Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Feb 1952, p. 5

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RWJJZ... Miss Joan Bourne was soloist at the Presbyterian Church last Sun- day. Rev, F. McGinn is spending a two week’s vacatlon it Tulsa. 0k. Inhoma, flying down last Week. left Saturday on a five week motor trip through the southern United States. They plan to spend two weeks in Los Angeles, California. J. E. Smith, M.P. was a guest Monday night at the testimonial dinner held at Newmarket in hon- or of recently elected Warden of York County, J, L. Spilette. Mrs. Lucy Dickie nae announced at her store’s monthly draw. the lucky winner for )anuary is Mrs. White of 225 Mi: Si. Mrs. White's prize was a lovely new sweater. Richmond Hill graduates of Vic- toria. College University of Toron- to, who were present at the cere- mony and reception marking the installation of the college’s new Chancellor, Hon. L, B. Pearson, Monday evening in Convocation Hall included Dr, and Mrs. Hardy Hill, Rev. .J. 0. Totton, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Wilson, Rev. H. E. Wellwood. Trees will be the feature of Richmond Hill Horticultural Soc- iety’s meeting on Friday evening, February 15 in the Public School Auditorium when Mr. John F. Clerk will be guest speaker. Mr. Clark is aesistant director of Hor- ticultural Societies for the Prov. ince as well as Secretary of the Ontario Horticultural Association. "Trees -â€" Their Wonder and Uses” will be the subject of his talk, which will be illustrated by ex- ceedingly beautiful colored pic- tures. Everyone in the commun- ity is invited to attend, Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Leece on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Garrow, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hnrris of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Diceman and Mr. D. 'atton . by Haydn Ind anek: Symphonic Variations .Chopin Pisno Recltal‘by Clau- dio Aunt, Llli Knus and Eileen Gold Seal Classics . Brahma: Variations on a theme Joyce . thdel: Sonata No. 4 in D Mn- 10: and Haydn Concerto in C Major .Heifetz Concert Encore: . Hindemith: The Four Tempera- moms .Eiloon Jche Piano Recital Vols. I nnd II .Loun Lehmnn Sings Operatic Arm . Schubert: Plano Racial by Lili Kraus' LONG @ PLAY .Tchnlkowsky: Serenade for Strings Harry Hill and pardon Hunter We invite you to drop in and exnmlno our complete stock of very fine Decca Gold Label Classical Recordings (Many European and English "cording: included) Yerex Electric Richmond Hill FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS & ELECTRIC RANGES SALES 8 smnvxcn (Opposite Theatre) Telephone 2421 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. RICHMOND HILL & WILLOWDALE STORES The Liberal is alwus glad to receive social and person! items for this page and a call to Telephone No. 9 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports nbout church organizations. women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. W'hile copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. Mr. Geo. Hill and Son Alan of Richmond Hill Hardware attended the Ontario Hardware Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, this week. The executive of the Ladies’ Auxiliary for Scouts and Cubs, met at the home of Mrs, A. Stong, Roseview Ave., on Tuesday night with 12 members present. Final arrangements were made for “Op- en House" in the Scout Hall on Thursday, February 14 to which everyone, especially parents of Scouts and Cubs are cordially in- vited. The latter part of April was mentioned as a possible date for the annual Father and Son banquet but nothing definte was decided on this subject. After all business was attended to refresh- ments were served and a social hour enjoyed by all. Mr. J. L. Schnurr of the Immig- ration Branch of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration was the guest speaker at the last meeting of the Evening High School Basic English Class for new Canadians. Mr. Schnurr spoke to the combined classes, The speaker told of how immigrants can suc- cessfully locate themselve on On- tario farms. He offered the as- sistance of his Department in help- ing the new immigrant in picking a farm. He also mentioned the best location of farms and small business available to new Canad- ians. His address was followed by a question and answer period. Richmond Hill Women’s Inst. will meet on Thursday, February 14th. in the Public School Audit- orium at 2.30 pm. There will be a sandwich making demonstrntion and the roll call will be “Why I prefer living in a small town,” Notice to Blue Cross subscribers â€" as Mrs, Eden cannot look after the Blue Cross this month, please pay your subscription to Mrs. R. Fox, 81 Mill St. before or at the meeting. An invitation is extend- ed to every woman in Richmond Hill or vicinity to attend the W0- men’s Institute. ROBERTS - In loving memory of our dear mother, Edith Mary Roberts, who passed away Febâ€" ruary 3, 1948. The depths of sarrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved SOWell: And while she sleeps 1 pencetul sleep Her memory we shall always keep, â€"- Ever remembered by her lov- ing husband, son Joe, daughter E1- sie, Irene and granddaughter Ber- nice. *1w32 ’ Please bring in the knitted gar- ments for the Children’s Aid. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John Downing wish to thank their friends for the many cards, flowers and fruit sent dur- ing Mrs. Downing’s illness. '1w32 I would like to thank all the groups and the many friends who have show, their kindness in var- iors way: during my prolonged ill- ness, to myself nnd family. Mrs, Arthur Foster c1w32 I would like to thank my friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness during my illness at home and at Riverdale Isolation Hospital, The gifts, flOWers, cards and letters also inquiries were very much appreciated. Marion Boddy, Richvaic c1w32 CARD 0!“ THANKS CARD 0F THANKS STOUTENBURG â€" I wish to ex- tend my heartfelt thanks snd ap- preciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beauti. ful floral offerings received from relativesJ neighbors, the Woman’s Association, and many friends; sl- so thanking the doctors and nurses at the Western Hospital; espec- ially thanking Rev. Charles G, Higginson for his visits to the Hospital and his consoling words and help in my sad bereavement of a loving wife. CARD OF THANKS In memoriam Chester Stoutenberg I Joanne Johnson NORTH YORK BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1952 Thursday, February 7 Richmond Hill at Pickering~ Qollege Referees: Blackstock, Jackson Wednesday, February 13 Pickering College at Aurora Referee: Kendall Newmarket at Richmnod Hill Referees: Neal, Watson Wednesday, February 20 Richmond Hill at Aurora Referees: Neal, Watson Thursday, February 21 Newmarket at Pickering College Referees: Jackson, Blackstock Games will start at 3 pm, Junior B games will have 6 min- ute quarters. Junior A and Senior games will have 8 minute quarters. On Wednesday, January 30, Aurora teams were the visitors here for a North York League triple-header in basketball. The Junior B game was first and Richmond Hill edged out a 23â€"22 thriller, Richmond' Hill opened the scoring and kept a lead of ab- out 2 or 3 points through most of the game. They Were ahead 12-8 at the half, managed to in- crease this'lead to 6 points before Aurora started to put the pres- sure on in the last quarter, but they managed to hang on and win by one point, Grinnell was high scorer for Richmond Hill with 11 points. G. Routledge had high score for Aurora with 10. Three players Were up from the Junior C team to play this game for Richmond Hill. They were Cot- trill, Biemes and Risebrough, ‘Boys’ Basketball The Junior A’s kept up their winning ways by defeating Aurora 41-24. They were never threatened throughout the game, Grajnger Was top scorer for Richmond Hill tallying 10 points. Geddes was top Many happy returns of the day are wished Mary Ball who will celebrate her birthday, Saturday, February 9. Mr. and Mrs, W. MacLachlan from Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Holmes of Yongehurst Road, Winners of the Canadian Legion euchre held in the Legion Hall on Monday evening were: Ladies, Mrs. S.‘Arb_on, Mrs, F. Titshall; men A. Titshall, S. Atbon. Congrttulatiéns to Art Ball of Yongehurst Rd,, who was elected president of Richvale Home and School, Tuesday evening, Jan. 29. Jim Gardiner of Mill Rd. enter- tained the hiechanicalfiockey Lea- gue on Dionday evening, Those at- tending were Larry Fryer, Ted. Clague, Ronald Duncan, Jim Gar- diner and Bruce and Garry Black- burn. At the conclusion of Jim’s home games, refreshments Were served, Home and School At the February 14 meeting .of Carmlle Home and School mem- bers will have the pleasure of havln Mr. H. B. Galpin, Inspector of Pu lic Schools a5: guest speak- er. It is hoped that all parents and friends will come out And sup- port the association. Woman’s Association Mrs. A. Read, Mrs, R. Kirk, Miss E. Sheppard, Mrs. John Ba- ker and Mrs. Wm. George attend- ed the Thirty-First annual meet- ing of the Woman’s Association, Toronto Centre Presbytery of the United Church of Canada held in Manor Road United Church on Thursday, January 31, starting at Presiding over the meeting was Mrs. C. J. Clode; organist was Mrs, Adele Mitten; soloist Mrs. Kay Harvey. Morning session con- sisted of opening period and devo- tions followed by g memorial y Mrs. R. H, Pmeroy. Solo by Mrs. Harvey. Mrs, A. Hayter and Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Williams and George and Margaret of TorOnto called on .Bert Middletons on Sunday. WRRESPONDENT â€"- MRS. M. BLACKBURN, Yellohlm Rd. Telephone Richmond Hill 18'!th NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Richmond Hill District High School CARRVILLE NEWS Conm Mn. But Middlem- Telephone Maple 130:8 REPORTERS The Seniors lost their game 25- 21. Lately they have shown quite a lot of improvement under the coaching of Mr. Thomasson. At the half-way mark the score was scorer for Aurora also getting 10 a 10-311 tie, It wasn’t till near the end that Aurora took the lead to stay in front and even then Ricn- mond Hill had put on a last min~ Dave Graham paced Richmond Hill with 13 points, Hulme got the most for Aurora with 10. First game was played by the Junior 3’3, 3 new grouping who are not playing for a cup. Rich- mond Hill seemed to have trouble with the small floor but played nice ball. Thoughout the game Aurora was penalized with 12 fouls, Richmond Hill 7, High scor- er for Richmond Hill was Donna Banks with 5. Score was Rich- mond Hill 16, Aurora 10. Girls’ Basketball R.H.D.H_S. Girls’ Basketball teams made their entrance into the North York League on Thursday last at Aurora, . The Senior game opened fast and furious with the referee call- ing 11 fouls on Aurora in the first half. RHD‘HS showed nice clean plays in several instances but the game became very rough and the plays were lost, Richmond Hill raced far ahead in score and fin- ished with a score of 19-6 in their favour. High scorer of this game Wflb Isobel Hood, captain of the team with 12 points. The Junior A game was not as rough as the Senior game, but lacked in colour except at the end when Aurora scooped in a basket to win the game 16-15, High scorer of the game was Sylvia Easton with 14 points. Bill and Lorna. Green are visit- ing their aunt, Mrs. C. Gray in Montreal, They plan to return on February 10. Mrs. C, Wight of M111 Rd. at- tended the commencement party at the High School Thursday ev- ening. CongratulatiOns to Clarke Dead- low who passed his second class test and received’ his badge at‘ Richmond Hill Scouts last week. Sugar and Spice Club will meet at the home of Mrs, S. Styan, Yonge St., Thursday evening, Feb- ruary 7. An executive meeting of the Mothers Auxiliary of Richmond Hill Scouts was held at the home of Mrs. A. Stong, Roseview Ave, on Tuesday evening. Fourteen la- dies were present with Mrs, F. Gardiner in the chai1-_ The Scout At Home was planned and future meetings discussed. Refreshments were served. Mr. Bill Stevens of Newtonbrook had dnner SundAy with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood and family. Mrs, Jas. Sheppard and family of Carrville Road West lens on Tuesday night for Edmontoa, Al- berta to join Mr. Sheppard who has been connected with the Air Force since last October. We wish them every happiness in their new home in the West. On Saturday, February 2, Geor- gina Smith entertained Susan Lewis, Violet Randall, Betty Fitch, Christine Jordan, Robert Middle- ton, Lynn Morris, Hughie Adams, Bilinsky and of course her young brother Rickey. The spec- ial occasion was her 12th birthday. The guests arrived at 5 o’clock and had a, birthday supper and games and from all reports had a real good time, returning' to their several homes around 9 pm. We join with all Georgina’s friends in wishing her a year of real haptpi- ness. The friends of Mary Brennan will be interested to know that Thursday and is doing nicely but will be in St. Michael’s Hospital a while yet. Mrs. Brennan would like to thank anyone and every- one who has been so kind to Mary it is most appreciated. Mr, Ross Norton, Building Inspector for Markham Town- ship, this week released the Building Department figures for 1951. Residential 279 buildings $1,941.200 Commercial 27 buildings $26,700 Industrial 6 buildings $133,450 Miscellaneous 100 bldgs. and alter. $48,350 Total .. . . . 2,149,700 Fees collected .. $2,955.00 Salary and mile. .. $2,804.65 Markham Twp. Building Report Laurence Johnston Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -- Morning Worship and SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 10 am. -â€" The Sabbath School 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Mr. Jack Cooper, Knox College Everybody welcome. RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L. Th.. Rector SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 THE KING IS DEAD Sacrament of Baptism 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. Miniato! Memorial Services 8.30 11 7.30 “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord” All are invited to one or more of these services Heise Hill » Gormley Rev. A. L. Winger, Pastor 10 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship and Ministry of God’s Word 7 pm, â€"â€" Evangelistic Service Wed., 7.30 pm, - Prayer Meeting A hearty welcome is extended to all Services THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A.. Mimstfl SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 11 a.m. â€"â€" Divine Worship . The Minister ' 11.15 11.211. â€" The Church School Come and Worship SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer THORNHILL ’ FRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 Sunday School . . . . . . 10 am. Sunday Service . . . . . 11 «.m. Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. Sunday Service . . _ , . . . . 2.30 13.111. Sunday School 3.20 pm. Richmond Hill Scouts’ Group Committee and Mothers’ Auxiliary are planning an “Open House” in the new Scout Headquarters for Thursday, February 14, in conâ€" junction with the annual election of the Men’s Group Committee. OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH The parents of Scouts and Cubs' are most cordially invited to at- tend, to see how their boys are progressing and how Scouting ac- tivities are conducted. It is 3. won- derful chance to ta1k\to the Scout leaders and find out how your boy is getting along, The annual election of officers will be a short meeting after which the Mothers’ Auxiliary has prom-l ised to serve refreshments. A most cordial invitation is extend- ed to anyone interested in Scout- ing, and most particularly the parents of the boys. Richmond Hill Scouts To HOId "Open House" February 14th “The Church on the Hill” Finch Ave. E. at Don Mills Rd Vesper Hour Each Sunday at 3 pm. February 10: Bill McCaul, trombonist People’s Church Male Quartet Speaker: Mr. Doug, Hay All Welcome, This will take the place of the Mothers’ February Auxiliary Meet- ins. Remember! Date: Thursday, February 14. Time: 8.15 pm, Place: Scout Headquarters, 9A Yonge St. S., Richmond Hill, Waste Paper Collection The Scouts are planning a waste paper collectiOn in Richmond Hill for Saturday, February 9, on the east side of the village, weather permitting, Because of the rain during the previous collection on the west side, it was not possible to com- plete the collection. If anyone on the west side has paper for the Scouts, this will be collected in a special truck if they will please phone Mr. Jack Wharton after 7 o’clock at night -â€"- 193W. Please do not telephone during the day ZION MEMORIAL CHURCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LONG LIVE THE QUEEN BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH OAK RIDGES PLUMBING & REPAIRS TELEPHONE KING 59-R- ANYTIME - ANYWHERE RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH EARL ATKINSON Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 um. Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School at Concord 'Schooi House at 10 am. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURGI Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Service: Sunday, 11 3.111. â€" Bible School classes for all age: 7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€" Women’s Mil- CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm Heb. 2:32 “How shall we escape it we neglect so great salvation." MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A.. B.D.. minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 Hope ‘. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 mm. Church Service . . . . . . . . 11 am. Edgeley Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 pm. Churdh Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm. Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 mm. siohary Meeting. Fri, 8 p.m. â€"- Young z‘eople: Soc‘ THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Church Service .... Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Sunday School Nursery Dept. (2-3) 7 p,m. â€"- CGIT Service Miss Ruth Hicks, speaker Held in MASONIC HALL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1952 I PARENTS’ NIGHT When the parents meet the teach- ers of the Sunday School Speaker: Mr. S. K. Peterson Refreshments served P,S.: FEB. 17, 7 PM. Special Film: “Bufld Higher” Everyone welcome. Thornhill Baptist Church SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Sunday School and Morning Worship 11 am. (Ont. &7 Quebec? Convention) Visitors Very Welcome as Mr, Wharton will’ not be It home. The Scouts wish to thank the people who are tying their paper in bundles. This certainly makes the handling by the boys 3 great deal easier and prevents waste pa. per blowng away and littering the streets, Why The Scouts Need Money“ R'ichmnod Hill has one Scout Troop and 3 Cub Packs, 132 boys registered. York Central District of which Richmond Hill forms an active part, needs $1,966 to supply Scout and Cub leaders with training and guidance, bulletins, insurance, sta- tionery and repairs to the district camp site. Richmond Hill’s share of this cost is $225. The Group Committee estimates that about $200 will be needed for Scout and Cub. equipment and camping (food and transportation is the big item). The Scout Hall costs are estim- ated as $500 for this year, cover- ing rent, light, heat and mainten- ance. Scouts do raise money by collecting and selling waste paper and their annual Apple Day, but' this does not fully cover their ex- penditures. This is why an annual appeal for funds is held. Scout needs are modest but the reward is great, They ask the public to invest in Canada’s biggest asset â€" our young men who, in a very fe years, will be guiding our in- ternational policies, running the country, earning their living and raising their, families in one of the few remainng democracies in the world. BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN EVAN GELICAL SERVICES STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 5891'11 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., February '7, 1952 l Formerly of Gerrard Heintman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office Tel. 9, Richmond Hill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Styled to make your rooms beautiful UIWWRWWRMW\MM\WW REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€" Curtains Bedspreads PIANO TUNING and Repairing The Clarita-n Sdone- Keillor One. Nanny 51.. Boston 15. Mum. U. 5‘ “on. acid In. I: innode what]:- “in lo The Chrhlhn Scion” "allot- Ti Inn-I. l ends-o 83. JAMES J. WALL We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. Phones King 111 Aurora 46J “News that is complete and fair . . ." “The Mmu‘lor surely is a _ reader‘s necessity . . ." gYou, too, will find the Monitor informau've, with complete world news . . Lgnd as neceso “ :readers of 'THE “Ag SCIENCE ’«MONITOR tell the 'Edicoréhov much they enjoy this a daily world-wide newspaper, 5‘ with such *2 com- paper. Use thi- conpon for I Special Introductory subscription â€" 3 MONTHS FOR ONLY 83. Ruth Delbrocco Phone for appointment My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE For FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" S E E â€"â€" Maple HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL, CAST IRON AND METALS OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS ___'._-._ S. FREEDMAN & SON 6 TOWNSLEY ST. Corner: Old Weston Rd. and St. Clair W. Phone LY. 0661 Toronto, Ontario This ad worth one dodar with a load of scrap THORNHILL 108R3 Jéiaii' 'edized news- ,paper in’ mus. . . .fVahtable_aid in teach- Agent for DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? “The MOW is glue most OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing Heating Contractor Electrician .7 'iéu'r‘ EOTEETOWN WANTED 10,000 TONS 00 SCRAP 1000 ‘. Hoffman ATTENTION TRUCKERS! (Harm) (who) ARTHUR J. WELLS (mu) SOUTHERN CROSS SPECIAL OFFER Tuna Fish Salmon COHOE RED MIRACLE WHIP Posts Sugar Crisp CLARK’S Salad Dressing it” 29c ier'SZc Pork & Beans NABISCO Shredded Wheat CHOICE QUALITY Dessert Pears ASSORTED FLAVORS Jen-031m 29c SPECIALS CALIFORNIA Iceberg Lettuce FANCY GRADE Spy Apples NO. 1 WASHED Parsnips Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 20 oz. Tin 6 Qt. 85kt. Tin Telephone Maple 99 $21? 37c 20 oz. Tins Heads Pkgs. szs. Fancy Quality 29c 65c 19c 28c 33c 33c Solid Pack 19c

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