ROBERTS RADIAL STATION Iichmond Hill TU 4 - 1841 IIIIIIIIIIIIEF‘I‘FTEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi Richmond Hill SAVES UP TO 50 RC. 0N HEATING COST ASK YOUR LOCAL AGENT ABOUT "HIGHWAY TOURS" TO ALL PARTS OF THE U.S.A. Whether you can or not, there are lots of healthful outdoor activities at Ontario's vocation resorts. You’ll enjoy the fun with your fellow guestsâ€"and here's a tip: odd enioy- ment to your holiday, travel by bus. GRAY COACH LINES WRITE NOW for an application form to the Reforestation Division of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. Par- liament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. Please do not apply for tree seedlings for hedges or other ornamental purposes. Suggests to the residents of the Don Valley Watershed Area that their wasteland can also produce a crop â€" A CROP 0F TREES IN PERPETUITY. / A forest area controls erosion, reg- ulates water flow, supplies a home for birds and wildlife, creates a recreational area and increases the general value of the land. The Don Valley Conseirvation Authority PLANT MORE TREES JONES COAL' CO. Conserve what is yours. the Don Valley Watershed. Herco Automatic Hard Coal Burner Automatic Ash Removal Bin Fed Wrote/5'75! LK‘kx‘ï¬Ã©PJ Orillia Collingwood Barrie 9%.? Subject to Change Round Trip Fares Information at Tickeis and TUrner 4-1851 $3.90 $4.50 2.55 Richmond Hill Phone TU.4-0013 Belated greetings to Sheila Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid, who entertained two young play- mates to dinner July 27, the oc- casion heing her 6th birthday. Celâ€" ebrating his fourth birthday July 26 was Glenn Robeson, son of‘Mr. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Eldon Martin, Boyle Drive, on the birth of a son August 1, at York County Hospital, Newmaxket a brothel for Paul Denis and Judy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heathcote of Ruggles Ave, attended the Centen- nial celebrations at Kingsville, Ont. While there they were guests of Mr .and Mrs. Ed. Anson, and also visited with old friends at Wind- sor before returning home. Friendly White Rose Dealer Stop chasing after fire bargains; Say "I do" #0 a good Dominion Royal deal. EVERETT BAKER'S SERVICE STATION Stotts, Friday, August 8, were Mr. and Mrs. ‘Harry Lambert and Tom- my of Brantford who are on va- cation, travelling to Ottawa. Gaspe Peninsula and other points. Mr. Lambert is manager of the Bank of Toronto at Brantford. and a prom- inent member of the Lions Club. The Lamberts plan on leaving Can- ada to take up residence in Cali- fornia in the near future. May we extend Mr, and Mrs .13: daughter Sandra chased a home Stop 1813. We h joy living in the ing the family ge‘ mother King of '. Gail Heathcote, Ruggles Ave... has been holidaying with a for- mer )school chum. Miss Pat- ricia Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter at Parry Sound. after which Pat will return with Gall to spend her holidays at Lang- staï¬. ‘ Mrs. C. Ellison. Suzanne’ and Chuckie. Roosevelt D12. Mrs. Roy Bone, Pat and Roy Jr. Toronto, formerly of Roosevelt Dr.. are spending a weeks vacation at. Willow Beach. Lake Simcoe, Ont. ALL MEN ARE BORN $1255 AND EQUAL--BUT MOST o: THEM EVENTUALLV MARRY! amp 18 Church St., Langstafl" aying Friday, A1 ‘5. ‘Harry I. Brantford travelling 1e Navy wing C short LANGSTAFF NEWS Choisy rt visit wi August 8, ' Lambert rd who a Badger CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STO'I'I‘S on Yonge St hope they will a community. H It settled Toronto. who welcome ue Sea Quebec with Mrs 8, were ‘ :rt and T1 and have .Help grand St 0 Mr. small pur- Mr, and Mrs. Bill Hood and chil- Chief Constable Ernest Bone and dren have returned after a week Mrs. Bone spent several days last at a summer cottage. week at Cauquane Lodge, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Baker and daughter Deanna of Chatham are visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark and with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker. We are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson and sons Jim- my and Billy are leaving us to live in Markham. The boys will be missâ€" ed in Buttonville school. On Sunday, August 17, Rev. C. E. Brethen, formerly of Richmond Hill United Church will be in charge. Although he is on holidays, Rev. A. Huston was in charge of ser- vices on the Victoria Square charge' on Sunday. Miss Joan Bourne of Richmond Hill was guest soloist. Mr. and Mrs. N. Reid, Dorothy and Isobel Hood were Sunday visâ€" itors in Miner’s Bay, visiting Miss Anne Davies. who is working there during the summer months. Miss Grace Rodick has returned from a visit in Owen Sound with Rev. Morrison and Mrs. Sellars. Mr. and Mrs. Classman (nee Ve- ra Pratt) and daughter Deborah and son Charles have returned to their home on Long-Island. New York after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Pratt and friends in the vic- nity for the last few weeks. Mrs. Smith of Huntsville is visit- ing her daughter Mrs. Murray Walton for a few days this week. Buttonville Women's Institute will hold its August meeting on Thursday, August 21, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Nightingale. Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenï¬eld, Pal and Florence, spent Sunday at Mart Kenney’s Ranch on the oc- casion of the Silverwood's picnic. Mr. Greenï¬la was formerly em- ployed by the company before his illness. Langstafl Recreation Commit- tee wish to thank some of the boys of Langstaff for their assistance in erecting the wrestling ring last Monday night. These willing workers are Allan Abblett. Ted North. Mr. Campbell, Tom Duffy, Ray Morris and Mr. Honour. Mrs. Walter Tew left this morn- ing by plane for England where she will visit relatives. Mrs. H. Glassey, Barbara, John and Paul Walker spent the week- end at Rockwood recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bath of Rockwood and Mr and Mrs. O. Dingie, Joanne and Billy of Tuckahoe, N..,Y paid a surprise visit to the Glasseys re- cently. Also a visitor at the Glass- ey home is little Kathleen Gaisson. Mr. and Mrs William Hender- son and family, Garden Ave., spent the week of July 26 at Bob- caygeon and Ottawa. Jessie Hen- derson returned last Sunday after enjoying two weeks’ stay at Camp Mary Grove, Penetang. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Curtis of Morgan Drive, along wih daugh: ter Audry and Mr. Fenton Callaâ€" way, have returned after an ex- tended 4 week trip to the coast of Maine, visiting Kennebunk. York, Wells and Ogunquit Beaches. Shop- ping for new things was a most exciting pleasure, Mrs. Curtis tells us. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mathews were Mr. and Mrs. C Matten .and son Arthur of Toronto, and Mrs. F. Eversï¬eld of_Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patterson, No. 7 and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ma- thews. Stonehaven, motored to Ot- tawa for their week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson visited at Kemptville. Mr. and Mrs. Math- ews were guests of their son, Capt. E. Thirgood, Ottawa, after which Capt. and Mrs. Thirgood and Carol returned with them. for their va- cation at Langstaï¬. Week-end visitors at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mitchell, Ben- son Ave., were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson from Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. H. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Adams, IMr. and Mrs. W. Wyllie all of Toronto. Pine were Mr. Dr. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. C. Chinery, Roosevelt Drive. has been on the sick list. The Chinerys moved to the community this spring. Vacationing with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cox. at Pine Beach, Lake Slmcoe. recently were Linda and Glenn, children of Mr. and Mrs. D. Robeson, Boyle After more than seven months in the Toronto General Hospital and St. John's Convalescent Hospital, Willowdoale, Mr. W. Shaw, Ruggles Ave., has returned home". At the age of 80 he has made a miracul- our recovery. On December 19. 1951 at the corner of No. 7 High- way and Yonge St.. he was knock- ed down by a car and severely in- jured. 0n Wednsday, July 27. he returned home and is now able to do the chores around the house and mow the lawn. Mrs. Shaw tells us he spends much of his time read- ing and she is very happy to have him home. and Mrs. D. Robeson, Boyle Dr. Enjoying Glenn’s party were Pat and Jimmie Dickenson. Judy Mar- tin, Shyrle McKean, Bruce McAr- thur. Bruce and Brien Goode, Gary Rataue, Ted Weaver. Terry Evans and Glenn's sister Linda. Correspondent: Mn. Walter Craig Phone Azincoun 35811 BUTTONVILLE AV. 5-2434 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson and daughters Jacqueline, Susan and Sally of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson. MI. and Mrs. Walter Wynn vis- ited on Sunday at Bonsecour Beach. Lake Simcoe with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Holmstead. Mr. Walter Wynn is on a busi- ness trip this week to Ottawa and Montreal. Belated birthday greetings to Susan Lewis who had a birthday on August 10. Johnny Barton had the misfor- tune to receive third degree sburns on his leg last Friday. The burns were caused by a blow torch and Johnny is conï¬ned to bed for two weeks. Mrs. Jack Clement and Mrs. Stanley Wood and son Drew spent the week-end at Niagara-on-the- Lake visiting Mrs. Alex Lutz. Recent visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. Jennie Miller. his Mr and Mrs. Bert Middleton were sisters. Mrs Lewis (Eva). Mrs. Mr and M-I‘S Wm. Walker of Go- Crooks (Dorav, Mrs Brown (Rose), van, Sask Mr and Mrs Don Wal- Lillan and Alice his brothers, ker. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howard, C31 and Mike. S. Walker, Victoria Harbour; Mrs â€"-â€" M. White of Moose Jaw, Sash; and . People read it to ï¬nd out “what’s Mrs. Cora Adamson of Ernfold, doing†â€" the “Coming Events†535*“ column of The Liberal. It does a . . ‘ ‘ J'Ob Ch 8131 a 'I\ quickly Tele . e y, e S] _ . JOhnny Barton had the misfor- phone TU er 4-1261. tuna tn rnnoivn Ohird rlno'rnn‘hllrnc The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J Ander- son, Bathurst Street, with Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. DelBrocco in charge of devotions and Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. Oliver social convenors. Due to the fact that most of the ladies are busy with other inter- ests there was nothing planned for the W. A. in August. In September the roll call is to be paid in one's age in pennies not exceeding 50c. Mr .and Mrs. Earle Martin and Marion and Bruce Martin of Port Perry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton recently. Mrs. E. Bone and Mrs R Mid- dleton provided refreshments and Miss E Sheppard assisted Mrs. George in serving. The Carrville Women‘s Associaâ€" tion met on Wednesday evening. August 6, at the home of Mrs. Wm. George with 12 ladies present. Mrs. Read the president was in charge of the meeting. Following the opening exercises Mrs. Oliver read the scripture and explanation entitled ‘In our Witness and Ex- ample' and Mrs. ‘Wood gave a read- ing on ‘Prayer Changes Things.‘ Captain Ronald Kyle, First Pilot _of 426 Transport Squadron, spent the,week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs._ Edward Kyle‘ after returning from France, Germany and England. He left on Monday Firemen who attended the Volunâ€" teer Filemen’s Convention m Stamford last week were Donald Allen, Charles Coooer, Harry Tay- lor, Pete Rumble. Herbert Joslin, and Ernest Pineau. A large number of relativesand friends of Miss Dorothy Anderson of Harriston, a bride-to-be of Sep- tember, gathered atlthe home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Matheson on Saturday ev- ening. August 9, and honored, her with a shower. « Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper spent the .long week-end in Buffalo. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Bigford. Mrs. R. Ramsay and Margaret are holi- daying in Manitoulin. Mrs. Harold Wilson has returnâ€" ed after visiting her son and dau- ghter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson in Calgary. While there she visited Banff, Lake Louise and other interesting points. Miss Doris Wilson left by dlane last week for Calgary to-spend her vacation with her brother and sis- ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson. Visitors at the home of Mrs. G. W. Bailey during the holiday week were Mrs. J. Musgrave of Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown and family of. Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Currie of Port Cred- it and Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Cur- rie of Toronto. Maple'Volunteer Firemen are holding their annual street dance on August 22. Now is your chance to help the ï¬remen who are always ready to help you. There will be fun for everyone. (See coming ev- ents.) Mrs. Smith and Howard Foster attended the funeral of Howard's nephew. Kenneth Townsley of Tor- onto. who was the victim of a hit and run motorist a‘t Queensville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacLachlan from Toronto visited with Mrs. Mrs. W. Costoff of Walmer Rd. and daughter Rita and family spent last Week holidaying at Port Mc- Nichol. Mrs. R. Howard of Yongehurst Rd .spent the holiday weekâ€"end with Bob Howard at Niagara-on- the-Lake. Mr. N. Smith arrived at Black- burns' Saturday for a month's stay after enjoying the last ï¬ve months visiting Scotland. England, Ber- muda and New York City. Com: Mm Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 1301'3 CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN, Yonlehlm M (ARRVILLE NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Telephone TU Phone Maple 19R5 Village Treasurer, Richmond Hill, July 30, 1952 Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after The second instalment of the current year’s taxes 18 due on Left to mourn his loss are his wife Isabel. his daughters Mrs. Campbell (Eleanor), Mrs. Summers (Evelyn), Mrs. Jennings (Isabel) his sons, Bernard and George, and his mother, Mrs. Jennie Miller, his sisters. Mrs. Lewis (Eva), Mrs. Crooks (Dorat, Mrs. Brown lRose), Lillan and Alice. his brothers, Howard, Cal and Mike. He was the son of Mrs. Jennie Miller and the late B. W. Miller, Maple, and was born in Toronto. coming to live in Maple 26 years ago. He served in both the ï¬rst and second world wars. Interment took place on Wednesdayat Maple cemetery. George Frederick Miller passed away at his home at Maple on Sun- day. August 3, after a lingering ill- ness. Mr. Frederick House. Mr. and Mrs. L. House and Jack have re- turned from their vacation in Ni- agara Falls. While there Mr. Fred- erick House celebrated his eight- ieth birthday. His many friends wish him many more happy birth- days. Ray Rumble competed at Sutton Horse Show last Friday. winning in the Shetland pony class â€" lst for riding and second for driving. All classes were heavily competed. Mrs; George J'arnétt of Toronto is visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr‘ and Mrs. Arnold Rumble. A gift of a folding umbrella and money was presented to Mrs. Coo- per and a gentlemen's utility case and money to Mr. Cooper. Sympathy is extended to the family of ‘the late George Fred- erick Miller, who passed away at his home in Maple after a linger- ing illness on Sunday, August 3. and to the family of the late Gor- don Cockerill who passed away suddenly from a heart attack in his car, in Maple on Thursday, Aug- ust 7. Mrs. Cockerill is the form- er Beatrice McMahon of Maple. A surprise party was held on Saturday evening, August 9. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Freder- ick Taylor. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cooper, who are leaving the Union Station. Toronto. for Quebec Monday evening where they will sail on Wednesday for England on the Samaria. They will visit there for three months. Chief Ernie Bowen, Mrs and friends have returned successful week's ï¬shing Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Walker, their twin sons Gerry and Barry of‘Montreal and Mr. Alvin Wood of Thorold were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Downey last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Leeée, Isa- bel and Edward spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Robert Beatty in Gormley. Mrs. Alfred Jones left by bus on Wednesday evening. August 13, for a visit to Yorkton. Saskatclr ewan. ._ for a return trip taking a numb: of veterans who will take part in the memorial service to commemh- orate their landing at Dieppe. He has recently been promoted to Cap- tain making him a ï¬rst pilot. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linklater and Bruce Jones are vacationing at Hickory Beach, Fenelon Falls. Mrs. V. Conder and Jim Robert- son both observed their birthdays on August 11. The Stewart family of Yonge- hurst Rd. returned home this week after spending three weeks vacat- ioning in Western Ontario. Mrs. C. Malinski of Yongehurst Rd. is again an entrant in the bread baking contest at the Cana- dian National Exhibition. Mrs. Melinski came out with top honors in last year’s contest. Holmes and Mr day last. Mr. and Mrs. F. Fryer and sons Larry and Grant, Yongehurst Rd.‘ are vacationing in Northern Ontar- io. spending part of the time visit- ing relatives in St. Thomas. 4-2238 TAXES @hituarp '3 August 21st August lst R. LYNETT F. Sinclair. on Sun- Bowen from a trip in THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, Aug. 14, 1952 7, Perkins Farm 8. Home Equipment 23 Markham Rd. Richmond Hm TELEPHONE - TUmer 4 - 1229 with pick-up attachment 1 Used 5 Ft. McCormick Combine, with power take-off drive We also have ten used tractors Which have been rebuilt and painted. We have a used tractor to ï¬t your needs. Do you need an extra tractor for a. day or week? We will rent you one at a small rental. 1 6 Ft. McCormick Harrow Plow with power-lift and ‘ tractor hitch 1 Used 3-furrow McCormick ace bottom tractor plow 1 Used 2-furrow McCormick ace bottom tractor plow 1 Slightly Used No. 64 six foot engine drive Combine, Oxford St. RICHMOND HILL MEL’S CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Forced Air and Gravity Installations TELEPHONE SIGN WRITING Phone us;and we will pick up your car for wasli} greasing or oil change No need to use Costly, time-consuming building materials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS ... too, you'll find its lower maintenance roturns substantial sav- ings through the years. CONCRETE BLOCKS, CINDER BLOCKS 55> WEEPING TILE. ..\% LIME & CEMENT STANDARD SIZE UNITS build your home quickly! General Heating FOR SALE GORMLEY BLOCK 80. H. J. PATFIELD Furnaces cleaned and repaired Eavestrough - Tinsmithing "SALADA" Repairs on all cars Tires, Batteries & Accessories Used Cars for Sale TEA & COFFEE 570% Me Swazi! ITING - TRUCK lETTERlNG S H 0 W C A R D S o MEETS ALL A. S. 7.â€. SPECIFISATIONS Phone Stouï¬ville 381W1 Evgs. BAldwin 1-184‘5 TURNER 4-2323 TU. 4-2076 l'U. 4-0001