Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1952, p. 8

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mmmmmmummmmmumnnmmmuumummmmmmmm\muuunmmunuummummmmmé Rubber-Tired Wagons (with or without Tires) E Tractors. various sizes and models g Manure Spreaders â€" Power take-off. tractor drawn : FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 11, 1952 Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL TU- 4-1' V.-. râ€" and tractor hitch 1 International 13-Disc Grain & Fertilizer tractor hitch ......... . ...... 1 Massey-Harris Corn Binder Cockshutt Manure Spreader â€" horse-draw Tractor Plows - erurrow and 3 furrow Goble Disc Disc Plows Grain Grinders Massey-Harris No. 44 Tractor, good as new Ford Tractor International W30 Tractor Massey-Harris No. 81 l Massey-Harris 13-hoe Drill 1 International 15-disc Grain Drill with DOV One-way Discs Goble Discs Tractor Plows Grain Grinders Phone 164 EXTRA SAVINGS AT I.D.A '- ALI. NEXT WEEK SEPTEMBER 15th to 20th at PERRY’S PHARMACY I. D. RAMER; 8: SON mmmmmmmumumnmnnmmmmnumunmmlmmmnmumnmmnmmuuummmmmg RICHMOND HILL PROMOTES BALANCED GROWTH or horse-d rawn MAPLE, ONT. TURNER 4-1313 If the owner of a 1933 Ford Road- ster. Ont. License No. 767155 (1951) does not pay storage and repair bill within 21 days. or will be sold for amount owing against the same. Bradshaw Motors Ltd. The Richvale Softball Teams. along with many others enjoyed a dance and weiner roast at the Community Hall, Saturday night. The boys and parents wish to thank Mr. Cec. Turnbull who was responsible for the weiner roast Mis. C Pieison fiom Sault Ste Marie along with Mrs. J. Warbur- ton and Mrs. A. Blackbmn of Mt All children in this area wishing to attend the Richvale chapel Sun- day afternoon at,3 p.m. will be picked up by Langdon's Bus at 2.50 p.m:. at the corner of Yonge- burst and Yonge St. Four members of the Stop and Go Club of Toronto. Mesdames W. Birch, G. Draper. G. Steeves and A. Roe, enjoyed dinner with Mrs. M. Holmes of ,Yongehurst Rd., on Thursday last, followed by an ev- ening of cards. _ > Congratulations to Mrs. C. Mal- insky of Yongehurst Rd. who en- tered the C.N.E. baking contest. taking first prize for raisin pie and two prizes for buns and muffins. Visited Maple Research Station . .Lord Robinson, United Kingdom forestry expert, who headed the 'British delegation to the 6th Com- monwealth Forestry Conference, died in Ottawa, on Friday, Septem- ber 5. Lord Robinson had taken part in a strenuous 3,000 mile tour of Ontario and Quebec with other conference delegates. which inclu- ded boat, plane and bus trips. and some sleeping outdoors. Pneumonia was given as the cause of death of the 69 year old first Baron of Keil- der Forest and Adelaide. On Aug- ust 27, Lord Robinson was one of the delegates who visited the Sou- thern Research Station of the De- partment of Lands and Forests at Maple ,when an outdoor luncheon was served to 150 guests and dele- gates from the Commonwalth. the United Nations, th U.S.A. and the government of Canada. Miss Gerry McDonald left for Kingston on Thursday where she will be on the staff of Sunnyside. Miss McDonald graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the U. of T. in 1951‘ During the past year she studied at the Insti- tute of Child Study. and graduated in that special course in June. in the parish, and has been most gracious in relieving the rector of the three Anglican churches upon occasion, as well as taking the ser- vices in other local churches dur- ing the absence of their ministers. C.N.E. Winners A group representing King City W. I. won a second prize, amount- ing to $75. in a contest on Satur- day afternoon at the C.N.E. The ladies who took part in the con- test. which was open to all organ~ izations. were Mrs. Archie Camp- bell, Mrs. Roy Hollinshead, and Neil Lothian, new principal of Oak Ridges Public School. has kindly accepted the invitation to become superintendent of All Saints Anglican Sunday School. The Sunday School opend on Sun- day at 2.30 o’clock after the sum- mer holidays. Mr. Lothian will become superintendent upon the resignation of C. Gordon Tetley, who has filed that position faith- fully for the past two years Mr. Tetley is forced to cancel his work with the children and other duties that he finds pleasure in perform- ing for he-' will have a very busy year ahead of him. Besides his work in the city, he is studying for the ministry and he hopes to be ready for ordination in the Spring. Mr. Tetley is lay reader Miss“ Lois McBride leaves next week for McDonald Hall. Guelph, to begin a year's study in Home Economics. The choir of All Saints Anglican Church met after the service on Sunday morning, to wish her a happy year, and to give her a pair of Madeira pillow cases as a remembrance from them. Lois has been a faithful member of the choir for several years. Sunday School Superintendent Sunday evening services of King City United Church will begin ag- ain on Sunday evening. Septem- ber 14, at 7 o'clock with Rev. M. R. Jenkinson in charge. A fireside hour of fellowship will be held in the church rooms in the basement following the service to which the congregation‘will be invited. Betty Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Scott, Roy Robson .son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robson and Mary Chapman. Nobleton. all started their studies at Toronto Normal School on Tuesday, Sep- tember 9. All are recent grad- uates of Aurora High School. and intend to make school teaching their career. Miss Dorothy Armstrong return- ed on Saturday, after a most en- joyable holiday tour of Europe and the United Kingdom. Miss Arm- strong is organist of First Baptist Church. Toronto. and she return- ed to her post there on Sunday morning. At Normal School Off To School NOTICE NWONDENT â€" MRS. I. BLACKBURN_ Yellohmt II. Telephone TU. 4-2238 . CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON. KING. ONT. Richmond Hill NORTH RICHVALE NEWS KING CITY NEWS Phone King 55R“ Calling all parents to attend the first general meeting of the Rich- vale Home and School Association on Monday, September 15, at 8 p. m., at the school. “Shorty" Bone who has been on leave for the past two months from the Lord Strathcona Horse (Royal Canadian Army» will re- join his regiment Thursday morn- ing leaving for parts unknown. The W.A. of Richmond Hill Scouts will meet in the Scout Hall Thursday, September 11, at 8 p. in. Mrs. F. Gardner of Mill Rd., will conduct the meeting. The Auxiliary hopes to have several new mothers at the opening meet- mg. Dennis visited with the Blackburn family on Sunday last. At Schomberg, a young man. Elmer McFadden, is principal of the two room school. This is his third school as he taught in Elm- vale and Wyebridge before com- ing to Schomberg. Rolph and Timothy Davis. who have come to live at Memory Ac- ‘es with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davis, are attending King- horn school, as did their grand- father, the late Audrey Davis. They are the fifth generation of the Davis family, who have lived at the northwest corner of King- horn. Theironew home is not quite completed. but Mr. and Mrs. Davis and the two boys moved in- to it on Labour Day so that Tim and Ralph could begin school on the first day. Rolph and Sheila Collins who will also live at Mem- ory Acres when their apartment is ready for them, drive each day from Newmarket to the Kinghorn School. Mrs. Gladys Vanderwater. who comes from Wellington. Prince Edward County, is the new teach- er at Kettleby School. S. S. No. 11. At Strange School, Miss Betty Climpson takes her first position as a teacher. She graduated in June from Toronto Normal School. Miss Carol Norrad comes from New Brunswick to teach the child- ren of Eversley School. The Brownies of King Pack must get their uniforms ready for the first meeting of the season which will be held this Saturday afterâ€" noon; September 13, at 2.30 0'; clock. The meeting place is the United Church basement room. and Mrs. Marion Laing. Grey Owl to the Pack, invites all .ittle girls who wish to join this year, to come to this first meqting. Only girls aged 8 to 11 years may be- come Brownies. District Schools Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter mo- tored from Bothell, Washington. to spend two weeks with their b10- ther and his family Mr. and Mrs-. James Hunter Laskay. The first cottage prayer meeting of the fall season was held on Wedâ€" nesday evening, September 10, at the Anglican rectory. ..Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burt celebrated the 40th anniversary of their wedding on SeptemberL 7. They visited their daughter. Mrs. Richard Carney and their Son. Ter ence Burt, and their families in Toronto from Saturday until Wed- nesday to celebrate the happy oc- casion Barbara Busby, Agnes Hollins- head and Donna Pickell are the young ladies who graduated from Kinghorn school into Aurora High School this year. The beginners at Kinghorn are Beryl Pring and Wayne McNaughton. 1. That the program list for each day should be published ahead of time. so that out of town visitors could make their plans to see the events in which they were interes- ted. 5. That a new meen's Build- ing should be erected, where all exhibits of especial interest to women should be under one roof. Miss Eva Dennis. The contest was tried by representatives of 27 groups and was first to name “Five ways to Improve the Exhibition." These are the suggestions which won the prize for King W. I.: 4. That covered bleachers on the water front would be a relief on hot. sunny days. Also, that the present bleachers should be ex- tended. 2. That a publicity campaign be conducted to counteract the litter and general untidiness of the Ex_â€" hibition. 3. That pointed reminders be broadcast on the loud speakers at intervals to impress upon the peo- ple that the grounds should be kept tidy. “Pick up the cup." etc. should make people conscious of their untidiness. Anniversary CHEMICALLY CLEANED CAMP CESSPOOL & SEPTlC TANK CLEANER eliminates need of expensive. unhealthy pumping and digging up of cess- pools, septic tanks, seepage pools, etc. No shutdown either. Dissolves everything organic from grease to, cloth to fib- rous tree roots. Results in 12 to 36 hours. WM. HAANPAA JR. LAKE AVE. WILCOX LAKE Phone Richmond Hill TL‘. 4-1939 Cesspools & Septic Tanks TOWN 8: COUNTRY EQUIPMENT& SUPPLY Sherwood The Luiher League held an ex- ecutive meeting last week to plan During her stay with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crover during the lat- ter part of August, Mrs. Margaret Mothersell of Albany. NY, was entertained at a party and weiner roast by her host and hostess at their home on Hillside Drive. A shower was given earlier in the week in the reception rooms in the office of Dr. K. P. Bonner, Toronto, by the girls of the Work- men’s Compensation Board office, where Miss Poole is employed. And her neighbors here in Conâ€" cord held a shower one evening re- cently at the home of Mrs. J. J. Naylor. * * * * Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs‘ George Poole on their 27th wed- ding anniversary, September 16. The Concord Home and School Association will open the season with a meeting on Monday, Sep- tember 22. A very interesting safety programme is planned. Wa- tch the column for more details next week. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper-Cole of Toronto visited Miss Ada Wit- neiyi on Saturday. Mr. and Mrstohn Bay and son, Andrew of Toronto spent the week-end witlqu. and Mrs. Wit- ney and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard «Bay. On Saturday evening, August 23, 25 guests were present from Toronto and district and enjoyed an evening of fun and delicious food prepared by Mrs. Crover. Miss Marian Poole is being hon- ored these days prior-to her wedâ€" ding on September 13 when she will become the bride of Mr. Har- old Drewery of Stoufl‘ville. Mrs. James Bagg of Edgeley arranged the miscellaneous shower held last Friday evening at the home of the bride- to- be' 5 parents Mr. and M~ Allan Poole when 25 guests we: her friends and relativs of Conâ€" cord and Edgeley. Dr. and Mrs. Grant Darker of Bedford, Ohio, have been visit- ing the latter‘s sister, Mrs. Paul Snider and Mr. Snider and their son Raymond, during the past week. On Sunday evening, Aug- ust 31 their mother, Mrs. 0. Church and their sister and bro- therâ€"in- law Mr and Mrs. Edgar Crosier and sons Gregory and Fe- ter of Islington all joined Mr. and and Mrs. Snider for a family re- union supper at their home. Victor Ratley kept everyone's toes a-tapping as he played fav- ourite selections on‘ his Spanish guitar. During Labor Day week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards, Mr. Earle Kitchen and Mr. and Mrs. Lonard Black all of Toronto were Mr. and Mrs. Crovor's guests. Shower CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart. R. R. 1. Maple 53‘1“! CONCORD NEWS Telephone Maple 110R3 lll\llllllllll“ll“llllll““1“““1111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lifillllllfllTlll CU'l' FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS REEE’S FLOWER SHOP programmes for the fall and win- ter season. The first regular meet- ing in the new Fall series was held in Unionville on Sunday ev- ening last. ' On Friday evening last, the children of the Sunday School and the parent's got together at a corn roast held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Pearson. Rev. and Mrs. Cyril Leech were also pres- ent and joined in the fun of the evening. Games, led by the tea- chers of the Sunday School were eagerly participated in by the children and the winners received candy as prizes. The evening was brought to a close only after evâ€" ryone had eaten their fill of wein- ers and corn as they were group- ed around a big hon-fire. The regular meeting of the W0- men of the Church will take place at the home of Mrs. Ross Percival, Richmond Hill on Wednesday, Sep- tember 17. A good attendance is requested. Mrs. George Reid was hostess last Friday evening at a miscell- aneous shower for Miss Mildred Keffer. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Norman Kefier of Malton. Miss Ann Kefier assisted her sister to unwrap the many gifts brought by her friends and relatives. There will be no service in Zion Lutheran Church, Sherwood on September 14, owing to Harvest Home services at Bethesda Luth~ eran Church, Unionville. The guest preacher at the 11 a.m. and the 7 pm. services will be Rev. L. Schaus of Kitchener. Mrs. Schaus .will be guest soloist. set for the Harvest Home services in Elia United Church. Further announcements about these ser- vices will be made later. Miss Kef’fer and Mr. Stewart Rhen of Hamilton will be married soon in Zion Lutheran Church Sherwood and will live in Hamil- t0n_ O O 0 0 Elia All Hours TUrner 4-1812 Stgnday. October 26. is the date muunuummummnmmnumuum11111111111111mummmuuuum 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill FLOWERS- FfiR EVERY OCCASION As a member of aircrew, he’s marked as a young man of unusual calibre. He’s had months of intensive training on the finest of equipment. He has developed character; and the chance to go far in this expanding service offers him a bright future. The future accomplishments in the field of aviation can be counted on to outstrip its brilliant past. “\“I‘llll‘lull]“In!“llllm“11ml“llllllllllll\\\\\\\lmllll“llll‘l‘lllll“l\lll\\ll\“\l’l\\llin““mull“llllllfllllullIlllllmll“lllll\lllll\ll\lll\\“lllll\lm\l\g 771“!\l““\l“mI!“NM“\\\llllllllllll\llllllllWNW“l\lllll“I}INN“ml“!“\llllmmlllllllmlml“““lllll“\“lllllI“|\\lllllllll\\|lllllllllll““l\lllll\lll\lllE LAUNDERERS ’I‘hornhill. Ont. 63 Yonge St. S. RICHMOND HILL ALL MAKES REPAIRED AND GUARANTEED Paris Auto Supply Ltd. SMART Housewives cull WASHING MACHINES I75 OSSINGTON AVE, TORONTO v PHONE Ll. 2161 Why Tire ° yourself Eight pounds for 99¢ . . . 12¢ each additional pound. All fiat pieces ironed. Wearing apparel returned damp, all ready for ironing. Shirts fully finished, 15¢ each extra. Pick-up, delivery included. lAUNDERING at HOME? Here’s the life that any boy â€" or any parent â€"- can be proud of. There’s a blend of skill, adventure and service to your country that can’t be beaten for sheer satisfaction. John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Please mail to me, without obligation, lull particulars regarding enrolment requirements and openings now available in tho RCA-F. TUrner -4-1541 USED WASHERS WANTED ROYAL CANADIAN Am ronc: STREET ADDRESS EDUCATION (by grade and province) Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Stee'e's Corners) THE LIBERAL See Love For Lovely Lumber (Pleu- Prim) Would you like to fly with the R.C.A.F.? Then get all the facts today! Director of Personnel Manning, R.C.A.F. Headquarters, Ottawa. LOCAL AGENT TU. 4-1261 (Sum-mo) imvinuzam Our famoul REVITALIZED DRY CLEANXNG gives you the "cleanest" dry cleaning you can get. Even old clothe get _I new lease on life when their. PROVINCE AGE ...‘ (Chrial in Name) Richmond Hill A Venue 5-1143 CAFII E-EZW ONTARIO g

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