free estimates and installatlons. Phone 755 or write box 496 40 Ontario St., West Newmarket Ont. Please reverse phone charges UPHOLSTERING Chesterï¬eld suites expertly reâ€" covered. All of our work carries the Department of Health label of approval. ’I‘wenty-three years of upholstering experience is your guarantee of quality. DYER'S FURNITURE CALL 1250 NEWMARKE’I‘ SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE New machines from $89.50. all with reverse stitch. Guaranteed repairs to all makes. Electrify your ma~ chine for $26.50. Phone Reid's Cleaners. Richmond Hill TU. 4- 1881. mm 1 USED CORN DIGéï¬R. good as new. Phone 52R21 Woodbridge. .1. .5 lyIcNeil 8: Son. Woodbridge CORN Golden Bantam, wormless special price for co1-n roast lots: excellent fo1 locke1 use. Camp- bell's Fa1m. TU. +2420. *211113 IRIS BARGAINS, surplus of new top varieties. wide range of colors. $2.00 per (102. Little's Iris Garden. 237 Mill St., Rich,mond Hill. *2w13 MOFFAT ELECTRIC WSTOVE. 4. burner; Easy Washing Machine Apply Ed Clarke. Concord. Ont. COOK STOVE, with warming closet and reseivoir will sell cheap, 26 Chuich St South Rich- mond Hill Taner 4- 1151 clw 13 PEDIGREED Lincoln Rams. Pari- delle Farm, R. R. No. 1 Downs- vlew, Dul‘ferin at Wilson Heights. BA. 1-2323. clwl3 FRESH killeâ€"d roastlng fowl, grapes and raspberry canes. W. 90x. Oxford St., Elgin Mills. TU. 4-1519 LATHAM and Ever Bearing Indian Summer raspberry canes. reason- able. King 11R4 after 4.30 pm. ELECTRIC RANGETTE, vacuum cleaner, Singer Sewing Machine, tricycle. Mrs. Stone, Baker Ave. 8., Richmond Hill. *1w13 ONE NAVY BLUE tailored lady‘s suit, size 18. Girl’s navy all wool winter coat, size 12. TU. 4-1656. 1 round extension iablé Mrst'lgé Denby, AV. 5-1074. clw13 QUEBEC HEATER, large size, $10; janitor, 3 storm windows, cheap. AV. 5-1610. c1w13 BUDGIE BIRDS, varied colours, ready for training. Phone 477 or 13 Queen east. Newmarket. c1w13 ENTERPRISE Cook Stove, 2 oil burners installed, also oil tank. Best offer. 72 Crestwood Rd. clw13 WASHING MACHINE. electric CORN, 2-3 acres standing. Apply Oak Ridges Farm, King 96r22. MAN’S WARM winter coat, size about 38, $7.00. Phone Maple 80 R15. *1w13 TWO-WHEEL TRAILER, good condition box 4’x7’, good tires’5.00 x20 â€" $40. TU. 4-1408. c1w13 aw SINGLE BED, like new, steel, wal- nut color, spring, mattress. Phone TUrner 4-1274. c1w13 RUGS: save up to 50%; new rug. from old rugs. woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfcfl 8 cu: FT. PHILCO FRIG.. 60 cyc- le, perfect condition, $150, or trade for 25 cycle. AV. 5-1479. c1w18 LARGE TRICYCLE (CCM Joycy- cle) good condition $10.00 Maple 165W. / *1w13 LAWN MOWER sharpening ma- chine, $50.00. Richvale Iron, Stop 23 Yonge St. *1w13 RY-O THERM Space Heater, med- ium size, good condition, $50. AV. 5-2443. c1w13 ESSOTANE STOVE, year old, sell reasonable. Walter Downing, Ba- thurst St. c1w13 2 MEDIUM SIZE space heaters, $49.00 and $69.00. TUrner 4-1061. c1w13 bONSOLIDATED house trailer, two rooms. sleeps four; also fun- niture. AV. 5-2137. c1w18 ESAL SPACE HEATER. Phon Maple 30R24. *lwl WALLPAPER â€" Canadian, Amer can, English and Imported. A. R01. inson, TU. 4-1791. tfc13 T'ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR also medium size Coleman oil space heater. AV. 5-1620. c1w13 nTuSIATOR. 18 coil. ‘good condition $12 or best offer. TU. 4-2179. on PIANO, $60.00. TUrner 4-1750 Piano And Apples For Sale - Garages To Rent This Week CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge 50: Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 40c FOR BOX l‘u glib an cxira charge per msertion of A. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line Mr min. charge 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, pct insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE ....................................... 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week an possible but nnt later than noon on Wedr :adays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFMSD ADVERTISING RATES (:2wi3 *1w13 c1w13 c3w13 c1w13 clw13 c1w13 c1wl3 1934 FORD COACH. good tires. motor. $125.00 or nearest offer. TUrnex‘ 4-1178. *1w13 BROWN LEATHER WALLET. con- taining sum of muney on Tuesday, between bus terminal and Arnold Crescent. Finder kindly apply at , 1936 PLYMOUTH sédan, $150. AV. 5-1513 after six. c1wl3 LIME GREEN and answers to name 01 Mrs. G. H. Giles, Thornhill AV. 5-2 WANT TO BUY A PET? W9; have dogs from $3.50 and cats and kit- tens at 50c at the Humane Society Shelter Main St. North, Newmark- et. Shelter hours daily 9-6. Sun- days and holidays 3 to 5. c4w10 PALOMINOS. All proven Show stock and mares are now bred. We have 2 stallions and 3 mares for Tale as we have to make room for wur thoroughbred stock. Auric Farms, No. 7 Highway, Centre St.. I‘hornhill Ont. c1w13 o Must clear to make room for fur- ther young stock. Reg. P. Sparkes, Auric Farms, Centre St., Thorn- hill, Ont. c1w13 DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 CAMPBELL MINE LABRADOR. pies, 8 wks. goats. Phone ICE BOX $8, kitchen table $5; el- ectric Fan, 60 cycle 1,5 h.p. $45. 1 doz. Chrome Ice Cream Sundae Dishes 50¢ each; Milk Shake con- tainers, 500 each, small show case $10, Brantford Scales $10. Bus Station, Richmond Hill. *1w13 NEW _ZEALAND White Rabbits . ...RKET GARDENER’S SPECIAL Bronco Waterloo riding tractor, 1 year old, good as new, with plow, $500.00 for quick sale. F. Wilson, Gormley R. R. 1, Stouff. 60416. TURKEYS Young, broad-breasted birds of top quality, Hens 12â€"15 Tbs; Toms 20- 25 lbs. Fresh killed any time, any quantity. Drawn and ready for your oven if desired. Bob Lan- thier. AV. 5-2354. c1w13 USED CARS AND TRUCKS RECONDITIONED and guaranteed Refrigerators: 1 Frigidaire $150; 1 Beach $135; 1 Westinghouse $165; Paris Auto Supply Ltd., Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1541. c1w13 BUDGIES, both breeding and young stock. All colours. Six beautiful breeding cages also for sale. Reg. P. Sparkes, Centre St.. Thornhill, Ont. c1w13 GIRL’S BEDROOM SUITE: bed, spring, inner spring mattress, dressing table with chair, night table, chest of drawers, Chintz bed spread and one pair m2""‘~in~ ‘ ““es. Mable ‘23. $1.00 TRIAL OFFER. Twenty-ï¬ve DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. c15w4 WOOD FOR SALE: mixed at $18, softwood $16.00 per cord. cut in stove lengths. Phone King 11r25 Sam Mashinter. *2w12 FIREWOOD, clean. dry wood, éut in short lengths. We deliver. Tayâ€" lor's Sawmill. Richmond Hill. TU 4â€"1581. *4w11 or separate, good colors. 3 doz. for $1.00 and up. N. J. Smellie Thornhill lst north of I.G.A. store AV. 5-1617 tfc 12 m‘OVES, apartment and table top, also refrigerator. will sacriï¬ce for immediate sale, BAldwin 1-3555. t£c38 BRAND NEW oil burner, with all controls, can Install. BAlawm 1- 3555. tfc38 DARWIN TULIP BULBS CHINESE ELMS for Hedges 1211:. high, $6 per hundred. Doncaster Nursery, Thornhill, AV 5â€"1688 c4.w12 kPPLES, bring your bushel $1.00 ‘0 $3.00. Maple 110R13. c1w13 For Sale(Continued, OLD HORSES 515.66 AT YOUR FARM also ED REFRIGERATORS, recon- oned and guaranteed, $100.00 up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- King 26R5. tfc44 LIVESTOCK WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE fies IEN and yellow Budgie na_m_e of Ricky, reward LOST Giles, 16 Centre St. V. 5-2241. (:2w13 old; also ‘3 némiy Stouffville 62911. b}qck argd gqld pup- *1w13 *1w13 *2w13 mixed Employment Wanted STENOGRAPHER - experienceF. thorthand. typing. general office work, phone TU. 4-2323. *2w12 MUSCOVIE DUCKS both young and laying stock, also some ï¬ne Guinea Fowl for sale as we are overstocked. Auric Farms, Centre St., Thornhill, Ont. c1w13 100 WHITE LEGHORN hens. 1 year old good laying strain. Phone Maple 51r31. Mrs. N. C. Payne. MAKE OFFERS. canary cages, cow stanchion, milk pail, cream separator, churn, clock. iron beds, electric ï¬xtures. refrigerator, oil burners, post hole digger. poultry house ï¬xtures, yard gates, lawn mower, 18 inch, lawn roller. Mas- on, Yonge-Elmwood, TU. 4-1734. 100 ACRES, 1100 ft. frontage, on private lake, 3 new cottages. 2 boats, hydro available, Huntsville district, $7,500, half cash or offer. A150 190 acres, 30 cleared. balance good bush, 5 room house, furniture, hydro, other buildings. $5,200 or offer. Apply Box 9 Scotia, Ont. SOLID MASONRY home, 1% yrs. old, at bus stop south of Thornhill, oil heat, 7 large rooms, 5 rooms and 4 piece bath downstairs, two large rooms and 2 piece washroom upstairs, excellent for renting. $13,500 or best oï¬er. Phone AV. 5-1286. *1w13 STUCCO BUNGALOW, 2 bed- rooms, exterior complete, interior unï¬nished. Village water. TU. 4- 2319. c1w13 CUSTOM PLOWING, Disking, cultivating, also excavating, back- fllling, grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc52 I AM NOW equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted areas. For quick service and rea- sonable prices call Murray Baker, Newmarket 651. c18w52 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pa‘irs, upholstering, cabinet WOI‘K, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Rlchmond Hill. tfc SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing Centre St. Phone ‘V. 5-2211, L. W. Reid XLOCK LAYING and concrete .vork, footing-s, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. tfc43 Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 4-1177; tfc40 EFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- nce, Domestic and Commercial, 'lepairs to all makes. Don Chalk. ‘elephone King 26r5. tfc38 ANYONE knowing whereabouts of Christina Davidson, kindly get in touch with G. Waters, 390 Main St., Toronto. This is not a family contact. c2w12 ALI KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. CUSTOM farm ploughing, discing. cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham, 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, BA. 1-3114. *23w48 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed Mane, loam and m] E (‘baritx Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. WELLS BORED by machine with 24†cement tiles. Prompt service, Maurice Bab. Phone Rodney 1367. *4w10 ,prompt and efficient service call Oliver Latam, fI'Urner 4-1609. ROTAVATING with large rotava- tor, also don’t forget your Fall plowing. Apply Harvey Mashinter. Phone 3R13 King. tfc12 SAND, gravel, crushed stone, loam & ï¬ll. L. Brillinger, phone TUrner 4-1829. “C43 CUSTOM CLOVER Combining done by Samuel Winger, Maple 62r22. *3w11 NOTICE â€" would the person who took canvas off my binder, kindly return it. Alvin Puterbaugh, Map- le R. R. 1, Ont. *1w12 CUSTOM ROTAVATING. For VELVET GREEN SOD for sale laone AV. 5-1540 or AV. 5-2450. after 6 pm. AVenue 5-2462. tfc8 KITCHEN CABINETS made to measure, Installed. Free estimates given. Art Barraclough King 65r22 *3w12 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. Phone ANYTHING in painting, papering, decorating. Phone A. Rollinson, TU. 4-1791. tfcl3 BRICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! used, cleaned and uncleaned. TUrner 4- 1178. *1w13 PLOUGHING & Cultivating. Char- lie Judges, Richvale. Phone Maple 84r2. tfcll EXPERT WELL DIGGERS â€" Septic tanks installed King 58r13. MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE *1w13 c1w13 c1w13 *1w13 *4w11 *3w12 Phone tfc39 tfc42 tic13 WEATHER STRIPPING AND COMBINATION DOORS ALL SIZES RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded 4-1839 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill to University and College vicinity. leaving around 8 am returning about 5 pm. TUrne'r A 1nnn \"e Deliver TRANSPORTATION available lea- ving Markham Rd. and Yonge 7 a m.. arriving Bay & Queen 7.45 a m. mornings only. TU. 4â€"1962. TRANSPORTATION wanted King and Bay Sts. to Rich Hill, leaving 4.30 pm. Phon 4-2154. = modern bungalow. Close to Yonge St. Use of full basement and grounds. Suitable for couple. Ab- stainers only. G. N. Grinnell, c/o Ernest Ridout Real Estate. *1w13 2 ROOMS and bathroom, hot and cold water, electricity, oil furnace heating, good location. Must have good references. Apply Harvey Mashinter, 1/2 mile west of Yonge St. at Oak Ridges, on paved High- way, 4 miles north of Richmond Hill. Phone 3R13 King. tfclz 2 GOOD SIZED ROOMS in nice clean home. Use of washing mach- ine. Reasonable. Close to bus. Call any time. 39 Highland Park Blvd. tfcll l‘RANSPORTATION THREE FURNISHED ROOMS TYPEWRITERS â€" for reï¬t by day, week, month or longer. Special students’ rates. Phone TU. 4-1745. *2w13 ROOM & Board, oppositer Stop 12, front room, ground floor, elderly man preferred. TUrner 4-1967. BATHROOM FLAT, two rooms partly furnished, October 1. Cen- tral. P.0. Box 235 Richmond Hill. *2w12 JOHNSON OUTBOARD Motors at reduced rates. Bond Lake Gar- age, Oak Ridges, King 100. tfcll ROOMS TO RENT, will exchange room for part time housekeeper, who would like a home. AVenue 5-1460. clw12 YOUNG COUPLE (abstainers) with two children, one school age, re- quire a self-contained apartment or cottage for rent. Please phone The Liberal. TUrner 4-1261. Avenue. Call after 5 p.m. AV.v5; 2312. c1w13 GARAGE view Ave 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS at Ma- ple, adults and abstainers only. Phone TU. 4-1450. *1w13 3 ROOMAC‘QT’IIAGEi at 60 Edgar CAPONS, roasters and fowl, high- est prices paid‘. l'Jon’t sell until contacting W. S Appleton. Oak Ridges Pr"tr.\‘ C Phone King 91R14. GARAGE 4â€"1217. CEMENT MIXER, Compressor. y...“ .u.. ...... “an, VUAIIFLCDDUL, Skill saw, AV 5â€" 1238 Thornhill c4w12 DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up pncne Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 62.37 (collect). ‘ tfc44 SMALL APARTMENT - 2 adults, unfurnished in Richmond Hill vicinity Apply Box 40 The Liberal *2w12 CHILD’S CRIB large size Fletcher TUrner 4-1845. ‘ c1w13 ESTIMATE on reï¬nishing and up- holstering several pieces of furni- ture. AV. 5-1525. c1w13 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. We are once again expanding and have an opening for an with initiative 'and neat appear- ance, excellent working conditions, late model car necessary. For apâ€" pointment call S. J. Carlisle‘ Av- enue 5-1176. sales manager David McLean Ltd., Toronto‘s Largest North Suburban Realtors. c1w13 METRONOME, in good condition. TUrner 4-1149. c1w13 CARPENTER or hanyman for fac- tory construction work located in Weston. Must have a car. TU. 4- 1440. c1w13 LABOURER for sewer installations and tile work. Driving experience preferred. Phone King 111. c1w13 HOUSEKEEPER for Catholic family, four adults. bungalow, no heavy work, liberal time off. Phone collect BA. 1-0613 Newtonbrook. c1w13 CLERK STENOGRAPHER for 10- cal business ï¬rm. Must be quali- ï¬ed typist. Preferably single. Ap- ply Box 41 The Liberal. c1w12 HELP WANTED . WANTED TO RENT POULTRY WANTED TO RENT WANTED Call TU. 4-1880. Rose- Richmond Hill. *1w13 131 Richmond St. TU. c2w13 )N wanted from ,s. to Richmond pm. Phone TU. .nu HUUMS in Close to Yonge basement and for couple. Ab- r." ding Sta Hon tfc17 Tl'. 4-2101 *1w13 clw12 *lw13 clwl3 lea- tioneer. Phone Newmarket 187.1- 'c3w11 MON., SEPT. 29 â€" Auction sale of fully accredited vaccinated R.O.P. Jersey Cattle, farm stock, imple- ments, feed, etc. The property of Parker Smith & Son to be sold on the premises known as rear lot 86 Yonge St., Whitchurch Twp., 11/ 7,: 1% miles south of Newmarket. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. Cattle sale at 3 p.m. No reserve as the farm-is sold. Terms cash. L. S. Mount, clerk. F. N. Smith. aucâ€" SAT., SEPT. 27 â€" Auction sale of ‘entire household furniture, new Moï¬at 4-burner electric stove, with oven; new 1950 Gen. Elec. re- frigerator, large size; Grandfather clock, ï¬rst class condition; com- plete dining room suite; cooking utensils, dishes, china, cut glass and bedding. In the town of Aur- ora, cor. of Wellington and Lara- mount Sts. The estate of the late Dan Williamson. No reserve. Terms cash. Leslie Mount, clerk. Sale at 11 a.m. sharp. Executors, Charles Higgins and A. E. Will- iamson. This is an extra large sale and will start on time. Alvin S. Farmer, auctionéer; G3rmley phone Stouï¬. 67312. SAT., SEPT. 27 â€" Auction Sale at the Stoufl‘ville Livestock Sales Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty fresh cows. springers. heif- ers, stockers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses, ponies and poultry. For nick-up and deli 'ery service phone Stoufl‘ville 368. Come early and brin’g something to selll See the modern way to sell by public auc- tion. “You bring it. We'll ll it.†Make this your market where buyer and seller meet. Sale each Saturday at 1 pm. Sellers & Ab kinson, auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 27 -â€" Auction sale of household furniture, antiques, glassware, dishes, utensils, power mower, garden tools at No. :15 Mill St., Richmond Hill. property of Miss Alice Stewart. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. 5 OR 6 ROOM bungalow in Thorn- hill village. Preferably Arnold Ave., John St. or Elgin Sts. for client with $6,000 to $8,000 down payment. Call Mr. Wright of Da- vid McLean Ltd. AV. 5-1176. Several from here attended the Trousseau Tea on Saturday after- noon at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson, Buttonville, in honour of their daughter, Miss Doreen Stephenson, a brideâ€"toâ€"be of September 27. There will be no church service at Victoria Square on Sunday, Sep- tember 28, because of anniversary services at Headford. However, Sunday School will be held at 10 am. Please note the time. Miss Marion Nichols entertained a number of 'her friends to a corn roast on Satnrdny evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Women‘s Association was held Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Arnold Mort- son. The scripture was taken by Mrs. Roy Glover, Mrs. Marcus Jarvis gave the Lesson Thoughts and prayer. Mrs, Nelson Boyn- ton and Mrs. Harry McIntosh sang a duet “Wonderful Peace." Mrs, Knappett of Richmond Hill gave an account of her baking at the C. ‘v‘. SALE 'REGISTEITS Mrs. F. Walker and Freddie, Miss Vicky Johnson, Mr. Lloyd Sanderson, Mr. Ray Bennett, Mr. Wilbur Brumwell and Mr. Lloyd Canning had Sunday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and family, the occasion being in honour of David’s birth- day which was September 19. Guaranteed TELEVISION Radio - Washer Miss Eleanor Hughston and Mr. Garry Burton of Newmarket call- ed on Mr .and Mrs. Harry Burton and family on Sunday evening. Happy birthday greetings are ex- tended to Mr. Eli Dennie, formery of Victoria Square, now of Noble- ton, who on Sunday, September 28, will be celebrating his 90th birthday. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Moorley of Richmond Hill had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs Harry Burton and family. Mrs. B. Plews of Toronto is vis- iting this week with Mr. and Mrs. P. W .Willows. Mrs. Gilbertson of Wasaga Beach is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook. Mrs. Anthony Nigh and Mrs. Stanley Boynton spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. J. Beech and Miss Jessie 'Sage of Stouff- ville. REPAIRS VICTOR DRAPER A G E N C If S OAK RIDGES TU. 4-1061 Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandie, Victoria Square Telephone Stouï¬ville 67509 RE AL ESTATE WANTED VICTORIA SQUARE *1w12 Ill]. LITTLE & SON ltd. Ford & Monarch Showroom Open Evenings $1,295.00 1949 METEOR CUSTOM 2 DOOR not a better one on the road Paget’s Auto Service Elgin Mills AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE Call TU. 4-2191 overdrive $595.00 1942 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE $650.00 1934 CHEVROLET $150.00 1934 DODGE $75.00 TRUCKS 1948 FORD I/z TON PANEL good condition $650.00 $1,295.00 1949 FORD CUSTOM COACH Slip covers - air conditioning 50-50 warranty 1950 METEOR TUDOR $1,550.00 1951 AUSTIN SEDAN. 2 tone $1,195.00 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN $295.00 1938 DODGE 4 DR. SEDAN Completely decayed to ï¬ne mellow texture. Ideal for lawn dressing and flower beds. 90¢ per bushel, please bring containers. The Carrville Woman’s Associa- tion will meet at the home of Mrs. John Baker on October 1 at 8 p. m. The devotion will be taken by Mrs. George and Mrs. Barton. So- cial conveners will be Mrs. Cle- ment and Mrs. Wood. Mrs. H. Ness who has been at Aurora for some time is back home with her daughter, Mrs. John Bak- er, for a few days. 1949 CHEVROLET DeLUXE SEDAN Rev. E. E. Kent was in the pul- pit for both services and delivered very inspiring messages. The Carr- ville Junior Choir assisted by Miss Jones of Thornhill and J. Oliver took part in the worship service. The Thornhill'Senior Choir pro- vided the music for the evening service. Rally Sunday Sunday, September 28, will be Rally Sunday. and there will be a special service with both the Sun- day School children and congre- gation taking part at 2.30 pm. Sunday, October 5, will be z communion service as it is world wide Communion. $1,750.00 1951 FORD DeLUXE COACH one owner. excellent condition The 102nd anniversary service at Carrville United Church was well attended on September 21. at both afternoon and evening ser- vices. USED CAQS 2 to choose from $995.00 1949 AUSTIN $895.00 1949 AUSTIN $845.00 1950 VANGUARD ‘ cuslom radio $1,050.00 1949 MORRIS OXFORD $900.00 1940 CHRYSLER radio and new paint job 1937 DODGE COACH rebuilt motor OTTO PICK N0. 11 Hiqhwav South of Orange Home TU. 4-1602 TUrner 4-1116 RICHMOND HILU PEAT MOSS “1.: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 a real bargain $1,250.00 $275.00 CARRVILLE W W BAKER SALES &SERVICE It’s a super-circulator to kee you warmer this winter. Equipped with 0 Triple- Combustion burners. Use ONE when it's mild, TWO when it's cold. This famous model has plenty of extra capacity {or bitter cold weather. 1951 Hillman Estate 1950 Prefect 1950 Studebaker 1949 Plymouth 1948 Dodge OAK RIDGES ViCTOR DRAPER AGENCIES GORDON YUWG ltd. Dead and Crippled Farm Animals Removed Promptly for Sanitary Disposal Telephone Collect Woodbridge SJ and Toronto EM. 3-3636 Richvale PHONE TU. 4-1114 DEAD STOCK A MODEL FOR EVERY NEEDI . MORE HEAT! MORE COMFORT! GUARANTEED FUEL-SAVING! USED CARS ACT NOW! SUPPLY lIMITED! Pnlcin non $82.50 INCREASES RADIATING SURFACE on“ “W HAS THE "run-sun" SAVES ‘up TO 1/ 3 on FUEL cosrs LAY-A-WAY PLAN I David McLean Ltd. Buyers waiting for houses in all sizes and price ranges. One of Toronto’s oldest and largest offices. A reputation established through service. WANTED Head OtTices. Thornhill AVenue 5-1176. or BAldwin 1-1121 TUrner LIBERAL TRADE- IN ALLOWANCE! REDUCES CHIMNEY lOSS ‘OOOQWWM 4-1061 40%