â€an ‘ I'l“ thill' lllllIl l. lllllllll m élllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111l“lull“!“lulu“llll“111““Ill“l\lllllllllllllfll‘lllllllll““INN!“ll“““111“llllm_lllllllll1lllllllll\lE “Coming Events" coluvmn of The Liberal. Telephone Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1261. For letting people know about your euchre syn-“bridge try the “n At present Dr. Heard is attend- ing meetings of the International Astronomical Union in Rome as a delgate from Canada. Mr. Joe Roberts, operator of the North Yonge Bus Station located at the corner of Lorne Ave. and Yonge Sts. will be closing down his business at the end of this month. As yet Mr. Roberts‘ fu- ture plans are indeï¬nite. As the building is up for sale it is expect- ed no eï¬ort will be made to ï¬nd a new tenant. I". Heard as head of the depart- ment of astronomy at the Univ- ersity of Toronto and director of the David Dunlap Observatory. He succeeds the late Dr. Frank Hogg of Richmond Hill. His many friends in the village were interested to learn last week 2f Que appointment of Dr. John Mr. W. Kelman, a noted special- ist on Lilies and Fish Ponds will be the guest speaker at the Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Societv's Flower and Vegetable Show being held Saturgay. September 13. in the Lions ommunity Hall. With 75 classes of exhibits open to com- ‘petition. this promises to be one of the best of the year. Mr. and Mrs. L. .B. Teetzel and family attended the Teetzel-Mc- Eachren wedding in Highgate Un- ited Church on Saturday. Septem- ber 6, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliï¬ Teetzel for the Week-end. . .. . . MADELEINE MILLINERY AND ACCESSORIES Due to the illness of Mr. Stan Ransom Sr., the wedding of his son Stan Jr. to Miss Betty Mabley and his daughter Helen to Mr. Harold Mabley has been tempor- arily postponed. Stan Sr. is pro- gressing favourably. Wed., Thurs.. Sept. 17, 18 Feature I David Niven Vera-Ellen Cesar Romero in “Exclusive but not Expensive†3319 Yonge St. at Fail-lawn . HUdson 5406 Open Ti]! 8 p.m. including Saturdays Mon. & Tues., Sept. 15, 16 James Mason Danielle Darrieux Five Fingers Michael Rennie Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoneman of Kansas City. Missouri, have been holidaying at the Mortson home. Richmond St., and with oth- er relatives in the district. The prize winner for the month of August at Lucy Dickie's shop was Mrs. Thomas McKenzie. Rich- mond Hill. Miss Janet Paris, who graduat- ed from Havergal College this year ,entered Toronto Normal School this week, where she plans to take the Kindergarten course. Fri. & Sat. â€" Sept. 12 & 13 Edmund O‘Brien Sterling Hayden Denver and the Rio Grande The Richmond Hill Horticulturâ€" ‘al Society will hold its annual Flower Sunday in St. Mary's An- glican Church, Sunday. September 14, at 11 am. J. Warwick has returned after a pleasant trip io_vy1nnipeg. Dr. H. H. MacKay is attending the American Fisheries and Wild- life Convention in Dallas, Texas, this week. RICHMOND HILL . . . Calling Bulldog Happy Go Lucky Clifford Griffiths. Manager ' Telephone 8 Showing at 7 and 9.56 Feature 2 Walter Pidgeon Drummond Showing at 8.35 only AURORA Technicolor Handbags, Gloves, Nylons & Scarves The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and n call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. W‘hile copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. LOVELY NEW FALL asual, Teen-Age and Model $3.95 And Up HATS We Deliver PIPE CUT & THREADED SASH GLAZED PICKED UP & DELIVERED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded The family of the late Mrs. An- nie Mortson wish to thank the kind friends‘ and neighbors of Edgeley and Victoria Square and the pallbearers for their many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and condolence and for their beautiful floral remem- brances at the time of their re- cent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Norman Austen and sister wish to thank friends and neigh- bours for their many kindnesses offered during their recent be- reavement ofh their father, Edward Christopher. We would especially like to thank Miss White and her stat? of the. ursing Home in Thornhill. clwll Mr. Stephenson was the beloved husband of Susan A. Taylor; dear father of Edwin of Maple: Robert of Sunderland; Marion of Winni- peg and brother of Alvin of Gor- mley; Mrs. Ethel Monkman and Jim of Richmond Hill; Ross of Maple and Mrs. Laura Joyce of Toronto. CARD 0!" THANKS Dun just south of the village. Mr. Stephenson was well known by many of the older residents of the village. He spent his early life in this vicinity attending both church‘and school in Richmond Hill. As a young man. he left for the West as a telegraph operator for the railroad and he made his home at Melville, Sask. Mr. Ste- phenson passed away suddenly in Winnipeg; he .was in his 59th year. The funeral service for the late Herman Austin Stephenson was held at the United Church, Rich- mond Hill, on Friday, September HERMAN STEPHENSON Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Brillingâ€" er wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Shirley Helen to Mr. Albert Keith Norton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Norton. Unionville. The marriage will take place on Saturday, September 27, at 4 pm. in the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. clwll Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stunden of Thornhill wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Gertrude to George Peters son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peter; of Elgin Mills. The marriage will take place in Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill on Saturuay. September 27, at 4 pm. WHITE â€" To Mr. and Mrs. A] White, a daughter. September 3 1952, at Newmarket Hospital Mother and baby doing ï¬ne. GROUND â€" Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ground wish to announce the birth of their son, Stephen Har- old, September 3. 1952, at York County Hospital. Newmarkett Mother and baby both well. Eight executive members of the Ladies Auxiliary of Richmond Hill Scouts and Cubs, met at the home of Mrs. L. Sims. Baker Ave, on Thursday evening, September 4. The ï¬rst regular monthly meeting of the season, will be held on Thursday. September 11. at 8 p. m. in the Scout hall. This will be a social evening and all members are urged to attend. Plans were made for a Theatre Night to be held in the near future. Refresh- ments were served. and a social half hour enjoyed by all. Mrs. M. McLean of Elgin Mills, Mrs. C. Robinson of Willowdale. Mrs. B. Weldrick of Thornhill and Mrs. B. Lumb of Richmond Hill, spent two weeks' vacation at the Muskoka Bible Conference. held at Morinus Lodge, Lake Rosseau. M121. D. Ramer is in Scranton. Pennsylvania on a business trip this week. Mr. Nelson of Ottawa is visiting with Mr. Harry Moyle of Yonge St. North. @ngagementg @hituary TU. 4-2101 *lw1] clwll Mrs. John Campbell, Port Cred- it, was a guest for a week of her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Campbell. The Oak Ridges Home and School will hold its ï¬rst meeting for this season on Tuesday, Sep- tember 23. Claire ‘Wallace. radio commentator, has been invited to be guest speaker._ Mrs. Robert Woolley Jr. attend- ed a meeting of the York-Simcoe Home and School Council Thurs- day, September 4. Plans were made for a “Workshop" to be held on Thursday, October 2. in the Chas. Howitt School, North York, at 8 , ,,,_ _____ I, .uauv Mr. George Gourley, president of the Lake Wilcox Community Association announces that the Thursday night bingos will be car- ried on throughout the winter. Plans are under way for putting a chimney on the hall and install- ing a septic tank. Mr. George Clyde chairman of the sports com- mittee has six teams lined up for bowling. Alleys have been rent- ed at the new Willowdale Bowling Alley for Friday nights from 9.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Floor hockey us- ing a felt puck and broom sticks W..- ~nvv .. gunna is ’being organized for the boys of the district Lake Wilcox Co_mmunity Assoc Blake Longï¬eld. the small son of Mr. and' Mrs. Mel Longï¬eld fell downstairs at his home the day before his 4th birthday and broke his collar-bone. » ANNOUNCEMENT Friends of Mrs. Leonard Obee entertained at a surprise party in honor of her birthday September 4. A pink and white birthday cake centred the table and pink and white gladioli decorated the living room. will resume his teaching FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 at the home of Mrs. Mylks Some 30 boys and girls board the Aurora High School bus at the King siderbad every morning. Last year there were ten. There are four grade nines in Aurora this year. .1: Mr. and Mrs. Long Sr. are new caretakers at the Lake Wilcox Pub- lic School. Bobby Cree, a second grade pupil at Lake Wilcox School suffered a painful bruise on Fri- day when another pupil riding a bicycle in the school yard struck his face with the handle-bar. Miss Francis Payne whose mar- riage to Mr. Wm. Warner of Lan- sing takes place on September 27. was the_winner of the $85 jackpot at ,the weekly bingo game, Sep- tember 4, sponsored by the Lake Wilcox Community Association each Thursday night in the Com- munity Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hope left on Saturday for a two weeks trip through New York State and Penn- sylvania. Mrs. Oliver Boyle just returned from spending a holiday with three of her children and their families: Mrs. Lorne Niven (Marion) St. Ca- therines, Mrs. John Helmkay. St. Davids (Olive). and Gordon Boyle, Port Dalhousie. Several short trips across the border into New York State were enjoyed by var- ious members of the group. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stewart of Toronto have purchased the prop- erty formerly known as Valleyfleld Inn. The house has been rented for the time being as the new ow- ners will not take possession till spring; Mr. Stewart is the prop- rietor of the Artland Studio He designs and builds advertising dis- pcliays for large ï¬rms across Can- a a. The executive of the Oak Ridges Mrs. C. B. Cassidy, president of the Ladies Auxiliary of Scouts and Guides for Oak Ridges called a meeting of the auxiliary for Tues- day night of this week. Forty mo- thers attended the organization meeting in the spring when the ex~ ecutive was elected and plans are going forward for a strong group to help along the troops and packs. Mrs. Cassidy was president of the 5th Ladies Auxiliary, Toronto. for three years and District A Chair- man for last year. Mrs. D. Car- ter ,an experienced guidcr is Guide Captain. Scoutmaster Sid Shel- drake and Assistant Scoutmaster Warner Broad are in charge of the Scouts. Warner Broad has been in Scouting for 18 years at St. Paul's Anglican Church and Holy Trinity. Rosemary Wright is Brown Owl and Mrs. W. Campbell is Taw- ny Owl for Brownies. The Oak Ridges Lions sponsored the Scout Troop when it was reorganized last winter and with all these exper- ienced people working together for the district young people a good year should be assured. . Ladies Auxiliary Oak Ridges Lions had their ï¬rst meeting at the Ridge Inn Monday at 7 o'clock‘ Lion President Cap- tain Edward Hawman presided. Plans for the season \vere discuss- ed. The Lions enjoyed a corn roast Wednesday night. Septemorw 10, at the home of Lion Ronald Mackintosh. _ The Oak Ridges Cubs held their ï¬rst meeting of the season Satur- day, September 6 in the Oak Rid- ges School. Cubmistress Strach- an was in charge and a good turn out of Cubs enjoyed the ï¬rst get- together. Oak Ridges Lions Mr. A! 'MELECCI OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON TELEPHONE: KING 1301122 Mr. and Mrs. Giles of California have been visiting with the Will- iam Wellmans. 7*--- wanna; School will be on Sunday. Septem- ber 21. It is hoped parents will take note of this and make a point of being present, so that it will be be at 11.1515 1isuai rue.- scum.“ re-openea this “'99 in charge of the former teachel Miss Pat Hardy. There are number of newcomers this year. Don Brodie, local member of the Junior Farmers was on a jud~ ging team at the Exhibition one day last week. There is no need to doubt the futufe of the farming industry when we have yolmg men like Don enthusil-tically \wrl-zing at it. The W. A Church met at the home The Program Committee of the Headford Home and School As- sociation met on Monday evening and planned a list of meetings that should make the coming season of the organization quite worth- while. We are glad to report Wi Wellman able to return from pital where he underwent at eration last week. ‘ Headford Church anniversary services will take place on Sunday, September 28. Two outstanding speakers. both of whom were on this charge as student ministers, will be present. They are the Rev. Jack Kell and the Rev. J. Lavell Smith. Further information later. CORRESPONDENT Mrs. H. Acreman R. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 In tovm for the Exhibition Mr. and MIS. Dean Weilman and his brother Bruce. visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Wellman one day last week. Mrs. John H. C. Durham “The Pines", Oak Ridges, entertained the following relatives, all neph- ews and cousins during the past week: Dr. John Fitzgerald, pro- fessor at Cornel University, Ith- aca, N.Y., and Mrs. Fitzgerald and their two daughters, Margaret and Doris; Dr. Davis G. Durham and Mrs. Durham of Wilmington, Del- aware; Dr. R. C. Coatesworth and Mr. Allan Coatesworth of Toron- to. Leaving CFRB Sideroad at Yonge St. at approximately 10.55 am. it will make the run around Wilcox Lake via the North Road, rejoining Yonge St. via the South 'Rd.; and thence south on Yonge St, to St. John’s Church at Jeffer- son. The return trip will be made af- ter Sunday School and Church are out. o m o o ' The sunday Sc’hé'dimbus (Lang- don’s) will as usual pick up child- ren for Sunday School and adults‘ for church. St. John's (Anglican) Sunday School, Oak Ridges, recommenced for the Fall season Sunday, Sep- tember 7, at 11:15 p.m. ' After a honeymoon spent at Ni- agara Falls the happy couple will reside in Aurora. The bride came to Canada two years ago from New Zealand.. Her father, Mr. Joseph Turner, is a marine engineer. The reception was held at Vall- eyï¬eld Inn. The groom’s mother received the guests wearing navy blue with white accessories and a corsage of red roses and gladioli. The maid of honor Miss Flor- ence Latham of Aurora. were blue silk with velvet bodice and carried red roses and white gladioli. Mr. Kenneth Gould, Aurora, was best man. real Rally Day. Therservice will Given in marriage by her father the bride wore white satin with nylon net panels and embroidered net veil held with a spray of flow- ers, and car1ied a nosegay of red roses with white mums and gladi- olus. 4’ Berry-Turner The Presbyterian Church, Rich- mond Hill, was the scene of a pret- ty wedding Saturday. August 30. when the Rev. S. W. Hirtle united in marriage Mary Dawn Turner of Maple, daughter of Mr. Joseph Turner and the late Mrs. Turner, and Geoffrey Berry, son of Mrs. Herbert Berry and the late Mr. Herbert Berry. The church was decorated with gladioli and Mrs. S. W. Hirtle played the wedding music. The school re-opened this Rall'y 12953 in Hgadford Sunday About 100 employees of the Of- ï¬ce Specialty, Newmarket, enjoy- ed a picnic at Blue Spruce Park, Saturday. September 6. Mr. James Raymcr was in charge of the ra- ces and sports programme. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marchall and their children J‘fidy and How- ard of Blue Spruce Lodge have just returned from a month’s hol- iday in the United States. They visited many points of interest in Pennsylvania Washington DC, Georgia and Virginia and spent a week at Miami, Florida. The ï¬rst litter of Australian Terriers born in Ontario arrived on Saturday September 6. at Kan- berri Kennels. King sideroad. ow- ned by Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Ander- son. Whelped by Seven Oaks Rose Marie, a Canadian and Aus- tralian Champion. and sired by Canadian Champion Coppertop Crusader, four puppies were born. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson brought these two dogs with them from Australia two years ago. Old Tyme Square Dance Club met this week to plan the program for the coming season. Mrs. A. Anderson is president. First Born in Ontario HEADFORD NEWS warning of Headford United on Tuesday evening pfAMrs. H. Acrcman. report William m hos- an op- For the wedding trip to the Hal- iburton district the bride ionned a winter white wool dress with green trimming and green access- ories. Upon their return Mr. and Mr'i‘. Juno will live in Richmond Hi1 . Out-of-town guests at the wed- ding were from Montreal, Sudbury For the reception held at the home of the bride‘s parents on Trench St., the bride‘s mother wore a dress of Gainsborough blue nylon taï¬'eta with nary iccssor- ies, and a corsage of pink roses and white gladioli petals. She was assisted by the mother of the groom who wore a navy blue (iress trimmed with white, and match- ing accessories, and a corsage of red roses 'and white gladioli petals. The Richmond Hill Girl Guide Group formed a Guard of Honor outside the church as the couple left at the 'end of the ceremony, in honor of the bride who is theii captain. The groomsman was Mr. Ron- ald Tennant and ushers were Ralph Smith and Douglas Smith, broth- ers of the bride. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a gown of white nylon net, with a scalloped overâ€" skirt of French lace, featuring a Victorian style stand-up collar ard long sleeves with turn-back cufls. Her veil was ï¬ngerâ€"tip length and she carried a cascade of red roses and white gladioli petals and ivy. The bride's attendant was Mrs. Evelyn Tobias, sister of the groom and she wore a ballerina-length gown of pale green nylon net with overskirt, and a small white cap. She carried a cascade of yellow roses and white and bronze glad- ioli petals and ivy. JUNO-SMITH A wedding of local A...-.'est took place at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Richmond Hill. when Ca- tharine Julia, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Smith of Richmond Hill, became the bride of Donald Lawrence Juno, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Juno of Mount Royal, Quebec, on baturday, Sep- tember 6, at 2 o’clock. Rev. W. F. Wrixon officiated at the cere- mony, with the organ music play- ed by Mrs. C. Harding. sionary Meeting. Fri., 8 pm. â€" Young teoples Soc LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Service: Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. _ Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 p.m. â€" Women’s Mis- minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 195'! Edgeley Church Service ...... 9.30 a.m. Sunday School ...... 10 30 am. Hope Sunday Sschool ........ 10 am. Church Service 10.30 am. Maple Sunday School 10.30 am. Church Service ...... 11.30 am. Preacher â€"-â€" Rv. R. Watson French, Kleinburg MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert. B.A., ELI)- CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1952 2.30 and 7.30 pm Anniversary Services ZION MEMORIAL CHURCH “The Church ox. the Hill" Finch Ave. E. at Don Mills Rd. Vesper Hour each Sunday at 3 pm. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1952 Speaker Hon. Geo. S. Henry Special music by Swedish Jr. Violin Group also little girls’ vocal trio Sunday School 2 p.m. Each Wednesday 8 pm youth meet with ï¬lm program / THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A., Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1952 11 mm. â€"- Divine Worship Mr. Howard Smith 11.15 am. â€" Beginners Class Come and worship. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH M. C. G. Higgins , B.A., Minis r THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.1952 11 a. m. â€" Worship Selvice Sunday School Nunery Dept. (2- -3} All welcome. Rev. lav. S. A. R. Wood, B.A.. Rector THORNHILL SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1952 8 a m. â€" Holy Communion 11 a. In. â€" Holy Communion and Sunday School SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1952 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 10 a.m. â€" Adult Bible Class 11 am. -â€"- Worship Service “The Household of Faith" 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service "The First King" flINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wxixon, L. TIL. Rectal FLOWER SUNDAY SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1952 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School , 11 am. â€" Flower Sunday Service Officers and members of Horticul- tural Society and all lovers of flowers are cordially invited. RICHKOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH luv. S. W. Hirtle. B...A Mini-tn SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.1952 11 a..rn -â€" Divine Worship The Minister Come and Worship. webbingg Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Forster will reside at Victoria Square. For the ,wedding trip to the southern United States the bride wore a teal blue gabardine suit with navy accessories and a cam- ellia corsage. For the reception which was held at the Uplands Golf Club. Thornhill, the hride's.mother re- ceived in a gown of cocoa lace ov- er taffeta, with brown accessories and wore a corsage of Pinocchio roses. Mrs. Stanley Defoe receiv- ed with the bride's mother in a gown of grey la’me. with black accessories. She wore a co 'sage of orange gladoli. Groomsman was Norman Bracey and ushers were Jack Devins and George AGoulding. Matron-of-honor was Mrs. Rob- ert Colhoun and bridesmaid was Miss Carol Ann Reid. The attend- ants were gowned alike in dresses of apple green nylon net over tafâ€" feta, with stoles of tulle. Flower girl was Miss Christine Hall, who wore a dress of white nylon net over taffeta. The attendants wore matching headdresses trimmed with sweetheart roses and carried cascades of deep pink gladioli and roses. Given in marriage by her fathâ€" er, the bride wore a gown of white accordian-pleated nylon tulle over slipper satin. with a redingote of Chantilly alace extending into a train. Her tulle illusion veil was caught to a lace headdress and she carried a cascade of Pinocchio and white roses and bouvardia. Standards of gladioli and asters were the setting for the marriage of Joan Lorraine, daughter 0: Mr. and Mrs: J. Clarence Murphy of Richmond Hill to Harold Dennie Forster. son of Mr. Harry Forster and the late Mrs. Forster of Vic- toria Square, on Saturday. Septem- ber 6. at 3 o'clock in Richmond Hill United Church. Rev. C. G. Higginson officiated at the cere- mony and the music was played by Adelmo Melecci. Soloist was Miss Lola Jones. FORSTER-MURPHY . Sarnia. Guelph, Burlington, ng and Toronto. (Convention of Ontario 8: Quebec) Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A., Minister Worship Service every Sunday morning at 11.00 Subject; The Christian. an all- round man. Visitors always welcome: Thornhill Baptist Church . Gormley Pastor Rev. A. L. Winger SPECIAL WEEK-END LOVE FEAST SERVICE SAT., SEPT. 13, SUN., SEPT. 14 Time â€" Sat. â€" 10.00 a.m. Worship & Min. istry of God's Word. Service continuing all day. Meals provided. Sat. â€"-â€" 6.30 pm. â€" Communion Service. Sunday, 10 am. â€" Testimonies a; Worship Sunday, 7 p.m. .â€" Evangelistic A hearty welcome is extended to all; Enjoy these Services wzih us. and girl present. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Special music by the Swedish Violin Quintette 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Music by the Violin Quintette A message from the Pastor. Following the evening service the ï¬lm “Voice of the Deep†will be shown. Thurs, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Service Eri., 2.30 p.m. _, Ladies Meeting Mrs. Nicholls, Missionary from Af- rica will address the meeting 4.10 pm. â€" Happy Hour Pictures on “The Life of Joseph" 8 pm. â€" Intermediates All children 12 and up welcome. 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School Coloured sound ï¬lm “Voice of the Deep". A fireel _gift to every boy Watch for opening date of your new community church. Helpers are very welcome to aid in cons- truction work (under erection) 3 P? M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is temporarily held in Richvale Public School each Sunday afternoon at the new time of 3 pm Parents are requested to take note. of this new time change and aid their children to leave home in good time each Sun- day. Sunday School Bus Schedule Leaving Oak Ridges 2.30 p.m.; Jefferson 2.35 p.m.; Elgin M1113, 2.40 pm: Richmond Hill, 2.45 p. m.; Yongehurst Rd, 2.50 p.m.: Richvale 3 pm. Langdon's will stop for any children waiting on the west side of Yonge St. Gospel Message 'Iï¬me in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. Acts 4:12: - - - for there is none other name under Heaven given among men. whereby weâ€must be . saved. BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN 'unday School 10 mm Wophip ........... 11 1.111 Sunday School at Concord Schoo House at 10 am. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Hon" Each Lord's Day evening at 7 mm. RICHVALE AREA ANGLICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL Charles Howitt School 10 am. RALLY DAY, SEPTEMBER 14 NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block East of Yonge On Madawaska Ave.. Stop 128 Pastor F. Vaughan B. Th. BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH ~ Richvale Chapel OAK RIDGES PHONES: ONT ARIO TUrner 4-1261 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII TCrner 4-1701 Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimate: Phone Literal Office WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-101’6 STUART PAXTON Electrician THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, Sept. 11, 1952 5 HARRY CHARLES, Ric'r ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS James J. Wall Plumbing - Heating Short Fur Servuce at it’s Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Wed.. Thurs.. Sept. 17, 18 “WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS" Dana Andrews. Short Sheet Metal Work DOUBLE FEATURE Fri., Sat. â€" Sept. 12. 13 "DEPORTED†Jeff Chandler Marta Toren Cartoon Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems PIANO TUNING and Repairing ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE Mon., Tues†Sept. 15. 16 “HIGHWAY 301" (adult) Steve Cochrane SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill J. A. \X/ILLOUGHBY AND SONS E. CHARITY “EAST SIDE KIDS†S. Hoï¬man Dealer for Cartoon News Cartoon News TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. King 1 l 1 Aurora 46-J Richmond Hill 5, Richmond Hill, TUmer4-1872 REPRESENTING White or Phone News Grapes Cabbage BLUE CONCORD FIRM GREEN WHITE SWAN Toilet Tissue FRESH DAILY Elberta Freestone Peaches Cake Mix Vegetable Soup 2 ‘41.:- 25c Self Serve RICHMOND HILL Five Roses Flour MONARCH WHITE Margarine CAMPBELL’S Soap Flakes Gaines Dog Food MORLEY’S MARGENE Salmon SPECIAL OFFER PURE MAPLE LEAF FANCY RED COHOE PINK SEAL SPECIALS ALL PURPOSE 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 8 Q! Bskt. Hea ds Tin Rolls 16 oz. Tins 59c 34c 35c 34c 35c 25c 29c 25c 29c