2nd Class Honours Babcock, Carol; Beynon, Ruth: Bisson, Joyce; Bishton, Leigh; Bowes, Ross; Carroll, Melvin; Christensen. Norma: Crean, Geo.; Evans. Catherine; Fletchner. Rich- ard; Glenn. Gwynneth; Hart, Dav- id; Horwood, Orlln; Hull. Joan; Jarrett, Dorothy; Jones, Robert; Keï¬er. Jean; Leuschner, Ron; Morrison. Sally; Orr, Verna; Pady, Lawrence; Perkins, Joyce; Poole, Gordon; Ross. George; Smith. Charles, Sorley, Joanne; Walker, Marian, Wilcocks, Roy. 3rd Class Honours Barber, Marjorie; Holdgate, Donald; Kent, Archie; Middleton, Marion; Mihorean. Fred; Miner. Bob; Naylor, Albert; Sanderson, Mary; Shenï¬eld, Gloria; Sherman, son, Jean; Norgaard, Peer. (75% or above) Craigie, Primrose; Langdon. Shirley; Sheeler. Bernice; Vall- ance. David; Wilcox, Judy; Wool- ham. Roderick. A. SIMPSON COMPANY LTD. 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July 10, 1952 Have You Anything To Sell? Bring it to us where it will be sold at the highest prices LOOK ENCLOSED ARENA FREE P. DELIVERY SERVICE ARRANGED NEW AND USED FUNITURE EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HOME Studio Couches Hassocks Washing Machines Ice Boxes Chesterï¬eld Suites Kitchen Tab1ca End Tables Kitchen Chairs Stoves Kitchen Cabinets - Console Gas Ranges Linoleum - 3 Burner Gas Radios, mantel & console '- 4 Burner Gas Record Player - 4 Burner Electric Refrigerators, Electric ~ Combinations Show Cases - Console Electric Sofas Sweepers Davenports Tables Yacuums All goods may be seen a week previous to sale. You can t afford to miss these opportunities to save REAL money EVERY SATURDAY 13am: [If @6581 Studio Couches Washing Machines Chesterï¬eld Suites End Tables Stoves Richmond Hill District High School Summer Exam. Results (Continued from page - Console Gas Ranges - 3 Burner Gas '- 4 Burner Gas - 4 Burner Electric ~ Combinations - Console Electric Starting June 21 Stop 10A Yonge St. at top of WillowdaJe Telephone BAldwin 1-0833 and the lowest commission charged. RAIN OR SHINE from 2 pm. on Lear Lynda: Eng ';11 Hist 11; Alg 0; Phys c: Lat 11; Fr c. KingSton, John: ' Eng 1115 Hist III; Alg. II; Phys 11; Ft c; Comm c. Latimer, MaryLee: Eng c; Hist c; Alg c;_P11ys c; Lat III; Fr c. Jonesgwrgi'ma; Eng’n; Hist 11 Ph_ys> 9; 1ft c; Comm HI. Juhl. Gail} Eng 11; Hist c; Alg III; Phys c; Lat 11; Ger II. Jones, Ed: Eng c; Hist II; Alg III; Phys III; Fr c; Comm I. Kerr; Sylvia: En’g I; H’x’s't I; Alg III_;_-Phys II; Fr III; Comm 1. Hill, Edward: EngI; Hist I; c; Phys c; Lat I; Fr II; Ger I. Holden, Fred: Hist III. Jernlgan, Lyn: Eng II; Hist Alg. _;I Phys III; Lat 111 Fr III Johnstoï¬, Laï¬rence: Eligâ€" 1â€":-_I'{ist 3; A13 I; Phys 1; Fr I; Ger 1; Comm Harding. Ruth: Eng II; Hist II; Alg I; Phys I; French I; Germ I; Comm 1. Hawkins, Tim: Eng II; Hist Al_g__§_; P_hys c; iLat II; Fr c. Gréaves, Gwen: Eng I; Hist I; Alg 1; Phys I; Fr II: Comm I. Gee, Ronald: Eng II; Hist III; Alg I; Phys 1; Lat I; Fr I. Gee, Shirley: Eng III; Hist c; Alg 1; Phys II; Lat II; Fr 0. Grainger, Lloyd: Eng III; Hist c; Phys c; Germ III; Comm III. Gréy, Isobel: Eng, c; fligi EEâ€"Alg c; fhys c; Fr c; Comm 1. Elson, Barbara: Eng I; Hist 1; Phys 1; Fr c; Ger II; Comm I. Frazer, Bill; Eng c; Hist c; Alg II; Phys 11; Comm c. Buters, Paul: Eng III; Hist II; Alg. III; Phys II; Lat 11; Fr II. Charles, Mary Idelle: Eng II; Alg III; Phys c; Fr c; Ger I. DesRochers, Madeline: Eng II; Hist II; Phys c; Fr c; Comm 111. Duncan, Ronald: Eng. II; Hist III; Phys I; Comm III. Eastén. Joe; Eng III; Hist c; Alg c; Phys II; Comm I. Britnell. Victor: Eng II; Hist II; Alg I; Phys II; Lat c; Fr c. Brumwell. Wilbur: Eng III; Hist c; Phys III: Ger c; Comm II. Atkinson, Paul: Eng c; Hist III; Alg. c; Phys III: Ger II; Comm 11. Baker. Barbara: Eng c; Hist 11; Phys c; Comm IIL Barraclough. Sidney: Phys III. Bennet, Ray: Eng c; Hist c; Phys III; Ger II; Comm II. Berta, Nora: Eng II; Hist I; Alg 0; Phys c; Comm III. Billerman. Gerald: Hist III. Bishop, George: Eng II; Hist c; Alg I; Phys 1; Fr II; Comm 1. Boynton, David: Eng c; Hist c; Alg c; Phys 1; Fr c; Comm III. Bradley; Nora: Eng III; Hist III Phys c; Lat c; Fr c. Atkinson, John: Eng c; Hist c; Phys c; Comm III. Winner of Lower School T’rize (2 years of work): Catherine Fra- zer. Ash, John: Eng c; Hist III; Phys III Ger III; Comm II. Elizabeth; VanderBent. Marie. Pass Banks. Jim; Bentley, June; Blackburn. Bruce. Burns. Larry; Curtis, Marilyn; Farr. Ruth; Flet- cher. Jim; Harrison, Mary; Hoop- er, Dorothy; Jackman, Ann; Lyn- ett, Margaret; McDonald, Melva; Palmer, Doreen; Sellick, John; Smith, Douglas; Snider, Ray; Sta- pley, Denise; Stone. Yvonne; Townsend. Carol; Vautier. Lor- raine; Weir, Gloria. Winner of Grade X General Prgï¬ciency Prjze: James Hogg. FREE PARKING GRADE XI Alg III; III; As the request for 53.505.19 from O. C. Smith, consulting ac- countant of Ontario Hospitals As- soclation. was not made until af- ter the tax rate for this year had been set. council was not ready to answer it immediately. It was decided on Monday afternoon at the regular meeting of the coun- cillors that the bill for this sum be tabled for a month. to give the council time to consider it. It isestimated that on each private patient, there is a loss to the hospital for each day. of $1.60. For each public ward patient there is a daily loss of $1.85. It costs $6.22 to care for each indigent, above the daily grant given by the government. Under existing rates all patients are a charge on the hospital. it was decided, when council of King Township was presented with a bill for $3,505.19 from York Mem- orial Hospital, Newmarket, to cov- er the approximate total loss from all the patients from King town- ship during 1951. King Twp. Holds CountyHospBill Grade XII General Proï¬ciency: Shirley Barnes. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL GRADE XII Diplomas Bennett, Dorene; Hooper, Ellen; Jarrett, Kenneth; Kowalchuck, Bill; Mashinter, Isabelle; Tryggve, Joan. Letter of Credit granted by RHDHS Baird, Anne; Fisher, Carol; Hard- ing, June; Murchison, Bruce. Lions Séholarship: Méfion Fra- zer. Middle School General Proï¬c- iency: (2 yrs. Middle School): Mar- ion Frazer, by reversion to Eliza- beth Maxwell. Snider, John: Eng II; Hist I; Geom II; Chem c; Fr III; Comm III. Tomlinson, Bob: Eng 0; Hist III Geom II; Chem c; Ger c. Uren, Janet: EngI: Hist I; Geom I; Chem I; Fr c Ger III. Smith, Eleanor: Eng 11; Hist I Geiom II; Chem II; Fr III; Ger II Sharpe, Gordon': Eng mint? Fr c. Frc Selby. Roger: Eng III; Hist III Geom I; Chem 11; Latin III; Fr II Nichols, Lillian: Eng III; Hist I_II; Geom II; Chem 11; Lat III; James MaryLou: EngI; Hist I; Geom II; Chem 11; Fr II. Johnson, J'oann: Eng 1; Hist I. Lak Gordon: Hist III. Large Peter: Eng 11; Hist III; Alg c; Geom II; Chem III; Fr III. Maxwell, Elizabeth: Eng 1; Hist 1; Chem 1; Fr I; Get I; Comm III. Miller. Bob: Eng III; Hist III; Geom III; Fr c; Ger c. Moryto, Helen; Eng II; Hist I Geom 0; Chem 0; Ger c. ‘ Frazer, Marion: Eng 1: Hist I; Geom I; Chem II; Lat 1; Fr 1. Grinnell. David: Eng II; Hist II; Geom c; Chem 111 Fr III. Hagan, Foster: Eng c; Hist c; Chem III. Hood, Isobel: Eng III; Hist III; Chem c; Fr c; German c. Brumwell. Jean: Eng 11; Hist c; Geom III; Chem c; Fr III; Ger c. Cooper, Mary: Eng II; Hist I; Geom 1; Chem 0; Lat III; Fr II. Cottrill, Mary: Eng III; Hist I; Geom c; Chem c; Comm c. Dedlow. Clark: Eng III; Hist III; Geom I; Chem III; Comm 0 Easton, Sylvia: Eng 1; Hist I; Geom 1; Chem 111; Lat c; Fr. c. Fo er, Douglas: Eng III; Hist II: Geom II; Chem c; Comm c. Barnes, Shirley: Eng I; Hist I; Alg I Chem 1; Lat 1; French I. Brockhurst, Charles: Eng c; Hist c; Geom II; Comm c. Baker, Melba: Eng I: Hist I; Geom I; Chem 1; Lat II; Fr III. Baker, Ross: Eng II: Hist I; Geom 1; Chem II; Fr II; Ger 11. Ball, Pat: Eng 1; Hist I; Chem III; Lat III; Fr III. Wyton, Barbara: Eng c; Alg I Phys II; Fr II; Ger 1; Comm I. Youngberg, Bud: Eng 0; Hist III Comm 1. Zinken, Sonia: Eng c; Hist III Phys c; Lat c; Ger c. Richmond Hill Wome ‘s Insti- tute General Proï¬ciency rize for Grade XI: Laurence Johnston. GRADE XII Worsdale, Vah: Eng 1; Hist Alg. I; Phys 1; Fr 1; Comm III. Webster, Charlie: Eng c; Hist c Alg II; Phys II'I; Lat 11; Fr III. Wharton, Tom: Eng II; Hist I Phys 11; Lat III; Fr c. Trenka Nancy: EngI; Hist I; Alg II; Phys I; Fr 1; Comm I. Wade, Joan: Eng II; Hist II; Alg II; Phys II: Lat c; Fr III. Walker, Fred: Comm II. Watt, Don: Eng III; Hist c; Com Stevenson, Ann: Eng II; Hist II; Alg c; Phys II;"Lat 1; Fr II. Topper. Julia: Eng c; Alg c; Phys c; Fr. III; German I. Townsend, MaryLou: Eng III; Hist c; Alg c; Fr c; Comm II. Salmbn, Dona'ld: Eng I; Hist 11; Phys c; Fr c; Comm II. Rynian, Shirley: Eng III; Hist IIIA; Alg. II; Phys c; Comm 1. Soderberg,' Richard: Eng III; Hist III; Alg II; Phys c; Lat 1; Fr II; Ger I. Stephenson, Joan: Eng II; Hist c; Phys c; Ger 1. Rombough. Ruth: Eng III; Hist III: Alg 1; Phys 1; Fr. III; Comm I. Ross, June: Eng 1; Hist I; Alg II; Phys II; Comm III. Millen, Ron: Eng III; Hist 11: Alg II; Phys III; Gem 1; Comm c. Neil. Eliz; Eng III; Hist 11; Phys c; Lat c; Ger III. O'Hara. Catherine: Eng II; Hist c; Alg c; Phys 111; Fr I; Comm 1. Osmond. Peter: Eng II; Hist I; Alg 111: Phys 1; Lat II; French II. Paterson, John: Eng 1; Hist II; Alg c; Phys 11; Lat I: Fr 11. Risebrohgthyrna: Eng I; Hist gt; Alg I; Phys 1; Lat 1; Fr 1; Ger MacKay. Walter: Eng 1: Hist I; Alg II; Phys 1; Lat 1: Fr. 1: Ger 1. Matthews, Lorna: Eng III; Hist I; Alg III; Phys I; Fr. c; Comm 1. Mayhew. Keith: Eng c; Hist c; Alg 0; Phys c; Lat c. leyd. Bruce: Eng III; Hist II; Alg c; Phys I; Comm 111‘ Mabley.'Jacqueline: Eng c; Hist III: Alg c; Phys c; Comm I. LeMasurier, Harry: Eng II; Hist I; rArlg II; Phys I; Lat III; Fr c. Wed.. Thurs. â€" July 16. 17 Happy Go Lovely Mon., Tues. â€" July 14, 15 20th Century-Fox’s Sus- pense-full & Exciting Es- pionage drama Five Fingers Starring James Mason Danielle Darrieux 2 Shows Nightly 7.30, 9.30 Sat.. continuous from 7 Saturday Matinee 2 pm. Statisticians, reporting that sport ï¬shing is big business in Canada, estimate it is worth an annual $80,- 000,000 annually. er me. I came to a quick conclus- ion. Firmly I walked up to that cart, replaced that melon â€" and took a ripe one.†Mark Twain chose “Honesty" as an address subject to a club. As a boy, he said, he saw a cart of melons which sorely tempted him. “I sneaked up to the cart †he said ‘and stole a melon. I went into the alley to devour it, but I no sooner set my teeth into it than I paused, a strange feeling came ov- Wed., Thurs. â€" July 16, 17 Double Feature Feature No. 1 Mickey Rooney Ann James Mon., Tues. â€" July 14, 15 Clifton Webb ' Ann Francis Chas. Bickford William Lundigan Elopement Technicolor Plus Laurel and Hardy in Fri., Sat. â€" July 11, 12 DON’T MISS Your Favorite Comedy Team Dean Martin Jerry Lewis Fri. & Sat. â€" July 11 & 12 Jeff Chandler Maureen O’Hara TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 7 RM. Showing at 7 & 10.05 Feature N0. 2 Millard Mitchell Gilbert Roland My Six Convlcts LAST SHOWINGS TODAY 0F ‘ith A Song In My Heart I Glorious Technicolor Starring Susan Hayward David Wayne The above photo of the original char- ter members of the Richmond Hill Rotary Club was snapped by retiring President Bob Cross. They are: Back row (left to right) : Secretary Bill MacDougall, Stan McNeice, Harold Reid Bill Schurman, Jack Sailor Beware Showing at 8.25 only Clifford Griffiths, Manager Telephone 8 Flame of Araby MARKHAM (In Technicolor) with Vera Ellen David Niven Night Owls AURORA Sound Off QM? Colin Dick. Eleanor Oakley, Con- nie Wright, Donald Stone, Mary Downing, Joyce Downing, Wayne Meikle. Gert Norgaard. James Barrow. Grade 47:0"5: Wm. Copeland, Nanp'y Barrow: Caroliper Threlfall, Grade 3 to 4: Mary Lake, Thom as Baker, Julie Ensor, Larry Fol- liott. Dia’nne Haviland. Linda Oak- ley. Nancy Passmore. Robert Rooney, Ronald Rooney, Dennis Wells, Gregory Price. Grade 2 to 3: Roy Graves, Pam- ela Threlfall, Peter Terry, Mabel Robertson. Peter Miller, Wm. Hall, Michael Ensor, Helen Anderson. From Grade 1 to 2: Paul Stone, Billy Naish, Brian Wells. Eric Stone, Joanne Simms, VNorman McGruther, Ronald Mann. Ruth Downing, Gloria Downing, Sharon Copeland. Jefferson Public School Report The following pupils were pro moted at Jefferson Public SchooL l'l-Ildl‘ Home or I 1 Pasteurized qt. Ib.75 â€1.69 "1.59 "1.51 Ib.35 SLICED BREAKFAST Legs and Breasts LARGE ROASTIN G CHOICE BOILING Legs FARM FRESH CUT- UP CHICKEN â€1.45 11:32:23“ lb. 25 FARMS FRESH YOUNG LAMB Gilchrist, Ernie Hall, Jack Teetzel. Middle row: Jack Brillinger, Harry Reid. Alf Mc- Latchy, Pete Savage, Jack Rice, Bill Dodds. Front row: Dr. Wm. Howe, Bill Burns, Al Rice, Ralph Butler and Treasurer Len Rice. Naturally Mr. Cross is missing from this picture, as is Mr. Don Plaxton. FROM OUR OWN FEED LOTS Loin CHECKENS 39 Poultry - Butter - Eggs - Meals - Fruits - Vegetables BACON 3.1“ lb. 35 N0. 7 HIGHWAY AND DUNMILLS ROAD “Coming Events†colï¬mn of The Liberal. Teleohone Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1261. Grade 6 to 7: Harvey Baker, Fred Brown, Tom Bartlett, Joyce Wright, Barbara Pullen, Billy Oak- ley, Alex Love, Gordon Graves. Grade 7 to 8: Shirley Topper, Catharine Pick. John Passmore, Martin Pick, Mary Anne Bartlett, Wayne Dick, Marion Rooney, Carl Brown. Grade 8 to 9: Billy Mann, Shir- ley Downing. Tom Pick, Danny Simmers, Jarn Norgaard, Pete Christensen, Albert Brown. For letting people know about jVggur _euch}'e or bridge try the Grade 5 t9 6: Florene Pridham, Frank Pridham, Harold Mann, E. Lake, Jas. Downing, Lois Rooney, Janet Brown. Mi§s Roslyn Van Norman, 'teacher Rack Fronts Stewing Cuts FIRST GRADE CREAMERY ROAST lb. 79 BONELESS PRIME RIB Butter lb. 59 Geo. A. Green, teacher weights frorn 8t0121b& ea. - lb. 7 7m 21m“ll“\ll“lll1“llllllllllmllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllll“llllllllllllï¬lllllmllllll“llllllllllilï¬lllmlllllll“lull“\l11ml“lllll\lllllllllll\1lllllllllllnulllllllllllg MM!“ 80A YONGE ST. SOUTH ine Lake Marie and King Ath- letic Association which received its Government Charter 31 years ago is holding its annual carnival on July 16 in King Memorial Park, King City. At 7 o'clock the pipe band of Brampton which was so popular at the last carnival will parade on the grounds. to open the fair. Besides the usual games. there will be a wrestling bout put on by the King City Wrestling Club versus the club from Aurora. Then there is a new attraction, with Madame Butterfly setting up her tent. where she will read tea' cups for a very small charge. It is whispered that this mysterious lady can tell at a glance your past. present and future. and she may know who will win the TV set and the twelve ï¬ne prizes that will be raffled during the night. The ex- ecutive which has been in charge of arrangements are George L. Brown. president, William Barker. lst vice president. Ivan Specht. 2nd vice president and A. E. Kell- ey and Matt Bell. directors. EllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllIlilullllllllllilllill!llllllimlllllllm‘lllllillll“lillllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllillllllillllllllllllmllllillilllllâ€˜ï¬ 5fll\1llllllll\lllilllll\l\ll\\l\l\llllllll“Ill!“ll“\mll“ll“llllll\\llllll\lllllllllllllllllll“i\\ll“Ill“Hm““In“ll“MN“l“ll\lll\lll\“llllllllllll\\l\\\llllllllll\llll‘ â€"â€"â€"â€".____â€"_ - --........... ‘V vycu Llll‘.‘ fair. Besides the usual games, there will be a wrestling bout put on by the King City Wrestling Club versus the club from Aurora. Then there is a new attraction, with Madame Butterfly setting up Brampton Pipe Band To Open Athletic Association Carnival The Lake Marie and King Ath- letic Association which received its Government Charter 31 years ago is holding its annual carnival on July 16 in King Memorial Park, King City. At 7 o'clock the pipe band of Brampton which was so popular at the last carnival will parade on the grounds, to open the ‘n‘- “A, fmuummmhum“ml1m\\llImI\mmuuum1nuu“mmlm\lln\\mmuumummmmnu\numlmnuuuumunmmumnmummuuuuuuuuuulï¬ IHKRKET PHONE 48 THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS NEW MACHINES FULLY GUARANTEED 6 Can Milk Cooler, ‘/2 h. p. 60 cycle motor . . . . . $385.00 8 Can Milk Cooler, 3/4 h.p. 60 cycle motor . . . . . . $450.00 21U Tractor Mower. 7 ft. cut, rubber tired caster wheel ......................... $225.00 6 Ft. Deering Horse Mower . ........... $140.00 M. A. WILSON WHOLE SWEET VALENCIA 0ranges§§§e 2D°Z~45 FEARS large 2%,? 27 TOPS DDGFUDDDOZ-$1.1 0 WHEAT 2 Pkgs- 29 TISSUE SHREDDED KLEEN EX EV. MILK CARNATION JUICE 2002. 3 Tins 29 BLACK TEA “1- 69 GOOD AYLMER CATSUP 2 Bt'S- 39 BLENDED SALMON No. 7 HIGHWAY AND KENNEDY ROAD LUCY : DICKIE 0 Linen Dresses Summer savings on the crisp, cool linen dresses you enjoy wearing best of all during hot weather time. .SHORTS . SLACK SUITS ONLY A FEW LEFT Reg. Pkg RICHMOND HILL 1/25 Tin KING, ONT. 16 oz. Tin ‘- 19 29