Public transportation on histor- ic Yonge Street dates back to 1890 when the radial line was extend: ed from Glengrove Ave. to York Mills." In 1896 this was extended to Richmond Hill and later New- market and Sutton. from Glen Grove Avenue to York WOODBRIDGE: The council has authorized spending $60,000 for another pump house and water mains in the hope of improving the low water pressure. In the year 1890. the Metropoli- tan Radial Railway was extended STOUFFVILLE: The tax rate here has jumped from 42 mllls to 54 mills. ORILLIA: The Chief of Police here ‘has been appointed to collect Poll Taxes and dog licence fees. WOODBRIDGE: Work has com- menced on the new United Church Sunday Schoo}. A Council members expressed hope that the increased fares schedule eï¬ective September 8 would halt the continuing losses. Hope was expressed that arrangements for service to the Eglinton terminal would increase the popularity and usefulness of the service. ened DRILLIA: On Friday. August 15, the new Princess Elizabeth Mater- nity Wing at the Soldiers‘ Memor- lal Hospital will be officially op- BARRIE: Council has outlawed slot machines, pin ball games and similar amusements _in the town. LINDSAY: The Chamber of Com- merce warns that counterfeit $10 bills are circulating in the district. SUTTON: A ï¬rm making prefab homes and cottages has started work on their newrfactory here. LINDSAY: Council has unanim- ously decided to appeal the equal- ization assessment handed down by the County. The operating statement showed a loss for the onth of June of $2,709.00 com ared with a proï¬t~ for June last year of $1.- 984. For the ï¬rst six months of 1952 the busses operated by the T.'_I‘.C. for the municipalities of North York, Markham. Vaughan and Richmond Hill showed a loss of $11,571.98 compared with a pro- ï¬t for the same period last year of $11,586.29. Passenger revenue in the period decreased by more than two per cent and operating expen- ses increased by almost ten per cent. TWEED: Among recent improve- ments is hard surfacing for several streets in town. New lights for the naain street have also been approv- e . NEWMARKET: The former home of the late Aubrey Davis. has been purchased as a young girls' resi- dential home affiliated with the Church of England. Richmond Hill council gave three readings to the Land- use by-law Monday evening and adopted with only minor re- vision the recommendations of the local Planning Board. Councillor Middleton opposed the provision that lots in unserviced areas must have 100 foot frontage. “You’re cat- ering to the man with money,†said councillor Middleton, “and making it hard for the working man who is trying to build a home.†Councillor Jack Rice defended the provision as in the best interests of the village and the indivdual. He pointed out the folly of allow- ing-50 foot lots with everyone try- ing to secure water supply from wells. If we allow 50 ft. lots we will be faced with the problem of people after their homes are built coming saying they are stuck for water. didn't see any objection to a man living in his basement while he ï¬nished the rest of his house. The by-law provides that in no case shall a garage or any accessory building be used for the purpose of human habitation. The land use by-law which be- came effective on the adoption of the third reading Monday night is a lengthy document outlining de- “We’re forcing a man to buy a lot twice as large as he has need for, when he probably needs that money to build his home," said councillor Middleton. “We are just protecting the vill- age and protecting people against themselves," said deputy-reeve Tomlin. He pointed out the pro- vision was recommended by the Provincial Planning authorities. “They don't knoxi! as much about it as I doâ€, said councillor Middle- ton. Councillor W. Middleton Says By-Law Caters To The Rich The by-law provides that 50 foot lots are permissible when water service is available. When Toronto’s new rapid transit subway is in operation North Yonge buses may run direct to the Eglinton terminal. This was hinted during a discussion of North Yonge bus op- erations at Richmond Hill council Monday night when a re- port was received from the T.T.C. showing a substantial loss on the operation for the ï¬rst six months of this year. Land Use Rules Adopted Councillor Middleton also op- posed the provision forbidding us- ing basements as a dwelling. He History Of Transportation Service On North Yonge St. New Fares On Seat. Future Busses May Connect To Subway VVOLUME LXXIV. NUMBER 7. International Gladioli Show Aug. 22 & 23 An occasion of special interest to all flower lovers in the area and especially members of the local Horticultural Societies is the “Can- adian International Gladioli Show†sponsored by the Toronto District Gladioli Society and to be held at the Dixie Arena on the Dundas Highway on Friday and Saturday, August 22 and 23. This year the show committee has made classes available for any member of a Horticultural Society or Garden Club in the Open Dec- orative Division. For further in- formation on classes, rules, prizes, etc.. call George Harte, at TU. 4- :1287, 207 Church St. 5., Richmond ill. In March of 193b, this radial op- eration was abandoned and for a few months the T.T.C. operated a bus route known as the North York bus. This proved unsatis- factory, and on July 17, 1930, was replaced by the operation that be- came known as the North Yonge Railways. Mills, thus providing transit ser- vice in North York Township for the ï¬rst time. In 1896 this route was extended to Richmond Hill, providing service for North York, Vaughan and Markham Townships and the Village of Richmond Hill. It was later extended ï¬rst to New- market and then to Sutton. By this stage it had become not a sub- urban but an interurban operation, primarily intended to connect Tor- onto with the resort areas on Lake Simcoe. Its Tariff or rates of fare were set accordingly, design- ed mainly for the beneï¬t of long~ haul interurban passengers and in- tended to apply to a relatively inâ€" frequent service of very large cap- acity vehicles. rather than the com- paratively short ride on relatively frequent service inherent in a suburban or urban operation. Don’t forget entries for the Can- adian National Exhibition Flowar Show must be in August 14 for the ï¬rst week and August 21 for the second week. Entry forms and prize list may be obtained from the General Manager C.N.E. “On Saturday: September 13, the local Richmond Hill show will be held. In order to establish this oper- ation the municipalities concerned didn't see any objection to a man living in his basement while he ï¬nished the rest of his house. The by-law provides that in no case shall a garage or any accessory building be used for the purpose of human habitation. The land use by-law which be- came effective on the adoption of the third reading Monday night is a lengthy document outlining de- tailed regulations regarding the er- ection of all homes and places of business in the municipality. It regulates the size of lot, amount of frontage and the location on build< ings which must be a speciï¬ed dis- tance from lot boundaries. 0 In the case of residences on a ï¬fty foot lot in serviced areas houses must be 25 feet back from street line, and six feet distant from lot side boundaries. Councillor Perkins questioned the need for the six foot limit, but majority of council decided such regulation was desirable. “I regard this as one of the most important by-laws the village ever has passed,†said councillor Rice. @lgg mmm Industrial Development To Come First Then Residential Richmond Hill's Policy Oak Ridges Ratepayers Investigate Possibilities Forming Police Village The Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepayers meeting held recently with president William Hope in the chair, elected a committee of three members to investigate the possi- bility of forming the area into a police village. A great deal of dis- satisfaction was expressed by rate- payers about the high taxes being paid and very little beneï¬ts ob- tained. All the roads are “private roads" according to Whitchurch Council and residents must pay for all im- provements before council will take them over and maintain them Lights are another necessity and cannot be installed except as a lo- cal improvement. Including Oak Ridges the area constitutes a town comparable in size to Aurora and residents feel that tax money should be spent in the district. A lengthy general discussion took place with a committee appointed to seek information on this sub- ject. On the committee are the following: Mrs. C. L. Stephenson, Mr. Fred Hines and Mr. Harry Hawker. At the time this operation com- menced, the wages paid to T.T.C. operators were 65c an hour. In addition various so-called “fringe beneï¬ts†amounted to an estimated 7179c an hour. for a total of 72%c per hour. In the meanwhile, basic wage rates have increased by over 125% to $1.48 per hour. In the same period the fringes have increased by almost 500% to an esâ€" timated 431,4;c an hour. The com- bined total has increased by over 160% to 51.91150 Maintenance costs have increased by more than 100%, from 2.25c per mile to 51,4»,c per mile. Other costs have increased in similar fashion, with the result that in spite of all possible econo- mies. the total operating cost of this service has increased from little over 25c per mile in the early 1930's to more than ~5c per mile _§Continued on page 3-) Another committee composed of Mr. Robert Sharp, Mr. T. Dawson and Mr. J. Anderson will ask coun- cil to explain why they granted a license to hold dances in a hall which council had previously con- demned. With a very few minor changes the rates of fare established for this operation were the same as those which had been in use on the radial system in prior years. They included 12-ride books of tickets at rates in some cases of half of the cash fare, and in addition tickets purchasable at various agencies which also provided substantial re- ductions from the nominal cash fare of 5c for each of 6 zones. Toronto Lady Winner New Car At ~R.H. LionsCarnival And Dance (North York, Markham and Vaugh- an Townships and the Village of Richmond Hill) acquired certain of the assets of the old radial railway, including the right-of-way, electri- cal overhead, etc., and under an agreement of the ï¬ve parties, the T.T.C. began operation of the rail- way service using car: which had previously been in use in the Mim- ico radial route. The assets acâ€" quired by the municipalities were purchased at very low cost, enab- ling a favourable start to be made. Miss Lucille Webber was the lucky winner of the major prize at the Richmond Hill Lions Club Car- nival and Dance held last Saturday. Miss Webber’s ticket was drawn for the new 1952 Plymouth coach. This will mark the ï¬rst car ever owned by this lucky lady and as she doesn’t drive she plans to sell the car. Lion Dick Edumunds sold the winning ticket on the car. The second prize a 1952 TV set was won by Mr. Bernard Young of 100 Walmsley Blvd., Toronto. In this case Lion Jack Wharton was the seller of the winning ticket. Mr. Robert Webster, Dupont St., Tor- onto, won the gate prize of a man- tel radio. . In Essentials, 5m?»- In Nonlencntiak, Liberty,- In all Things, Charity. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, ‘THURSDAY AUGUST 14th. 1952 The secretary. Mrs. Bruce Mer- cer, read the ï¬nancial report for the past year. George Gour- lay was given a vote of thanks and a round of applause for his hard work in connection with the com- munity hall Both dances drew large crowds and the judges handling the Square Dance competition stated the qualâ€" ity of dancing was unexcelled. The winners in the Square Dance com- petition were as follows, First, Colâ€" onel Straight Hall group from Isâ€" lington; second, Dunview Square Dance Club of Willowdale; third, the Goodtimers Club of Toronto. by the Maple Volunteer Firemen. There will be modern and old time dancing, bingo and games, lucky door prizes. The music is in charge of Sally and her Musical Mates. Admission Adults 50c, children free. Proceeds for fire- men’s uniforms. c2w7 Members are reminded that new membership cards may be obtained from the secretary. The new year began July 1. It was encouraging to see so many new faces at this meeting. This is your organiza- tion come out and help to make this community one of which we can be proud. The ï¬rst Tuesday in each month is Ratepayers‘ night. The Lions were very apprecia- tive of all the outside help they received from the members’ wives, other clubs, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and the Veterans. “We couldn’t possibly have managed without “their kind assistance", stated President Doug. Boyd. Vote of thanks also goes to Chairman of the Parks Committee Councillor Jack Rice for his co-operation. AUGUST 22 â€" Friday. A Gala Street Dance, in Maple, sponsored AUGUST 18 â€" Monday. Meeting of Richmond Hill Village Council at the Municipal Hall at 7 p.m. Delegations wishing to appear kindly notify clerk three days in advance. c1w7 A man met a friend on the street all bandaged up and walking on crutches. “What happened,†ask- ed the friend. Fortunately Old Man Rain whoi had interfered with the festivities on the Civic Holiday, forcing its postponement until August 9, was absent on Saturday. The opening cremonies were presided over by ceremonies were presided over by' Lions President Doug. Boyd re- ports a new record set in paid ad- missions at this year’s Carnival. If the income on the overall Carnival proves to be lower this year it is felt it would be due to the increas- ed value of 1952 prizes. AUGUST 15 â€"â€" Friday, presenta- tion and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCallum, in Laskay Hall. Everyone welcome. Ladies provide. 02w6 AUGUST 16 â€"- Saturday. Dance at Lake Wilcox Community Hall, mo- dern and old time dancing to Norm Burling and His Kingsmen, danc- ing 9-12 pm. Ladies 50c, gentle- men 750. tfc47 AUGUST 18 â€" Monday. Meeting of Markham Township Council at the Municipal Offices, Unionville at 7 p.m. c1w7 “Well, I had a date with my girl and we were dancing to the music of the radio, and you know how deaf her old man is.†Thursday’s Chuckle The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cole, on Oxford St., Elgin Mills, was broken into last Tuesday evening while the family was away. Enter- ing by a bathroom window, the thieves ransacked the house and then departed the thieves ransacked the house and then departed leaving several windows open. Among the things stolen were a number of jars of preserves. Until now, there has been no trace of the robbers. Elgin Mills Home Entered Coming Events The Sunday Services that were started a decade or so ago~ by Mr. J. Gillies, and carried on by Miss E. Atwell, who in turn passed the work on to Miss M. Cundy, Miss W. Smith and Mr. G. Selkirk. have ï¬nally, after much prayer and ef- fort, found a permanent home, on a beautiful lot on Oak Ave., which is between Stop 22 and 22A Yonge Street. This question of Markham’s new garage has been a topic of discuss- ion at previous meetings. In the early part of June a majority of council awarded the contract for its construction on a cost plus ba- sis to a Mr. Spang of Pickerng Township. At this time Councill- or A. LeMasurier objected to this procedure suggesting a new set of tenders be called for. Mr. Spang had not been among those who had originally tendered on the construc‘ tion of the garage. On July 2, Mr. J. V. Ludgate, Highways Engineer wrote the Township stating the De- partment was not prepared to ap- prove the garage contract on a cost plus basis. Among other things Mr. Ludgate stated the township should call for a new set of ten- ders. In order for Markham to obtain Provincial assistance in this matter the Department must ap- prove of their procedure. Richvale Chapel ls Under Construction This resolution followed a letter from the township council which advised that should a part-time constable be provided for the vill- age the cost which would be over $1,000 annually must be borne by the village. Since January of this year the trustees of King City have been of the opinion that a part- time constable was necessary for the southern part of the township, as the present constables are lo- cated in Nobleton and Schomberg. The chapel. which is being built for the beneï¬t of the whole com- munity, will have a seating capac- ity of well over 200. The services will be undenominational in char- acter and a cordial welcome is ex- tended to all races and creeds. The preaching will be founded on a sound scriptural and evangelical basis. strongly Bible-centred and fundamental. At present Sunday school is be- ing held at 2 pm. in Richvale pub- lic school. It is hoped that con- struction may be so completed by Sunday, September 7, to permit services to begin at that time. Sunâ€" day, September 21, is expected to be the official opening day of spe- cial services. At a meeting of the trustees of the Police Village of King City on Monday night, August 11, it was resolved “that the trustees are ~of the opinion that the village cannot afford a constable. that the town- ship is not providing police pro- tection for the village, and that further protection is required, and should be provided by the town- ship. On the strength of a resolution moved and seconded by Deputy- Reeve A. James and Councillor C. Hooper at Monday’s weekly meet- ing of the Markham Township Council- Reeve W. Timbers and the Road Committee (James and HOOP- er) will shortly interview the Min- ister of Highways regarding the paying of a Provincial subsidy on the township’s new garage at But. tonville. The resolution which reads as follows, “That the Reeve and Road Committee interview the Minister of Highways regarding a subsidy on the proposed garage to be erected as per estimated Road expenditures set out in the Road estimates," passed unanimously. In speaking (if the resolution Mn LeMasurier wanted to know why‘ Upon two occasions they have discussed the situation with the reeve and township councillors. The letter also advised that the township had purchased a speed trap. and it will be used through- out the township by the present constables. On and after Monday, August 18, between 9 am. and 9 p.m., a full- time building superintendent will be working on the building and re- ceiving any volunteers who wish to offer their services. An insurance plan for the prot- ection of village property against ï¬re. theft. public liability and property damage etc., was submit- ted by B. A. Upjohn. The cost would be approximately $91.50, annually. Reeve&Rd. Comm.Markham Tp. Seek Prov. Aid For New Garage Can’t' Afford Constable Say King Trustees Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Humphreys and Mrs. Wallace Graham of Rich- mond Hill have learned with pleas- ure that their niece and cousin. Mrs. Norman Pehrson. daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Ross Humphreys of New Bedford, Mass, USA, was presented at Court to Queen Eliz- abeth II of England. Major Pehrson, a West Point graduate is Assistant Military At- tache to the Court of St. James. The couple and their young child- ren Bruce and Norena Jean make their home in a suburb of London. Eminent personages among the 900 attending the reception includ- ed Prime Minister Churchill, U. S. Ambassador Walter S. Gifford, the Duke of E inburgh, the Duchess of Kent, th Duke of Wellington, the Duchess of Athlone and Mr. and Mrs. Clement Attlee. “the Road Committee had begun work on the garage before ï¬rst gaining Departmental approval. In reply Reeve Timbers stated, “We originally had the authority to go ahead, the Department approved our Road Budget which included the outlay for the new garage." Deputy-Reeve James said, “We got started before we were hamstrung.†Mr. James went on to say that the way in which the contract was awarded will save the Township $10,000. List Expenditures A four man delegation from the Doncaster Ratepayers appearing before the Council made the rec- ommendation that the Township publish a monthly statement of expenditures if) the local press. “An excellent idea,†replied De- puty-Reeve James. Councillor Le- Masurier wanted the council to publish not only the monthly ex- penditures but also their relation- ship to the overall budget. “The people want to know in what dir- ection ï¬nancially they are going". stated Mr. LeMasurier. Deputy- Reeve James disagreed with this idea, contending, “We could easily go over our Budget for it’s only an estimate’t "We have,†said Mr. James, already gone over our Bud- get on dust layer." The following day Major and Mrs. Pehrson were guests at the Queen’s birthday garden party at Buckingham Palace. At a special meeting of the Whit- church township council, Ratcliff Bros" represented by Mr. Donald Ratclitf, requested the sum of $600 as compensation for their losses when the road allowance between Vivian and the 9th concession was opened. The land in question had originally been surveyed for such an allowance by the township. Mr. Ratcliff insisted that the council had acted beyond their rights in taking over and retaining the all- owance used for many years and from which the timber had been removed. Some months ago, the timber from the allowance was sold by tender for the sum of $250. Mr. Ratcliff was reminded by council that he too had the privilege of placing a bid. It was pointed out that when council discussed the matter, Mr. Ratcliï¬' was offered the thirty foot road used at present but he had rejected the offer be- cause there was no timber on the land. The new Shell service station sit- uated on Yonge street in Thornhill is to be under the capable direc- tion of Mr. Don Innes. Mr. Innes, a 35 year old resident of Willow- dale brings a complete understand- ing to his new job having spent the last seven years with Shell Oil. A resident of Willowdale since 1928 he is quite familiar with this dis- trict. Ratcliff Bros. Ask WhitchurchCouncil For A Settlement The right-of-way in question has not been used for many years as many of the people prefer the winding road a little to the north. Council was of the opinion that they were within their own legal ights but advised clerk John Craw- ford to consult the township sol- icitor on the matter. Call Tenders For letting people know about your euchre or bridge try the “Coming Events†column of TM Liberal. TeIephone Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1261. Council agreed to call for ten- ders for chips and hard top double surface treatment of the South Road at Lake Wilcox. .The new surfacing will cover about a mile and a half of road. New Service Station Presented At Court Harold Russell of Schomberg has been appointed school attend- ance officer for the Township of King. his duties to commence with 'the opening of schools in Septem- ber. To Prohibit Sub-Divisions Until New Industry Here The Decision Of Council The granting of Richmond Hill’s application for annexa- tion of about 1000 acres additional territory gives the village extensive undeveloped acreage, but municipal council made it abundantly clear this week that industrial development must precede any residential building projects. A resolution sponsored by councillor Jack Rice, 3. member of the Planning Board was adopted by council at Monday night’s meeting declaring that council will oppose any further residential sub-divisions at the present time. Reeve W. J. Taylor stated that the Richmond Development Corâ€" poration, owners of nearly three hundred acres of the newfy anne‘ ed area are in accord with thi; de- cision of council and are ready and anxious to co-operate with council in orderly and planned develop- ment. Five ratepayers from Wilcox Lake appeared before Whitchurch Township council on Monday night asking that the following matters of interest at the Lake be “given consideration and necessary action taken: The dog by-law passed last spring be enforced, the dangerous parking at the beach on the 2nd be stopped temporarily, permit given for dances in a hall previousg 1y condemned be not renewed and necessary ditches on some streets be dug. Council promised consid- eration and action where possible. Members of the delegation were Messrs. George Gourlay, Ernie Seal, Robert Sharpe, Ed. Davidson and Mrs. K. Weston. At a recent meeting of the El- ectrical Contractors of Ontario, Local 48 held in Bettles Coffee Shop, Richmond Hill, the members had Mr. Ron Cooksley of the H. E. P.C. Public Relations Department as their guest speaker. Mr. Cook- sley gave those present an inter- esting talk on the Niagara Power Development. Mr. Harvey Putnam through the courtesy of a Nation- al Publication showed two inform- ative colour ï¬lms on sports. Nine- teen members attended the meet- ing. President C. E. Taylor of Au- rora was in the chair. Reeve Taylor announced that with the co-operation of the De- velopment Corporation members of council and planning board, village officials and representatives of the School Board and local service clubs and the C.N.R. industrial de- partment will make an inspection and study of newly developed in- dustrial areas in different parts of the province. The fact ï¬nding tour will be by bus and will be or- ganized at an early date. “Resolved that it is the policy of this Council to oppose any further residential sub-divisions for the following reasons: â€" Clerk Jack Crawford was in- structed to write the Western Sand and Gravel Company that they will be held responsible for any dam- age to persons or property caused by the undercutting of the road allowance near their gravel pit on Uxbridge and Whitchurch tr .'n< line. The Development Corporation has tendered the offer of services of experienced planning authori- ties to work with council and the planning board in designing plans for the proposed new industrial and residential areas. Council had‘ Planning Board members will lose no time in designing a deï¬nite plan of the area and as soon as this is done a promotion campaign will be launched to attract desir- able industrial ï¬rms. The resolution introduced by Councillor Jack Rice and secondâ€" ed by councillor Floyd Perkins was as follows: (1) That any such sub-division is premature and not in the best in- terests of the Municipality as a whole. Lake Wilcox Ratepayers Ask Enforcement Of Dog By - Law & Dance Hall Permit Cancelled Council refened a complaint about a sanitary condition in the township to the Board of ~Elect. Contractors Hear Talk On Niagara Power APPOINT TRUANT OFFICER FOR KING TWP. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1818 District Sport NEWS 'sides of the right of way, at a to- tal offered sum, without prejudice, of $300. (2) That due to the present small industrial assessment, . the burden of increased costs for roads, sew- ers, schools. and other services, would largely rest on the residen- tial taxpayer. Relief bills passed for July am- ounted to $451.87. This amount sprea over the township is paid to pe 1e who are incapacitated through illness. not just out of work. Road bills passed amount- ed to $3410 for July. General bills amounted to $1,244.61. A request from K. J. Beamish for an advance of $10,000 for road work in the township was granted. A letter was read from the office of the Ontario Fire Marshall ad- vising council that a building used for a number of families at Vivian had been inspected and the owners had agreed to abide by the recom- mendations of his department. Health. A request from a rate- payer for rebate on assessment for garbage collection, as her house had not been occupied in 1952 was refused. Copy of resolution passed by council to put a hard top on the south road into Lake Wilcox was sent to the Department of High- ways for their approval. Replying to a request from the council for information, township solicitor J. D. Lucas stated that the township was not responsible for hospital bills for residents un- less such residents were sent to hespital after consultation with the health department. Where parents without consulting the township board of health place their children in hospital they must be prepared to take care of the cost. . (3! That our present schools are at present ï¬lled to capacity." Councillor Wes Middleton op- posed the resolution as he said he knew of property owners who had already gone to considerable ex: pense in preparing to sub-dividq propeï¬cy and he thought it unfair to prevent them from doing so. Reeve Taylor made it clear that residential sub-divisions would be favorably considered by council only after there has been indus- trial development to warrant the opening up of new residential ar- eas. Only one proposed plan o£~such residential sub-division has been presented to council or the plan- ning board but it was stated that preliminary work has been done on some new sub-divsions in the vill- age which if proceeded with would immediately create need for exten- sive addition to schools. Accord- ing to council’s decision at this meeting these plans will not be favorably considered until there has been substantial industria1_de- velopment. A letter from the secretary of S. S. 13 thanking council for the draining of the pond on the edge of the school property was read. Council instructed the road super. intendent to put a few loads of ï¬ll when available in this low spot so that water would not accumu- late again. Deputy Reeve Tomlin in support- ing the motion said that he deï¬n- itely was opposed to any more res- idential sub<dlvision until such time as there had been industrial development to provide a balanced assessment. “We have had some rugged examples of other munlci< palities where this balance has not been maintained and they have landed ln ï¬nancial difficulties". he said. Clerk Jack Crawford was in- structed by resolution to contact Ratcliffe Bros. and Ben' Grose, owners of land on either side of the Vivian Road to attempt an ag- reement together with these par- ties or either of them. for full settlement of all claims, and that incidental to this agreement the township will be permitted to place the stumps ofl‘ the right of way in a deï¬ned area on either or both 'age 8