Albert Valcourt, Mrs. L, Clark, Mr. Charles Ham- ilton; the school principal, Mr. Lorne Baer and one teacher, Miss Jean Bryson. The installatio.. of officers was duly conducted by Mrs. LeMasurie) and the new president, Mr. Bali, took the chair. Mr. Jackson Taylor and Mr_ Sidney Griffiths of the Board of Trustees for the School area each rose and offered their congratulations and best wi- shes to the newly formed assoc- iation. Mr, Ball thanked the members present for their confidence. x\umu“muuuuuuummuuuummuummmnmuuumummnmv CU’l‘ FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All hours 490 Richmond Hill ‘numuuu\muuunuuummnuummuuummuumumwmmuum Mr. Ball moved a vote of thanks FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION OORBBSPONDENT: MRS. JACKSON TAYLOR WI 574W 0/ / {‘ MAPLE RICHVALE NEWS Phone Richmond Hill 367R22 to Mrs. LeMasurier for officiating at; the organization meeting of the new association to which Mrs. Le- Masurier replied suitably. Young Ross Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Wood has been very ill with an infected throat. The Richvale Midgets played Thornhill team despite the slow ice on Friday night and gained a 4-2 advantage over their adversaries. Keith Sanderson was in a mix-up and sustained a cut to his forehead which required five stitches to close Junior Miss Georgina Smith, celebrating her 12th birthday on Saturday was guest of honour at a birthday party at which the fol- lowing guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves: Betty Ficht, Violet Randall, Susan Lewis, Christine Jordan, Lynn Morris, Hugh and Mervyn Adams, Tom Bilinski and Robert Middleton, Dennis Reid returned home last week from hospital where he was confined for a week. A piece of damaged cartilage was removed from his right leg which was in- jured last year when Mr. Reid was struck by a car at the corner 01 Bloor and Yonge Streets, Richvale (Anglican) WA. are planning to hold their birthday tea. at the home of Mrs. C. P. Lord, 154 Spruce Avenue, on February 13, at 2.30 pm. Everyone welcome. The Local Association of Guides and Brownies are holding a. meet- ing at the home of Mrs. R, F. Paul, Spruce Avenue on February 14 at 8.30 o’clock. The Guides and Brownies are preparing an interesting program to mark ‘Thinking Day’ which they will put on in the school Fri- day evening, February 21, Every- one interested is cordially invited to Open House. The Guides and Brownies and Boy Scouts and Cubs of Richvale are to attend a special evening service to be held in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Sunday, February 24 at 7 pm. Mr. John Evans of Carrville Rd. is in Western Hospital where he underwent an operation on Fri- day Iast. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery, Last week Albert Valcourt and Robert Carr were nvested in Cubs. 15% Cash Discount PERKINS FARM and HOME EQUIPMENT RICHMOND HILL 0 AN OUTSTANDING OFFER 0 er/afifl/MAV M BAIL} THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs), Fefiruity '7, 1952 I One of the youngestâ€"and keenestâ€"visitors to the United Nations General Assembly in Paris was six-year-old Adrian, shown above with his famous father, Dr. Luis Padilla Nervo of Mexico, the President of the Assembly. After a warm welcome in the Presi- dent’s ofl‘ice, Adrian sat through a. plenary meeting and took notes of his father’s speech. “I can write, too, like father,” he said, after listening carefully to the simultaneous interpretation. IS BEING CONTINUED WITHOUT INTERRUP- TION UNDER THE DIRECTION OF KIRBY A. BROOK TELEPHONE 11 THE HILLTOP ELECTRIC LINE CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS Richmond Hill 23 MARKHAM ROAD SINCE THE DEATH OF ERNIE BROCK THE GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY 0F ERNIE BROCK & SON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 15% Cash Discount HOME FREEZERS of 1951 Manufacture SEE THESE ON DIS- PLAY NOW IN OUR TELEPHONE 2-1W MODELS OF INTERNATIONAL HARVESTERER REFRIGERATURS ON ALL FLOOR WEEKEI‘ SHOWROOM MAPLE, ONT. Phone 292

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