E “\uuuuuu\nuumunmummmlumummuumum“mumuunmumnmmui\I\llmummmnmuuumum1mmmm1mun“muunumma: i-u"m\uumlmllulm\uumummunmIulummuluuuumuuuumumuummumuuluumuunuuuumunmuluuummmmmuumummmu i 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 4, 1952 TONY MARTIN - JANET LEIGH - GLORIA DeI-IAVEN EDDIE BRACKEN - ANN MILLER ' “TWO TICKETS TO BROADWAY†WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY â€" SEPTEMBER 10 & 11 RICHARD BASEHART - GARY MERRILL “DECISION BEFORE DAWN†33 Yonge St. S. * TELEVISION * INSTALLED . SOLD . SERVICED BLACKBUFN'S Thomhill A'Venue 5-1333 yet costs so little? ROYAL THEATRE-Auroral stands ready to serve you for What else in your daily living means so much very hour of every day the telephone in your home a fraction of a cent an hour Doors Open 6.45 First Show at 7.00 Monday-Friday Doors Open 5.45. First show at 6.00 Saturday. Plus: SCO’I'I‘Y BECKE'IT ,- JIMMY LYDON “CORKY 0F GASOLINE ALLEY†MONDAY & TUESDAY â€"- SEPTEMBER 8 8: 9 FLEISCHER'S PHARMACY FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€" SEPTEMBER 5 & 6 RANDOLPH SCOTT - JANIS CARTER “SANTA FE†RICHMOND STUDIO SUIT YOURSELF with the fashions of the season and that crisp' ’n woodsy Woodhue by Fabergé perfectly suited to to“ t Par‘um 6.50 10. 18. E: 60. Cologne 1.75 3. 5. 8. Ensemb|e of "Fabergette" touch-up purse perF'“ with matching cologne, 4.75 â€'1: FREE OPENING OFFER ‘l'lil Illl ‘l‘lliPHOII COMPQHY 1 5x7 IN FOLDER OF YOUR CHILD . COMMERCIAL O INDUSTRIAL Q PUBLICITY Q WEDDINGS Phone TU. 4-1767 fo’ri appointment E. W. STEFANIUK. Photographer RICHMOND HILL Technicolor Technicolor Phone TUuner 4-1521 CANADA Mrs. R. Hamblyn. Fairview Ave., and Mrs. Arthur Jones. Garden Ave., were hostesses Monday even- ing, August 25. when the ï¬rst bri- dal shower in the new Boyle sub- division was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mills, Church St., accompanied by Mr. Walter Frew, and .Miss Joan Lanthier, were guests at the launching of the S. S. Gordon C. Leitch, new 20,000-vesse1 at Midland, Thursday. August 28. Mrs. Leitch christened the ship after her husband. Gordon C. Leitch. Mr .and Mrs. Leitch are the owners of Leitchcroft farm, No. 7. highway east. ' The guests were served a buffet iunt-heon held in the Midland Arena. Friends and neighbours will be sorry to learn that Mrs. James But- cher, Cedar Ave., is in the Gener- al Hospital, ward H, main building. Last word received was that she is imprdving. Mrs. Butcher has nev- er fully recovered from a bout with pneumonia last winter . Showers Bride-to-be Mr. and Mrs. RObert Hamblyn in honor of Miss Barbara Ablett, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ab- ;ett of Yongeview Ave. The room looked 10\ely decorated in pink and white streamers with summer flowers. Guests included ladies from Toronto, Mrs. N. Pink, Mrs. L. Allen, Mrs. D. Payne, Mrs. E. lngrouille, Mrs. 0. Stone. Others were: Mrs. D. Ablett, Mrs. M. Jones, Mrs. E. Worsdale, Mrs. J. Bentley, Mrs. M. Morris, Mrs. E. Page, .Mrs. M. Bell, Mrs. J. Ed- wards, Mrs. R. McArthur, Mrs. G. Clark, Mrs. B. Baker, Mrs. M. Clark, Mrs. M. Holmes, Mrs. A. LVICKean. Mrs. D. Robeson, Mrs. A. Jurr, Mrs. Eggleson. Mrs. Howard, Mrs. E. White, Mrs. K. Morris, Mrs. J. Anderson. Mrs. R. Jobe, Mrs. .Vm. Banks, Mrs. G. Bostlund. Mrs. 3ichard, Mrs. Bickmore, Mrs. R. Jmith, Mrs. J. Ablett, Mrs. F. Lov- 3rock, Mrs. A. Pink, Misses Fern soyes, Helen Boyes, Jean Boyes, IvIcArthur. June Ross, Linda and Heather Bell, Margaret Reid. D. Banks, D. E. Williams, and Bid)- ard. Buï¬et refreshments were served and the bride 5 mother, Mrs. R. Ablett poured tea. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowen, Stop '.8A Yonge St., accompanied by Mrs. Bowen‘s brother, Mr. Mac- Donald of Toronto, left Tuesday, lmil“llllllllll“ll1llmullllll1lllllll1lllll\lll\lll\lllmululllllullhlmm CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP Mr. George Townsend, propriet- or of the Townsend garage No. 7 east, and his daughters Mary Lou and Carol, students at Richmond Hill District High School, Suzanne and son Billy were happy to wel- come their mother home after two weeks in Western Hospital. Our best wishes to Mrs. TOWnsend for a speedy recovery. uulumuuuumtumlulumummummmmumnmmnulmnmmmum Mr. H. L. Fairweather has open- ed a sheet metal business at the corner of Yonge St. and No. 7 east in the building formerly operated as a garage. He employees 2 men, Mr. W. H. MCCrimmion as his as- ;istant and Mr. O. Nichols, an ap- prentice. transferring the business from Stop 10 Yonge St. A welcome to the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Albe‘rt Cameron who have purchased the corner grocery store at Sussex Ave. and No. 7 east. formerly owned by Mr. G. Hobday. Growing tired of Lhe busy city life they sold their Foronto store to come to Langstafl. We wish them success and hope ihey will enjoy living in the dis- trict. 'ew Business Mr. Fairweather is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. West. Garden Ave., and with his family hopes to make his home in Langstaï¬ in the near future. 18 Church St., Langstafl’ 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All Hour's TUrner 4-1812 FLOWERS FOR EVERY .- OCCASION LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STOTTS 2. Scholarships and cups won )y the pupils will be presented dun- :lig the evening. The program has set to be completed. The annual commencement ex- ercises of Langstaff Public School will be_h_eld_ at 787p.m. on September Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderson from Rochester. N.Y., were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Holmes, Langstaff Rd. While in the district Mr. and Mrs. Ander- son called on Mr. Jack Woods at Sunnybrook Hospital. Raymond Thirgood. of Fairview Ave., celebrated his 12th birthday, August 31, in the evening with a corn roast and a sing-song. Those to wish him a happy birthday were Carol Thirgood, Gary Essex, Ed. Garner, Don Robeson, Andy Curr Jr.. Ian Ross and Curt Ablett. Also Thursday. August 28. Ed. Garner celebrated his 10th birthday. Chums to enjoy Ed's party were Allen MacDonald. Frank Lycett, Alec Curr, Tom Greenï¬eld. Char- ley Garner, Jim Ablett. Bob Bren nan. Raymond Thirgood, and Lau- rence Drew. Mrs. D. C. Oddy. Garden Ave.. and three children April. Susan and Gerald and a niece Mrs. M. Mathewson and her three children Linda,Brian and David spent a week’s holidays at Wasaga Beach. St:. is visiting his igvféh-Hsonvï¬giï¬i; of Brantford. Mrs. R. Brash. Roosetzelt Drive, with her sons. R.J. and John, have returned after three weeks vaca- tioning with grandparents Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brash in the Laurentian Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. G. Tutt, Church St. along with Leonard and Geo. Grey spent Sunday at Delhi, Ont. Wells Plewman of Sherbrook. Donald Cary of Urban Bury, Geo. Grey of Bury. returned after spen- ding the week-end with their par- ents in Quebec. Wells and Don'- ald are with the road construction. George is with Mr. Wilfred Dean, Thornhill, and makes his home with Mr. and Mrs. Tutt, Church St. Leonard Tutt went along for the trip. The boys also spent Sunday. August 24, at Delhi, calling on ï¬ve of their chums from Quebec, who are at present in Ontario. working at the Delhi Tobacco farms, harvesting the crop at $14. Mr.0ddy and Susan leave for a ttwo weeks vacattion, September 6, in Vancouver, B.C., visiting Mr. Oddy's sister, Mrs. D. Jenkins. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Wm. Kirby, Concord, and Mrs. R. Ham- blyn. Langstaï¬, also to Suzanne Ellison and John Glassey, both of whom celebrate birthdays Septem- ber 8. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edney, Agin- court. spent Saturday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Holt, No. 7 east. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Van Horne, Concord, are vacationing at Balm Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Holt, of No. '7 highway, in company with Mrs. Holt’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Edney, Bradford. travelled over the weekend by motor to Algon- quin Park, returning Tuesday morning. a day if you liv_e at cami) or $715 if you ï¬nd your own food. and tell us they are well looked after. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Williams Sr., on their ï¬rst born grandson born to Ivor and Helen (Dion! August 28, at York County Hospital. Newmarket. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee, Linsdale Drive, Lan- sing, formerly of Langstaff Road, and to see the new baby, recently, were Mrs. C. Thirgood, Raymond and Keith of Fairview Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholson of Church St., and daughter Gayle are holidaying at Montreal. August 28 by motor for two weeks vacation at Prince Edward Island. and while away William Jr. and Mrs. Bowen are looking after the farm. Carol Thirgood, of Ottawa, re- turned home Monday. September 1. after spending three weeks with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mathews, Stonehaven, No. 7 east. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooke. Church St., and daughter Jacklyn spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Cooke's father at Collingwood. We were sorry to learn that Mrs. N. Hicks is ill with pneumonia and wish her a speedy recovery. JASPER Mlj. Engst Nicholson. Church “You gét the fish, I‘ll get the chips.†AV. 5~2434 II @hituary I Newcomers to King are Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Davie and their four children, Susan. David, Laurie Anne and Barbara Lynne. The Davie family purchased the Vern Simpson farm on the 4th concess- ion this summer. Mr. Davie, who is manager of an electrical ï¬rm in Toronto. intends to do some farm- ing in King. Mr .and Mrs. Vern Simpson, Pat- sy and Jimmy, have moved to their new property. directly east of the King City cemetery, which they purchased this spring from Miss Oliver. While their new home is being built, the Simpson family will spend the next few weeks in the cottage that was formerly the summer home of Miss Oliver. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell McKay and family have returned from a two weeks holiday spent at Sauble Beach, Lake Huron. Harold and Glenn Smalley. Wil- mington Ohio, were week-end vis- itors of their uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Smalley. After spending Labour Day at the ON. 1-4.. they returned home on Tues- day. Bert Archibald, Timothy Grew. John Marti . June Peck and Jo- Anne Wilso were the graduates from S. S. No. 2, who went on to High School in Aurora, on Tues- day morning. There were 16 be- ginners in the King School. and the attendance for this year will be close to 100 pupils. In his 24th year, he leaves to mourn his death his young wife, the former Mary Ussher, daughter of C01. and Mrs. J. F. H. Ussher, Nancy Lake Farm, King, his par- ents. two sisters and a brother. _ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston here at their summer home, Lake .ri‘uskoka, when news of their son‘s .ccident was received. On their Jay to King. they themselves were .nvolved in a motor accident when : car backed out of a driveway in ,rillia, and crashed into their nall English car, causing consid- -rable damage. Mrs. Johnston left by plane for Vancouver on Monday before word of her son’s death had arrived. Mrs. Ussher and Mr. Johnston followed on a later plane. Geoffrey Johnston As the result of chest injuries :ceived in a motor accident on .riday, August 29, Geoffrey Johns- .on ,elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Jharles Johnston, Sylvancrest. 7th :on. of King, died in Vancouver on Labour Day. With a career of promise ahead of him he was a graduate of the University of Tor- onto ,and was about to enter his second year in law at the Univer- sity of British Columbia. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gellately‘ at the Newmarket Hospital on August 25. Mother and baby are very well, and have seen welcomed home by Peter, Brian, Carol and Sheila. to the Forest Rangers School at Dorset the nursery at Midhurst. and other stations where some as- pect of Forestry work is being stu‘ died. They also visited the ONE. before continuing to Ottawa for their conference. Once in every six years a similar meeting of Commonwealth people is held to share information and progress in this important ï¬eld of forestry. l‘his was the 6th Conference. The Southern Research Station of the Department of Lands and Forests at Maple, was the scene of an important luncheon on Wednes- day, August 27. when the delegates from the British Commonwealth Forestry Conference visited the station, as part of their tour through Ontario. Luncheon was served from a marquee set on the grounds of the station and the del- egates and guests numbered about 150 persons. Besides Lord Robin- son. O.B.E.. B.A.B., B. Sc., chair- man of the Forestry Commission of Great Britain, who led the dele- gates upon this occasion. there were representatives from Austra- lia, New Zealand, Pakistan, South and East Africa, Trinidad, Hondur- as, Jamaica, British Guiana, Rho- desia, Kenya and other Common- wealth States, as well as specially invited guests from the United Na- tions, the U.S.A., and the Federal government of Canada. Government employees from the Commonwealth countries. repres- entatives of industry and private timber ï¬rms, and delegates from various journals made up the guests. With a week in Ontario, from August 22 to 29, visits were made to the Ganaroska Forest at Port Hope to Niagara Falls. to Lake Opeongo, where a forestâ€"ï¬re- ï¬ghting demonstration was put on. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON. SING. ONT. By SIMPKINS KING CITY NEWS Phone King 55R†All Saints (Anglican) Sunday School will recommence for the Fall session Sunday next, Sep- tember 7 at 2.30 pm. *’"r lin and Doreen Rutledge whom Miss Dennis saw passing her door at 5 minutes before 8. Eleanor Bryans came along just about the same time. and was ï¬rst to ï¬nd a seat in Miss Patton‘s room. The main idea of being to school so early is to get the best seat for the year. However sometimes the tea- chers have to make a change should the seat not be in the proper row, or too tight for the growing child. Jimmie Rutledge and Richard Chaplin were the ï¬rst pupils to arrive at King City School on Tues- day morning. They were there be- fore 8 o‘clock. and quite a while before their sisters, Audrey Chap- 1’. re-union of ï¬ve sisters took place on Wednesday, August 27. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Patton. The ï¬ve sisters. who were I the former Misses Jarrett, are Mrs. , Arthur Greene, Utica . N.Y., in whose honour the party was held, I Mrs. Joseph Mathewson, Mrs. Jas. } Semple and Mrs. Rae Holley all of . Toronto. and Mrs. James Patton, King City. Others present were Miss Suzanne Grene, Utica, N.Y., Mrs. B. Ruddy and her two child- ren, Tavistock. John Holley and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Patton and Robert of Toronto. A barbecue sup- ner was served by Miss Hilda Patâ€" ton. Miss Bernice Cairns. Aurora. whose marriage to Dale Agar. Rich- mond Hill, will take place on Sep- tembei 6 was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous showei on Friâ€" day evening. The hostess was Mrs Aubrey Gordon. and forty fri32;:‘s from the district brought gif.s lor the bride-to-be. The marriage took place at ar evening service in St. James Ca’u’: edral, Toronto. on Tuesday, Sep iember of Marilyn. daughter of Mr. and rs. T. Yorath, Crown Park Road, Toronto, and James M. Tory, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. D. Tory. Toronto and Kinghaven Farms, King Township. Shower Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis were away from their farm for two days last week. On Friday they drove to Shadow Lake. and Coboconk. taking their friend Miss Louise Philips. Downsview. with them. On Saturday they spent the day with Mr. Curtis’ sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Wells of Tor- onto ,at their summer cottage at Wasaga Beach. Miss Jessie Gellately spent the long week-end at Sparrow Lake. Her sister Mrs. Clara Smith. Tor- onto. accompanied her. Mrs. William Windas took part in he Mammoth Baking Contest held Ln the Coliseum on Tuesday, Aug- ust 26. She made tea biscuits, and they must have been delicious in- deed, for they were prize-winners. Mrs. Windas carried off third priz of $20. The ï¬rst prize was won by Mrs. William Knappett of Rich- mond Hill, who baked an apple pie. and the second prize winner made an angel cake. Re-union Mr. .and Mrs. Alfred Bayliss spent the past week at Maple Beach near Beaverton. They were joined by Mr. and Mrs. William Bayliss who were with them for the holi- day weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Baker were guests of Mrs. W. K. Hall and Miss Helen Hall. Youngstown, Ohio, at their summer home in- Algonquin Park. They were away for the long week-end holiday and returned home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson and son Billy, Toronto, spent their holiday week at the McBride farm, with their brother and sister. Al- fred and Miss Annie McBride. Thursday. August 28. was Miss McBride's birthday and to cele- brate the day her visitors took her to the Exhibition. C.N.E. Winner Mr. and Mrs. William Hare. son Ronnie. and baby daughter, are staying with Mrs. Hare‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs .Len Robb. Mr. Hare is building a home for his family in the Kingsview Subdivision. CHEMICALLY CLEANED CAMP CESSPOOL & SEPTIC TANK CLEANER eliminates need of expensive. unhealthy pumping and digging up of cess- pools. septic tanks, seepage pools, etc. No shutdown either. Dissolves everything organic from grease to cloth to ï¬b- rous tree roots. Results in 12 to 36 hours. TOW . & COUNTRY EQUIPMENT & SUPPJ/ WM. HAANPAA JR. LAKE AVE. WILCOX LAKE Phone Richmond Hill TL‘ Cesspools & Septic Tanks Webb mg bee] 4-1939 uumuumunumlumnmmmmmmum\muummumnuvmumnmmmumuu\\1\u\\\\\\\u\lu\u\um\uul\\lmu\m\\\\uuumummmmnui A“ gmnmmmmnmnmmmmmu WITH the advent of DDT malaria has ceased to be one of death's special agents, yet the toll is still high. Here, a WHO expert shows Turkish dgctors how to analyze the insecticide which they prepare. RICHMOND HILL One-way Discs Goble Discs Tractor Plows Grain Grinders EQUIPMENT FARM ! FOR SALE% USE Economical Quick . . . Convenient! NEW & USED 3 to Solve Your Vexing Problems (ir horse-drawn ADS CLAIII fIED WWWM\W“MRW“MW|W Everybody Reads the Classiï¬ed Column ! .