Richmond Hill TKORNHILL and UNIONVILLE Turn those unwanted items into cash. Dispose of them by tele- phoning TUrner 4-1261 .nd in- nit-tine a. classiï¬ed Id. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Publc Oflice Hours â€" Daily 10 to 5 p... Evenings by Appointment 42 Yonge :t. South. Richmond Hill a TUrner 4-2084 Burrlsters, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. thlh Toronto Office, 912 Federal 81:13., ‘ 85 Richmond Street West Plus 8929 Richmond Hill. Thursday morning 4 anle, Thursday Iftemnon Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N; Mathews. Q. C. K. Stiver. B.A. BsE, Lyons, B. A. .105. Vale, Q. C. T100 Main St., Newmarket, Ont. .- Phone 120 .~ 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Phone Wa. 2343-4 Blrï¬s‘er. Solicitor. Notarv Puhho QB Yonge Street, Richmond Hill _ Every Thursday afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"â€" 18 Toronto St. ’ Phone Adelaide 5877 in classes are limited, registration before September 8 would be appreciated 19 Grandview Ave. Highlsod Punk A\'enue 5.1318 HOLDEN, ROEMER a: CORNER Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public Floyd E. Corner Richard H. Rohmer B.A.I D.F'.C. Thomas A. Holden B.A. ' Aurora Office: Ardill Block, 'Yonge and Wellington Street: Telephone 406, Aurora Thu-11M“ DENTIST 65A YONGE ST. SOUTH TUmer 4-1511 Richmond Hill Richmond HI“ From. the Toronto Conservatory of Muse will accept a number of __v_upi.1.' in ..... PIANO. on’diï¬' .‘iid THEORY For informgtjpn phone Mrs. MF‘PS? J. Rabinowitch, 3.4, ’18 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Open evening- TUrner 4-1462 Dentist Ansley Building, Yonge Smet THORNHILL FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE ; Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Barrister, Solicitor & Notgry Public 95 Church Sheet South Richmond Hill, Ontario StuartP. Parker BARRISTER Richmond Hill, 85 Centle W. TUrner 4- 1543 Thornhill,1A Colborne AVenue 5-1477 Toronto Wu. 2931, 50 King W. Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal office -â€"- phone TUrner 4-1261. Norman A. Todd Marguerite Boyle Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Dr. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSENESS DIRECTORY Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Deportment. Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL†Doris Pollock TEACHER OF BALLET Dr. W. J. Mason Aa‘elmo Melecci Donald Gordon Plaxton Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist Barrister, Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Oï¬'ice TUmer 4-2071 Thomhill Office AVenue 5-1300 William Cook and Walsh ' TUmer 4â€"1863 By appointment only ". C. Newman d Hill TUrner 4-1311 Branch Ofl'ices It AVenue 5-2181 M. J. Walker 'Hm """ibs’Yonge' St. TUmer 4-1238 MUSICAL DENTAL LEGAL AVenue 5-‘1667 R. D. MacNaughton Dr. In P. Wilson 22 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7. Willowdale PHONE 84. 1-8011 X-Ray, Ultra Short Wave Thenp, OFFICE HOURS: Mom, Wed., Fri. â€"â€" -5, 6-8 Tues., Thursday â€"â€" 1-3, 6-8 Mornings by appointment. MAPLE Dr. Jas. R. Langstafl' Dr. Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1631 Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 8 Specialty King City Telephone 28 Thomhill Telephone Centre Street TUrnor 4-1432 Richmond Hill Toronto OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday, 10 mm. â€" 12 noon; 1 pm. - 3 p.m. Evenings: Monday to Thursday, Phone 82 Dr. W. Allan Ripley 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce hours 2-4 pm. daily oxcept Wednesdays Tuesday a: Thursday evenings: 6-8 p.m. Other hours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 DR. RALPH P. JOHNS DR. R. F. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L'ESPERANCE General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and Auto Financing 42 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1652 Lite, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. Dr. E- A. Crawford J. Roy H errington NOTARY PUBLIC CON VEYAN CER GENERAL INSURANCE ( Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Dr. BICELY WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Oflice Hours 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to 8 p.m by appointment 7 Dr. 41 Dr. J. T. Sheppard VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street Thornhill Veterinary Clinic GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Farm, etc. Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Dr. R. A. Bigford Obstetrician & Gynecologist Above Harley's Drug Store Small Animal Practice Office Cells â€" House Calll Surgery and Boarding Elgin Mills Sideroad West Telephone Maple l71r2 VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone AVenuo 5-2252 W. SCHURMAN Dr. R. J. Steele Richmond Hill. Ont. DR. H. E. PALMER DR. F. W. WALKER 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill Roy V. Bick VETERINARY Or by appointment INSURANCE By appointment TUrner 4-1422 Wm. D. Howe TUrner 4-1551 AVenue 5-1379 anlt 7134 MEDICAL â€"ANDâ€" AVenue 5-1311 EM. 3-0311 Maple. Ont PHONE 3 Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales 9. specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.0., ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.0., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big ~' too small Arthur G. Tl'rner 4-1701 26 Years‘ Experience York County, Uxbudgc and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sale» 3 Specialty Telephone Stouï¬ville 67312 Address: Gomley P.0. Licensed and Authorized for me R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Propertien, etc. INSURANCE Fire. Automobile. etc. TUrner 4-1671 For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge at. District 2518 YUNGE ST. (at St. (lements) Telephone 11 Maple, Ont. TUrncr 4-1552 Richmond iii“ Ernie Brock & Son General Insurance WITH CONFIDENCE AT Yerex Electric W. J. SMITH & SON Telephone MAHajr 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynch. J.F. Lynet SCHOOL Leave Maple Leave Richmond Leave Maple Leave Richmond W. J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town iay or night emergency service Maple 721'23 213 Oak Ave., Richvale SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill GENERAL BUSINESS BETIER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. TELEVISION Coachea For All Occasion- Telephone King 56 Painting Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging Km & Clarke E. CHARITY 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2062 By Appointment Phone TUmer 4.1931 A. S. Farmer ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FIDWERS CHIROPRACTIC REAL ESTATE AUCTIDNEERS Prentice AUCTIONEERS BUY Broad. D.C‘ 8.10 mm. Hi1] 9.10 am 3.00 p.m. Hill 4.30 p.m‘ DAYS Richmond Hill A cordial welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Don Hellings and their six-month old son Glen, new residents on Brookside Road. Mrs. Neighbors and friends extend deepest sympathy to Mrs. George Duncan Jr. and family, with the loss of Bernice's mother, Mrs. Douglas. after a prolonged illness. Mrs. Douglas died on Monday, June 30 at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Matkin drove to Lyle on Sunday with Miss Sheila Kyte and her friend Mr. Ernest Lawrence of Toronto. They all had a very enjoyable day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kyte. Mrs. E. Ray Jackson and Rose- mary with guests Mrs. Salway and Weydy and Rickey ASalway, spent a pleasant week at their cottage at Sauble Beach, Lake Huron. Rose- mary Jackson has now gone to Hallburton for the summer. Mabel-Louise Robertson has re- turned home after spending a very happy week visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mabel F. Alexander and grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robertson and Mrs. D. D. Eppes in Toronto. Sorry to hear June Baker is un- der the doctor's care. We hope June will soon be out playing ag- ~x_ An informal business meeting .vas held at the home of Mrs. R. 1. Threlfall last Thursday even- 'ng to discuss plans for the ba- :aar the Jefferson School Com- nunity Club plans to hold this ‘all. Among those present were Virs. E. A. Terry Mrs. R. Copeland, Irs. D. Miller, Mrs. Thos. Dick, Irs. J. Barry, Mrs. J. Passmore nd Mrs. H. G. Robertson. Many ieas were brought forward and \lans were laid to seek assistance iot only from the mothers and fa- hers in these districts but also ome splendid ideas were intro- luced that will enable the older school girls to help with knitting Jr'sewing. All girls interested should get in touch with Mrs. Threlfall at TUrner 4-2262. Mater- ial and equipment will be supplied and it is hoped work on the vari- ous projects will commence short- ly. O t O C Elgin Mills Softball team plays Hope at Richmond Hill tonpig ht Monday night Elgin Mills plays at Downsview. Mary Elaine, baby daughter of Mr .and Mrs. John Taylor, Elgin Mills, came home to “Taydean†last Friday with her parents. In the absence of the rector, Rev. ). C. H. Mitchell, Mr. C. G. Tetley ook over the morning service at it. John’s Anglican Church last Sunday. The Rev. Michell is on 1 month’s holiday and has gone to Sritish cblumbia to visit his father 1nd sister. ' ° " ' ___ Mr. Thos. Dick, Jefferson, week- ended at Honey Harbour on a ï¬sh- ing trip with seventeen of his busi- ness associates. x1. former residents of Brookside load and now living in Toronto; .VIrs. Threlfall’s sister, Mrs. N. lobson, and a niece Sharon from :hicago. "-Wegievglad to report Mrs. Giles .{erswill is feeling very well and is ible to be out a little now. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ack Evlson, Elgin Mills, whose )aby daughter was born Saturday, uly 5, at Newmarket hospital. Ir. aï¬d Mrs. Fred Spenciey. We re happy to report Mrs. Spencley 5 very much improved in health‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richards and ‘amily spent a few days at Hunts- ville visiting Mrs. Richard’s moth- .»r, Mrs. C. Evison. Mrs. E. J. Bartlett, Jefferson, [rho underwent an operation for a inus condition last week at the ‘oronto General Hospital. is wish- ‘d a speedy recovery by her many riends throughout this district. Week-end visitors at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Threlfall, Jeffer- m, were Mr. _a_nd_ Mr§._Thr_eli:a‘ll Marie Spencley of Scarboro is isiting with her grandparents, Don‘t forget the Tuesday night all game at Jefferson School. Happy birthday to Bryan Taylor 'ho celebrates his sixth birthday aturday, July 12._ _ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Telephone TUrner 4-2334 Hellings is familiar with this dis- trict having spent her summer hoi- idays here when she was attending school. Ten year old Martin Steiger, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Steiger, Elgin Mills, is still on the critical list at the Sick Children's Hospital as the result of being struck by a car two weeks ago. Martin. who attends Richmond Hill Separate School, got a lift home and getting out of the car ’on the east side of Yonge at the Elgin sideroad, crossed the highway and was hit by a car trav- elling south. He was dragged 40 feet. After being attended by Dr. Cowan, Martin was rushed to hos- pital by Rev. F. McGinn. Mrs. E. R. Jackson drove his mother, Mrs. Steiger ,to the hospital, where it was determined the lad had criti- cal head, back and internal injur- es. , Congratulations to Kathleen Bar- row who rode her horse Kay’s Sur- prise at the Stouffville Horse Show on Dominion Day. There were 8 horses entered in the 6 years-andâ€" Kay’s Surprise won the red ribbon and a silver tray for her owner. EVERY DAY: Remember that; the Coming Events column is a cheap and effective way of telling others of your dance or bazaar or other money-making event. It’s an ef- fective way, too, of making sure of good attendance by reminding members of date of meetings; Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan Sr. Brookside Road, were happy to have Mr. Duncan’s brother Peter, his wife and Peter Jr. visit with them" for several days last week. The Peter Duncans are from Con- lston. Miss Thirsk was decorated for bravery while serving in France where a Canadian Army Hospital was bombed and a number of nurses killed. She was with the Canadian Army Medical Corps for three years. Born in Mount Albert she had lived in Toronto since 1922. She trained as a nurse at the Cobourg hospital, later taking charge of a hospital in St. Catharines; from there she went to the Chatham Hospital as assistant matron and later matron. When she joined the CAMC she was matron at Wal- kerton Hospital. Among a number of nieces and nephews surviving Miss Thirsk are Mrs. F. Spencley, Mrs. W. Frisby and Mrs. Horace Pearson and Walter Armstrong, both of Mt. Albert. The telephone booth at the cor- ner of Weber's store, Elgin side- road and Yonge. was looted Satur- day night or early Sunday morning. The telephone and cash box were completely removed. Police are in- vestigating. Two nearoy residents, Mrs. Fred Spencley of Elgin Mills and Mrs. Wilf Frisby of Richmond Hill were saddened wit the loss of a belov- ed cousin, iss Margaret Isabel Thirsk, who died on July 2 in Sun- nybrook Hospital. Break-In STAN TROYER Gadon Trader: . . .v"SpIingï¬eld' 2 who“ "Bot-Ivar" 4 Miniâ€""Bonn!!!“ rolavafor. ‘<\- lawn Mowin..."Toro" rul WM."WhirIwind" rotary Had. typo plu- Iho hm OAK RIDGES, ONTARIO Phone Klnl 94r24 “The Garden Tractor Man†GARDEN TRACTORS CHBJoHFromV Canada's Most Comploie Range of @bituarp POWER MOWERS and Mrs. Frank Purvis of Wilson Ave, has been holidaying at her parents home for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Read and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Sanford at Churchill. Miss Mary George of Richmond Hill visited this week with Miss Mary Read. Mrs. Clarence Price and family of St. Lambert, Que, are visiting with the Bert Middleton family. Mr. Art Harrison of Toronto also visited the Middletons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner of Islington visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wynn. Mr. Walter Wynn had a business trip to Montreal and Ottawa re- cently. Mrs. Wynn went as far as Ottawa with friends, joining Mr; Wynn there and returning home a couple of days later. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of Weston visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton. The report of the Carrville pub- lic school will be published next week. Mrs. Jack Barton is home from the Western Hospital and gaining strength each day. Alan Teskey of Warminster vis- ited several days with Robert Mid- dleton last week. Mr. Bert Middleton, Robert and Gretta Middleton and John Bar- ton attended the Canada Wire and Cable picnic at Exhibition Park, Toronto, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baker and family and Mrs. H. Ness spent Sun- day with Mr. Wm. Ness at Thorn- hill. Com: Mrs Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 .... mun» m Modern mechanized equipment has made "muscle-farming†out-of-date "‘N JI'k-I Some of the greatest advances in mechanization in the history of agriculture have been made in recent years. Your. Masseyâ€"Harris local dealer will be glad to give you full details of the complete line of Massevaarris modern farm machines. Do it with machines â€"not with musclesâ€"is the modern concept of farm operation. The work can be done easier, quicker, better, and at less cost the machine wayâ€" and there is less worry and less exâ€" pense when you use machine help instead of inexperienced and costly labor. No man who has experienced the many advantages of operating with modern equipment would want to go back to the days of “muscle‘farming.†MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED 'Iuluw! Luwn- . -~.-o wu- Men of high-quality farm implements since 1847, ‘mw 2 ruwnï¬â€˜kï¬v Mï¬ï¬‚ï¬m~ Our-o. CARLING'S THE DARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOD â€" TORONTO -- WINDSOR '“N‘mn u'nm . - 4..- ... that you should not pick the Trillium, our provincial floral emblem. Since its three leaves are near the Iop of the stem, fhey usually get picked with the blossom. And as the leaves feed the root, the whole plant dies of starvation. Protect the Trillium . . . it i" port of your outdoor enjoyment. , "mm“ “Mud“ â€"\r""‘ â€".â€"â€".o “.m/‘AI‘ " â€Rum ...u-~u...... f;?guk¢l ‘ “.mmmuco 'Mnl’