\ll ~Y our Local Massey-Harris Dealer YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1’ â€H r' and tractor hitch 1 International 13-Disc Grain & Fertilizer tractor hitch ......... . ...... 1 Massey-Harris Corn Binder Cockshutt Manure Spreader â€" horse-draw Tractor Plows - 2 furrow and 3 furrow Goble Disc Disc Plows Grain Grinders Massey-Harris No. 44 Tractor. good as new Ford Traclor International W30 Tractor Massey-Harris No. 81 1 Massey-Harris 13-hoe Drill 1 Internationgl 15l-di§c_lG_rain Drill with power lift One-way Discs Goble Discs Tractor Plows Grain Grinders Tractors, various sizes and models Rubber-Tired Wagons (with or without Tires) Manure Sprgaders»â€" Power take-off, tractor dravm FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE You can have your present furnace or boiler converted to an automatic hard coal burner by installing a HERCO Con- version UNIT. The conversion unit can be ï¬tted to most conventional boilers or fur- naces of equal rating. Coal feed and ash removal is completely automatic. Richmond Hill Harold W. Mortson AUTOMATIC BURNER at Low Cost The " HERCO †converts your present Furnace to an NEW & USED JONES COAL CO. Conversion UNIT mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "SAMBA†or horse-drawn IRANGEE PEKOE ammza USED NEW TUrner 4-1851 October 4 is the baking sale and bazaar under the auspices of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Watch for full details in Liberal ad. next week. Members of the Knit Wit Club, organized during the Scond War to knit and send boxes to Maple boys overseas and in Canada, met once again at the home of Mrs. George Armstrong to present to Miss Marion Watson. who was their president, a lovely gift of a pink linen table cloth and serviet- tes. Marion is soon to be married. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess Mrs. George Armstrong. Those present were Miss Marion Watson, Misses Alice and Lilian Miller, Miss Louise Matheson, Miss Mary Carson, Mrs. Kenneth Wal- ker, Mrs. Lorne Wells, Mrs. John Sheppard, Mrs. David Martyn. Mrs. Allan Moore, Mrs. Keith Jennings, Mrs. Welt, Mrs. Roy Clegg. Shower Baking Sale on trial on Sunday, September 14 with Mr. Corbett as organist. The members of Vauughaiï¬i-Mas- onic Lodge A.F. & A.M. will be visitors at next Sunday's service at 11 am. Mr. Magns Knutson. who was in- jured a few weeks ago in Superior Gravel pit, is' improving in St. Michael‘s Hospital, Toronto. The congregation and friends of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church listened to [h new organ installed Mrs. Flo Turner of Toronto vis- ited over the week-end with Mrs. Arthur Lawrie and Ann. Maple Firemen were called to a grass ï¬re on Saturday. Septem- ber 13 on Pemberton Ave. It was controlled before any serious dam- age was caused. A story was read of “Laurita of Argentine" by Mrs. Bowman. The meeting closed with the bene- diction and a lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Bowman. Mike Miller had th emisfortune to fall while playing ball. fractur- ing his elbow. A speedy recovery is wished for him. The new officers elected were: President Patricia Lund, lst vice president, Heather Miller, 2nd vice president Isabell Leece, secretary Nancy Gudat. assistant secretary Carol Reid, treasurer Nora Lund, assistant treasurer Sandra Gudat. The Busy Bees Mission Band met at the Manse on Saturday. September 13. The roll call was answered by nine membrs by nam- ing their favourite vegetable. The devotional period was taken by Nancy Gudat. reading the scrip ture and Heather Miller. with prayer. The business of the meet- ing was then attended to. The roll call for the next meeting will be ‘A bird we have seerrï¬ylng south.‘ The meeting will be held at the Manse on Saturday. September 27. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Badger and Jim of Bolton called‘on Mrs. Isaac Watson and Jackson Cook on Sun- day, September 7. Mission Band CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS PHONE 36 Phone Maple 19R5 T. 0. Nixon of Toronto. The pro- gramme included a devotional ser- vice led by the president. Mrs. E]- mer Orr ,and reports by the sec- retary, Mrs. Brydon Lloyd and the treasurer. Mrs. Will Thomas, fol- lowed by a contest conducted by Mrs. Wm. Orr. It was decided that the ladies would come as a group on Tuesday afternoon to make the church ready for the anniversary service on Sunday, September 21. A del- icious lunch was served following the programme. Dr. Archer Wallace will be the guest speaker for the anniversary service of Hope United Church on Sunday, September 21. Toronto Christian Business Girls' CluB will lead 'the praise. All are cordially invited to this service. The next meeting will be a fam- ily gathering so bring your hus- band and children along on Friday evening. October 17. Edgeley and Richmond Hill branches of the W. I. are invited and a very inter- esting and instructive program will be given. Miss Melson of the University of Toronto. will show pictures and give a talk on the Scandinavian countries More inâ€" formation of this meeting at a la- ter date. The Woman‘s Association of Hope United Church spent an en- joyable afternoon on Thursday, September 11, at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Wills Maclachlan in Maple and Mrs. William Crook. Hope, are the sick committee for the follow- ing three months. Members please contact them about any one who is ill. A good deal of the graciousness in our homes has been lost. prob- ably by the change of times, and Mrs. Van den Hoek sincerely hopes that there will be a swing back to the art of gracious living in the home. She asked for the co~oper- ation of the parents in school pro- grams and also stressed that Can- ada nutrition rules should be taught and stressed in the schools constantly. schools. Nice surroundings at home and school helped the girls in their study. Mothers could also help their daughters by allowing them to bake and to use the sew- ing machine. ‘ Bill Drinkwater Motors KING, ONTARIO TELEPHONE KING so (IT-6523 Mrs. Jack Hall and Mrs. Morley Moses entertained jointly at a shower for Miss Margaret Gould- ing on Thursday, September 11, at Mrs. Hall's home, Jefferson. Mar- garet took ï¬ve-year-old Jackie Hall, who is to be flower-girl at her wedding on October 4, to the dressmaker's for a ï¬tting and on returning her to her home found 27 friends gathered there with good wishes. Seated in the bride's chair, un- der a gaily decorated archway Margaret opened her many lovely miscellaneous gifts. One of the happy momentoes was a bride's book compiled by Mrs. Hall. A very dainty luncheon was served later by two hostesses. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencley spent a very happy day last Sun- Diablo Lad‘s mother. Chic‘s Gin- ger Gal of Fendale. had her ï¬rst showing by owner H. A. Phelps on Saturday and Ginger Gal took sec- ond in the Open Class for bitches, bringing further laurels to the Is- ka Kennels. Iska's Diablo Lad won another blue ribbon on Saturday. Septem- ber 13. at the Progressive Kennel Club Show at Markham. Entered in the Senior Puppy class. Diablo Lad won ï¬rst prize. He also took the Reserye Winner title in the Collie Winners group. Diablo Lad Wins Azain Richvale Home and School As- sociation met at the school [or us regular monthly meeting. Monday evening. The teachers were in- troduced to the parents. The intro- ductions were followed by a ‘Ques- The Wainwright family of Pem- berton Rd. enjoyed a trip to Ni- agara Falls last Saturday. Mrs. Wynstanley of Pemberton Rd., enjoyed a few days visit with her daughter from Concord. Ont. mRRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN, Yehudi-m Rd. Telephone TU. 4-2238 ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road. Telephone TUrner 4-2334 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS We Deliver PIPE CUT & THREADED SASH GLAZED PICKED UP & DELIVERED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Terry and family have returnedhome from a pleasant vacation at their cot- tage Blue Water situated on Clear Lake near Torrance. With November 8, the date set for the Jefferson School Commun- ity Club bazaar, approaching rap- idly, the social convenor for your community club extends a warm invitation to meet at her home. Please pass the invitation along to your neighbours. Mrs. Robert Threlfall invites all mothers and friends of Jeï¬erson school pupils to meet at her home, Jefferson. this Friday. September 19. from 2 to 4 o'clock. The ladies are asked to bring their sewing or knitting and for those who have not yet started work on some pro- ject there will be supplies of mat- erial on hand. day. Driving out to Scarboro to their son Malcolm‘s they went from there in his car to visit their son Howard. his wife and children David and Susan at Ridgeway, near Niagara Falls. Marion Silvers is home again after her recent operation in the Sick Children‘s Hospital. tion Box' which was thrown open to the gathering. Gary Blackburn favoured the group with two solos assisted by Mrs. R. Wood at the piano. Mrs. L. Wainwright of Pember- ton Road. entertained her two sis- ters and mother for lunch on Tues- day last. TU. 4-2101 RICHMOND HILL PROMOTES BALANCED GROWTH TURNER 4-1313