Doris Pollock TEACHER 0F BALLET Classes co‘mmenclng, Sat, Sept. 13 Special Boys’ Class under male tuition, Tuesday 7-9 pm. 19 Grandview Ave. Highland Park AVenue 5-1318 Thornhill The Thornhill School From the Toronto Conservatory of Music will accept a number of pup ill in PIANO. ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylkl Richmond Hill 108 Yong. St. TUrner 4-1238 Audrey Stinson TEACHER 0F PIANO Classes for Pre-School Children AVENUE 5-1302 STOP 14 YONGE STREET TUrner 4-1511 Barristers, Solicitor: and Notaries Public Floyd E. Corner Richard H. Rohmer B.A., D.F.C. Thomas A. Holden B.A. Aurora Office: Ardill Block, Yonge and Wellington Streets Telephone 406, Auron HOLDEN, ROHMER & CORNER Barrister, 93 Yonge Every Thursday afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Richmond H1] Toronto Ofl'ice â€"- 18 Toronto St. ‘Phone Adelaide 5877 Barristers, Solicitors. etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Blddg.. 85 Richmond Street West Plaza 8929 Richmond Hill. Thursday morning Maple, Thursday afternoon Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries N. Mathews. Q.C. K. Stlver, B.A B. E. Lyons. B.A. Jos. Vale.‘ QC 100 Main St.. Newmarket, Ont. Phone 120 220 Bay St, Toronto, Ont. Phone Wa. 2343-4 {18 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Open evenings TUrner 4-1462 Dentist Anstey Building. Yonge Strut THORNHILL Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Ofï¬ce Hours â€" Daily 10 to 5 pm. Evenings by Appointment 42 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill 'J. Rabinowitch, B.A. Buriater, Solicitor & Notary Public 95 Church Street South Richmond Hill, Ontario Marguerite Boyle BARRISTER Richmond Hill, 85 Centre W. TUrner 4-1543 Thornhill, 1A Colborne AVenue 5-1477 Toronto Wu. 2931, 50 King W. of Dancmg BALLET - TAP Under the instruction of LILLY AUSTEN 'AVenue 5-1278 Arnold Avenue. Thomhill Dr. Norman A. Todd Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Deportment. Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL" Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal office phone TUrner 4-1261. Aa‘elmo Melecci DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Dr. W. J. Mason Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Stuart P. Parker Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Donald Gordon Plaxton Barrister, Solicitor, em. 7'. C. Newman TUrner 4-1863 By appointment only William Cook and Walsh RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office TUrner 4-2071 Thornhill Oï¬ice AVenue 5-1300 AVenue 5-2181 M. J. Walker MUSICAL TUrner 4-2084 Solicitor, Notary Public Street. Richmond Hill Thursday afternoon 1551 Richmond Hlll DENTAL lEGAl AVenue 5-1667 Richmond Hill , Jack Walkmgton _ GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability Hail. Accident and Sleknesa Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telexhone 25 Toronto Telephone Centre Street TUmor 4.1432 Richmond Hill Phone 82 General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and Auto Financing 42 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1652 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7. Willowdale PHONE 13.. 1-8011 X-Rny. Ultra Short Wave Therlp, OFFICE HOURS: Mom, Wed., Fri. -â€" -5, 6-8 Tues., Thursday -- 1-3, 6-8 Mornings by appointment. Thornhill 6434 Yonge St. - Stop 13A Office Hours â€" Monday through Fridgy, 1 to 3 p.m., and 6 to 8 pm. Saturday 1 to 3.30 pm. And by appointment Telephones: Office Baldwin 1-0087, Residence Baldwin 1-0828 Above Harley’s Drug Store OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday, 10 mm. - 12 noon; 1 pm. - 3 p.m. Evenings: Monday to Thursday. 22 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill By appointment TUrnet 4-1422 Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide'St. W. MAPLE Dr. Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1631 Dr. Jas. R. Langstaï¬ . VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVLEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, AutomObile, Etc.) GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile. Farm, etc‘ DR. RALPH P. JOHNS DR. R. F. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L’ESPERANCE 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Office hours 2-4 p.m. daily except Wednesday: Tuesday & Thursday evenings: 6-8 p.m. Other hours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 Dr. E- A. Crawford Thornhill Veterinary Clinic Dr. J. T. Sheppard Roy V. Bick W. SCHURMAN Obstetrician & Gynecologist Dr. Wm. D. Howe r. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON DR. H. E. PALMER DR. F. W. “'ALKER Telephone AVgnue 5-2252 Office Hours 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 pm: by appointment Dr. R. A. Bigford Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 Dr. R. J. Steele Dr. J. P. Wilson 25 Grandview Ave. Dr. Roy Cogan ’. M acN aughton VETERINARY Or by appoinfment INSURANCE AVelu 5-1379 Map]. 71114 Thornhill MEDICAL â€" 'AND â€" AVenue 5-1311 EM. 3-0311 Maple, Ont. PHONE 3 28 BOOKKEEPING. MONTHLY STATEMENTS. MANUSCRIPTS. Letters taken over phone in even- ing or daytime. STEELE’S AVE. WEST TELEPHONE AVENUE 5-1300 After 6 p.m. call BA. 1-0411 or Kl. 7874 9 a.m.~9 p.m. MIMEOGRAPHING. ENVELOPES ADDRESSED. DIRECT MAILING. Tel Ernie Brock & Son For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge gt. District 2518 YUNGE ST. (at St. Clement!) Telephone MAyfair 1145-8 Helen Slmpson Lynch. J.F. Lynétt W. J. SMITH & SON Stenographic Service w FUNERAL PIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond_ Hillr TUrner 4-1311 Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales 8 specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big ' too small Branch Offices at THORNHILL and UNIONVILLE 26 Years‘ Experience York Count'j}, Uxbuage and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sale: 3 Specialty Telephone Stoutfville 67312 Address: bormley P.0. Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licmsed and Aathorized for me REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, INSURANCE Fire. Automobile. etc. TUrner 4-1671 Arthur G. Broad, D.C. SCHOOL DAYS Leave Maple 8.10 35.111. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 Leave Maple 3.00 p.111. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town ’ay or night emergency service Maple 72r23 FUNERAL DIRECTOR? AMBULANCE SERVICE BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Phone TUmer 4-1931 213 Oak Ave.. Richvale ephone 11 Maple, Ont. Electrical Wiring & Repairs W. J. Aldridge GENERAL Busmfs‘s' 24 Hour Service RICHARD HAYES Thomhill, phone AV. 5-1613 General Insurance Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Wright & Taylor H. ANDREWS Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging Ken & Clarke ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FIDWERS 21 Bedford Puk Ave. Richmond Hill TUmer/ 4-2062 By Appointment PAINTER & DECORATOR AVenue 5-1413 A. S. Farmer CHIROPRACTIC AUCTIUNEERS REAL ESTATE R. H. Kane Painting At the home of the bride‘s par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ablett, Yongeview Ave.. Langstaï¬, a re- ception was held. The bride’ mother received the guests in a gown of yellow nylon and cox-sage of bronze roses with yellow carna- tions. She was assisted by the groom‘s mother, who chose navy and grey flowered chiffon with a corsage of pink roses. For travell- ing, the bride wore an attractive suit of green plaid. with black ac- cessories and a corsage of pink ro- Mrs. E. Pink, matron of honor wore blue tulle over taffeta with matching headdress and carried pink roses with baby mums. Mr. E. Davis, brother of the groom was best man. Mr. E. Pink. brother- in-law of the groom and Harry Ab- lett. brother of the bride. Were ushers. Standards of multl-colored glad- ioli decorated the altar. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor length gown of lace and satin, and lace mitts with full length veil caught by a coronal: headdress and she carried red ros- es with baby mums. E. Davis of Sprucedalé. Ont.. in a ceremony at Saint Cuthbert‘s An- glican Church, Leaside, Septem- ber 6. performed by Canon Mor- land Lamb. ABLETT - DAVIS Miss Barbara Violet Ablett.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ablett, Langstaï¬t was united in marriage to Richard A. Davis, son of Mrs. E. Davis and the late Mr. School chums and playmates of Patricia Maclean, 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- lean of Garden Ave. will be sorry to learn that she is confined to her bed and she is rather lone- some, and would appreciate some used funny books or papers very much. Mrs. Mclean, certainly has had her share of illness re- cently, Doreen has returned from the hospital after treatment, Mr. Macleon has been on the sick list for months and now Pat. Accept our sincere sympathy Mrs. Mac- lean, we hope your family’s ill- ness will be of short duration. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mears of Owen Sound district paid a surprise vis- it. the ï¬rst in three years. to her two sisters, Mr. and Mrs. E. Houn- sell and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. White, both of Garden Ave., while they were here for the exhibition. Small tykes from Langstaï¬ at- tendlng Mrs. G A. Crutcher‘s kin- dergarten, Thornhlll, are Guy Markle, Lynda Jackson, Donnie Spears, Cruckle Parker, Sandra Badger and George Corner, all of whom are ï¬ve. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Nicholson and daughter Gayle of Church St.. returnéd Monday of last week af- ter a pleasant ï¬ve day mater trlp visiting Ste. Anne de Baupre. Montmorency Falls, Island of O:- leans and many other interesting places in Quebec. Mrs. M. Shelwell of Edgar. Ont, spent the holiday week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duncan Stop IBB Yonge St., and along with Mrs. Duncan attended the ex. hibitlon on Wednsday of last week. Letters received from Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Ross and son George who are vacationing with rela- tives and friends in Scotland. tell us they are at present in the High- lands of Inverness and will be lea- ving soon for home and Langstaï¬â€™. The meeting was adjourned and the hostesses, Mrs. Thirgood, Mrs. Robeson, Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Kirby served a delicious lunch. It was decided to carry out “Hints for the Home Nurse" ex- tension service. Watch the Liber- al for date and time. The business was then dealt with. Committee conveners re- ported flowers sent to hte sick, get well cards, welcome home cards to those coming home after a long stay in the hospital. anniversary cards to those celebrating 25th anniversaries, a bank book to the newest baby with a deposit and one to Gary Essex, for past fav- ors. Mrs. Ellison reported that the exhibit for the Markham fair was progressing. Mrs. Morr- ison reported on the catering. Letters were read regarding the branch obligation to the coming world wide convention of the A. C.W.W. when the Ontario mem- bers are to be hostesses. The Area convention will be held on November 5, 6, 7 at the Royal York. The Fifty Years of Ach‘ ievement book arrived and Mrs. Matthews is reading it before passing it on to the next member to read; Mrs. R. Hamblyn. Convener of Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries introduced as her guest. Mrs. Wm. Banks, May Ave, Richvale, a member of Richmond Hill Hor- ticultural Society, who gave a most interesting demonstration of floral arrangement for the Thanks- giving table. Mrs. Banks recom- mended a piece of driftwood as a foundation for your table centre. Zinnias, begonia leaves. a few small bullrushes and some wheat stock added to the original piece of driftwood create a real Thanks- giving atmosphere. A small china animal or ï¬gu inc and a few nuts would complet the ensemble to give an attractive centrepiece for fall entertaining. Mrs. Morrison thanked Mrs. Banksdor taking time from her activities at the Horticulture dis- play at the exhibition each day to be present. The regular branch meeting was held at the home of Mrs. C. Thir- good. Fairview Ave.. on Thursday. September 4. with the ï¬rst vice president, Mrs. A. Morrison, in the chair. The meeting was call- ed to order with the singing of the Ode and the repeating of the Creed. The roll call was answered by twenty-one members and three guests. An exchange of jam or chili sauce followed. Mark-Vaun WJ. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STO'I'I‘S 18 Church St., Langstaï¬ ' walking LANGSTAFF NEWS AND a Court of Revision will be held on the 17th dax of September. 1952, at 1.30 o'clock in the after- noon. at the Municipal Offices. Unâ€" ionville, for the purpose of hear- ing complaints against the propos- ed assessment of the accuranv of frontage measurements, and anv other complaints which persons in- terested may desire to make and which are by law cognlmble by the Court. Dated at Unionville. August 30. 1952. l Commencing at the north-west angle of lot 53, Plan 2383, thence easterly along the south limits of lots 51, 52 and the easterly produc- tion thereof to the north-east angle of lot 148. thence easterly to the north-west angle of lot 1'83; thence easterly to the north-east angle of lots 183, 182 and the southerly pro- duction thereof to the south-east angle of lot 194; thence westerly along the southerly limit of lot 194 to the south-west angle of lot 194. thence to the south-east angle of lot 164, thence westerly along the southerly limits of lots 164, 169 and the westerly production there- of to the south-west angle of lot 80; thence northerly along the wes- terly limits of lots 80 and 79 and the northerly production thereof to the southerly limit of Elmwood Avenue; thence northerly to the south-West angle of lot 57. thence northerly along the west limits of lots 57 and 55 and the northerly production thereof to the point of commencement. - TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM TAKE NOTICE that Watermains have been constructed in that part of Elmwood Park, Registered Plan 2383. described as follows; as a Local Improvement: We Deliver COOLER WEATHER IS JUST7 AROUND THE CORNER How about those worn-out stove and furnace pipes. Now is the time to replace them, while our stock is in good supply. We also have wall & floor thimbles 6" 8: 7â€. stOveboards 26x28 28x28 28x30 28x34 and stove screens for Que- bec Heaters RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded For the price of a few stamps - to say nothing of the work you save â€" you can advertise. a forth- coming‘ function in the "“Coming Events†column of The Liberal. Telephone TUrner 4-1261. Mr. and Mrs W Chenery, Richie 2 and Billy 4 months from Scar- boro spent the week visiting at the home of their; grandparents, Mr and Mrs R Chenery, Garden Ave. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Glassey, John. Barbara, Kathy and baby Paul were visitors at the home of Mrs. Glassey’s siste'r. Mr. and Mrs. S. Huffman of Downsview, Sunday. The Occasion was John’s third birthday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris enter- tained friends Saturday evening at a corn roast. Mrs. W. Robinson from Bobcay- geon is visiting with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Henderson. The ï¬rst day at school probably is just as trying for the teacher as for the children, “bless them.†The school is very crowded and it was almost impossible to obtain sufficient seating accommodation for the pupils who arrived the ï¬rst day The staff has some changes from last year. Mrs. V Fletcher is teaching grade 5 and 6, Miss J. Bradley Grade 3, Miss D. Creigh~ ton Grade 2 and Miss S. Cousins Grade 1. Mr. Everist and Mr. Smith complete the staff. As a temporary measure the grade four class is being transport- ed to Richvale School for their lessons and the staff wishes to thank the parents concerned for their co-operation in a difficult situation. Langstaï¬ Public School sudden- ly came to life on Tuesday, Sep- tember 2. when the children gath- ered to resume their studies. The small tykes wide-eyed, eagerly and patiently waited for registra- tion. One small fry who had wai- ted long enough with crayon box under his arm made for the door and no amount of coaxing could get Harvey back into the room. Another could not be persuaded to leave the window from which he 'watched his sister in class, a mo- ther experiencing such trouble with her small daughter decided to help and before Donnie realized it he was happy in class. Mrs. Geo. White, Garden Ave., entertained August 23. at a mis- cellaneous shower in honor of Miss Reta Brog. who is to be mar- ried September 13. to Clayton Stone, Garden Ave.. Langstaff. There were 37 friends present and many lovely gifts were received by the bride-to-be. Mrs. E. Brog. mother of the bride and sisters Josephine and Mary were guests from Toronto. Refreshments were served by the hostesses Mrs. John Morris and Mrs. White. School News Relatives attending were Mrs. E. Davis. Sprucedale: Mrs. J. Will- son; Burkes Falls: Mr. E. Davis, Sprucedale. Toronto guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Willson. Mrs.vA1- dridge, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, Miss J. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. B. Ab- iett. Miss Violet Crowfard, Biss B. Davidson. Langstafl‘ guests were Mrs. H. G. Bickmore sr., Mrs. El- more, Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. F. Bick- more. Mr. Ted North, Courtney and James Ablett. Shower 565. The happy couple left for their honeymoon in Haliburton. Court of Revision CHAS. H00 VEP. AV. 5-2434 TU. 4-2101 erk JONES COAL C0. in writing upon the Reeve and the Clerk of the Municipality of his intention to make application for that purpose to the Reeve during the six weeks next after the ï¬nal passirLg of the by-law. Markham this 8th day ’of’éé‘b’texï¬: ber, 1952. CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk TAKE NOTICE that any person intending to have by-law number not later than ten days after the 1379 of the Township of Markham, or any part thereof. quashed must ï¬nal passing thereof serve a notice IN THE MATTER OF THE MUN- ICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT, R.S.0. 1950. CHAPTER 246. AND IN THE MATTER OF A BYâ€" LAW NUMBER 1379 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM BE- ING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR DRAINAGE WORK IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM AND FOR BORROWING ON THE CREDIT OF THE MUNICIPAL- ITY THE SUM OF $15.345fl0 FOR COMPLETING THE SAME. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and family and Mrs. Burton’s sister, Mrs. Joe Royle,. the Queensway. spent an enjoyable week-end with their mother, Mrs. John Lecouve of Verdun, Quebec. While there they met their grandmother from the Magdalene Islands. It was a happy occasion for Mrs. Burton as she hadn’t seen her grandmother since she was seven years old. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson of Sharon had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray. Miss Isobelle Keï¬er, Unionville is the new teacher at S. S. No. 6 this term. Miss Rose of Mark- ham is the new teacher at S. S. No. 12. A hearty welcome is ex- tended to these young ladies. Mr. L. Stoutenburgh, Mrs. F. Walker and Freddie, Mr. and Mrs†S. Boynton and Donald spent Sun- day at Midland and Orillia. Take advantage of this great money-saving opportunity. Fill up your empty coal bin now instead of waiting for higher prices later on. We sell and recommend Red Trademarked Famous Reading Anthracite because. it is one of the world’s ï¬nest hard coals, because it has been giving heating satisfaction in millions of homes for more than eighty years. Let us ï¬ll your bin with this clean, long-burning, low ash Pennsylvania hard coal now while prices are at rock bot- tom. Phone us, today. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tennyson. Mr. Lawrence Boynton and Mr. Jim Boynton were guests at the Forster-Murphy wedding on Sat~ urday afternoon. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Forster mee Joan Murphy) who were married Saturday after- noon in ‘Rlchmond Hill United Church. Mrs. Dennis Sharpe and daugh- ter Deborah of Pine Falls, Man.. are spending some time here wifh her parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Huston and Betty. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Perkins who on Sunday, September 7, celebrat- ed their 47th wedding anniversary. It is hoped that they will see many more such happy occasions. Order Famous Reading Anthracite nowâ€"and save real money! Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Annie Mortson. who passed away Monday evening of last week. Mrs. S. DeFoe held an afternoon tea and handkerchief shower on Tuesday afternoon of last week in honour of Miss Joan Murphy, a bride of lastï¬Saturday. READING Township of Markham NOTICE TO OUASH RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1851 Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square Telephone Stoufl'ville 67509 VICTORIA SQUARE a_t gh‘e _ Township of \“ â€I ‘$ \/ “Ii ‘0. I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 11, 1952 9 Two Shows Nightly - 7.308.030 pm- Saturday Matinee - - - - 2p.m. Evening Show Continuous From 7.00 pm. “BEHAVE YOURSELF†starring SHELLEY WINTERS, FARLEY GRAINGER Last complete show 9 pm. starring STEWART GRAINGER, SYD CHARISSE TU. 4-1131 NORTH TORONTO NURSERIES RUGGLES AVENUE, LANGSTAFF WHY.. Send away for y: Nursery grows them! can supply all kinds of Nursery Stock and can do your planting too. Fall is a good time to plan and plant evergreen fronts,, shrub borders. rose, perennial and bulb gardens. V Let us help you. TELEPHONE AVENUE 5-2566 in Technicolor starring BOB HOPE & JANE RUSSELL THURS., FRI» SAT. â€"â€" SEPTEMBER 18, 19, 20 THEATRE MARKHAM HUMPHREY BOGART, KATHERINE HEPBURN FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€"â€" SEPTEMBER 12 & 13 ‘THE WILD NORTH’ LAST SHOW TODAY OF “HERE COME THE NELSONS†with OZZIE NELSON and HARRIET NELSON MON., TUES., WED. â€"_ SEPTEMBER 15, 16, 17 “THE AFRICAN QUEEN†u 1* ul LUIHLIOI " CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS Richmond Hill Oifice 8 Yonge St. South TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SARNFA . KITCHENER - WINDSOR - PETERBOROUGH No need to use 'costly, time-consuming building materials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS -- too, you'll find its lower maintenance nturns substantial sch lugs through the years. ‘THE SON OF PALEFACE’ STANDARD SIZE UNITS ; build your home quickly! GORMLEY BLOCK CU. FOR SAFE - CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING MEETS All A. s.t.m;sp£clrlcnnons in Technicolor starring DON’T MISS Your your Shrubs and Trees when a local PHONE 357 BRANCHES: in colour CONCRETE BLOCKS, CINDER BLOCKS WEEPING TILE, LIME & CEMENT Plus Phone Stoufl’ville 381W1 Evgs. BAldwin 1-1845 SUBURBAN SPECIALIST RE. 9354