RICHMOND HILL ONT. Saturday night, some 4,000 fol- lowers of the gas buggies saw Ho- gan whip of copple of top drivers trom the Buffalo area, Bill Nugent. 1951 New York State champ, and Tony Occhino, mid-season cham- pion at Pinecrest. It was‘ Hogie's ï¬rst victory in thrqe weeks. Ted Hogan. colorful stock car pilot from Weston broke a long- standing Pinecrest Speedway jinx last Saturday night as he raced to victory in -the 20-1ap feature. Four drivers including Hogan had won three straight feature ra- ces at Pinecrest, but none had been able to win a race after his “big three." The main event, a two out of three fall affair. between “Red" Garner and "Gori" Ed Mangotich highlighted the evening and easily overshadowed the two preceding bouts. Both men started out clean- ly but after some minutes, Mango- tich resorted to his usual tricks which only resulted in so angering “Red" that he pinned him in ï¬f- teen minutes with body slams and a backbreaker. ' Though the bout had been much faster than usual both men looked quite fresh when they came out for the second fall. “Red†was having everything his own way PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. By Quintin Wight “Snap! Crackle! Pop!" that isn‘t breakfast cereal. brother. them's bones a grindin'. T. Hogan Defeats Amer. At Pinecrest The clubs have been busy this past week catching up on their schedule which was set back be- cause of rain on tournament nights. Aurora was down to Richmond Hill on August 6. games ending in a tie, with four wins for each club. Newmarket and Mount Albert, playing the same night at Mount Albert. also tied their matches. If this were the case, Newmark- et would win the semi-ï¬nals from Mount Albert by one point. On the other hand, if Richmond Hill loses this last match, top billing will go to Mount Albert. Results of last night's tourney will be pub- lished in next week‘s paper. since they were too late for press time this issue. Mangotich Uses Dirty Tactics In Bout With Red Garner At Aurora et with Aurora Even though Richmond Hill is able to take a win from Mount Albert which is not likely, Richmond Hill will still remain in third position. Howev- er, a win for Richmond Hill would mean a loss for Mount Albert and would put Newmarket at the top of the League since Newmarket is sure of a win from Aurora. The sixth and ï¬nal round before the play-offs of the North York Tennis League was played last night, Richmond Hill matching with Mount Albert ,and Newmark- 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Aug. 14, 1952 Hill In Third Place Mount Albert Likely To Win Semi-Finals N. York League The local club played at Newmar- Our New Store At Corner-Two Premier Floor Polisher (rotary type) reg. $64.50 $54.50 Sump Pump, reg. $64.50 ...................... $57.50 1/; H. P. Electric Motors, reg. $24.50 ............ $19.50 Carpenters Hammers, reg. $1.50 ................ $1.00 Heavy Duty Tire Pumps, reg. $1.98 .............. $1.50 4-Way Tire Wrench, reg. $1.35 .................... 98c Pure Penn. Motor Oil, 6 qt. tin, reg. $1.98 ........ $1.39 Nationally Known Tires & Batteries 13 plate .................... reg. $18.75 . . $14.95 15 plate . reg. $26.25 .. $21.10 600x16 Tires ................ reg. $23.20 . . $18.20 600x16 Tubes .................. reg. $5.55 . . $4.40 1950 Frgidaire Refrigerator. 7‘ 2 cu. ft. size. special 1948 Easy Washer, special MOVING SALE STILL CONTINUES At The PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. In the preliminary also a two out of three, Jerry Sullivan took the ï¬rst fall from Babby Jordan with his “Cobra choke" (which seems to be the only hold he knows) and the third with the same hold. Jordan ï¬nished him in the second with a drop and a top spread. In the third fall, Mangotich went just a little too far. Both men had been mixing it up with an assort- ment of mule kicks. and elbow smashes when “Red†fell, dazed, near the ropes after a neck jab from Mangotich. Gori then kick- ed him out of the ring entirely and jumped down beside him. He floor- ed Garner with an elbow smash in the throat then picked up a hand- ful of the sand with which the floor is covered and threw it in “Red‘s†eyes. He was thereupon disqualiâ€" ï¬ed by the referee “Rip†Leonard and the match was awarded to Garner. The semi-ï¬nal was won by Tom Sullivan when he took Jack Flick- er of Aurora in two straight falls. Following the example of his bro- ther, Jerry, in the preliminary, he used most of the dirty tricks at his command (and he has lots of them) to subdue Flicker who was further handicapped by an arm injury re- ceived earlier in the week. He took the ï¬rst fall with a top spread after dazing Flicker with arm and 'shoulder throws and the second with stomach jabs and a top spread. and was slamming Mangotich ar- ound in ï¬ne style until he missed a flying tackle at the eight minute mark and landed dazed on the mat after bouncing off the ropes. Man- gotich then fell on him and man- aged to hold him for the three count. Ladies Doubles, Alverna Smith Betty Cook vs Joan Peppiatt, Joyce Bothwell, Néwmarket. 4â€"6 6-.2 6-5 for Newmarket; Judy Uren Joyce Wilde vs Mary Dales, Audrey Ro- land, Newmarket, 6-1. 5-6, 6-1 for Newmarket. Men’s Doubles, Paul Morley, Harry Hill vs Keith Davis. Robert Yates, Newmarket. 6-1, 6-2 for Newmarket; Terry McCauley, Keith Teetzel vs Charlie Lee, Jack Peppiatt. 6-0, 4-6, 6-5 for Richmond Hill. Miked Doubles, Alverna Smith, Paul Morley vs Joan Pep- piatt. Keith Davis. Newmarket, 6-2 for Newmarket; Betty Cook, Harry Hill vs Joyce Bothwell, Robert Yates, Newmarket. 6- 3 for New- market; Joyce Wilde, Terry Mc- Cauley vs Marg Davis. Charlie Lee Newmarket, 6- 4 for Richmond Hill; Judy Uren, Keith Teetzel vs Aur- rey Rowland, Jack Peppiatt, New- market. 6-3 for Newmarket. 2 points for a win, one point for a tie. Mount Albert Newmarket . . . . Richmond Hill . Aurora ..... .. League standings up to last night are: -â€" ket last Friday night and lost to them 6 matches to 2. Results were: LTPts PHONE TUrner 4-1541 Out they came for the second fall, the Farmer looking happy and Mangotich rather green around the gills. However Mangotich was far from ï¬nished. He let loose with a few punches, kicks, jabs. and what have you, then tossed Norm over, around and up and down again. Alexander seemed a little peeved at this, so he went over to the referee, Johnny Logan, The Farmer was matched with Gori Ed Mangotich in the main ev- ent, a two out of three elimination for a chance at the Canadian Champion next week. There were three holds in the ï¬rst round. First a wristlock used by both men, sec- ondly a rocking chair split. an Ok- lahoma Hayride, or an Omaha Leg- split depending on which part of the country you hail from, by Mangotich and lastly Norm s fam- ous headlock which almost para- lized poor old Gori His saintly visage turned a delicate shade of purple, and he passed out tout de suite “Bfing on the stretcher boys. Here comes another one†seems to be the rallying call at the Rich- mond Hill arena these days. This time it was Farmer Norm who oc- casioned the plea. Garner-Rocci Fight Clean & Fast Clubine Back In Ring Gets Draw Tony Occhino,‘mighty mite from Buf- fald, poses with trophy after winning the mid-season stock car championship at the Doors Nth. , special $285.00 . . $79.50 By Quintin Wight Trophy Winner At Pinecrest District Sports News Thursday, August 14. will see the Thornhill Ball Club playingjn Unionville against Buttonville in the playoï¬â€˜s. Each team has won one game in the ï¬nals so far. Thornhill won over Buttonville won 6-3 against Thornhill THORNHILL VS BUTTONVILLE ON AUGUST 14 1n the bottom of the ï¬fth Rich- mond Hill got the one big run it needed to win the game. After Grainger scored the run. only two men were out. with Newmarket claiming that Richmond Hill should ï¬nish the inning. By this time it was too dark to play. Manager Frank Grainger arguing the point with Umpire Bill Neal and win- ning out. Again in the bottom of the third Richmond Hill got three runs. At the top of the fourth Robertson. pitching for the Hill, tired slight- ly. and Newmarket got three more runs. Robertson eventually recov- ered and retired the side. The Hill got a single run in the bot- tom of the fourth on two Newmark- et errors. ' Richmond Hill Midget baseball team defeated Newmarket 8â€"7 on Tuesday night, thus creating a 3- way tie between the clubs in the North York League. The winning run was hit by Lloyd Grainger who hit a triple in the bottom of the ï¬fth and stole home to cop the game for the Hill. In the ï¬rst inning Richmond Hill exploded for three runs and in the second and third Newmark- et scored a run an inning with solid hitting. In the ï¬fth Robertson walked four men in a row. He was re- lieved ’by Dave Hart who retired thesnext two men to end the in- ning. The second preliminary brought Bill Clubine back to the mat after his iry’ury of some weeks ago. He fought twenty minutes to a draw with Waldo Von Sieber of Gerâ€" many, in a match that was quite clean compared to other bouts which have been seen in the arena. The crowd objected volubly to Von Sieber’s elbow smashes, which, though devastating in effect, were quite legal and nothing could be done about them. In the ï¬rst preliminary, Cleve Burton took Don George with a body slam and top spread. The semi-ï¬nal. another two out 0 three fall match between “Red†G rner and Antonio Rocci, was not only the cleanest, but also the fastest bout of the evening. Garâ€" ner won in two straight falls, but Rocci gave such a good account of himself that it cast no slur upon his wrestling ability. “Red†took the ï¬rst fall with a flying tackle and a backbreaker, then tricked Rocci out of a rolling head sciss- ors and into a cradle or flying wing, an odd arrangement of legs and arms which results in a human pretzel to ï¬nish him in the second. Midget League Three Way-Tie Norm, though he tried hard, was unable to continue in the third round, because his foot had swoll- en to alarming proportions. and the match was awarded to Mango- tich who had to be forcibly res- trained from atacking the helpless Farmer by four other wrestlers. and said so (which didn’t do him the least bit of good). Then he started some drop kick bounces off the ropes which did him even less. because he merely scraped Gori who had ducked, and bounced off into the ropes, twisting his leg and foot in the process. While consid- ering his bad luck, Mangotich snuck up on him, put a headlock on, jabbed him in the stomach and pinned him for the count. Pinecrest Speedway. About 5,000,racing fans jammed into _the N o. ‘7 Highway track to watch the stock car jockies bid for the Pinecrest title. The ladies bowling tournament for the Mr. Barry Legge Trophy will be held on Tuesday. August 19, at 1.30 p.m. sharp at Richmond Hill greens. All lady members of the club wishing to bowl send their names to Mrs. Norman Chatterley Jas. Grainger was again success- ful with R. Casement and Russell Lynett who bowled at Markham on Wednesday of last week to score high for one win. Twenty rinks from throughout the district participated in the tournament for the Mrs. E. T. Ste- phens Trophy last Saturday at Richmond Hill 'Bowling greens. with the local rink of Dr. R. K. Young. Mrs. Wm. Savage. and A. A. Eden, skip. win‘ning the trophy for the village, Second for three wins was E. Wagg and rink from Stouï¬ville, third was George Hilson and rink from Agincourt with a score of high for two wins. Iiigh for one win was J. Biddulph and rink from Oshawa who tied for fourth place with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grainger and Mrs. C. Cowan. Vouchers were given as prizes. Lady Bowlers To Hold Tournament Tues. August 19 Some players have had a chance to play off more games than oth- ers, and results up to Tuesday night are given below but are not complete. Ladies singles â€" Margaret Dav- is, won 5, lost 1; Mad. Rennie. won 1, lost 2; Maureen West, won 2, lost 3; Pat. Cock lost 2; Lois Mc- Cabe, won 1, lost 3: Joan Peppiatt \von 3; Bernice Vandenbergh, lost 3; Audrey Rowland, won 2, lost 1; Eleanor Smith, won 3, lost 1; Al- verna Smith, won 2, lost 2; Evelyn Jones, lost 2 Betty Boulding, won 3, lost 1; June Adams, won 4; Es- telle Bower, lost 3. Men’s singles â€" Bill Jones won 1, lost 3; Cecil Vella won 1, lost '8; Dave Urquhart won 2, lost 3; Gor- don Grant won 4, lost 2; Pat. Dav- ies won 3, lost 2; Charlie Lee won 5; John Bateman won 3, lost 2; Frank Damph won 4, lost 1; Keith Davies won 3; Gordon Gray lost 2; Ross Hochsberg won 1, lost 1: Paul Morley won 4; Keith Nesbit lost 3; Rodger LaMarche lost 3; Rod. West lost 3; Harry Hill won 4; Frank Wims, won 1, lost 1; Bill McGirr won 1. lost 4. Keith Davis and his Newmarket Club are sponsoring a men’s and ladies round-robin tournament this week. The tournament is drawing fmm Uxbridge, Aurora, Mount Albert, Nwmarket and Rich- mond Hill, with eighteen entries in the men‘s singles and fourteen in the ladies. As many matches have been played off as possible but with the large number of entries it is not expected the tournament will -be completed until a week's time. Large Entry In Tennis Singles Tou rna me n t Joan Wade Miss Elizabeth Inglis, from the Mermaid Swimming Club, who judged the girls on strokes and synchronized swimming, commented that all partici- pants were swimming excep- ionally well. At the end of the events the following girls won the top place honours â€"â€" lst Mari- lyn, Wesley, 2nd Sunny D. Zin- kan, 3rd Hather Bell and 4th On Monday evening, August 11, a very interested group of people watched the members of the Thornhill Senior Girl‘s Swimming Club compete for the Thornhill Area Recreation Committee Trophy. on as possible Marilyn Wesley Tops Swimmers ng, won i 1 4; Es-1 ' O I :95 won p , lost 6; 3; Gor- 1 , k I O at. Dav- y Weather. south-west winds, rain. Name Yds. per Min. M. LaRocque 664 M. LaRocque 663 J. Stamp 661.9 M. LaRocque 661.6 Garner & Son 582 N. Bowen 581 G. Bowen 568 J. Angier 562 Karl Lees Approx. 570 Pools: Band No. 19939 19524 19941 19528 19505 19916 19707 19771 M. LaRocque, lst 10c; M. LaRoc- que, lst 25c; M. LaRocque, Jack Pot The Far North Racing Pigeon Club, with twelve members in Richmond Hill area held its ï¬rst young bird pigeon race of the sea- son recently. The races started at the beginning of the month and will be held every Saturday until the end of September, the length of the races axveraging from sixty- ï¬ve to two hundred and ï¬fty miles. Race which was sixty-four miles Richmond Hill and Aurora North York Midget baseball teams were one of the feature attractions at Richmond Hill Lions Carnival last Saturday when the local boys took a 5-3 win over Aurora. Results of the ï¬rst Peterborough are: Bob Tomlinson. right ï¬elder for the Hill started off the scoring by getting a hit in the second inning. with Dave Pollitt adding to the Hill's score in the third by hitting a triple. bringing in two runs. Lloyd Grainger and Doug. Fowler got hits for the Hill in the fourth and ï¬fth innings. Playing on the Midget team for Richmond Hill are Dave Hart, Dave Pollitt, Allan Robertson, John Kingston. Don Willis, Watson Cott- rill. Paul Baker. Lloyd Grainger, Doug. Fowler, Bob Tomlinson, Ron Leuschner, Al. Beirnes and Jim Pollard. Aurora didn't score until the ï¬fth when B. Cook was walked, followed by a home run by George Keroft which brought both boys to home base. Another home run was hit by Stew. Wilson in the seventh. As reported earlier Richmond Hill and Aurora have banded to- gether to enter the O.B.A., the en- try to go under Richmond Hill‘s name. The best players from each club will be chosen to play on this team. The ï¬rst game is Tuesday, August 19 at Aurora, where the combined teams will meet Stouif- ville. The Rotary Club Ball ‘Club has been able to organize two full teams although many boys are away on holidays. The proposed four teams may be organized yet as the summer advances. More and more parents are coming to the park to lend support to these Richmond Hill youngsters. Interest in the project is increas- ing and any newcomers between the ages of 8 and 13 will be assur- ed of a place on the team if they go to the park on Wednesday ev- ening at 6.30. Richmond Hill Midgets Beat Aurora 5 - 3 M. Larocque Wins First Pigeon Race Rotary Ball Team Is Great Success We have them on hand in our How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? JOB t’RL {TING DEPARTMENT The Liberal The Canadian Bank of Commerce 9524 9941 9528 9505 9916 Wise parents . . . smart daughter too! And it all started because she received a deposit for her very own bank account. That’s a birthday gift of real value to teach her how to spend and how to save. To help your daughter understand banking practice, The Commerce has prepared a handy purse size booklet called SSIt’s Simple When You Know How." She‘ll discover in its pages all the impor- tant tips on day to day banking to help her take care of her wise and welcome birth- day gift. immn\mmuumnuumummmumumuumummuuummunumumunmummumnnmmmumuumuumnummmmuummmummmlf g‘wmmmmmunmmmmmummmnnmmmflmmmmumnmm RICHMOND HILL International W4 Tractor (nearly new) Ford Tractor and Plow International W30 Tractor John Deere BR Massey-Harris No. 102 Junior Massey-Harris No. 81 Massey-Harris No. 30 (Row Crop) with hydraulic Horse Rakes Side Delivery Rake Horse-Drawn Mowers Tractor Mower Buck Rakes Cockshutt Manure Spreader â€" horse-drawn on rubber Tractor Plows - 2 furr0w and 3 furrow Massey-Harris Grain Binder, 7 foot Case PTO Binder. operated from tractor - only 3 yr. old Clipper PTO Combines Goble Disc Disc Plows INSTALLED . SOLD - SERVICED BLACKBURN'S Thomhill AVenue 5-1333 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE No. 22 Tractor with Hydraulic â€" A Demonstrator Two-furrow Mounted Plow for No. 22 Tractor Hayloader Rubber-Tired Wagons (with or without Tires) Clipper Combines, motor or power take-off driven Self-Propelled Combines Manure Spreaders â€" Tractor or Horse-Drawn One-Way Discs Tractor Plows Double Discs Goble Disc Harold W. Mortson Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer YONGE ST. SMITH 8 MILLARD TELEPHONE . KING 47 -' * TELEVISION * Bulldozing - Excavating . Grading C Terry, Head Ofï¬ce, *he Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronta. ISO-5| USED NEW Ask for your copy at your local branch, or write ’0 Frances It WOMAR AND an BANHNG TU. 4-1722