Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1952, p. 9

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The Thornhill School of Dancing Thornhlll in classes are limited, registration before September 8 would be appreciated 19 Grandview Ave. Highland Park AVenue 5-1318 Richmond Hm From the Toronto Conservatory of Music will accept a number of 7 ipfiupi‘ly in ________ PIANO. OR‘G'AN’ and THEORY For information phone M_r_.s Mylks TUrner 4-1511 Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public Floyd E. Corner Richard K, Rohmer B.A., D.F.( Thomas A. Holden B.A. Aurora Office: Ardill Block, Yonge and Wellington Streets - Telephone 406, Aaron HOLDEN. Barris’er SnIir-Hnr Votarv Puhha ’8 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Every Thursday afternoon 'I’Urner 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"- 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 Burrister, Solicitor, Notary Fable Office Hours â€" Daily 10 to 5 9.3:. Rulings by Appointment 42 Yonge ct. South, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2084 Barristers, Solicitors. etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Wslsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond Street West Plaza 8929 Richmond Hill. Thursday morning Maple. Thursday uftynnon Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries N. Mathews, Q. C. K. Stiver, B.A. B. E, Lyons, l. A. Jos. Vale, Q. C. 100 Main 55., Newmarket, Ont. .. one 120 220 Bay St.. Toronto, Ont. Phone Wa. 2343-4 7s Yonge St. ‘s., Richmond Hill Open evenings TUrner 4-1462 Dentist Anstey Building, Yonge Street THORNHILL Audrey Stinson TEACHER 0F PIANO Classes starting September 15 AVENUE 5-1302 STOP 14 YONGE STREET J. Rabiriowitch, 3.4, Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 95 Church Street South Richmond Hill, Onurio TUrner 4-1863 By appointment only 7 Stuart P. Parker BARRISTER Richmond Hill. 85 Centre W. TUrner 4-1543 Thornhill, 1A Colborne : AVenue 5-1477 Tdronto'Wa£ 2931, 50 King W. Marguerite Boyle Norman A. Todd Rates for inscr‘ion In this section are available at The Liberal office â€"- phone TUmer 4-1261. Dr. BALLET - TAP ‘Under the instruction: of LILLY AUSTEN AVenue 5-1278 Arnold Avenue. Thornhlll Doris Pollock TEACHER OF BALLET Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Deportment, Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL” M athewL. Stiver, Lyons fl: IIVale _ Adelmo Melecci PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Dr. W. J. Mason Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist Donald Gordon Plaxton Barrister, Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office TUrner 4â€"2071 Thornhill Office ’ AVenue 5-1300 7'. C. Newman William Cook L and Walsh AVenue 5-2181 mu ‘ 108 Yongé St. 'I'Urner 4-1238 M. J. Walker MUSICAL ROHMER & CORNER DENTAL ltGAL AVenue 5-1667 Richmond Hill R. D. M acN aughton GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability Hail, Accident and SickneSS Farm Insurance :1 Specialty King City Telephone ‘25 Toronto Thornhill Telephone TUrner 4-1432 PHONE 8.. 1-801] X-Rny. Ultra Short Wave Therm OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Wed.. Fri. â€" -5, 6â€"8 Tues., Thursday â€" 1-3, 6-8 Mornings by appointment. Dr. Roy Cogan 6434 Yonge St. - Stop 13A Office Hours -- Monday through Friday. 1 to 3 p.m., and 6 to 8 pm. Saturday 1 to 3.30 p.1'n. And by appointment Telephones: Office Baldwin 1-0087, Residence Baldwin 1-0828 Phone 82 Above Harley’s Drug Store OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday, 10 am, - 12 noon; 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Evenings: Monday to Thursday. MAPLE 22 Centre St. E Dr. Jas. R. Langstafl' ~ANDâ€" Dr.‘ Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 106 Yuge St. N.. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1631 42 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Dr. W. Allan Ripley W. SCHURMAN General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, HOSpitalization and Auto Financing Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. J. Roy H errington NOTARY PUBLIC CON VEYAN CER GENERAL INSURANCE 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Oflicé‘hours 2-4 pm. daily except Wednesdays Tuesday a Thursday evenings 6-8 p.m. Other hours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 DR. RALPH P. JOHNS DR. R. F. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L’ESPERANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Dr. E- A. Crawford GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Farm, etc. Jack Walkington Dr. J. T. Sheppard Thornhill Veterinary Clinic Dr. Wm. D. Howe Obstetrician & Gynecologist Ofl’ice Hows 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to 8 p.m by appointment VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. R. A. Bigford Telephone AVenue 5-2252 Phone TUrner 4-1652 Dr. R. J. Steele Dr. J‘ P. Wilson Richmond Hill, Ont. 25 Grandview Ave. DR. H. E. PALMER DR. F. W. WALKER Roy V. Bick 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7. Wiumvdale VETERINARY Or by appointment INSURANCE AVenu 5-1379 By appointment TUrner 4-1422 TUrner 4-1551 Maplo 71R4 MEDICAL Thornhill AVenue 5-1311 Gentre Street Richmond Hill Richmond Hill EM. 3-0311 Maple, Ont. PHONE 3 [and effective way of telling others of your dance or ouaa: or other money-making event It's an et- fective way, too. of making sure of good attendance - by reminding members of date of meetings; EVERY DAY: Remember that. the Coniing Events column is a cheap BOOKKEEPING. MONTHLY STATEMENTS, MANL'SCRIPTS. Letters taken over phone in even- ing or daytime. STEELE'S AVE. WEST TELEPHONE AVENUE 5‘1300 After 6 pm. call BA. 1-0411 or KI. 7874 9 a.m.-9 p.m. MIMEOGRAPHING. ENVELOPES ADDRESSED. DIRECT MAILING. Telephone 11 Maple, Ont. Ernie Brock & Son For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhen in North Yonge at. District 2518 Y‘INGE ST. (at St. Clement Telephone MA'yfai: 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lyne‘... J.F L'yne W. J. SMITH & SON Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales 9. specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the mic: of cm Millikan P.0., ph. Agincourt 52w: Markham P.O., ph. Markham 34' No sale too big ‘ too small Richmond Hill 26 Years' Experience York County, Uxbuage and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sale: 3 Specialty Telephone Stoufivilie 67312 Address: bormley P.0. THORNHILL and UNIONVILL!‘ Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for mt Arthur G. Broad, D.C. R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE Farms. Suburban Properties, etc INSURANCE Stenographic Service SCHOOL DAYS Leave Maple 8.10 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 3.11. Leave Maple 3.00 p.m. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 pm FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE W. J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired Ii it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town {ay 01- night emergency service Maple 72r23 BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE 213 Oak Ave., Richvale GENERAL BUSINESS Wright ‘& Taylor Coaches For All Occasions Telephéne King 53 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. General Insurance Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging FUNERAL. DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Ken & Clarke Phone TUrner 4.1931 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hi1; TUrner 4-2062 By Appointment ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Fire. Automnbile, etc. TUrner 4-1671 A. S. Farmer CHIROPRACTIC AUCTIONEERS REAL ESTATE d Hill TUrner 4-181) Branch Offices at Painting Mr. James Porter from Winnipeg. who is down east on a business trip spent Sunday, August 24‘ at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. The congregation welcomed their pastor Rev. A. R. Jones and family back from holidays and expressed appreciation to Dr. Blandin for his ministry for the past three Sunâ€" days. Mrs. F. Stotts was the surprised recipient of a beautiful bouquet of bronze and white glads received reâ€" cently from the Hughes Gladioli Gardens. Ruggles Ave, Langstafl‘. The August meeting of the Lang- staff Missionary Fellowship was held at the home of Mrs. F. H. Car- ter. Church St. The 18 ladies pres- ent discussed mission work and sewing. The next meeting will be September 11. at the church. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mitchell. Benson Ave.. and attending the exhibition were, Mr. and Mrs. I. Lafiinier from Matachâ€" ewan. Miss Donna Duffy of Toronto has been vacationing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McArthur, Yonge- view Ave, for the past week. Margaret McArlhur and Phyllis Russell, both of Langstafl'. 'spent last week vacationing at Penetang- uishene. Mrs. F. Pitt entertained fifteen guests August 17, visitors coming from Scotland. Montreal. Quebec. I‘oronto and Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. G. Tutt'and Leon- ard attended the Scanlon staff picâ€" nic August 17. held at Simcoe Beach, Lake Simcoe. "â€" For there is none other name under Heaven" was the theme of the message brought by Mr. A. E. Atkinson of the Church of Christ. Toronto, to a large congregation in attendance in Concord School House on Sunday evening. Mr. Atkinson stressed the fact that salvation is‘an individual matter and something that each person must strive for himself. Patsy Bisson and Marie Salmon spent three weeks of their vacation at the Ompah Bible School Vaca- tion Camp near the beautiful Pal- merston Lake in North-Eastern On- tario and they enjoyed every min- ute of their stay and are looking forward to going back there again next year. They mostly enjoyed being together in their own age groups for Bible studies. recreat- ion and instruction in swimming. Mrs. J. Klppax of Concord was one of the willing workers whose efforts helped to make the Bible School holiday a great success. Sunday Service 'Mrs. G. Mills had her grandson :Iarvey visiting her last week. A surmise party was held at the )me of Mr. and Mrs I". Pitt, No. east, Tuesday, August 19, when Irs. Ray planned the birthday par- y for her mother, Mr. Pitt, her reat-great aunt, Mrs. F. Downs, ndv her husband. Mr. Ray, who elebrated their birthdays in a jet-together for the evening. Guests :ishing the three much happiness 'ere Mr. and Mrs. H. Blades, Mr. Jd Mrs. C. Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. i. Hamblyn. Guest speaker will 3 Mrs. W. Banks, May Ave., Rich- ale, who will talk on floral ar- angement. Hostesses will be Mrs. J. Thirgood. Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. Rob- son and Mrs. McArthur. As well as enjoying the service the members had the pleasure of wel- oming visitors from Newtonbrook nd Concord. 1 the home of Mrs. J. J. Naylor, lrs. Naylor. her daughter Miss ,‘hristina and Miss Norma Poole vere hostesses to about 75 guests zho gathered to shower Miss Mar- an Poole with miscellaneous gifts nd good wishes for her future lappineSS. Included in the gath- rlng were a number of newcom- -:s to the district and they spent 1 most enjoyable evening becom- ig acquainted with each other. Mr. Len Boyle of Church St., ho has been on the sick list, is much improved in health. '. Close and fainily, Suzanne and lichael. children of Mr. and Mrs. .ay, Richmond Hill. Miss Doris Duke has just com- leted the summer course in Edu- ation and is now enjoying a cou- -Ie of weeks rest before she re- urns to her classroom on Sept. 2. Miss Poole was coi’hpletely sur- rised when she entered the room ccompanied by her cousin Norma nd found the decorated chair and askets of beautifully wrapped ifts awaiting her. Miss Norma 3016 assisted the‘guest of honor 1 unwrapping the gifts. The bride- -be thanked her friends for their enerosity after which a refreshing inch was served. Mark-Vaun W. I. will resume its :gular meetings, September 4, at 45 pm. at the home of Mrs. C. alrgood. Fairview Ave. The pro- :amme will be Agriculture and anadlan Industries. convenor Mrs. 18 Church St., Langstafl Mr. and Mrs. Roy Witty are pending two weeks in Port Car- ng. Jerry Wells, who has been )ending the summer with the Wit- 35 returned to his home in Tweed st week-end and back to school A will be for Jerry next week. hower On Friday evening of last week Mr. Atkinson will again conduct ’16 service in Concord School iouse next Sunday evening at 7 "clock. Everybody welcome. Mrs. E. Haybal] of Oak Ridges )ent Sunday with Mrs. Ed Witâ€" ey and family. CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, B. R. 1, Maple LANGSTAF F NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STOTTS CONCORD NEWS Telephone Maple 110R3 Thanking those present Mrs. Bostlund played and sang in Dan- ish, after which refreshments were served. Hostesses were Mrs. Pal- mer, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Brooks. Other guests were Mrs. Bushmas- ter, Mrs. Ella Morris, Mrs. Carley, Mrs. Bichard, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Garner, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Eagleson, Mrs. Hamblyn. Mrs. Ablett, Mrs. Curr, Mrs. McArthur, Misses Betty Garner, Helen Boys, Eleanor Garner, Margaret McAr- thur and Barbara Ablett. Mrs. Ida Pope from Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. J. M. Patterson of No. 7 Highway, They came to Langstaff with only two travelling bags and five sleep- ing bags. since their other belong- ings were and still are under quar- antine. Mrs. W. Palmer, Yongeviewer Avenue, entertainecb Thursday, August 14. at a miscellaneous show~ ed in honor of Mrs. G. Bostlund, the, newly arrived family from Co- penhagen, Denmark. Mrs. Bost- und, the mother of four sons and one daughter said she had never met such kindness. Congratulations to Charles Smith a Silversmith student, on winning first prize for his entry at the Ex- hibition, a silver brooch. H. Essex, Yonge St At Bingo, Mrs. John Julian be- came first, Mrs. Wilmer Kefier, second and Mrs. J. M. Jackson, the .hird prize winners. Dropping clothes pins into a bottle was an- other contest and this one was won by Mrs. Roland Kefl'er and Mrs. Sam Cave. Sunday, September 21. has been designated as Harvest Home Sun- day at Zion Lutheran Church and at that‘ time services will be held both morning and evening. ‘ Sherwood Mrs. William Snider won a prize for guessing within ten the correct number of beans in a bottle. The ladies then proceded to deâ€" monstrate their skill at spelling un- der the leadership of Mrs. Albert Foster and Mrs. George Reid with Mrs. Foster‘s team winning the contest. The gift for the lady who had a birthday nearest the date of the picnic went to Mrs. John Ash, whose birthday was August 12. A lucky spot prize was also giv- en and this was won by Mrs. Geo. Reid. A pleasant get-together ar- ound. the picnic table brought to a close a most' enjoyable afternoon. The Women of the Church wm hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Ross Percival, Richi mond Hill, on Wednesday, Septem- ber 17. At Zion Lutheran Church, Sher- wood, Sunday, August 31, Sunday School will be held at 10 am. and Sunday Service at 11 am. On Wednesday afternoon. Aug- ust 20, the Women of the Lutheran Church had the pleasure of attend- ing a picnic at the home of Mrs. Albert Jackson, North Toronto. Until a little over a year ago, Mrs. Jackson was a resident of this district. so the gathering on Wed- nesday took on the air of a friendly reunion. will be married soon. After their i'riends had offered the happy cou- ple their best wishes and beautiful gifts, the ladies served a bountiful lunch to the guests. A good programme of sports was arranged by Mrs. Albert Foster and ner assistant Mrs. Ross Percival. The district Calf Club held a barn meeting at the farm of their leader. George W. Jackson on Mon- day evening. August 18, and after the class had received instruction in judging, Mr. Jackson demon- strated the proper care and trim- ming of cows‘ boots. The next meeting will be September 15. the place to be announced later. Picnic Mrs. R, J. Darlington was host- ess last Tuesray evening at a mis- cellaneous shower for Miss Doro- Lhy Anderson of Harriston and Duncan Watson of Woodbridge who Ella After Sunday Midnight Show 12.05 Mon.. Tues â€" Sept. 1, 2 Jeanne Crain - Myrna Loy Debra Paget Belles on their Toes Technicolor Wed., Thurs. â€" Sept. 3, 4 Larry Parks Elizabeth Taylor Love Is Better Than Ever Fri. & Sat. â€" Aug. 29, 30 Alan Young - Dinah Shore Robert Merrill in Aaron Slick from Pumpkin Creek Technicolor Clifford Grlfliths, Manager Telepnone 8 AURORA AV. 5-2434 JONES COAL C0. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE We Deliver COOLER WEATHER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER How about those worn-out stove and furnace pipes. Now is the time to replace them, while our stock is in good supply. We also have wall & floor thimbles 6” & 7”. stoveboards 26x28 28x28 28x30 28x34 and stove screens for Que- bec Heaters Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brodie of Langstaff were visitors at Head- ford Church on Sunday and spent the rest of the day at the Norman Brodies’. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howlett of Mount Albert visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Well- man. Mrs. Howlett is the former Violet Jones who spent her youth in Headford. Threshing, which this year has been somewhat draggy due to the catchy weather, is at last finished up around here, so there has been a general ‘trek‘ toward the Exhibi- tion this week. CORRESPONDENT Mrs. H. Acreman R. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. Phone TUmer 4-2236 Sunday apparently was a day of travel for people in this neighbor- hood. Mrs. Walter Leuscnner, with Ken, Ron and Clifford, and Miss Dorothy McCue of Toronto took an interesting trip through Al- gonquin Park. going by way of Lindsay and Minden and return- ing through Huntsville. Mrs. M. Wellman entertained her mother and sisters on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. K. Anna have as their weeks two young and June Parrfitt New Brunswick . Young friends of Jo-Ann Jay, of Oak Ave... will be glad to hear she is feeling much better after a ser- ious attack of jaundlce. Quite early last monday morn- ing Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul with their daughters Pauline and Frances left for a motor trip to New York City, arriving there that evenin" Thev all had a great time sightseeing. shopping. r,_-. 10 . auiin- . .; light of the trip was her tenth birthday which was celebrated by spending a wonderful day at Con- ey Island. The Wes Clark family spent the day at Virginia, Lake Simcoe, the guest of Mrs. Milne of Markham at her Sunset Beach cottage. A hearty welcome to the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Munn from Hamilton, who recently moved into the home va- cated by Mr. and Mrs. Y. T. Lam- Ihierlt who have moved to Richmond i1 . Young Miss Anna Rasmussen has been 111 also with jaundice and we are glad to hear she is coming along fairly well. Mr, and Mrs. M. K. Bradshaw moved into their new home on Oak Ave, last Saturday. They had been :taying with Mr. Bradshaws mo- ther on Edgar Ave Also visiting for a week is Mrs. Bradshaw's mo- ther, Mrs. E. Grove, and her niece and nephew, Gail and Ronnie Ash- berry from Brighton, Ont. Take advantage of this great money-saving opportunity. Fill up your empty coal bin now instead of waiting for higher prices later on. We sell and recommend Red 'I‘rademarked Famous Reading Anthracite because it is one of the world’s finest hard coals, because it has been giving heating satisfaction in millions of homes for more than eighty years. Let us fill your bin with this clean, long-burning, low ash Pennsylvania hard coal now while prices are at rock bot- tom. Phone us, today. Order Famous Reading Anthracite nowâ€"and save real money! Correspondent: MRS. A. GOTTSCHALK Telephone: AVenue 5-2457 RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1851 HEADFORD NEWS RICHVALE I)" “I “II ‘1" Rasmussen and guests for two friends Jackie from St. John. 'I‘U. 4-2101 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, August 28, 1952 9 9l'h CONSECUTIVE W!“ on FUl-O-PEP! EASTERN RICHARD WIDMARK “PAT & MIKE” IS A PICTURE YOU’LL LIKE Starring SPENCER TRACY. KATHERINE HEPBURN Two Shows Nightly - 7.30 & 9.30 pm- Saturday Matinee - - - -, 2 pm. Evening Show Continuous From 7:00 pm. with MYRNA LOY I. D. RAMER 8: SON WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY â€"â€" SEPTEMBER 3 & 4 THEATRE MARKHAM RICHMOND HILL “JAPANESE WAR BRIDE” with DON TAYLOR & SHIRLEY YAMAGUCHI SMITH 8 MILLAED TELEPHONE - KING 4 7 - \X/ GIANT HOLIDAY MIDNITE SHOW After SUN. MIDNITE 12.05 AUGUST 31 ALSO MONDAY & TUESDAY â€" SEPTEMBER 1 & 2 THURS., FRI" SAT. â€" AUGUST 28, 29, 30 SEQUEL T0_ “CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN" “RED SKIES OF MONTANA” Fire safety, low upkeep and protection for your car are provided by this attractive CONCRETE BLOCK garage-~41 necessity, to protect your investment in today’s high cost cars. “BELLES ON THEIR TOES” A SINGLE-CAR GARAGE GORMLEY BLOCK 00. Bulldozing - Excavating LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9.00 P.M. Adult Entertainment will safeguard your car! MEETS All. LSJJI. SPECIFICATIONS (in Technicolor) (in Technicolor) PHONE 357 Grading CONCRETE BLOCKS, CINDER BLOCKS WEEPING TILE, LIME & CEMENT Plus Phone Stouffville 381W] Evgs. BAldWin 1-1849 CONSTANCE SMITH TURNER 4-1313 JEANNE CRAIN EASTERN ONTARIO CALF CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW

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