Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1952, p. 5

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IIIIIIIIIll-Imill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Richmond Hill Herco Automatic Hard Coal Burner [Automatic Ash Removal Bin Fed SAVES UP TO 50 RC. 0N HEATING COST IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE'AIIIIII‘ mumuuummumuuuummmuumuuuuuuuuummumummlulluuumuluunmuumuml1numumuuuuummumuuumummuumfi m” \X/ASHER ADMIRAL TELEVISION & REFRIGERATORS - USED BEATTY WASHER $15 LINOLEUMS - MOORE PAINT . VENETIAN BLINDS Io Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1782 FARM - ‘ EQUIPMENT FOR SALE RICHMOND HILL Massey-Harris No. 44 Tractor. good as new International W4 Tractor (nearly new) i Ford Tractor International W30 Tractor ‘ John Deere BR MasseV-Harris No. 81 Cockshutt Manure Spreader â€"â€" horse- drawn on rubber Tractor Plous- 2 furro“ and 3 furrow Goble Disc Disc Plows Grain Drills Grain Grinders Tractors, various sizes and models Rubber-Tired Wa’gons (with or without Tires) _ Manure Spreadersrâ€" Power take-off, tractor drawn MW TO $100 FOR YOUR OLD One-way Discs Goble Discs Tractor Plows Grain Grinders mmmmmmmummumlmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmr m». Harold W. Mortson Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer YONGE ST. Lino Tile Service NEW & USED JGNES COAL 6r horse-drawn USED NEW Double Discs Packers Drills Front End Loaders TUrner 4-1851 TU. 4-1722 Miss Beatrice Williams received a had cut on her knee which re- quired eight stitches while attend- ing the girls' camp but we are glad to see her able to be out again. ' Miss Rita Gee of Buffalo was a visitor last week at. the home of Mr. Ross Hiemler. A cemetery service was held at the Lutheran Cemetery last Sun- day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Fischer was in charge of the service. Mrs. Ewart Stlver played the organ. There was a good attendance from the home congregation, also a num- ber of former residents from a dis- tance. Much credit was given to the caretaker who keeps the grass aind cemetery in such good condi- t on. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis of St. Ca- tharines are visiting with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs.'01iver Ander- 5011 Mrs. N. P. Eckardt has returned from Windsor after a week’s visit with her son, Mr. Allan Eckardt. Her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson of Toronto accom- panied her home for the week end. Mrs. A. Kent attended the mis- cellaneous shower for a bride-to- be. Miss Norma Jordan, at Mount Albert on Tuesday evening. August 18. ‘ Mr. Greenwood of Markham has purchased the property of the late Mr. Robert Armstrong. Mr. Myrl Smith looked after the selling of the property and furniture. Our sympathy is offered to Mrs. E. Caseley who received word of the death of her nephew, Mr. 'Orlaf Caldwell of Barrie who was just 43 years old. Mrs. Charity Wilson of Litchfield, Conn., spent a few days last week in Unionville, visiting her brother, Dr. C. R. MacKay and his daughter, Mrs. W. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gamble of Indianapolis are visiting Mrs. Gamâ€" ble’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- rose this week. Mrs. Albert Hockey, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. Arâ€" thur Richards of Tyrone were vis- itors at Queen’s Hotel last Sunday. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. George Thomés of Locust Hill who have, now taken up resi- dence in their new home formerly owned by Mrs. W. Ritchie and Mrs. Watt and Miss Watt. Messrs. Milton and Dean Findlay and Miss Velma Findlay spent last Sunday at the home of Velma‘s sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver, Lakefield. of Hertz Mountain Canary and Budgie Supplies including Cages. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded Mrs. Phillips of North Unionville has had her brothers from the Un- ited States visiting her the past week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mackinlay and son of Toronto, Mr. C. Weir and Elizabeth and Mrs. Rainey visited last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gough, Markham. We Deliver A number of friends of the Lu- theran congregation enjoyed a pleasant evening recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Har- per, Coady's Corners when Mr. Ewart Stiver showed the pictures WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chambers of Toronto spent last Sunday at 'tlgg home of Misses I. and V. Weig- hill. Mrs. John Grant of Milliken spent Monday evening with Mrs. Anderson, Station street. Aristocrat Canvas Awnings Airshade Aluminum Awnings ings Complete Service "Estimation to Installation” Barrie Tent & Awning (0. Tel. 4314 Barrie 34 vBayfield The boys and girls of the Unionâ€" ville Junior Farmers toured the Massey-Harris Farms at Milliken ast Monday evening. They were surprised at the many new roads and changes which had been made. Following the tour the group reâ€" turned to the home of the presid- ent, Mr. Bill Clarke where Mr. and Mrs. Clarke entertained them to a weiner roast. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findlay of Thornhill visited their sister here on Monday evening. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LEN. RAINEY, UNIONVILLE AWNINCS UNIONVI‘LLE NEWS TU. 4-2101 Phone Unionville 112.! which he and Mrs. Stiver had tak- en with their movie camera while overseas. Mr. Stiver told the his- ory of each picture. Mrs. Edna Lamoria and daugh- ter Sharon and Mr. L. McMullen were away for a few holidays last week. When Mr. Arthur Griffith of Toronto was trying to pull back in- to the line of traffic at the CPR un- derpasss between Whitby and Osh- awa. he collided with the car driv- en by Mr. Henry Nobbs of the 7th concession. Markham Township. Mrs. Nobbs and her friend. Miss Eva Buckley suffered facial injur- ies. They were attended by Dr. F. A. Cuddy. Both cars were con- siderably damaged. The Nobbs were on their way to Oshawa Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deacon are home again from their voyage to England and other points. They report a very enjoyable time. Suffers Broken Fingers Messrs. Bill Warner. and John Atkinson who accompanied the Toogoods with their busloads of touring teachers to the coast and through the States, arrived home again on Thursday. They report a marvellous trip and greatly enjoy- ed the scenery. Mr. and Mrs. Too- good and the rest of the group have also returned. Lake. Mrs. Duthie visited friends in Grimsby on Wednesday. Accident While waiting for the bus at the four corners last week. Mr. Robert Duffield was hit by a truck driven by Mr. Paisley of Stoufiville and suffered two broken fingers ‘and other injuries. Mr. Robert Stiver who was 76 years old passed away at his home here on Wednesday night, August 20. He had spent the greater part of his life in the Unionville district. For many years he had farmed on the 5th concession, afterwards re- tiring in the village. He had been ill at his home here for several months. He was well known and highly respected by all who knew him. Left to mourn are his wife. the former Jessie McDowell of Markham Township and two dauâ€" ghters, Gladys (Mrs. James Denny) of Victoria Square and Alberta (Mrs. Allan Rittenhouse) of White- vale and six grandchildren, also one brother, Mr. Rueben Stiver of Unionville. Word has been recgived that Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Maynard who have been spending a few months in England will be sailing for home on August 30. Mrs. T. Burnett was a guest at the wedding reception of her neph- ews daughter at Guelph on Aug- ust 21. Congratulations to Mrs. Jack Ev- ans who had a birthday on Friday, August 22. ~ . Mrs. K. B. Heisey of Toronto, formerly of Unionville spent Wedâ€" nesday with Misses I. and V. Weig- hill. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gough visited on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mear of Weston . Mr. Robert Armstrong, one of the old and respected residents of Unionville, passed away at Briar Bush Hospital. Stouffville. on Sun- day, August 17. Mr. Armstrong had been in failing health for several months. The funeral service was held on Tuesday. August 19, from the Dixon Funeral Chapel, Mark- ham. Entombment took place in Forest Lawn Mausoleum, Yonge St. The late Mr. Armstrong was 86 years of age. He will be greatly missed by his many friends here. Rev. Mr. Brunton of Newmarket conducted the funeral services. The pall-bearers were Bert Hurrell. Myrl Smith, Joseph Bond, Wilbert Snowball, Clarke Young, Wilber Latimer. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chadwick are enjoying holidays this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hill and family have returned after spend- ing a very pleasant week at Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Powers spent a few days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. Reesor of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warne and family have been spending a few days at Timmins. Their friend Mrs‘ White of Timmins returned with them for a visit here. Donald Baker, grandson of Mrs. A. L. Brown has been visiting with her while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker are vacationing at New Liskeard. Mrs. L. Rainey spent Tuesday ev- ening at her brother’s, Mr. S. Fin- dley's, Thornhill. Mrs Clark Young and her moth- er Mrs Grant enjoyed a few days last week at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Harry Shearn of Victoria Avenue. spent the weekâ€"end with her sister, Mrs. Latter of Markham. The funeral service was held from his late residence on Saturday afternoon. Services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. Mr. Butt and Rev. Mr. Barley. Interment in But- tonville cemetery. The pallbearers were his neph- ews, Harry Boadway, Ray McCrone. Russell Coulson. Bert Stiver, Fred Stiver and Gordon Stlver. Mr. William Sanderson spent the week- end at his home here. I @bituary The Late R. Armstrong Late Robert Stiver Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson on the birth of a daughter on Friday. August 22, at York County Hospi- tal, Newmarket, a sister for Wayne and Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burton of Richmond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Uno Ouna- puu spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and family, the occasion being Harry's birthday. Mrs. Winnifred Mortson, Mr. Gordon Mortson, Wayne and Bruce had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong of Edgeley. Misses Shirley and Audrey Gee and Lillian Nichols. Masters Ron- ald Gee and Frankie‘ Nichols are holidaying this week at Canadian Keswick Camp. Port Carling. Mrs. Hewitt of Toronto is visitâ€" ing with her sister, Mrs. I. McIl- murray. Mrs. Taylor and Miss Shirley Taylor of Oakville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Percy Bennett and Ray Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and family had evening dinner Mon- day of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moorley of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee' and family spent Tuesday of last week with friends at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. M. Ferguson of Aurora is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eade spent last week holidaying at Willow Beach, Lake Simcoe. Masters Beverley and Stewart Eade spent last week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eade at Vandorf. Mrs. Oldham of Stoufiville was SHOP EARLY FOR THESE SUPER VALUES -MARKET OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL .9 O’CLOCKâ€"CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, LABOR DAY MCCORMICK’S MAPLE LEAF SoapFIakes Fig Bars NEW PACK Strawberries SWANKY SW 1G STAFFORD’S (NEW PACK) Asparagus Tips 2% SOCKEYE Salmon Margene BANQUET Pork 8. Beans HARRY HORNE'S Peanut Butter Green Beans 2 2%“i WHOLE Mushrooms MINCED SOCKEYE Salmon Cream Cheese a CLARK’S FANCY QUALITY Tomato Juice 6 3% CARNATION Milk Grapefruit JUicenas; Corn Check These Super Values CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie, Victoria Square Telephone Stoufl’ville 67509 ARNOLD FARMS FARMS VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Cream Style 0 MAKE ARNOLD FARMS YOUR FAMILY SHOPPING CENTRE 3 Tall Extra V; ’5 Value Tin Large 1 lb. Pkg. 10 oz. Tin No. 7 HIGHWAY AND DONMILLS ROAD 33" 15 oz 9 oz. Ice Box Jar Glass Jar 20 oz. Tins 20 oz. Tin arge oz. Tin Tins Fancy Quality Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton. Lawrence, David and Donald spent Sunday with their aunts. Mrs. Hat- tie Jackman and Mrs. Margaret St. John of Toronto. Rev, A. Huston will again be in charge of the church service on Sunday, August 31, at 2.30 pm. Mrs. Margaret Haig of Stouff- ville. Mrs. E. Jones and Mrs. Bond of Gormley called on friends in the community on Thursday of last week. ‘ ° ‘ ‘ Mr. Jim Wilkinson of Rockhill. South Carolina. U.S.A.. is visiting with Mr. Jim Boynton this week. Miss June Collardentertained in her home last Thursday evening in honor of Miss Doreen Stephenson. a bride-to-be of September. A set of kitchen aluminumware was presented to Doreen. Congratulations to Ray Bennett and Freddie Walker for their fine work with the Richvale Ball team this year. helping them win the championship. 20 oz‘ the guest soloist at the church ser- Jice on Sunday afternoon: Mr. Clarion Baker of Stouffville was guest organist. 20 oz. tins Tins Poison Residue on Vegetables and Fruits Today hundreds of chemical insecticides are being used to protect fresh fruit and' vege- table crops. These substanc- es, even in the minute quanti- ties in which they may reach the public. should be carefully washed away before eating. This water washing will re- move poisonous chemical resi- due and dirt, slow down spoil- age and improve the fresh na- tural flavor. The best rule is to wash all fruit and vegeta- bles and play safe. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. Giant Size DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK 46 85 37 27 "2”3EINEE" LAM B FRON TS RACK BREAST LOIN ROAST, 1b. ............. LEG 0F LAMB, lb. ............ ACME FARMERS DAIRY BLADE ROAST lb. 51 SHORT RIB ROAST lb. 53 BONELESS Cauliflower Oranges :11: Ice Cream Prime Rolled Ribs In. 79 Lean Minced Beef lb. 47 Kam, Pram or Klick Tin 35 GRAN ULATED SUGAR mo Ib- Bag $9.25 LARGE SNOW WHITE RIBS Choice Back lb. Arnold Farms Better Quality LARGE ROASTING CAPONS lb. 49 59 “’r B5 "1- 59 BEEF SWEET VALENCIA .-.â€"v- .‘ inn leLRAL, Richmond CHINA SILVER - CRYSTAL . BRASS. ETC CLIFFORD, 15 Seccomoe St. ONE MILE EAST AT STOP 14- A YONGE MARKET ANTIQUE FURNITURE 9 Flavors Brick Maple Leaf WEINERS lb- 39 CHICKENS lb. 3 9 FRESH ROASTING Each Size 288': N0. 7 HIGHWAY AND KENNEDY ROAD um, lhurs., AUNT MARY’S CHEESE FRESHLY GROUND TO SUIT ANY TYPE BUTTER lb. 59 COFFEE COFFEE MAKER. First Grade Creamery Smoked Breakfast lb. 95 BACON lb. 33 2 lb. block HALF OR WHOLE SIDE SLICED lb. 35c LOAF RIND 0N

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