Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1952, p. 5

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44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All Hours TUrner 4-1812 @uuuumuuu\uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIuxul\umuumumuumuuuum CU'l‘ FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP mllll‘lllllllllll“mlllllllllllllllllll‘llllllllmllllllllllll\\\l\\ll\lll\llllllllllil _-..-- yum-.. “rumâ€"uni, LULUHLU. Mr. McCarthy is one of a com- mittee of laymen who are giving their time to explain to the par- ishes in the Diocese. the Diocesan Mission to be held in the Colise- um in Toronto October 22 to Nov- ember 4 next. Mr. McCarthy will speak about Canon Bryan Green, Vicar of Bib mingham, England, who is coming to be the Missioner. All are invit- ed to hear Mr. McCarthy. The speaker at the morning ser- vice in St. Mary's Anglican Church on Sunday next will be Mr. John L. McCarthy. a vice president of the Canada Life AssUrance Com- pany and a leading layman at Grace Church-on-the-Hill. Toronto. Sunday, September 14. was hor- ticuitural Sunday at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Many beautiful baskets of flowers from the flower show decorated the church and the music and the sermon were most in keeping with the beautiful background. Mrs. Wm. Little of Toronto paid a visit to Mr. L. H. Clement-last Tuesday. Mrs. Little and Mr. Cleâ€" ment have not seen each other for over forty years, since the days when Mr. Clement's father brought vegetables to the Little home. Mrs. Little, who is 91 years old, accom- panied by Mr. Clement. visited with the Hardy Hills and the Well- woods and she also visited the greenhouses and other points of interest. The annual outing and dinner of Ward 2 Business Men’s Associa- tion from Toronto was held at Battles Dining Room last Sunday. Prizes were awarded to Mr. Grover and to Mr. Shaw. A miscellaneous shower was held recently for Miss Shirley Brillinger .whose marriage to Bert Morton will take place September 27. in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. at the home of Mrs. Bass {311 Langstaff. Eighteen girls were resent and hostesses were Mrs. Audrey Apperley and Mrs. Grace Theakston. Thirteen members of the Sugar and Spice Club visited the Town and Country Club for their annual dinner on Thursday. September 11. Many thanks go to Mabel Fenwick, Florence Schurman and Jessie Wainwright who very kind- ly supplied transportation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grainger and Mr. and Mrs. James Grainger Ittended the Webb-Cruickshank wedding in Toronto on Saturday. Prior to her marriage. Mrs. Webb was Marian Crulckshank. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crulck- shank, formerly of the vlllage. RICHMOND HILL . . . ions The Women’s Auxiliary of Rich- mond Hill Scouts met in the Scout Hall Thursday evening for their opening meeting of the season. Mrs. F. Gardner led the discuss- Jack Pot $125 15 Games 25c Jack Pot $125 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 TOWN HALL, NEWMARKET “LEAVE YOUR WIDOW FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION A HOME â€" NOT A JACKPUT $125 Sponsored by St. John’s Church MORTGAGE" The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports nbout church organizations. women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. 8.30 pm. WHY NOT REPAIR hat Leaky Roof before the wet cold weather. We have in stock plenty of 4511).. 55 lb. in plain roof- ng, 90 lb. ate surface red and green, also Iastic Roof Cement, leavy Asphalt Roof Coating and fluid Asbestosphalt in gal. and 5 gal. cans. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded We Deliver â€"â€"_ Thounnds who new: could gain weight before. now hnve an IV. attractive nkuru 1N0 more bony limbs. Whaler; They (hunk Oslrex. It pull nub on bodies skinny becnuse blood Inks iron. Pena you up, too. Improves appetite. digestion no food nourishes you better, Don't fear getting too int. Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory or ‘ et-ncqulinted" size only 60¢. Try Ostrex Tonia Tub eta [or new pounds. lovely curves. new pep. ted”. At an «arm ’ Mr. and Mrs. Alton Scott, Aurora wish to announce the engagement of their \eldest daughter, Ruth Muriel Isobel to Reginald Will- iam Burns of Elgin Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Burns of Oak Ridges, Ont. The marriage will take place October 11, in the Aurora United Church at 3 pm. c1w12 How“Skinny”Girls Get lovely Curves Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Bales Goul- ding of Elgin Mills announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Ruth. to George Ronald Browne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- nard Browne of Willowdale. The wedding will take place on Satur- day. October 4, 1952; at 3.30 o’clock in Richmond Hill United Church. *1w13 Precious memories of days Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell of Langstaff announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Doris Jean to Mr. Robert Howard Thorne. son wf Mr. and Mrs. C. Thorne. Barrie, the marriage to take place Saturday October 18 at Thornhill United Church at 4 o‘clock. *1w12 BENNETT. Isabel H. Mason â€" At the Nursing Home. Willowdale, Sunday, Sept. .14 1952, Isabel H. Mason. beloved wife of Alexan- der Bennett of Doncaster in her 82nd year. Funeral servi!e held from‘ chapel of Wright and Tay- lor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, Wednesday at 2 o’clock. that? are gone â€"- Sadly missed by wife and Doreen. LOUGHEAD â€" You left sweet memories to blossom Bearing fruit for years to come. In the lives of those who loved KEFFER â€" Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kefl‘er (nee Margaret Witney) announce the birth of a son, on September 13, 1952, at Grace Hospital. *lw12 Richmond Hill. c1w12 MILLS â€" Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Mills are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Kenneth John. brother for Wayne and Jimmy. on September 12, at Mrs. Stanford’s nursing home, The Richmond Hill Girl Guides held its first meeting of the season on Tuesday night. Any girls in- terested in joining the Guides please attend the next meeting on Tuesday. September 23. at 7 pm. in the Lions Community Hall. Richmond Hill L.0.L. and LO. BA. enjoyed a corn roast at the home of L. Beatty, Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Kerswill and sons John ‘and.Robert from Ot- tawa spent the past week with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kerswill, North Yonge St., Rich- mond H111. Mr. Norman Bradshaw is serving on Jury duty this week in Toronto. In fiflemuriam (Engagements Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Jack Pot $125 Jack Pot $125 ZBeatl] 1 Special TU. 4-210] c1w12 .ge to Ier 18 ch at *1w12 you Mr. and Mrs. Bolen Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. John Bay and son Andrew. Mrs. Ada Witney, John Witney and Mr. and Mrs. C. Wit- ney and Zillah motored on Sun- day to Oshawa on a picnic trip. Miss Ann Snider celebrated a birthday last week. Donnie Thom- pson and Mr. Bolen Henderson share September 19 as their day and on Sept. 20 Mrs. D. Cassey will celebrate her birthday. Best wishes are extended to you all on these happy occasions. Mrs. Oman Bowes entertained about 50 ladies at a Stanley Pro- ducts demonstration in her home last week. Many useful articles were shown and the evening thor-' oughly enjoyed by all present. The soloist Miss June Brown, sang "The Lord’s Prayer” and “Because” during the ceremony. Mr. Stanley Ransom of Richmond Hill was groomsman and the ush- ers were Bruce Timbers of Stouff‘ ville and Gordon Poole of Con- cord. Her maid of honor, Miss Norma Poole, wore a floor-length gown of mauve taffeta with an appliqued silk net overskirt and matching bolero jacket. Miss Christine Naylor, bridesmaid ,chose a sim- ilarly fashioned costume in nile green. The flower girl. Miss Linda Dam‘ent, niece of the bride, was frocked in yellow taffta and all wore matching flowered headdress- es and carried nosegays of pink ro- ses and fern. The staff of the Dufierin Drive- In held a corn roast recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Leece. An abundance of corn. weiners and coffee was enjoyed around a bonfire and was followed later by a sing-song and a dance. Following the ceremony the bride’s sister, Mrs. Harold Dament. received in place of her mother, who was unable to attend. She wore a green crepe frock and a black feather hat and was assisted by the groom’s mother-in a gown of Royal blue crepe with black ac- cssorles. Each wore a corsage of pink roses. We welcome back to our com- munity Ralph Cole, as helper to Mr .and Mrs. Wilfred Bowes. Following the reception at Sumâ€" mit View restaurant, Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Drewery left on a trip to Northern Ontario ,the bride travelling in a sand colored gabardine suit with green access- ories. On their return they will reside in Richmond Hill. A handsome gown of chalk white silk lace and net was worn by the bride. whose father ‘gave her in marriage. The strapless shirred bodice was joined to a skirt with five very full overskirts of stiffen- ed silk net which was enhanced by a wide pointed peplum edged with large orange blossoms fash- ioned of net and centred with pearls. A tight fitting net jacket was finished with a lace yoke and long lily-pointed sleeves and was buttoned to the waist. The dress. worn over taffeta extended into a chapel train. Her two-tiered finger-tip veil was held by a coron- et of irridescent beads and seed pearls and she carried a nosegay of pink rose buds and fern. Brewery-Poole Attended by many guests. the marriage of Miss Marian Elaine Poole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kenneth Poole and Mr. Har- old Claude Drewery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Drewery of Stoufl- vllle took place in Maple United Church. Rev. P. J. Lambert off- iciated at the double ring cere- mony and Mrs. Roy Clegg played the wedding music. Some of the Concord girls with Mr. and Mrs. B. Witty. attended the wedding in Toronto of Mr. D. E. Perry and Miss Miriam Camer- on. The newly-weds are motor- ing to Radville. Sask.. where Mr. Perry will be a teacher at Rad- ville Christian College. Mr .and Mrs. Roy Witty and Tommy have returned home from their holiday trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. Witney and daughter Zillah .and Mrs. Ada Witney are‘spnding a few days in Michigan' with their cousin, Mr. Peter Elzerman. Saturda Morning SPECIAL Parisi’s Mens & Boys Wear Men’s Sanforized Broadcloth Shorts, in assorted colors, all sizes, reg price $1.50 each, special ........ $1.00 ea. Come in and see our new jackets in cor- duroy reversibles, suedes and velvets prlces from .............. $12.95 up Complete line of footwear 36 Yongew St. South Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1502 CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart.'R. R. 1, Maple ____._â€"â€" Telephone Maple 110R3 “(Webbing CONCORD NEWS Liberal Classified Advertisements! Bring Results Mrs. H. A. Stephenson and fam- ily wish to express their deepest gratitude to the many friends for their floral tributes and the kind- ness shown to them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to the Reverend C. G. Higâ€" ginson of the United Church, Rich- mond Hill. Mrs. John Baker and family wish to express their thanks and appreciation to the many relativs friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and floral tributes. Esp- ecially thanking Dr. Rolph Lang- staff for his kind and prompt att- endance and Rev._ C. G. Higginson for his comforting words during the loss of a loving husband and father. c1w12 CARD OF THANKS CARD 0F THANKS Left to mourn his passing are his wife, the former Bernetta Sni- der of Edgeley, two sons, Leslie and Lloyd, of Markham and three daughters, Mrs. E. Anning (Mae), Mrs. Wm. Horner (Irene) and Dor- othy at home; his brothers William of Grand Valley and Ernest. Han- ey, B. C.. and his sisters. Mrs. J. H. Prentice, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Tyndall and Mrs. Lewis Clement of Richmond Hill. There are also eight grandchildren and one great- grandchild. He was laid to rest on Septem- ber 10. in Richmond Hill Cemet- ery. A large congregation of family and friends attended the service conducted by Rev. C. G. Higginson in the Wright and Tay- lor Chapel. The pan-bearers were Mr. Baker’s four nephews and two grandsons, Stanley, Rolph, Ever- ett and Clare Bak’er, Donald Whit- ney and Whitney Johnson. The six honorary pallbearers were Dr. Rolph Langstaff, Wm. Baker. Jas. Ellis. Waltar Reaman, Isaac Baker and Henry Winger. The late Mr. Baker had been a respected resident of Richmond Hill for the past 23 years.'Before coming here to live, he spent many years in the Carrvilie district. He was a quiet man who derived much pleasure from his family and his home and will be sadly missed by his family and friends. The fl01al tributes to Mr. Baker were many and beautiful. Mr. Witts will show a 20-minute safety film and a discussion on safety will follow. The meeting will commence with a social period at which refreshments will be ser- ved. Mr. John Baker passed away at the Stoufiville hospital on Sunday, September 7 after a lingering ill: ness. A most pertinent subject will be discussed “The Safety Campaign of the Concord Home and School As- sociation for School Children" One of the province's most out- standing speakers on safety. Pro- vincial Police Inspector Witts. will be the speaker. The Concord Home and School Association will hold its opening meeting of the season on Monday, September 22. at Concord school- house at 8.30 pm. the guest preacher. Harvest Home services will be held in Zion Lutheran Church at Sherwood at 11 am. and 7.30 pm. on Sunday. September 21. Rev. C. Christiansen of St. Ansgar Lu- theran Church, Toronto. will be The new room in Concord school is certainly not unoccupied. There are 38 children enrolled in it, ab- out 22 being beginners. The in- termediate and senior rooms have an enrolment of 38 pupils each at the present time. About six pupils were transferred mainly from Tor- onto and North York. Elmer, the Safety Elephant is flying again for what is hoped will be an accident-free year. Zion Lutheran Mrs. A. Slater is convalesclng at her home after being a paient in a Toronto hospital for a few days when she underwent a ser- ious operation. @bituarp’ BENNETT-CLARK SAVAGE-CLARK A beautiful double ceremony took place at Knox Presbyterian For the reception at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother received in a rose crepe dress with black velvet accessor- ies and she wore a white gladioli cox-sage. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a gown of French grey taffeta with cham- pagne accesSories and shoulder corsage of pink tipped gladioli petals. Raymond Agar {vas groomsman for his brother and ushers. were James Morning and Ralph John- son. For the wedding trip the bride chose a grey gabardine suit with blue accessories and corsage of white mums and fern. On their return they will reside at their new home in King. June Hollinshead was maid-of- honor and wore a gown of pale blue nylon over satin with long gloves to match. black hat and shoes. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses and yellow gladioli. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a street-length dress of pink nylon over satin, with long gloves to match, and a black velvet. hat and shoes. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and white gladloli petals. Rev. Martin Jenkinson and Dr. Archer Wallace officiated at the ceremony and Mrs. Ewart Patton played the wedding music. King City United Church was decorated with pink gladioli and fern for the marriage of Helen Bernice Cairns daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arwood Cairns, Aurora, to Howard Dale Agar. son of Mrs. Agar and the late Geo. Agar of Richmond Hill. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon officiated and the attendants were Larry J. Coffey and Muriel A. Young. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. Acts 4:12: - - - for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Mr. John Leonard Coffey. son of Mr .and Mrs. Charles Coffey of Weston, Ont., and Miss Audrey Eli- zabeth Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young of Lang‘ stafi. Ontario, were united in mar‘ riage on Saturday, September 13, in the Vestry of St. Mary’s Angli- can Church, Richmond Hill. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord Schoo‘ Home Each Lord's Day evening at 7 mm. MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert. B.A.. ILD- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 [hp]. Sunday School .......... 10 am. Church service withdraw Hope . ’ Anniversary Service 11 am. Guest Preacher, Dr. Archer Wall~ ace _Guest Choir, Toronto Christian Business Girls Edgeley Sunday School and Church service withdrawn “The Church 0;. the Hill" Finch Ave. E._at Don Mills Rd. Vesper Hour each Sunday at 3 pm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Speaker: Dr. Murray Findlay Miss Joyce Lowrie to sing Sunday School 2 pm. Each Wednesday 8 pm. youth meet with film program TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH THORNHILL Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A.. Rector §UNDAY,__S_EPTEMBER 21. 1952 THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21.1952 11 a. m. â€" Worship Service Speake1: Rev E. G. Cla1ke, M.A. Sunday School Nursery Dept. (2-3; THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. letle. B.A.. Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 11 mm. â€" Divine Worship Mr. James W. Butler. J. P. 11.15 am. â€" Beginners Class Come and worship. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In. S. W. Hirtle. B.A.. Mini-m SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 10 a.m. â€" Sunday Schbol 11 mm. -â€" Divine Worship Come and Worship. RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wlixon. L. Th., Rectal SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 8.30 am. -â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer Speaker: Mr. John L. McCarthy, vice-president Canada Life Assur- ance Company. Subject, Bryan Green. Diocesan Mlssloner All are cordially invited. 3 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer and Sunday School RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH In. C. G. Higginson, B.A.. 8.0. . Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1952 10.30 am. â€" The Sunday School assembles for the annual Rally A Day Service ZION MEMORIAL CHURCH 1 a.m. â€" RalIy‘Day Service p.m. â€" Evening Service COFFEY-YOUNG AGAR-CAIRNS All Welcome minister webbing After the ceremony. the guests attended a reception in the church parloursu The bride's mother re- ceived in a gown of french blue corded taffeta with black access- ories anda corsage of pink and white roses. Mrs. Savage was gowned in blue crepe trimmed with lace and with black accessories and a corsage of pink and white roses. Mrs. Bennett wore a grey striped taffeta gown with navy ac- cessories and a corsage of pink and white roses. For travelling. Mrs. Savage chose a grey fall suit with navy accessories while Mrs. Bennett wore a gray fall suit with pink ac- cessories. Both the happy coup- les left for points in Northern On- tario. Out of town guests at the wed- ding were from Buffalo and In- gersoll. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will live at Brown’s Corâ€" ners and Mr. and Mrs. Savage will live on Benson Ave. in Richmond Hill. William Clark. brother of the brides was groomsman for Mr. Sa- vage while Howard Bennett was groomsman for his brother Ken‘ neth Gordon Greig. James Pow- ell and Leslie Smith were the ush‘ ers. During the signing of the reg- ister, Miss Phyllis Hutton sang two solos: The Lord's Prayer and I’ll walk beside you. The attendants Miss Francis Ba- ker and Mrs. Ruth Smith, wore gowns of pale green taffeta with small matching hats. They carried bouquets of pink and white roses. The brides. given in marriage by their father, wore identical Princess style gowns of blush pink satin with small matching caps which held their, fingerâ€"tip veils of nylon net. They carried bou- quets of pink and white carnations. church, Agincourt last Saturday, amid a setting of gladioli and ferns when Lois Eleanor and Hazel Ma- deline daughters of Mr .and Mrs. William Clark of Brown’s Corners were joined in marriage to Ken- neth Edward Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bennett of Rich- mond Hill and Sylvester John Sa- vage, son of Mrs. Archie Savage and the late Mr. Savage. The Rev. Forbes officiated and Miss Jean Muirhead played the wédding mu- 51c. (Convention of Ontario 8: Quebec) Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A.. Minister Worship Service every Sunday morning at 11.00 Subject “A Light, A Voice, A Prayer” Visitors always welcome. Thornhill Baptist Church SUNDAY SCHOOL _Sunday School is temporarily held in Richvale Public School each Sunday afternoon at the new time of 3 pm. Parents are requested to take note of this new time change and aid their children to leave home in good time each Sun- day. Watch for opening date of your new community church. Helpers are very welcome to aid in cons- truction work. Sunday School Bus Schedule Leaving Oak Ridges ,2.30 p.m.; Jefferson 2.35 p.m.: Elgin Mills. 2.40 p.m.; Richmond Hill. 2.45 p. m; Yongehurst Rd.. 2.50 11,111.; Richvale 3 pm. Langdon’s will stop for any children waiting on the west side of Yonge St. One Block East of Yong: On Madawaska Ave., Stop 123 Pastor F. Vaughan B. Th. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 _a_.m_. â€" Morning Worship Madame Sones, guest soloist 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Madame Sones will sing Thurs.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Service Fri. 2.30 pm. â€" Ladies Meeting special speaker 4.10 pm. â€"- Happy Hour Pictures on “The Life of Joseph” 8 pm. â€" Intermediates SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Musician Evangelist. Fred May will play and preach each night from Monday to Friday at 8 pm. and on Sunday at 11 and 7, Sept. 22~28 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1952 2.30 and 7.30 pm. Anniversary Services BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN ‘unday School . . . . . .. . . . 10 mm Worship ........... . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School at Concord Schoo House at 10 am. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sundly. 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all agcl 7p.m. â€"- Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€"- Prayer Meeting Thu-3., 2 pm. â€" Women’s Mil~ sionary Meeting. Fri” 8 p.m. -â€" Young 1 copies Soc RICHVALE AREA ANGLICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL Charles Hewitt School 10 am. NEWTONBROOK BAPTIS‘T CHURCH Gormley Pastor Rev. A. L. Winger SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 21 BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Chapel (under erection) Richvale Usual services OAK RIDGES PHONES: ONT ARIO TUrner 4-1261 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TL'rner 4-1701 IIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIII Formeriy of Gerrard Heintxmnn Work Guaranteed. Free Estimate: Phone Literal Office WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-1016 STUART PAXTON James J. Wall Plumbing - Heating iii-11:2 LIbEfiAL,7Richnwnd Hill, Thursday Wtite or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1872 REPRESENTING ' ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Sheet Metal Work Cartoon Wed., Thurs., Sept. 24. 25 DOUBLE FEATURE “THREE STEPS NORTH” Lloyd Bridges ‘KANSAS RAIDERS’ (adult) Audie Murphy PIANO TUNING Short - For Service at it's Best -. Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Short Dealer for Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems "CANDID MICROPHONE" SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE Mon., Tues., Sept. 22. 23 m: wonms mos'r pomfi‘room J. A. \X/ILLOUGHBY AND SONS “QUEEN FOR. A DAY” E. CHARITY and Repairing Fri., Sat, Sept. 19. 20 S. Hoffman Electrician “ G-MEN" Cartoon Newa Cartoon News HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. TELEPHONE TURNER-4.1622 Richmond Hill King 111 Aurora 46-J News FOR JAM 0R JELLIES N0. 1 Blue Grapes Pepper Squash MOUNT ALBERT ‘ FIRST GRADE Sauerkraut Pork & Beans RUBBER " Jar Rings 2Pkgs-19c Liquid Certo 351’? ' 27c Fresh Cucumbers 4 15c Evaporated Milk Toilet‘ Soap Vinegar Butter FOR BAKING NO. 1 Self Serve ' RICHMOND HILL Sockeye Salmon n 39c LONG GREEN SLICERS LIBBY’S FANTY CLARK’S PURE CIDEE CARNATIO’E MORâ€"LEY’S MAPLE LEAF: SPECIALS OAK LEAF FANCY 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 6 Qt Bskt‘ 28 oz. Tln Gallon Large Size Bath Size Cakes 1: 49c , Sept. 13, 1902. 55c 61c 18c 19c 19c

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