Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1952, p. 9

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PROFES§0NAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY / Burial", Solicitor, Notary Pubic Oflice Hours â€"- Daily 10 to 5 p.31. Evenings by Appointment 42 Yonge :t. South, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2084 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Welsh Toronto Ofiice, 912 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond Street West Plaza. 8929 Richmond Hill, Thursday morning Maple. Thursday nfternnon Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries ‘N Mathews, Q. C. K. Stiver, B.A. B. E, Lyons, B. A. Jos. Vale, Q. C. 100 Main St., Newmarket, Ont. Phone 120 Barris‘er Solicitm Vofarv Puhhg 93 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Every Thursday afternoon ‘I‘Urner 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"- 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 HOLDEN. 3031911133. & CORNER J. Rabinowitch, 8.4: uv_.'.__ Bnrrinters, Solicitor: and Notaries Public Floyd E. Corner Eichud'H, Rohmer B.A., D.F.l Thomas A. Holden B.A. Aurora Office: Ardill Block, Yonge und Wellington Streets Telephone 406, Aurora IUmor 4-1511 Thanh“! Branch Offices at Il‘EORNHILL and UNIONVILLE PIANO. ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. My”:- thhmond H“! 108 Yonge St. TUmer 4-1238 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1311 From the Toronto Conservatory of Music will accept a number of 7 ipfiupil} in . -â€"â€"An‘1 . classes are limited. registration before September 8 would be appreciated 19 Grmdview Ave. nghlaod Park AVenue 5-1318 cash. Ulsnose of ’ham v '~ 4: phoning TUrner 4-961 and in fitting s clusified an. I Yongo St. 3., Richmond 31“ Open evenings TUmor 4â€"1462 Dentist Anstey Building, Yonge Street THORNHILL AVenue 5-2181 Rates for inser'ion In this section are available at The Liberal offico â€" phone TUmer 4-1261. Stuart P. Parker BARRISTER Richmond Hill, 85 Centre W. TUrner 4-1543 Thornhill, 1A Colbome AVenue 5-1477 Toronto W3. 2931, 50 King W. Barrister, Solicitor & Noun Public 95 Church Street South Richmond Hill, Ontnio TUrner 4-1863 By appointment only FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 220 Bay "Norman A. Todd Turn those unwamed items into Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale A Marguerite Boyle Dr. M. J. Walker Wright & Taylor DENTIST 56A YONGE ST. SOUTH Donald Gordon Plaxton Dr. W. J. Mason Elocution, Public Speaking Plltform Department, Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL" Doris Pollock TEACHER 0F BALLET Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist Adelmo M elecci Barrister, Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Ofi‘ico TUrner 4-2071 Thornhill Oflico AVenrue 5-1300 William Cook and Walsh T. C. Newman 33y ., Toronto, Ont. Phon Wa. 2343-4 lEGAL MUSICAL DENTAL AVenue 5-1667 Richmond Hill MAPLE Dr. Jas. R. Langstalf Dr. Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 22 Centre St. E ms foige St. N., Richmond mu TUrner 4-1631 Thornhill Above Harley’s Drug Store OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday,- 10 am. - 12 noon; 1 pm. - 3 p.m. Evenings: Monday to Thursday, 6434 Yonge St. - Stop 13A Office Hours â€"- Monday through Friday. 1 to 3 p.m., and 6 to 8 pm. Saturday 1 to 3.30 pm. And by appointment Telephones: Office Baldwin 1-0087, Residence Baldwin 1-0828 VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone Centre Street TUmer 4-1432 Richmond Hi1] Phone 82 41 Yonge Street South , Richmond Hill Office hours 2-4 pm. daily oxcept Wednesdays Tuesday & Thursday evenings: 6-8 pan. Other hours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 Toronto R. D. MacNaughton DR. RALPH P. JOHNS DR. R. F. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L’ESPERANCE Lite, Fire, Automobile, Liability Hail. Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance a Specialty King City Telex bone 25 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7. Willowda'le PHONE 8.. 1-801] -Ray, Ultra Short Wave Therap, OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri. â€" -5, 6-8 Tues., Thursday -â€" 1-3, 6-8 Mornings by appointment. Dr. E': A. Crawford Office Hours 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.111 by appointment J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and Auto Financing 42 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1652 Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. Wm. D. Howe Dr. J. T. Sheppard Obstetrician & Gynecologist Thornhill Veterinary Clinig VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street Dr. J x P. Wilson Jack Walkmgton GENERAL INSURANCE Telephone AVenue 5-2252 Dr. R. J. Steele W. SCHURMAN '. W. Allan Ripley GF VERAL INSURANCE lrc. Dr. Roy Cogan Richmond Hill, Ont. DR. H. E. PALMER DR. F. W. WALKER 25 Grandview Ave. Or by appointment VETERINARY By appointment TUrner 4-1422 Roy V. Bick INSURANCE MEDICAL â€"AND-â€" TUrner 4-1551 AVenIe 5-1379 Maple 7134 Thornhill AVenue 5-1311 Richmond Hill EM. 3-0311 Maple, Ont. PHONE 3 Arthur G. Broad, D.C. R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE Fax-ma, Suburban Properties, etc. INSURANCE Fire. Automobile. etc. TUrner 4-1671 i 26 Years’ Experience York County, Umbndge and Pickering Townshipu Farm Stock and' Furniture Sale- : Specialty Telephone Stouffville 67312 Address: Gormley P.0. Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for me Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales : specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big ‘ too small For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge at. District 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Cements) ”Telephone MA‘yrair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynch. J.F. Lyne! TUrner 4-1552 Richmond .‘HI WITH CONFIDENCE AT Yerex Electric Ernie Brock & Son General Insurance Leave Maple 8.10 mm. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 gm Leave Maple 3.00 p.m. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 pm ‘elephone 11 Maple, Ont. W. J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. ‘ Out of town iay 01- night emergency service Maple 721'23 GENERAL BUSINESS Phone TUrner 4-1931 213 Oak Ave., Richvale Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. '. J. SMITH & SON Painting BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Coaches For All Occasion Telephone King 5‘ SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill TELEVISION Kpn rm‘r 4-17 Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging 21 Bedford Park AVO- Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2062 By Appointment CHIROPRACTIC A. S. Farmer ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS REAL ESTATE AUBTIONEERS E. CH 3 RITY SCHOOL DAYS BUY Clarke R rhmnnd Hi" Mrs. H. H. Alexander and her daughter Betty left on Monday for Montreal from where they will sail for England. Mrs. Alexander will return after two or three months. but Miss Betty Alexander expects to remain in England for a yaar. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Julian and daughter Phyllis of Vellore spent Sunday with Mrs. Julian's mother. Mrs. John Phillips. Miss Addie Thompson. 21 Prince Rupert Avenue. Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stewart for a few days. Last Sunday when she attended All Saints Anglican Church at the morning service, she was greeted by several old friends. Miss Thompson was a charter member of the W.A. of All Saints. when it was formed 63 years ago, and was the first secretary of the organization. Mrs. T. L. Williams is spending two weeks with her brother. Mr. Duncan Sinclair and Mrs. Sinclair at their summer cottage. near Lindsay. The Young People of Laskay Jnited Church will meet Friday avening in the church. Rev. M. R. .enkinson and Robert Watson are n charge of the program. A little son who will be known 5 John Aubrey, was born to Mr. nd Mrs. Aubrey “Bob" Glass at ork County Hospital. Newmarket, In August 4. Mrs. Glass and baby ame home on Sunday. u< :‘mdelicus". . Given in marriage by her father. lthe bride was attended by her sis- Mrs. Charles White of Moose aw and Mr. Russell Jones 6! Tor- mto visitd their niece. Mrs. Henry }illham and Mr. Gillham recently. Mary Catharine Lawlor had a lappy holiday when she visited her unts and uncles in New Jersey. ,{iss Lawlor returned last week. laving had her first trip by aero- wlane. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Mr. Gordon Wells has returned com a visit with her friend, Mrs. leorge Wilde in St. Catherines. The bridesmaid was Miss Joye. Holder. who wore pale blue mar- quisette over taffeta. and carried yellow roses and baby’s breath. The best man was James New- ally of Barrie and the usher was the bride’s brother. Denton Elliott also of Barrie. Like the groom. the best man and usher wore white flannel jackets and navy blue trous- ers. The first car seen in the village 0 flourish the "I lee Ike” ban- er was here on Monday from Cal- iornia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred John- ton and son Freddy of Alhambra, 3allt., called on Mr. and Mrs. lalph Hunter as they were travell- ng through to Ottawa to visit Mrs. ‘ohnston's parents. They will re- urn to visit the Hunters later in he month. While their husbands vere overseas. Mrs Hunter and \Irs. Johnston lived together in Toronto. Given in marriage by her father he bride wore a white nylon mar- ;uisette gown made over taffeta. :ith Princess waistline and ankle ength flowing skirt. Her should- er veil fell from I lace cap, and she carried white gardenias and lilies-of-the-valley. At the reception which was held at The Old Mill, Toronto, the bride's mother chose a gown of old rose crepe. trimmed with nylon lace, with navy blue accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother wore powder blue crepe with nylon lace trimming and pink accessories, with a cor- sage of bronze roses. The honeymoon was a motor trip to New York. the bride trav- elling in a tangerine coloured suit with brown hat, shoes and bag. and a corsage of bronze mums. Upon their return the young couple will live in Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Elliott and family lived at King Ridge Farm until 15 years ago. While there the bride attended Sacred Heart School at Mount St. Francis. June Peck spent the holiday ~eek-end at North Bay and is now isiting her grandmother, Mrs. Valter Peck at Scarboro. Bales-Mane Sacred Heart Church was beau- tifully decorated with sweet peas and gladioli on Saturday morning recently, for the wedding of Clara Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Magee and Allen Francis Bales. son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bales of King. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Francis McGoey. and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Hammersmith of Thornhill. During the service the bride’s cousin. James Magee. sang “On This Day. 0 Beautiful Mother". “Ave Maria". and “Pon- Reeve-Elliott An evening wedding was sol- xmnlzed 1n Chalmer United Church ,Iount Dennis, recently. when 'oyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iomer Elliott of Weston, became ‘le bride of John Reeve of Barrie. ‘he double ring ceremony was pet~ armed by Rev. Mr. Eagle. Walter Kightley was critically .jured in an automobile accident .hich occurred late on the even- 13 of Civic Holiday when three ars were involved in a smash, on iglinton Ave. East near Scarboro. Mr. Harry Mitchell who was dri- ing the car, was unhurt, but Mr. iitchell and a woman friend who ‘ere riding in the back seat, were km to the Toronto East General ospital with Mr. Kightley. Mrs. iitchell remained in hospital for v0 days and the friend was all- :ved to leave after she had been ut in a cast. Mr. Kightley suffered serious fa- ial cuts and a broken vertebrae. 'he driver of the car which caused 1e accident. was charged with angerous driving while 1ntoxi~ ated. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON. KING, ONT. makings KING CITY NEWS Phone Kin: 55R“ ter. Mrs. Eleanor Thomson. as ma- tron of honour, Miss Betty Lewis of Thornhill as bridesmaid and by her little niece. Patricia Wood. as flower girl. The best man was Francis Thomson and the usher was William Magee. The bride was lovely in very full nylon net. over white satin. The bolero jacket was made of lace with long pointed sleeves and tiny walst. The bouffant skirt was floor length, and a pearl tiara held the finger length vell. She carried red roses. with cascades of tiny white swansonia and fern tied in long white ribbons. She wore the groom‘s gift, a_sapphire cross. The matron of honour was dress- ed in aqua organdy with puff slee~ ved bolero jacket. Her headdress was made of aqua sequins with white blossoms and her bouquet was of peach coloured roses. The bridesmaid chose deep lavender nylon tulle over organdy with headdress of deeper shade and white blossoms. She carried yell- ow roses. The little flower girl wore a pink nylon net dress over pink satin, with matching head- dress and her old-fashioned frilled nosegay was made of carnations, roses and baby’s breath. A wedding breakfast was served at the Sacred Heart auditorium which was decorated for the occas- ion with many flowers. The bride’s mother received, wearing a pink crepe frock with lace inserts in the yoke and sleeves and with a back panel of lace. She wore a white hat with shoes and gloves to match. The groom’s mother wore navy sheer. trimmed with white. and her hat and accessories were white. For travelling the bride wore a pink gabaxgdine suit. with large white picture hat, white shoes and bag and a corsage of pink and white carnations. ' The young couple on their re- turn will make a temporary home with the bride’s parents, until the groom is posted to a Provincial Police station. On their wedding day a telegram was received from the relatives of the bride’s mother who live in Ireland extending the good wishes of her aunts and un- @hituarp Eles. The Late Gordon Cockerlll The funeral of Gordon Cocker- ill was held from Wright and Tay- lor‘s Funeral Home in Richmond Hill on Saturday afternoon, Aug- ust 9. Rev. M.‘ R. Jenkinson and Rev. W. E. Smalley were in charge of the service and the pall-bearers were F. Powell, B. Ridden, H. Nightingale. J. Downey. I. Jorgen- sen and James Reid of Stouffville. Interment was made in Maple cem- etery. The deceased who was in his 44th year, had made an appoint- ment with a heart specialist in Toronto for Thursday afternoon, and it was while on the way to the barber shop in preparation for his trip to the city that the fatal attack occurred in his car, near Maple. A native of Stouffville, Mr. Cock- erill had lived for several years in King township, and lately was employed as manager of Alfred S. Lanning's farm, at the corner of the 3rd concession and,,the town- lin. Besides his widow, the for- mer Beatrice McMahon, he leaves seven children June (Mrs. Luckese) James, Margery. Gordon, Leonard, Kathleen and John. The Late Oscar James Bertrand The death occurred early Thurs- day morning. August '7, of Oscar James Bertrand, of the 5th concess- ion of King, in his 67th year. Fol- lowing the funeral service at Sac- red Heart Church, with Father Francts McGoey officiating, inter- ment was made in Sacred Heart Cemetery. The pan-bearers were his step son, Larry McCormick, Pat and Harry McGeean, Fred Conron, Jerry McCormick and Ned Sulli- van. The late Mr. Bertrand was born at Mattawa, Ont. His early years were spent in Sudbury, and for 20 years he was employed by the Can- adian National Railway. Later he became a prospector and ‘for a number of years followed prospectâ€" ing in the northern part of the province. After a few years in Toronto, he came to the loo-acre farm in the community of Mount St. Frances, where he had lived for 14 years. He is survived by his widow. the former Rose Slavln McCormick, two brothers and four sisters. His brothers. Gedeon Bertrand and Wilfred Bertrand of Sudbury were present at the funeral also a niece, Miss’ Lucy Bertrand of Toronto. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleanéd and Repaired 24 Hour Service MNIi“\ll“mm““1ll\ll“\“lll“ll“\lllflllllllflullml‘l“ll\l\\l\l\\\\l\ll\l\n CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All Hours TUrner 4-1812 mmmmmmmmmmmummmm C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Sanitary Contractor FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Correspondent: MRS. A. GOTTSCHALK Telephone: AVenue 5-2457 Construction of the new Rich- vale Gospel Chapel on Oak Ave. is well under way. but volunteers are sorely needed in order to com- plete the chapel by September 1 Those members of Richvale com- munity who wish to donate a lit- tle time to assist. in this worth- while cause may do so by going over‘to the lot any day Monday to Saturday from 9 am. to 9 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. E. Durie and Bev- erley spent a very enjoyable and restful week's holiday at Lakefield nine miles east of Peterborough. Young Barry Smith. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith, Spruce Ave.. is holidaying with his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Valliant. neatI Ottawa. Barry left last week and will return homé Labour Day week-end. Mrs. C. Fagfin along with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. Robb of King visited her son Harry Legg of Ingersol one day last week. Friends will be glad to hear that Harry is getting along fine since his accident and is back at work as manager of the Walker store there. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Edgar Ave., have as their guests for a few days Mr. Taylor’s aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hitzeman of Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lambert, Spruce Ave., had a very amusing and in- teresting holiday these last two weeks.. They motored down to Toledo, Ohio, and spent a week with friends there. Returning to Ontario they went up to Sundridge and North Bay where they spent four days. Young Jimmy Gottschalk. Edgar Ave,, left with his aunt and uncle, Mr .and Mrs. B. Marshall of Mark- ham for a week’s holiday up at Deerlake. The August meeting of Vellore Senior Women‘s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. E. Wither- spoon. The topic was Music, the motto, “Sing ye ripening fields of wheat” and the roll call was answered by naming a favourite song. Mrs. H. Farr and Miss Annie Kerr sang a duet “Whispering Hope”. Mrs. Wilson read the poem on the motto by Jean Blewett. This was followed by two piano duets by Mrs. Witherspoon and Mrs. Wil- son, “In the Arena" and “Good Night.” It was a most interesting meet- ing and enjoyed by all present. we -2...ember meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Bur- bidge on the second Tuesday in the month instead of first Tuesday. It was decided to have a shower at that meeting for the “Touch and Take” bazaar table. Bring a wrapped parcel and put price on it. Mrs. L. Dooks read a paper on the life of Stephen Foster, after which Mrs. Farr and Miss A. Kerr sang two of his songs, "Nelly Bly” and “Old Black Joe." Community singing then featur- ed more of Stephen Foster’s mel- odies and other songs. Miss Agnes Brysoh conducted a musical contest. The last Tuesday in September was suggested as possible date for the organized tour in Toronto â€" more details at a later date. There’s one way to surely prove Whether you’re man or mouse Spend the winter on the farm Where the plumbing’s outside the house. JONES COAL C0. Order Famous Reading Anthracite now â€" and save real money I' We sell and recommend Red Trademarked Famous Reading Anthracite because it is one of the world‘s finest hard coals, because it has been giving beating satisfaction in millions of homes for more than eighty years. Let us fill your bin with this clean. long-burning, low ash Pennsylvania hard coal now while prices are at rock bot- tom. Phone us, today. Take advantage of this great money-saving opportunity. Fill up you: empty coal bin now instead of waiting for higher prices later on. ‘«\.“°Us\\\ «‘9‘ VELLORE NEWS RICHMOND HILL RICHVALE TUrner 4-1851 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Aug. 14, 1952 ‘ Thornhill, Ont. TU. 4-1131 SUSAN HAYWARD RORY CALHU DAVID WAYNE THELMA RIT'] .â€"in_ “WITH A SONG IN MY HEART” FRIDAY & SATURDAY -- AUGUST 15 & 16 STEWART GRAINGER WENDE‘LL COREY Your old friends “THE KETTLES” will be in' Aurora for their annual visit staying for 4 DAYS ONLY. MARJORIE MAIN PERCY KILBRJDE AND ALL THE “KIDS" Two Shows Nightly - 7.30 & 9.30 p.m. Saturday Matinee - - - - 2p.m. Evening Show Continuous From 7.00 pm. “MA & PA KETTLE AT THE FAIR” Doors open 6.30; lst showing 7.00; 2nd showing 9.05 PLEASE COME VERY EARLY LAST SHOWING TONIGHT OF: “THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH” ONE GIANT RIB-TICKLING WEEK WITH LAST SHOWING TONIGHT, THURSDAY, AUG. 14 Don’t Miss! “BELLES ON THEIR TOES” MON., TUES., WED, THURS. â€" AUG. 18, 19, 20, 21 ANNOUNCEMENT " CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS ” Richmond Hill Ofiice 8 Yonge St. South TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SARNIA - KITCHENER - WINDSOR - PETERBOROUGH THEATRE MAR KH \M John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. AURORA FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€" AUGUST 15 & 16 “RETURN OF THE TEXAN” with DALE ROBERTSON & JOANNE DRU (In Technicolor) with BETTY HU’I‘TON. CORNEL WILDE, JAMES STEWART MON. TO SAT. â€"â€" AUG. 18 to 23 with JEAN CRAIN and MYRNA LOY COMING MON.-WED. â€"- AUGUST 25-27 Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of SteeDe’s Corners) , See L0ve For Lovely Lumber “TROUBLE MAKERS” with THE BOWERY BOYS CYD CHARISSE “THE WILD NORTH” FOR SAFE - CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING In Color Matinee Saturday 2.00 mm Your BRANCHES: Technicolor PHONE 357 (plus) SUBURBAN SPECIALIST Clifford Griffiths, Manager Telemone’ I RORY CALHOUN THELMA BITTER AVenuo 8-1143 RE. 9354

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