Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1952, p. 7

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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllilllllll Herco Automatic Hard Coal Burner Automatic Ash Removal Bin Fed SAVES UP TO 50 RC. 0N HEATING COST Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1851 CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITEDâ€"MONTREAL ; INSTALLED - SOLD - SERVICED BLACKBURN'S Thomhill Avenue 5.1333 JUNIOR is happy to inherit big brother’s school-books when they’re the sort that have been kept in good condition by “Fabrikoid” covers. Children’s books are resistant to scuffing and other damage when pron-cred by these versatile chemical products. "Fâ€"d WASHER ADMIRAL TELEVISION& REFRIGERATUR) - USED BEATTY WASHER $15 LINOLEUMS - MOORE PAINT VENETIAN BLINDS Did you know. . . Io Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Phone 'l‘Urner 4-1782 The only gold medal won by Canada in the 1952 Olympics in Finland was for trap shooting and was won with C-l-L Ammunition. llTTlE GIRL is fooling . . . knows she's no dunce to be wearing a blouse and socks made of nylon. She'll always win a prize for neatness! Mother gets top marks for knowing nylon leads to easier living â€" washes wonder- fully, lasts so long. W UP To $199,593.10“ OLD Picture News from C-I-L * TELEVISION * Lino Tue Service JGNES COAL CO. k , «\\\\\\\\\\ REL GROWING better crops isn't all done on the farm. The research chemist helps the farmer by developingimprovements in fertilizers and pesticides which result in higher yields and bet- ter quality. Mrs McGowan. mother of Mrs. William Thomas has purchased the home of Rev. Anderson on No. 7 Highway west in the village. Rev. and Mrs. Anderson and family. who have been home on furlough from India expect to return there in October. Mr. Allan Savage has sold his farm at the north nd of Unionville to Mr. Gardhouse of Weston for the sum of $50,000. We are sorry to have Mr. Savage leave this dis- tricj. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McInnis and son and daughter. Hugh and Ben- trice, and Mrs. Ormston of Lind- say motored to Bala on Friday to attend the Wedding of their son Bruce to Miss Rose of Bala on Sat- urday, September 6. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson spent Sunday at St. Catherines visiting with their daughter and helr husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. E1 is. Congratulations to Mrs. Nelson Mustard who celebrated her birth- day on Friday of last week. Mrs. Robert Stiver. spent Sun- day with her daughter and family, Mrs. Allan Rittenhouse, White- vale. - Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findlay of Thornhill, Mrs. M. Findlay and son Dean of Unionville attended the chicken pie supper at Tyrone Mon- day evenlng last. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulson have moved to their new home on Church 51.. Markham village. They sold their home on Con. 7 several weeks ago. The Home and School Associa- tion will re-open. for the fall term Monday evening. September 15. The guest speaker will be Rev. J. V. Mills, B. Th., executive secretary of the Public School Trustees’ Association of Ontario. Officers for 1952 include, Pres- ident,Mrs. S. G. Burgis; vice-pres- ident. Mrs. W. Watersofi, Mrs. W. Bradley; rec. sec., J. D. M. Phil]- ips; corr. sec., C. W. Ingram; treas- urer. Mrs. A. E. Patfield. At 10 o’clock Tuesday night the Unionville Fire Brigade was called to extinguish a fire on a diesel truck stalled west of Unionville. Little damage was reported. Home & School Robert Sharpe. Main St., has de‘ cided to spend this year at the home of his brother at Port Barley. Misses Ila and Vera Weighill and J. W. Ash spent Wednesday at Pidgeon Lake visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. Minnie Cornachio (Crowe) has purchased the Dzwin residence just south of the village. We wel- come Mrs. Cornachio and family. Mrs. Groves of Orillia and Mrs. chk of Barrie have been spending a few days with their son and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gno- ves. Victoria St. Shower Mrs. Clarke Young and Mrs. Keith Jewett held a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Young on Saturday evening in honor of Miss Norma Brummell. Miss Brummell is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson. Her marriage to William F. Williams of Toronto will take place during September. WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK of Hart: Mountain Canary and Budgie Supplies including Cages. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded TAKE NOTICE that a gravel roadway has been constructed on Clark Avenue, between Yonge Street and the westerly limit of Registered Plan 2360. as a Local Improvement, and a Court of Re- vision will be held on September 20th. 1952, at 1.30 in the afternoon. at the Municipal Offices, Union- ville. for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments. or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other complaints which persons in- terested may desire to make and which are by law cognizable by the Court. Dated at Unionville August 30, 1952. Many friends also attended the trousseau tea for Miss Norma Brummell held at the home of her aunt Mrs. J. Donaldson on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Strickland and Sylvia ac-’ CORRESPONDEHT: MRS. I,EN.RAINEY. l'NlONVYLLE Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Deliver CHAS. HOOVER UNIONVILLE NEWS Phone ll nionville 112.! TU. 4-21 0 1 Clerk companied Mr. Strickland on a business trip to Algonquin Park over the week-end. They stayed at the Algonquin Hotel. Joe Lake. Mr. Albert Jarvis had an injur- ed bone removed from his arm last. week. We wish him a speedy recovery. Messrs. Norman Anderson, Mil- ton Findlay and Russell Boyingâ€" ton spent last. week-end at Hawk Lake. Congratulations to Mrs. Ina Mid- dleton who is a grandma again to a new granddaughter. Mrs. Mid- dleton has been spending the month of August with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Ray Ingleton of Brookâ€" lin. Mr. Keith Connell. proprietor of the Cream of Barley Camp, at Bowmanville. called on friends in the village on Thursday and reâ€" ports a very busy summer at the camps. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Dyke and Carol have returned home after spending a two week vacation at the cottage of Mr. Dyke's cousin near Kingston. Miss Joyce Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore & Son of Toronto were week end visitors at Mr. and Mrs. H‘eimlers, Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mear of Wes- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harvey and son Gregg of London and Mr. and Mrs. R. Gough of Markham and Chester and Elizabeth Weir were all visitors at Mrs. P. Rain- ey’s on Monday evening. We are sorry Miss Dorothy Sti- ver has been on the sick list. We hope she may soon be well again. Congratulations to Mrs. God- dard who celebrated her birthday at the home of her sisterâ€"in-law Mrs. W. Sellars. Mrs. W. Clarke of Newmarket called on old friends in Unionville on Thursday of last week. Messrs. Harry. Lorne and Rus- sell Taylor and families of the U. S.A. have been visiting at the home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harper. Mr. Reid Bowes and family of Agincourt have bought the prop- erty of the late Mr. C. R. James on East Drive. Mr. Bowes who is now a barber in Agincourt spent some time here a few years ago barbering at the Queen’s Hotel. We welcome them. Mrs. N. Ogden 'ls spending a few days with her‘daughter and family, Mrs. Conley of Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Ear; Appleton And family, Chester Weir and daugh- ter Elizabeth of Unionville and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Summer- feldt of Woodbridge enjoyed a picnic in the park north of Barrie on Sunday. We are pleased to hear the Yell- owknife Farms, Unionville. receiv- ed an prize for Daleraker in the open lightweight hunters and 3rd for Prelude at the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition Horse Judging events. Rev. and Mrs. Butt and son, William. who have been spending the month of August at their cot- tage at Lake of Bays are home. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Betty Thomas in the loss of her grandmother, Mrs. C. H. Britton of Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boyd of Markham who cele- brated their diamond wedding on September 1; Mr. Boyd who is 84 years of age was born in Ire- land. Mrs. Boyd who is 76 years of age was born on Can. 9 Mark- ham. She was formerly Nellie Barkey. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have eight children. Their son Hugh and daughter Mrs. Lloyd Johnston both reside at Unionville. There are also 26 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Diamond Wedding The Richmond Hill Branch No. 375 and the Ladies Auxiliary can- adian Legion are making definite plans for a big social event for the evening of Friday, September 26, when the lucky draw winners will be made known. The local branch is hoping it will be possible to have in attendance several distin- guished visitors. The president of Provincial Command Canadian Le- gion. Comrade T. A. M. Hulse of Aurora and representatives of both the Federal and Provincial Houses of Parliament for North York. The executive of the Richmond Hill Branch No. 375 desirous of carrying out the principles of the great veteran organization to serve the community in any and every capacity where possible. thought that to allow the boys and girls of the District the benefit of a tele- vision show each Saturday after- noon. until further notice from 3.30 to 5 p.m. would be a move in the right direction. Definitely no admission charge. There were 22 children in attendance Saturday, September 6. Section II of the Act has been re- pealed. This means that the face value of an Insurance Policy can be paid where under the Act the proceeds of the policy passes to the estate of the insured. Former- ly only the net premium value with interest could be paid to an estate. \‘eterans' Insurance Act THE LEGIONNAIRES Branch 375 CanadianLegion, B.E.S.L. Richmond Hill A cordial welcome to this dis- trict. is extended to the teachers and students who are housed tem- porarily at the old Jefferson school and Orange Home Schol. Mrs. B. Morton is teaching grades 4 and 5 from Lake M'ilcox school. .while Miss McWhirter has 36 pupils from Richmond Hill stu- dying with her at the L.T.B. 0r- ange School. ' ’ ' Mr. Donald Macpherson of the Maurice Cody School. Toronto. is the new principal at the Orange Home school. replacing Mr. E Steele who retired last June after 18 years service. It is sincerely hoped Mr. Macpherson will have Sunday School at. St. John’s An- glican Church (Yonge St. at Jeff- erson lhad 1t: opening day Sunday. September ‘7. Forty-three child- ren were on hand to enroll at the 11:15 am. service and it is exâ€" pected there will be many more attending thisAcoming Sunday, Mr. G: C. 'Ifitley h_as retiréd' as superintendent of St. John‘s Sun- day School‘ and Mr. John Pass- more is now in charge of the class- es. O O O I Alf. Copeland, Jack Hall and Dickson Miller have been work- ing on _“operation flagpole" at the Jefferson school. Having moved the pole from the old school grounds, cleaned and painted it, they hope to erect it on its new sit shortly. a long and pléasant associalion with the Orange School children. With Doug Dibb supplyinga tractor and Ross Cox a m0w,er plus the help of the John Pass- mores senior and junim the wide stretches of lawn at Jefierson school looked nice and trim for the 're-opening of school last week. Here's one for the book. The flagpole, which is cedar wood, was purchased by the school board in 1918 at a cost of 60c. The children in grades .one to four at Jefferson Public School "“0 very happy with their new FRESH YOUNG HOME FED Lean Minced Beef or Stewing Beef Kraft Dinners .......... Pork & Beans , 20 oz. . . . . Campbell’s Soups ....... RINSO, half price sale ...... ‘. . 2 for 57c Peanut Butter, glass tumbler ...... 25c Hawe’s Floor Wax, 1 lb. tin ........ 53c Johnson’s Pride, bottle ............ 98c Tops Dog Food ............ 12 tins $1.10 Large Snow White Cauliflower, each 21c Sweet Oranges, size 288 ...... 2 doz. 49c MUSHROOM. \‘EG. BEEF. CONSOMME ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS {COFFEE TURKEYS Weights from 8 to 15 lbs. ARNOLD FARMS RACK lb. 63 SPRING LAMB LEG ROAST - 79 tom - 35 moms ~ 59 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Broukside Road, Telephone TL'rner 4-2334 Aunt Mary's Freshly ground for any type coffee maker No. 7 HIGHWAY AND DONMILLS ROAD MARKET OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK BREAST lb. 59 teacher Miss Audrey Leary. A warm welcome is extended to you Miss Leary and lo your 17 little pupils in grade one this term. Barrie Tent & Awning (0. Tel. 4314 Barrie 34 Bayfield There is a great deal of building going on in this district. On Line Elgin sideroad, George Patton and Jack Shepherd have been working on their buildings all summer. Many happy returns to Tommy Ratchford. Brookside Road. “ho will celebrate his third bll'thday next Tuesday, September 10“ Aristocrat Canvas Awnings Airshade Aluminum Awnings Complete Service "Estimation to Installation" Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Giles J. D‘ Kerswill‘ Jeffersonhwho died on Sunday. September 7. Mr, Kers- will is survived by his wife. the former Marie Compton and three daughters. Mrs. Clifford Rumble tEllal. Toronto: Mrs. John W-. Boughner tJennieH. Sarnia and Mrs. Roy Holmes (Ruthl. Falcon- bridge. His son, James, died while serving with the RCAF dur- ing the last war. The funeral service was held in St. John's Anglican Church on Tuesday at 2.30 p.m., the Rev. D. C. H. Michell officiating. Inter- ment was in St. John’s cemetery. lb. 47 AWNINGS ... 2 for 29( ... 2 tins 27c .FRESH BOILING 2 tins 35c SLIBED BREAKFAST BACON lb. PURE PORK SAUSAGE $233.5 2 lbs. 59 FRESH PORK LIVER TENDER Round Steak ROAST lb. 85 FRESH BUTT ROAST 0f PORK lb. 49 Maple Leaf LARD Zlhs. 25 FOWL 35 ROLLED Prime Rib ROAST lb. m. 95f THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday, Sept. 11, 1952 7 McLaren’s Puddings or Jellies. 3 for 25c LYNN VALLEY Yellow Peaches, 20 oz. ........ 2 tins 33c Canned Peas, 20 oz. .......... 2 tins 35c Fancy Tomato Juice, large 48 oz. tin 36c Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon, 1/2's . . tin 37c Milk Arrowroot Digestive Shortcake PEEK FREAN‘S F U R N I T U R E NEW AND USED - WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY CLIFFORD, 15 Seccomoe 5t. ONE MILE EAST AT STOP 14- A YONGE MARKET FRESH PORK 2 RIBLETS lbs. Strawberries m. 45 FROZEN No. 'l HIGHWAY AND KENNEDY ROAD Hl-LO Tb. CHEESE ROLL CLOVER VALLEY Bread Fresh Milk 19 GOOD BLACK Tea 15:.” Golden Fig Bar 35 fl). Pkg. McCORMICK‘S lb. Homo-Pasteurizcd Wrapped 8.: Sliced Loaf 69 1“???

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