LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St“ West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. UPHOLSTERING Chesterï¬eld suites expertly re- covered. All of our work carries the Department of Health label of approval. Twenty-three years of upholstering experience is your guarantee of quality. DYER‘S FURNITURE CALL 1250 NEWMARKET SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE New machines from $89.50. all with reverse stitch. Guaranteed repairs to all makes. Electrify your ma- chine for $26.50. Phone Reid's Cleaners, Richmond Hill TU. 4- 1881. tf629 RASPBERRIES. red and black currents. Please phone your order between 5 and 8 pm. W. Cox, Ox- ford St. Phone TU. 4-1519. tfc3 $1.00 TRIAL OFFER. ’I‘wenty-five DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. c15w4 STOVES, apartment and table top, also refrigerator, will sacriï¬ce for immediate sale, BAldwin 1-3555. tfc38 CABIN, 8x10, wired for electricity" steel barn roof, hipped, about 9 x50. equipped with lightning rods Apply Fuller Dry Goods, Oak Rid ges. clwe VICTORIAN SETTEE. hand carv- ed. walnut cameo back, perfect condition. tBllS N. C. Holder 50 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill clwï¬ THREE-PIECE bedroom suite. with sprlng bed. $160.00, will ac- cept $100.00. Wanting room. J. Lawless. Stop 238 Yonge St. or Richmond Hill P.O. *1w6 MAN'S BICYCLE C.C.M.. good condition. Reasonable. Jeff Jack- son, Mill St.. Thornhill. Phone Avenue 5-1363. clw5 1 SLIGHTLY Drive Belt. 12 kins Farm an TU. 4-1229. KELVINATOR Refrigerator. used. 6 cu. ft. Reï¬nished. Extra good condition. TU. 4â€"16l0. Fox Ap- pliances. clw6 MAN'S BICYCLE C.C.M CHESTERFIELD SUITE (1 or 2 chairs, good condition. Cheap. Mrs. P. Bennett, Victoria Square, Stouï¬â€" Ville 67506. clw7 ROYAL CREST STOVE, white porcelain. good condition, coal and Wood $25. Mrs. Rose Coventry, 88 Garden Ave., Langstaï¬. *1w6 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 ï¬nd up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfc44 bedroom suité. al§o child’s crib. Phone TU. 4-2043. 03w3 BABY CARRIAGE, blue pram, in good condition, $10. Apply 128 Hall Ave.. Richmond Hill. *1w6 MODERN 6 pc. Walnut veneer 2 ACRES 0F OATS, ready to out Best offer. Phone TU. 4-2478. MUST BE SOLD. Frame garage. Stop 188 Yonge St., Langstafl‘. AV. 5-1026. , 03w6 USED THRESHING BELT. 6†belt 120 it. J. W. Thomas, Maple 72r3. . *1w6 ‘25.00; high chair $3.00; playpen 2.00. AV. 5-1753. *1\\'6 SECTIONAL Cedar Cabin, 14’x12’, plus verandah. Phone AV. 5-1913. , clw6 COMBINATION China Cabinet and buffet and round extension ta- ble. Apply Maple 631'41. clw6 JACKET HEATER, $10: rangette UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO bar- SCgéih'for cash. Phone AV. 5-2177; after 6 AV. 5-1210. c1w6 BLACK CURRANTS. Turner 4- 1519. W. Cox, Oxford St. Elgin Mills. c1w6 WS’BICYCLE, good condition. American make, extras, $3800. AVenue 5-1692. c1w6 Mills WASHING MACHINE. gator type. $15.00. TU‘ ONE PINTO PONY, quiet. Phone King 11r21. c1w6 shire pullets, ready to lay TU. 4-2386. 1 PRAM, in gqod condition. TU. 4-1096. clw6 MAN'S C.C.M. BICYCLE. Phone Maple 34r2. c1w6 TRICYCLE, child's, large size. Phone AV. 5-1996. ‘ c1w6 NEW 9 FT. DINGY. seats 3 or 4. Tel. TU. 4-2143. *2w4 100 LIGHT SUSSEX _New Iiz‘imp- Want To Get Rid , Of It? Advertise It In The Want Ads CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge _. 50: Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 40: FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per-type line 10c; min. charge 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE .. ............... 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later thannoon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE 120 ft.. 7â€, 5 ply. Per- and Home Equipment. clw6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES USED Thresher 60 cycle, 4-1259. tfc34 Phone c1w6 c1w6 *1w6 GOLD BAND BRACELET, ï¬nely carved. between Bank of Commerce and Municipal Hall in Richmond Hill. Reward. Box 7 Liberal. AIREDALE, curly brown 8: black, male, licence, 773 Markham. Re- ward TU. 4-2492. c1w6 BLUE STONE Brooch. Phone TU. 4-1284. c1w6 LOST YOUR PET? Phone North York Humane Society, Newmarket 166j12, or if no answer. 1160. c1w6 CAPONS, toasters and fowl, high- ?st prices paid. Don’t 5911’ until contacting W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 91R14. tfc17 ACT QUICK for Bray 3-4 week cockerels, heavies, shipper’srchoice. 3 week $27.90 - 4 week $32.90. And 3-4 week pullets. heavies, shipper‘s ‘hoice, 3 week $25.90 - 4 week 30.90. Dayold to order. Agent red Wise, Richmond Hill. clw6 [ON SALE to be held Saturday, August 9, 1952 at 1 pm. Tractors. threshers. corn equipment, tillage machines, forage wagons. used trucks (two with dump bodies) and various other machines. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, International Har- vester Sales ‘8; Service, corner 12 and 47 Highways. Phone Uxbridge or Port‘Perry. ciws USED FARM MACHINERY AUCT- 5 ROOM HOUSE, fully insulated. heater, chemical closet and boat included. Apply H. Zimmerman. Benson Ave., Oak Ridges. *3w3 LOT 50x135. south-west corner of Pemberton Ave. and Willowdale Ave.. Stop 10 Yonge St. Phone BA. 1-8171. tfc51 STEAM CLEANING -â€"- have your car engine steamed cleaned, make it sparkle get all the dirt and grease removed, sell for a higher price. Service and Sales. Steam Cleaners â€" half price. Phone Geo. Wilkins, Thornhill AV. 5-1627. 1950 MORRIS MINOR, good con- dition, heater and water pump. Best offer. May be seen at Frank’s Garage, Stop 24A Yonge St. c1w6 1937 CHEVROLET Standard in good mechanical condition, good tires, $360.00. 49 Woodward Ave. Stop 13A, Yonge St. c1w6 Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincdurt 18J12 CAMPBELL MINK DEAD & CRIPPLED S'BOCK come and choose your own from the garden. Hughes Gladioli Gar- dens, Ruggles Ave., off No. 7 High- way, Langstaï¬. Phon_e Thornhill. 'AV. 5-1027. clw6 new tires, heater†Price $450.00; Phone HY. 8331: , *2w6 GLADIOLI BLOOMSl fresh cut l COOK STOVE, 1 Quebec heater; 3 burner coal oil stove, 1 exten- sion table, buffet and four chairs, all in good condition. Maple 57r4. c1w6 ’41 PLYMOUTH, good condition, CEMENT MIXER, 3 cu. ft. capac- ity, with gasoline engine. Mounted on rubber. Condition - new barrel and overhaul. Phone Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1275. *2w6 CEMENT BLOCKS, top quality, quick delivery on 8†and 10". Phone TU. 4-2201. tfc44 BRAND ‘NEW oil burner, with all controls, can install. BAldwm 1- 3555. tfc38 RUGS: save up to 50%; new rug8 from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc42 load or by the bag. TUrner 4- 2201. tfcwl CANADIAN CEMENT, by truck For Sale (Continued) USED CARS AND TRUCKS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IMPLEMEN TS FOR SALE OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM also LIVESTOCK WANTED POULTRY FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED LOST clw6 c1w6 PASSENGERS WANTED leaving Richmond Hill at 7.30 a.m.. arriv- ing downtown 8.15 a.m.. return 5 pm. Box 4 The Liberal. *2w6 AVAILABLE leaving Richmond Hill at 6.40 a.m., returning from Toronto Front St. at 5.15 pm, Ap- 31y 115 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. *1w5 TEAM BELGIAN geldings 9 and 10, matched. worked together for years, $250.00 including harness. etc. Also small saddle mare, 3 years, Quiet. $125. with saddle. et_c. Farm being subdivided. B. H. Muirhead. Don Mills & Lawrence. Phone Agincourt Zone 2305. c1w6 TRANSPORTATION HOLSTEINS. a few registered and grade. to freshen shortly, accredv ited herd. B. H. Muirhead, Don Mills & anrence, phone Agin- court Zone 2305. c1w6 DASCHUND. pedigre d female. 8 months. spayed. exc lent child- ren's pet. bargain. TUrner 4-1283. c1w6 PONY for riding driving or work. Saddle harness and plow. cultiva- tor and wagon. Phone AV. 5-1996. c2w6 YEARLING HENS, good laying strain, hybrid and White Leghorn. L. Chapman, Langstaff, Stop 20. Phone AV. 5-2278. *1wa PIGS FOR SALE. Bunch of chunks, thrifty lot. Apply Lyman Chap- man, Stop 20 Yonge St., Langstaï¬. Phone AV. 5-2278. -*1w6 2 ROOMS partly furnished, in wid- ows home, for young or middle< aged couple quiet abstainers. Near Yonge. September 1. Box 5 The Liberal. *1w6 SELF CONTAINED FLAT, private washroom, child welcome. 12 Pam- crest Drive, end of Centre Ave. E.. Stop 12 Yonge St. *1w6 grRQOM FLAT, 39 Highland Park Blvd.. $10 a week. Pri'vlleges. Ap- ply AV. 5-1830. c1w6 CUSTOM BALING, wire tie pick- up. good weight bales; also selfâ€" propelled combining. We solicit your patronage and will try .and please you. Apply Samuel Wing- ex",~ phone Maple 62R22. tfc45 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. Experienced workman- ship. Reasonable charges. Jos. Winger, lot 15, con 3 Vaughan, phone Maple 62r22. tfc42 I AM NOW equipped to ins;all large septic tanks for restricted areas. For quick service and rea- sonable prices call Murray Baker, Newmarket 651. ‘018w52 cultivating, also excavating, back- ï¬lling, grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-1962. - tfc52 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. ,. tfc CUSTOM PLOWING, Disking, SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 261-5. tfc38 OPENING a private kindergarten in Richmond Hill, ages 4-5175. Can take 10 children only. For personal interview write Box 5 Liberal. BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footing-I, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. tfc43 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- ALL KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding‘ of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 4-1177. tfc40 M. EINBODEN & SON, cOncrete ontractors, septic tanks and drains. Phone Baldwin 1-0633 or TUrner 4-1090. c26w37 CUSTOM farm ploughing, discing, cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooderâ€" ham, 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, BA. 1-3114. *23W4-8 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. SEWER CONNECTIONS, tile laid by experienced workmen. All work guaranteed. 32 Richmond St., Richmond HilluJ. Saranko. *2w4 YOUNG MOTHER_ will give day care for children over 2 while‘mo- ther works. Phone TU. 4-1271. SAND, gravel, crushed stone, loam & ï¬ll. L. Brillinger, phone TUrner 4-1829. s tfc43 FLOODED Cellars pumped out. Phone Harry Lecuyer, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-1381. tfc45 FREE Shavings for hauling away. Jackson Brothers, Lillian Ave.. Thornhill, off Clarke Ave. clw6 ï¬lling, lanes graded. Phone King 47W. tfc45 EXCAVATING, levelling, â€back MISCELLANEOUS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE T0 RENT tfc39 tfc42 clw6 tfc6 WED., AUGUST 27 â€" Auction sale of Jersey cows, calves, hay, poul- try, furniture, tools, etc., at lob15. con. 3, Whitchurch Twp. the prop- erty of Mrs. George Burrows. Sale at 1 pm. Terms: cash. Fred N. Smith, auctioneer. WED, AUGUST 20 â€" Auction sale of farm implements, etc., in- cluding two tractors, combine power drill (fertilizer) nearly new, M-H weed sprayer, hammer mill, blacksmith forge, 3F IHC plow us- ed one season, etc.,' the property of Les. Zimmerman at Lot 28. Con. 6 arkham, 4 miles north of Unionville. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash. Sale 1.30 pm. Lloyd Turner. Clerk. Sellers & Atkinson, auctioneers. One of Toronto‘s oldest and I largest ofl’ices. a reputation es- tablished through service. Five offices producing a! province-wide clientele. I David McLean Ltd. SAT.. AUG. 9 â€" Auction Sale at the Stouffville Livestock Sales Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, stockers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses, ponies and poultry. For )ick- -up and deli my service phone Stouffville 368. Come early and bring something to sell] See the modern way to sell by public auc- tion. “You bring it. We’ll 11 it." Make this your market where buyer and seller meet. Sale each Saturday at 1 pm. Sellers & At- kinson, auctioneers. SAT., AUGUST 9 â€" Auction sale -of Household Furniture, dishes, glassware, etc., on Church Street, in Village of Maple, property of Mrs. Harrow. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. GOOD BOARD and room for bus- iness widow, daughter 5, for six weeks, kind daily care. Steeles Ave. to Thornhill district, Monday to Friday. AV. 5â€"1386. c1w6 YOUNG MAN desires room and board. References can be given. Apply Box 9 The Liberal. *1w6 3 ADULTS, clean abstainers. would like to rent small house. Box 228 Richmond Hill. c4w4 DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6237 (collect). tfc44 PROPERTIES WANTED Uplands Golf and Country Club. Phone AV. 5-0006. c1w6 good condition for one yea}. Phone TU. 4-1207. CIWB GAS STOVE for bottled gas, ap- artment size. Phone TU .4~1204 be- tween 5.30 and 7 pm. c1w6 WAITRESSES wanted at once LABORERS wanted for ditching job. Apply Oakridge Park Co. oï¬ice, King Sideroad, just west of Yonge. c1w6 WANTED part time female help in coffee shop. Apply Richvale Cof- fee Shop, Stop 22 Yonge St c1w6 MALE or Female. junior clerk wanted for office work. Apply Bank of Nova Scotia, Richmond Hill. SLIP SCRAPER, 5 or 6 cubic feet, wanted to rent or buy. Box 6 The Liberal. c1w6 CASHIER WANTED. permanent. Apply Box 124 Richmond Hill. c1w6 BOOKKEEPER' Wanted. Apply Box 10 The Liberal. c1w5 WANTED TO RENT SALE REGISTERS Head Oflt'ices. Thomhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldw'm 1-1121 HELP WANTED WANTED TO RENT WANTED a piano in c2w6 Paget’s Auto Service Elgin Mills AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE Call TU. 4-2191 Special prices on all these cars to make room for other deals. 1932 Ford 1950 Vanguard 1949 Morris Oxford 1948 Austin 1941 Buick 1936 Chrysler Sedan, mechan- ically good 1951 Austin A40 Sedan 1950 A40 (2 to choose from) 1949 A40 (2 to choose from Considered by many as one of the fastest-growing ‘industries in the nation today, the LP. Gas bus- inses is now bringing the comforts and conveniences of modern gas service to millions of homes in farm, small town and suburban ar- eas. In 1951 alone, the survey shows, an estimated 470,000 cookâ€" ing ranges were produced speciï¬- cally for use with LP. Gas. An additional large number manufac- tured for other gases were adap- table to L. P. Gas with minor changes and undoubtedly many of them were installed in homes Quoting ï¬gures from an indus- try survey, Mr. W. A. Bitcon as- serted that well over two-thirds of the 1951 total was used for house- hold. farm and direct motor fuel applications. The remainder was consunied for industrial, chemical manufacturing and miscellaneous purposes. Furnace necessary. Will take either short or long term lease. usnn CARS YOUNG COUPLE desitous of Renting, either Semi 9r Completly Furnished House. Septic Tank and Approximately 4,100,000,000 gal- lons of the fuel, also known as butane, propane ,bottled and tank gas, were marketed in Canada and the U.S.A. compared with 3.254,- 082,000 in 1950. This is exclusive of the amounts that went into pro- duction of aviation and motor gas- oline and synthetic rubber. Continuing its spectacular ad- vances of recent years, the Lique- ï¬ed Petroleum (LP) Gas Industry registered an estimated 25.9% sales increase last year, W. A. Bitcon of Superior Propane Limited, Cana- da's largest L. P. Gas distributor, said recently. Propane Gas Sales Prï¬ Its Increasing Popularity Iheu form a most important part Cereals. milk. eggs and meat Dept 0! National Health and Weliave GORDON YOUNG ltd. Dead and Crippled Farm Animals Removed Promptly for Sanitary Disposal Telephone Collect' Woodbridge (U and Toronto EM- 3-3636 WE WANT TO RENT A HOUSE PLEASE TELEPHONE (Collect) HUdson 3738 DEAD STOCK HERE’S “ELIE As protein foods are hard to beat one with new motor 0f any daily diet chart R.D. LITTLE & SON [th Ford & Monarch Sales & Service $1,195.00 1948 PONTIAC FORDOR SEDAN $1,295.00 1949 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN [FUR COATS REMODELLED VLIKE NEW TUrner 4-126-1 $1,595.00 1950 FORD CUSTOM COACH exceptionally nice Approximately 260,000 of the automatic gas heaters turned out last year were designed for L. P. Gas operation ,and substantial per- centages of the gas heating equip- ment, refrigerators, clothes dryers and incinerators also went into the L. P. Gas market. To save time and money us “Coming Events†column of Liberal. It tells people “l when and where†cheaply quickly. Telephone Richmond ea yipped 7 for $1,795.00 1951 FORD DeLUXE COACH $175.00 1935 PLYMOUTH FORDOR $1,695.00 1950 CHEVROLET DeLUXE FORDOR SEDAN New tires, extras, spotless one owner, very clean 30 Day warranty $350.00 1939 FORD COACH RICHMOND HILL 4-! APPEARANCE Aâ€"I SAFETY 4-! MECHANICALLY 4-! VALUE air conditioning TUmer 4-1116 new paint job Gas s91 260,000 service se the :' The what, and Hill Gentlemen: I have been udnq Ful-O-Pep Pia Sladu, Pl Grover and Sow Ration (or over a you: 1mg very satisfactory ralulu. of ï¬ne 21 young 50v", 14 have fancied. Birth weight: are averaging 2% pound. and waning weights have averaged 40 pound; We at. very pleased with than xemlu. (signed) M. L. dc Chev-ign- Suflo‘n Welt, OnL FUl-O-PEP SOW RATION I. D. RAMER 8: SON Blllln BIG PIGS IN sows Wm, ' " ' Flll-O-PEP sow nAnom a. ..... m at This boy from Lucknow. India. is the seven milliontn child to be tested for tuberculosis in the ECG campaign which the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are assisting in India. I‘hus far nearly 2,500,000 children have been vaccinated By the end of 1953 it is hoped that there will be 100 teams working in all of ludia’s 26 states. Pulmonary TB is one of India’s worst health problems. "0 RICHMOND HILL TURNER 4-1313