Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Feb 1952, p. 3

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g ADMISSION 25c 1mm MU .â€" .|\m\\\\\nmmm\lmum1m\\\\\1m\mummmuummmum“mmm\\\\u\\u\u\u\\u\m\uwuunuummnumunuumnmumuumummmmu1 r: «mm m FOR THE BEST: 17 - 21 Basin St. COMPLETE STOCK 0F PARTS GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT. FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 RM. ENGLISH TRA [NED MECHANICS VIEL. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. 'RICHMOND HILL, ONT. TIMKEN & LIQUIFLAME OIL BURNERS For a speedy pick-up phone collect to your local agent: BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 80., LTD. Richmond Hill 47-R-4 Toronto LY.6237 We are paying highest market prices FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED ANIMALS We also buy live horses RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill Representative H. F. Winn â€"â€" Phone 652J -- 91 Arnold Crescent Notice to Farmers "He only works here pan‘ +ime!" THE BEST: INSTALLATION SERVICE L FUEL OIL DELIVERY ALL FROM ONE COMPANY CALL _ FUEL OIL & EQUIPMENT LTD. AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE ATTENTION Rural Hydro Users If you are considering the use of electricity for space heating, please contact your local Hydro Office before taking any action. It is in your interest to discuss this matter with your Hydro Area Manager, particularly the rate applicable to this type of service and the special conditions that apply to wiring your premises for the use of space heaters. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO $175.00 J ACKPOT .., H LY NAME SOCIETY Saturday, February 9 TOWN HALL, NEWMARKET PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL BINGO Hey Mate ! Don't Wait ! Insulate I You’ll find the best in insulation at Butler and Baird. Also extra fine lumber and building ma- terials that can’t be beat. Drop in anytime. GL. 7521 TIME 8.30 PHONE 4 8 7 (Continued from page 1) Hooper in voicing his objections to the passing of a. Itesolution. 1 Mr. Lennie took exception to this line of reasoning for he felt the two councils should reach some agreement before calling a public meeting, Councillor Rice of Rich- mond Hill agreed saying “We must show the public the attitude of these two administrative bodies”. Reeve Timbers said “We should be able to tell the people we met and agreed on what is the best thing for them.” . ‘r, ...... D _-_ ,, Reeve Taylor then asked Mr. Hooper if he was in favour of the boundaries? Mr. Hooper wouldn’t commit himself, “ Have you met Vaughan Council yet", asked Mr. Hooper. “No”, replied Mr. Tayâ€" lor. Mr, Hooper sad he would be agreeable to annexation pr0viding Richmond Hill’s resolution includ- ed part of Vaughan Township. “Just exactly what is your reason for wanting us to take in part ot Vaughan,” asked Mr. Taylor. Markham Moves Resolution Agrees To Annexation Councillors Lennie and LeMasur- ier then moved the following reso- lution â€"â€" Whereas Richmond Hill has requested the authorization of the Municipal Board to annex that part of Markham described in the north half of lot 44 and all of lots 45, 46, 47, 4‘8, 59 and 50 in concession 1, Be it resolved that Markham concurs with saiu request subject to approval of a majority of the ratepayers resi- dent in the area concerned and subject to favourable consideration of the extension of water service in concession 1. Councillor Hooper immediatelyl took exception to the last part of this resolution regarding the ex- tension of water service. I won’t vote for the motion in that form” stated Mr. Hooper. The other mem- bers of the Markham Council dis- agreed with Hooper for they felt the addition of the water clause was a good idea. Mr, Hooper wanted the two councils 'to simply agree on the boundaries and to pass a resolution to this effect. Deputyâ€"Reeve James rebuked Mr. Hooper for his stand by saying, ‘ ‘\\\ H |\\ \).\\0 \\ MONTREAL . . . . . . . . $14.25 HAMILTON . . . . . . - . . $2.20 DETROIT . . . . . . . . . . $11.45 (Surcharge Included) Tickets and Information at ROBERTS' RADIAI. STATION Buses are the real thing when your school or club is play- ing a game or having a social evening out of town. They’re handy for shows and other events too. If your crowd is large enough, you can make your own schedule with chartered buses. RICHMOND HILL FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP ,'\\\"'| In)“ .I','.I'1; 3~‘o‘o“"d°‘;o°,'°°$§ o' I" l (Subied lo thongs) PHONE 177 3.6? “Charlie Hooper you are splitting hairs”, “you are intimating by putting a water clause in our resâ€" olution people will come over from these areas and demand water.” Hooper then moved that the Markham council go into a Com- mittee of the Whole and he called for Mr. LeMasurier to act as chairman, He then immediately moved the following amendment to the resolution â€" This Council agrees to the proposed boundaries of annexation of Marham Town- ship and a public meeting be held, following this meeting a vote of the ratepayers in the proposed area be taken immediately. Markham Councillor Hooper said there has not been enough dis- cussion of the problems involved in annexation. “I want a plain resolution in which a vote of the people is required”, stated Mr. Hooper, “Your amendment is quite unnecessary for the original motion said the people must agree to annexation,” replied Mr. Lennie, “and it had a further merit in that‘ it made water down Yonge street a condition, he continued “Let‘ the people vote on annexation and free Markham of a lot of futurel headaches”, said Mr. Hooper. “Mr. Hooper has said nothing in his amendment I haven’t already said”, -retorted Mr, Lennie. “Your amend- ment is both ridiculous and re- dundant”, declared Mr.' Lennie. Deputy-Reeve James then moved an amendment to the amendment to the amendment to the effect that the Township agrees to the proposed annexation boundaries and the Richmond‘Hill annexation scheme, In the vote that was then taken first on the amendment to the am- endment James and Hooper voted for it while Timbers, Lemasurier and Lennie voted against it, thus defeating it. Next came the vote on the amendment to the original motion and this carried with Tim‘- bers, Hooper and James voting for it,, and with Lennie and Le- Masurier voting against it. Chicago Team Now Holds Third Position At the Richmond Hill Arena last Week Chicago Black Hawks moved from last place to third place by defeating both Rangers and Bosâ€" ton. Chicago playing heads-up hockey Tuesday night defeated the Rangers 2-1, then on Friday night swamped Boston 4-0, If Chicago continues to play this brand of hockey, their stay in third place will be very short. After winning a close decision over the Maple Leafs 1-0, Canad- iens fell apart Friday night losing their first game of the current sea- P, G. “PETE” SAVAGE Telephone : 360 M Confederation Life Association announces that it will be rep- resented in this area by “Pete” Savage, 19 Centre Street ,West. Mr. Savage is associated with liS father, A. G. Savage, who hac 0p- erated an Insurance Agatcy for many years in this district, "WA-v glowing family of Policy- owners will find him well qual- ified to serve them. Despite an extremely cold night about fifty-five met in the Victor- ia Square Community Hall Tue5< day evening, January 29. In the absence of Mr, Harold Coakwell, president of Markham Federation of Agriculture, Mr. Fred Wicks ac- ted as chairman, Re-Assessment Of Markham Tp To Take 2 Years - S. Symonds A very interesting film “Food and Agriculture" was enjoyed by all. It showed the effort being made by I.F.A.P, to instruct and encourage farmers in far eastern lands to use better methods» of cul- tivation and production so as to be able to grow more food and enjoy a better standard of living. O.H.A. Senior Hockey. News At Midland on Tuesday night Stouffville Clippers increased their first place lead in the Big Five Senior “B” group by downing Mid- land Flyers 4-2, Traili’ng 2-1. going into the third period Stouffville rallfed for three unanswered goals, Hal Gibsen paced the Clippers with two goals while Ron Bell and Henb Rose netted one apiece. Last Saturday at Staufi‘ville be- fore over 1000 fans the injury riddled Clippers with only eleven players in uniform trounced the second place Collingwood Ship- builders 8â€"0. Hal Gibson and Ron Bell led Stoufl‘ville with two goals each, while Nick Bangay, J. Watson, Frank Stephenson and Moe Petch tallied single counters. Blake Eatough came up with a great performance in the Stouff- ville net to rack up his second shut-out of the season. This Saturday at Stouffville the much improved Orillia Terriers are the visiting club. Game time is 9 o’clock, Henderson Avenue Phone 14R42 Thornhill Mrs. Greg Tees held a Tupper- ware demonstration party Tues- day evening at the home of her sister, Mrs, K, Clubine, Dudley Avenue. During the evening there were prizes and games. A pleas- ant time was had by all the ladies. brated their eleventh wedding an- niversary and Mr, and Mrs. E. Westaéott celebrated .. their friends wedding anniversary with friends at the Kingsway Club Friday ev- ening. \, Fishing must be stiH good on week-ends as Mr. R. Nicol and friends went fishing at Lake Sim- coe and also Mr. K. Goodchild and friends went fishing at Lake Sim- 009. We are pleased to see Mrs. Shiels of Morgan Ave. home with her family again. We extend deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. D. Grubbe of Clarke Street on the loss of their baby and we hope Mrs. D, Grubbe will soon be feeling better. The .Stevensons are now from their trip down south. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. N. Thompson slipped and injured her- back over the week-end, A speedy recovery is wished the Marshall family who are all down with the flu, Congratulations are extended to Miss Margaret Lefler, Glen Cam- eron Rd, on her engagement to Mr. R. Stokes. Young Johnny Cole of Seccom- oe St. was injured ,in the hockey game at Markham Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. R. Robinson, Proc- tor Ave.., have returned after showing their Dalmatian dogs in "‘“fornia. There is to be a Bible le‘. gestions and answers at Mrs, J. Baker’s, 89 Clarke 813., on Tues- day, February 12, about 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. J, McIver cele- Doncaster MRS. L. SIMPSON Correspondent: home Mr, F. Brumwell explained the position of the Markham farmer in relation to the present assessment policy. He then introduced the speaker of the evening, Mr. S. Sy- policy. He tfien introduced the speaker of the evening, Mr. S. Sy- monds, assessor for York County. The audience gave rapt attention as Mr. Symonds remarked on the film and stated that he had spent some time in India and had seen the starvation standard of living and the small 2 acre farms. Mr, Symonds explained the rea- son for using 1940 values in Mark- ham assessment, and why farm as- sessment appears to have a. higher rate than urban, He also stated that it may be necessary to use 1951-1952 values as normal if the present values continue. He thought that the re-assessment of Mark- ham would take about two years and although it may not lower any particular rate it should more eq- uitably adjust the load of taxation. On being questioned as to other re-assessments within the pro- vince, he explained that due to in- experience some of the first re-as- isessment jobs had not proven sat- ‘isfactory and considerable reâ€"ad- justment would be necessary, but 1that with the present knowledge 'and experience a fair and equitable assessment should result in Mark- ham township. r. D. GIBSON Who has been appointed north district manager of the Bell Tel- ephone Company in Toronto, suc-1 ceeding E. G. Vernon who has been transferred to the general commer- cial and tratfic departments. In 1940 he was appointed a unit com- mercial manager in Toronto and in 1945 was transferred to the gener- al commercial olfice where he was successively chief instructor, meth- ods supervisor and training super- visor. a veteran of more than 23 years in the telephone business with an ex- tensive experience in the company’s commercial department. His predecessor, E. G, Vernon. has been north district manager since August, 1950. A graduate of the University of Toronto, he is We have them on hand in our How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? JOB PR1 {TING DEPARTMENT The Liberal Slacks Slacks Special - Men’s Heavy Cotton Shirts '& Drawers $1.00 Per Garment Men’s Fleece Lined Combinations - $2.95 “BOB” CRAIGIE’ s 24 ms: 3mm N. RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, 'lhm, February 7, 1952 PUBLIC ACCOUNANT Regular Calls in Richmond Hill District 345 OLD ORCHARD GROVE, Toronto. RE The TORO MANUFACTURING CORPORATION and their subsidiary, WHIRLWIND, INC., in conjunction with F. MANLEY & SONS, LTD., their distributor for the Province of Ontario, are pleased to announce the appointment of - STANJI'ROYER THE GARDEN TRACTOR MAN of OAK RIDGE‘S, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEMENT to represent them in this area in SALES & SERVICE of their complete line of reel type and rotary type power lawn mowers â€" ranging in size from 18 to 27 inches, (To cut from 1 to 10 acres per day.) In addition to this complete line of power lawn mowers Stan Troyer will continue to sell and service a complete line of GARDEN TRACTORS, ROTARY CULTIVA- TORS, POWER SCYTHES, LAWN SWEEPERS, and allied types of Garden, Lawn and Farm equipment, in- cluding: Q CHOREMASTER -â€" one wheel, 1, 2 & 3 h.p. . SPRINGFIELD â€" two wheel, 2 & 3 h.p. . ROTAVATOR â€"- 10”, 20” & 50” Q BEAVER â€" riding tractor, 6 h.p. .PARKER â€" lawn sweepers .MASTERS HANDI-CARTS O SCYTHE’ITES - For Service at it’s Best - - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY S ‘l‘ A N T R O Y E I THE GARDEN TRACTOR MAN OAK RIDGE‘S, Ont. Phone King 94r24 WE SERVICE EVERYTHINfi _WE_ S_E_|.!. Tip of th-er inâ€"onth: Miss the Spring Rush! Order NOW to make sure you’ll get YOUR machine in time! we ,4 flare/rat? gram/ms: swat/l GORDON KENNEDY MILK & SANDWICHES PRICES RANGING FROM $4.95 TO $11.96 TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL GABARDINE WORSTEDS AND RHODES TWEEDS MEN’S SLACKS RE. 3139

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