Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Aug 1952, p. 6

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8 envelope: unit-worm .' lln 3. cups valor can (1% cm) _ ' condensed comm» no t 8-ounce 80 mm ease sor “an 90‘- 8 tablespoons lemon juice 1 table: om: arm onlor mu: mayonn teaspoon unwed mustard 2 cups’ gronm Cooked barn Chopped ham and may tomato {ampâ€"the two maln Ingredientsâ€"â€" d Into a creamy pleasing flavor. ‘ nkes it a salad that men go for well as women. The warm. rosy . lor of this salad contrasts at- E-ctlvely wlth the bright greens wounding IL ' Plan the salad for the center- blece at a bullet dinner (or guests. 0! let your {amuy enjoy it when you serve supper from the porch tabla For good eating with the salad. serve a casserole or creamed green beans With browned slivered Snows. hot rolls. crisp c lery 1nd [TEN In the place of honor on summer labia; In a sparkling olatln sand; Tomatobam Butlet lad In every bit Worthy of such special attention. Make twin molds ‘ serve a large group and the salad Is a real attention getter ‘ Salad Centerpiece for Summer Meals DEPT‘ OF HEALTH TP. OF NORTH YORK Points to Remember in Fly Control I. Prevent fly-breeding as a first step. rather than resort to control of the adult. 2. Action against the larvae or maggots is more effective than against the adult fly. A 3% solution of a suitable coal tar distillate sprinkled over the infested parts gives good re- suite. 3. Make certain that there are no unprotected accumulations of. garbage or manure at or near the home. to which flies may have access. 4. Privies, if any. must be of fiy-proof construction. 5. Keep food-stuffs covered at all times. 6. Screen all doors and wind- ows properly and maintain free from holes or breaks. 7. Garbage cans must be waâ€" ter-tight and must have tight- fittlng covers. 8. Kill adult flies by insecti- cides, [D.D.T., Lindane), traps, swatting. etc. Burn dead flies. 9. Be careful to prevent insec- ticides contaminating foods. Wash your hands and face with soap and warm water af- ter handling insecticides. Enâ€" sure free ventilation when us- ing these substances. CARL E. HILL, M.D.. M.O.H. eoékefi ham In 8‘ cup want; 8‘ no son»: add THE LIBERAL} Richmond Hill, Thursday. Aug. '1, 1952 Tonic-Ham Buflet Salad 8 tablespoons lemon gum I tame: vow [rat onion cup mayonnalu tmvoops meod mustard 3 cuqa‘ grpuad CMHed Chicken-Cucumber Soup: A cold refreshing soup gives a pleasant start to warm-weather meals. Use condensed cream or chicken soup {or the base. Cubes o! cucumber taste good in this. Simmer 1 cup or the cucumber (out in ail-Inch cubes) in 1 cup of water until tender. about 10 minâ€" utes. Remove from heat and stir in the 1 can of cream at chicken soup. Chm in refrigerabar for 4 hours. Makes 2 or 3 servings. Mushroom-Flavored Corn Meal Muffins: Little piping hot muffins give the joyous note to a meal, And they're no trick for a summer sup~ per with a package or corn mama mix plus a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup. Empty the mix into a bowl and stir until free of lumpa. Stir the creamy soup into the dry ingredients; then add an egg and beat until well blended’ Pour into mumn pans and bake as directed on package. Makes 12 mumns Good and crunchy with a green salad or mm plate. CANADIAN NATIONAL Bum with Hash Patties: Gener out: portions of pork and beans with crisp-browned patties of corned beef hash are a supper you’ii savor on warm nights. It's a ahelbready meal; just take one can 0! pork and beans, one of hash from your cupboard. While the beans heat. fix the hash this way: Push it out of the‘can and cut into inch-thick siices. Wrap a slice of bacon around each patty; brown mesa on both sides in a. skillet. Ac~ company the beans and hash patties with relishes tor nibbling--green pepper rings and cucumber chips. There are 336 knit good mills ir Canada operating in 122 commU' itles. and employing some 25.0‘ people. Mr. and Mrs. Hal. Noble are holidaying near Huntsville. Wild plantain leaves. young and tender and cooked as a wild spin- ach. make a delightful substltute for the garden Spinach. A number of Gormley folk ax- tended the Brethren in Christ Camp Meeting at Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilcox and their family are on a month’s vacation motoring to visit his par- ents in Windsor Nova Scotia, and her parents in Halifax. Recant guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt were Mr. How- ard Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Moot- by and Miss Margaret Brown of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGill of Lucknow visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McWhirter. Mr and Mrs. H. Moorby and Mrs Sproule visited Sunday with Mrs Ham Wight of Len-03 The Women of the Church met at the home of Mrs. Percy Ash on Tuesday evening, July 22, for their regular meeting, but .as the even- ing was so uncomfortably warm, the meeting took the form of a social instead. The ladies accept- ed the invitatiou of Mrs. Albert Jackson to attend a picnic at her home at 84 Brooke Ave.. North Tor- onto, on Wednesday. August 20, On Monday eVening, July 21 the Lutheran young people entertain- ed the Luther League of St. Angas Lutheran Church Toronto at a ball game in Unionville. On Friday evening, July 25, the St. Angas young people were hosts and hostesses to the Sherwood and Unionvme young people at a so- cial evening held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson in Union~ ville. There they enjoyed an ev- ening of games and a weiner roast around a big bonfire. The Couples Club enjoyed noon luncheon at the church after the regular service on Sunday, July 20. Mr. Stan Keffer reviewed the topic at the meeting that followed. The game on Thursday, July 25, was played at Concord with Hope the visiting team and with both teams putting everything into the game to ensure play~ofi positionso Hope was leading at the end of the fifth inning with a cosy 5-1 lead, but a hard drive by Don Bagg. who had been held out of the game to pinch hit brought the score to 4-5 for Hope. Concord tried to rally in the seventh and came very close with Harold Clapp being put out running for home, still leaving the bases loaded with only one out. But the next two batters were put down in order, due to poor hits. The final score 5-4 in favor of Hope. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Simmons and daughters Wendy and Valerie to the village. For the past number of years they have been living in Downsview. Now having completed their new home, they are taking up residence near Mr. Slmmon's wood-working shop. July is birthday month in the Crover family. Mrs. Crover's ta- ther, Mr. Dan Vernnan observed July 3 as his day; Mrs. Grover, July 6; Mr. W. J. Grover, July 18; son Jtmmy. July 29, and Mrs. Ar- thur Crover Juliy 31. Birthday cel- ebrations for all were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crov- er on Wednesday, July 23. Celebrating birthdays this week are Mrs. Chas. Whitney, August 5; Mrs. John Bone. August 7; Wendy Simmons, August 8 and Earl Jack- son, August 9. Many happy returns of the day to you all. Mr. Crover had the good fortune to win the waffle iron in the Kins- men Club draw in Willowdale on Saturday night. Sherwood Visitors at the Well's home are Mrs. Shirley Woodhouse and chil- dren Freddie. Brenda and Donna. Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Woodhouse are sisters. Brookside Road and Yonge St. now has a “new look" since Stan Leno mOVed the corner house to its future site on his lot in the Naughton subdivision. Mr .and Mrs. George Duncan Jr. with their children Linda and Brenda had a very enjoyable holi- day. They camped on the shore of Doe Lake, Huntsville Jamming home last Thursday. We notice the Orange Home is looking very bright these days Elgin Mills Softball Team is now in second position, with the play- offs due to start next week. To- night, Thursday. Concord plays Elgin Mills at the Richmond Hill diamond. Here is the standing of the teams to date: Elia, Elgln Mills. Hope, Maple, Concord and Downs- view. Next week's column will carry the playoff games and list the four teams who will partcipate. The Rev. D‘ returned from the west coast. ELGIN MILLS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stu-rt, R. R. 1. Maple ..._.._........â€"â€"- Telephone Maple 110R? Correspondent: Mrs. All“ Done: Phone Stonfi'ville 671M ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS GORMLEY CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. G. ROBERTSON Brooksido Road, Telephone TL'mer 4-2334 C. H. Michell has his holiday trip to CONCORD NEWS Rev. W. R. Gordon of Weston will preach next Sunday mornlng ln Ella United Church. On August 17, Mr. Henderson of Downsvx'ew will be guest speaker and on the following Sunday, August 24. Mr. John Haughey also of Downsview will speak. Rev. J. Clement of Barâ€" rie will be the preacher on Sunday, August 31. Mrs. Albert Chapman and her friend, Mrs. Gordon from Toledo, Ohio. have left on a trip to the west coast by way of Winnipeg Banff and Vancouver. Elia Lucky Mrs. Harvey Baker who won a mantle radio last week at a draw in Willowdale. Mabel Robertson, in company with her cousin. Gail Robertson of Whitby, is vlsltmg her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Holland Man; at Nantlcoke and she will be ceI~ ebrnzing her eighth birthday there on August 11. Mr. had Mrs. Don Helllngs and baby Glen spent a pleasant week at Black Bear Cottage. Gull Lake, with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dow spent the holiday week-end at Sarnia. Friends of Reg. Burns will be glad to hear he is now able to be up and around again after a bout with pneumonia. with a new coat of paint Bill Clubine has now recovered completely from the “sore" neck he received wrestling two weeks ago. Bill Drinkwater Motors KING, ONTARIO TELEPHONE KENG So YOU’RE IOHEY AHEAD FROM THE START . . . YOU’RE VALUE AHEAD THROUGH THE MILES . . . YOU’RE AHEAD ALL THE WAY THROUGH WITH CHEVROLET IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY CHEVROLET SOFTEI. SMOOTHER RIDE â€"~Chmolu's {imam Knee Action ride 9; now better than Ever. You caioy I much smoothex. soiur, more comforuble nde in either from ex rel: «at!» due as new ad improved shock absorber action. lOYAl-TONE STYUNG -- Yon'l! admin.- tbc bis, bright. beautiful Bodies by Fisher . .lhe thrillmg new from, side Ind rear-end de- sign . . . than longer, love: more luxurious look WWaZZM‘ m! 105414,. VIIvHa-Hud Env gim- virh Automatic Choke fins fines: noâ€"shift driv- ing. :1 (ova: cost. (Option- Il on De Late model: It at: cost) EXTRAâ€"SMOOTH, EXTRA DEFENDAULE POWEI‘ GLIDE â€"â€" Combined wuh GORGEOUS NEW EX- TERIOR COLORSâ€"Vivid- frah-smrklmg . . . wide choite of sohd and mwtone color combination! . ‘ . most wondexful am! of colors in their price field. Mr .and Mrs. C. Blentz journey- ed to New York for the week end of Jul)r 26. to attend the wedding of their nephew, F. Wagner of New Jersey. Their niece and friend drove them home and Spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Blentz be- fore leaving for a vacation in the Laurentians. Mrs. F. Titshall and daughter. Jeanalee have returned home after spending a week at Georgian Bay with Mrs. Harrison, Bruce and Di- ane, all of May Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Doug‘ Shields. for- merly .Helen Jason of May Ave.. have left to take up residence in Timagami. on. where Doug. will take up his new post as Forest Ranger with Lands and Forests. Ml: and Mrs. Jason Sr. and family hope to spend the last two weeks in Garry Davies of Yongehurst Rd. is enjoying three weeks vacation with Grandma Blackburn. DON'I put up wiv‘h tho annoy- ance and inconvenience of trying Io find your doth" and other belonging: in Iho datk. DON‘T [ELECTRICAL TIPS FOR THE HOME MY Clo ers Are Mo enTha ”in “I ”n WRRESPONDENT ~â€" BIRS. I. BLACKBURN. Yfl‘ollnnt II. Te‘ephone TU. 4-2238 . . . If Your Closets Are More Than Three Feet Deep . . you aumandmg pedormauc: reliability and economy; and as 1 result, it is setting the and for the indium, 39~YEAR PROVED VALVE- lrLNEAD DESIGN â€" Con- sundy improved 2nd reim- cd over [he ycus. ix bungs GM ”SHADE-UTE” GIASS Reduces Glare, H901 and Favigua -â€" Chevrolet offcrs ' Shadeâ€"Lite" glass with ex- clusive. Jbadd windshield- nnang for your can protec- tion. (Onion! 3! qua cost). NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Telephone TU CENTREPOINT STEERING â€" Control ‘is centred between the from wheels instud of behmd the left from wheel. This advanced steeung ge- ometry nukes Chevrolet sur- prisingly my no steer. m1- noeuvt: and park. CENTREPOISE POWER - Brings ncw smooxhnus. new freedom from vibration to low cost motoring; for :h: engine is now gently cradled between the meanings and cushioned in soft rubber. Mr .and Mrs. Oyler of Mill Rd‘, along with their son and family are spending this week at Washaga River, Ontario. We welcome to our neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. Bircey and family who recently purchased the former home of Art Ball. Yongehurst Rd. August with their daughter and son-in-Iaw in their new home‘ Fortyâ€"five old neighbors. friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Blentz, Yonge- burst Rd.. for a grand re-union. on Sunday, July 20. Mrs. G. Kelly and Mrs. A. Ryder from Toronto spent Thursday with Mrs. M. Holmes of Yongehurst Rd. Mr. and Mrs. T, Johnson. David and Susan from Toronto visited the Blackburns on Sunday. leaving David tolspend a few days holiday with Garry. DO Irma" lights controlled by avlomaflc door twitch-s or by wall switches picked nem- Ohe lock sido of duct doors. DO wombat operating, EXTRA-SAFE JUMBO~DRUM BRAKES â€"- with bum-Life. rivulcss lining; which fast up [0 mice 1: long. They‘re the extra-5r“ bake! in the low-pnce field, And ownen by better fuel flow and a {19: “King nccclentor pump. POWERJET CARBURETION â€"â€"(with automatic choke in Powerglidc models). Im- proved surfing And smooth- er acceleraxion are Mhieved safest Ind easier as well. CHINA SILVER ~ CRYSTAL - BRASS- ETC CLIFFORD, 15 Seccomoe 3t. ONE MILE EAST AT STOP 14- A YONGE ANTIQUE FURNITURE THE ONE PROBLEM common to all bust. nessmen is â€"- how to keep sales volume at a satisfactory level. This can be overcome to a great extent by carefully planned advertis- ing. As a control medium advertising can be of considerable value in keeping sales at an economic level. Retail merchants now- ever, especially those in small communities are confronted with the need of a very flex~ ible advertiing medium. One that can be used regularly throughout the entire year. yet pliable enough to suit the needs of the moment. Also. it must be one that can be tailored to fit any budget and at the same time give maximum coverage. Due to iiuc~ tuating prices it must be advertising that can be planned to reach the buying public within two or three days. Newspaper Advertising is the advertismg vehicle that has proved beyond doubt to be of greatest value to retail merchants. it fills all their requirements and has been the most important, single factor, in the success of so many. The Liberal is at your service. We publish a. Well printed weekly paper that will give your advertising very good coverage in this area. A phone call to TURNER 4-‘261 Will bring 3 representative to your door. The Problem 0! The RETAIL MERCHANT MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLE'I'S THAN ANY OTHER CAR Pictured here, y0u'll find only a partial listing of the many, many extra features offered to you by Chev- rolet, the lowestâ€"priced line car. Buying a Chevrolet puts you money ahead from the startvfor Chevrolet still offers yOu the lowest-priced line in its field. But that‘s just the beginning! As the weeks and months go by, you‘ll gradually discover more and more abOut your Chevrolet's saving ways. You‘ll notice how its Fisher Body sways bright and beautiful, stays sound and solid â€"â€" because it's designed to take hard usage. And, as the miles mount up. you'll appreciate the economy and troublevfree performance of Chevrolet’s Valve-in~Head engine . . . the smooth restfulness of Knee-Anion ride. Lasting values like theseâ€"and many othersâ€"explain why you‘re ahead all the way with Chevrolet, the Leader. Visit your Chevrolet dealer~tight away. “Home Paper of the District Since 1878” THE LIBERAL 912528

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