Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1952, p. 3

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Ph. TU. 4-1552 GENERAL ELECTRIC TELEVISION TOPS THE LIST FOR QUALITY OF RECEPTION ” Pricg $389.00 Easy Terms Years of experience in televisiorL and radio means we can give expert advice on the best television set and antenna installation for your location. YEREX ELECTRIC 15 Games 25c Jack Pot $100 Representative - Earle c. Barnes R.R. GORMLEY, ONT Phone UnionviHe 30-JQ1 Heating Contractor 6183 YONGE ST., NEWTONBROOK WARM AIR FURNACES Jack Pot $100 Large Dynapower speaker. automatic sound antenna. SATURDAY, SEPIEMIER 13 TOWN HALL, NEWMARKET BRITISH 'or Your Best television Buy JACKPOT $100 Sponsored by St. John’s Church YEREX ELECTRIC A. M. CHALLICE We Offer â€" MAJOR DII. COMPANY FURNACE OIL SUPPLY (1) Toronto prices all through our area. (2) Long term supply contrficts with the British- American Oil Co. Ltd. (3) Specialized delivery service with three govern- ment-tested. meter-equipped trucks. (4) Chart system deliveries. No need to phone for oil after your first delivery. (5) We will accept emergency service calls in case you cannot, reach your local service man. N.B.: Try your local service man FIRST. (6) Daily deliveries anywhere in Markham town- ShiPs including Richmond Hill Timmmn tome \u, uauy deliveries anywhere in Markham town- ships including Richmond Hill. Thornhill. Langslafi. Highland Park, Thornlea. Gormley and Victoria Square, also parts of Vaughan, Scarboro and Whitchurch town- ships. Be Assured of a Constant Supply Distributors 0f -AMERICAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS UN IONVILLE Phone Office 21W Unionville Evenith 112w 0r 21j Unionville 62604 Stoufiville 8.30 pm. General Electric Distinctively styled new table mmlel in walnut, mahogany or light oak, with “Big-as-Life" 17- inch rectangular “Black” picture tube. Model C7T2 - Richmond Hill Jack Pot $100 Jack Pot $100 BYA OIL SURNERS 1 Special , built-in Richmond Hill Phone TU.4-0013 Mr. Leo Gudat, Maple, asked permission to erect a garage on "his property in Maple closer to the lot line than 5 feet, which is contrary to a presently existing township by-law. On the strength of a recent inspection of the pre- mises by Council representatives the members refused to grant Mr. {1, .r ,5 request. Mr. J. Lepper waited on Coun- cil to discuss the hazardous driv- ing conditions on the roads ad- jacent to Dufferin street and the Elgin Mills Sideroad. The speak- er offered to assist financially in order to rectify this situation. The members instructed the Road Su- perintendent to obtain confirma- tion of Mr. Lebper‘s offer in writ- mg. The Road Superintendent sub- mitted a report showing the type, the size and condition of all e'n- trance culverts to private proper- ty from the Crestwood Road. On decision of Council a report will be jointly prepared by the Road Superintendent and the Highways Engineer for submission to the South-East Vaughan Ratepayers. Among the matters considered by the Vaughan Township Coun- cil at their first of the month meeting was a complaint of Mr. G. Watson's against the excess dust on the Carrville Road. Mr. Watson requested the council to apply dust layer to the road, but as the township’s budget outlay for dust layer has been exhausted, Mr. Watson's request was refused. . . . and it will be Held in the Lions Community Hall, Centre St. West.‘ Judging from the in- Vaughan Tp. Council Hold Reg. Meeting St. Mary’s Thanksgiving Carnivai Set For October 8 In Lions Hall The annual Thanksgiving carni- val in aid of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Richmond Hill is going to be held on schedule this year, ladies of the parish have reported. The date is October 8 â€" the Wed- nesday before Thanksgiving day GRAND OPERA IS WHERE A GUY GETS STABBED IN THE BACK AND INSTEAD OF BLEEDING, HE SINGS! r Friendly White Rose Dealer It's a grand nigh? for singing rho day you put Dominion Royals on the family car. EVERETT BAKER’S SERVICE STATION Councillor Middleton moved and Councillor Perkins seconded a motion that a resolution be drawn up regarding the operation of outside dailies in the village. Ca1- ri’ed. . â€" It was moved by Councillor Rice and seconded by Councillor Tomlin that Councillor Middleton act as building inspector and Hat- old Addio as plumbing inspector until permanent appointments are made. Carried. By-laws were passed regulating taxi business in the village, sale of bonds from the village sinking fund and permits for eating places in the village. Councillorr Perkins moved that the clerk advertise for applicants for the position of building and plumbing inspector for Richmond Hill. It was seconded by Deputy- Reeve Tomlin and carried. A letter from the insurance company was read re Duncan Gill- ard's claim for damage done to his car on Lorne Ave. Councillor Middleton moved the insurance company be written to the effect that the village engineer advises that the sidewalks bridges project into the mad and that the claim be paid. By-Laws The clerk read a letter from the T.T.C. containing the operating figures for the month of July. The operating loss for July 1952 was $2,783.82 compared with a profit of $306.94 for the same period last year. The. operating~loss for the first seven months of this year was $14,355.80 compared with the profit of $11,893.23 for the same period in 1951. The passenger revenue for the month of July has decreased 1.23 per cent over last year and the passenger revenue : t1)- ms. -even-months of this year is down 8.71 per cent. over .ast year. Another T.T.C. letter advised that E. J. Roberts is vacating the Radial Station. Councillor Rice moved that due to the fact that the Radial station is up for sale, . action .Je tal: tenant. Carried. (Continued from page 1) Councillor Tomlin then moved that a resolution be drawn up amending the building by-law to the effect that bungalows may be four feet from the boundary and hbuses of more than one storey, be six feet from the line. It was un- animously carried. T. T. C. Report The executive of Carrville Home and School Association will meet Monday, September 15. at 8 pm. in Carrville Public School, all members of the executive are urg- ed to be present. Mrs. Little of Victoria, B.C., spent several days with her cou- sin, Mr. Frank Lamb at Ulver- ston Cottage, Bathurst St. Deepest sympathy is expressed to Mrs. John Baker and family of Richmond Hill formerly of Carr- ville in the loss of a loving hus- band and father. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Read and Miss Mary and Gordon Read at- tended the anniversary services at Edgeley on Sunday and had din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henry and family. Home and School Following the closing of the meeting a dainty lunch was serv- ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Barton, also Mrs. Wynn. The October meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Clement so- cial convenors and Mrs. George and Mrs. Barton devotional con- venors. Council Hears Mrs. Middleton read the scrip- ture and explanation entitled "Christian Moral Witness” and Mrs. DelBrocco read a chapter on Lessons of Living. The roll call was answered by the ladies pay- ing 1c for each year of their age, not exceeding 50c. Plans were made fqr the anniversary supper and bazaar on September 23. The supper is to be a cold meat and salad plate with pie, cake, tarts and jellies. Plans were also made for cleaning the church. The 102nd Anniversary Services of Carrville United Church Anniv- ersary will be held on Sunday, September 21, at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. Rev. E. E. Kent will preach at both services. The Carrville Jun- ior Choir and Mr. Jack Oliver will provide the music for the after- noon and Thornhill United Church senior chojr will provide the mu- sicAin the evening. The' Carrville United Church Woman‘s Association met Wednes- day afternoon at the home of Mrs.‘ J. Anderson. Present were 12 members and two visitors, Mrs. Hayter and Miss J. DelBrocco. On Tuesday, September 23, an anniversary supper and bazaar will be held. See Coming Events col- umn for further particulars. Corn: Mrs. Sen Middleton Telephone Maple 130w 102nd Anniversary As an added attraction, and to replace the Thanksgiving supper. the ladies and parishioners will stage a bingo, will hold games, and to keep the Thanksgiving touch will have a turkey raffle with 35 choice birds offered. A new feature of the carnival this year will be the prize list val- ued at more than $800. Here are the prizes everyone will have an opporunity to win â€"â€" a 17-inch Admiral Television set, complete- ly installed with aerial (valued at $359.00); a Thor Gladiron (valued at $149.00); a Premier cylinder vacuum cleaner (valued at $114.50) and a Premier dual-brush polisher (valued at $64.50). terest shown by members of the parish and their friends both in the village and in the city, it pro- mises to be a huge success. CARRVILLE ken to find a n;w HOLLAND LANDING: The body of a 33-year-old woman from Bradford was found in the H011- and River last Sunday morning. The trustees of King School, S. S. No. 2, held the regular month- ly meeting on Wednesday, Septem- ber 3. It was decided to admit all 5 year olds who will be six years of age before the end of March, 1953, to this year’s classes. These have now registered, and Miss D. Patton has now 19 children ‘n the beginner‘s class, and every seat in her room is filled Several children have moved. Gary Galle- way has moved to Toronto and Peter, Carol and Bryan Gellately have transferred to the Snowball school. There are now 86 child- ren registered in the schom. Many members and a good num- ber of visitors were present when St. Andrew's Presbyterian W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Keffer on Wednesday. September 3. Mrs. George Matheson opened the study of British Guiana with the topic “The Country and its V,y--V.. Reports were given by the con- venors of the bazaar and the cook- ing school to be held in Novem- ber. All members are urged to give serious consideration to sew- ing and other work for the bazaar. Mrs. D. Jarrett will be pleased to supply material for aprons. A social hour followed the busi- ness meeting and the newcomers wele given a chance to become ac~ quainted with the members. The next méétin-é-inf the club wilJ be held Wednesday, October 1, so reserveAthe evening now. W.M.S. By popular choice of all the members present a Movie Mite projector was voted to be purchasâ€" ed by the club for use in the school. This has been a project of th eclub for some months and the members are much indebted of the club for some months and support in sales and bazaars. It is hoped that much enjoyment and entertainment will be had by all in the use of the new projector. Mr.’ Byrd the new senior room teacher was introduced and exten- ded a welcome go ‘the community. The first fall meeting of the Ma- ple Community and School Club was held in the school on Wed- nesday, September 3, with Mrs. Betty, second vice president in the chair. The Club members wish to thank the school board for their worthy efforts toward the complete interior redeco ating job done during the su mer. A new organ will be installed in St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church. Maple'. on approval. On Sunday September 14, at 11 am. Mr Cor- bett will be the organist when spe- cial music will be rendered. King School S. S. 2 Trustees gold Sept._Meeting ‘ommunity & School Club Buy Now - Save Now - Sew Later COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON 1-30 p.m. to 5-30 pm. STREET DRESSES from $2.98 each HOUSE DRESSES ...... from $1.98 '_ 1/ - . ' CHILDREN’S DRESSES from 79c up )1 A“ at mud‘ less than 2 pme BLOUSES ............ ,. from 59c up MADE UP FROM MANUFACTURERS’ OVERCUTS, SOME SECONDS WITH VERY SLIGHT IMPERFECTIONS MANY AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS’ COST Announcing Opening Sales COTTONS, WOOLLENS, GEORGETTES, PRINTS, RAYONS from 15c up Manufacturers 78a Yonge St F Richmond Hill CORRESPONDENT 'â€" MRS. D. ALLEN At Low Prices That Will Astonish You MAPLE NEWS Phone Maple 19R5 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF A. J. McLATCHY BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Phone ........ “nu-.4 will meet in the‘flnitedv Churcl; Parsonage at Maple, on Monday, girls between the ages of 12~16 years are welcome. Bring your aprons girls. Immunization and vaccination will be held in the Council Cham- ber, Maple, on October 2, Novem- ber 6 and December 4. Clinic starting at 2 pm, at the regular baby clinic. All infants and pre- school childrn are welcome. Mo- thers please keep these dates in mind. Rev. F. R. Meredith of Newmar- ket. was the guest speaker for both services at St. Paul‘s Vaugh- an Presbyterian Church anniver- sary on Sunday. September 7. His messages were much appreciated as were the various numbers by the male choir under the leadership of Gordon McGillivray. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pollock and Phyllis of Guelph were visitors at the home of Mrs. James Pollock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ellacott hav: returned from their vacation in Parry Sound where they visited with their son and daughterâ€"in- law, Mr. and Mrs. David Ellacott. Services will be resumed at the regular hours on Sunday, Septem- ber 14, at 11 pm. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Maple. and 2.30 pm. at St. Paul's Vaughan Presbyterian Church. Clinic Anniversary Service E. Brock, Mrs. A. Forrest. Mrs. J. Hallawell, Mrs. E. Hemphill, Miss M. Johnson, Mrs. Morley Kinnee and Mrs. L. Laver. Miss Marion Watson. popular bride-to-be, was entertained at a surprise luncheon and handker- chief shower on Thursday. Sep- tember 4, at the home of Mrs. John D. Martin. Maple. The ladies present were Miss M. Ball. Mrs. People". Mrs. Charles Snider gave an interesting talk on her missionary friend, Miss Beth All- inger. with excerpts from letters read by Mrs. George Snider. At thec lose of the meeting, afternoon tea was served by the hostess. Miss M. Watson Enzértained 164 Spruce Ave., Richvale The C done in yofir own home. Licensed hairdresser MACHINELESS PERMANENTS G..I.T. Syp§hiqe Group A. H, Remnants McLATCHY BUILDING Tu 4-1985 UPSTAIRS The SO THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 11, 1952 3 RICHMOND HILL BARN DANCE FRIDAY, SEPT 12 "Come back heroâ€"you saw horse rusHerI" ’Iefn Picture Windomr 11m chiming uungcmul of windows give: an oxeclknhiow, And add! beauty ‘0 any room. PRE-F IT WINDOWS fl «HA1 Quick Installation Admission 75c per person dancing 9 to l MacFARLANE’S BARN Half mile west of Maple. MAPLE LIONS CLUB Thousands of Them PHONE TURNER 4 1125-6 Pre-Fit Window Units are delivered to you as» sembled and ready to in- stall quickly and easily Fitted with spiral bal- ances for easy raising. We can supply storm sash to match. Also Pre-fit Picture Win- dows and Cellar UnitS. x '12“! ‘ Window UniK An anillblo In I wiJo any. ’0! “wind aim ind design. They muro unid unstruuiamviu

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