Perkins Farm & Home Equipment RICHMOND HILL ‘ PHONE-IUrner 4-1229 {INTERNATIONAL HARVE-STER Ont-AI! Inning Inna food: - ink" on all 9 “do mum-u! Add 0!. food! curly _ mkn.m)nme '4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond 'Hill, Thursday, Sept. 11, 1952 RICHMOND HILL SAND, GRAV EL CRITSHED STONE LOAM & FILL, CUSTOM GARDEN I" , PLOUGHING & DISCIN G 9‘ MEL’S CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Centre St. Phone us and we will pick up your car for wash, WHEN YOU CHANGE YOUR PULLETS TO LAYING MASH BE SURE TO USE RED HEAD EGG MASH 0R KRUMS Repairs on all cars Tires, Batteries & Accessories Used Cars for Sale Mum dry loom up" Don I Mud! (nth-u CAN- L. W. REID greasing or oil change Ihldu Oumin No Luluâ€"ï¬n Mn- no op... mm†yum anm-lh tnlcd «nu. quvuh an I" "(v-plum KITCHEN-SIZE FREEZER HOLDS m or MEALS 5â€:sz SHOPPING 7 CU. F‘I’. MODEL 70 AVenue 5-2211 Z%/ FREEZER Fits smlll home at apartment kilehem! Takes only 23 by 4‘ in. spur! Now. bring I†[he minute-quit]: convenience of Iroxen foodsâ€"ï¬ning: and luteâ€"delightsâ€" light into your kitchen. Shop cure I week . cook double. triple portions . . . store for meals in minutes my time! Other '1 . sim- 1m Ind 15.8 m. R. O 245 lb. :upcci'y . ‘ . “om ovory'hing you and hr dozen: of meals. 0 Frnus mtun, (rum, wag-Debi", other loads . . . buy in quunmy. O halos cairn, pin, broads . . . com- plnro mock . . . rowdy Do bod, unto. O Punrvu "clonal load: ll low prku, "in any honor way. 0 Foflory pro-no h idoal Oompormuro for your 'round ironing. M$359J§ With Table Top and All These “BIG FREEZER" Advantages: (om in and m if nun! Thornhill TU. 4-0001 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF PETER JESSE WIEBE, late of the Village of Gormley, in the County of York. Clergyman, Deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above named PETER JESSE WIEBE. who died on or about the 23rd day of June 1952, at the Village at Gorm- Iey, in the County of York, are hereby notiï¬ed to send particu- lars of the same to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate. on or before the 20th day of October 1952. after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 2nd day of September, 1952 THE WATERLOO TRUST AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Executor By its Solicitor â€" JOSEPH RABINOWITCH, Box 176, Richmond Hill, Ontario. We Deliver FOR RENT Caulking Guns Post Hole Diggers Blow Torch Extension Ladders RICHMOND‘ HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded The Fortnighters begin their season with a meeting on Monday evening, September 15, at the home of Mrs. Tanquiy on Arnold Ave. A full attendance is asked for this meeting as preparations will be made for their bazaar to be held on Saturday, October 25. The regular monthly session of the Child Health Clinic will be held in the United Church Hall, Monday afternoon, September 15. Mothers are invited to bring their preâ€"school children to this Clinic between the hours of 1:15 and 4 pm. Institute-ladies that will be in charge that day will be Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs; Thompson. Pr£§byt¢rian Church W.M.S Fortn ighters Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Campbell of Arnold Ave. have been vacation- ing on Drag Lake Lodge, Halibur- ton for the past 10 days. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. Norman Austen of Arnold Ave. on the death 0 fher father, Mr. Edward Christopher, at Miss White‘s Nur- sing 4Home on Yonge Street, Sep- tember 1. Friends and neighbours extend their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Gordon Brain and Mrs. Geo. Mor- gan of John St. on the death of their father, Mr. Alfred Seager of Holland Landing. The ï¬rst meeting of the WA. and W.M.S. will be held on Wed- nesday, September 17, at the home of Miss Cooper on Finch Ave. W. Mrs. Banks assisted by Mrs. Do- .lan arrangd the basket of season- able flowers exhibited at the C.N. E. for judging on September 4. The flowers donated by members from their gardens have been much appreciated. It would not have been possible to enter these bas- kets had it not been for the co- operation and generosity of mem- bers. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Sinclair of Yonge Street who have just received word that their ï¬rst grandson was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Doane (nee Lorraine Sinclair) at Fort Church- ill Military Hospital on Tuesday. September 2, a baby brother for Beverley who was four on August 31. Scouts and Cubs On Friday evening, September 12, there will be a going-up cere- mony followed by a Weiner roast and campï¬re in the park for all Scouts, Cubs and their friends and parents. This will commence at 7.30 pm. sharp. Women’s Institute Child Health Clinic ..The ï¬rst meeting of the W011!- en’s Institute will be held Thurs‘ day. September 18, in the Mason- ic Hall. A visitor in the person of Miss Blake, an Institute mem- ber from England will be present and a special collection will be taken up for a parcel of food to be taken back to England by Miss Blake. This meeting will com‘ mence at 1.30 instead of the cus- tomary 2:15. The ladies are also reminded of the apron shower on that date for their Fall Fair to be held on October 8‘ Mr .C. A. Cruickshank, specialist on bulbs will show the 1100 ft col- oured ï¬lm entitled ‘Spring Charm' about bulb time in Holland at the next meeting of the Horticultural Society on Tuesday, September 16 at the United Church Hall. Eliza- beth St., Thornhill. Meeting com- mences at 8.15 pm. This is a most outstanding ï¬lm made about a year ago which members and friends should not fail to see. Mr. Cruickshank will speak on the laâ€" test varieties of tulpis and will answer questions on bulb culture. All garden lovers are invited to attend. l The September Show will be held in the small hall and exhibits will be received between 7 pm. and 8 pm. and must not be re- moved before 9.30 p.m. There will be a sale of plants. Juniors will meet at 7:15 pm. Congratulations to Mr. R. Heal- ey of Yonge Street who won prizes with his tomatoes at the C.N.E. Horticultural News TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Thornhi" And District News To Creditors NOTICE TU. 4-2101 Mr. and Mrs. J. Arris, 19 Drury Ave., returned home this week Mrs. Doris Pollock. 19 Grand- view Ave.. teacher of ballet, re- ports her fall schedule is shaping up nicely with classes arranged. She is sorry to say that the special class for Highland Park children which was planned for 4.15 pm. will have to be changed on account of the new school hours at present in operation. Thornhill Library is back to its regular hours after the summer vacation and will be open Monday and Friday evenings 7.30 to 9 pm Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 3 pm .to 5 pm. and Saturday mornings 9.30 am, to 11.30 am. There is a wide selection of books and people of this area are wel- come to make use of them. Congratulations are,extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. Trottier. 15 Drury Ave, on the observance of their ninth wedding anniversary on Sep- tember 11. -Also best wishes go to Betty Lynn. one year old dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Baxter, 81 Highland Park, who celebrated on Sat., Sept. 6 with her four grandparents in attendance. Birth- day wishes also to Mrs. H. Butler. 22 Grandview Ave., who had a birthday on Monday, September 8. Mrs. T. Barrow, 27 Drury Ave.. spent two pleasant days at Lon- don, Ont.. September 3 and 4. She visited with her brother who is a minister at a small place just outside of London. She enjoyed seeing Western University and the lovely r’iive botn ways. , , ___-._ __.v. nu. wuuy .la. The youngster was rushed to Dr. Steele who ordered her taken to Sick Children’s Hospital. where she is being treated for concussâ€" ion, shock and bruises. Th elatest report is that she is doing nicely. There was a similar mishap at cor-- net of Steeles and Yonge, but for- tunately the car was just pulling across and wasn‘t travelling too fast, and although the youngster was badly frightened, her injuries weren't too severe. We tried to stop and see who it was, but the ‘traflic was too heavy. Lauren Haynes, 3-year-old'dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Haynes, suffered serious injuries Septem- ber 2, when she fell from the back seat of her parents' car. which they were driving down Yonge St. The accident occured near Moore Park Ave. at Stop 12. The Woman’s Association met in the Guild Hall on Thursday afterâ€" noon with a fair attendance. Mrs. C. Thompson, president, welcomed the members back from their hol~ iday period, and immediately be- gan to discuss plans for the com- ing Fall which promises to be a busy one. An important event will be the holding of the Toronto Centre Presbytery W. A. Semi- Annual meeting in the United Church in Thornhill on Wednes- day, October 8. In this the ladies of the Carrville W. A. will assist the Thornhill group in entertain- ing the visitors. Mrs. E. E. Kent and Mrs. T. Empringham were in charge of the devotions. Mrs. E. Following a visit with her par- e‘hts. Mr. and IMI'S. W. Bone of Ytpge St, Miss Betty Bone has re- turned to her job as Christian Ed- ucation Secretary for the Manito- ba Conference for the United Church of Canada. Before comâ€" ing to Thornhill Betty enjoyed a Miss Margaret Goulding of Elâ€" gin Mills was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Billerman of John St. on Tuesday evening last. The bride-to-be received many beautiful gifts from the many well- wishers present and to conclude a pleasant evening Mrs. illerman served a dainty lunch. iss Goul- ding will become the bride of Mr. Brown of Willowdale in the Rich- mond Hill United Church .on Oc- tober 4. Following the ceremony a reception will be held in the Uplands Golf Club. Calling all members of the Jun‘ ior and Senior Choir. Practice will be held on Friday evening, Sep- tember 12. Juniors at 7:15 and Seniors at 8:15. Ihe Sunday School teachers and staff will meet in the Guild Hall on Monday, September 15. A full attendance is requested as plans Friday evening. September 19, will prove to be an ihteresting one for the ladies of the village. In the Unltéd Church Hall on that date. Jenny's Dress Shop and the Thornhill Furriers will present fall fashions with professional mo- dels in attendance. Sponsored by the Thornhill Scout Mothers Aux- iliary, the proceeds will go tow- ards the Scout movement. Tickets can be purchased at Jenny's Dress Shop or Thornhill Furs. To com- plete a very interesting evening, door prizes will be drawn for and refreshments served. United Church News for Sunday School Choir M. Honey and Miss SIBEther We; hostesses assisted by Miss Morey Honey. Fall Fashion Show Friends and neighbours of Mrs. A. C. Henderson of Brooke St. are sorry to hear that she has been conï¬ned to bed. We sincerely hope that there will be a speedy recov- ery. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. M. Croutch of Elizabeth St. has re- turned from Western Hospital. and has fully recovered from her rec- ent operation. The Liberal is always pleaseu to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. Ou: representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thornhlll. , __ __ run.†the Fall seasoï¬ Will be discuss- HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 Sunday, September 7, George William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D .Rutherford, 21 Drury Ave., was baptized at Westminster Pres- byterian Church, Willowdale, by the Rev. McLean. He wore a beau- tiful christening robe sent to him from Scotland for the occasion. It will be a memorable day as at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a special service was also held to turn the ï¬rst sod for Westminster's new church which will be erected on Ellerslie Ave. Work will commence immediately to get the main struc- ture started before the frost sets in. Mr. H. Bow. 20 Grandview Ave.. has been allowed home from Sun- nybrook hospital to convalesce. He is progressing very well. The school has registered 270 pupils with 280 expected. There is a large grade 1 enrollment, and all this adds up to alternating classes, until the new Thornlea school, Drury Ave. is completed. Starting on Monday, September 15, all who have been attending morning classes since school op- end will attend afternoon classes and vice versa. This alternating order to treat all as equally as possible. This only applies to grades 1 to 5. Grades 6, 7, 8 £011- ow regular school hours. Hours for classes are: morning classes, 8.20 am. to 12.20. Afternoon class- es 12.30 to 4.30. There is a short rest period in both these schedules when child- ren may get milk to drink and for very small youngsters ,a sandwich is advisable. The classes attending all day have the usual hours 9 am. to 12 noon and return 1.15 to c105< ing hour of 4 at the latest. The parents of children attend- ing Powell Road school. will be pleased to hear‘ that Mrs. Burke is still teaching Grade 1 and also Miss Nicholson from Oak Ridges is certainly doing a splendid job with the other grade 1 class. Mrs. Lemon. Thornhill, is taking grade 2, Mrs. Buckingham. Grandview Ave., grade 3, Mrs. Hill. grade 4, ’Mrs. Miller grade 5. Mr. Colvin, grades 6 and 7, Mr. Learn, grades '7 and 8. On Sunday two children receiv- ed the Sacrament of Holy Baptism They were Kenneth Daird Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moore of Arnold Ave.. Thornhill. Hic- Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. William Walkins of Weston. Baptisms Sponsors of Margaret Lynn Hinds. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Hinds of Newtonbrook were- Miss Millie Castell of Toronto and Mr. Douglas Hocking of Oshawa. from holidays which s‘nn spent in visiting many interesting places in the United States. she b-ided her holidays with a visit to Mrs. Arris’ mother who has been quite ill. He reminded the congregation of two great events taking place in the church this year -â€" the Di- ocesan Mission in‘ October. and the Diamond Jubilee of the Mission- ary Society of the Church of Eng- land in Canada being celebrated through the next ten months. Both events will have a large place in the programme of the parish in the days which lie ahead. ..The choir has already begun work for Harvest Festival and for the annual Candlelight Service. Harvest Festival will be held on Séptember 25 at 8 pm when the Rev. Canon J. E. Ward, Rector'of St .Stephen's Church, Toronto. and well known as a radio preach- er will be the guest preacher. One of the choir pdojects this year will be the sale of Christmas Cards. A new and very beautiful colour lithograph print of the exterior of the church is the feature this year. The cards are already on hand and will soon be available from any choir member. Last Sunday saw the re-organi- zation of the Sunday School after a summer of open sessions. Pro- motions took place andcthe Sunday School is now ready to begin its new season's work. The lesson course for 1952 and 1953 is entitled “Love and Obedience" and will stress the part which these play in our lives â€" love and obedience to parents and teachers â€" to Christ and His Church. Choir Notes Trinity Church began a new sea- son last Sunday when a large conâ€" gregation was presnt to keep Fam- ily Sunday. Children‘s hymns and special prayers for teachers and pupils in the day schools and Sun- day school were featured in an impressive service. The sermon was preached by the Rector. Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., who empha- sized a need for a realization of the constant pressure of God in our homes. in our schools and in all the work of the church. Sunday School lie-organization The Parish Guild is meeting on Tuesday. September 16. 8.15 pm. in Trinity Church Hall. Members are asked to bring all completed articles for the bazaar and their returns from the sale of Greeting Cards. An interesting meeting has been arranged and all mem- bers are urged to attend. New members will be most welcome. Family Sunday Saunders Findlay has sold his Thornhill residence to Mr. Jam- ieson also of Thornhill. Mr. Find- lay plans to purchase the Fisher residence two doors west. Trinity Church two week vacation through the Rockies travelling as far as Field‘ Markham Township Police Chief Clarence Wideman in his August report to council states 500 notices have been sent out to dog owners in the township who have: failed to procure 1952 licenses. Those per- sons ignoring the warning will be summonsed to court some time du- ring the month of September. Markham Twp. Dog OwnersMustGet Tags During August Chief Wideman's Department investigated 25 acci- dents and issued 96 summonses. Ten cases of breaking, entry, and theft were handled, as well as two cases of malicious damage. A total of 279 miscellaneous calls and in- vestigations were made by the Township Police Department. The Police Department has also had numerous requests from resi- dents on Bayview for a 30 mile speed limit sign to be erected on Bayview Ave. between John St. Steeles Ave. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Steele. Mor- gan Ave.. Doncaster, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary September 1 with open house to friends and relatives. Guests were from Keene. Peterboro, Roseneath. Lakeview. Milliken. Chicago. North Bay, Bond Lake. Toronto and Thornhill. Tea was served during the afternoon and poured by Mrs. H. Harper and Mrs. El- kins. Some very useful and beau- tiful gifts were received. In the evening a buffet supper was served followed by D. Cooper reading an address. A mirror was presented by members of Thom- hill Presbyterian Church. The host and hostess made reply by thank- ing the congregation for the gift and also for the kindness shown them during their stay here. The remainder of the evening was spent in music by D. Gilles- pie, violin. W. Bramston, guitar. G. McAllister .accordian, and Don Steele, harmonica. Ask for your copy at your local branch, or write a to Frances Terry, Head Office, The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto. The CanadiénBankof Commerce Golden Wedding ‘QEWJ Maya/620mm. "ink efï¬ciently, then the thought of savings becomes second nature to you. You can put wheels on your wish, whether it’s a vacation trip next year, or a bicycle, or even a car. . . if you get into the important habit of saving. You’ll discover that just a little each week builds up surprisingly. "It’s Simple When You Know How." 'And by a coincidence, that’s the title of the Commerce booklet telling women the whys and bows of day to day banking. Get your copy at your branch of The Commerce today. When you know and understand bow to W’lbpufwkedb Oak Ridges Ontario Esso (Imperial) Oil Burners BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ON. CONTRACT GUARANTEED A WOMAN AND â€Ell BMIIRS Plumbing Heatil Sheet Metal Work Sewer Installations AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR James J. Wail Ladies’ Club The Doncaster Ladies' Club met Tuesday, September 2. at the home of Mrs. Angel. Clarke Ave. Mrs. Bell was the visitor of the evening. The evening clased with an amus- ing contest and the hostesses Mrs. Angel. Mrs. Westacott and Mrs. Morrison, served refreshments. Congratulhtions to Mr. and Mrs. Parks. Morgan Ave. on the birth of a son. Miss Joanne Le Poidewin and Miss Jackie Richardson hope to return soon from Banï¬ where they have spent the summer months. The Doncaster Ratepayers As- sociation held its ï¬rst meeting of the season on Wednesday, Septem- ber 3, at Powell Road School. Pres- ident M. H. Stevenson gave out some encouraging information on ~various subjects. Future meetings will be held the ï¬rst Wednesday of each month at above location. Please support your community by attending these meetings. Miss S. Loader has been visiting Miss Joan and Judy Angel for a few days. Sorry to hear Mr. and Mrs. Tees have left Dudley Ave. They will make their home in the West. Mrs. Mizen. Seccomoe St. is spending a week visiting her son at Allenford near Owen Sound. Master Dennis and Miss Sharon Stevenson, Enniskillen, spent a few days holiday with their grand- mother‘ Mrs. T. SteVenson. Willow- dale St. Mr. and Mrs. McIvor and iam- CORRESPONDENT: DONCASTER NEWS Phone: AVenue 5-1570 27 Seccomoe Ave. Heating Phones: King 111 Aurora 46J CHerry 1-7480 Your District Salesman for . . THE H. C. DOWNHAM NURSERY C0. YONGEHURST RD. TUmer 4-2318 FLAN YOUR PLANTING WITH A . . JAMES B. SMITH ily of Henderson Ave. spent the holiday week-end at Napanee. Members of the Doncaster Lad- ies Club and their families enjoy- ed a corn roast Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Mizen. Sec- comoe St. Thanks go out to Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Angel and Mrs. Mor- rison for making the evening I. pleasant one. Mrs. Watts. Glencameron Rd.. is very happy to report that Mr. Watts has returned home to con- valesce after a long day in hos- pital. Welcome home to Ted Watts. Glencameron Rd.. we all wish you a very speedy recovery and hopg to see you out and about again ï¬ll the very near future. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Iervice C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Sanitary Contractor MRS. H. MIZEN