Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Sep 1952, p. 3

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RICHMOND HILL (two miles East of Jackson's Point, Ontario) offer permanent. country home bargains for quick sale. In acquiring a number of farms for subilivision purposes, we have on hand some desirable country style homes, that we are willing to sacrifice at very low prices for quick sale. 1. A completely newly remodelled, all year round two storey bungalow, J ohnsâ€"Manville asbestos shingle siding in gray, asphalt roofing, hardwood floors throughout, lo- cated on one acre, well treed land with good garden possi- bilities. This home is only ten minutes from modern school, and locatedtwo miles north of Keswick, Ontario. Convehient to bufisirlines, and shopping centre. Has been valued at $0,000.00, for quick sale is priced at $3,950.00 with terms available. 2. Locted about two miles north of Keswick, Ontario, one mile from Lake Simcoe on beautiful height of land overlooking the lake, this country style home is located on approximately two acres of land, well treed with map- les, large producing early garden and fruit trees, ber- ry bushes. etc. An ideal home for retired folks, al- though only five minutes walk from modern school, bus line conveniently by, Hydro installed, excellent well, full size basement. Heating cost less than $100 per year. This home and grounds could not be duplicated today for $10,000, but is again priced for quick sale, new- ly decorated outside, at $5,950.00, with terms. 3. Located on our new and fast growing St. Georges subdivision, two miles east of Jackson’s Point, right next door to the 500 acre York County Park, ultra mod- ern, brand new completely insulated, architect designed bungalow. with three bedrooms, only 100 yards from the water’s edge, located on large lot, wired for heavy duty electric range. Only requires bathroom to be installed to complete. To be sold as is, reduced from its regular price of $8,950 to $4,950 for straight cash sale. 4. Located in beautiful Briars Golf and Country Club site, one mile east of Jackson’s Point. in restricted area on well treed lot 100’x170’ with private bathing beach facilities, a bungalow that may be finished to suit owner. regular value $5,000 priced at $3,450 for immed- iate sale. Cash. This bungalow may be converted into an all year round home or used as a summer cottage. 5. Located right on the lake front at Eastbourne Beach, three miles north of Keswick, a fully insulated ul~ tra modern bungalow, two bedrooms, third may be eas- ily added in the inteior. Centre living room, large ver- andah. bathroom and finishing of kitchen all that is required to finish this home. This practically finished home has been regularly selling at $14,000. For sale, as is, 86.950 cash. 6. For sale or lease, ultra modern retail premises lo- cated in the centre of the shopping district here at J ackâ€" son’s Point. Suitable for practically any retail business, food store, motor car showroom, etc. The store show- room brand new in 1947 has a glass fronted showroom 50’ wide. the overall part is 90’ deep. Lighted with flu- orescent lighting, completely insulated, all tiled floors. Permanent home building sites ranging from $595 up, 2000 cottage lots from $398.00 located within a ten mile radius of the south shore of Lake Simcoe, available on terms as low as $25.00 down payment. Contact Owner LAKE SIMCDE HOMES AND PROPERTIES "Come back here» horse ruchr‘ Pn'it Picluro Window: TM: chuming cmngcmenl of window gins "I excellent view, and adds beaul‘ M any room. Head Office - SUTTON, ONT. PRE-F IT WINDOWS a A‘ Quick Installation M or Miss G. Kyles, Sec.-Treas., Sutton 4U saw DON CHRISTIAN PHONE iURNER 4 1125-6 Pre-Fit Window Units are delivered to you as- sembled and ready to in- stall quickly and easily Fitted with spiral bal- ances for easy raising. We can supply storm sash to match. Also Pre-fit Picture Win- d0ws and Cellar Units. Prcfil V Window Unm Au "Mable in A wick any. ‘of :londnrd xiul and dcxisnl. Thy mum “bid comhudiomnvim 18-1 The W.I. will resume its month- ly meetings September 10, at the home of Mrs. Maurice Beynon. The program convenor is Mrs. Roy Bow- en. Citizenship and education is the topic for the day. The roll call is an item of international interest. Mrs. Nelson Thompson Mrs. Do- ris Davis and Mrs. Beynon are the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark, Mrs. Grace Koehner and Mr. Walter Smith motored to Oscdco on Sun- day to visit Mrs. Hughie Palmer, a sister of Mr. Clarke. Other rela- tives in Port Hope were also visit- ed. Gugsts of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradley recently were Mrs. Brad- ley and grandson Michael of Well- and. Two residents of Richvale Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill today opened a new combination ladies and chilâ€" drens wear and variety store at 6197 Yonge Street, Newtonbrook. This modern store will be situated next door to the Newtonbrook P.O. 30th Mr. and Mrs. Hill have had previous experience in the‘ retailing ield. They are old residents of lichvale having lived in this dis- :ict for the past 15 years. Richvale Couple Open Store Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square Telephone Stoufiville 67509 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins and Coral have returned after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ladd and family at Brewerton, New York. USA. Miss Vera Nichols arrived home Wednesday evening of last week after spending her two months vacation visiting Great Britain and the continent. Mrs. Paterson of Toronto spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harmon. Mycosis, a highly contagious fungus infection of the scalp, reached near-epidemic proportions in certain areas under wartime condi- tions. In Yugoslavia, the World Health Organization and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund joined with the Government to strike at this disease which, unchecked. results in permanent loss of the hair. 'l'rained technicians, working with UNICEF-supplied X-ray equipment to remove fungus-infected hair, are effecting rapid cures. Pictured above. hospital workers remove remaining hairs from children’s heads after zinc-oxide treatment. Mrs. Elmer Huggins and family of Picton visited a few days of last week with her .mpther and brother, Mrs. Alvin Frisby and Ri- chard. Mrs. M. A. C. Ferguson of Aur- ora spent a fw days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols and Miss Vera Nichols visited Thurs- day of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Helmkay of Cree- more. Happy birthday greetings are ex- tended to the oldest resident of ‘ur community. Mr. Levi B. Heise, .10 on Sunday, August 31, observ- J his 89th birthday. Open house as held in his honour at his home n ‘Monday. It is hoped that Mr. Your District Salesman for . . . . THE H. C. DOWNHAM NURSERY CO. YONGEHURST RD. TUrner 4-2318 We Deliver Mr. John Gough of Flint, Mich. U....SA was the guest soloist at the church service on Sunday af- ternoon. PLAN Y o( Râ€" PLANTING “1TH JAMES B. SMITH Mrs. H. Attwood of Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ridley and family of Whitby spent the Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Will- ows. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded Liberal Classified Advertisements Bring Results ‘eise may live to enj03l many more irthday celebrations. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. VICTORIA SQUARE Caulking Guns Post Hole Diggers Blow Torch Extension Ladders TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS FOR RENT TU. 4-2101 Phone King 3R11 ED. PAXTON. R. R. 2", KING Mrs. Agnes Cornish, a sister of Mrs. Frank Bell has been a guest in her home for over a week. Miss Susanne Levison had the pleasure of having the pony Club of which she is a member meet at her home this past week. ' Mr. Jerry Howell returned home this past week after spending the summer working in Hamilton. Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark of Port Hope will be interested in knowing they will reside on Catherine Ave., Au- rora. after September 1. The many kind inquiries, gifts of cigarettes, fruit, books, etc., re- ceived has been greatly apprec- iated by the patient Mr. W. E. Paxton and by your correspondent. Some fifty persons gathered in the schoolhouse this past week in honor of Miss Violet Robinson, and presented her with many lovely gifts in the form of a miscellan- eous show. Violet will be married September 6 ,in Temperanceville Church. As an added Safety Device for those people using the Public Road- ways a West Hill, Ontario, man has recently commenced the man- ufacture of luminous belts, arm bands and harnesses for dogs. The belts and arm bands are to be used by pedestrians who find it ,necess- ary to walk along the roads after dark â€" the harnesses of course are for family pets who are likely to cross the roads at night. New Safety Belts For Night Walking It is expected that within a short while safety devices of this type will become standard equipment in every home â€" particularly in those districts which do not have side- walks. Light coloured clothing helps motorists to see pedestrians it is true, but it does not have the same eye-catching quality that a glowing belt or arm band would have. Bicycles should be similarly equipped and in several districts the Lions Clubs are endeavouring to see that every bicycle is provid- ed with luminous stripping. One needs only to consider the important fact that in Ontario fa- talities to children under 15 years of age reached an all time high of 68 in the January-June period of this year. Previous years totals were 1951 - 65, 1950 â€" 61, 1949 - 56, 1948 - 48 and 1947 - 54. These new safety belts are now being sold in this district by Duries Variety and Hardware Store, Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale. Richmond Hill Phone TU.4â€"0013 THE \DEAL MAN EX\$TS ONLY lN THE MIND OF A WOMAN _BE.FORE SHE MARRIES HIM. . ( m w: hnmnu ya Fulun swan... [72 F2“? EVthII BAKER’S SERVICE STATION Friendly White Rose Dealer You’re a dreamer if you don't snap up these Dominion Royal Tires on our ideal trade-in terms. Congregation of Hope United :ul‘s. G. W. Bailey is visiting in Church will hold its anniversary Muskoka with Dr. and Mrs. W. S. service on Sunday, September 21. Caldwell. at 11 am. Dr. Archer Wallace will be the guest speaker. The Christian 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker Business Girls' Choir of Toronto spent the holiday weekâ€"end in Fen- wlll lead the praise. elon Falls. The church service in Maple Un- Mrs. James Polloc ited Church is withdrawn on Sun- after visiting with day in favor of the re-opening of Hrynky in Bradford Edgeley United Church. Sundayi . . a c 001 will ge at 10. 30 a. m Church . service and Sunday School will be GEEIFSh EissédhgcnKSe: at the regular hours. 10. 30 and 11. mother Mrs J Poll 30 am. on Sunday. September 14.] ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lund and family visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robeson in Gun- anoque and with Mr. and Mrs. James Padgettjn Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Black and family of Kettleby visited on Sun- day wlth Mrs. Black's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ingram. Mrs. George Julian was unfor- tunate in breaking her hip and is lin Brampton Hospital. Mrs. Julian has been residing in Woodbridge lately. A speedy recovery is wish- ed for her. Mr. C. J. Higgs on Steeles Ave., Vaughan Township, had a number of chickens killed by a dog or dogs last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Park and Miss Agnes Cowper visited in Wau- bashene over the holiday week-end. TORONTO TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN RICHMOND HiLL SPRUCE AV. MAPLE NEWS HWY. N0. 7 CENTRE ST. 95;!!!" AV. ‘ ‘ N 0 RT H YO G E 3 ’ B U S HEW ZONES - NEW FARES NEW ZONES Phone Maple 19R5 EFFECTIVE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH Mrs. James Pollock has returned after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. A. McKean and Ann of Guelph visited on Sunday with her mother. Mrs. J. Pollock. The regular meeting of Maple Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. George Calder on September 10, at 8 pm. Meeting will begin on time. The topic is “Home Economics and Health", by Mrs. D Jarrett. Roll call, "My handiest gadget in the kitchen " Piogramme and lunch committee, Mrs. W Noble, Mrs. N Payne, Mrs. L. Clark and Mrs. I. McQuarrie. Owing to the anniversary ser- vices at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church. Vaughan. on Sunday. Sep- tember 7. there will be no church or Sunday School service at St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church, Maple. LINDSAY: Botanists and govern- ment officials are examining the lake and river water in the region to determine the cause of algae on the water and to curb it. T.T.C. INFORMATION - TRinil'y 4545 STOP 27 A STOP l6 STOP 22 A STOP II CUMMER AV. NORTH TORONTO SHEPPARD E. STOP 6 TERMINAL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 4, 1952 Ph. TU. 4-1552 The television news of the year! Every fine feature is included . . . a full complement of tubes, super-powered chassis, turret tuner â€" ready for UHF, sharper Flex-O-Matic focus. Durable mahogany cabinet resists burns, scratches and stains. This is a limited offer . . . only a few available. Get yours today, to- morrow they may be gone! REDEMPTION of OLD TICKETS PAY-ENTER Passengers entering buses will pay one fare for each zone in which they intend to travel. The driver will issue to each passenger a Zone_Check, indicating the zone to which fare has been paid. passengers are leaving buses. Passengers travelling NORTHBOUND within ZONE 1 or SOUTHBOUND within ZONE 5 will not be given Zone Checks and may leave buses by the rear doors. The new tickets will be available from bus drivers, and at Richmond Hill Terminal (E. J. Roberts), and at North Toronto Terminal, commencing Friday, September 5th. Ticket agencies between Richmond Hill and Norih Toronto Terminal will be discontinued. Zone Checks must be surrendered when On and after September 8th, old tickets will be redeemed at North Yonge Terminal and at the Head Office of the T.T.C., 35 Yonge Street Toronto. Also, tickets for redemption may be mailed to: The Treasurer, Toronto Transporta- tion Commission, 35 Yonge Street, Toronto ‘I. ADULTS: CHILDREN: SCHOLARS: FARE COLLECTION and ZONE CHECKS YEREX ELECWEC One Fare Each Zone TICKET SALES NEW FARES Cash, 10: Tickefs, 4 for 25: (in books) 35 for $2.00 Tickets, 6 for 25¢ Cash, 5: Tickets, 8 for 25¢ Richmond Hill

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