Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Feb 1952, p. 4

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The Canadian Girls In Training will take charge of the evening service this Sunday at 7 pm. Miss [Ruth Hicks, a former member of the congregation and now Deacon- ess at Danforth United Church, Afternoon tea will be served. This show will be eheld in the Thomhill United Church hall from 2 until 4 pm. on Tuesday, Febm ary 19. Everyone is welcome to View this fine collection of antiques and hobbies. United Church Notes Evening Service There will be a display of an- tiques submitted to the members; a hobby centre showing the collec- tion of “China Shoes” belonging to Mrs. Nels Findlay; and many oth- er interesting items will be on dis- play, Plans are well underway for the “Antique Show and Afternoon Tea” to be held on, the afternoon of February 19 by the members of the Thornhill Women’s Institute to commemorate the 50th anniver- sary of the founding of the Thorn. hill branch of the W.I. Mrs. P. A. Brenan of Thorn- hill is visiting in Ottawa for a. few days this week. W. I, 501h Anniversary The next regular meeting of the WA. will be on Thursday, Febru- ary 14, in the Church Hall. Presbyterian Church News The regular monthly meeting of the Presbyterian W.A. and W.M. S. wll be held at 2.45 p.m. on Thursday, February 14, at the home of the Misses Welsh, Centre St. Roll call is to be answered with a tea towel. Members of the WA. met on Thursday afternoon, January 24, when arrangemets were discussed for the coming Valentine Tea and Bake Sale to be held in the church hall on Saturday, February 16, starting at 3 p.m. g 1131:: 1mm, mes-mend Hmi Thin-5., Feb'rfiéry 'r, 1952 The Liberal is dwnys pleased to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. C. H. Bolton and you may reach her at Thqznhill 239J. (Too late for last week) Trinity Church Parish Guild Whit I thrill! Bon llmbl an out: NI! notion an up' neck no lo er noun-n1: body loan half- stnrv . slckLv "bean-pole" look. Thousands o! glrla. women. men. who never could gain Mtore. are now proud at am ely. balmy-loo In; bodice. They thank the spool: vlgor-bnl . neon-bulldan tonlo. Ostrex. Iu tomes. stimulants Invl armors. Iron. vitamin B‘, cslolum. enrich blood. mpmve swollen and (“Eamon no food slvu you more ntren l1 and new shmenc: put flesh on bare bones. Don' tear getting too (at. Stop when you've gained the 5. l0. 15 or 20 lbl. you need for normal welsgz. Costa lmlu. New "gel aoqualntod" Ilu only a. Trg llmoun 09m: Tonlo Tablets for new v1 or an Added poundl, Im- vel‘y day. A: All drugs a. The last meetixig of the Parish Guild was held in the church hall and was in the form of a business meeting. Mrs. L. Wood, presided over this meeting. Women’s Auxiliary Mrs, N. Austen was appointed temporary knitting convener in the absence of Miss Whitmore. Mrs. J. H. Walker was elected to take charge of the greeting card sales and distribution, Mrs. H. Spafford, bazaar convener, outlin- ed plans for preparation of this year’s bazaar. Mrs. W. Lennox, cooking school Convener, informed the members of the arrangements that have been made for the coming Robin Hood Cooking School. This cooking school is to be held on the even- ings of March 11, 12 and 13. Hostesses for the evening Were Mrs. H. Spafiord and Mrs. J. Hous- ton. The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday, February 5, in the church hall. Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. "7W and 25m Thomhill, Ont. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor From Any Thornhill Lion Still Available MAMMOTH BINGO 0 CAR DRAW THORNHILL DISTRICT LIONS CLUB NORTH YORK MARKET - WEDNESDAY NIGHT - FEB. 20 Dear Subscriber: A We, the members of the Thorn- B hill District Lions Club, wish to thank you for your contribution to' our charitable enterprises. V We are pleased to announce that I through the co-operation of Bill Ball Motors in Willowdale, we are i now able to deliver to the winner. N not a 1951 Chevrolet, but a brand new; 1952‘Qhevrolet which has nev- See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s Corners) We feel that you ' and your friends will wish to join us on this gels occasion to participate in this special charitable event, and spend an enjoyable evening at our 'Bingo. Yours truly, THORNHILL DISTRICT LIONS CLUB We are pleased to announce that through the co-operation of Bill Ball Motors in Willowdnle, we are now ‘able to deliver to the winner. not a 1951 Chevrolet, but a brand new 1952 Chevrolet which has nev- er been driven. The Draw, covered by your don- ation, will be held at the North York Market on the night of Feb- ruary 20, at our Monster Lion Bin- 8°. Congratulations to Miss Cath- erine Frazer, who was one of the prize winners at Richmnd Hill High School commencement Fri- day evening. Catherine received the Grade 9 Proficiency prize for obtaining the highest marks, The award was presented to her by Mrs. J. Robinson also of Thorn- lea. Miss Marion Frazef obtain1 ed her school letter for athletics. We, the members of the Thom- hill District Lions Club, wish to thank you for your contribution to‘ our charitable enterprises. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Sherman of Markham Rd, recently entertained her neighbours of Leitchcroft Farm at a social evening and card games. Winners were Mrs. Cun- ningham, Mrs, Beska and Mr. Watson. - Mrs. Gribble and Dorothy were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodwill of Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. M. S.‘ Ward and family, Green Lane, visited with Mrs. Ward’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Draper in Toronto on Sunday. The pupils and teachers of Thornlea school have purchased a bushel of wheat that was present- ed to HRH Princess Elizabeth while on the Royal visit to Cana- da. Proceeds from the wheat go to the “Saw the Children Fund.” The purpose of this meeting was the first step toward the prepara- tion for the diocese and mission meeting which is to be held in the Coliseum in November. Cannon Bryan Green of England, who has conducted several very successful diocese and mission meetings in the USA is to be in charge of this diocese and mission meeting, will be their guest speaker, Specâ€" ial music will be provided by the girls of the CGIT. Public is in- vited to attend this service. Young People‘s Union At the last meeting of the Y. P.U. a very interesting discuss- ion centred around the film “Your Life’s Work.” The program was arranged by the Culture Convener Mr, Arthur Bone. Arrangements were discus,sed of the two one-oct plays to be presented by the mem- bers of the dramatic group _on the evenings of February 27 and 28. These plays are being directed by Mrs. Ellen Sumner. The next reguler meeting of the W.A, will be held in the church hall on Thursday, February 14, A Valentine Tea and Bake Sale is being held on February 16 in the church hall under the auspices of the W.A. Last Monday Trinity church was host to the Clergy of the Deanery of West York. The morning ser- vice starting at 10.15 p.111. was taken by Cannon J, D. Paterson of Toronto, followed by the ‘Holy Communion service conducted by Rev. S. A. R. Wood, At 12.30 pm. those present sat down to a lunch served by the Trinity Church Caterers. For the afternoon meetng the Rev. Harold Blake of Bradford was in the chair. Trinity Church News Women's Auxiliary All candidates for confirmation are asked to ‘be at the church on Sunday evening at 7 p.m. when arranements will be made for A definite meeting night most suit- able to those present. Confirmation Classes . THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone Thomhill 361-31 Telephone Thomhill 350 February meeting will be held at the home of Miss Shirley Thom- pson, No. 7 East, the roll “How towns receive their names.” Miss M, Reid will convene the program “Newfoundland our new province." Hostesses Mrs. R, Suter and Miss Jacklyn ‘Cooke. May we join Mrs. F, Millard. Peter, Ly'nn, Albert and Mrs. E. Ellard in wishing greetings to Mr. F, Millard on his sixtieth birthday Miss Gwen Carter, Church St., Langstafi, is on the sick list. Ac- cept our sympathy Gwen and we hope to see you out soon. The first meeting of the Lang' staff Archery Club was held Wedo ’nesday, January 30, at 8 pm. at the home of Mr, C. Thirgood, Fair- view, when 12 boys and 4 adults who are interested in archery atâ€" tended. The club will meet each Friday evening during the winter months under the direction of Mr. C, Thirgood and will consist of making equipment, the correct and safe way in handling the equip- ment. The material purchased by the Langstaff Recreational Area Committee were 12 flat bows, 12' bow strings, 3 doz, Dawels for arrows. Those to become mem4 bers were Don Robeson, Nicky C, Tudge, Ray Thirgood, Teddy White, Don Stringer, Joe West, Bill Suter and Doug Suter, Andy Curr, Court Ablett, Ian Ross :nd Eddie Garner. Plans for summer activities are under way and will be announced later. Langstaff Jr. W. I, A surprise visitor was waiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hughes, Ruggles Ave,, when they returned home from the North Toronto Market February 2 to find One of Langstaff’s citizens made news as an author in a Toronto paper Book Review. If you have wondered why Mr. Floyd E. Beem- er, Garden Ave_, has not been ac- tive in the community you will un- derstand when he tells you he has spent all his spare time in the last nine years editing his 457 pages of reality. Mr. R. Jobe ‘is happy to have Mrs. Jobe and son Charles home from GraCe Hospital and to cele- brate by moving into their new house, Langstaff Road. a. sister of Mrs. Hughes, Mrs, Ar- thur Heaton of Toronto, formerly of Langstafi" was making a hur- ried visit to see her before leaving on the TCA for the place of her birth after an absence of 42 years. Mrs. Heaton left Monday, Febru- ary 4, from Toronto by plane and will land at Glasgow, Scotland, then by train to Bradford, York~ shire, England, to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Dinnison, and Mr, and Mrs. B. Paris, brother/ and sister of Mrs. Heaton and Mrs. Hughes, Mr. Dinnison is on the sick list. Is reality accident or design? In seeking an answer to that and re‘ lated problems, Floyd has spent nine years in gathering data and after penetrating some little jung- les of scientific truth and philoso- phical Speculations", has marshall- ed his findings in a closely reason- ed, interesting book,. After weigh- ing the arguments his study dis. closes the universe to be an order so vast in its extent that no philv osophy of idealism can compass it, so intricate in its design that no doctrine or system of materialistic naturalism can explain it, lead him to conclude that “only an omnis- cient and all-powerful God could have established its existence and directed its destiny." His conclu- sion is that reality is a great de- sign in ‘which nothing is left to chance. “The end of this faith is to know that right will preval”, he declares, “that out of apparent evil good will come at last.” I! you are interested and a deep thinker, Mr. Beemer will gladly give you information, Langstafi Recreational Area News FEB. 20 North York Market NIGHT CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STOTTS 18 Church St, Langstafi Phone Th The Langstafi’ Baptist Women's LANGSTAFF NEWS The Langstafi‘ Home and School Association euchre was held on Thursday, January 31. The prlze winners were: Ladies lst Mrs, R.‘ M. Harman, 2nd Mrs. Lowery, con- solation, Mrs. A, T. Mathews; men’s lst Mrs, R. Ablett, playing as a man; 2nd Mr. R. Brash; con- solation Mr. P, Pool. 'l‘wo bricks of ice cream donated by Mr, R. Byers of the W'hite Wheel were won in a raffle by Mr. N, VTmter‘ field. On January 28, 1952, the first meeting of the year of’the (West) Langstafi' Ratepayers Assocation was held. Owing to the small number of members present an in. formal discussion centred around the proposed community hall. We are happy to learn Mr. Pat- terson, of No.~ 7 East is home from Newmarket Hospital and hopes to return to work shortly, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooke of Has- tings, Ont., formerly of Langstafl' were guests last Wednesday and Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R._ Chenery, Garden Ave. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt were Mr, and Mrs. H, Landerkin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, L. Connel, Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. H, Andrews of Bradford. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, No, 7 East attended the Veterinary Con- vention and banquet at Niagara Falls last week, The ladies of the Langétaff Batpist Missionary Fellowship 'were very sorry to hear their pres- ident Mrs. J, Marritt suffered a stroke January 30. We are happy to report that the doctor is quite‘ pleased with the progress Mrs. Ma'rritt is making- at this time. Our wish for you is a, complete recovery very soon, Mrs, Marritt, Delightful refreshments Were served by the committee, Mrs. D, Robeson, Mrs. E. Bell, Mrs, R. Ab» Iett, Mrs. G, Clark and Mrs. G. Laba, The Association hOpe's to make the euchres a monthly event. Watch this eolumn for further no- tice and details. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith of Lans« ing were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. Sucer, of No. 7 East, ' Missionary Felowship held its reg. ular monthly meeting jointly with Willowdale Baptist Missionary wo- men. The meeting opened with the hymn “Come Gracious Spirit” after which Mrs. Jones led in pray- er. The Scripture reading was from Luke 10 verses 38 to 42. Mrs, Lazelle and Mrs. LeMasurier fa- vored with a. duet “Search me, 0 God and know my heart.” Mrs. Jones welcomed the ladies from Willowdale. The guest speaker, Mr, De Smidth from the British Syrian Mission talked on his work in Lebanon and Syria, particularly about the life of the women there. He said the Moslem wife was just a possession of her husband. Her position was not only inferior but very insecure and she could be di- vorced at the will of her husband. The Moslems believe that women have no soul, and have no interest in their soul’s salvation. Moslem children are entirely undisciplined. In closing the speaker stressed the point “One thing is needful, the Moslem people especially the wo- men need to know about Christ.” A letter was read from Mr, Rendle thanking the young people and the Women's Fellowship fer their gen- erous gifts and clothing which was sent to the needy, Hostesses were Mrs. W. Bowen, Mrs. A. Duncan, Mrs. F, Carter and Mrs. Jordan. " ‘ ‘ ' Mr. R, Glennie of Little Britain visited with his sister and family Mrs. Harry White, Essex Ave. Mr. and Mrs. White will visit an- other one of Mrs. White brothers, Mr. Glennie at Wlhitby, while Mr. White is on holidays next week. Mrs, Clive Savage and son, Paul, are the envy of friends and neigh- bours this week. They left on Wednesday for New York. enroute to England for a vacation of sev- eral months. We were too late to wish them ‘Bon Voyage' but will have an interes‘ting report when they return. Mr, and Mrs. Sav- age live in the cottage on the prop- erty of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Allen, No. 7 Highway at Sussex. D0n’t forget the regular meet- ing of the Langstafl’ (East) Rate- payers on Monday, February 11., at the school, This is an import- tant meeting as the election of of- ficers for the coming year will be held. Latest of the younger set to be confined to their homes with the chicken pox are Peter LeMasurier of No. 7 Highway and “Rusty” Gibson of Bayview Ave. Tough luck, boys. Emmmmummmummmnuummmunummmmé Phone THORNHILL 161 ‘v11uuumnmumnumuuummmlmmummmmw TELEVISION .Imummunnmmmmumlmunummmmnnmmmm BLACKBURNS’ r1mummmumlmmuuummmlmmmmmmm SOLD & SERVICED Phone Thornhill 211113 Next month will commence a very interesting and educational project for the boys, The St. John Ambulance course in first aid will begin on February 7 and continue for 7 weeks. This ecurse will be free to boys club members and a certain number of adults will be accepted for a small fee, so if any- one is interested contact any of the committee members, We are sorry to report Annette, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bostock, who formerly lived on Brookside Rd., met with an accident while sleighriding on Elmwood Ave_, south of Richmond Hill, last week. Annette suffered a chipped elbow which necessitated a. trip to the Sick Children’s Hos- pital in Toronto and an operation. She has been in hospital for the past five das but her family hope to have her home later this week. The rink is almost ready.. The Highland Park Boys Recreation Club committee members and boys have been doing the final phases on the rink and the water is being transported by tankers for flood- ing. After initial flooding, a near- by well will be used to keep the ice in shape. Through the courtesy of Dufferin Construction C0,, tin club acquired the land for the rink. Now through the kindness and co- operation of the Briggs Construc- tion Co. the rink is graded and flooded. Mr. Briggs operates a fairly new business in North York and any work in his line would ex- press -our thanks in a concrete form. Thanks also go to Mr. Learn and staff for their co-opera- tion. All persons who contributed financially to the club are sincerely thanked, including Lindsay Auto Parts, Ed Goddard, Texaco Sta.; Sam Appleby of Appleby Bros. Builders; North York Pharmacy; and Highland Park Women‘s Aux- iliary. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Shel- don Lynd and their year-old son Richard to Elgin Mills. Mr. Lynd is now employed as a. butcher by Mr. H. G, Pridhan. at his IGA store, which, incidentally, has re- cently been enlarged and modem- ized. Our sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the late Er- nest Dibb, who passed away in Toronto on January 29, 1952, Mr. Dibb was born near Maple and was a former resident of Jefferson. Both he and his wife were mem- bers of the choir at St. John’s An- glican Church, Oak Ridges, until they moved to Toronto ten years‘ ago. Mr, Dibb is survived by his wife, the former Christina Taylor, one brother, Mr. Thomas Dibb of Jefferson and two nieces, Irene, Mrs. Douglas Manley of Toronto and Laurine, Mrs. Everett Phillips of Temperanceville. Interment took place on Friday, February 1, at St, John's Church, Oak Ridges. Former Resident The regular monthly meeting was held on Monday, January 28, at the Powell Road school with Mr. Robert Fisher, president in the chair. The subject was Citizenship, and the guest speaker, Mr, Stephen Davidovitch, Citizenship Adviser to the Ontario Dept. of Education brought a very informative and thought-provoking message, foll- owed by a film which brought out the attitude of some old residents of Canada. towards new Canadians who are coming to make their homes with us. He stressed that these newcomers bring much in culture to our comparatively new country, which can benefit us great- ly and we should meet them with friendliness and sincerity and help them to become valuable persons to all communities. He stated that the greatest barrier was the difference in languages but the government now has close to 800 classes in progress in Ontario to aid them. The act of inviting these new Canadians to join our associations is a step worthy of any efforts. Mrs. A. O’Brien of Glen Cameron Ave., thanked the speaker for his message and dis- cussion period in a very suitable manner, New Residents (Too late for last week) Powell Road Home and School Mr. Heyden, 16 Woodward Ave, spoke briefly on his experiences so far with our people and hoped the future ones would be as favorable. Everyone enjoyed refreshments which included some special treats made by our new Canadians. Also a, beautiful cake with Welcome to Canada on it was cut and sewed, There was a splendid attendance and. an invtation was extended to all present to attend on February 21 a joint meeting with Langstafi", Thornlea and Thornhill associa- tios, to be held in Thornhill United Church, when Mrs. M. McLellan, Brantford, who is president of the Federation of Home and School will be guest speaker. Everyone is welcome. Anyone who has spare spaCe in their car for passengers that night please contact your correspondent. Grade prize this month went to the pre-school group and a little treat will be held for them. Mr. D. Booth accepted the position of neminations con- vener. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS Brookside Road, Telephone Richmond Hill 3721232 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: Thornhill 443.! Don’t forget the joint Home and School meeting On February 21 at Thornhill and if you have any space to take passengers, please contact your correspondent as soon as convenient for those wishing transportation. Art Group ‘ ’ ' ‘ I haVe received calls to the ef- fect that on last Saturday morning a so-called market gardener with a truck has been calling at homes with loam, which he claims hubby ordered and he is delivering. I’m 'sorry to say it's a paying racket. Hubby didn’t order any, and it wasn’t loam but just regular field dirt which was in the sacks, how- ever he received payment, and that was that. So if you have any such experience be wise and refuse to accept it unless you know de- finitely it was ordered and he has a proper delivery slip, The highlight of the last meet- ing of the boys club was the an- nouncement of the prize winners in the crest contest. The judges, R. Priestman, R. Fisher and Mrs. H, Johnson were present to ex- plain that they had merely looked at the crests for their worthiness etc. and no one knew who had pre- pared the difl'erent crests. Winners were presented with autographed hockey sticks from the Maple Leaf players for first prize in both sen- ior and junior class and regular hockey sticks were given forsec- ond prize. The winners were: Jr., lst David DeClerq, 2nd Ernie Pet- tick, honorable mention Don Cor- dingly. Sr., lst Gordon Eggertson, 2nd Robert Briggs, honorable men- tion C, Stocking, Kenny Knowles. Classes are continuing each Fri- day night at 9 Drury Ave. and ev- eryone is pleased with the prog- ress.. A good attendance was out last week and they were pleased to welcome new members. Mr. W. Walmsley and Mr. Lee. Any- one else interested in coming along is welcome, Hill, Deceased. Claims against the estate of the deceased who died on the 151: day of December, 1951, must be filed witl. the undersigned by March the 5th, 1952, after which date the Executrix will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which she shall then have not- ice. Dated FebruaryA, 19.52. The neighbors of Mrs. Rosemary Murphy, 42 Woodward Ave., gave her quite a pleasant surprise and treat on Tuesday evening, Janu- ary 29, when they gathered at the hpme of Mrs, H. Harris, 30 Wood- ward Ave, and showered Mrs. Murphy with many lovely and use- ful gifts for her new daughter, Sheila who was born on January 14. This gesture of the ladies of the community was very kind and greatly enjoyed by all. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. L. L, Dunham are motoring to Palm Beach, Florida, for a two month’s vacation, start- ing Saturday. They will be ..c- companied by Mrs. Howard Cane and her son Bill of Newmarket, JESSIE MARGARET McALLIS- TER Executrix, by her solicitors, Reycraft and MacDonald ,1; King Street West, Toronto Sunshine Special Bunny Mathewson and Clarence Espey visited friends at Lake Wil- cox last Saturday night. Mrs. Everett Phillips is recov- ering slowly from her recent oper- ation and although she is up again she is still confined to her home. AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DONALD GRAY McALLISTER, Richmond We are pleased to report that Lynn Fernandez is back at home and is improving. After schom hours, Lynn is moved close to the front window and many of the children gather there and brighten up the hour fer her. We under- stand many of the children have made little contributions of things for Lynn to occupy herself with, and it all helps to speed her re- covery which we hope will soon be complete. Boys’ Club The last meeting held on Thurs- day, January 31 was a huge suc‘ cess. Constable Nelson of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was on hand to speak to the boys and also to about 25 girls, mem- bers of the newly formed girls’ club who had been especially in- vited fer the occasion. Constable Nelson outlined the training and discipline received befre you be- come a Mountie, Related some exgerienes as a Mountie, answered many questions and shOWed a very interesting film on the Mountie routine. The large attendance en- joyed every minute of it, and a hearty vote of thanks goes to Constable Nelson and those res- ponsible for bringing him to them, Mr, Douglas Snell left for two weeks holiday in Florida. Warning Notice To Creditors i PHONE -â€" THORNHILL 256W = =IlllIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIII' HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 EXP 50 YEARS SAL. HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. No. We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles lnsul Brick Siding Estimates cheerfully given. Insulating. W-4 International â€" new W-4 International â€" in first-class condition John Deere Model B _â€"- in good condition No. 70 Cockshutt â€" in good condition We also have used spreaders, cultivators, drills, mowers, rakes, binders and combines â€"â€" all of which are well worth your inspection. We would also draw to your attentiOn at this time OUR ATTENTION FARMERS ! FARM TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT REPAIR SER- VICE. NOW is the time to have your Tractor and Im- plements repaired so that they will be ready when y0u need them. We are now well equipped to repair your WISCONSIN MOTOR. Check the Motor on your Combine or Baler and if it needs repairing have it done now while our stock of Parts is in good supply. Then you won’t have to worry over possibly facing long delays when every minute counts in the haying or harvesting seasons. We have expert mechanics and our work is guaranteed. WATCH FOR FURTHER NOTICE REGARDING THE MASSEY-HARRIS “FAMILY DAY” and arrange to see the first showing in this district of the new Motion Picture “Enough . - . AND FOR ALL” Harold W. Mortson YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE J- A- \X/I LLOUGHBY RE - ROOFING 44 Massey-Harris (Standard Model) 102 Massey-Harris “Junior” 101 Massey-Harris “Junior” 81 Massey-Harris Row-Crop witfi‘ Cultivator â€"- in first-class condition 81 Massey-Harris (Standard Model) 201 Massey-Harris (Standard Model) -- the ideal Tractor for Belt work Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer STOP ! LOOK ! READ ! Your chicks must eat well to do well â€" right from the start â€" if you want a healthy, stur- dy flock of steady, profitable producers. They will relish the palatable, specially processed, granular texture of MASTER CHICK STAR- TER. They will thrive on its carefully selected, properly balanced and blended in- gredients. We keep a complete stock of MASTER FEEDS for all your feed require- ments. GUARD HEALTH, GROWTH, AND PROFITS WITH MASTER CHICK STARTER MASH 0R KRUMS C. RIDDELL BARGAINS IN USED TRACTORS Telephone 93 Write or Phone 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Phone 435-R AND SONS

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