RWJ/dl... The many friends of Mr. Stan. Ransom Will be glad to hear that he is on the road to recovery after his recent illness and is able to be up a little each day. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin and sons Jack and Ross of Chesley were week-end visitors in the village. Mr. Martin. a former member of the Bank of Commerce staff here Mr. and Mrs. Braybrook of Pe- trolia visited with Mr. Harry Moyle recently. Mr. Robert Hillaby returned home today from Wellesley Hospi- tal where he has been for the past three weeks, and is reported to be progressing favorably after his ill- ness. is now with the Chesley branch. John Jr. who this year was Bruce County High School Athletic Cham- pion recently returned after two .weeks at the Ontario Athletic As- sociation summer camp. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh family of Arnold SL. mg in Pleasantville. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harrington have re- turned after a month's trip to the west coast and parts of the United States. Mr .and Mrs. H. Rigby of Eliza- beth 51. are on a holiday trip to the East Coast. Mrs. P. C. Hill. en route from West Coast, was the guest of and Mrs. G. E. Eakins of Port thur last week Miss Gloria Parisi and Miss Blythe Gregorash have recently re- turned from a two week vacation in Bermuda. Linda‘ Milligan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Milligan of Bay- view Ave.. celebrated her 2nd birthday with a party on Sunday. Her cousins from Mount Dennis at- tended. Wm. Tyndall of 34 Roseview Ave.. is progressing favorably af- ter undergoing an operation at the Shouldice Hospital. Toronto. He is expected home this week‘ ' The Well Baby Clinic will be held, for the month of September only. on the ï¬rst Tuesday of the month â€"â€" Tuesday, September 2 â€" at the Lions Community Hall. Cen- tre St. W. from 1.30 pm. to 4 pm. Mrs. Arthur Bourke and her two daughters Patricia and Linda and her mother. Mrs. C. Trawell of Winnipeg have been visiting for two months with Mr. N. J. Van Dyke at Richmond Hill. WIRING Mrs. L. A. Van Duzer of Mont- real. accompanied by her daughâ€" ters, Margaret and Catharine is spending this week with her sisters the Misses Walker. Bridge-ford St. STUART PAXTON Phone TUmer 4-1016 At this time, classes will be assigned and general organization explained. Bus drivers on school routes have been notiï¬ed and will plan to drive their former routes one hour later than usual. Classes will be dismissed at noon or shortly after. These times apply to opening day only. Students are requested not to report at school until 10 am. Tuesday. September 2. for General Assembly at 10.15 am. “LEAVE YOUR “'IDOW A HOME â€" NOT A RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY, Sept. 2 Electrician MORTGAGE" OPENING NOTICE TO ALL PUPILS The Lzberal ’u always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4- 1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. LINE WORK MacKay and are holiday- Mrs. Hoover is survived by three foster children, Patricia and Arth- ur Peel and David Johnson. her fa- ther, one brother and a sister-in- law, Mrs. W. Jones of Richmond Hill. Miss E. {yard left Wednesday morning for Arehwon, Algonquin Park, where she \vlll attend the Education Studies Work Shop. Mr. Murray Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Johnston of Bridge- ford Ave., and a recent graduate of Richmond Hill District High School has received notice that he has been accepted in Royal Roads Mil- itary College in British Columbia. In Richmond Hill she was known to many in connection with her tea room, the Fireside Tea Room on Yonge Street. She was also em- ployed in Dr. Wilson‘s office. Mrs. Hoover was former matron of the Eastern Star Home for Chil- dren and of the Unity Chapter 0. 15.5. She was also a member 01 the White Shrine of Jerusalem. Until recently she had resided in Leaside. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephen- son, Buttonville, announce the enâ€" gagement of their daughter, Muriel Doreen. to Norman Andrew Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilâ€" son, Milliken, the mhrriage to take place on Saturday. September 27, at 3.00 p.m. at Brown's COrners United Church. ‘ clw9 MRS. PETER HOOVER The many friends of Mrs. Peter Hoover, formerly of Richmond Hill will be saddened at the news of her passing at St. Michael‘s hospital on August 25. She was the former Irene Haw and the wife of the late Peter Hoover of Long Branch. SAVAGE â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. Milton Savage (nee Olive Docks! of Richmond Hill are happy to an, nounce the birth of their daugh- ter on Thursday. August 21, 1952, at York County Hospital. Neyy- market. c1w9 Mix and Mrs. Gordon Alexander of Elgin Mills wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Bon- nle Jean to Alan Lester Weather- ill, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Weath- erill of Unionville, the marriage to take place in the United Church. Unionville. on Saturday, Septem- ber 27. 3.30 pm. clw9 MCDONALD â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmo- ther, Sarah McDonald, who en- tered into rest August 25. 1941, also a dear father and grandfa- ther. Murdoch McDonald. who passed away September 8. 1931. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break, but all in vain. To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out never, The memory of those happy days When we were all together, “Where prxcps meet purses" â€" in the classiï¬ed ad. section. Tele. phone yours to TUrner 4-1261. CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS Maple Firemen wish to thank all those who donated gifts or in any way helped to make the Street Dance a success. c1w9 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Willems wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their acts of kind- ness and words of sympathy. durâ€" ing their recent sad bereavement. *1w9 â€"Sad1y missed b3! family and grandchildren. *1w9 In memoriam (Engagements @hituary iBirtb Mr. and Mrs. John Topper and Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCaclwn en- joyed the grandstand performance at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion Saturday evening. An exhibition devotee since early childhood and a fan of Jack Ar- thur's since the days of the Regent Theatre this reporter has already spent two full days at the Ex. and still feels that there is much to see. The Governor General's speech on Friday stressed that this is Canada Year and a 3 million attendance is the aim. Mr. and Mrs. Ron MacIntosh and wins, Barry and Ian left Wednes- iay night for a trip to the east coast. They will be at St. John's, New Brunswick, on Monday, where they will see their son Brian, and nephew Malcolm Stack take part in a guard ofrhonor for the Gover- nor-General. They will continue on to Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. iation and the Lake Wilcox Com- munity Association have both ap- pointed Mrs. C. L. Stephenson to handle publicity for their organi- ations. Misses Ruth. Freda and Blanche lenderson. teachers in the Sunâ€" shine Sunday School. Oak Ridges. returned last week from a three week trip to Pennsylvania. where they attended a Sunday School convention. ’ Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson and Mrs, slackburn Sr. have just returned from a ten-day motor trip through Northern Ontario. Mr. Frank Sinclair who is 82 ,ears of age and a veteran of the First Great War joined the War- Wayne Lambert of Yongehurst Rd. celebrated his tenth birthday on Wednesday, August 20. by tak- ing ï¬ve playmates to th Richmond Hill Theatre. Bill D wson. Ray Meyer. Bob and Skip Blackburn and Michael Lambert enjoyed the double feature and a party with ice cream and cake which followed later. Miss Joan_Peloquin, well known in Oak Ridges. is a member of the Malvern Collegiate precision squad appearing in front of the grand stand each evening at the ONE. Mrs. Kay Weston entertained 24 young friends of her daughter Hel- en in honor of her 15th birthday. The party was held in the Com- munity Hall with dancing to rec- ords. A beautiful birthday cake entred the table. Mr. Wm. Wickham, Elm Grove Avenue, entered gladioli in eleven classes at the Aurora Horticultural Show recently. He received nine ï¬rst. one second and one reserve championship. The corn roast sponsored by the Elmwood Park Association on Sat- urday night was a huge success. A huge bonï¬re. a huge crowd and huge tubs of corn. with plenty of \veiners and buns. pop and tea all added up to a good time for all. Ten good prizes were distributed on a draw. \The ï¬rst prize. a diâ€" amond ring, went to a Toronto visâ€" itor. Mrs. A. Clark. the retiring secretary, was presented with a table lamp in appreciation of her untiring efforts. The executive of the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepayers Assoc- Dean and Donna Wainwright of Pemberton Road have spent the ast three weeks at the Wainwright Cottage, Cedar Harbour. The Adult Bible Class of the Sun- shine' Sunday School. Mr. Alan Heisey teacher. enjoyed an outing o Midhurst Park last Thursday. Everyone reports a very enjoyable time at this beautiful spot. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Summers, Lakeland Ave., have sold their nome to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wein- heimer of Toronto who will move n the end of September. Mr. and Mrs. James Rice ére pictured above after their 'ecent wedding in the Church of St. Mary Immaculate, Rich- mond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Rice have made their home at El- rin Mills. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT â€" HRS. M. BLACKBURN. Yonlehllm Rd. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON TELEPHONE: KING 1301122 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Telephone TU. 4-2238 Jean and Laura Jones from Col- umbus, Ohio, are spending this week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Poole. The girls have entered'the racing competi- tion again this year at the Cana- dian National Exhibition. Grant McCachen and Don Top- per and Mrs. Ross enjoyed a ï¬sh- ing trip last week. Mrs. Ross land- ed a four pounder amid much ex- citement. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Harrison of the South Lake Wilcox Road are spending a week’s holiday in New York City. wailing The doors of Edgeley School will swing open on September 2 to wel- come its young students to another term. It is expected that the reg- istration ï¬gure will remain about the same as last year‘s with about 40 pupils in attendance. The school will be full but in no way over- crowded. Mrs. Martin is happily looking forward to again greeting her pupils Mr. Ross Owen who recently un- derwent an operation at the Tor- onto General Hospital is convales- cing at the home of his sister, Mrs. G. Lawrence, Toronto. The regular meeting of the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepay- ers Association will be held Tues- day, September 2 at 8 p.m. Major Alex McKenzie M.L.A., has been invited to address the meeting which will be held in the Oak Rid- ges School and it is hoped that a large number of ratepayers from that area will be present. rior‘s Day parade at the ONE. on Saturday, especially enjoying the and playing competitions. Garry Blackburn enjoyed the week-end with David Johnson and family of Leasidei ‘ Bahen-Pallister The Aurora United Church [was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday. August 23. when Patricia Elizabeth Pallister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pallister, Oak Ridges. became the bride of Mr. George Richard Bahen, son of Mrs. Rose Bahen‘ Rev. H. Howey offic- iated and Mr. Iiltyd Harris played the wedding music. Mrs. M. Holmes of Yongehurst Road. observed her birthday on Sunday, August 24. _ Edgeley School Opening on a curve at Willow Beach anoth- er motorcycle crashed into their machine. They were removed to York County Hospital at Newmark- et. Mr. Penny will be there for some days. Miss Passmore, age 13, was removed to the Sick Child- ren's Hospital Monday morning. Dr. Crawford Rose, Aurora. was the doctor called to the scene and Constable St. John of Vandorf de- tachment investigated. Reginald Penny and Dorothy Passmore suffered broken legs in an accident at Lake Wilcox Sunday afternoon. Riding a motorcycle Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a white satin gown with a ï¬nger-tip veil fastened with pearls. She carried a bouquet of red roses and forget-me-nots. The bride‘s sister Mrs. Preston Hadley was bridesmaid. She wore a gown of pink taffeta. and hat to match and carried a bouquet of pink roses and asters. Four year old Bonnie Pallister. niece of the bride was flower girl, wearing blue taffeta and nylon net and carrying a bou- quet of pink roses and asters. Mr. Ray Gould was groomsman and Mr. Eric Pallister ushered. The reception was held at the Ridge Inn where the bride's mother received her guests wearing blue crepe with grey accessories and a corsage of pink roses. After a honeymoon in No‘rthern Ontario the couple will live at Oak Ridges. PULLAN-MADDEAUX ..A former resident of Langstafl, Sylvia Grace Maddeaux was mar- ried to John Robert Pullan. in St. Paul’s English Lutheran Church. Niagara Falls, Saturday, August 16. at 2 pm. The bride is the dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mad- deaux, Ellis Street, Niagara Falls, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pullan. Bridge St.. Niagara Falls. Reverend M. C. N’eissbach performed the cere- morlyl amidst a setting of gladioli and palms, with lighted candles on an altar in the backgroundx RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wxixon. L. Th., Rectal AUGUST 1952 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer All are welcome. Heise Hill ' Gormley Rev. A. L. Winger, Pastor 10 a,m. â€" Sunday School SUNDAY, AUGUST 31. 1952 11 am. -â€" Worship and Ministry of God’s Word. 7 pm. â€". Evangelist 8 pm. Wednesday â€"- Midweek RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH In. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D. Minister SUNDAY. AUGUST 31. 1952 11 am. â€" Public Worship and Sacrament of Baptism RICHIOND KILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In. S. W. Birth. B.A.. Minn!“ SUNDAY, AUGUST 31. 1952 11 mm. â€" Divine Worship Mr. James Butler. J.P. Come and Worship. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Tb. VD. NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block East of Yongo On Madawaska Ave., Stop 123 Pastor F. Vaughan B. Th. SUNDAY, AUGUST 31. 1952 9.45 a.m. â€"- Sunday School '11 am. - Morning Worship 7 p.m. h Evening $ervice_ SUNDAY. AUGUST 31. 1952 11 am. â€" Worship Service Guest Minister. Rev. Albert Lott of Toronto Blind Minister Sunday School ‘ Nursery Dept. (2-3) All welcome. The maid of honor. Miss Aileen Gardner wore a pale green strap- _ess dress of nylon net. with a ï¬t- ted stole, and her hat was a halo of green net. The bridesmaids were Miss Louise Maddeaux. sisâ€" ter of the bride. gowned in pink; Miss Joan Pullan. sister of the groom, in orchid; and Miss Betty Leader, in blue. The bridesmaids’ gowns were the same as the maid of honor's. Their hats were tiny pleated bandeaux. to match their gowns. Little Lynn Wallace. niece of the bride.‘was flower girl in a frock of yellow net over taffeta. and her headpiece was a tiny net bonnet tied under the chin with a big taffeta bow. All the attend- ants carrled bouquets of pink. or- chid and yellow gladioli on a net background. SUNDAY. AUGUST 31. 1952 11 mm. â€" Divine Worship Mr. D. M. Warne. B.A. 11.15 am. -â€"â€" Beginners Class Come and worship. Prayer Meetings A hearty welcome is extended t9 all. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a strapless, baller- ina length gown of nylon mar- quistte and. lace over satin. with a jacket of nylon marquisette and lace. The ï¬tted bodice was gath- ered with seed pearls, and the full skirt fell in three lace-trimmed tiers, over a crinollne skirt. The bolero jacket had a lace lapel and collar. and the sleeves tapered at the ï¬ngertips. A tiara of pearls held the ï¬ngertip length veil of french. hand-embroidered illusion. 'The bride carried a heart-shaped bouquet of red roses, set in white gladioli. The best n was Mr. William Kreitner, and the ushers were Mr. Rudy Marten. Mr. Roy Moreau and Mr. Mitchell Yak. VMrs. M. C. Weissbach was the organist. and Mrs. Don Anderson was the soloist. For her daughter‘s wedding. Mrs. Maddeaux wore an afternoon dress of midnight blue accented with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother wore a light grey dress. with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. A reception was scheduled at 3.00 pm. at the home of the bride. Eighty guests were pres‘ ent. For a wedding trip to Northern Ontario. the bride donned a navy and white suit. The suit had a white jacket and a navy skirt. and the neckline was accented with a navy and white dotted jabot. Her accessories were white, and she wore a corsage of red roses. On their return to Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Pullan will reside at 2454 Corwin Crescent Rev. S. W. Hirfle. B.A., Minister LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Services lundny, 11 am. -â€" Bible School classes far all ages 7pm. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 p‘.m. â€"- Prayer Meeting l‘hurs., 2 pm. â€"â€" Women’s Mia- siohary Meeting. Fri" 8 pm. â€" Young xeoples Soc The pastor will preach Chm-5.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Service You will enjoy the warm atmosphere of this church. TRORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRETHREN IN CHRIST f‘“ CHURCH Webbing BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN ‘unday School ..... 10 mm. Worship ............... . 11 am. Sunday School at Concord Schoo House at 10 am. PRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. S. A. R. Wood. 3A.. Rector THORNHILL SUNDAY. AUGUST 31. 1952 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer and Sunday School CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. 11 am. â€" Union Services with Thornhill United Church at Thornhill during August. Sunday on. P.S. â€"â€" Laboflrers are needed to help in construction. Please go direct to the church lot on Oak Ave. between 12 am and 9 p. m. ‘ , MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert. B.A.. ILD. minister . SUNDAY, AUGUST 31. 1952 Edgeley Sunday School and Church Service Hope Sunday School . ;. . .. 10 am. Church Service . . . . . . 10.30 am. Maplo . Sunday School ...... 10.30 mm. Church Service ...... 11.30 am. Preacher: Rev. W. G. Berry, M.A., B.D., Toronto ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south ol‘ Dimple) Plum: Rev. E. J. ï¬nder SUNDAY. AUGUST 31, 1952 Sunday School ........ 1.30 p.m Sunday Service ........ 2.30 pm Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening It 7 pm. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is temporarily held in Richvale Public School each Sunday at 2 pm. We would appre- ciate a good attendance from this Thornhill Baptist Church STOP 17 (Ont. & Quebec Conventiorn) Sunday School and Morning Worship .......... 11 am. REV. PERCY BUCK, Minister Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) u 9.15 3.1:. Acts 4:12: - - - for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Visitors Very Welcome Campbell-Langley The marriage took place in St. John's Anglican church. Oak Rid- ges on Saturday. August 23. of Mary Hawthorn Langley} daughter of Roger Benjamin Langley. “Sha- dowmereâ€. Gormley, and the late Mrs. Langley. to Alexander McEw- an Gringan Campbell, son of Mrs. Campbell, Toronto and the late Ewen S. S. Campbell. Rev. D. C. H. Michell officiated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a gown of rose point lace over satin. fashioned with a scall- oped boat neckline, long, pointed sleeves, and bouffant net skirt fall- ing into a train. Her veil of French illusion was held by a cap of lace and satin. and she carried a cas- cade of white stephanotis and gladioli petals. Nancy Langley. who was maid of honor for her sis~ ter and bridesmaids. Caroline Schaefer. Ann Wickman and Mary Taylor. wore gowns of nile green taffeta with bouflant overskirts of marquisette over net. and match- ing taffeta jackets and sashes. They wore matching taï¬eta Juliet caps. and carried white baskets of 'mums and green myrtle. Louis Alexand- er Campbell attended the groom. Ushers were Robert Cringan. Don- ald Schell and Donald Hogarth. At “Shadowmere†the bride's aunt. Mrs. R. H. Davies. received wear- ing grey Chantilly lace, mulberry accessories and a corsage of deep red roses and stephanotic. The groom's mother. gowned in teal blue lace with matching accessor- ies and a yellow rose corsage. as- sisted. The bride left for New England states wearing a print taf- feta dress with black accessories. When Mr. and Mrs. Campbell re- hurn. they will reside in Willow- ale. YOUNG IDEAS In a parked car a boy about eight was wildly twisting the steering wheel and uttering motorlike sounds. I watched him awhile, then leaned over and said. “Hey, bud, you better stick your arm out when you go around a curve or you'll get a ticket." ZION MEMORIAL CHURCH “The Church ox. the Hill†Finch Ave. E. at Don Mills Rd. SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 1952 Don McNabb, baritone Speaker: Don Bottsford Instrumental, Vocal & Speaking Pictures every Wednesday .t 8 p.111. ' AILWelcom. ' He regarded [me scornfully. ‘Look bub, " he said. “you stick your arm out of a space ship and you '11 have it ripped oï¬. ’ . Correspondent: Mrs. Allan Done: Phone Stouï¬ville 67104 CHURCH OF CHRIST School and Church Service withdrawn Webbing (under erection) Richvale Chapel GORMLEY PIPE CUT & THREADED SASH GLAZED PICKED UP & DELIVERED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded We Deliver THE LIBERAL, Richmond Iii“. Thurs, August 28, 1952 ONTARIO TUrner 4-1701 OAK RIDGES PHONES: III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Formerly of Genlrd Heintlman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimates Phone Libera] Oflico TUmer 4-1261 lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII James J. Wall Plumbing - Heating Sheet Metal Work PIANO TUNING anh Repairing SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Lo’am and Fill Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems John Barrymore Jr. Cartoon 1‘ Cartoon DOUBLE FEATURE Wed.. Thurs. â€" Sept. 3. 4 “PARIS UNDERGROUND†Gracie Fields “TRY & GET‘ME†Frank Lovejoy Cartoon Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer 4-1872 REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS No. 7 Highway Two Miles West 0f Thomhill Fri" Sat. â€" Aug. 29, 30 ‘TOM BROWN’S SCHOOL DAYS’ Robert Newton “Bombalero†Short “Quick on the Vigor" Cartoon News MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday, August 31 - For Service at it’s Best - - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE DOUBLE FEATURE Mon.. Tues., â€"â€" Sept. 1. 2 "SHAKEDOWN" (adult) Howard Duff "BOMBER'S MOON" George Montgomery E. CHARITY J- A- \X/I LLOUGHBY "THE BIG NIGHT" S. Hoffman Dealer for HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 Richmond Hill King 111 Aurora 46-1 TU. 4-2101 News 'ews 7,6001) 7F00D Juice GOOD LUCK Margarine OLD SOUTH ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT Sockeye Salmon . 4:: 39¢ Cider Vinegar Soapflakes Tenderflake Lard LAPP’S PURE CHALLENGER RED PRINCESS MAPLE LEAF NEW POST’S Corn Fetti Onions h ;-,‘; H 535 I CHATEAU Cheese PRESERVE NOW N0. 1 YELLOW N0. 1 COOKING CALIFORNIA SUNKIST Orangesâ€? SPECIALS Self Serve RICHMOND HJLL MORLEY’S FREESTONE PEACHES Gallon 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN V: lb Pkg. Doz. Plus. Ctns. ~ 19c 48 oz. Tin AND SONS PLAIN 0R PIM ENTO 27c 36c 59c 31c 19c 63c 25c 27c