Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1952, p. 8

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8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., August 28, 1952 EXHIBITION ""“~Â¥.£:.§£"-5 Grandstand tickets available at C.N.E. Office, 89 Yonge St, Toronto. Or ask your local ticket agent. CANADIAN NATlflNAl $W i, We also have ten used tractors Which have been rebuilt and painted. We have a used tractor to fit your needs. Do you need an extra tractor for a day or week? We will rent you one at a small rental. Perkins Farm & Home Equipment 23 Markham Rd. Richmqnd Hill TELEPHONE - TUmer 4 - 1229 1 Used 3-furrow McCormick ace bottom tractor plow I 1 Used 2-furrow McCormick ace bottom tractor plow 1 Slightly Used No. 64 six foot engine drive Combine, with pick-up attachment 1 Used 5 Ft. McCormick Combine, with power take-off drive . The c.N.E. is the world's largest annual exhibitionâ€"a stirring spectacle you'll remember always! Thrill to the stupendous Grandstand Show "Canadiana" with popular singing star Tony Martin . . . the Mounties in colourful dress uniform performing their amazing Musical Ride . . . the chic and glamour of the Fashion Shows . .. screaming Air Force “jets" in breathtaking manoeuvres . . . thousands of intriguing exhibits from dozens of countries . . . and a host of other great attractions! Something new and exciting every minute! Be sure to come to the C.N.E._it's the biggest annual exhibition in the world! (I. & um”. mum § Q“ FOR SALE Ft. McCormick Harmw Plow with power-lift and tractor hitch § ”wood A Hughes. G We! Cotton Wedding Invited to a ‘ Hillsburgh on S August 16. Mis ea. and of Roland who is with the permanent force stationed in Cal- gary. Connie is to be married to a soldier in three weeks. Both Connie and her mother are em- ployed in the canteen at Camp Borden. Mr. Winters is not well, and is returning to Sunnybrook Hospital this week. and On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Winters and daughter Connie, of Angus, near Camp Borden, were visiting former neighbours on Sun- day afternoon. Some of their news dealt with their sons. Denny who has just ar- rived i_n Japan, on his way to Kor- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burt en- tertained Rev. and Mrs. J. Wilson of New Westminster, BC. Thurs- day. Rev. Mr. Wilson is rector of St. Mary's Church, under Bishop Heathcote. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. R. Hood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Belknap. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. P. Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Poag. were dancing at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club on Friday evening. J. M. Best attended a meeting of representatives of Credit Unions in Ottawa this week-end. Mr. Best, who is manager of Co-operative Credit in Toronto ,attended a C0â€" operative meeting in Flesherton earlier in the week, and was re- elected as president for the third year. Mrs. Joseph Mathewson. Toron- to, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Patton, this week. Patton, as travelling companion, joined Mr. Neild on Manitoulin Island last week-end. Mr. Neild had spent a week on the island on a fishing holiday. Mr. and Mrs. David Denton and two children, Brantford, spent the past week with Mr. Denton‘s mo- ther, Mrs. W. H. Denton, Cedar- brook. ' ' ‘ ' Mr. and Mrs. Jagles Strathy and daughter Jane hav returned after a two month holiday in Europe. Mrs. James Neild, Toronto, ac- companied by her father, James Miss Carole Muske ' and her friend, Miss Sylvia Deitch, Toron- to, are enjoying this week at Birch Point Lodge, Haliburton. Mrs. W. F. McDonald and Miss C. Semple, Toronto, were in Owen Sound for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Traviss, Toronto, visited their cousins, Miss Jessie Gellately and Miss A. A. Ferguson on Sunday. Mrs. William A. Carson had a very pleasant day on Thursday, when her mother and her three sis- ters spent the day with her. Mrs. Carson’s mother, Mrs. Robert Graves, Sharon, celebrated her 94th birthday recently, and she is a sprightly pink-and-white old 1a- dy, who enjoys life immensely. Her daughters, Mrs. Frank Widdifield, Newmarket, Mrs. Howard Pegg, Sharon, and Mrs. Walter Couch, Holt, who visited with her were es- corted by David Couch. Deenie Jarvis was six years old on Monday and on that wonderful day she had a birthday party. Her guests were fifteen little girls and Shane Belknap. The rug hooking group of Kingâ€" crafts met for the first time since spring, on Friday afternoon at the home of the convenor, Mrs. Jack Norris. The next meeting will be held on Monday afternoon. Septem- ber‘s, at the home of Mrs. Partridge 7th concession, at Purpleville. Th'e regular serv_ices of the three Presbyterian Churches of the dis- trict were resumed on Sunday morning, August 24, with the min- ister, Rev. D. C. Wotherspoon, pres- ent after a month‘s holiday. The car spun around several times/crashed against a tree, and threw several of the occupants out and their luggage onto the high- way. They were taken to the home of Noel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marsh, Mount St Francis, where they remained until Friday. Luckily the occupants of the car received light injuries, although the car is badly damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Noel and oth- ers of.the family had motored from St. Catharines when called to Bathurst, N.B., because of the ill- ness of their mother. Mr. Matt Noel has remained at his mother’s home for a week longer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell have returned to their home. after having been in Toronto for a week after the motor accident in which they were injured on Civic Holi- day. Their father, Walter Kight- ley, who was critically injured in the same accident, and who is a patient in the East General Hospi- tal, Toronto, is holding his own. Several King friends have visited him. including Rev. D. C. H. Mi- chell and Crawford Wells. Mrs. Matt Noel, her brother-fri- law, O'Neil Noel. his sister Delma Noel and Dan Hall. all of St. Cath- erines. were involved in a motor accident on Sunday morning, Aug- ust 10, when their car hit a greasy spot on the wet pavement. No. 7 Highway. near Woodbridge. Mr. and Mis. Ross Walker have returned from their holidays, which were spent this year near Midland. Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson is spendâ€" ing the week at Niagara Falls. Ont. where she is visiting Rev. Mr. Jen- kinson's mother and sister. Mrs. James Jenkinson and Miss Jessie Jenkinson. ’ any more impressive. The invitations, which set the )C CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING. ONT.- KING CITY NEWS the cere Phone King 55R“ Next in the procession, with cow- bells jingling. was an old jeep, driven by a young lady. On this the bridesmaid and her escort were invited to ride. The sun shone as they all returned to the wedding reception which was held on the lawn. After their return from a trip north, the bride and groom will settle on a farm near Hillsburgh. The bride's mother is the former Lilian Ferguson, B.A., A.T.C.M. Following the ceremony the young couple were taken for a tour of the town by their young friends. in an unexpected carriage. which was an old fashioned buggy drawn by a tractor. As it was rain- ing, the groom gallantly held an open umbrella over his bride's head, and both, with good humour. enjoyed their friends’ prank. was performed indoors. The rooms were gay with many standards of bright glads. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Aitkin af- ter the pianist had played several selections ending with the wedding march. The bride, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Nodwell, was giv- en in marriage by her father. She was dressed in a white organdy gown. with a white hat made with an offâ€"the-face brim. Her brides- maid. Patsy Nodwell, wore a blue cotton frock, with a small close- fitting cap. Turn those unwanted items into cash. Dispose of them by tele. phoning TUrner 4-1261 gnd int serting a classified ad. The wedding was to have taken place out of doors on the terraced lawn. but because of heavy rain informal note to this colorful wedâ€" ding of Mary Nodwell and Richard Buckle. both of Hillsburgh, were written on a postcard of an aerial view of the bride's farm home. in- viting the guests to their cotton wedding. _ Bill Driakwater Motors KING, ONTARIO TELEPHONE KING so Tenmed with Pawn-glide“ is the powerful valve-in-head engineâ€" an outstanding performer! This Powerslide enFme's Hydraulic- »Hushe valve liters are another 1m ortanr Chevrolet exclusive. *( ower lide automati: transmis- sion avai able on De Luxe models It extra cost.) Chevrolet's famous Knee-Action ride is now even softer. smoother. New shock absorber action smothers bumps and jolts more quickly and efieaively than evex. UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE Engine vibraxion and power im- pulses are "screened out" - iso- lated from driver and passengers. Engine rides flexibly suspended between new high~side mount- ings . . . centred, poised, cush- ioned in rubber. CENTREPOISE POWER EXTRA lARGE BRAKES No other car in Chevrolet’s field offers you such a wonder- ful array of extra features. Yet Chevrolet is the lowest- priced fine Vcar . . . Come see . . . come drive . . . the car that rates first in popularity . . . first in features . . . first in fine car quality . . . at lowest cost! POWERFUL VALVE-lN-HEAD ENGINE It's an oil-smooth, oil-cooled automatic transmission. It's sim- pler with fewer parts to wear or require adjustment. It‘s :maolber because oil does it all without complicated intermediate gears. Optional on De Luxe models at exua cost. Chevrolet measures a full 585/: inches between centres of rear wheels â€" providing a broader base to give you more stability on the road, less sway on thv curves! Chevrolet‘s Jumbo-Drum brakes. with their big 11-inch brake drums, apply more leverage for more stopping power. Stops are smoother, safer, with less driver efl’ort. Bonded linings last up to twice as long. EXTRA WIDE TREAD POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Billy Thompson‘s little cousin. Patricia Kerr of Vellore was at church last Sunday with Billy and her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerr. Patricia is here for a week's visit. St. John's W.A. The regular monthly meeting of the WA. from St. John's Anglican Church (Yonge St. at Jefferson) met at the home of Mrs. Neil Dibb on Wednesday afternoon. August 30. Following the custom adopted recently the roll call was answer- ed by each member present giving Many residents of this district have been asking about the build- ing operations going on just south of Jefferson School. Stan Troyer. who is well-known as the “Garden Tractor Man". now living at Oak Ridges, will be moving down to his new home-site at Jefferson this fall, The foundation is almost rea- dy for the house they are moving from King. and Stan will also have his own sales and equipment shop at this new location. a friend of her son-in-law who had attended school in Mexico and was returning to the States to go into the American army. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell of Torâ€" onto week-ended at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. Mrs. Julia Heeley has returned home after a two week‘s visit to points north. Going from here to Green Acres. Orillia. Mrs. Heeley spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broome, former residents of Elgin Mills. Later, ,in company with her granddaughter, Margaret Louise Carlisle, she motored to Kirkland Lake to the home of her daughter. Mrs. T. A. McDonough. Mrs. Heeley drove back home with‘ ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Telephone Tl'rner 4-2334 lAKES 1 brakes. h brake use for itops are 55 driver 15! up to éfiwe EAD 1H 533/4 of rear broader stability on [11' NEW See all these EXTRA fecrlu res of Chevrolet Born in India where her parents were stationed at that time, Miss Haslam calls Canada “home”. She is the daughter of Canon and Mrs. R. J. Haslam and comes from a family of missionaries. Her moth- er was the founder of a mission hospital in India which another daughter, Dr. Florence Haslam now heads. During her address of last week. Miss Haslam took her listeners on a journey around the world, speak- ingiof difierent missionaries in China, Japan. South Africa, India and the Arctic Circle, where she has spent several years. Owing to ill health Miss Haslam has retired from active work in the foreign mission field. Many happy returns to the Bar- row twins Billy and Bobby who are celebrating their 5th birthday with double enthusiasm on August 29. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taggart. Regent St., who cele- brated their 32nd wedding anniv~ ersary on August 25. the name of a missionary, or a fa- vorite verse of scripture. Mrs. S. C. Snively read the scrip- ture lesson, after which the presiâ€" dent, Mrs. Maurice Beynon. intro- duced the guest speaker, Miss Mar- garet Haslam. The new Post Office for King City, that has been dis- cussed for the past few months. is really going to be built. The bulldozer began to dig the cellar last week, and soon the foundations will be laid. The postal staff is ex- pecting that the Christmas mail will be handled in the building. Ofl’ice Started MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLITI THAN AIY OYHII CIR! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE TU. 4-1131 Oxford St. Forced Air and Gravity Installations " CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS Richmond Hill Office 8 Yonge St. South TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SARNIA - KITCHENER - WINDSOR - PETERBOROUGH General Heating Furnaces cleaned and repaired Eavestrough - Tinsmithing . . . above you. hue-1h you, 31! around you. Fisher Body sets the nnndard in the automobile industry â€"- {or styling. for craftsmanship. for comfort and convenience! And Fisher Unisteel construction guards you with the solid strength of steel welded to net-l Chevrolex's exclusive engine lubri- cating system supplies exactly the right kind and amount of lubri- cation to each moving part. It helps Chevrolet's proved valve- inâ€"head engine serve you better and longer {or less] Gloose from a wide tray of rich beautiful new 1:010! Ensembles â€" rich. fresh and sparkling. Dis- tincrive new De Luxe interiors an: color-matched to the auction“ body color: for new color harm- ony inside and out. 4-WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION BODY BY FISHER . J. PATFIELD GORGEOUS NEW COLORS FOR SAFE - CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING Your BRANCHES: pmceb so LOW! SUBURBAN SPECIALIST Chevrolet offers "Shade-Lite" glass with exclusive. :baded wind- shield- -tinun5 (or your extra pro- tection. "Shadc- Lite ' glau all 'round reduces glare and he“, helps you drive rnqre mlely and comfortably! (Optional a em: co“). Pistons are formed from the sun. materials as the cylinder block- expand and contran at the tame rate. This helps maintain a pl€~ cise fit at all engine temperatures -reduces piston wcar and oil con- sumption! GM”SHADE-|.ITE”GLASS Reduces Glare, Heat and Faiitgue Control is centred between the front wheels instead of behind the left from wheel. This advanced steering geometry makes Chevro- Ier surprisingly easy to neer. mn- noeuvre and park. CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS EXTRA-EASY .‘ENTRE-POINT STEERING TU. 4-2076 RE. 9354 C-IBSZB

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