During the month of August. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, rector of St. Mary's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, will be on holidays. In his absence the services will be con- ducted by Messrs. Donald Little and Harry Hill who are licenced lay readers. When more than 200 students lrom Ontario High Schools con- verge on the Canadian National Exhibition on Warrior’s Day, Aug- ust 23. two young people from the Richmond Hill District High School will be among the guests. Invited to represent the local school are Bill Dodds and Marion Frazer. They will be guests of GNP) direc- tors for a day of fun that will keep them busy from early morning un- til the last ï¬reworks has been set off in front of the grandstand. Also invited to attend are Principal A. Elson and Mrs. Elson and school board chairman Morley J. Klnnee and Mrs. Klnnee of Maple. RWJMZ... _ Mr. Paul Dubois has recently re- turned from his trip to New Zeal- and. The Reverend and Mrs. Higgin- son and family have returned 1mm 3 month's vacation. , nu... ... _.__,, dean of Centre, St. West visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Day of Arva. ’ Miss Ruth Harding spent last Week in Collingwood, She was able to see the launching of the B.A. oil tanker Peerless which took place on _Jl£lyA 28. v Mrs. Stan Ransom has returned from Youngstown, Ohio, where she visited her daughter and son- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore. Little Ann Moore returned m Richmond Hill with her grandmo- ther for a visit. 7 Mrs. W. J. Attig of Hamilton and her grandddaughter Shelagh Howâ€" ie of St. Lambert, P.Q.. visited with Mrs. E. G. Clubine last week. Mrs. Clubine returned to Hamil- ton with them for the holiday week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reid and fam- ily of Yonge St. North spent the holiday week-gnd at Britt. Ont. . Mrs. Suter of Clinton was a vis- ltor last week with Constable and Mrs. Robbins. John Mortgohfflichmond Street, is seriOusly ill in the Toronto General Hospital. We are sorry to repoxjt "that My Mrs. R. Endean VandiylrtBop .Enâ€" you can't beat Confedera tion Lile Business Insur- Ince. “To protect a business USE Economical Quick . . Convenient I to Solve Your Vexing Problems The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-126] will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations. women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have 2" in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. CLAIII FIED . ADS Everybody Reads the Classiï¬ed Column I Mr .and Mrs. N. Evans and family spent the holiday week- end in Rochester. N.Y.. and Niag- ara Falls. Mr. anfl Mrs. W. R. Anderson of the Greenholme Apts.. are holi- daying in Northern and Eastern Ontario. Mrs. E. P. Leno and Miss Doris .Jeno of Yonge St. South are va- cationing at Clevelands House in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. \Robt. Ross and family of Centre St. East are hol- idaying near Victoria Harbour, Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sayers have just returned from England where they have visited with relatives since April. On the return voy- ige their ship encountered a num- aer of icebergs but came through safely. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Conquerâ€" good and family of Winnipeg, Man. motored to Richmond Hill to at- tend the wedding of Mrs. Conquer- good‘s sister Audrey Elaine Wag- ner and are now holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Wagner. Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mr. Price Evans, on the sudden passing of Mr. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and Johnny of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Empringham, Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Bennett and Ray spent a week recently at Bala. Mrs. Cecil Nichols and Faye are spending two weeks with friends at Smith’s Falls. Congratulations are extended to Jim Boynton at Erskine College, B. A. degree at Erskine College. Due West, South Carolina, U.S.A. Mr. R. E. Sanderson and Miss Mabel Sanderson and Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Boynton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stevenson of Oshawa. Mr‘ and Mrs. Gordon Stephenson ,pent two weeks in Montreal vis- iting their daughter. Mrs. R. Wood- Iouse. Mr. S. Boynton. Lawrence and Donald Boynton and Freddie Wal- ker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker at Fordwich and Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Fiegel and family of Corrie. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCague, Mr. Ash and Mr. and Mrs. John McCague visited at Harriston and called on friends at Fordwich and Carrie recently. Miss Nancy Cober, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nigh, Mrs. F. Walker, Mrs. S. Boypton and Grace spent the holiday week-end with friends at Fort Erié. The regular monthly meting of the W.A. will be held on Wednes- day evening, August 13, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. R. Perkins. A very interesting programme has been prepared. A hearty invita- tion is extended to all the ladies in the community to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harmon spent the holiday week-end with friends at Port Carling. Correspondent: Mrs. W. Snndle' Victoria Square Telephone Stouffville 67509 VICTORIA SQUARE ram. Mrs. Abram is the former Betty Topper. (laugh Mr. and Mrs. George Topper. R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. and Mrs. Abram have taken up residence in Newmarket Hill Rev. and Mrs. David Wother- spoon and family are away on holiday just now. Dr. William Grant has decided to settle in King City, and for the ï¬rst time in over 15 years the vill- age will have a resident physician. Dr. and Mrs. Grant have lived in‘ Mrs. Winter’s house since last Dec- ember while Dr. Grant was study- ing internal medicine as an intern \zt Sunnybrook Hospital. Miss Alice Ferguson and her .iste-in-law Mrs. 153 Ferguson. of clichmond Hill. spent last week at Mrs. Ferguson‘s cottage at Pick- ering Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Congdon Sign the register after :heir marriage at Richmond Hill United Church. The bride is the former Audrey Elaine Wagner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner of Richmond Hill, Ontario. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson will spend a week at Camp Typp-i-lac, Georg- ian Bay from August 16 to 23. This is a camp for the young people of all the Toronto Presbyteries of the United Church. Mr. Jenkinson will be the theme speaker during the DUBOIS â€"â€" .0 â€1mm Mrs. Paul Dubos of Richmond Hill, on July 28, a daughter, a birthday pres- ent for Louise. clw6 TATTON â€" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tatton (nee Marjorie Sanderson) of Victoria Square are happy to announce the birth of their soh, Albert George on Saturday, August 2, 1952, at York County Hospital at Newmarket. c1w6 RU MAN â€" Mr. and Mrs. Everett gman (nee Dorothy Milford) Richmond Hill a daughter on August 3, 1952, a sister Nancy Anita, for Patricia. clw6 CRAWFORD â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crawford of Richvale on Wednesday, July 23. at Newmar- ket County Hospital, a girl, Bar- bara Ellen. clw6 COWLING â€" Mr. and Mrs. James Cowling are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at York County Hospital. Newmarket, on July 28 ,a little sister for Jimmie and Mary Jane. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING. ONT. 3511‘th KING CITY NEWS Phone King 55Râ€. week and he will give a talk each day under the title of "A Pilgrim's Progress." On August 17. Mr. Gordon Tetley will take the Sunday services at King City United Church, while Mr. Jenkinson is at camp. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cunningham and daughter Betty left on Sat- urday to spend a week at Fort Erie. They were accompanied by Mrs. Matt Bell Bell. Miss Janet Langdon is spending the summer at Honey Harbour with Mrs. Bill Drinkwater and family. Mrs. John Belknap, Rickie. Shane and Cathy have returned from a month's holiday spent near Midâ€" land on the Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman spent a few days in Buffalo and Rochester N.Y., before going ï¬n to their cottage at Port. Severn for the remainder of their holidays. The six-roomed house belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarthy has been safely placed on the new foundation. It was moved a dis- tance of 250 feet while the family still occupied the house. There was no damage and the McCarthy’s are now settled in their own house in the new location. For the price of a few stamps â€"- to say nothing of the work you save â€"' you can advertise a forth- coming function in the “Coming Events†column of The Libéra]. Telephone TUrner 4-1261. Mr. and Mrs.- Walter Hambly. son Hugh and eight-months-old baby girl of St. John’s, Quebec. were visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Jackson over the week-end recent- ly. While here, Rev. M. R. Jen- kinson baptized their little daugh- ter, whose name is Merle Isobel Patricia. and who will be known as Merle after her paternal grandmoâ€" ther. Mrs. Hagar Whitney who spent three weeks with her mother. Mrs. George Stone has returned to her home in Atherley. and Jim and ’ Sheila opper. daughter of hmond Hill. Mr. Out of town guests present for the ceremony were Miss Ruth Rav of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Moore of Detroit Mr. and Mrs A. Getsoian of Detroit. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reeves of Meadow- val’e, Ontario. To our many neighbours and riends we wish to express our gratitude for their help and effort at our recent barn ï¬re, also to the Maple Firemen for their good work and efforts. also to the Rich- 'mond Hill Fire Brigade for their prompt response. 1 vv 11"!le o l'wvoowvc |' Have you made your Talent Money yet? Six weeks until the meeting’ on Sepember 11. O O O O Blue Cross subscribers are re- quested to make their payment to Mrs. R. Fox on or before August THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. SUNDAY. AUGUST 10 11 am. -â€"â€"' Divine Worship Guest ministe1. Rex. W Tanton. St. Clair United Church Toron- to For travelling. the. bride chose a coffee coloured redingote of taff- eta over a coffee and white striped underskirt. White accessories and a corsage of miniature gladioli completed the ensemble. The happy couple will reside in Tor- onto. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In. S. W. Eirtle. B.A.. Mini-tel SUNDAY. AUGUST 10 11 mm. â€" Divine Worship Mr. D. M. Warne, BA. Come and Worship. The reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents on Centre St. West. The bride’s mo- ther received the guests in a gown of‘ aqua shantung-taï¬â€˜eta with black and white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. She was assisted by the groom's moth- er who wore a turquoise mesh gown with white accessories and a corsage of pink cal-nations. Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L. Th.. Rector AUGUST 1952 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Pra) er All are welcome. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH In. C. G. Eigginson, B.A., Minister SUNDAY. AUGUST 10 11 am. â€" Public Worship MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert. B.A., b'.D.. minister THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A., Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 11 mm. â€" Divine Worship Mr. James Butler. JP. 11.15 am. -â€" Beginners Class Come and worship. PRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH 301. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rectal THORNHILL SUNDAY. AUGUST 10 11 Am. -- Morning Prayer and Sunday School Edgeley Sunday School and Church Service withdrawn for month of August Hope Sunday School and Church Service withdrawn for month of August ' Maple Sunday School ...... 10.30 am. Church Service ...... 11.30 am. Her attendant was Miss June Hayward of OwenVSound who wore an apple green taffeta gown along the same lines as that of the bride with matching cap and white shoes and gloves. She carried a cluster )f pink toned gladioli. Mr. Robert O'Hara was grooms- nan and Mr. Clifford Wilson was he usher. During the signing of he register. Mrs. A. G. Barber gang 0 Perfect Love and Tlnough he Years. She was accompanied by__ Mr. Walter Smook at the piano. Given in marriage by her bro- .her. P.O. Geoi-ge Moore, the bride .vore a ballerina length gown of white Chantilly lace over blush pink taffeta with bouï¬ant skirt, tight bodice buttoned to the waist and stand-up Elizabethan collar. Her elbow length veil of net illus- ion was held in place by a pretty Juliet cap and she wore matching white lace mittens. She carried a bouquet of white gladioli and pink sweetheart roses. MacMILLAN-MOORE In a lovely setting of pink and white gladioli amid ferns and )alms, Ruth, daughter of Reverend W. H. and Mrs. Moore of Richmond Hill was united in marriage to A1- exander Donald MacMillan, son of Rev. Dr. H. A. and Mrs. MacMillan 3f Toronto, in Thornhill Baptist Church on August 2. at 2.30. Rev. W. H. Moore, father of the bride, oï¬iciated and was assisted by Dr. H. A. MacMillan. father of the groom. LANGSTA FF BAPTIST CHURCH ‘ZION MEMORIAL CHURCH ' “The Church 0.. the Hill“ Finch Ave. E. at Don Mills Rd. ‘Don McNabb, baritone Speaker: Don Bottsford Instrumental, Vocal & Speaking Pictures every Wednesday ‘1; 8 p.m. All Welcome Sunday, 11 a.m. â€" Bible Schoo classes for all ages 7p.m. â€"- Gospel Service. Wed., 8 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 1).!!! â€" Women’s Mis sionary Meeting. ti.. 8 p.m. â€" Young neoplea Soc Richmond Hill Women’s Institute Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Services RICHMOND HILL ANGLIUAN CHURCH (Webbing I @hituarp MncMILLAN-MOORE 1,....u.. “Auâ€"m" A: ï¬nd, a...) Sunday School Nursery Dept. (2-3 All welcome. Jesse Russell anu family wish to express their thanks and apprecia- tion to the many friends and neigh- bours for their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy during th long illness of a loving wife and mother and in their recent be- reavement, especially thanking Rev. W. F. Wrixon for his thought- ful ministry and message of com- fort. Heise Hill Gonnley Rev. A. L. Winger, Pastor 10 a,m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. ‘1 Worship and Ministry man will preach 7 pm. a Evening Service Mr. Coombs, missionary elect will preach Thurs, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Service CARD OF THANKS (2 miles south of Mlple) Plator: Rev. E. J. Finder SUNDAY. AUGUST 10 Church Service ........ 9.30 am CARRVILLI UNITED CHURCH Minister, R". E. E. Kent. Th. D. 11 am. â€" Union Services with Thornhiu United Church at Thornhill during August. BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN Sunday School ....... 10 ‘ Worship ................ 11 1 Sunday School at Concord Sc‘ House at 10 am. Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 9.111. Acts 4:12: - - - for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block East of Yonge On Madawaska Ave., Stop 123 Pastor F. Vaughan B. Th. SUNDAY. AUGUST 10 9.45 a.m. -â€" Bible School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Mr. C. Taylor, Christian business- The funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Rector of St. Mary's Anglican church of which the deceased was a devoted member. In speaking of Mrs. Russell, Mr. Wrixon said that h'. could not but think of the woma: in St. Mark's Gospel who anointeu our Lord's feet with precious oint~ ment and wiped them with the hair of her head, and of whom He said "She hath done what she could.†Mrs. Russell did what she could for all whom she served. She was a model wife, mother and neigh- bor and gave her best in service to others. She had a simple but strong faith. a ï¬rm believer in prayer and was a faithful commun- icant of her church. When during the last war word came that her son Roy had paid the supreme sacriï¬ce she was a brave and proud mother. C., one daughter Mrs. McDonald of Richmond Hill (Louise) and one grandson. Her only son Roy paid the supreme sacriï¬ce on active service in 1944. Interment took place in Richâ€" mond Hill cemetery. the pallbear- ers being old and close friends of the family, Fred Webster. Elmvale, H. Hammond and W. Buss of Ham- ilton. T. Williamson of Ajax. A. Hendry and W. Mankelow of Tor- onto. CARD 0F THANKS of God’s VWord. 7 p.m. â€" Evangelist 8 pm. Wednesday â€" Midweek She is survived by her husband, Jesse Russell who for many years has been an employee of the T. T. Prayer Meetings A hearty welcome is extended to all. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm (Ont. & Quebec Convention) Sunday School and Morning Worship .......... 11 a.m. REV. PERCY BUCK, Minister Handwork. Singing. Surprises, etc. DON’T MISS IT. “Andi; RUSSELL The tunexal of the late Mrs. Jesse Russell was held from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home Saturday afternoon and was large- ly attended by friends and rela- tives. Mrs. Russell passed away Thursday, July 31, after a lengthy illness. Thornhill Baptist Church STOP 17 The former Mabel J. Rolfe, she was born in Sussex, Englan¢ and came to Canada in 1913. She was married in 1916 and with her hus- band moved to Richmond Hill in 1918 and has lived here'ever since. Visitors Very Welcome ATTENTION BOYS & GIRLS COME TO ANOTHER DAILY VACATION SCHOOL This Monday, August 11 9-11.30 a.m. in the ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH EVANGELICAL SERVICES BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST Samuel Winger ancj family MA SONIC HALL. RICHMOND HILL ....... 11 mm Concord Schoo 10 am. ONTARIO OAK RIDGES PHONES: THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday, Aug. 7, 1952 .'7; STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-1016 WWW Formerly of Gen-rd Heintzman Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office TUrner 4-1261 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU James J. Wall Plumbing - Heating Sheet Metal Work PIANO TUNING w tite or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hiâ€, TUmer 4-1872 REPRESENTING Dealer for Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems ESTABLISHED OVER 50 EXI’ 50 YEARS SAL HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY S'l‘. Wed.. Thins†Aug. 13. 14 DIVORCE 0F LADY X color SOFIA Sigrid Gurie SUGAR CHILE ROBINSON ~ For Serwce at it’s Best - . 'Try Your Friendly Local Dairy momma) HILL DAIRY Friday. Sat., August 8, 9 HARVEY James Stewart TINY TERRORS OF THE TIMBERLAND TURN TALE WOLF Cartoon News WATER. WATER EVERY HARE ' Cartoon News ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE and Repairing Mon., Tues., Aug. 11, 12 J. A. \X/|[_|_QUGHB\/ AND SONS BABY BOTTLENECK Cartoon News CHICAGO CALLING I 01' Thornhifl Thursday, August 7 DOUBLE FEATURE NOTHING SACRED (color) Frederic March Merle Oberon THREE HUSBANDS AIN’T SHE TWEET Cartoon News 6%†MILK! S. Hoffman Electrician .fOR A WELL BALANCED MEAL Musical Short Dan Duryea Eve Arden TELEPHONE TURNER-44 622 King 111 Aurora 46-J Salad Dressing 32:"- 47c Mixed Pickles Tomato Juice Javex Tomato Catchup 21c DETERGENT Tide or Cheer iii: 38c LIBBY'S FANCY f‘lï¬c $3.1 °" 26c MIRACLE WHIP DEVON SWEET AYLMER CONCENTRATED Coflee MARGARIN E Good Luck Potatoes Cantaloupes SPECIALS PASCAL GREEN ‘ Celery Stalks SALMON FLESH ‘TOP OF THE MORNING’ N0. 1 ONTARIO Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 24 oz. Jar Large 10 m. Bag 12b. 38c Tins 20 oz Size "Freshly Ground†93c 37c 23c 79c 29c