Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Aug 1952, p. 10

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RICHMOND HILL ONT. PARiS AllTfl SUPPLY LTD. MEL’S CITIES SERVICE GARAGE RICHMOND HILL Oxford St. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday, Aug. 7, 1952 Forced Air and Gravity Installations Phone us and we will pick up your car for wash, General Heating Furnaces cleaned and repaired Eavestrough - Tinsmithing Repairs on all cars Tires, Batteries & Accessories Used Cars for Sale Bench Grinders, reg. $9.50 .................. Bench Grinders, smaller, reg. $6. 50 .......... Breast Drills, reg. $7. 50 ...................... Saw Mandrells, reg. $6. 50 .................... Carpenter Bench Vise ...................... Hand Saws ...................... $4.40, $3.80 Anvil, bench size ........................ $2.50 Car Bumper Bars (chrome), reg. $7.50 ........ 2 Burner Hot Plates, reg. $5.95 ............... Webster Spray Painting Equipment, reg. 37.50 Steel Brushes ................................. .. 39c Hand Bomb Fire Extinguisher for home or cottage reg. $1. 59 .............................. $.1. 29 Ford Front Floor Mats, rubber, reg. $7. 50 ....... $3. 75 Used Truck Tires 32x6, tire, tube and rim, sacrifice $15. Used Furnace, perfect condition ..... _. ........ $35.00 Astral Refrigerator, reg. $149.50 ..... . ....... $129.50 Frigidaire 6 cu. ft. one only, reg. $299.75 ...... $275.75 Electrician and Scout Knife and Pliers- in case, reg. $3.95 ..................... G. E. Electric Kettles, reg. $13.75 Pop-Up Toasters, reg. $22.50 . . . G. E. Electric Irons, reg. $13.25 . Our New Store At Corner-Two Doors Nth. MBVINE SALE . J. PATFIELD greasing or oil change TU. 4-2076 TU. 4-0001 PHONE TUrner 4-1541 .............. $7.50 i0 ............ $5.50 .............. $6.25 .............. $5.50 .............. $2.75 ..$4 40, .$3. 80 & $3. 25 “$2. 50 & $1. 50 7. 50 .......... $5. 95 .............. $4. 95 nt, reg. 37.50 . $32.50 .............. .. 39c The congregation of the Lang- stafi‘ Baptist Church extended a warm welcome to Dr. Blandon who will be taking the services while Rev. R. Jones ,the pastor, is on holidays The Missionary Fellowship held its July meeting at the home of Mrs. Orville Knights, Jefferson, and it took the form of a luncheon and afternoon gathering when 20 ladies journeyed by Gray Coach to Stop 11. The next missionary meeting will be the last Thursday in August. Only one meeting will be held during this month. Mr. Jack Woods of Langstaff Rd. who has been in Sunnybrook Hos- pital for the past four months we are pleased to report was home for the week- end He is much im- proved, but will return or further treatment. Jimmie Parker,‘ Bayview Ave., with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Parker, journeyed to King to at- tend his cousin Bobby‘s birthday party, after which Bobby returned with Jimmie for a few holidays. Julie Morrison, Briggs Ave., and Margaret Kent have returned home after holidaying at Pefferdale Camp, Pefferlaw. Mr. and ~Mrs. Roy Kramer, Rooâ€" sevelt Drive had Mrs. Kramer’s aunt, Mrs. N. Bocker and son John- nie who motored from New York for a visit recently. A.surprise party was held in honor of Mrs. George Clark, Fair- view Ave., to celebrate her birth- day. Guests to wish Mrs. Clark CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STOT’I‘S 18 Church St., Langstafi SINCE the partition of Palestine thousands of Arabs have taken refuge in neighboring countries. The UN. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine tries to provide opportunities for a better future. Here is a group of them working on an UNWRA road building project. $2.95 . . $11.50 ...... $19.50 ...... $10.50 LANGSTAFF NEWS many happy returns of the day were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Noydge, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mc- Lean, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seaton, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. D. Robeson, Boyle Dr.; Mrs. Hannah, Boyle Dr.; and we also send best wishes to Mrs. Clark. Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute catered to a very pretty wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adamson (June Doig) formerly of Langstaff. Held in the Lions Hall, Richmond Hill. Mrs. A. Morris- on, convener and her committee; Mrs. A. T. Mathews, Mrs. C. THr- good, Mrs. Wm. Kirby, Mrs. F. Stotts, Mrs. M. Holt, Mrs. L. Camp- bell, Mrs. J. Reid, Mrs. D. Parker, Mrs. M. Holmes, Mrs. A. Duncan and Mrs. C. VanHorne served 87 guests and helpers. Bon Voyage to Mr. and Mrs. Fin- lay Ross and son George Langstaff who have left for an extended visit in Scotland. Before leaving they were presented with appropriat gifts from the hospital staff an neighbors which were very much appreciated. Miss Stephanie Kramer, Roose- velt Dr., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kramer, is spending the next six weeks attending a private vocation- al school._ Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Thirgood, Fair- view Ave., were Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Laughlin and son Garry, Mr. Robâ€" ert Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, TOronto. Congratulations Alan Ablett, Boyle of a son, July 23. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson, No. 7 east, were the three Badour sisters, Florence, Flora and Kay of Toronto. Holidaying at Lake ‘Nipissing for a few days in July were Mr. and Mrs. C. Thirgood and sons Ray- mond and Keith of Fairview Ave., also Mr. and Mrs. R. Ellison, Ed- ward and Suzann of Roosevelt Dr. spent their holidays at Simcoe, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stotts have been holidaying for the past two weeks visiting with friends and relatives in the surrounding districts. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, No. 7 east are visiting Mrs. Wilson’s aunt, Mrs. Fred McKim, at Bill’s Crossing, Ontario, and friends in Ottawa. Mrs. Wilson was former- iy of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mathews, of Stonehaven have returned after spending the past week at Wing Lake, 25 miles north of Detroit, guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. Harper. We were sorry to hear Mr. L. Boyle of Church St., was brought home from his place of work ill last Thursday, and we wish for him a speedy recovery. We were pleased to learn that Guy Wilson, 3, who has undergone a tonsilectomy, and his sister Lin- da 2%, who has ben under the doctor’s care at the Sick Children's Hospital for an eye condition, are both progressing favorably. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, No. 7 east and the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Spanton spent 1e week-end visiting with relat- .*es at Kincardine. We have them on hand in our How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? JOB t’Rl .' TING DEPARTMENT The Liberal to AV. 5-2434 [r. and Mrs. on the birth Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stephenson and Marvin are holidaying at Scotia. 0 O 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jones of Wales and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones Of St. Catherines are spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knight. 0 O t 0 Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Harry Stephenson in opening a new store in her home in Maple on Tuesday, August 12. (See the Coming Events column.) t t t C v",~.-.,i_ “In It was vxery hard for the judges who were Mrs. Maitland Boswell. Mrs. Mae Maynard, Mrs. Ross Knight and Ann Lawrie to make decisions but they finally awarded prizes to the following: best dec- orated dollicarriage, Nancy Gudoh, Rosanne Ducharme, Luella Bayes; tricycles, boys, Allan Rach, Chuck- ie Dew, Dugald McDonald; girls Beverly Taylor, Sandra Gudoh. Linda Ingram; wagons, John and Jim Jackson, Frank and Ricky Calder, Willie Langley, Bobby Coe; bicycles, girls, Heather Miller, Ir- ene Blacklock, Theresa Ducharme; boys, David Joslin, Lester Down- ing, Barry Lloyd. ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs Howard Knight and Mr. and Mrs Ross Knight. , A Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Harry Stephenson in opening a new store in her home in Maple on Tuesday, August 12. (See the Coming Events column.) Mr‘ Kenneth Walker and Mr. Lorne Wells spent the holiday week-end in Lindsay on a fishing and camping trip. Mrs. Donald Allen and Brian spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers at Wa- saga. The guest preachers at St. Ste- phens Anglican Church during the vacation of the rector, Rev. D. C. H. Michell were Captain R. A. Taylor of the Church Army on July 6; Gordon Tetley, King, July 13; Rev. W. F. Wrixon of Richmond Hill, who celebrated Holy Com- munion July 20; W. M. Kitchen of Port Credit on July 27, assistant rector of the Church of the Re- deemer, Toronto. Rev. D. C. H. Michell returned to the pulpit of St. Stephen’s last Sunday, August The annual St. Andrew’s Pres- byterian choir picnic was held at the beautiful summer home of Miss E. Bryce (one of the choir members) at Pine Beach, Lake Simcoe, on Saturday afternoon, July 26. Everyone thoroughly en- joyed games and refreshments. Colonel Thomson has recently returned from the British Foreign Office. During his stay in Europe he acquired a great knowledge of the different protestant churches, besides a fluent knowledge of nine European languages. Rev. P. J. Lambert recently had as his guest Colonel R. C. Thomson of London, England. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong are vacationing at Bala. Mrs. Prince of Toronto visited with her niece Mrs. Arnold Rum- ble the past two weaks. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Gale at Sherwood whose mother has passed away in England and to Dr. R. A. Bigford whose mother passed away on Friday, July‘25, at the home of her son-in-law ni Tor- Edward and Isabell Leece have been spending part of their vaca- tion with their grandmother, Mrs. R. J. Beatty in Gormley. On Wednesday. evening July 30, a colorful parade led by Ray Rum- ble on a pony left the Maple Post Office and paraded to Maple park. There were gaily decorated doll carriages, wagons, tricycles and bi- cycles and the participants were the children who had attended the M.R.A. Supervised Playground un- der the supervision of Mr. John Martin and Mrs. Verna Fletcher. MRA Playground The Infantry Mortar Crew... In attack and defence. the Mortar Crew adds to the efiectiveness of Infantr). Accurate. concentrated firepower is vital to successful operation in the field. It calls for cool, highly trained men to operate the many complex weapons of the Infantry. Canada’s tough. independent Infantrymen are the finest fighting soldiers the world. At home and overseas, these young men stand in the front lines Canada's freedom. There are outstanding career opportunities for young men in the Canadian Army Active Force. They are career opportunities with challenges of adventure. the excitement of travel in the most important job in Canada todayâ€" defence. CORRESPONDENT â€"â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Phone Maple 19R5 gunmmmum1|im\nuumum\lnmmmmmmmmmmmmmm1mnumunnummummmmmmmmmmmummnunumfl; fi\\\l\\l\“\llll\lllll“ll\\\ll\“\ll\\\ll\llll\l\\ll“lll“mull!“ill“l“ll“lll\l\l\1ll\lll\lllllllllullllllllllllllllllllll\llM“!\l\\\l\ll\\llllllllllllllll\lll\\llllll\““lllk{‘ INSTALLED - SOLD - SERVICED BLACKBUF’N'S Thornhi” AVenue 5-1333 FARM g EQUIPMENT: FOR SALE No. 22 Tractor with Hydraulic â€" A DBmonstrator Two-furrow Mounted Plow for“ No. 22 Tractor Hayloader Rubber-Tired Wagons (with or without Tires) Clipper Combines, motor or power take-off driven Self-Propelled Combines Manure Spreaders â€" Tractor or Horse-Drawn One-Way Discs Tractor Plows Double Discs Goble Disc International W4 Tractor (nearly new) Ford Tractor and Plow International W30 Tractor John Deere BR Massey-Harris No. 102 Junior Massey-Harris No. 81 Massey-Harris No. 30 (Row Crop) with hydraulic Horse Rakes Side Delivery Rake . Horse-Drawn Mowers Tractor Mower Buck Rakes Cockshutt Manure Spreader â€" horse-drawn on rubber Tractor Plows - 2 furrow and 3 furrow Massey-Harris Grain Binder, 7 foot Case PTO Binder. operated from tractor - only 3 yr. old Clipper PTO Combines Goble Disc Disc Plows RICHMOND HILL Harold W. Mortson * TELEVISION * Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer YONGE ST. NEW & USED in For full informafion visit the Army ‘recruifing omce nearest your homo. No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No.5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barrackl, Elizabeth Street, London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, James St. Armoury, 200 James St. N., Hamilton, Ont. USED NEW TU. 4.1722 g W%%_

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