Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Feb 1952, p. 7

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Everyone who attended the meeting of the Vaughan Teachers’ Association held in Pine Grove School last week were greatly im- pressed with Mrs. Bowman’s Lea] and skill in speech therapy. She helped each teacher with a discus- sion of individual problems and finiihed it with a demonstration of he! methods on two small boys from Pine Grove School who were having speech difficulties. They left feeling they had all benefitted greatly from this experience. A card party and dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eberschhg on Saturday evenmg. Mt. Efberschlag was celebrating his birthday and his guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kefl’err Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash, Mr. and Mn. N. Peelar, Mr. and Mrs. Al- ex Hunter, Mr, and Mrs. John Ash, About sixty children in the school received toxoid in January. That. was a much better attend- Ince record in January than in any previous month during the school yur and we hope this is a good sign of better general health am- ong the pupils, “Elmer” the safety elephant flag is still flying over Concord School and the teachers and pupils are ho- ping to keep him flying for the rest of the year. Phone 242-] Richmond Hill BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT Yerex Electric LAST SHOWINGS TODAY OF THE WONDERFUL TECHNICOLOR ACTION FEATURE ' “When' Worlds Collide” Starting 7 pm. & 9 p.111. S“. & Holidny Matinee 2 p 1%, Sat, Feb. 8. 9 “Lady From Texas” Starring OLAUDETTE COLBERT and ANN BLYTH Cartoon & Short Subjects DON’T MISS! “Texas Carnival” In Technicolor ‘ Wed., Thurs. Feb. 13, 14 PAUL DOUGLAS JANET LEIGH Mon. Tues., Feb. 11. 12 TELEVISION I CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY PLAZA 5373 (In Technicolor) _ - with MONA FREEMAN and HOWARD DUFF News & Selected Short Subjects MAPLE BLOCK & TILE Lmnsn “Thunder on the Hill” ESTHER WILLIAMS ‘ HOWARD K‘EEL RED SKELTON Fri“ Sat" Feb. 15. 16 “WONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple Plus Short Subjects MARKHAM “Angels in the Outfield” in CONCORD NEWS Telephone Maple 110R3 MAPLE â€" ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Clevey, Johnny Ash, Jimmy Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Ash, Jimmie, Jean and Billie. Progressive euchre was played, four tables in all and the priz'es were won by Mrs. Clevey, Mrs. Stan Kefl'er, Mr. Eberschlag, Mr. Clevey and Mr. Hunter. Mrs. and Mrs S. R. Bailie left on Saturday to spend . few weeks in Florida. Best wishes are extended to Mr. Allan Poole whose birthday is Sat- urday, February 9. V Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dawson of London, Ont., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clapham, Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Wm. Hallawell whose mothe», Mrs. Reid, passed away recently. Meeting a need within thelt church, the members and adherents of the Lutheran Church. Sherwood met; last week to organize a. social group. It is hoped that the people especially the newcomers who live at distant polan will take this op- portunity of getting together to discuss church topics and enjoy a social evening. , Mr. and Mrs. James Hallswell are spending the Winter in St, Petersburg, Florida. The many friends of Mrs. W. J. Grover are glad to know She is much better after her recent ill- ness. Mrs, Crover’s friends and neighbors are- most kind and thoughtful of her and she wishes to extend to them her thanks ana appreciation for their attentions and many acts of kindness. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilkinson are proud parents of a son, Rob- ert, born on New Year‘s Day. Miss Glenda Clapham who has been in Florida for some weeks, has returned home. A new arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, Elia, is Glen Robert, a brother for Donnie, Brian and Wayne. Glen arrived on Friday, Jauary 25, at the Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Oman Bowes of Downsview and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wright of Wilson Ave., North York, Left last week for Cal- ifornia to visit with Mr, Bowe’s brother. next week. [They were encouraged by an at- tendance of 13 people at their first meeting and hope for a good ata tandence at the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kefl'er in about two weeks’ time. On January 18, Fraserdale Farms, Concord, imported the Guernsey bull McDonald Farms Pre Rex from McDonald Farms, Cortland, N. Y., U.‘S.A. The sire of Rex has been the sire of the undefeated Get of Sire at the Na- tional Dairy Show in 1950 and 1951. His dam, who has a par- entage of “Excellent” ancestry is a fpll sister to the sire of the Jun- ior Get of Sire which W0n at the 1951 National Dairy Show. This bull was bought to cross on the daughter of McDonald Farms Fore Nim’ble, “Nimble” was purchased by a syndicate of Guernsey breeders in 1949 for $7,- 000 and has 85 déughters in the Ftaserdale herd. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Joe Palooka oflers these suggestions (1) It’s better to be late than never. Slow down . . . and save your heart. (2) Ease up and relax, High blood preusure can damage your heart. (3) Don’t doctor yourself. Get medical advice. (4) Weekend athletes can’t win. Be your age, (6) Overweight can overlead yom' heart. See your doctor and diet; wisely. (6) Don’t burden your heart with needless worry. Gum-d your health . . . see your doc- tor, CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. They expect to return MAPLE 6 (Too late for last week; In spite of the stormy weather there was a good attendance at the January meeting of the Oak Ridges Home and School Associa- tion. It was gratifying to see so many fathers present. This was health night and the health com- mittee reported a busy season to date. Mattresses have been cellected 1nd covars made for them for use as tumbling mats in the school, Since Xmas boys of grades 6â€"7-8 have been coached and at Tuesday night’s meeting two groups of 15 boys each, gave a demonstration of rolls, head stands, hand stands, and pyramids, which did great credit to their teacher and their on hard work and long hours 'of practise. The health room in the school has been renovated by this committee. Members cleaned the roam, put up shelves for suppliesl and added some new linen for the bed. Outlines of the work of a public health unit were sent to every member before the meeting and the guest speaker was Dr. Robert King, NeWmarket” director of the York County Public Health Unit. Dr. King pointed out that Public Health work is not a form of chm. ity for g few people in the com- munity. It is the modern intell- igent method of preventing illness in the whole community and the control of it when it does occur. This is done by an innoculation program for all children, by enforc- ing of quarantine and isolation of infectious diseases, and by 'ris- its of the public health nurse to the school. Also the unit pro- vides inspection of sanitary con- ditions throughout the community. The provincial government pay! one half the cost of the health un- it to the township councils. The people pay their half through their taxes and the cost is one mill on the equalized assessment. roughly one dollar for every thou- sand dollars of assessment. It was the unanimous decision of the large number present to send a delegation to Whitchurch and King- Councils asking- for the services of the York County Health Unit in this district. A vote of thanks was tendered Dr. King by Dr, D. Gama. Mrs. Harold Woolnoug'h is the new recording secretary, taking th. place of Mrs. GOAT. Gamble who has gone to England. Refreshments were served by the social convenor Mrs. Robt. Ash and her committee. Mrs. JOhn Gem- mill poured iea. A balance of Over $100 was re- perted by the treasurer. It Was decided to purchase nine film strips for the projector in the school, also blackout curtains. Mrs. George Walker, Aurora, and Mrs. Howard Hulme had din- ner on January 29 with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Borden of Oakville. They visited the Rebekah‘Lodge at Oakville 1n the evening. The executive of the Old Tymu Dance Club, Oak Ridges, met at the home of Mrs. J, ‘McDougill to draw up a general program for the Club, The membership being closed they will now be able to concentrate on perfection of steps. Under discussibn also was the mat- ter of purchasing am amplifier for club use. Members of the executive of the above dance gr0up have ofi’erad to ansist with the formation of a‘ square dance group in the Lake Wilcox School. Will anyOne intense ted, especially the older teenagers contact Mrs. C, L. Stephenson in Mrs; Cross. Rev. L. R. Coupland and Mrs. Coupland and family were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. L. Harnden, Wilcox Lake. Last Tuesday morning, January 29, thermometers at the Lake reached a low of 24 degrees beâ€" low zero, This Tuesday it was a mild 32 above. In between we had rain and snow. Mrs. Marshall of the Oak Ridge: Gray Coach terminal reports trafl’igon Yonge Street and business done on Sun- day, February 3, almost equalled summertime. . 32 banks suitable for boyb and girls Were sent to Lake Wilcox school last week by a family that had outgrown them. The library is still very inadequate for nearly 200 children. If you can spare books'the children would enjoy will you contact King 97 ring 13 and they will be called for. ald Anderson haVe joined the Oak Ridges Lions Club. Mr. Fred McIvor has arranged ; tour of the Department of Lands and Forests, Maple, for the senior pupils at Lake Wilcox School, Satu utday, February 9. 26 teen-pagers gathered at the Community Church Friday night. An interesting program of activ- ities is planned under the leader- ship of Miss E, LoVe, Miss Marion Bain and Mrs. L. Harnden. The juniors meet at 7 o’clock. Last week a study of the life of David in film and story was led by Mr. Sheldon. This will be continued this coming Friday, Rev. L. R. Coupland pastor in charge was present to give valued leadership to both groups. . Mr. J. Thompson a student at we Toronto Bible College was present at three Services at the OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS Mr. Roald Laing and Mr. Don- OORBESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON Telephone King 9733! Lake Wilcox Community Church on Sunday and contributed-violin and comet solos which were much appreciated. Mr, Thompson and Miss Marion Bain were also guests of Mr. and Mrs, L. Harnden on Sunday. Mrs. Percy Ash left on Friday for several weeks holiday in the South. Guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ash were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ash, Foxboro and their dau- ghter Mrs. Arnold Ross and her daughter Christina Jane, also Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ash and Mr, Wm. Ash and Mrs. A. Keenan of Tor- onto. Mrs. C. H. Knuckey poured tea at last week’s Home and School Assoaiation meeting at. Oak Rid- qes. Mr, George Kay of the Humber Valley Conservation Authority and the Don Valley Conservation Au- thority visited the Lake Wilcox School Friday afternoon, much to the delight of the school. Three films were shown. Introduced‘by Mrs. C. L. Stephenson, the thanks of the children were conveyed to Mr. Kay by the principal of the school, Mrs. G. Cross. Mrs. Charles Bayford. well- known in this district thirty years ago when she owned a general store in King Clty, celebrated her But birthday recently at the home of her son and he wife, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bayford, Fallingbrook, Scanboro. Guests at the family party to honor the event were her daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beamish of Wllcox Lake. Mrs. Stewart Beamish. owner of a 10ver garden at Lake. Wilcox, Is feeding each day a flock of pheas- ants, several blue jays and a car- dinal. They nest in the big pine trees close by and come out for their food. . . Norman Boyd entertained Ads of her son George Boyd in celebration of his 18th birthday, Friday. February 3. Sixteen tables of euehre and cribhage were played at the Lions euchre at the Ridge Inn Monday night. Mr. Robt. Ash won the dom prize and a cake on a glass piste made and donated by Mrs. Jack Blyth Was ruffled off ,and won by Mrs. Ross who put it up for auction and it fell to Mr. Bob Woolley Sr, forn$2,85.~ Euchre prizes were won by Mrs, Bob Woo- lley Sr, Mrs. C. H. Knuckey, Mrs. J. Bingham; men, ‘Rdbert Ash, Scotty Wells, George Smith. Bin- go Won by George Smith. Crib- bage Mrs. A, McMillan, John Obee, Cecil Peyton and Mrs. Howard Hulme.‘ All proceeds go to fin- ance the hockey practice for the boys on Saturday morning at the Aurora Arena. Attendance at the Lake Wilcox .school for January- rose to 91%. ’Can any other township school .better that average? Monday, {February 4 with a registratin o) |198 children, 192 were in school. Eev. Mr, Holdsteader of Wash- ton, Perm, was a visitor at ‘the Sunshine Sunday School, Oak Rid- gas on Sunday morning. He spoke- briefly to the schOol and left to fulfill a preaching engagement at Gormley. The Henderson Sisters sang. One hundred and forty-five children and adults. were present. MrsA S. Tennant of Pembroke is visiring her sister and brotherâ€" in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Gem- mill. Mrs. S. Murch ,and Mrs. 8. Norman, Bond Ava, are attendifig‘ a coursé in plastics in Toronto on TUesday nights._ h n .Twenty of the girls at Lake Wilcox have registered with the principal Mrs, Cross to take a course in sewing under the direc- tion of some of the mothers who are good seamstresses. They will start off with darning, mending and making an apron. More about this next week when the organiza- tion is a bit further along. Mr. Harold Cooke is showing slight improvement after hisoper- ation last week. Carol Lane, travel expert will addreSS the Valentine Luncheon, sponsored by the W.A. of Rich- mond Hill United Church, to be held in the Sundag School room on Wednesday, February 13th 1t W. .3» AROL LANE C Mr. Ray Spencer formerly of 24 Jackes Avenue passed away last week at his late residence north of Parry Sound, Sympathy is extend- ed to the family. Mrs. Fitchett of Cretwood Road is spending some time in Peter- boro with her mother who is re- cuperating- from an 'operation_ There were many friends present at a shower in honor of Mrs. Jean Smith on Friday evening at Mrs Irene Duffy’s. . The W,I. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Hare on February 13, at 2.30 13.111. The topic Historical Research will be convened by Mrs. W. Jen- nings. We are expecting to have a talk on Tropical Fish. Mr. F. Ham has as his hobby an aquar- iui.. of tropical fish which will prove extremely interesting to the members, The roll call, name an Ontario landmark. Lunch committee Mrs. E. Phillips. Mrs. W. Hare, Mrs. W. Lloyd, Mrs. C. Stephenson. An apron shower on February 13 is asked of the W.I. members in anticipation of the sale to be held a't our daffodil tea later in the season. W. I. On February 9 at 6.45 pm. sharp, '3 bus will leave Hare's store for Massey Hall to attend the Louis Bromfleld lecture on farming and soil conservation. The free lecture tickets wlll be pro- vided. As the bus is filled anyone now wishing to attend by bus can do so only if one of the present seats becomes vacant, Friends of Mrs, Tucker wish her a speedy recovery from her illness at the Women's College Hospital. She has been ill since December 27. We are happy to relate that Mr. Harold Dickin is recovering nicer after his successful operation. Many anxious hours have been spent regs ding Mr. Dickins leng- thy illness nd We in Temperance- ville hope good health will soon bé restored to him. _' Sunday, prtuary ~19 “the Sufi 53; School missidnary conVen- er will gi‘fe a missionary talk to the children, At this time a special collection will be taken up for the M and M Fund, Please come pre- pared for both this and Sunday School collections. Sunday School Sunday evening communion ser. was held at the Temperanceville Frances Barrett has been away CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. CRESTWOOD ROAD NEWS TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Helen Mason, 11 CRESTWOOD RD. 'I'HE BELI. TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Phone Thornhill 286R23 Rhone King 3R11 We were glad to see the town- ship men were down to Crestwood Road on Monday to clean some of the culverts to allow the_water to run more quickly, Several base- ments were flooded. We hOpe that this condition is_ soon rectified. from school several days last week due to fallgwhen some child- ren pushed hef and she gashed her knee quite badly. Mrs, Barrett has a nice little black kitten to giveaway. The kitten is house-broken. Monday, January 28, Billy Thompson celebrated‘ his :lfth birthday. What a wonderful par. ty he had; loads of fun; birthday gifts; 3 table set with place cards for his guests; oodles of good food with birthday cake on which light- ed candles were placed so that each member of the party might blow one out. Those present to help celebrate the occasion were Wendy Canning, Johnny and Pat- sy Kerr, Judy and Wayne Paxton, NanCy and Diana Jennings, Sharon Palmer and Murray Robinson. The mothers who were icrtunate m- ough to be invited to see the childâ€" 'rcn have such a good time and also enjoy the afternoon tea were Mrs. E, Jennings, Mrs, B. Palmer. Mrs. N. Kerr and Mrs. E. -Piaxa ‘ton. - church. Many of the members Were present to accept the sacraâ€" ment of the Lord’s Supper .and hear the service conducted by Rev. Moddle. Mrs. Fred Boys was the soloist, The beautiful anthems sung by the choir under the lead- ership of Mrs, Grimshaw were greatly appreciated. Party A number of articles have been written regarding the activities of the Oak Ridges Square dancing club. However this correspondent had the pleasure of watching the group in action for a short period last week, May it be said that they are one of the most enthus- iastic and congenial groups ever witnessed, Everyone is fully re- laxed and thoroughly enjoying the two hou'r period of dancing. It is unfortunate that no other ent- ries can be made at present but a waiting list is welcomed. It is with deep regret tfibt s'ym- pathy“is extended to Mrs. Ernest Dibb, Mr. and Mrs. D, Dibb and their daughters 'in the passing of Mr, Ernest Dibb on January 30. . It is a pleasure to see Mrs. E. Phillips able to be out again after her illness. . ‘ R. 9. KING In our new building on Richmond, Street, the big job of installing the in. tricate dial equipment, required for this fast automatic service, is pro~ ceeding according to schedule. 3 When the work is all finished this Spring, Richmond Hill will have as up- toâ€"date a telephone system as any in the world. 1THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., February 'I, 1952, NEW AND USED IRONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 & up (Ladies’ & Men’s) WOODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $5.95 & up (Ladies’ & Men's) NEW STAINLESS STEEL SETS 0F 5 IRONS $7.00each NEW WOODS . Elgin Mills' Phone Richmond Hill 134r42 Everybody wants a warm house. ‘Let us install'a new warm air heating system for real heating comfort. We do complete installation. SALE! SALE! SALE! GOLF CLUBS Heat thosé Cold Rooms! HEATING CONTRACTOR PHONE RICHMOND HILL, 674J (Ladies’ & Men’s) (Ladies’ & Men’s) "SALAIIA" TEA R. BOSTO'CK Preferred by millions of Canadians for its superb quality and flavour. For Free Estimates Consult ALSO SOME LEFT-HANDED ONES JOHN EVELYN C. E. BLOSDALE, Manager . . . . . . $8.00and up

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