QUH‘ted pfost‘c ‘ ’QHD on sfee k e e a : ham c‘ean and cc: Extra vol-u _, 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 11, 1952 Chrome Vz-Plnl MOTOâ€"MASTER ngUlD POLISH AND CLEANER owes professional job" beauty at a fraction of the cost â€" saves time and work. Restores original lustre and protects the .49 finlsh. Big 20-01. Can . ,_ Molo-Masler “Heavy Duly†MOTOR OILâ€"Qt. 40c, Gallon 1.59 llllGOLO Molor Oil â€" Ol. 21o, Gal. 99c, 5-Gal. Orum 5.45 “Service Slalion Grads†Molor Oil, in your conlainer, Gal. 14c SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 at 4 p.m. O.A.S.A PLAYDOWNS Polish Niagara Peninsula Winners vs ow'ov if rB-E' windshield. Widc Cole :- ung. _______ WHEEL MUFF Cut! car wash time hglf. Sumplv wash and rinse â€"- No Chamois, no spots or streaks. Pu Can __._,I BUG-$00M Plastic Bug Deflector at- rocheS; to hood; divert: bugs and dust \\onderful value! Popular oblong â€non-glare" mirror. 8 e o u f i f u Ily chromed. 3 I9 .59 5 minor. 2! 3 x and lull Rumourâ€" Wonder Wash Door Mirror PUUSH & CLEANER ‘ .49 Mote-Manor ifâ€! in Thornhill Park ndl ‘F‘U'.55 THORN HILL QUART .31 GALLON 139‘ â€" improves ng wheel; SHIRKTON I Identical t0 original equlpment â€" at half the price. Smooihly polished alloy steel piston rod; large fluud capacity and quickâ€" acting valves absorb road shocks. Give "new car" ride control. Replace worn nhnb -L.-. "new car" ride at shock absorbers now SHOGK ABSORBERS A BRAND NEW Self-adhesive "FIEXIbl. Plastic" fasfens to upper windshield sur- face. Stops glare. ’0 Lu" Model _.g {‘Glare Stop†PERFECTLY MATCHED top" VISUR ’Flewblc ms to 'd lur- cre. I PLASTIC SEAT SAVER Save Up To 50% VISOR Francis Cu Uphohnry Prevent; soiling of upholsâ€" E tery by mechanic’s greasy nu-.-|1- Futhick pedal: give sure control on brake and clutch. Perfect replace- ments for most cars. Polr -__ -- bruises and ten der scrapes. Pr. _ Loud when curb. bruise - _...-., overalls, werV bothmg suds, etc, On or off in a . jiffy. CURB FEELERS PEDAL PADS valley cont: you “â€55; l-GAL. DRUM 7.45 es hr: 1d Ven- 5, PI. . I , , ____., . nmnun-yuni finest quality house paint gives your home that â€fresh as paint" appearance longer. Big color range and Canadian Tire saves you SLIO a gallon. push on new People read it; to ï¬nd out “what’s doing†-â€" the “Coming Events†column of The Liberal. It does a job cheaply, easily. quickly. Tele- phone TUrner 4-1261. ARMOR COAT B. These will be six man teams, though a twelve man team is also being planned. The big team will have to wait till next year to take We, but our resident bookie, in the locker room, has assured me that the chances are very good for another clean sweep of the other members of the present lea- gue. That is â€"- Markham. Stoufl- ville. Agincourt and Pickering College. Last year's squad ran, jumped, kicked, feinted and squeezed through the entire sea- Since the vacant lot is small, the teams will also be on the short side (in numbers that is, not in height). On the draughting board are plans for two teams, an A and As there will be no intramural football this year. all interested students will get a chance to play. The condition of the ï¬eld has for- bidden‘ any attempts between forms. so this is the only way, for this year at least. that boys will get to try their stuff. Stalking through the halls of the Richmond Hill District High School, are two very worried men. And why are they worried? Sim- ple. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Thomasson have discovered that they have forty prospective football players. staunch. upstanding examples of Canadian youth â€" and no playing ï¬eld to practice on The High School’ 5 own ï¬eld is being harrow- ed disced mashed lolled bang- ed, beaten and pulped in prepara- tion for next year when the school will enter the C.O.S.S.A. league, with Aurora and Newmarket, etc. To be ready or this. the coaches are selectin {rpm recent appli- cants, the backbone of a team rea- dy to stand against the “Big Leag- uers". However, as the commun- ity grounds are unï¬t for use as training ï¬elds, the vacant lot ac- ross from the school is being ut- ilised, to ï¬t the boys for the job. By Quintin Wight Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! Hearken to the clash of mighty muscles No, it isn't a third world war. THE FOOTBALL SEA§ON IS HERE! DISTRIBT SPflRT NEWS Football Season Starts With Bang F renzied Search For Quarterback mm 1 ARMOR-COAT "TOTE-TRAY" TOOL BOXâ€""Double-Lock" seam construction; full - length p i a n 0 type hinge: roomy liftâ€"cut tots fray. Baked enamel finish. Plated lock and bolt catches; â€built- in" padlock eye. Useful size â€" 19" long, 7" widu, 7" high. "Throw-Away" Typ- OII HIM" __ 2_19 Perfect replazernent for most make: of ï¬lters. OIL FlLfER 1._1_9 '° 1.75 Ch Eng 0 Y_o.u; QUART Beautiful South Africa FREE. I and Jamaica Scout Jamboree Set CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN T0 WANT LISTS Write or Phone for Approvals Newtonbrook P.O Ont. UUUU SERVICE BETTER STAMPS We Deliver RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded GOOD In the Markham Township Lea- gue ï¬nals. prior to Tuesday's game. Thornhill leads the series in games 2-0. 011 Saturday, Sep- tember 13, the Thornhill club will play the Niagara Peninmla wa- ners â€" Shirkton â€" at Thomhill at 4 p.m.. to enter the quarter- ï¬nals of the Ontario Am -tour foftball Association. Thornhill Ball Club Enters O. A. S. A. Quarter Finals On Monday night Thornhill In- termediate Ball Club. which is sponsored by Thornhill Athletic Association eliminated Lakeview in the third game of the zone ï¬n- als_. winning 7-2. The ï¬rst round started out nice- ly, Mangotich behaving as a ï¬ne upstanding villain should, and “Red" acting as a ï¬ne upstanding hero should. However Garner began to tire of behaving nicely, and after Jordan’s nose had been squished and Orlando‘s tape used a few times, he softened Mango- tich up with a couple of friendly pokes in the eye with his ï¬nger. by Quintin Wight Bow your head and pray broth- er â€" hard times have come upon us all. The villians beat the he- roes at Tuesday’s wrestling at the Richmond Hill arena. Yup! Garner was carried hors de combat off the ï¬eld of valour after having been neatly garotted by Al Orlando and kicked around by everyone in general. The main bout was a three man tag team â€" â€Red†Garner. Les Ly- man and Bobby Jordan versus Gori Ed Mangotich, Al Orlando and Jerry Sullivan. Garner, Lyman, Jordan Take Beating-Garner Knocked Out WEATHER STRIPPING AND COMBINATION DOORS ALL SIZES It must have taken a rather mal- icious sense of humor to invent the havoc- producing event, but on the basis of its reception by more than 4,500 customers, it very likely will become a frequent Pine- crest attraction. In brief, this is how the “wreck ’em†race works, Ten just-about- dead jalopies are obtained from an auto wrecker and are driven wildly about the track, crashing into one another with rare abandon until only one is able to move. That car with what is left of the driver is HIGHLAND STAMPS Comedy took over at Pinecrest Speedway Saturday night with the ï¬rst running of a “wreck ’em†race, an added feature to the reg- ular stock car program. Novel Race At Pincrest Track Won By Jim Hallehan Ted Hbgan 2nd As the ï¬rst of October rolls ar- ound, both teams, fresh from prac- tice, four times a week. (twice for eachi. and resplendent in new un- iforms. will be straining at the leash, ready to tread or be trodden into the mud. to ï¬ght for the hon- our of the school, and to reach for the prized “School Letter†hung so tantalisingly before them’.’ Sic itur ad astra . POSTAGE STATPs It has been rumored that the few players left over from last year may ï¬nd \the going tough among the promising crop of new arrivals. however. as this can only result in a better team, everyone is pleased all round. A11 home games will be played away this year. a decent quarterback. If last yea1's man comes back to these hallowed halls, all will be rejoicâ€" ing. but until then harrowed looks and fun-owed brows are the order of the day. Much activity is going on in the classrooms and corridors of the school. Small knots of stud- ents and teachers alike collect on the corners, and after a few fur- tive glances to make sure that the way is clear. the heads all bob down and a low murmur of voices, hushed in confab permeates the halls. Small globules and snat- ches of mumbled wisdom clutter up the ether, and hurried whispers of “He won‘t do." â€Well how ab- out . . .," and “We‘ve got to do something," lurk in random nooks. or cling “)3: brickwork. All this skulkin nd slinking leads to only one thing â€" the hunt for son without a defeat, and as somé of that lot are back in the running this year. the chances are deï¬nite- ly leaning our way. BETTER TL‘. 4-2101 Phone TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM TAKE NOTICE that gravel roadways have been constructed on the following described streets in Elmwood Park, Registered Plan 2383, as a Local Improvement; Elmwood Avenue between Baker Ave. 8: Lennox Ave; Baker Av- enue between Markham Road & Palmer Ave.; Lawrence Avenue be- tween Markham Road 8: Palmer Ave: Ruggles Avenue between Markham Road and Palmer Ave; 'AND a court of Revision will be held on the 17th day of September. 1952, at 1.30 in the afternoon. at the Municipal Offices, UNION- VILLE. for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessment or the accuracy of frontage measurements. or any other complaints which persons inâ€" terested may desire to make and which are by law cognizable by the court. Dated at Unionville. August 30. 1952. In the ï¬rst bout of the evening, Tom Sullivan met up with the im- movable object. Karl Von Hilz of Germany. Karl, who specializes in â€straight†wrestling without any fancy dropkicks or such fin- ished Sullivan with a hammer, and reverse chinlocks. In the semi-ï¬nal of the evening, Joe Greenï¬eld was beaten by An- tonio Rocci who ï¬nished him in the ï¬rst and third rounds with a flying head scissors and body slams respectively. Greenï¬eld took the second fall with an aero- plane spin. Everyone shook hands all round at the beginning of the third round. The truce didn't last long though, and as Orlando's tape (el- bow-brace) was becoming obnox- ious, the good guys took it off him and gave it to Garner, who proved himself very proï¬cient in its use. He sandpapered Sullivan thor- oughly, until Orlando noosed him with a pink towel and started strangling with vim and vigour, not to mention both hands. “Red" was knocked off the ring apron, and laid out cold on the cement, where he was counted out by the referee. The second round was a junior edition of the ï¬rst. Jordan’s nose, which had been bleeding profuse- ly, started all over again, so Gar- ner and Lyman had to do most of the ï¬ghting. Garner was bashed, smashed and mashed by all three villians and was ï¬nally pinned with a top spread by Mangotich. Naturally a minor squabble in- volving six wrestlers and twou‘ef- erees ensued. Eventually Or- lando was body slammed conclus- ively to th emat by Lyman and chest smashed for the pin. The “wreck ’em†race overshad- owed the fact that Gord Bugie drove to his ï¬rst feature race vic- tory of the season, with Ken Mor- ley second, Ivan Moore third. Last two of the 10 were Halle- han and Ted Hogan who were having a game of hidezand-seek before Hallehan sneaked across the inï¬eld and caught Hogan broadside. declared the winner Jim Hallehan survived the shocks of Saturday’s “wreck 'em†debut, but Wild Bill Greathead was the real hero of the piece. Wild William used the rear end of his inherited coupe to knock out at least three competitors before he forgot to duck. spin Court Of Revision Joe Greenï¬eld of Langstaff, matched against “Rip" Leonard, who was substituting for Antonio Rocci took the ï¬rst bout with cross buttocks and an aeroplane In the semi-ï¬nal of the evening Jack Flicker took the last two falls from Cleve Burton with arm and shoulder throws and a top spread. Burton won the ï¬rst round with a dropkick and cross buttock. Gore! Gall ns of the stuff, most of it from Bill Clubine's eye. but also a generous contribution from the rest of the boys. Well, the‘heroes won again. “Red" Garner and Bill Clubine really flattened Gori Mangotich and Al Orlando. Orlando took the ï¬rst fall from Bill with a hold that sees very little use in this part oi the country â€" Antonino Rocca’s T formation backbreaker. Clubine recovered in the second round however, and dropkicked Mangotich to ignominious defeat. The last fall caused all the cheers though. After Al Orlando had knocked Bill off the ring apron and on to the floor â€"â€" cutting his eye in the process â€" he was seiz- ed in a headlock by Clubine and rammed head on into Gori who was held in a like position by Garner. Needless to say, that ï¬nished 'the bout. Head Ramming Wins Boat For Bill & Red Ray "Foxy" Bennett. Richmond Hill Midget Goal Tender of last year. has been approached by Junior Clubs including Aurora. It is hoped Bennett decides to stay in nichmond Hill. R. H. Goaler In Demand CHAS. HOOVER Clerk A good time was had last Satur- night by the few parents who at- tended the \veiner roast and dance given for the baseball champions of Richvale. It is regrettable that more parents do not attend these functions held for the beneï¬t of their children. The York-Simcoe Council of the Home and School Association will hold a Leadership Training Workshop on Thursday, October 2, at the Charles Howitt school. Registration will be at 7.45 pm. and will be 100. The course will begin at 8 pm Exeryone is cor- dially imited to attend. Miss Mary Underhill, Spruce Ave. is in Toronto General hos- pital where she was rushed last Saturday night after an attack of acute appendicitis. A good time was had by a group of neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. John ,when they got together and enjoyed a corn roast last Friday night. WANT TO HOLD BENEFIT RACE J. Cappy and N. Smith, Toronto, proprietors of the Pinecrest Speed- way (stock car racing) on No. 7 Highway, have appeared before Vaughan Township Council to re- quest their permission to hold a Beneï¬t Race, the funds of which would ‘be allocated to the Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund. However no decision was reached by Coun- cil, and the matter is to be con- sidred at a further meeting. Band Yds. No. Per Min. Brennan & Son v 19976 1321 N. Bowen 19920 1303 Brennan 8; Son 19957 1234 M. Larocque 19504 1228 H. Suter 19964 1204 Garner & Son 9808 967 The winners of the pools were: Brennan & Son lst 10c; N Bow- en, lst, 25c; N. Bowen, lst $1. 00. Brennan & Son N. Bowen Brennan 8; Son M. Larocque H. Suter Garner & Son The Far North Racing Pigeon Club held a race to Kingston, a distance of 105 miles on August 30. The weather was cloudy with south-east winds. The results were as follows: Far North Racing Club Hold Race To Kingston The King City Lions Club took two bus loads of boys and adults to the Meole Leaf Stadium on Tuesday evening, September 2. There were 45 boys. members of the three local baseball teams which were sponsored by the Lions Club Almost as many adults went along to see the double-head- er between Toronto an It was such a successful event, that the Club hopes to make LfliS an annual treat for the juvenile teams. 2 Bus Loads King City Boys Visit Maple LeafStadium One game only was played in the league ï¬nals Last week. Elia won 6-3 and is now tied wi '1 ' ple. Games "“'" week with the ï¬nal game for the week being pilot-u . evening. September 11. instead 0; Friday. the 12th ,as previously an- nounced . Vaughan TWp by Quintin Wight 3 Owing to the unï¬nished condi- tion of the High School ï¬eld. there will be no track and ï¬eld meet this year. Likewise the school‘s entry in the North York Meet will be cancelled. as it would be very dangerous for untrained athletes to participate in such an event. However. by Spring the track will be in a condition for some training, and the boys will receive more instruction on the theory of the sport. so that the year will not be a tea] loss. Coach Ellis is planning three basketball teams this year. A sen- ior ,a junior and a midget. The school has plenty of rough mater- ial to mould into shape, and al- together it appears as if cham- pionships may be expected in all three. The juniors especially should have a good chance at the C.O.S.S.A. championship. ‘ A heavy schedule of intramural games is being drawn up. In fact it seems as if there may be 3 “Breakfast league†for the local players. and an “Afternoon lea- gue†for those who must leave on the school buses . Track And Field Is Cancelled For Year MRS. A. GOTTSCHALK Telephone: AVenue 5-2457 Correspondent: RICHVALE Softball IST PRELIMINARY Joe Greenfield Vs. Tomn SEMI-FINAL Alex Jensen Vs. “Red†Garner 2ND PRELIMINARY Baron Waldo Von Seiber Vs. Jerry Sullivan Canadian Middleweight Championship- TITLE BOUT Challenger - Gori Mangotich Vs. Champion - Jack Diamond TUES. SEPTEMBER 16th RICHMOEéD HILL ARENA Compare! Then mail ihis Coupon. Our representative will callâ€"No obligation. Phone 97 Canada’s Full Table Top Model Instant Top Heat Exact Heat Oven In-a-drawer Broiler 7 Out Of 10 Use GASâ€" There Must Be A Reason 4 Burner Cottage Model Automatic Top Lighting Automatic Oven Control Smokeless Broiler Langstaï¬ Recreation Committee, MAIN BOUT Similar To Above Less Timer Superior Propane Ltd. SMITH 8 MILLAED TELEPHONE ' . KING 4 7 - LIMITED Q'IAN'E' W Oï¬l‘l’ Handmade/Ly Sale momm- GAS APPLIANCES Bulldozing - Excavating . ,Grac‘ing C MAPLE, ONT. Phone 98 Largest Bottled Gas Distributors NAME ADDRESS Telephone Tommy Sullivan PEGULAR 155.00 SPECIAL 128.00 REGULAR 198.00 SPECIAL 163.00 $169.50 Y 0U SAVE 15.05) ULTRA-MODERN LATEST MODEL DIVIDED TOP REGULAR YOU SAVE 27.00 YOU SAVE 35.00 $244.75 SPECIAL RLA