TORONTO: George McCullough of Thornhill, publisher of the Globe 8: Mail died suddenly Tuesday night NEWMARKET: Council has pass- ed a resolution to restrict taxi li- censes in the town to two licences. The council feels that there is only enough business in the town to warrant two taxfl stands. BOLTON: The ï¬rst subsidy of $50 for the construction of farm roads has been paid to a farmer near here on the 7th line by the Hum- ber Valley Conservation Authority. This is the ï¬rst of a series of such ponds planned by the organization. it It It Ill ‘ AURORA: Several old buildings are being torn down to make way for the new dial telephone ex- change to be erected here by the Aurora Building Company. NEWTONBROOK: The new New- tonbrook Post Office has now off. icially opened. _ LINDSAY: Construction has now started on the new addition on the Collegiate Institutg. _ KESWICK: The North Gwillimâ€" bury council has passed a motion to hire an auditor in ‘ rder that the council and ratepayers may have a clearer picture of. township ï¬n- ances. NEWMARKET: Flight Cadet Allen Jackson who was attending the Air Force training school at Tren- ton was killed when hls plane crashed near Colboqrne. STOUFFVILLE: The town celeâ€" brated the 75th anniversary and the Civic Holiday on August 3 and The packing plant for peas on Centre Street East has once again completed a successful season of operation. Packing Plant Ends ASuccessful Season Durlng the month that the fac- tory was running. growers brought peas from a twelve mile radius to be processed. Mr. W. G. Scales, he manager, reports a normal crop although it ls slightly below pro« duction of recent years. Some farmers report a yleld of 18/4 tons per acre. The peas, pods, plants and all are brought to the factory where the peas are extracted and pre- pared for freezing. Then they are taken to the terminal warehouse in Toronto where they are frozen. Some are repackaged into smaller cartons for wholesale, distribution but the bulk is taken by the Camp- bell Soup Co.. to be put in different soups, During the past season, about sixty-ï¬ve people. were on the staff att the factory. working a variety of shifts. There were more local workers at the factory this past year than ever before. Mr. Seales reports that the labour situation was better this year than it has .ever been and the difficulty of hir- ing competent help in previous years has almost disappeared. Ma- ny High School students have been able to take advantage of this 10- cal summer employment which pays good wages. The pea straw left after proc- essing has been stacked to form ensilage which will be drawn aw- ay by farmers later in the year. Election Date Unc‘hanggd The resignation of H. C. H. Mill- er as Building Inspector for Vaugh- an Township was accepted by the municipal council at the regular meeting Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Miller tendered his resignation in writing and did not state any rea- sons. He has been Building Inspec- tor for more than four years and was paid at the rate of $2,800 per year with mileage allowance. The resignation was accepted on motion of Councillor James Rob- son and Deputy-Reeve Albert Rutherford. The motion carried without the support of Councillor William Agar. “i'm voting ag- ainst the motion now†said coun- cillor Agar. “I w‘ould like to know his reason for resigning.†The resignation accepted by council is effective August 31. Council Reviews Budget And Reeve Urges Rigid Economy Reeve Marshall McMurchy pre- sided at Tuesday's meeting which was attended by all members of council. The meeting was featur- ed by a lengthy and careful con- sideration of the yearly budget and the statement of the treasurer of receipts and expenditures to date. Careful examination of the bud- get and expenditures revealed that rigid economy will be necessary if the council is to end the year without a deï¬cit. Increased costs in several departments have been running the budget pretty close Chas. Miller Resigns Vaughan Bldg. Insp. RICHMOND HILLWS SHWW, VOLUME LXXIV. NUMBER 6. Markham Township To Hire A New Treasurer Markham Township may soon have a new treasurer. At a bois- terous regular council meeting held Monday. the members passed a resolution inustructing the clerk to advertise for a new treasurer. Those applying will be given un- til August 30 to make application. At present Clerk Charles Hoov- er holds the joint position of Clerk- Treasurer of the Township. This will mark the second time Mark- ham has advertised for a treasurer. Several months ago members re- ceived applications for such a pos- ition but no appointment was forth- coming as the council was unable to reach a decision. Contentious Resolution The contentious resolution pass- ed by a majority of council on July 14 which claimed that Councillor A. LeMasurier was not truthful in his statements regarding a suppos- ed visit to the Department of High- ways was once again the subject of debate. Mr. Donald Plaxton, Thornhill lawyer, who represented Councillor LeMasurier in this mat- ter. produced a letter from J. M. McInnes, Department of Highways engineer in which Mr. McInnes stated an error had been made and that Mr. LeMasurier was not the gentleman who previously vis- ited his office. The speaker then went on to ask the council, in def- erence- to Mr. LeMasurier, to strike the former resolution from the minutes. In reply, Reeve Timbers and De- puty-Reeve James stated they both were puzzled by Mr. McInnes’ action. “The day we visited him,†said Deputy-reeve James, “Mr. McInnes told us he would take an oath that Mr. LeMasurier had been in to see him". “Somebody has been to the Department and mis- represented themselves,†claimed Reeve Timbers. Councillor Lennie felt “This is a very important matter and I sug- gest Council go into camera for ï¬ve minutes and try to reach a de- cision.†Reeve Timbers promised to consider the subject at a priv- ate session at the close of the regâ€" ular meeting. When the subject was revived, Deputy-Reeve James who was one of the movers of the original motion, said that “on the basis of Mr. McInnes’ statement I will withdraw my accusation, but I will not apologize.“ “There has been pressure brought to bear by somebody," he added. Frank Gambrill New Station Agent Here Verie Gambrill, son of Frank Gambrill of King, has become sta- tionmaster It the Canadian Nat- ional Railway. Richmond Hill. Mr Gambrill has been transferred here from Trout Creek station, near North Bay. and Reeve McMurchy warned ag- ainst any new commitments and said council will have to he“ close to the line for the balance of the year. ' Treasurer J. M. McDonald re- ported that about half of the 1952 tax levy was paid in June which council considered very satisfac- tory. The 1951 tax arrears amount to about $10,000. and September 15 has been set as a collection deadline. Arrears beyond 1951 amount to only about $200. The road superintendent was in- structed to make a survey of the driveway culverts on Crestwood with the view to having necessary ditching carried out and adequate culverts installed. A delegation from the South- east Vaughan Ratepayers brought several items to the attention of council. Road improvement on Crestwood Road. checking of spee- ders in the area, stray dogs. and housing regulations were among the subjects discussed. Although signs on Crestwood Road call for a 30 mile limit some “drive like maniacs" a member of thg delegation stated. Mrs. Carter complained about the township by-law which forbids dual occupancy of one family dwellings. She said a petition in the area has been signed by many ratepayers asking for modiï¬cation of the by-law. “$73? Township Finances The following resolution spon- sored by Councillors A. LeMasur- ier and A. Lennie covering town- ship ï¬nances failed to pass: "Re- solved that Markham Township Council, in view of the unusually high expenditures during 1952 and proposed new schools for 1953, embark on a programme to sanction only necessary expendi- tures during 1952â€. Councillor Hooper opposed the resolution on the grounds that it was a reflection on the Council. “With the excep- tion of our new garage, our expen- ditures this year are not out of the ordinaryâ€, contended Reeve gim- bers. In speaking to the re olu- tion, Councillor LeMasurier main- tained “our road budget is the highest in its history, we are go- ing to build a million dollars Worth of high schools next year, 'the cost of which will be reflected in the areas concerned". “The ‘purpose. of the resolution is for us to try to live within our budgetâ€, ‘continued the speaker. On the vote on the motion, Reeve Timbers ‘Deputy-Reeve Tames and‘ Councill- 1 or Hooper were opposed. A second resolution moved and seconded by Deputy-Reeve James and Councillor Hooper that “on the strength of articles in the press regarding Markham Town- ship ï¬nances we move that the auditor be instructed to publish at township expenseea letter verifying the fact that our ï¬nances are sound. We make this motion to clear up any implied insinuations that our ï¬nances are neither sound nor properly administratedâ€. This resolution did pass by unanimous consent. However, an amendment to the motion requesting that any such report carry a proper analy- sis of the township ï¬nances as put forward by Councillors A. Lennie and A. LeMasurier was defeated. York 4-H Clubs Enjoy Bus Tour Ninety boys and girls of the York County 4-H Calf, Swine and Tractor Clubs joined together on tour. The boys and girls came from Peï¬erlaw in the north to Weston in» the south and travelled to Oshawa and various farms in Ontario County. At Oshawa they had the privil- ege of touring the giant General Motors plant where they were en- abled to see the assembly line in action. Here they watched the production of the thousands of parts going into an automobile and then the impressive assembly Commencing with the frame and concluding with the ï¬nished auto- mobile a short time later. Messrs. Griffith and Andrews and Mrs. Walker spoke in favor of upholding the present by-law. Some rather heated discussion took place among members of the delegation when Mrs. Carter ac- cused the Ratepayers Association of spying on its own members and sending in complaints to the town- ship. Council passed a by-law revis- ing the boundaries of polling sub- divisions. When the next munic- ipal election is held there will be voting in 21 sub-divisions instead of.13 as in the past. Several new polling sub-divisions have been es- tablished in the Yonge Street dis- trict. Full particulars of s‘ub-div- ision boundaries will appear in a future issue of The Liberal. Councillor John Perry moved in favor of changing nomination and voting day to a Saturday. He thought a Saturday would be more accepable to those in the built-up areas and would contribute to a greater interest in nomination mee- ting and a 'larger vote. Other mem- bers of council favored no change and nomination meeting this year will be November 21 with voting if there is an election on December By-laws were passed to provide for licensing of eating places and for taking a vote in Thornhill on the establishing of a public lib- rary. A by-law was considered to reg- ulate the erection of Motels in the township. Ronald Fenn received tentative approval for the erection of a 20-unit Motel on the north side of No. 7 Highway beween the 2nd and 3rd concessions. "In Essentia Ix, Unity; RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST 7th. 1952 Land-Use By Law Now Has Approval Of Village Council Looking to future development Richmond Hill Council at special session this week gave general ap- proval to a new Land Use By-Law as proposed by the local Planning Board. The new by-law provides for minimum sized residential lots of 50 foot frontage where serviced by sewers and water, and 100 foot lots with 15,000 square feet of area in sections not serviced by water or sewers. Minimum floor space re- quirements for dwellings are bun- galow 750 sq. ft., one and a half storey 900 sq. ft, 2 storey 1000 square feet. The by-law provides that there shall not be occupation of access- ory buildings, such as garages or basements. Salvage, junk and auto wrecking yards are prohibited. New regulétions also provide for off-street parking for future places of public assembly. Councillor Jack Rice, member of the Planning Board introduced the hy-law and pointed out that it was in accordance with recom- mendation of provincial planning authorities. One day last week, during lunch hour, a little black squirrel poked its head out of the alley-way by Stan Ransom’s ‘barber shop and seeing the way clear, scampered down the sidewalk and in the open door of Mortson's . showroom. Af- ter“ a" 66mp1e1‘é"'tou‘i“â€6\f"the rodm. among the implements and in the display window, the little animal vanished into the alley as quick as it had come. Separate School Board Increases Teachers‘ Wages St. Mary’s Separate School Board Richmond Hill, agreed on an in- crease in salaries for the teachers at its meeting on July 29 at the school. The Board shaped the in- creas according to the new Ontar- io Federation schedule of salaries. The board has received word of the ï¬nal approval of the purchase of textbooks and library books for the school, for which the board gets a government grant. Chairman Clive Bettles also re- ported that trustees have asked the inspector for approval of painting the interior and exterior of the school building, and for a flag pole to be placed on the grounds in front of the school. He also stated that ï¬nal payment of the bank' loan was made last month. Current bills for the past month were approved for payment. C. W. B. A. To Have Corn Roast Aug.20th The July meeting of the Cana- dian War Bride’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. E. Grigâ€" sby, Elgin St., Thornhill. Despite the smaller than usual turnout a very pleasant evening was had by those present.‘ The usual raï¬'le and overseas parcel were withheld as there were too few present. The annual Richmond Hill Lions Carnival and Dance scheduled for Civic Holiday was rained out, and the pro- gram will be heldi next Satur- day, August 9. The big par- ade headed by the St. And- rew‘s Girls Pipe Band will start the afternoon procedings and at night there will be the dance and square dance com- petition. Luch'y number tick~ ets on the Plymouth coach and Television set are still on sale and the draw will climax the carnival Saturday evening. The next meeting is to take the form of a corn roast and the Will- owdale group is to be invited to attend and bring their husbands. It is to be at the home of Mrs. E. Lunau, Roosevelt Drive, on Wed- nesday, August 20, at 8.30 pm. served by the hostess Vaughan Township Police are investigating a new racket uncovered recently Two well dressed strangers visited an old couple in the township and said they were collecting back taxes. Fortunately the couple refused the urgent pressure of the pair to make at least a payment on account, and not- iï¬ed the authorities. Police are looking for the men who on leaving said they would return, but of course didn‘t. The meeting closed with E1 lunch Lions Carnival Saturday Squirrel Visits“ Local Store In Non-essentials, Liberty; In all Things, Charity. " Slick Strangers Try New Racket Eihmmfl. Annexation Effective Jan.1 Ont. Municipal Board Rules Church Vacation School Richvaie And Powelle. All Children Welcome Daily Vacation School for child- ren 5 to _‘12 years of age is-being held in the Richvale School to ser- vice Langstaff and Richvale area and in the Powell Road School for children in Highland Park, Don- caster and Powell Road area. The sessions will be held from August 5 to 15 from 9.30 until 11.30 a.m. Arrangements have been made with the Provincial Police to see that all children are safely taken across the highway both to and from the school. The supervisor of the Vacation School will be Miss Mary Hewson who has been in charge of the Richvale Sunday School for the past weeks. Those in charge will York County Develops Estate 0n Lake Simcoe For New Park (By L. Stephenson) ‘ York County Council is to be congratulated on its foresight in acquiring the ï¬ve hundred acre es-‘ tate of the Sibbald family on Lake Simcoe with its mile and a half of shoreline for a York County- Park. The grounds are being de- veloped, many picnic tables have been set out. Change houses have been built and a shallow shore line provides safe bathing for children; A large ï¬eld is a natural for a baseball diamond. The stables hold saddle horses and ponies. The Century-old house .is to be a mu- seum in which many works of art and historical relics are displayed on the walls. The Kinsmen Club are operating a tea‘room. A small charge made for inspecting the house goes to the same club for their work, but no charge is made for the use of the park and the change hquses. A visib'to this beautiful park would not be complete without a stopover to visit the Sibbam mem- orial, the Church of St. George- the-Martyr. Situated at the en- trance to the long lane leading to the park, this church has stood for one hundred and thirteen years The original wooden building was dedicated on June 26, 1839. The present stone building was used for the ï¬rst time on June 10, 1877. The furnishings are all of historic interest. The altar and hymn board Acting on the request of the Planning Board, Whitchurch Town- ship Council agreed at its last reg- ular meeting to press charges ag- ainst ratepayers known to be con- travening the Township Land Use By-law. Clerk John Crawford was instructed to have the township solicitor bring the parties to court. Mr. Crawford who is also secretary of the planning board told council that solicitor L. C. Lee has handled several transactions which have been contrary to local law and the board is determined that these ac- tions shall cease. Whitchurch Township To Strictly Enforce Land - Use By - Law One case cited was that of a piece of property at Oak Ridges be- longing to S. Troyer sold to E. Egan. This involved the sale of a front part of a lot and would mean that a block of land in the rear would have no entry. The planning board has refused to ap- prove the deal and because council is the only body which can take legal action has asked that legal proceedings be instituted against the vendor. Mr. Troyer and Mr. Egan, it was stated, were quite willing to abide by the law but their solicitor had so far refused to accept the board's decision. A similar transaction had taken place on a property at the corner of the Aurora sideroad and the 7th concession near Ball- antrae, the secrtary told council. The board has also had trouble with an owner on the fourth con- cession who subdivided a parcel of land into about eighty lots and sold more than twelve of them be- fore presenting his plan to the board which has subsequently re- fused its approval. “Going to court is not pleasant but we have by-laws and I see no alternative but to enforce them.†said Deputy-Reeve Timbers. ‘I believe the council should take ac- be members of the United Church Caravan which is made up of four young people from Timmins, Blyth, Ripley and Hamilton. These con- secrated young people are devot- ing their vacation time to this type of work. In addition there’ will be local leadership. These schools which are open to any children 5 to 12 regardless of denomination, are sponsored by the Thornhill United Church, and the Toronto Home Missions Coun- cil of the United Church. Billets are being arranged locally by Mr. and Mrs. A. Martindale of Elgln Avenue, Thornhill, Dr. and Mrs. Meuser, Woodward Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hicks of High- land Park. of hénd carved oak were made and presented by the Rev. George Ev- erist. The east window designed, made and presented by the seven daugh- ters of Governor Simcoe in 1845, was in the ï¬rst wooden church. There are seven crosses in the centre panel, one for each sister. The west window is a memorial to Lt. G. J. O. Brichta, R‘F.C'., who lost his life in the ï¬rst world war and his son W/O P.S.0. Brlchta and J. B. D. Ulrichsen, killed and missing in‘1943. The wood in the church is pine, black walnut and butternut, hand carved and beautifully inlaid. The communion service of silver dates back to 1841. This may be seen up- on application to the rector and wardens. The adjoining cemetery con- tains the graves of many pioneers, among them Susan Sibbald. The graves of the Bourchuer family lie under the present church. Three tablets to their memory are on the north outside wall. Stephen Lea- cock is buried in the Leacock fam- ily plot under an umbrella elm. ‘The carillon is played each Wed- nesday and Saturday night from eight to eight thirty during July and August. A warm welcome is extended to visitors. We are indebted to the calendar of July 20 for some of the above details. tion and back up the planning board,†stated Reeve McLaughlin. Councillor McCarron and Legge were absent from this meeting. A A request from the secretary of S. S. No. 7 for an advance of $500 on the 1952 levy was granted. A grant of $25 to the municipality of Stouï¬ville towards their 75th an- niversity celebration and $10 to the Stouffville horse show was ap« proved . Tot Drowns In AWater Filled Garbage C an A very tragic accident occurred on Saturday, July 26. when 21 months old Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Liddiard of Union- ville was drowned in a garbage can which contained a little rain water. While the parents were talking with their neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. D. Small, the child wan- dered, unnoticed to the rear of the Small home, in search of water for a sand pail, where he was found half an hour later ,feet protruding from the container, by 8 year old Mary Jane Chapman. Unionville volunteer ï¬remen and Dr. James Scott of Markham ap- plied artiï¬cial respiration for near- Iy an hour but without success. Coroner Dr. S. S. Hall of Stouff- ville was called and he pronounced the child dead. Mr. and Mrs. Liddiard have one other child, Janice 4 months old. The family only moved to the dis- trict from Toronto in April. New Ratepayers Vote in Village Municipal Election The Ontario Municipal Board has approved Richmond Hill's applica- tion for annexation of approxim- ately 1000 acres in Markham Township. and on January 1, 1953, village boundaries will be extend- ed north as far as the Elgin side- road, east to Bayview and south to; the southerly limit of the Harding Park sub-division. This ï¬rst extension to village boundaries since the incorporation of Richmond Hill in 1872 will add approximately 1000 acres to the present 500 acre area and will add approximately 1000 to the village population wmich now stands at roughly 2300. ' In announcing the report receiv- ed from ‘the Ontario Municipal Board Reeve W. J. Taylor express. ed satisfaction with the decision and spoke optimistically of future development. The annexation application was made by Reeve William Neal and members of the 1951 council back in December of last year. In handing‘down its decision the Municipal Board said careful consideration had been given to all all evidence submitted and decided the application should be granted. It points out that the application was strongly supported by the great majority of property owners and that in the Board's opinion it is desirable that the territory which undoubtedly is required for normal expansion of the village should be added to Richmond Hill. The report points out that the an- nexation application was not ser- iously opposed by Markham Town- ship. Pinned Under Auto Mr. Robert Woolley Sr. of Oak Ridges met a most tragic death in an automobile accident on July 28. Travelling north on Yonge St. on Monday evening at 6.30 p.m., ac- companied by his wife and Miss Doreen Downs, Robert Woolley was struck as he turned into his own driveway by an Oldsmobile with 3 Nova Scotia licence, driven by Rob- ert Brown of Toronto, who, on leave from the Canadian Navy was en route to Bala for a holiday, ac- companied by Roger Wade. The collision caused the door to open and Mr. Woolley was thrown out and his car turned over on top of him, killing him almost instantly. Mrs. Woolley suï¬â€˜ered shock and bruises and Miss Downs a cut on the forehead. Damage to-the cars was slight. Robert Woolley Sr. Dies In Crash A resident of Oak Ridges for 10 years, Mr. Woolley built the Wheel House and later was postmaster at Lake Wilcox. He has lived the last three years in a new home he built on Yonge Street at, Oak Rid- ges. His son Mr. John Woolley and family occupy their home on the north side. and Mrs. Carl Burns, a daughter of Mr. Woolley, and family, live on the south side on adjoining lots. Another son, Mr. Robert Woolley Jr., is chair- man of the school board of Oak Ridges and a vice president of the Oak Ridges Lions Club. The late Mr. Woolley was a charter mem- ber of the Oak Ridges Lions Club. The funeral was held on Thurs- day, July 31, from Thompson's Fu- neral Home, Aurora. Many beau- tiiul floral tributes testiï¬ed to the esteem held for the family and the sympathy of the community. The pallbearers were Capt. E. Hawman. Jack Blythe, Stan Rule, Kjell Styrmo. Jack Marron. Doug Harrison. Honorary pallbearers were Oak Ridges Lions and neighbors, C. L._ Stephenson. Grant McCachen, Douglas Stephenson. Robt. Rickward, Wm. Fuller, Chas. Markham Tp. Police Month Of July Repon Markham Township Police Chief Clarence Wideman in his July re« port to council stated his departâ€" ment investigated 22 accidents. During the same period three people were killed. Seventy-ï¬ve summonses were issued, and 288 miscellaneous calls and investiga- tions were made. Chief Wideman reported eight cases of break-ins and thefts were handled by his de- partment. ' FENELON FALLS: Celebrations marked the 117th anniversary of St. James’ Anglican Church. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 The new area will be annexed to Richmond Hill effective January 1. 1953. The order provides for the collection by the township of all taxes and arrears of taxes until December 31. 1952. and authorizes the assessment of the annexed area by Richmond Hill in 1952 for 1953 taxation. All township restriction by-laws affecting the area to be annexed will be continued in force for six months after annexation date in order to give village council ample time to prepare a general plan and zoning scheme. It is provided that electors in the annexed area will partic: :te in the election of the 1953 Rich- mond Hill municipal council. Richmond Hill Development Co. Incorporated. is the owner of a large section of the northern area annexed and principals of the company have assured The Liber- al they have plans which will go ahead now for the industrial and residential development of the dis- trict. Officials of the company have given Reeve Taylor and mem- bers of council every assurance of their (co-operation in planned and orderly development Richmond Hill Planning Board was organized early this year and now is busy with plans for the greater 'Richmond Hill. Reeve Taylor and members of council have made it clear that a considerable area will be designat- ed for industrial use. and that it is not their intention to proceed with residential development untll pro« portionate industry is established to ensure a sound municipal em- omy. AUGUST 8 â€"‘â€" Children’s Carnival in McNeil’s Garden, Yonge St., Thornhill. Beginning at 7 pm. Games, movies- and talent show. ‘ Connor. Ronald Maclmosh, Ed- ward Pallister, Albert Comfort, Kenneth Arnold, Leo McDonalc‘, Harry Hutchinson and Robert Ash. mén 75c The Reverend W. F.»erxon of- ï¬ciated and interment was in Aur- ora Cemetery. Mr. Woolley is survived by his widow, two sons and a daughter, ten grandchildren, his father and eight brothers and sisters. AUGUST 9 -- Saturday. Dance at Lake Wilcox Commug'ity Hall, mo- dern and old time da cing to Norm Burling and His Kingsmen, danc- ing 9â€"12 pm. Ladies 50c, geqtle: AUGUST 10 â€" The Richmond Hill Branch No. 375 and Ladies’ Auxil- iary will hold their annual picnic at Woodland Park near Markham. Bus will leave Legion Memorial Hall, Camille Road West at 12 noon. Tickets: adults 60c, child- ren under 16 years 35c. Tea, milk and ice cream pnevided . AUGUST 11 â€"- Monday. Thornhlll L.O..L No 91 regular meeting in Masonic Hall, Thornhill. c1w6' AUGUST 12 â€"- Richmond Hill Branch No. 375 Canadian Legion will hold its next regular business meeting in the Legion Hall, Can'- ville Rd. W., Stop 23 Yonge St., 8 pm. Members are requested to attend. - *IWB AUGUST 12 â€" Tuesday. Mrs. Har- ry Stephenson announces the 'op- ening of'a store in her home at Maple. The stock consists of tow- els, pillow cases, print, knitting. crocheting and sewing supplies and some clothing. Everyone making a purchase between 9 am. and 4 pm. August 12, will be eligible for lucky draw at 4 pm. on that day. Store hours 9 am. to 6 pm. Closed all day Monday. c1w6 AUGUST 13 ~â€" Wednesday. Meet- ing of the Langstaï¬ Ratepayers at Langstaï¬ Public School at 8 13m; AUGUST 15 â€"â€" Friday, presenta- tion and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCallum, in Laskay Hal]. Everyone welcome. Ladies provide. . c2w6 Job Printing Department can handle it. for you â€" speedily -â€" smartly. Tele- poster â€" The leeral's Phone TU. 4-1261 From I postcard to a Coming Even ts cle tfc47 clw6