LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 UPHOLSTERING Chesterï¬eld suites expertly re- covered. All of our work carries the Department of Health label of approval. Twenty-three years of upholstering experience is your guarantee of quality. ' DYER’S FURNITURE CALL 1250 NEWMARKET SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE New machines from $89.50, all with reyarse stitch. Guaranteed repairs to all makes. Electrify your ma- chine for $26.50. Phone Reid's Cleaners, Richmond Hill TU. 4- 1881. tfc29 DeLU\E Oil Space Heater with exhaust fan, 7500 cu. ft.; dinette buffet natural c0101 227 Baker Ave" south, Richmond Hill c1\\11 Surface plates installed, $25.Q0 each. Paris Auto Supply TU. 4- 1541. clwll ACME COOK STOVE with oil burner installed. Can be made to burn coal or wood ea_sily. In good condition $30. 78 Roseview Ave. 01' TUrner 4-1558. ‘lwll CHILD'S STEEL CRIB f$8 00 new steel venetian blind 60" .89â€, $15. 00. Phone TU 4â€" 1910 ELECTRIC, RANGETTPES, new SMART 2-PIECE Maternity SE, brown skirt. green check jacket, $8.00. Fletcher. TUrner 4-1845. ‘lwll CORN Golden Bantam, wormless special price for corn- -roast lots; exeflent for locker use. Camp- befl's Farm, TU. 4- 2420. *2wll QUEBEC COOK STOVE. warming shelf $10. not too good but worth the money. Apply 9 Yonge kt. N. one year old, very gooa condition; $100.00. AV. 5-1494. clwll 3 ACRES of standing A‘lraiï¬x. sit- uated 1mile west of Yonge St.. on Oxford St. Apply S. 'J. Peacock. BED CHESTERFIELD. desk chest QleLD'S_CRIB. steel with drop sides and mattress. TUrner 4:- 1990. c1w11 '1 GIRLS BICYCLE. 1 boy‘s side- walk bicycle. TUrner 4-1596: Duo~Therm. Reasonable. TU. 4- 1493. . *lwll of drawers}, reasonable Box 33 The Liberal. 91L §PACE HEATER. large size ONE HIGH OVEN, electric stove, fair condition $20. Phone AV. 5- 2551. c2w11 MAN’S BICYCLE, good condition, good tires. Phone TU. 4-1114 ev- enings. c1w11 '6 CU. FT. Viking Refrigerator. re- conditioned $85. Easy terms. Ye"- ex Eléctric. TU. 4-1552. clwll ONE QUARTER-CUT OAK exten- siom table, 50 lb. ice box, give away price. TU. 4-1453. *lwll ACME Washing Machine. in per- fect condition $55. Phone TU. 4- 1825. clwll M-H MOWER. Mâ€"H Cultivator, .will sell cheap. TU. 4-2430. QUANTITY of used 6 qt. baskets Phone noon hour or after 6 pm. TUrner 4-2144. *lwll SIMPLICI'?_Y Washing Machine VICTOR BICYCLE, excellent con- dition. best offer. Phone TU. 4â€"1010 after 6 pm. c1w11 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 piece“ good condition. Phone TU. 4-1758‘ *lwll 1 CANNING MACHINE and 200 cans, $15. Mrs. J. Garnett, Glen- cameron Ave., Doncaster. c1w11 Ffesh Vegetables, Household Goods For Sale-Rooms to Rent ï¬iUCK TIRE 7.50x20 like new. TU. 4-2421. clwll EARGE QUEBEC HEATER, in good condition. TU. 4-1829. clwll bUEBEC Cook Stove $10. good condition. Nagel, 40 Morgan Ave.. Doncaster. clwll GIRL'S Brownie Outï¬t, complete. AV. 5-1618. - clwll NEW BATH TUB and also seat. $33.00. TUrner 4-2288. clwll BUFFET, Electric Radiator heat- er. 'I‘U. 4â€"1850. clwll CUT HAY for sale. baled 62R22. ' 2 STORM SASH, 54"Ix36â€. Phuh TU. 4-1316. 35 Centre St. W. *lwl MAN'S BICYCLE. $10. AV. 5-2403. BABY CARRIAGE grey Gendron Harold Agg, Hunts Lane. *1w" CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge . 60: Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 31: per word, min. charge 40c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE .................... . ...... . ........... 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES fair condition clwll *lwll clwll ‘Zwll *lwll Apply *lwll clwll Maple *1w11 WANT TO BUY A PET? We have dogs from $3.50 and cats and.kit- tens at 50c at the Humane Society Shelter Main St. North, Newmark- et. Shelter hours daily 9-6. Sun- days and holidays 3 to 5. c4w10 1950 COMMERCIAL ye ton panel Single bedstead. AV. 5-1548. 1940 HUDSON COACH, heater, recent ring and pin job, tires and body good, reasonable. Apply J Snider, Vellore. Maple 69r44. COLLIE PUPS, 5 weeks. sable 8 white. J. Hewson. Elmgrove Ave. Oak Ridges or phone King 171131 Calf, 6 weeks olci.“ Bishop, Maple 69R21. sonable. Whitebfidge iafï¬: 71:6. 4-1368. . clwll RIDI_1§IG HORSE, sound and rea- NORGE Electric Refrigerator; el- ectric fan 1/6 h.p.; Coca Cola coo- ler. 2 yrs. old; small show case; 12’ Lunch Counter_ and 6 stools; Brantford scales. camp cot; ice box. Bus Station, Richmond Hill. niture, etc. Can be seen overflwiee‘k end or any time after. Bell, 3rd house west of culvert, north side of Garden Ave., at Stop 20. Phone AV. 5-0091. C1w11 gagISerRED Holstein Refer ELECTROLUX, save $4,150 on 1a- test model Electrolux. Call for demonstntion in your home. Da- vid Askew, Repair Sales, Newmar- ket 876W. clwll PBIVATE-SALE of household fur- 1 CHEST of Drawers $2.00; 1 drop side bed $5.00; 1 knee hole desk $20.; 1 Quebec Stove, $3.00; rock- ing chair $1.00; 1 baby’s stroller, $2.00; 1 tool box and assorted car tools. $10. Apply Saunders, 8 Elm- grove Ave., Oak Ridges. clwll LARGE Perfection Oil Space Hea- ter. Original cost $300. Sacriï¬ce £01 $150. Will accept smaller heat- er as part payment. AV. 5 1952. *2w11 FRESH VEGETABLES tomatoes, squash 'corn, cauliflower, apples, pears, garden fresh. Topper’s Gardens 1 mile north of Rich- mond Hill, No. 11 Highway. east side. *2w11 0NE_STUDE§JT'S DESK, $6.00; set of new Book of Knowledge. $85; one girl’s winter coat, size 14, cerise colour. $10; 3 male pup- pies, $2 each. Mrs. Marinoï¬, 85 May Ave. clwll FIREWOOD, clean. dry wood, cut in short lengths. We deliver. Tay- lor's Sawmill Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 1581. *4w81 COAL RANGE, cream enamel front, oven thermometer, hot waâ€" ter reservoir, excellent condition $30.00. Telephone Maple 54124. clwll $1.00 TRIAL OFFER. Twenty-ï¬ve DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. c15w4 CEDAR BEAMS for sale, approx- imately 6"x8"x20-25 feet long. hand hewn. $8 each. Discount for several. Angus MacDonald BA. 1- 0364. *lwll REGISTERED & Commercial No. 1 seed wheat, Cornell variety. M-H Farms, Milliken. phone Zone 2-857 Agincourt or UnionviUe 76. c3w9 ONE PRINCESS PAT wood range, copper reservoir, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Wilfred Maginn, lot 10, con. 6 Vaughan. c2w11 ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 ano up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- ion King 26R5. tfc44 STOVES, apartment and table top, 1150 refrigerator, will sacriï¬ce for immediate sale, BAldwin 1-3555. tfc38 hundred. Mr. Robert Hamblyn, corner Fairview Ave. and Garden Ave., Langstaff. AV. 5-2376. c3w1C SPACE HEATER, brand new, nev- er been used. Regularly $69.50, will sell at $50 for quick sale. TU. 4- 1271. tfc8 USED REFRIGER[.TORS, recon- BRAND NEW oil burner, with all controls, can install. BAluwm 1- 3555. , tfc38 RUGS: save, up to 60%; from old rugs, woollens, clothing. Phone TU. 4-1 EGISTERED NO. 1 Cornell seed whea}. cleaned and treated, smut free. Norman Bagg, Edgeley. Phone Maple 70R32. c3w10 RASPBERRY CANES, $10.00 per Eor'Sale (Continued) USED CARS AND TRUCKS arnell variety, treated. J. E. An- LIS TU. 4-1029. c3w10‘ OMMERCIAL NO. 1 SEED Wheat LIVESTOCK FOR SALE %; new rugs ‘ns, discarded 4-1804. tfc42 coal or flwll clwll clwll clwll DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up phcne Banner’ Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 623? (collect). tic-.44 CORN â€" Has anyone any for sale. We would like to buy up to 10 ac- res in the ï¬eld, suitable for silage making. Manager Maplewood Farms Ltd., phone Maple 20r4. *2w11 good well. Elgin Mills. Ei'enings. TU. 4-2334. . c2“ 10 20'x30' in good condition; {(6}? moved. H. Heise, Gormley. Stoufl- ville 66105. *Zwll 2 LstirloO'xlso’ each; one with CUSTOM PLOWING. Disking, cultivating, also excavating, back- ï¬lling, grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house eastside of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tf052 WANTED a mortgage of $2,000 to ï¬nish house. Apply Box 27 The Liberal. clzvll WANT TO PURCHASE building LAWN MOWERS sh‘érpened and repaired. Experienced workmanâ€" ship. Reasonable charges. Jos. Winger, lot 15, con 3 Vaughan, phone Maple 62r22. tfc42 5 OR 6 ROOM bungalow in Thorn- hill village. Preferably Arnold Ave., John St. 01' Elgin Sts. for client with $6.000 to $8.000 down payment. Call Mr. Wright of Daâ€" vid McLean Ltd. AV. 5-1176. BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc.‘Fred FIOod, Richmond Hjï¬l. Turner 4-2311. tfc43 SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid ' PLANNING a banquet or sup’per? Turkey is your most deliciou: and economical meat. Fresh killed broad-breasted tom birds, 25-30 lbs. available at all times. Quality guaranteed. Phone Bob Lanthier, AV. 5-2354. *lwll PULLETS. some nice New Hamp- shires just ready to lay. Good stock. Rigwood Farm, Maple 64R 31. *1w11 TURKEYS. young broad-breasted birds of top quality, Hens 12-15 lbs; Toms 20-25 lbs. Fresh killed any time, any quantity. Drawn and ready for your oven if desired. Bob Lanthier, AV. 5â€"2354. *lwll ALI KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 4-1177: tfc40 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet WOI'K, wood carving. Estimates given. 'N G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ava, Richmond Hill tic I AM NOW equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted areas. For quick service and rea- sonable priées call Murray Baker, Newmarket 651. c18w52 75 LIGHT SUSSEX. New Hamp- shire Pullets, 6 months old. S. Broadbelt, Ma'ple 46R31. *1w11 M. EINBODEN & SON, concrete contractors, septic tanks and drains. Phone Baldwin 1- 0633 or TUrner 4- 1090. c26w37 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- v1ce, Domestic and Commercial. lepairs to all makes. Don Chalk, ‘elephone King 26r5. tfc38 stzne, loam and ï¬ll E. Charity Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. CUSTOM farm ploughing, discing. cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham, «‘3.- Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, BA. 1-3114. *23w48 EXCAVATING, levelling, back ï¬lling, lanes graded. Phone King 47W. tfc45 CUSTOM ROTOTILDING. Phone after 6 pm. AVenue 5-2462. tfc8 FLGDDED Cellar: pumped out. Phone Harry Lecuyer, Richmond Hil‘x. TUrner 4-1381. tfc45 CUSTOM CLOVER Combining done by Samuel Winger, Maple 62r22. *3w11 NOTICE â€"- would the person who .ook canvas off my bindér, kindly return it. Peter Puterbaugh, Map- e R. R. 1, Ont. clwll SAND, gravel, crushed loam & ï¬ll. L. Brillinger, TUrner 4-1829. lie Judges, Richvale. Phone Maple 64r2. tfcll WELLS DUG and repaired. Phone TU. +1742. c2w11 PLOUGHING & Cultivating CUSTOM ROTAVATING. For prompt and efficient service call Oliver Latam, TUrner 4â€"1609. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed JELLS BORED by machine with ,4†cement tiles. Prompt service. Iaurice Bab. Phone Rodney 1367. *4w10 MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED clwll *4w11 Char- stone, phone tfc43 tfc39 tfc42 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Markham Road and Yonge St.. Richmond Hill, arriving Adelaide and York Sts., 7.45 a.m., leaving 5 15 p m. TUrner 4-1840 tfc8 TRANSPORTATION Wanted to Dundas- -University, arrive 8. 30 re- turn 5 p.m. for Sept. 15- Oct. 3 in- elusive. Sayers TU. 4- 1670. *lwll TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 12 Yonge St. or Richmond Hill to Oak Ridges. Monday to Friday, arriving Oak Ridges 8 to 8.30 a.m. Phone Richmond Hill TU. 4-1673. *lwll 2 GOOD SIZED ROOMS in nice clean home. Use of washing machâ€" ine. Reasonable. Close to bus. Call any time. 39 Highland Park Blvd. tfcll YOUNG MOTHER will give daily 4 ROOM apartment, couple with child preferably. Apply Box 31 The Liberal. clwll SMALIL APARTMENT to rent, fur nished. Electric fridge and elec- tric stove, bath, oil heated. Suit teacher or business couple. TU. 4 1056 after 6 pm. clwll TRANSPORTATION wanted from Adelaide St., Toronto. after 5 p m. to Richmond Hill. Phone TU: 4-1848. clwll DAY CARE given to childien 3-6. AV. 5-1235. c2w11 3 ROOMS self-contained, Thorn- hill. Available to couple in return for partâ€"time services. Box 34 The Liberal. clwll 6,, ROOM Frame House, hydro, garage, on Dufferin St., 2 miles north of No. 7 Highway. available Oct. 1. Roy Baker, Maple R. R. 2. *lwll A DESIRABLE four-roomed ap- artment, suitable for only 3 per- sons, available October 1, 'selfâ€" contained and including garage and ï¬re-place. This apartment has pleasant surroundings as well as garden and is convenient to Yonge St. Apply to Box 30 The Liber- al. . c2w11 TRANSPORTATION 2 ROOM unfurnished flat, near bus, Steeles and Yonge, quiet bus- iness coupcil preferred. AV. 5-2108. clwll TRANSPORTATION wanted leav- ing Stop 13, 7:15 am. to Eaton's College St... returnin‘g at 5 pm. Phone AV. 5-2388. clwll care to children over (we \x mpther works. Elgin Mills. TL YOUNG COUPLE (abstainers) with two children, one school age, reâ€" quire a selfâ€"contained apartment or cottage for rent Please phone The Liberal. TUrner 4-1261. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to am‘ bitious persons to make real mon- ey in selling from door to door 225 products well-known and guaran- teed: cosmetics, culinaries, medi- cines, tea, coffee, etc. Large dis; count. Your proï¬ts depend on your work. Good territories avail~ able. $18. needed. Details â€" JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. c4w9 BY OCTOBER 1 â€" 6 room house 20 mile radius of Toronto, reason- able. Write Box 32 The Liberal. clwll JO‘HNS‘ON oungABQ Motor§ at reduced rates." Bond Lake Gar- age, Oak Ridges, King 100. tfcll ity of Toronto to Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-2208. *2w11 4 OR 5 ROOM House in the vicin- REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. We are once again expanding and have an opening for an energetic man of neat appearance and a will to work late model car essential For appointment call S. J. Carlisle at AV 5- 1176 David McLean td., realtors. 02w10 A SELF-CONTAINED unfurnish- ed 2 or 3 rooms required by an active elderly couple. Apply Box 29 The Liberal. clwll JUNIOR TYPIST. some shorthand desirable, for long established Toronto Insurance office. Exper- ience not essential. For interview appointment call EMpire 4â€"1319, Mrs. McMurdo.. clwll GOOD HOME plus remuneration for kind reliable ’woman in ex- change for care of small girl 5, and school boy 10, business wid- ow, week-ends free. AV. 5-1386. clwll WOMAN WANTED for houseclean- ing one day a week towai‘d week- end. Vicinity Orange Home. Box 24 Liberal. c3w10 WAITRESS wanted, no nights or Sundays (Willowdale). BA. 1-0047. ' *lwll YOUNG MAN with chauffeur's license to help on delivery truck. 5 day week. Phone TU. 4-1322. NIGHT DRIVER FOR TAXI. Must be experienced, courteous. at least 23 years old. Box 28 The Liberal. clwll PLUMBER to give price for in- stalling plumbing. contract or la- bor only. Phone TUrner 4-2460. clwll HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED TO RENT TO RENT *lwll Lied Applications must be in the Clerk’s oï¬ice no later than September 20, 1952. MON., SEPT. 29 â€" Auction sale of fully accredited vaccinated R.O.P. Jersey Cattle, farm stock, imple- ments, feed, etc. The property of Parker Smith & Son to be sold on the premises known as rear lot 86 Yonge St., Whitchurch Twp., 1%, miles south of -Newmarket. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. Cattle sale at 3 p.m. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms cash. L. S. Mount, clerk. F. N. Smith, auc‘- tioneer. Phone Newmarket 187J. c3w11 BAKER SALES &SERVICE Village of Richmond Hill requires a Part Time Plumb- ing and Building Inspector. Applicants please state ex- perience and salary expected. Apply to Clerk’s office for a list of the duties to be per- formed. SAT, SEPT. 20 â€"- Auction sale of Brick House and lot. also extra building lot on Peter St., Markham Village. Sale at 2.30 pm. Terms 10 per cent on day of sale. Must be sold to settle estate. Property be- longing to estate of the late Annie BEMETTE. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneer. SAT., SEPT. 27 -â€"-â€" Auction sale of entire household furniture, new Moffat .4-burner electric stove, with oven; new 1950 Gen. Elec. re~- frigerator, large size; Grandfather clock, ï¬rst class condition; com- plete dining room suite; cooking utensils, dishes, china, cut glass and bedding. In the town of Aur- ora, cor. of Wellington and Lara- mount Sts. The estate of the late Dan Williamson. No reserve. Terms cash. Leslie Mount, clerk. Sale at 11 am. sharp. Executors, Charles Higgins and A. E. Will- iamson. This is an extra large sale and will.start on time. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, Gormley, phone Stouff. 67312. SAT., sEPT. 27 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, antiques, glassware, dishes, utensils. power mower, garden tools at No. :15 Mill St., Richmond Hill. property of Miss Alice Stewart. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. $AT., SEPT. 13 â€" Auction sale at the Stoufl’ville Livestock Sales Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty fresh cows. springers, heif- ers, stockers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses, ponies and poultry. For )ick-up and deli 'ery service phone Stoufl‘ville 368. Come early and bring something to selll See t'm modern way to sell by public auc- tion. “You bring it. We'll ll it.†Make this your market where buyer and seller meet. Sale each Saturday at 1 pm. Sellers & Av kinson, auctioneers. CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S‘ Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 91R14. tfc17 IPAIR CHILD‘S SHOES, in Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1769. clwll SALE REGISTERS 1951 Hillman Estate 1950 Prefect 1950 Studebaker 1949 Plymouth 1948 Dodge 1947 Studebaker Sedan GORDON YOUNG Ltd. DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18112 Dead and Crippled Farm Animals Removed Promptly for Sanitary ' Disposal Telephone Collect Woodbridge SJ and Toronto EM. 3-3636 DEAD STOCK Richvale PHONE TU. 4-1114 USED CARS LIVESTOCK WANTED 1LT) HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM CAMPBELL MINK WANTED POULTRY WANTED Russell Lynett, LOST also Clerk R.D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Showroom Open Evenings Tl'rner 4-1116 RICHMOND HILL $2,295.00 1950 MONARCH CONVERTIBLE David McLean Ltd. $1,795.00 1951 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR overdrive $595.00 1942 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE $650.00 1934 CHEVROLET $150.00 1934 DODGE $75.00 TRUCKS 1948 FORD I/2 TON PANEL good condition $650.00 1950 METEOR TUDOR $1,550.00 1951 AUSTIN SEDAN, 2tone $1,195.00 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN black, whitewall tires, radio a snappy car $895.00 1946 FORD SUPER DeLUXE TUDOR USED CARS Guaranteed TELEVISION Radio - Washer REPAIRS Head Offices, Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121 custom radio $1,050.00 1949 MORRIS OXFORD $900.00 '940 CHRYSLER VICTOR DRAPER A G E N C I E S OAK RIDGES TU. 4-1061 ’ $375.00 1938 CHEV. COACH very nice 4-] APPEARANCE A-I SAFETY a-I MECHANICALLY 4-! VALUE 2 to choose from $895.00 1949 AUSTIN $845.00 1950 VANGUARD 2 to choose from $995.00 1949 AUSTIN splendid value a clean car gmllllllllllllll“111m“lllllllllllllll“\Hlllllllwllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllnmmllllllnl“lllllllllN“lllllllmlllllllllul“ll“lllllll\\ll\lll\“lll“lullllmmflm‘g u\\\\\\u\u\\nmm\\‘1mml\mmmmunmlmmununnmum\m\mlmumnmmmuulmmmuulmnmmnunmummuumumuummmmunmï¬ For wedding pictures -â€" for birthdays â€" for the many anniversaries which de- serve recording + for the artistry which makes all the diflerence between an 0 ~ dinary photograph and a portrait -â€" visit It’s a super-circulate: to keep you warmer this winter. {iquippedjvixh TWO‘TriRIe- A‘Vâ€" u..- -_.. _ ._. I, “ Combustion burners. Use ONE when’it’s mild, TWO when it’s cold. This famous model has plenty of extra capacity for bitter cold weather. OAK RIDGES VICTOR DRAPER AGENCIES mu; MORE HEAT! ‘ MORE COMFORT! GUARANTEED Fllll- S-AVING! A MODEL FOR EVERY NEED! FREE OPENING OFFER RICHMOND STUDIO ACT NOW! SUPPLY LIMITED! E d m u n d S o a m e †THE STUDIO " 1720 Avenue Road Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointment PORTRAITS 5x7 IN. FOLDER OF YOUR CHILD . COMMERCIAL Q INDUSTRIAL . PUBLICITY . WEDDINGS Phone TU. 4-i767 for apï¬ointment E. W. STEFANIUK,_Photographer TORONTO INCREASES RADIAYING SURFACE ONLY W HAS THE "FUEL-SAVER" SAVES UP TO 1/3 ON FUEL COSTS OI’ rlner LAY-A-WAY PLAN I 100% TUrner 4-1061 LIBERAL TRADE- IN ALLOWANCE! REDUCES CHIMNEY lOSS